Bad boy

By Emogal19

9.1K 133 7

This is a Trish Stratus and Jeff Hardy love story. Trish is new to Carolina high Jeff is in a bad group in t... More

Authors Note
Meet Trish Stratus
Meet Jeff Hardy
Meet Lita
Meet Matt
First day at school
At the weekend
After school
Another day in school
Something is wrong with Jeff
4 weeks later
Fight/ argument
German class/ at lunch
Trish and Lita become friends
Lita apologies to Trish
A week later
Messages between Trish and Jeff
Explaining about Danny
Danny vs Jeff
Trish talks with Danny
Trish's friends find out
Trish hangs out with Jeff, Matt and Lita
Trish's new look
confrontation between Mickie, Jeff, Matt, Lita and Trish
Danny tries to get Trish to like him
On Saturday
2 weeks later
A confrontation with Mickie, Victoria, Trish and Lita
Last day of school
A surprise/ start of summer
A year later
Discussing about Jeff getting a girlfriend
Jeff gets a girlfriend
A few months later
Breaking up
Jeff talks with Jay/ hang out
5 years later
Kyle wants Trish back/ finding out about the scars
Finding out who gave Trish the scars
Jeff protects Trish from Shawn
Trish gets more gifts
Trish finds out who her secret admirer is
Trish and Jeff tell Matt and Lita
A fight happens between Kyle, Jeff and Danny
Danny flirts with Trish/ breaking up
Jeff and Trish's talk
A few weeks later
A few months later
Another break up
Trish and Lita vs Ivory and Jazz
After the show
A few days later
Trish finds out
Trish thinks about her feelings
Jeff tries to ask Trish out
Jeff asks Trish out
Shawn causes trouble
Trish Stratus vs Tori Wilson
Mickie attacks Trish
Lita vs Mickie James
Big show & Trish vs Matt and Lita
Lita saves Trish
Later that night
Lita & Trish vs Mickie & Melina
Jeff saves Trish
Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Randy Orton
Trish meets Shawn in the park
Steven Richards vs Jeff Hardy
Trish Stratus and Jeff Hardy vs Victoria and Steven Richards
A few years later
Tori vs Trish
Jeff and Trish's date
Matt is acting strange
Matt's surprise
The next day
Double date
A year later
A week later
4 years later
Authors Note

Meeting up with an old friend

60 1 0
By Emogal19

Trish's POV

I woke up at 9am and I got a text.


Hey Trish I am gonna land in New York in about an hour so can you meet me at the airport.

From Jake x

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth and changed into a white crop top with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a pair of black heeled boots and I brushed and straightened my hair then I walked out of the bathroom I saw Lita awake.

Lita: where you going?

Trish: meet Jake

Lita: alright

Lita walked in the bathroom and I walked out of the room and went to meet Jake to see how he is.

After an hour

I got to the airport and I saw a lot of people coming out of a gate I sat on a bench then after a few minutes I felt hands over my eyes and I heard someone laugh.

Trish: hello to you too

The person removed their hands from my eyes and saw Jake he smiled. Jake is a blonde he has blue kind eyes and he is 6ft 2 and he is protective of his friends once he attacked Harry because he was about to hurt me.

Jake: hey

Trish: how was your flight?

Jake: boring

Trish: I know how you feel

Jake: I bet going around the world

Trish: *nods*

Jake: let's go

I nodded and we walked out of the airport.

Jake: can I move into your hotel for now?

Trish: no Jake

Jake: where can I stay?

Trish: well I can get you a hotel room but for now you can keep your suitcases in my hotel room

Jake: great

I got in my car and Jake followed then I drove back to the hotel.

At the hotel

I pulled up outside the hotel and we both got out and we walked inside the hotel.

Outside Trish and Lita's hotel room

We walked inside the room and I didn't see Lita so she must be with Matt.

Jake: didn't you say you had a roommate?

Trish: yeah she might be with her boyfriend

Jake: where shall we go?

Trish: follow me

We both walked out of the room and out of the hotel.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

I was out with Matt and Jeff at the park but in the corner of my eye I saw Trish with another guy that must be Jake.

Matt: what's wrong Lita?

Lita: nothing why do you ask?

Jeff: you're lying tell us

Lita: fine it's Trish and that guy over there

Jeff: guy? What guy?

Lita: umm

Matt: tell us

Lita: well last night when I walked in the room to ask her about your break up I saw that she was on the balcony but she was on the phone to a guy named Jake and she told me that he is coming here to visit her so I'm guessing that is him

I pointed to the guy that is next to Trish I saw Jeff looking at the two I noticed that he looked hurt but it was his fault because if he had let her explain a lot more and that he believed her then they would still be together.

Matt: did she say who he is like beside his name

Lita: she told me that he is a friend of hers and that they grew up together

Jeff: oh... did she say how long he will be here?

Lita: no she didn't .....don't tell me that you are jealous

Jeff: I'm not jealous because she is with some other guy it's her life not mine

Lita: yeah sure whatever you say

Matt: will she stay with us?

Lita: I think she will stay with him till he leaves

Jeff: oh

I saw Trish linking arms with Jake and she was talking to him and smiling.

End of POV

Trish's PoV

Me and Jake are in the park I had my arm linked with his and we were laughing and joking.

Jake: so you had Kyle and Danny after you asking you out?

Trish: yeah it got so annoying

Jake: if they come near you I will be there to help you

Trish: thanks Jake

Jake smiled at me and we talked about the past while sitting on the swings.

End of POV

Jeff's PoV

Me, Matt and Lita are still in the park and I can see Trish and that Jake guy talking and sitting on the swings they were smiling and laughing.

I had this feeling in my stomach it feels like jealously I got snapped out of my thoughts by Lita she didn't look happy with me.

Lita: what's up with you?

Jeff: nothing

Matt: don't lie because you miss Trish don't you

Jeff: *avoids his brothers gaze* no we are friends.....I hope

Lita: you hurt Trish so I don't think she'll forgive you yet

Jeff: oh

Lita: look I can go up to her and ask her if she is okay with you

Jeff: you'd do that for me?

Lita: of course

Lita walked over to Trish and when Trish saw Lita she smiled.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

I walked over to Trish and when she saw me she smiled.

Trish: hi Lita

Lita: hey

Trish: what's up?

Lita: I want to ask you something

Trish: ok what would that be?

Lita: I want to know if you are still friends with Jeff

Trish: yeah I'm still his friend but I also know that he was the one who wanted to know

Lita: how could you tell?

Trish: well starters you already know that I am still friends with Jeff and second you looked back at Jeff

Lita: oh

Trish: you can say it

Jake: you're good

Trish: why thank you Jake

Lita: are you two a thing?

Trish: no only friends

Jake: *nods in agreement* why do you ask?

Lita: oh it is just that you two are acting like a couple

Trish: yeah we got told that

Lita: ok but will you hang out with us?

Trish: do you want me to? I am with Jake as well

Lita: sure

We all walked over to Matt and Jeff when they saw Jake, they didn't have an expression it was blank but I could tell that Jeff is jealous even though he is the one who hurt Trish first but Matt didn't look happy I walked straight up to him.

Lita: Jake meet the brothers......

Jake: Matt and Jeff Hardy am I right

Lita: yeah and Matt is my boyfriend

Jake: you two look amazing together

Matt: thanks

Trish: how are you two?

Matt: we're alright Trish

Trish: good sorry for not hanging out with you three I've been busy

Lita: it's alright

Trish: and Jeff

Jeff: yeah

Trish: I know it was you who wanted to know if I was still friends with you and not Lita's

Jeff: oh

Trish: and to answer your question I am still friends with you even if I don't hang out with you

Jeff: I thought you would hate me

Trish: can we talk in private

Jeff nodded and they both walked away.

Lita: tell us about yourself Jake

Jake was telling us about himself and when he mentioned that he just broke up with his girlfriend because she wanted to see other people and because she was cheating on him.

Lita: I am so sorry about your breakup

Jake: I will be alright and I have had Trish by my side to help me through it

Lita: she always puts others before herself

Jake: I know I tell her she's got to look after herself

Lita: so do we

Jake: anyway tell me about you two

We told Jake about me and Matt but also Jeff. Jake was happy for me and Matt.

End of POV

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