Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

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[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[4]Skateboarding Tryouts
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!
Author's Note & Character Cast
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises

326 11 1
By thebookenchantress

[16] Surprises and Scavenger Hunts

I thank all of my friends and readers for all the support of the book so far!

All your support makes me want to update even more, thank you guys!
I'm already thinking of making a section of excuses of why I don't update quickly.

Sorry guys! I'm certainly not giving up on the book, it's just that I always have the worst writer's blocks ever.

And I always rewrite my chapters so the wait I put on you guys will be worth it.


I decided to change the color of Wesley's eyes because you know... Colton Haynes's eyes are green....




Stella Miller's POV

Five Years Ago


From the loud vibration of the walls, and the resounding voices speaking through the thin walls of my room. I already knew what was happening.

I closed my eyes reeling the bickering words now plunging to my head.

My parents were fighting once again.

It has become a daily routine. I've already gotten used to it. Between the hours six to eight, my parents will begin the symphony of rambunctious rhythms and melodies that I will always grow to hate.

You would've never thought that they were once happy together.

They actually were. Just the thought of that brings the tears to my eyes.

The blare of Melissa's crying came after the voices came to arise

I immediately rushed to Baby Melissa's nursery so I could attempt on soothing her cries. I slammed the door open in her room making her cry even more. I walked over to her crib to see her tears running down her flaming red face while her arms were
thrashing around. My eyes softened at my beautiful little sister. I reached inside the crib to grab her on the sides and raised her up.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh." I drew her closer to me so her face was facing behind me. I patted her back in slow patterns which made her wails to soften. "Don't cry, Mel Mel. I'm here now." I smiled at her doe-eyed face that was staring right back at my face.

I stroked her back and swayed so she could go right back to sleep. It helped when I would hum her favorite song that was sung by our father while he played his guitar. The song was called 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton. <A/N: The song is wonderful, so please listen to it>

Baby Melissa's eyes fluttered down and I placed her down in the crib gently. I tugged her blanket up to keep her warm. I placed a kiss on top of her head and said. "Good night, Melissa. I love you."

I closed the door quietly and took a deep breath.

I lean my back against Melissa's door and slide down so I could sit.

I dropped my head forward and clasp my fingers together. "God please." I whisper under my parents yelling. "Please help my family live peacefully. I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't know why they're fighting. Just please take this anger away from my family. I'll do anything. " I pleaded, not noticing a warm tear sliding down the curve of my face.

Present Day

I automatically jolted up from my sleep from the dream I had.

I was sweating from my forehead and my chest was rising up and down rapidly. I placed my hand to my heart feeling the beat touch my finger tips. I wiped my sweat behind my hand and propped my arms behind my body. I glanced around to see if Destiny, Charlotte, or Alice were awake. I sighed in relief knowing that they were still in deep slumber.

I swung my legs to the side of my bed and stood straight up. I slid my feet inside my cute, Narwhal slippers and my toes embraced the warmth inside. I trudged down over to our mini kitchen to grab a water bottle. I opened the mini fridge and grabbed a cold water bottle and uncapped it. I hungrily took huge gulps and placed the cap back on and carried it with me to my bed.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was close to the time school was starting. I suddenly remembered that it was spirit week and that the students had a choice to stay at their dorms or join that activities given to the students.

Today, I decided to go to the library to study. I decided that out of all the days this week, I will leave one to studying and reading in the library. I made a choice that it was today. I wanted to have energy for prank day tomorrow. Because before my father left my family, he taught me many pranks to use on other people that will be useful for tomorrow.

I fixed my bed before going in the bathroom to take a quick shower. I put on my uniform and slipped my arms inside my huge, black jacket which instantly sent warmth throughout my body. I sat down on the floor to blow dry my hair and fixed it up into a side braid.

The time I was finished was when it was time for Destiny, Alice, and Charlotte to wake up. I hoisted my backpack to my back before waking each of them with a slap of a pillow.
"Wake up, guys. It's time for y'all to wake up." I shouted loudly so the sound could reach their ears. Destiny rolled out of bed to go to her phone, Alice went to take a shower, and Charlotte trudged on over to make herself some tea.

"I still can't believe how you manage to wake up so early. Are you really human?" Destiny said to me before yawning and rubbing her eyes. "We are supposed to go to the scavenger hunt today." She looked up and down at my clothes and to my backpack. "Where are you going? Don't tell me you aren't participating today also!" Destiny glared.

I laughed sheepishly and tightened my braid. "I need to study, Des. I'll participate tomorrow." I began walking toward our door. "See you later!"


I took my regular seat other than my secret spot in the library. I pulled the chair and dropped my backpack to the side. Relishing the quietness and peace, I unzipped my backpack to heave out my Calculus, Government, Physics, Spanish, and English Literature textbooks. And I'm in all AP classes which makes it a bit more tougher, but studying will make the classes more understandable. I pushed my glasses up more and began the studying.

I really don't understand why students hate studying. In my opinion, I love studying. Using highlighters, pens, index cards, and taking notes is pretty much enjoyment to me. The joy of learning more things excites me.

I detest having papers or projects being done the night before the date. I know that all students are procrastinators in school, but I hate having the struggle of staying late at night to finish. So to avoid those situations, I do my work ahead of time and because of this it helps me go ahead in the class.

I took out my favorite mechanical pencil from my pencil case and got to work.

There was going to be a Calculus test next week and I wanted to be ready for it. I pulled my Calculus textbook and notebook in front of my body and opened to the chapter we were currently on. I began solving practice questions in preparation for the test.

I chewed on the top of my mechanical pencil while staring at the next problem thinking on how to answer the equation. I've done this habit since I was very young so there's no chance I will be able to stop.

Right before I let the led touch the paper I heard.

"Are you sure she's here, Des? I know she's such a study bug and all, but she doesn't live in the library." I heard Dylan's playful voice echoing throughout the large library along with footsteps tapping on the marble floors.

"I know she's here, Dylan." Destiny spat his name. "She's one of my closest friends here. And, yes, she does live in the library."

A conversation followed after, and my eyes widened.

Were they looking for me?

Maybe they weren't... maybe they were looking for Bridgette and Lindy, she practically lives in the library too.

"What are you doing here?" the unknown voice greeted huskily to my ear.

Just the sound of that voice can make the hairs of my skin stand up but instead it made my leg spaze up causing pain to shoot through my leg.

"Get the flying duck out of here, Wesley." I spat while rubbing my thigh.

"Are you hiding once again? You know there is life outside a library," He observed the the stacks of books on my desk.

"I know there is, I just choose not to live that life."

He chuckled before sliding out the chair next to me and plopping himself on it. What is he doing? He held up his arms and laid his face on the palm of his hand.

I rolled my eyes and took this as a chance to continue the practice questions. It was kinda beginning to be embarrassing because this was the question I was stuck in. I began spinning my mechanical pencil around my thumb.

"Hold on a sec," Wesley had his full attention on the textbook and scooted really close.

I automatically distanced myself and said. "What?"

"You set up the question wrong, the formula for that question is dy over dx equals dy over du and du over dx" (A/N: The over means that it is a fraction)

I sunk in what Wesley said and realized that the formula he advices to use was correct. I glared at him and remarked. "I didn't need your help anyway. Aren't you supposed to enter that scavenger hunt thingie?" I went back to looking at the textbook.

He smirked and replied. "I just wanted to see you and do this." He swiftly picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

"What the-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WESLEY!" I tightened my fists before hammering his back.

"Nothing much," He answered coolly and flattened my skirt. "Don't wanna see what's underneath there."


"I'm just kidding,

He used one arm to hold me up and stretched his hand to get his phone out of the breastpocket of his blazer. "Yeah I got her. What the fuck? "Get her stuff too and put it in her dorm room." He pressed the end call button and advanced on to the exact of the library.

I tried to wiggle myself out of his grasp but later on realized it was no use. He was way stronger than I was, and I despised that.

"So," I started. "Are you some James Bond or something because what you did a few mintues ago sounded like you were."

"I always have been James Bond but you were just to slow to realize it." his footsteps echoing throughout the large hallway.

I moved my my upper body so I could slap my hand on his head.

He snickered. "What was that? A slap? Oh you are so fierce." He sarcastically said and turned his head to see my face.

He was too close for my liking. My cheeks were beginning to turn crimson and tried looking away from his gaze.

I'm guessing Wesley noticed my pink cheeks because his mouth morphed into an idiotic smirk.

"Knock it off, Richie Rich." I pushed his face.

His smirk grew wider annoying me even more. "We're almost there, as you can see."

"I can't really see anything, dumbass. All I'm seeing is your insignificantly flat rear." I remarked.

Wesley suddenly stopped and put me down. From a distance, you can easily point out we were going to have some kind of insulting challenge. Me, on the other hand, I was attempting on being more superior but I was wrong from a long run at that part. Our large height differences didn't help either.

"Dumbass?" Did you just call me a fucking dumbass?!" Wesley said enraged.

"Yes, I did." I placed my hands on my hips. "I don't really see a problem in calling you that."

"Oh really? First of all, you call me a dumbass when you can't even solve a simple Calculus equation. If you begin calling me nicknames, you should at least call me one correctly."

"No thanks, Richie freaking Rich. I can you whatever I want." I began counting my fingers "Idiot, retard, imbecile, moron, there's a huge selection of them. And I plan on calling you every single one!"

"You really are fucking annoying." he glared.

"Thanks, I try." I crossed my arms and mirrored his daunting look.

A long, awkward silence crawled in between us. Wesley then checked his Rolex watch-- which could be equivalent to my life savings-- and whispered a word that shouldn't be said in front of children.

"It's almost time." He glanced at my confused face.

"Time for what?" I questioned.

"No time to explain. Just go." he snatched my hand and ran as fast as Usain Bolt.

"Wesley, just tell me where--AHHH!" Wesley was practically forcing me to run which was obviously challenging because it clearly showed my low physique.


"NO WAY!" He hollered.

The shouting challenge kept on for about four to five minutes before leaving the entrance of the high school seniors' building. Wesley pushed open the doors and there revealed plenty of people in the our grade.

No way

Wesley slows down to a halt without any sign of weariness while I pace behind him and struggle to keep my lungs intact.

"You." *Heave* "Took." *Heave* "Me." *Heave* "To the scavenger hunt?! I didn't want to go, I already told Destiny earlier this morning."

Wesley ceased from walking and turned his body. "As you can see, Sweetheart. We don't really follow the rules and we definitely have one hell of a time acting this way." He spoke in a very low tone that could bring the shivers throughout my body.

Wesley continued walking at shouted, "We don't need you walking slow as molasseses, Stella. Pick up the speed!"

How dare he sound like my strict middle school P.E. teacher?! And to believe that I'm actually attracted to this shit.

I clenched my teeth before jogging up to catch up to him.



Destiny rushed over to the sight of me. Catching me by surprise, I had to take a step back from Destiny's famous breathless hugs. We call them those hugs because Destiny's hugs are the type to make you stop breathing. Literally.

"Hey, Destiny." I managed to squeeze out of my throat.

I let go of her and I glared at her. "Destiny! Didn't I tell you that I wasn't coming today?!"

Destiny lowered her gaze and focused on the tips of her shoes. "About that."

"It's alright." I stroked her arm. "Thanks for helping me get out of my shell, but if you really wanted me to come you could've just told me. Instead you sent me this Momo." I pointed my thumb to Wesley who was talking to Dylan and Terrence.

"I just wanted to keep the ship going," Destiny murmured.

"What!? I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nothing." She brought her arms to my arms and went to wear the rest of the girls were.

I heard a lot of "Hey, Stellas" and I greeted each and everyone of them also.

I sat down on the grass next to Bridgette and Alyssa.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked Alyssa while pulling my the sleeves of my oversized jacket to make it look as if I have paws.

Alyssa said, "We're waiting for the names of the pairs we will have for the scavenger hunt."

"What names? We can't choose?"

"I wish, but the partners are supposed to be a girl and a boy."

Ah hell no.


"I know right, last year we got the right to choose. But somehow this year, everything's different. It's as if someone tried to change the system. " Alyssa stared at my eyes implying a hidden message to that statement.

"Weird, huh? It's to bad, there's no use."

Then Avalon came to sit in front of us with swollen eyes.

"Avalon, what's wrong? You look really tired." Alyssa asked worriedly.

Avalon glanced at my worried eyes and replied. "I slept late watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S."

"Oh well, try to sleep early tonight, okay?" Alyssa patted her leg and went to talk to Lindy and Alice.

I mouthed to her, 'Are you alright?'

She mouthed back in reply, 'I'll tell you later.'

I nodded at her with a small smile and went to sit beside her. "You are definitely going to find that one person you will almost never shed tears for, a person that will bring many beautiful things to your future. Just bear with me, okay?" I gave her a genuine smile and hugged her arm.

"Thanks, Stella." She answered with a crack in her voice and she laid her head on my head.

Suddenly a loud screech came throughout the speakers the teachers set up. The sound hit the every student's ears causing them to cover them.

"Hello? Hello?" I behold my attention to Mrs. Pauline who was ahead of us holding a microphone, she was wearing the colors of West Ville on her t-shirt and jeans with a pair of navy Keds. She cleared her throat. "Hello high school seniors of West Ville Academy! I'm pleased to present West Ville's 10th Annual Spirit Week Scavenger Hunt!" Plenty of hollers and whistles came after that.

"Now settle down, children." Mrs. Pauline smiled. "The scavenger hunt will consist of two pairs--a boy and a girl." A few jocks from the popular group did the flirty whistle. "And the pair will both try to find a list of leaves and flowers because as we all know that West Ville Academy is well-known for it's varieties of trees and plants. Each pair will receive a paper with the names of the leaves and flowers. But it's not easy, the campus is very large, the leaves and flowers can be found in both high school and college divisions. But the challenging part is that you will not use your phones to find the pictures of the leaves. If you do use your phone you will be disqualified. The names of the trees are underneath each tree, so that is one of your advantages. You will each have a ziploc bag to place each leave after finding it. The first pair to come back first will be the winners of this year's scavenger hunt! I will proceed to name the pairs of the students. Good luck and have fun in today's event! The prize will be a surprise!"

While Mrs. Pauline began announcing the names of the students, everyone discussed how unfair it was to disable the use of their phones during the challenge. I just sat there waiting patiently for my name to be called.

I heard the presence of someone next to me and saw that it was Dylan. "Hi, Dimples" I greeted. I decided to name him that for the subtle dimples on his cheeks.

"Hey, Nimrod. " He said in return. Dylan selected that name for me because of my love for Green Day's album Nimrod.

Dylan and I have been really great friends the past weeks. A few people in our grade believe we are together but we are definitely not together. Dylan's a brother I've never had. He's my best guy friend. We are completely platonic and he has a huge crush on Destiny. Yes, he finally admitted it by text and I have never squealed so much in my life. Destiny and Dylan are so cute it's not funny. They truly care about each other and they obviously have feelings for one another. It's such a shame that they don't know how much they like each other. And Destiny isn't the type to be jealous between us, she knows we don't like each other. And she's one of the people that knows my secret attraction to Wesley.

"So when are you going to tell Destiny about your undying love for her," I grinned at him.

Dylan laid his back on the grass and stretched his arms behind his head. "I'm planning on asking her to homecoming." He said homecoming very softly

"Dylan! DO IT! Please! I need you guys to tell each other, I can't take it any longer!" I slapped his arm.

"I will, I just need a grand romantic gesture so she can say yes." Dylan explained with hues of pink appeaing in his cheeks. "I'm being so cheesy aren't I?" He chuckled making his dimples appear.

I squeezed his cheeks which resulted him to slap my hand. "Dylan, she will definitely say yes, she'll be a fool not to."

"Promise me you'll help me out," Dylan pouted and pulled out his pinkey gesturing me to do our pinkey promise.

I grinned, "Who said I wouldn't?" I curled my pinkey to his pinkey and touched our thumbs together, locking our promise.

"Don't tell her, Stella. I swear to God, if you tell her you will be my enemy from now on."

"I won't Dylan, I never break promises," I assured to him.

He gave me a warm smile before walking off to his bad boy clan or whatever he calls them. Just then a rubix cube fell above me to my lap.

"Hey," Wesley said.


I glanced at the rubix cube and back to him, "How did you know I liked these?" I observed each and every square.

"I just know," He shrugged his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right, Richie."

"I bet you I can make five letters out of these by Friday." He challenged.

"Game on," I smirked.

"The next pair is Wesley Richardson and...." Mrs. Pauline announced on the microphone while looking at the paper.

Wesley looked into my eyes anticipating the next name.

"Tiffany Johnson."


Wesley stared deeply into my eyes as if he was begging to see what was going on inside of my mind. For once in almost five years, I've actually wanted to say about one percent of my past. We had our own little moment until a squeal reached our ears.

"WES, WES!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE PARTNERS!" Tiffany screamed while running towards Wesley and clinging onto his body. She looked at him like the world was in her eyes. Her eyes held so much adoration and admiration. Just the look of them together brought a sickening feeling to my stomach. I shouldn't fuss over this, right?

She was in love.

With Wesley.

I had a silly little crush on him.

While she can give him the universe, I can only give him my feelings.

He shouldn't fall for a girl with financial problems.

I keep on slapping my head mentally.

Stella, you just like him. You are not in love with him, just turn it off. You can't afford to be in love now. You just can't.

Tiffany cleared her throat snaping me from my overeacting mind. "Why are you still here?" Her angry face went throught the thick layer of foundation.

"Because I'm waiting for my name to be called and yeah." I ruffled the top of my hair being cautious of not touching the braid.

"You can wait over there, you know." She insisted gruffly, pointing her finger over to a clear patch of grass.

"No, I'm fine here, thanks." I smiled innocently. She is certainly not getting under my skin, I'm not going to let her.

"Come on, Wesley. We have better places to be other than being with this commoner." She squeezed his arm.

Wesley turned his head to me and I plainly took my finger out twirling it next to my head showing that the girl to his side was kinda cucko. He smiled and texted something on his phone.

Talk to me later? -W

Sure. And how the heck did you get my number? Do you have some stalker following me around?-S

Maybe (smirk emoji)-W

I pivoted my face up to see his eyes crossing which made me chuckle a bit.

Mrs. Pauline announced. "STELLA MILLER AND...DYLAN COOPER!"

I saw from the corner of my eye Dylan slow motioning really slowly until he was really close

"AHHH" Dylan yelled which made me yell "AHHHH," also.

"Oops, sorry!" He stood up and dusted his dark blue slacks before lending me a hand up. He observed my hair before laughing. "You have grass on your hair" He took his hand out pulling the blades of grass on my hair.

"How does my braid look?" I asked reluctantly.

"It looks fine! Plus making it kinda loose makes it a bit more prettier," He nodded at me while giving me his playful smile.

"I got our skateboards, the paper, and the baggy, now are we ready for this?" Dylan exclaimed while pointing at the skateboards near a tree and the paper in his pocket.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted.

We gave each other a creepy smile gesturing what we were thinking about.

Okay let me give you a little background, Dylan and I watch a ton of movies. And if you say just a ton, I mean more than that. We watched movies ranging from the 30's to the current movies. The other day we watched Parent Trap and we kinda got hooked. We one day were sitting around the library until Dylan said, "Why don't we learn the handshake to the Parent Trap?" And I said, "We should!" It took us a week to master it and we always do it whenever we have something exciting coming and when we are definitely pumped up for an event. Like now.


Then we ended the handshake before racing to the tree with our skateboards laying on top of it.


Dylan and I were riding on top of our skateboards with the music coming out of his phone in his pocket getting us enthusiastic for the hunt.

"Dylan can I see the list?" I hollered.

"Sure," he stopped his skateboard and handed me the paper.

The list said:

The Following on the List:

-Gingko~ Leaf

-White Oak~ Leaf

-Blackjack Oak ~Leaf

-Dogwood ~Leaf

-Camellia~ Flower

-David Austin Rose ~ Flower

-Dahlia~ Flower

-Cyclamen Hederifollum ~Flower

-Begonia ~ Flower

-Hydrangea ~ Flower

I reviewed the list of things needed to win the challenge.

"Hmmmm, I know how everything looks. The school chose gorgeous flowers, gotta say this is gonna be fun." I said honestly.

"Really?! How do you know how it looks, Stella?" Dylan asked creepily.

"Huh? I don't know. " I moved my eyes to the gaze of the trees and flowers and immediately beamed to the sight of them. "I have a strange liking for plants and flowers. They just somehow interest me. I've always loved them ever since I was a kid. I always studied about them, I read every book about them in the library so.. oh sorry for blabbing about this."

"Ahh, don't worry about it," he waved his hand carelessly. "I just can't wait to see his reaction to when I tell him this." Dylan whispered.



"Right..." I stressed the word and looked at the paper again.

Dylan Cooper's POV

"Gingkos, Gingkos, Gingkos." Was the word Stella repeated on for three minutes while gazing at every tree that walked passed us.

I really hope that she didn't hear what I said earlier. About telling Wesley about her desire for leaves and flowers. Just the look in her eyes when she talks about them is amazing, her eyes are literally dazzling.

Wesley and I haven't been in great terms before, but now we actually have become great friends. We finally made amends on how we always compete each other in everything. If I stay part of the top ten in the school I'll be satistifed and I already know how hard he tries to for his future company. But back to Stella. He talks about Stella all the time. He repeatedly says her name all the time.

It's kinda cute how much he cares about her.

I secretly wish they will end up to be together and I'm most certainly sure I'll be the first to have the invitation to their wedding.

It's just he cares for her so much, he wants her to be his so much he would do anything in the world to make her happy. Anything.

It's been a while since Wesley's been serious about something. He's always been sleeping around for a while and it's as if he has been trying to cover up his pain with girls. And I know that isn't right.

But now, he has someone. Someone that can help him somehow in many cases, I know she'll be the one to break his shell. I just know it. I'm really happy for him because Wesley hasn't been with a girl for a whiel since he's known Stella.

But Stella has a rough interior, everyone in group knows that she's been through a type of pain that hit her hard so much, but we don't say it because of how much it hurts remembering it. Destiny tells me she has horrible nightmares and she knows it's about her complicated childhood.

I know it's too early for Stella and Wesley to love each other, but I know that they are falling currently.

He's crazy about her and I know she is too.

He really wants to know what happened to her, what made her become angry at the world, what happened to her emotions.

"AHA! I found the leaf!" Stella spotted the tree labeled Gingko and reached one of the fallen leaves on the floor and put the leaf in the bag. "Gorgeous aren't they?" She viewed the tree admirably.

I suddenly got a text from Terrence who was Destiny's partner for the challenge. He sent a picture along with the text which had a breathtaking view of Destiny smelling the flowers. Just the sight of her makes me smile.

This is the only pretty picture out of all the other pictures. The other pictures were of her killing me to death. Hope you like them bro. (smirk emoji)-T.

Destiny Wood.

Two words I could repeat on and on without being slightly bothered with it.

She drives me crazy.

She's funny, phenomenal at baking, an amazing friend, and never the one to bring you down.

For some days, I feel as if I don't deserve her, but in other days I realize she is the one to motivate me to become a better person.

I'm actually not a bad boy or a gangster--whatever you call it. I merely have the tendency to rebel in front of my callous parents and I detest having to be forced to manage the company in a few years.

But seeing her makes me want to be good again.

45 Minutes Later~

"Hey, Nimrod," I nudged Stella with my arm.

"Yeah, Dimples?" She replied with her eyes glued to the paper.

"You found most of the leaves, I feel as if you're doing all the work. It makes me feel bad," I pouted and tugged her braid childishly.

"Fine," Stella gave in. "You find the flowers, so when you get a bundle of them. Give them to Destiny." She devilishly grinned.

"No way, Nimrod. I'm definitely not ready to give this to her, okay?" I shook my head no. Honestly, I genuinely want to give her them, but I feel like she's just going to laugh at the gesture.

"Come on," Stella pulled my arm back and forth. "Destiny loves these things. She loves the flowers, the cute love letters, the romantic dates. Give her this and she'll explode with happiness." Stella made a explosion with her arms making me laugh.

"So how about you, Stella? What's your favorite flower?" I grinned like the Cheshire cat knowing that she is oblivious to how I'm going to use this piece of information.

"Me? My favorite flower is the White Primula. They are so small yet every flower in the seed sticks into one stem. Pretty neat, huh?" Her eyes held a significant light that could weaken the heart of a ruthless man.

Richardson, I think I found a way you could win her over.

Stella Miller's POV

Dylan and I were heading towards the large greenhouse the school owns. We decided to check there if the flowers in the list were hidden inside.

I pushed the transparent door and passed it on to Dylan. The door revealed an array of flowers ranging in every color possible. Each flower was seperated into their own type of shade making the entire greenhouse bright and lively. The entire greenhouse had at least ten or fifteen rows that was filled with thriving flowers. What I loved most about flowers was their individual special meaning. Such as the roses. For example, the red rose gives a message of enduring love while the white lilac roses represent enchantment and love at first sight.

Dylan began searching for the flowers on the list leaving me on my own. I trudged on to the white flowers hoping to see the White Primulas.

I surveyed each flower slowly.

White Roses, Baby's Breath, White daisies, Annabelle Hydrangeas, and many more but I still couldn't spot the White Primulas.

I frowned knowing that all the types of flowers in this greenhouse, my favorite one wasn't here.

Dylan finally found me and we headed straight towards the senior building. We pedaled our legs while atop our skateboards as hard as we possibly can. The wind hitting my face really hard made me think that if you took of a picture of me at the moment, I would look like a donkey trying to smile.

We finally reached the building and found no one there yet making me more excited knowing that Dylan and I were the winners.

Simultaneously, Wesley and Tiffany were running beside us. I widened my eyes knowing that they were racing towards the end like us.

I clenched my teeth urging my body to run faster and I could see Wesley doing the same.

Mrs. Pauline's went to us and smiled waiting for who was to win.

I reached my destination with Dylan trailing after me, I was obviously out of breath making me lean on the tree next to where Mrs. Pauline was standing. Wesley looked as if the run was nothing. Honestly, he isn't human.

Dylan and Wesley gave the bag of flowers and plants to Mrs. Pauline at the same time.

Mrs. Pauline's eyes widened, "Wow! As you can see we have a tie!" The few people scattering around the field cheered.

"The winners are for the 2014 High School Senior Scavenger Hunt is... Mrs. Stella Miller, Mr. Dylan Cooper, Mr. Wesley Richardson, and Mrs. Tiffany Johnson!"

People clapped on and others groaned knowing they failed.

I smiled and asked Mrs. Pauline, "What's the prize?"

"You get to visit your family for a week!'


Author's Note:



Okay guys.... I'm once again sorry:(

I will continue writing the next chapters to come, hoping that they will be sooner than this one.

I love my readers!


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