Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All Rights Go To The CW. The Vampire Diaries characters and plot lines are not mine, nor or the songs used to... More

characters & trailer
Character Theme Songs And Ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - The Birthday
chapter 2 - The Hybrid
chapter 3 - The End of the Affair
chapter 4 - Disturbing Behavior
chapter 5 - The Reckoning
chapter 6 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
chapter 7 - Ghost World
chapter 8 - Ordinary People
chapter 9 - Homecoming
chapter 10 - The New Deal
chapter 11 - Our Town
chapter 12 - The Ties That Bind
chapter 13 - Bringing Out the Dead
chapter 14 - Dangerous Liaisons
chapter 15 - All My Children
chapter 16 - 1912
chapter 18 - Murder of One
chapter 19 - Heart of Darkness
chapter 20 - Do Not Go Gentle
chapter 21 - Before Sunset
chapter 22 - The Departed

chapter 17 - Break On Through

969 23 17
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link 

From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Bonnie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 3.15 "All My Children", in Nicola's hospital room, Nicola was in bed.

Alaric, Stefan, Damon and Kaylin were talking to Meredith.

"The sickness her mother had?" Meredith asked. "Nicola has it."

Stefan looked at Kaylin sadly. "Astrocytoma."

"A tumor," Meredith answered. "It's laying on the muscle around her carotid artery, which blocks the blood flow to her brain."

Nicola was awake now.

Meredith and Alaric walked out, leaving.

Stefan, Damon and Kaylin walked toward Nicola.

Kaylin walked closer. "Listen. I know that you don't want to turn. I'm sorry that we weren't there for you before. But you can't give up, okay?"

Nicola sighed. "Okay. I won't give up. Tell Meredith to set a date for the surgery."

Kaylin, Stefan and Damon smiled small smiles.

From 3.14 "Dangerous Liaisons", in the painting room, Kaylin and Klaus were talking.

"Rosalita screwed both of us up beyond compare, so that we would hurt each other even if we loved each other," Kaylin told him.

"I believe that we can fight it and break through, make it to where she has no control over either of us anymore," Klaus told her.

From 3.15 "All My Children", in the Town Square, Klaus was sitting on the bench, looking at Kaylin. "Shouldn't we take a chance at breaking the damage that has been afflicted upon us and see if we can get back to the way that we were before before Rosa got to us? Intoxicated with love, without harming each other in one way or another?"

From 3.15 "All My Children", in the library of the boarding house, Stefan looked at the glass of blood for a moment, turning away without touching it.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.15 All My Children) "How long has it been since you've had a drop of human blood?"

From 3.16 "1912", in the police station, Damon and Alex were talking.

"Blood withdrawal is a bitch to go through, isn't it?" Damon asked.

From 3.16 "1912", outside the Grill, Damon transformed, biting the woman on the neck.

Alex smelt the blood. She stopped walking, starting to transform out of instinct, pushing it down.

Stefan smelt the blood. He stopped walking, rushing toward Damon, pulling him off of the woman. 

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.16 1912) "Neither of you are gonna survive this cold turkey thing. Go on, have a bite."

"Why are you doing this?" Stefan asked. "You both know what blood does to me."

"Because you let it control you," Damon told him. "You always have. We're just here to help you learn how to fight it."

Alex held the woman stand. She looked at the blood running down her neck, transforming, biting her, feeding. Stefan stepped closer, biting the woman from behind, feeding from the opposite side of her neck.

Kaylin bit her wrist, putting it to the woman's mouth to heal her.

Elena, Liv and Cristian walked past the alleyway, stopping when they saw what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Liv asked. Stefan and Alex turned around. Liv looked at the blood on their faces in shock. "Stefan? Alex?"

Alex wiped the blood off of her mouth. "Liv. Elena." She looked at Cristian pleadingly. "Cristian..."

Cristian nodded in understanding, turning to the other two sisters, leading them away.

From 3.16 "1912", in the Gilbert House, Alaric and Meredith were arguing.

"I would know if I were killing people," Alaric told her.

"Would you?" Meredith asked. "Have you had any blackouts, instances of lost time? You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. How many times can you die before it changes you?"


Day One

Morning - Mystic Falls Hospital - MRI Room 

Alaric was laying down on an MRI machine.

Elena, Liv, Meredith and Alex were watching through a mirror in  another room, preparing to scan him.

"What are you looking for?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Meredith admitted. "A tumor, vascular anomalies, anything physical that might explain his behavior. If it's medical, I can treat it."

"And if it's not?" Liv asked.

"Well, then we'll deal with that too," Meredith told them.

A technician slid Alaric inside the machine.

Alaric looked at his reflection in the mirror placed above him.

"When did you suspect him?" Elena asked. "That it was Alaric who was killing all of those people?"

"It was after he told me about his ring," Meredith answered. "I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this, but we Fells are notorious busy-bodies."

"But then, why did you protect him?" Liv asked.

"Because I'm a doctor," Meredith answered. "I don't like to see someone hurt by something they have no control over. And because when he and I first met I felt like... I don't know, I--I just kind of want to help him." Alaric continued to stare at his reflection in the mirror in the MRI machine. His reflection glared down at him, but Alaric was not making the same expression. Alaric started to panic. Meredith talked to him over a speaker. "Everything alright in there?"

Alaric closed his eyes, reopening them, looking at his reflection again to see that its expression was the same as his. "Yeah. Yeah, everything's okay."


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Alaric's Hospital Room 

Alaric was in a regular hospital room getting ready to leave.

Elena, Liv and Alex walked in.

"Meredith says everything's normal," Alex told him.

"Well, everything is normal," Alaric told them, picking up his cellphone. "Because there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't kill Brian Walters, I didn't kill Bill Forbes, I didn't attack Eliza Forbes, and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting knife into my stomach." Alex sighed. Alaric looked at his ring on the counter next to them, tapping the counter three times, sighing, looking at the girls. "Or I did, and I've gone insane, just like your ancestor, who..." He looked down, picking up the ring, setting it down. "Wore that ring."

Liv sighed. "Look, I'm gonna call Lindsey. The rings were made by a Bennett witch. So maybe a witch, even a Davis witch, since the Davis are related to the Bennetts, can reverse the damage."

Alaric slowly slid the ring over to Elena. "Take it. I don't want it anymore."

Elena slowly took the ring.

Damon walked in. "You ready to ditch this house of horrors?" He looked at Alaric. "Ooh. You look terrible." 

"Yeah, let me..." Alaric trailed off, clearing his throat. "Let me check out of here."

Alaric walked out, leaving.

Elena gave Damon a look.

Damon looked at Alex.

Alex avoided his gaze.

Liv looked between them awkwardly. "I'll, uh, go with."

Liv sighed, walking out, leaving.

Alex pushed past Damon to leave the room, walking out, leaving.



Alex walked outside toward her car.

Damon followed her. "Don't worry about him. Take him out for chicken soup, get him a martini, make sure he doesn't kill anybody."

"What is wrong with you?" Alex asked.  "How could you just make me and Stefan feed like that out in the open like some vampire pub crawl?"

"Oh, right, I thought we were talking about Alaric, but of course we're talking about Stefan and you," Damon told her.

Alex turned around, walking toward him. "You and Kaylin made me and Stefan feed on an innocent girl."

Damon walked closer, closing the gap between them. "We're vampires, Alex. We need human blood to survive. We're predators, not puppies."

"Well, Stefan found a way around it before," Alex told him.

"Stefan has built himself a delusional wagon which he has repeatedly fallen off of, which, if you keep acting like this, you'll continue to repeat the mistakes that he's made," Damon told her. "What you both need to learn is control."

"He was able to manage when he was drinking Elena's blood," Alex told him. "Small amounts every single day. That's all we have to do."

"Ah, yes, back when they were in love, back when we were in love, and it was all rainbows and unicorns," Damon told her sarcastically.

"I'm just saying, maybe you're not the right person to be teaching us about self-control," Alex told him, giving him a look, opening her car door, getting inside, driving away.

Damon watched her go, sighing.


North Carolina

Abby's House - Outside 

Bonnie and Lindsey walked outside.

Caroline and Eliza walked closer.

Caroline was holding an ice chest. "Hey."

"Hey," Lindsey told them.

"I totally lucked out," Caroline told them. "The hospital just had a blood drive, so I got some O negatives, some A's, and my personal favorite..." She pulled out a blood bag, smiling. "B positive."

Bonnie and Lindsey were watching Abby.

Abby was in her garden.

Caroline and Eliza followed their gaze.

"I made her a daylight ring," Bonnie told them. "She's been standing out there all morning. I don't think she's taking this very well."

"Well, it's only been a few days since she turned," Eliza told them. She looked at Bonnie. "Your mom is still adjusting."

They walked over to Abby.

"Abby, why don't you come inside?" Lindsey asked. "Have something to drink?"

"I can't feel it anymore," Abby told them, in numb sadness. "My garden, it's gone. I can't feel anything."

Abby walked toward the house.

Eliza looked at Bonnie and Lindsey. "I don't understand."

"Witches have a connection to the Earth," Bonnie explained. "We can literally feel Nature. Life." 

Lindsey placed her hands on the sides of a dead plant. She recited a spell quietly. "Phesmatos tribum, melan veras. Phesmatos tribum, melan veras. Phesmatos tribum, melan veras." The plant started to bloom into a beautiful pink flower. Eliza smiled in awe. "When Abby became a vampire, she lost it." 

The flower lost the beauty, returning to death. 

Bonnie looked at them sadly. "I don't know how to help her."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Wickery Bridge 

(Song:) Country Lane - Telenkinesis 

Nicola, Kaylin, Damon, Alaric and Meredith arrived to the fundraiser.

Nicola looked at Rebekah, who was talking to Carol. "Rebekah's up to something. She's been snooping around in places she shouldn't be."

"Tell me again, why are we here?" Alaric asked.

"Ric, the world can't stop just because Nikki's dying 'cause her surgery was pushed back, and you're an accidental psycho killer," Damon told him.

Nicola gave him a look.

"Do you have any tact whatsoever?" Meredith asked. 

"No, he doesn't," Nicola answered.

Carol approached them. "Alaric, I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign?" Alaric looked at her, confused. "The restored Wickery Bridge sign. The history department promised me you'd have it today."

"I--I don't have the sign," Alaric told her. "Actually, it slipped... it slipped my mind. I've been... busy."

Carol shook her head as if it was no big deal. "Well, it's not an emergency. We'll just, um, unveil it when the bridge is complete."

Carol walked away. 

"Get me out of here," Alaric told them.

"My pleasure," Meredith told him. 

Kaylin sighed, looking off into the distance. "I'm gonna stick around for a bit."

Rosalita looked toward Damon and Kaylin with a smile. 

Damon followed Kaylin's gaze in confusion. When he saw who it was, he rolled his eyes. 

"Who is that?" Nicola asked.

"Blast from the past you just learned a lot about yesterday," Kaylin answered.

"Sage or Rosalita?" Nicola asked.

"Rosalita," Damon answered.

Kaylin walked toward Rosalita, clearly angry.

Damon nodded for Nicola to follow them.

Rosalita looked at Kaylin. "Kaylin Salvatore, one of my oldest friends that I haven't seen in ages."

"We're not friends, Rosalita," Kaylin told her. "Not unless you count you mind controlling me and my friends in the 20s to an obsessively creepy level."

Rosalita smirked in amusement. "You're angry." She used mind control on Kaylin before Kaylin could try to hurt her. "Don't be. You're happy to see me."

Kaylin's anger was suddenly replaced with happiness. "Rosa."

Rosalita smiled. "Much better." She looked at Damon. "Damon Salvatore, my favorite student."

"Rosalita, my hottest teacher," Damon told her.

Rosalita looked at Nicola. "Who's this?"

"Nicola Salvatore," Nicola answered.

"We like to call her Nikki or Cola," Kaylin told her.

"Not a Coke," Nicola told them in a sing-song voice.

"And I used to call her Nik before Klaus gave me back my memories and reminded me that I used to call him Nik," Kaylin went on.

Rosalita smirked. "Hmm, right."

Kaylin smiled. "She's the great niece."

Rosalita smirked in amusement. "If you're anything like your uncle and aunt here, Nicola Salvatore, I think we'll get along just fine."

"What are you doing here?" Nicola asked.

"I'm just passing through," Rosalita told them.

Damon scoffed. "Oh, come on, nobody just passes through Mystic Falls."

Rebekah approached them. "Look what the cat dragged in."

Rosalita smiled. "Rebekah. What a happy surprise."

"Rosa," Rebekah told her. "It's been ages." Rosalita smirked, tilting her head, using mind control. Rebekah smiled, hugging Rosalita. They pulled away. "What are you doing here, Rosalita?" 

"Well, I heard the noise of all the Original siblings finally being freed from those caskets your rage-aholic brother Klaus carted you all around in," Rosalita answered. "Even Finn, Kassandra and Kol."

Rebekah smirked. "Mm, Kol, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going. Am I to assume that your friend Sage is lingering around here somewhere, too?"

"Actually, no," Rosalita answered. "Sage is looking for your brother Finn. I'm sure she'll be happy to come here when he arrives back to town." She smirked, mind controlling Damon. "Damon, I believe that us girls need to have a chat. Me, Kaylin and Nicola. And Rebekah can have a chat with us after. And Kassandra later."

Damon walked away.

Nicola was confused as to how Rosalita could mind control them, but she didn't say anything because Rosalita didn't want her to.

(Song Ends)


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room 

Stefan walked in with a blood bag, starting to pour it into a glass.

Elena walked in with Samantha Gilbert's journal. She looked at Stefan. "Hi."

"Hey," Stefan told her, putting the blood bag down.

"I'm sorry," Elena told him. "Damon told Alaric that there was no one home, otherwise, I would have..."

"I just got home," Stefan told her.

"I just came by to pick up this book that you found, on my ancestor, Samantha," Elena told him.

"That's fine," Stefan told her.

Elena walked closer. "How are you doing? Alex said that you were..."

"Yeah, I'm--I'm okay," Stefan told her. "Did you get everything you need?"

"Yeah," Elena answered. "Well, if there's anything I can do to help."

Elena turned to leave.

"You don't have to read that, you know," Stefan told her. Elena turned to face him. "I can just tell you what happened. Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum. She tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle, and bled to death on the floor of her cell. If the same thing is happening to Alaric, then there is nothing you can do."

"Okay, well, I'm gonna let you get back to... whatever it was you were doing," Elena told him, walking out, leaving.

Stefan picked up the blood bag, sighing.



Rosalita, Kaylin and Nicola were walking through the woods alone.

"What are you really doing here, Rosalita?" Kaylin asked. "You always have something up your sleeve. Always up to something."

Rosalita smirked. "Well, yeah. This has to do with the Mikaelson family."

"What are you talking about?" Nicola asked.

"You might have noticed that I can control Damon and Kaylin, Nicola," Rosalita told her. "I can even control the Originals. Do you know why?"

"Rebekah said that you were a level above the Originals," Nicola told her.

"That's very true," Rosalita told her. "I'm an immortal, turned two thousand years ago by my brother and his psycho ex-girlfriend. It is a long story that I really don't feel like telling right now. Just know that I put my brother in a tomb, and I never wanted him out, so I mind controlled Kol to do whatever it took to make sure that didn't happen. Now, things have changed, and I need to get rid of him and his family, and I know that they are all linked by their loony mother. So I need them dead. I am making sure that the Originals die. I am mind controlling you and all of your friends to kill them. And even if you fail, they won't look for retaliation, because I will make sure that they don't look for retaliation."

"And why is that?" Kaylin asked.

"Because I may need all of you," Rosalita answered. "Now, why is Rebekah hanging around you two?"

"Ah, she's just lurking around because she wants something from us," Kaylin told her. "Can't figure out what it is, though."

"I can get inside her head and find out," Rosalita told her. "Rebekah and Kassandra may be Originals, but they're just  girls. Just like you, Kaylin. Just like Nicola. Just like me.  You'll invite Bekah and Kassandra to your house so that we can have some girl time. And I'll find out what I need to know. You and your friends and family are going to help me take down the Originals, girls. Whether you want to or not."


Wickery Bridge

Rebekah was walking past the catering table, alone. 

Kaylin and Nicola walked toward her.

"Please tell me you have something better to do," Kaylin told her.

"We're talking now, are we?" Rebekah asked. "'Cause ever since coming back to Mystic Falls, you've hardly spoken to me, even though we used to be the best of friends in the '20s."

"Well, I was angry," Kaylin told her. "Angry at Klaus for compelling me, for using me, for manipulating me. I'm sure you're angry at him for the same reasons, right?" Rebekah sighed. "I really did appreciate your help with Stefan and Alex, even if I didn't show it. You know, big brothers were there, and I couldn't show weakness unless I wanted them to snuff it out."

 Nicola smirked.

Rebekah looked at Kaylin knowingly. "Which is why when you're around your brothers, you pretend to hate my brother, isn't it?"

"Who's pretending?" Kaylin asked.

Rebekah tilted her head.

Nicola smirked. "Hmm."

Rebekah looked at Kaylin. "But since I've been undaggered, you've been nothing but a bitch to me."

"Me?" Kaylin asked. "You don't think you're a bitch to everyone?"

"No," Rebekah told them.

"No?" Nicola repeated. "You're bitchy. But then again, so are we. And Rosalita. And Kassandra."

Rebekah pointed at Nicola. "I know what you're doing. You're dying and bored and want to make amends if you don't manage to pull through, Nicola." She looked at Kaylin. "And you turned Abby into a vampire, and now all of your friends hate you, so now you're coming to me because you know that I'm the only one who would be your friend right now, Kaylin."

Kaylin shrugged. "You're not the only one who would be my friend right now. Rosalita would."

"So, what do you say about coming to the house for a drink, girls' night?" Nicola asked. "You can even invite Kassandra."

"You would even invite Kassandra?" Rebekah asked.

"Why not?" Kaylin asked.

"Well, you know what they say," Nicola told her. "Three's company, five's a party."

"You're lonely, Rebekah, and bored, just like me," Kaylin told her. "Just like Nicola. Just like Rosalita. Just like Kassandra. Maybe we're not as different as we make ourselves out to be." Rebekah didn't answer, looking away. "Fine." 

Nicola grabbed a strawberry off of the table, starting to walk away. "Enjoy the rest of your day."

Kaylin and Nicola walked away, leaving Rebekah looking puzzled.


North Carolina 

Abby's House - Barn

Jamie was in the barn, chopping wood with an ax.

Caroline walked in. "Haven't seen you up at the house. Abby's been asking for you."

"I've been pretty busy," Jamie told her. Caroline leaned down to pick up some of the wood. "Hey, hey!" Caroline stood, startled. "Stay away from me."

"Easy," Caroline told him. "I was just gonna help you carry the fire wood up." She realized why Jamie was staying outside. "You're scared of her."

"She's a vampire," Jamie told her.

"She needs to feel connected to the people she loves," Caroline told him. "She needs to feel normal right now."

"She's not normal," Jamie told her. "None of this is normal."

"Well, Abby didn't choose this," Caroline told him. "This was forced on her. She could have let herself die, but she didn't. She's trying to make this work so she can be there for you and for Bonnie, and for Lindsey. So... So, just get over yourself, okay?"



Lindsey was standing outside the barn. She had been listening, looking upset. Her phone started to ring. She walked away from the barn, pulling her phone out to see that Liv was calling, answering. "Hey. What's going on?"

Liv was standing in the Gilbert House hallway, looking surprised she answered. "Hey. You haven't answered in a while."

Lindsey sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I've been trying to help Abby. Her transition has been a little rough, so she's got a lot on her mind."

"I know, and I get it, believe me," Liv told her. "But, something really terrible has happened to Ric, and... and  I really need your help."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Gilbert House - Kitchen

Meredith and Alaric were sitting at the table.

Cristian was cooking.

Liv walked in, reading Alaric's file.

"I don't really think a fifteen year old like you shouldn't be looking through that stuff," Meredith told her.

"I'm a fifteen year old vampire who's seen stuff hundred times worse than this," Liv replied. "I can handle it."

"Never said you couldn't," Meredith told her.

"Damn, Ric, you got in more trouble than I did," Liv told him.

Cristian chuckled, trying to suppress a smile. "Liv..."

"Ah, Cristian, it's fine, 'cause it's the truth, restraining orders and all," Alaric told him. "My life in a series of police reports."

"You don't strike me as an angry guy," Meredith told him. "Which sounds weird, given everything, but you don't."

"Yeah, well, I was stupid when I was younger," Alaric told them. "But, listen, it's not like these guys didn't have it coming." He took the file from Liv. "I mean, this guy here, broke a beer bottle over a bartender's head. This guy, hit his girlfriend. This guy... Okay, this guy was just a douche." Liv laughed. "Everyone needs to find a way to deal with their dark side. Some people meditate, I became a vampire hunter."

Cristian pointed at him. "Mm, semi-retired."

Alaric looked at Meredith. "Listen, there's something that's not in these reports that I need to tell you about."

"Okay," Meredith told him. "Ominous. Shoot."

"Your cousin, Logan Fell, the one who was vampire slayed," Alaric told her. "I did the slaying."

Meredith processed, taking a breath, shaking her head. "The vampire thing, it's not my fight. I use their blood for what I need and leave the judgement to everyone else. Although, I have been kind of wondering why you never drove a stake through Damon's heart."

Cristian smirked. "Very tempting idea." Liv laughed. "And he tried once. He killed him."

Meredith tilted her head.

"Yeah, yeah, figures," Alaric told them, rubbing his finger where the ring used to be. "The thing that started all this ring stuff was me being angry enough to think I could take on a vampire in the first place."

Liv sighed, walking around the table to give Alaric a hug.

Alaric smiled a small smile, having one hand holding her arm.

Cristian and Meredith watched, smiling small smiles.


Salvatore Boarding House - Basement 

Damon walked down into the basement to see Stefan drinking a blood bag from the freezer. He also saw that there were multiple blood bags scattered on the floor. "Oh, come on. Slow down, brother." He walked closer, taking the blood bag from Stefan. "Whoa. Control, remember? Doesn't matter whether it's blondes or blood bags, same principles apply."

"What did you say to Alex and Elena this morning?" Stefan asked.

"A, I didn't say anything to Elena this morning," Damon answered. "I just said a few things to piss Alex off a little more. And B, you're stress eating. Sublimating. You and Alex deserve each other with all your pining and moping."

Stefan walked toward Damon. "I asked you a question, Damon."

"I told Alex what she already knows," Damon told him. "You're both vampires, and you both drink human blood, and you both need to get over it." He closed the freezer. "Which is the same thing I'm telling you. Own it, live it, love it. Stop being ashamed of who you are. Now, Kaylin, Nikki and Rosalita are having a girl dance party with Rebekah and Kassandra, so I suggest we get scarce, because Rosalita doesn't want us here."

"Rosalita?" Stefan repeated. "With Kaylin and Nikki?"

"Yes, Rosalita," Damon answered. "She's here in town, and she doesn't want us here, so let's go."

Damon turned to leave.

Stefan grabbed Damon by the arm to stop him. "Do me a favor, Damon. Next time you talk to Alex, keep me out of it, okay? In fact, you might want to leave her alone for a while unless you want her to be even more pissed at you, after what you made us do."

Stefan walked out, leaving.

Damon sighed, overwhelmed but annoyed.


North Carolina 

Abby's House - Kitchen 

Bonnie was cooking.

Jamie walked in.

Bonnie looked at Jamie teasingly. "Who are you again?"

"The guy who lives out back," Jamie answered. "You know, the one you're not related to."

Bonnie smiled. "Right."

"Caroline and I had a little talk," Jamie told her.

"Sounds like code for Caroline lectured you," Bonnie told him.

Jamie nodded. "Maybe, but I needed it. Abby's always been there for me. Now it's my turn." He held up two pieces of firewood. "Thought I could build a fire."

"Please," Bonnie told him. "Maybe it'll distract everyone from my crappy cooking."


Living Room 

Jamie walked in, placing the firewood in the fireplace.

Abby walked in, looking at him in surprise. "Jamie."

Jamie stood, turning to face her. "I'm so sorry, Abby. I'm sorry about everything."

Jamie wrapped his arms around Abby.

Abby smiled in relief, returning the embrace. After a moment, she started to get overwhelmed by the scent of his blood so close to her, looking at his pulsing carotid artery next to her, biting into his neck, starting to drink.

Jamie struggled, screaming.

Bonnie ran inside. "Abby!"

Bonnie used magic to cause Abby pain.

Abby pulled away from Jamie, holding her head, screaming.

Jamie fell to his knees.

Bonnie walked closer, kneeling next to Jamie.

They all looked horrified.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room 

A man was compelled/mind controlled to play the piano. 

Rosalita sat next to him on the bench. 

Nicola uncorked three bottles of wine. 

"Remember this song?" Rosalita asked.

"All right, Miss Master Seductress, where's our victims?" Kaylin asked, pouring wine into the glasses in front of her. 

"Patience," Rosalita told her. "Between Rebekah's craving for acceptance and her pathological fear of being left alone, and Kassandra's utter boredom, our little get together is too tempting to resist."

Rosalita used mind control to make the man slit his wrist, taking his wrist, drinking his blood.

"And you would know this, how?" Kaylin asked. "Why are you so out to kill the Originals now? I mean, you said that you needed them gone so that your brother can wake up again, but you didn't say why."

Rosalita stopped drinking, looking up, smirking. "Why do you care if I want them dead or not, Kaylin? Being compelled to forget your once love, and who is now trying to win you back is getting under your skin even when you try to push him away?" She looked at Nicola. "Or the other Original brother, the honorable one, the one who you thought to be different than the others who turned out to be just like the rest, Nicola?"

Kaylin pointed at Rosalita with the hand that held a wine glass. "Stay out of our heads."

Rosalita smirked. "You don't want them dead, but you will soon. You might not know why you want them dead, and your feelings will grow strong enough to break through the mind control, but even if you two can't go through with killing the Originals, your friends and your family will. And you won't be able to tell them about this, either. Not Rebekah, not Klaus, not Elijah, not Finn, not Kol, not Kassandra. And even if they survive while one of them doesn't, they won't look for revenge. I can make them move on without avenging their lost blood."

Nicola sighed. "So even we don't want to hurt them, you're still gonna make sure that they get hurt. No matter how we feel."

Rosalita was reading Kaylin's mind, smirking in amusement. "Oh. You want me to take away the mind control I have on you and Klaus that makes you harm each other if one of you pisses the other off." Kaylin glared at her in annoyance. "Sorry, Kaylin, but I just love driving a wedge between the two of you. And now Nicola and Elijah. And it will be interesting to see if you can fight through the mind control on your own. It's not easy, but it's not impossible, either. And I read in your mind that Kol had a thing for a little miss human Eliza Forbes. Hmm. Not sure if I should be jealous or not. But I see that Eliza was nearly killed repeatedly because of the supernatural, and nearly killed by the vampire hunter turning psycho in this town, and that Eliza was cheated on by Jeremy Gilbert with ghost. Ouch. No wonder why Kol likes Eliza. She's complex for a human. And I would love to turn Eliza's sweet human nature into something more like me or the Mikaelsons."

Kaylin rolled her eyes. "These Original love stories are a bitch to go through."

The doorbell rang. 

"The sweet chime of desperation," Rosalita told them. 

Nicola walked toward the door, opening it to reveal Rebekah and Kassandra outside. "Hello, girls. Rebekah, you've already been invited in because Damon practically blackmailed me on your one night stand." Rebekah smirked, walking inside. "Kassandra, would you please come in?"

Kassandra smiled a small smile, walking past Nicola inside. "Thank you, Nicola." She had a bottle of wine, holding it up for them to see. "I stole it from Nik, who stole it from a Queen. Not sure which one. For you, Kaylin." She noticed who was there, annoyed. "Rosalita."

Rosalita smiled. "Hello again, Kassandra."

Rosalita tilted her head toward Kassandra, using mind control.

Kassandra's annoyance turned to happiness, as she smiled. "Rosalita."

Rosalita smirked. "That's better."

Kassandra looked around. "Well, this is depressing. What happened to the party?"

Kaylin walked toward Kassandra, taking the bottle from her. "It just arrived. It's time for us to get to know the other Mikaelson sister, Kassandra."

Kaylin broke off the neck of the bottle. 

Nicola smirked.



(Song:) Future Starts Slow - The Kills 

Rosalita, Kassandra, Nicola and Kaylin were dancing slowly and sexily to the song playing through the speakers.

Nicola spun around, drinking from the bottle of wine.

Kaylin ran her hands through her hair, pulling it back, looking at the ceiling, closing her eyes, swaying her hips sensually.

Rosalita slowly shook her shoulders back and forth, edging closer to the floor, coming back up.

Kassandra continued to spin around, raising her arms in the air above her head. 

Rebekah watched them from the side, waking toward the man playing the piano, sitting down next to him on the bench, biting his neck, starting to feed.

Kassandra walked toward Rebekah, sitting on the other side of the man, transforming, biting into his neck, starting to feed.

Rosalita walked closer, using a knife to cut into his wrist to get some blood, pouring it into a wine glass, smirking, taking a drink. 

Nicola and Kaylin were still dancing mildly.

Rosalita licked the blood from her lips, watching Rebekah and Kassandra, getting into their heads to find out what she needed to know.

(Song Ends)


North Carolina

Night - Abby's House - Outside 

Abby was pacing around outside the barn.

Bonnie walked closer, handing her a blood bag. "You have to drink these. It'll help."

"I almost killed him," Abby told her worriedly.

"Caroline and Eliza said that this kind of thing happens a lot at first when you're still new," Bonnie told her.

Abby shook her head. "No, no. I should just go before I hurt Jamie again. Or you, Bonnie, or Lindsey."

"The only way you're gonna hurt me or Lindsey is if you leave," Bonnie told her. "Don't give up on this. Not again. We can make this work."

Abby took the blood bag from Bonnie.

Lindsey walked closer. "He's fine. Nothing a little vampire blood from Caroline can't cure. She and Eliza are in there right now, comforting him."

Abby nodded. "Thank you."

Lindsey nodded. "Of course." She looked at Bonnie. "Now, I need a favor."

Bonnie looked at her curiously.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Gilbert House - Kitchen 

Alaric, Liv and Cristian were eating at the table.

Alaric was writing something on a piece of paper, sliding it over to Liv. "Listen, I want you to have this. This is a list of my bank accounts, passwords, where to find my will, and how to contact my family. Just in case this doesn't go my way."

Liv pushed the pad back over, shaking her head stubbornly. "No, no, no. Don't even think like that."

"Liv, I need to know that you, Elena, Alex and Jeremy are going to be okay," Alaric told her.

"We're all gonna be okay," Liv told him stubbornly, looking at him meaningfully, tilting her head.

"You know better than to argue with Liv, Ric," Cristian told him. 

Alaric chuckled in amusement. "You're right, Cristian."

Liv's phone rang. She pulled it out, answering. "Lindsey?"

Lindsey was in the kitchen of Abby's house with Bonnie. "So, Abby thinks Bonnie and I can reverse the damage of the spell. I guess the same thing happens to witches who get obsessed with dark magic. They lose control, and start acting out their darkest impulses."

Liv stood, walking away from the table. "Thank you so much."

"Caroline and Eliza are gonna hang back here with Abby and Jamie," Lindsey told her. "But Bonnie and I are leaving now, so..." Bonnie walked closer, holding her hand toward Lindsey for the phone. "Hang on."

Lindsey handed the phone to Bonnie.

Bonnie took the phone to talk to Liv. "We need a personal effect of Alaric's." Liv was surprised to hear from Bonnie. "Something he wore before he started wearing the ring."

Liv nodded. "Okay, yeah. I--I'll get it. Bonnie, I'm so sorry for everything. Thank you for doing this."

"Be ready to do the spell as soon as we get there," Bonnie told her. "We have to work fast." Lindsey gave Bonnie a look for being so curt. Bonnie made her voice softer. "We'll see you soon."

Bonnie hung up, handing the phone to Lindsey.

Liv hung up, turning to Cristian and Alaric.

Alaric looked from Liv to Cristian. "Good news? Bad news?"

"Bonnie and Lindsey think they can help you with a spell," Cristian answered.

Liv walked closer. "Eavesdropper."

Cristian shrugged.

"Well, it's worth a try," Alaric told them.

"But she something that you wore before you put on the ring," Cristian told him. "Something personal."

Meredith walked into the kitchen.

"Well, there's, uh, there's my wedding ring," Alaric told them.

"Okay, yeah, uh, that's, uh..." Liv trailed off. "That's a good idea."

Alaric started to get up.

Meredith pushed him back down. "I think it's better if you stay here with me."

"Oh, you and your tranquilizers," Alaric told her. He looked from Liv to Cristian. "It's in the dresser by the kitchen. It's in a--an aspirin bottle, probably covered in cobwebs."

"Okay," Liv told them.

Cristian stood.

Liv and Cristian walked out, leaving.

Alaric and Meredith watched them go.


Salvatore Boarding House - Parlor 

(Song:) Guilty Filthy Soul - Awolnation 

Nicola and Kaylin were waiting.

Rosalita walked toward them.

"Your plan has been long in the making," Kaylin told her. "No wonder it's amazing. Amazingly evil."

"I told you if you got Kassandra and Rebekah comfortable enough, they're an open book," Rosalita told them. 

Nicola walked closer.  "Well, are you gonna torture us or are you gonna tell us what they're up to?"

"I'd rather show you," Rosalita told them, taking Nicola and Kaylin by the hands.

They saw memories of Rebekah's.


Flashback - 3.15 "All My Children"

Night - Klaus' Mansion - Painting Room 

Klaus, Kassandra and Rebekah were talking.

"The white oak tree," Rebekah told them. "It must have been the only tree to replace the old."


3.16 "1912"

Day - Mystic Grill 

Carol and Rebekah were sitting at their table, talking.

"It probably got cut down," Carol told her.

"Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers during that period?" Rebekah asked.

Carol sighed.



Night - Salvatore Boarding House - Parlor 

Rosalita was still holding Nicola and Kaylin by the hands to show them the memories.

Kaylin was surprised, letting go of their hands. "There's another tree."

Nicola smirked. "Logging mills."

Nicola walked out of the room, leaving.

Kaylin and Rosalita exchanged a confused look, following Nicola.

(Song Ends)



Nicola was looking for the records.

Kaylin was watching from a few feet behind Nicola.

Rosalita was watching from the couch. "Milling records?"

"Our family made one of its many fortunes selling lumber," Nicola answered. "It's why Rebekah's been digging around about this stuff. Why Kassandra came over with her. That tree was on our land and milled by our yard. The ledgers will tell me where it was shipped. Business archives should be around here somewhere." She finally found the 1912 archives, flipping through it to find out where the tree was shipped to. The old Wickery Bridge. Nicola looked up with a hint of a smile. "You've gotta be kidding me."


Alaric's Apartment Building - Hallway 

Cristian and Liv walked upstairs to see Stefan, Damon, Elena and Alex waiting for them.

"Missed you at the house," Alex told them. "Ric told me you'd both be here."

Damon looked at all of them. "We have something to say."

"Well, considering that I'm still mad at you, don't expect me to listen," Alex told him.

Elena looked at Stefan. "You made yourself perfectly clear this morning. You don't want to be around me."

Liv rolled her eyes, walking over to Alaric's loft door, unlocking it.

"I'm not trying to hurt you," Stefan told her. "I just can't be who you want me to be right now. I'm not in control."

Liv tilted her head at her sisters, opening the door. "Alex. Elena. Both of you are seriously fighting with everyone."

"Liv, let's go inside and look for Ric's wedding ring," Cristian told her.

"Gladly," Liv told him. "Just to get away from all the drama, Cristian."

Cristian and Liv walked into the apartment, leaving the door open.


Alaric's Apartment 

Damon, Stefan, Alex and Elena followed Cristian and Li inside.

"Actually, Liv, Cristian, this is something you both need to know," Damon told them.

Cristian turned his head to look at Damon in confusion. "Why?"

"We, uh, we did a little more digging on Samantha Gilbert," Stefan answered, closing the door. Cristian turned on the lights, looking around, sighing. "Founding Families were always pretty good at destroying their records, but I found a couple of newspaper articles. It seemed she killed two people while she was in the institution. A nurse and a guard."

"So, she was a psychopath," Liv told them. "We get it."

"She was under suicide watch," Damon told them. "No personal effects, no jewelry."

Cristian and Liv exchanged a cautious, worried look.

Cristian looked Stefan, Damon, Alex and Elena. "Wait. So, you're saying the violent behavior can still happen even if the person isn't wearing the ring?"

Elena and Alex nodded.

Liv sighed, looking around.


Gilbert House - Living Room 

Alaric was asleep on the couch. 

Meredith was in the kitchen behind him. "You still with me?"

Alaric woke up. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm still with you."

"I'm half-dead too," Meredith told him. "Neither one of us has slept in two days. Don't worry, I've got coffee on."

Alaric stood, walking out of the living room.


Family Room 

Alaric walked into the family room, seeing Meredith's bag on the table, going through it, grabbing the tranquilizers inside, taking off the cap of the first tranquilizer, pouring the liquid onto the floor. He did the same thing with the second tranquilizer. He looked toward the kitchen.


Salvatore Boarding House - Library 

Nicola was burning the milling records.

Kaylin and Rosalita were watching.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Rosalita asked.

"Yep," Nicola answered. "1912, the Salvatore milling company chopped down a forest, its most valuable wood came an old white oak tree that was used to make the Wickery Bridge. These aren't public records, so Rebekah and Kassandra are gonna chase their tails for a long time."

"So all the wood stripped from the underside of that bridge is basically a weapon that could kill an Original?" Kaylin asked.

Nicola looked up. "Yep." 

Kaylin sighed. "Rosalita? You see how this could be a problem for us, right?"

Rosalita looked at them, walking closer. "Why? Because of Klaus and Elijah? Kaylin.... Nicola... Let me tell you something. I've known them for a long time. You're not gonna miss them. And even if you did start to miss them, it won't matter."

"And why is that?" Kaylin asked.

"Because even if you guys somehow manage to kill all of them, not all of you are gonna be around for long," Rosalita answered. "Don't worry, guys. Everything is going exactly as planned."

"Exactly as you've planned," Kaylin told her.

"You two remind me a lot of the Mikaelsons, actually," Rosalita told them. "They're powerless against me, too. You will do as I said, even if you don't want to."


Alaric's Apartment 

Cristian and Liv were looking for Alaric's wedding ring.

Stefan, Damon, Elena and Alex were talking.

"What if Bonnie and Lindsey's spell doesn't work?" Damon asked. "What are you guys gonna do with him?"

"We're not gonna do anything, Damon," Elena told him. "We're gonna keep looking until we find something that'll help him."

Liv stood straight, looking at them. "You mean, Cristian and I will be the ones looking." She looked between them. "You four won't shut up."

Liv went back to looking for the ring.

"None of you know how long this has been going on," Stefan told them. "Might be too late."

"It's our family's ring that's doing this to him," Alex told him. "It's our responsibility to fix it."

"You can't put that on yourselves," Stefan told them. "Not everyone is your responsibility. Not everyone can be saved."

Alex looked up at Stefan. "Are we talking about Alaric or are we talking about you?"

Cristian tried to open the next drawer, but it was locked. "I wasn't planning on giving up on any of you."

Cristian pulled on the drawer hard enough to break the lock, pulling it out.

Liv stood next to Cristian.

Stefan, Damon, Elena and Alex walked closer to look at what they found.

They looked at the photos of the dead bodies of Bill Forbes and Brian Walters, newspaper clips and other stuff about the murders.

Liv was in shock. "Oh, my God."

"What is that?" Elena asked.

Cristian picked up one of the pictures. "Pictures of his victims."


Salvatore Boarding House - Library 

Nicola was still burning the milling records.

Kaylin walked in, pulling on her jacket. "Where's Rosalita?"

"Not here," Nicola answered.

"Good," Kaylin told her. "I called Rebekah and Kassandra." Nicola looked at her in surprise. "They're heading to the bridge now."

Kaylin sighed, turning around, walking out of the room quickly.

Nicola stood, following Kaylin quickly, grabbing her jacket as she walked past the table, walking out, leaving.


Alaric's Apartment 

Stefan, Damon, Elena, Alex, Liv and Cristian were looking through the stuff in Alaric's drawer.

Alex saw an envelope with Jeremy's name on it. She picked it up, opening it, taking out the papers inside. She read the note attached out loud. "'Jeremy, if anything happens to me, carry on my work. You have the other ring, let the ring make you strong. The Council must be cleansed before the work can begin'."

Stefan took the papers from Alex. "It's the Founder's Council roster. Looks like some sort of hit list."

"No, Alaric didn't write this," Elena told them.

"Who else would have written it, Elena?" Liv asked. She tore up the note Alaric left for Jeremy, throwing the pieces in the air above her head, letting them flutter down around her. She kept looking for the wedding ring. She found the aspirin bottle, opening it, pouring the ring into her hand. "We have to get back."


Gilbert House - Kitchen 

Meredith was in the kitchen alone, grabbing two cups out of a cupboard.

Alaric walked in. "Looking for something?"

"I don't know where anything is in this house," Meredith told him, pouring the coffee into the mugs. "I'm sorry. I can't remember. Do you take cream?"

"No cream," Alaric told her.

"I was gonna make sandwiches," Meredith told him. "I'm starving."

"Can I ask you a question?" Alaric asked.

"No mustard," Meredith told him. "I hate mustard."

"Do you ever feel remorse?" Alaric asked.

Meredith looked up, turning to face him in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"Well..." Alaric trailed off, picking up a knife off the counter, walking around the island toward Meredith. "You are a Council member. And the Council was formed to protect the people of this town from vampires and yet, here you all are, just looking the other way, ignoring your responsibilities. Like you and your vampire blood. So I'm asking you, do you ever feel remorse? Because you should."

Alaric lunged toward Meredith with the knife, cutting her on the side.

Meredith spilled hot coffee on Alaric to burn him and distract him, breaking the mugs, running out.



Meredith ran in, looking into the family room to see that the tranquilizers were empty on the floor. She ran toward the stairs.

Alaric came out of a door next to the stairs, cutting her off, grabbing Meredith. 

Meredith barely managed to kick Alaric off of her, kicking the knife out of his hand, running upstairs. 

Alaric chased after her.


Upstairs Hallway 

Meredith ran upstairs, looking around for safety.

Alaric chased her.

Meredith ran into the bathroom, slamming the door closed, locking it before he could get to her.



Meredith ran toward the door leading to Liv's room, closing and locking it. She ran toward the door leading to Alex/Elena's room just as Alaric got there, struggling to close it, grabbing a pair of scissors from the sink, using them to stab Alaric in the hand to make him let go of the door, using all of her strength to slam it closed on him, locking it. She was breathing heavily, gasping in pain, looking into her reflection on the mirror, looking at the cut in her side that was bleeding profusely.


Wickery Bridge 

Kaylin's Car sped up to the burning bridge.

Kassandra was standing in front of the burning white oak wood.

Kaylin and Nicola got out of the car, watching.

Kassandra smiled. "Hey, Kaylin. Hey, Nicola. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be seeing you."

Kassandra smirked, walking away, leaving.

Kaylin and Nicola turned to face Kaylin's Car to see Rosalita waiting by it.

"You're setting us up," Nicola told her.

"No, Nicola," Rosalita told her. "I'm just looking out for myself. Just like you two were looking out for yourselves when you tried to tell Kassandra and Rebekah what was going on over the phone. Though they don't know the whole story, I'm sure Rebekah will be pleased to go after Damon and torture him for you two trying to warn them."

Kaylin walked closer to Rosalita angrily. "We don't want to be apart of this! You can just leave us alone and make Rebekah leave Damon alone!"

Rosalita smirked in amusement. "I don't have to do anything, Kaylin. You can't make me."

"Why are you doing this?" Nicola asked furiously.

"Call it jealousy," Rosalita told them. "Friends, love, frenemies. I'm a destroyer. I like to destroy."

Kaylin rushed toward Rosalita, grabbing her by the throat, pinning Rosalita against her car. "I should end you."

"I'm a 2,000 year old psychic that is even more indestructible than an Original, Kaylin," Rosalita told her. "You're not capable of ending me." She used a psychic scream to throw Kaylin away from her to the ground, making her fall. The psychic energy from the scream was enough to cause Kaylin agony, making her scream. Nicola watched in shock and horror, running to kneel next to Kaylin. Rosalita stopped screaming, releasing Kaylin from the pain, pushing away from the car, smiling smugly. "There's still more white oak that I didn't let Kassandra know about. That she didn't burn. And you and your family and friends are going to use it to kill Kassandra's family."

"Rosalita, do you really have to use us for one of your petty revenge fantasies?" Nicola asked. 

"Why not?" Rosalita asked. "Ruining you will be just as fun as ruining them, too."

"Why?" Nicola asked furiously.

"Let's just say I'm your 2,000 years removed great aunt," Rosalita answered. "Your bloodline comes from my brother. And it is so fun to destroy him and his descendants. My own family."

"You're psychotic," Kaylin told her angrily.

"And soon enough, everyone else will be, too," Rosalita told them smugly.

Kaylin and Nicola glared at her.


Gilbert House - Foyer 

Stefan, Damon, Cristian, Elena, Alex and Liv walked inside.

Liv started to walk forward.

Cristian grabbed Liv by the arm to stop her. He looked at Stefan and Damon, nodding for him to follow him.

Cristian, Damon and Stefan walked into the family room to hide.

Alex closed the front door loudly.

Alaric walked downstairs, wrapping a cloth around his injured hand. "Hey, there."

"Hi," Elena told him. "Where's Meredith?"

"Oh, she got called into the hospital for a last minute surgery, but she'll be back later," Alaric told them.

"What happened?" Liv asked.

"Oh, I--I broke a coffee cup and cut my hand open trying to pick up the pieces," Alaric told them. "Where's Stefan, Damon and Cristian? They were with you guys before."

"They went home," Alex told him. 

"Did you get my ring?" Alaric asked.

Alex shook her head. "We couldn't find it."

"Yeah, well, my place is a bit of a disaster," Alaric told them, walking down the stairs, standing in front of them. "I guess I'll just have to go get it."

Alex turned her back to Alaric, taking off her jacket.

Alaric drew a stake, trying to stake Alex in the back.

"Ric, no!" Liv told him.

Damon grabbed Alaric from behind, putting him in a sleeper hold.

"Don't hurt him," Elena told him.

"I'm trying not to," Damon told them, holding Alaric like that until he passed out, lying him down.

Stefan and Cristian walked closer.

Cristian looked upstairs. "Alex, Stefan, I need you both to stay down here while I go upstairs, okay?"

"Why?" Elena asked.

Stefan, Damon, Alex and Liv focused their senses, smelling the same thing that Cristian could. "Blood."

"What?" Elena asked in alarm.

Cristian and Damon rushed upstairs.

Liv and Elena followed them.

Alex and Stefan were left downstairs.



Cristian opened the door.

Meredith was sitting on the floor, leaning against the sink, passed out, blood everywhere. 

Cristian flipped on the light, walking toward Meredith, kneeling next to her. "Meredith. Hey."

Damon, Elena and Liv walked in.

Stefan and Alex stopped outside the bathroom, looking hungry and fighting the urges.

Cristian bit his wrist, holding it up to Meredith's mouth.

"Drink, Mer," Liv told her.

"You're gonna be okay," Elena told her.

Alex transformed, breathing heavily, stepping forward. She took a deep breath, gripping Stefan by the shoulder like that would stop her. "Get me out of here."

Stefan turned to Alex, guiding her out of the bathroom, leaving.

Liv and Elena watched them go in relief, knowing that that was a big break through.

Cristian and Damon themselves were relieved and impressed.

Cristian sighed, finishing in healing Meredith.


Day Two

Morning - Gilbert House - Alaric's Room 

Alaric was asleep in his bed.

Damon was sitting in a chair next to him.

Alaric slowly woke up, seeing that Damon was next to him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just making sure the witches didn't turn you into a toad or a block of salt," Damon answered. "Lindsey and Bonnie did a little spell. It's nothing to worry about. It's just something to keep the killer in you at bay."

Alaric flexed his injured left hand, looking at it in confusion, obviously remembering nothing. "Did something happen?"

"Let's just say you've got an alter ego hell-bent on killing Council members," Damon told him. "So, we're gonna pack up some of your stuff, we're gonna go to the loft, just for a little bit. You know, it's like house arrest. Polite."

Alaric looked around. "Wait. Where's Meredith?"

Damon looked at him sympathetically. "She'll be fine, Ric."



Liv, Alex and Elena were doing dishes.

Elena looked at Alex. "You did really good last night."

"If Stefan hadn't gotten me out of here..." Alex trailed off.

"Alex, you made that decision," Liv told her. "You did good."

Bonnie and Lindsey walked in. 

"Hey," Lindsey told them. "You guys okay?"

Liv nodded. "Yeah. We're fine."

"Lindsey says all the dying and coming back to life might of chipped away to Alaric's psyche, making it easier for the darkness for the darkness to take hold," Bonnie told them. She held the container in her hands for them to see, placing them on the counter. "These herbs are the binding element of the spell." Elena stepped forward, grabbing the container. "He needs to take them twice a day. We'll get you more."

Liv, Alex and Elena looked at them.

Lindsey smiled. "Bonnie and I are gonna work on the garden with Abby."

"How is she doing?" Alex asked.

"The transition's been hard, but I think she'll be okay," Bonnie answered. "We're gonna go back and stay with her for awhile. It'll give us a chance to work things through."

"Bonnie, Lindsey, I'm sorry," Elena told them. "We didn't what that to happen."

"This wan't supposed to happen to her," Alex told them. "If there was anything that we could do to make it different, we--"

Bonnie embraced both Elena and Alex.

Lindsey embraced Liv. "We know."

"Please say that you forgive us," Liv told them.

Bonnie chuckled. "Of course we do."

The girls each pulled away, smiling.

Liv turned to embrace Bonnie while Alex and Elena turned to embrace Lindsey.


North Carolina

Abby's House - Outside

Jamie, Caroline and Eliza were in the garden, planting new plants.

"Am I even doing this right?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah, you're doing fine," Jamie told them. "Hey, uh, thanks for helping out with Abby. Bonnie and Lindsey are really lucky to have friends like you."

"Well, we went through the same thing once," Eliza told him. "With our dad. But it didn't really work out, so... you know."

"Well, when Bonnie and Lindsey get back, they can snap their fingers or wave their hands or whatever and make the herbs bloom," Caroline told them to make the mood happier. She looked up. "I think Abby's up."


Inside - Living Room 

(Song:) Can't Go Back - Rosi Golan 

Abby was sitting at the table next to a packed bag, writing a letter.

Eliza walked in. "What are you doing?" Abby looked from Eliza to her belongs around her. "You're leaving." Eliza scoffed. "You're kidding me."

"I have to," Abby told her. "I don't know how to do this."

"Do what?" Eliza asked. "Be a vampire or a parent? Because Caroline can help you be a vampire, she can teach you self-control, but being a parent, I mean, that's all you. Lindsey doesn't have anyone else, because her parents, Courtney and Danny, are dead. Bonnie grew up without a mom, because you ran away once. The only family that Lindsey has left is you and Bonnie. But now you have an eternity to make up for it, and you're just gonna throw that away?"

"They're better off without me, Eliza," Abby told her.

"No, they're not," Eliza told her pleadingly. "No one is better off without their family. They want to make this work. Please. Just stay."

Abby stood, taking her stuff. "Tell Bonnie and Lindsey I'm sorry."

Abby walked around Eliza, leaving.

Eliza took a deep breath, sadly. She couldn't believe this was happening.


Gilbert House - Liv's Room 

Liv was in her room, sitting on her window seat, leaning against the wall. She pulled out her phone, making a call.

Jeremy's voice was on the other line. "Hello?"

Liv smiled. "Hey, Jeremy."

Jeremy was in his new room at his new house out of town. "Hey, fresh... Damn. I can't call you freshmeat anymore. You're not a freshman anymore."

"No, but I am still Little Liv," Liv told him. Jeremy chuckled. "What's up?"

"Well, I got a dog," Jeremy answered. "What about you?"

"Well, Stefan and Alex are back for good," Liv answered

Jeremy looked hopeful and relieved. "Are you serious?"

"Oh, yeah," Liv answered. "Alex's back, Jer."

"Do you, Alex and Elena want me to come home?" Jeremy asked. "I mean, with Alex back..."

"We just want you to be safe," Liv told him. She hesitated for a moment, worried. "Hey, have you talked to Alaric lately?"

"No," Jeremy answered. "Why? Is everything okay?"

Liv missed him so much, starting to tear up. "Yeah, everything's fine. Um... I just wanted to hear your voice."

Jeremy chuckled. "Okay. Hey, Liv, can I call you later? I'm actually on my way out with some friends."

Liv nodded. "Yeah, um, of course, Jer. Go have fun. I... I just miss you."

Jeremy smiled nostalgically. "Yeah. Yeah, I miss you, too."

Jeremy hung up.

Liv hung up, letting a few nostalgic tears fall, wrapping her arms around her knees. She wanted to see her brother, but she didn't want to put him in danger again.

(Song Ends)


Salvatore Boarding House - Library 

Stefan, Damon and Kaylin sat together on the couch in front of the fire, a drink in each of their hands.

Nicola and Cristian walked in.

Cristian had a rectangular object covered with a sheet. "Little early in the day for you, isn't it?"

"You're one to talk, Cristian," Damon told him.

Nicola and Cristian smirked, walking closer.

"And since when is it too early for a vampire to drink?" Kaylin asked.

Cristian tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Noted."

"Just having a little toast," Stefan told them.

"To what?" Nicola asked.

"Control," Stefan answered.

"And Bonnie and Lindsey's magical witch herbs to keep Alaric's dark side dormant," Damon added.

Kaylin shook her head. "I'm just drinking to drink."

"If you're happy, I'm happy," Nicola told them.

Stefan, Damon and Kaylin exchanged a confused look, looking at Nicola and Cristian suspiciously. "What did you do?"

"Don't look at me," Cristian told them. "The mastermind behind this plan is your crazy little niece Nikki right here."

Nicola smirked. "Actually, it was Rosalita, and she gave me..." She ripped off the cloth off the Wickery Bridge sign that Cristian was holding. "Historical sign made of the same white oak as the Wickery Bridge."

Stefan, Damon and Kaylin stood, looking at the sign.

"Rosalita said that Kassandra thinks all the wood burned," Kaylin told them.

"Rosalita wants us to use it to kill their family," Stefan told them. 

"We have a weapon," Cristian told them.

"Game's back on, guys," Damon told them. "Let's go kill some Originals."


3.18 "The Murder Of One" Trailer 

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in Alaric's Apartment, Nicola held the Gilbert Ring toward Alaric. "You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it."


Stefan, Damon and Cristian were whittling stakes out of the Wickery Bridge sign's wood.

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in the woods, Cristian, Stefan, Kaylin, Damon and Nicola were facing Liv, Elena, Alex, Matt, Caroline and Eliza.

"You have a weapon that can kill Klaus?" Eliza asked.

"Nope," Cristian answered. "We all have a weapon."

Cristian dropped a duffel bag filled with white oak stakes.

Liv, Elena, Alex, Matt, Caroline and Eliza were surprised.


From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in a street, Finn and Klaus were talking.

"What happens to one happens to all," Finn told him.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Klaus told him.


From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in Cristian's house's foyer, Stefan, Kaylin, Nicola, Alex, Elena, Liv and Cristian were talking.

"We can't stop," Stefan told them.

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in the ballroom of Klaus' Mansion, Rebekah clamped bear traps around Damon's wrists, hanging him from the ceiling. She stabbed him in the stomach with a knife.

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in the hallway of the boarding house, Nicola ran down the hallway. She was coughing up blood. Her hands were shaking. She leaned against the wall weakly, sliding to the floor.

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in a drive way, Bonnie and Lindsey were crying, embracing.

From 3.18 "The Murder of One", in the foyer of Cristian's House, Kaylin looked at Nicola, shaking her head. "I'm not going to kill them. I'm going to save my brother."

"Bring both of them home," Nicola told them.

"Bring Cristian home with you all," Liv told her.

Kaylin nodded, turning to leave.


In the clearing, Damon, Alex, Stefan, and Elena sat together. Kaylin and Nicola laid on the ground in front of them. All of them were looking dark and seductive.

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