By gwritesss

20.4K 2K 174

"Destinied to be together" is the love story of two totally different people - Aditya Hooda and Zoya Siddiqui... More

•Characters introduction•
"The unforgettable eyes"
"Their paths crossed again"
"A promise is a promise"
"The best gift"
"The journey begins"
"Being with you is my cure"
"The colours of life"
"The bitter past"
"You are the beautiful dream, which replaced the nightmare "
"Games of fate"
"The misunderstanding"
"One last dance"
"Be mine"
"Wedding rituals"
"Is this the end?"
"I'm always with you"
"New beginning"
"For eternity"
"Just wait, my beloved"
"How to stop loving you?"
"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you"
"Don't let the past change the beautiful future"
"Nothing can separate us"
"Fighting for life"
"Where are you?"
"Secrets from the past"
"On the way"
"We are better together"
"As we are in Heaven"
"The game begins"
"Closer to the aim "
"It's now or never"
"The reunion"
"Wedding plans"
"I have loved you since forever"
"One different Mehendi"
"The bride has come"
"Finally yours"
"We finally found the happiness"
"A year of happiness"
"Expect the unexpected "
"Happier than ever"
"The best thing in life"
"Creating new memories, but remembering the old ones"
"We are lost"
"Some things can not be forgotten"
"Here, yet so far"

"Love is the biggest strength"

311 35 4
By gwritesss

   It was now evening. Aditya and Zoya were back home after the unsuccessful try to find out more about the supposed culprit. During the dinner they have discussed it with Anjana and Arjun, but still no one could come up with some plan. The situation was difficult. It was like a dark tunnel without an exit. Everyone was desperate. After the dinner all of them went in their respective rooms and soon the whole Hooda house sank into darkness. The only light was coming from Aditya and Zoya's room, as if there was still hope there.
Zoya was sitting in front of the mirror, wearing her white silk nightgown. She was brushing her long hair, while looking at her reflection in the mirror. She was staying there wistful and melancholy, as different thoughts were chasing in her mind and weren't giving her peace. Meanwhile, Aditya was in the bathroom. Even the water coming from the shower was burdening him. It was like the time - they were thinking they had a lot of it, but it was flying so fastly that at one moment they'll turn and their time will run out. They were in an impasse and the hope was slowly dying, but he knew he had to be strong. He had to not give up for Zoya.
Aditya finished his shower, wiped his wet skin and hair and wore his nightwear, which was also in white colour. He went out of the bathroom and saw his beautiful angel sitting in front of the mirror. He quietly went behind her and hugged her gently. Zoya was so lost that she didn't notice him before he gave her the hug. The moment she felt his arms on her, a tear came out her eye and rolled down her cheek. Aditya was about to kiss her when he saw that she is crying. He let her, stood up and immediately wiped her tears.
Aditya: Zoya, what happened? Have I done something?
Zoya: No...
Aditya: Excuse me, I shouldn't hugged you, maybe you are still angry on me.
Zoya stood up from the chair and held Aditya's hand.
Zoya: Never think again that I'm angry on you. Haven't you understand that I can't do it?
Aditya: Then what's the problem? Why were you crying?
Zoya: Even I don't know. So many things happened recently. I feel like my life is like a carousel - one day I can be up and one day down. I want balance, Aditya! Balance. Because of this enmity between our fathers, we can't live calmly. I'm afraid of every new day that is coming. I don't know what will happen and I live in fear that I may lose you. I'm so scared.
Aditya: Zoya, please look at me. Do you trust me?
Zoya: I trust you more than myself.
Aditya: All right. So, believe me that everything will be fine. I won't allow anyone to harm you or to break your heart. The situation  may look too complex, but we'll find a solution, we just should stay together, right?
Zoya: Right. I want this to end as soon as possible. Because of this enmity, we wasted so many days, in which we could be happy. We shed so many tears, which could be smiles. We lost our unborn child, Aditya, we lost it because of this. How many sacrifices we should do?
Aditya: You're completely right. I'm extremely angry of what happened. They say that children pay for the sins of their parents and it will turn out to be true. But not anymore. We won't pay for other's mistakes anymore. I know that you're still devastated because of the loss of our baby. I'm also like this. We need to be strong, Zoya, we need to continue and fight for our happiness and I'm sure that at the end we'll succeed.
Zoya: Promise?
Aditya: Promise. Now come on, let's go to bed as the next days will be long. Have you forgotten that the opening of Zosh events is soon.
Zoya: How can I forget it? Let's go.
Aditya and Zoya layed in their bed. Zoya moved close to him, while he put his arms around her. She was feeling safe in his embrace. He was feeling calm in her presense. Soon, they fell asleep. The lamp in their room was also switched off, but this wasn't meaning that the hope has died. Rather that this, it was growing bigger even when it was surrounded by darkness.
The next 2 days Zoya and Aditya worked really hard. They didn't have much time till the grand opening of Zoya's dreamy Zosh Events. They met the crew, chose food and decoration for the opening. Everything was perfect. Zoya would finally get the so wanted independence.
It was the evening before the big day. Aditya and Zoya were at Zosh doing the last preparations.
Zoya: Aditya, I can't believe this is real.
Aditya: What can't you believe?
Zoya: Tomorrow is the opening of our company. I'm so nervous.
Aditya: Why are you nervous?
Zoya: I just wonder whether I'll be able to run this company successful. I have never done something like that.
Aditya: Zoya, it's normal to be nervous, but believe me - you create magic from everything you do. I'm sure that one day this company will be the most successful one and you'll receive awards for "best businesswoman" or "young achiever".
Zoya: Stop joking, I'm talking about serious matters and you...
Aditya: What? What am I doing? Do you want me to show you how I joke?
Aditya started walking towards Zoya in order to catch her, but she understood his intentions and started running playfully to escape.
Zoya: Aditya, what are you doing? Please, we have a lot of work.
Aditya: The work will wait.
Zoya: No, it can't wait.
Aditya: It can.
Zoya was running and looking at Aditya at the same time. She didn't realize when she reached the big desk in the room, so she couldn't escape  nowhere and this was a perfect opportunity for Aditya - he fastly came, held her hand and pulled her closer to him. While pulling her, the other hand of Zoya moved on the desk and accidentally threw down some documents and they fell on the floor.
Zoya: Aditya, do you see what happened?
Aditya: Arey, these are just some documents, I'll pick up them.
Zoya: No, I'll do it, you've done enough.
Aditya: Okay, drama queen. You know what? Before I was telling you Urdu queen, now you'll be Urdu drama queen.
Zoya: You...
Although Zoya was playing the role of an angry wife, inside her that Mussourian carefree girl couldn't stop laughing. She kneeled down to pick up the documents. While taking them she quickly looked at them to see what information they contain. One of the scattered documents was the guest list for tomorrow. Zoya placed the other documents again on the desk and started reading the names of the guests. Suddenly, her eyes stopped at one name. She couldn't believe which name she just read.
Zoya(smiling): Aditya, Aditya!
Aditya: I swear you change your moods faster than anyone else I know.
Zoya: Look here!
Aditya: What is written there? How much you love me? Let me check!
Zoya: Aditya, can you be serious for a second, please? Look at it and see for yourself what's written.
Aditya took the list and saw it - Mr. Manish Mehta. The man, who they were searching in the past few days. The man, who could be the solution of their problem - he would be in the company tomorrow! They were looking for him everywhere, without success and now he would come to them on his own. There was nothing better than this.
Aditya: Zoya! I can't believe it! Is this true?
Zoya: Yes, it's true! We'll finally meet him. Aditya, I'm so happy.
Aditya: Me, too.
Zoya: By the way, how will we understand who is he? A lot of people will be presenting there.
Aditya: Don't think about this, we'll find him. The most important thing is that he'll be here, at our company, he won't be able to escape.
Zoya: You're right. Let's go home now. We should announce the good news.
Aditya couldn't resist himself and at the best next moment he lifted Zoya and twirled her in the air. Her curls were gracefully moving in the air and her laughter was echoing in the whole room.
After a while Aditya let her down. Both were smiling like kids, who have just eaten ice cream, innocently and purely.
Zoya: By the way, what were you telling me? Whether it is written on the list how much I love you? Hmmm, let me check. I can't find such thing anywhere.
Aditya: Are you sure that you can't find it?
Zoya: Oh, I found it! Look there!
She pointed him something in the opposite direction. While he was watching there, she moved closer to him and playfully kissed his cheek. Aditya realized what happened, but when he turned, he only saw Zoya's back. She was running down the stairs in embarrassment. Aditya touched his cheek and widely smiled - Zoya has marked him with her love.
After an hour they were at home, discussing with Anjana and Arjun as usual. They told them that Mr. Manish Mehta will be at Zosh tomorrow.
Zoya: Mommy ji, you showed us a photograph of Mr. Mehta when he was young, but how will we recognise him now?
Aditya: Yes, Ma that's what we were wondering.
Anjana: It won't be hard for you to recognize him. He is tall, with light eyes and has a mole above his upper lip.
Zoya: But there will be a lot of people there.
Aditya: Zoya, both of us will be there and will find him.
Arjun: Why both of you? Can't Ma and I come?
Anjana: Arjun is right.
Zoya: Arey, why are you even asking? Of course you can come. With all this stress, I forgot to invite you, of course you'll come.
After a long time the mood in Hooda mansion was peaceful.
Finally the big day has come. The opening of Zosh Events. Zoya was in her room, preparing herself for the event. She was looking gorgeous. An elegant light blue saree was emphasizing her beauty. Her hair was pulled on one side, so her soft curls were falling freely on her shoulder. Big diamond earrings were shining on her ears, but their glow could not be compared with the glow of her face - it could be seen from miles. Zoya slightly moved her feet and a melodious sound, coming from her favourite foot bracelets, given by her favourite person, could be heard. When she heard the jingling she shyly closed her eyes. When Zoya opened them again after some seconds, she found that the eyes of the one, who was the reason of her happiness and her shyness, her biggest strength and weakness, were already stuck on her. He was staying in front of her, mesmerized by her gorgeousness.   Actually, he was looking amazing, too. Aditya was wearing black pants, light blue shirt and a dashing black jacket. Zoya also didn't realize when she lost herself in her handsome husband. He slowly walked towards her, without breaking the eye contact. There was attraction between them, and it couldn't be hidden. Aditya was now staying in front of her.  He could observe each detail of her. She was looking even more beautifully now. He held her hand and kissed it. Blush appeared on her angelic face again. Aditya couldn't stop looking at her.
Zoya: Aditya are you fine?
Aditya: I have never been so fine.
Zoya: But why are you looking like this.
Aditya: I try to figure out what has changed since then.
Zoya: Since when?
Aditya: Since the day you went on that business conference. I will never forget how I waited for you to finish and then you came - with a big smile on your face. You were running towards me, as you were a butterfly chasing the wind. Your dupatta was fluttering in the air in sync with your hairs. And then it happened - you came to me and hugged me. I could feel your heartbeat, it was fast. It's the same now. Your heart is beating fastly, your smile is as big as it was, but something has changed. The eyes. Back then, there was fear in them, the reflection of the shy, insecure girl was visible in them, but it's not there any more. I can see the glow of one confident and brave woman, I can see the glow of my wife.
He caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. She almost melted under the touch of his lips.
Zoya didn't want to wait anymore. She hugged him again, just as before.
Zoya: What would I do without you. You helped that girl to grow up, you wanted to show that insecure girl the world, but instead of this you became her world, you made this girl your wife and gifted her new life. Thank you, Aditya, thank you.
Aditya: I can stay like this whole day, but if we do it, we'll get late.
Zoya: You're right, we'll continue after we're back.
Aditya: My sweet naughty wife.
Zoya: Shut up and get out, mommy ji and Arjun are waiting for us.
After a while Zoya, Aditya, Arjun and Anjana were on their way to Zosh Events with hopes that they'll find some evidences.

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