Bad Boy's Shy Girl (New Ve...

By JadaJade31_

192K 4.3K 2.2K

In which the bad boy falls for the shy girl, and in like every other classic love story the shy girl feels th... More

Intro [ 0.1 ]
[ 1 ] - Raspberry Lollipops
[ 2 ] - Late For Tutoring
[ 3 ] - The One With Too Much Coffee
[ 4 ] - Midnight Snack
[ 5 ] - Tutoring Meetings
[ 6 ] - Library Scares
[ 7 ] - New Class Partner
[ 8 ] - Coffee Shop Resturant
[ 9 ] - Friends
[ 10 ] - Making Progress
[ 11 ] - Old Colleagues
[ 12 ] - Mrs. Harrison & Custord
[ 13 ] - Guess Who's Home!
[ 14 ] - Unexpected Visits
[ 15 ] - Meeting Someone New
[ 16 ] - Sneaky Success
[ 17 ] - Rumor Has It...
[ 18 ] - Custord's New Friend
[ 19 ] - Wild Dreams
[ 20 ] - Pie, Coffee and Soda
[ 21 ] - Smells Like Sunshine
[ 22 ] - The Sunset's Pretty In Your Eyes
[ 23 ] - Explainations & Coffee
[ 24 ] - Confrontations
[ 25 ] - The Truth Untold
[ 26 ] - Something Special
[ 27 ] - Old Faces
[ 28 ] - Decisions, Decisions
[ 29 ] - On My Mind
[ 30 ] - Crystal Clear
[ 31 ] - Only You
[ 32 ] - New Friends
[ 34 ] - Hello Again, Papa Grey
[ 35 ] - A Little Bit More About You
[ 36 ] - Baby Sister Jamie
[ 37 ] - Secrets, Secrets, Secrets....
[ 38 ] - Family Surprise!
[ 39 ] - Goodbye, Old Friend
[ 40 ] - Late Night Love
[ 41 ] - Dad's Home
[ 42 ] - The One With No Coffee
[ 43 ] - Last Minute Fieldtrip
[ 44 ] - Early Morning Sun
[ 45 ] - Just A Little Longer
[ 46 ] - A Couple of Kids In Love
[ 47 ] - The Warm Belly
[ 48 ] - Dream A Little Dream Of Me

[ 33 ] - Mother Knows All

2.2K 76 54
By JadaJade31_

       It was coming to nightfall by the time my mother had decided we were going to have dinner with Ms. Summers and Peter, and I had no idea how I was going to get out of it to have dinner with Noah and his father. "Peter, why don't you go show Jamie where our menus are, whatever you guys feel like eating is fine." Ms. Summers smiled kindly towards me as she sat comfortably at her dining table alongside my mother, small round glasses with wine poured in them and a bottle of the beverage in front of them as they chatted away.

Peter stood up from the chair beside his mother and nodded his head towards the kitchen, his bangs draped over his eyes like a curtain. "This way." He said gently.

I felt my mother nudge me in my side making me stiffen. "Ah," I uttered and looked at her, eyes wide with surprise.

Ever so subtle my mother shifted her eyes toward Peter waiting for me by the threshold of the kitchen, his cheeks warming from the scene making my own cheeks brighten in color before I quickly stood up and followed him. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked to the ground, forcing my cheeks to cool as Peter and I walked side by side to the kitchen not far from where our mothers were seated, probably watching us like hawks to see how we interacted with each other.

I slowed my steps once Peter opened a drawer closest to the fridge and grabbed a small booklet with colored dividers poking from the sides. He opened it then looked over his shoulder to me, his bangs still covering his eyes, "Wanna come look?" He asked in the same gentle tone as before.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I tried to make my voice sound playful and friendly, but it wavered instead and sounded small which made Peter smile a bit. Embarrassed I looked to the floor and walked silently beside him, my hands fisting the flannel that was still wrapped around my waist as my cheeks began to heat up again.

Peter and I had gotten a little more comfortable with each other which made small awkward conversations like this one not as alarming as before. Obviously it would need some time before our friendship was going to get comfortable enough to the point where conversations wouldn't be as awkward, but it felt where we were right now was better than nothing, so I was okay with it. Earlier when he found me shelving books in the room in the back-which, I had come to learn was actually his bedroom later on thanks to Ms. Summers-we had started talking a little bit, and just from that one conversation I noticed how gentle and cautious Peter was with things. Especially when it came to him talking.

He had this calming voice, it was gentle and somewhat quiet, and he was really friendly.

It felt like there was no pressure to talk, or to even think next to Peter. He was just Peter.

Nice, friendly Peter.

"Jamie?" Peter sang from beside me, his finger lightly tapping my bony shoulder further awakening me.

I blinked and turned to him, "Hmm?" I inhaled sharply and my eyes widened seeing how close Peter was to my face, Peter only realizing this seconds later before he quickly leaned away, both our cheeks on fire.

"Erm... your-your phones been ringing for a while. I just-I just thought you should know... " Peter cleared his throat, his brown eyes looking down at the booklet.

On cue my phone began vibrating in my back pocket startling me. I yelped and quickly took it out, my face completely red from embarrassment and turning darker seeing Noah's name displayed over the screen. "Can-can I take this for a second?" I squeaked making Peter nod his head quickly.

"Yeah! Sure! Uh.. i'll just-i'll go over there-take as much time as you need, okay?" He didn't wait for me to respond before he was closing the booklet and rushing into the dining room, cheeks ablaze.

I could hear my mother's high pitched voice asking for me and quickly escaped out of the kitchen down the narrow hallway all the way toward the back of the house. Quickly i swiped my finger across my screen and pressed the phone to my ear, "Hello?" I asked slightly winded and looking over my shoulder for any sign of my mother.

"Has it really been an entire day without talking to you?"

Instant chills rolled down my spine just hearing Noah's voice. I felt my heart pounding already in my chest at the low drawl of his voice, i could imagine the smile on his face hearing my breathing stutter and couldn't help the blush reaching down to my neck.

"I-I guess... ?" I smiled, relishing in the sudden feeling of everything going back to normal again.

I felt his smile widen on the other end, "How's your day been so far? I'm sorry i didn't call or message sooner, i was busy cleaning the house all day for you. My dad's been a little nitpicky ever since he heard you were coming over for dinner and hasn't let up on me since," Noah huffed, "He even made me trim the front lawn-" A sudden chuckle was heard, "-can you believe that?"

The blooming happiness in my chest managed to expand its way down to my toes making me wobbly on my feet. "Really?" There was no way of hiding the excitement in my voice.

Noah hummed, "Yup," He popped the 'P', there was shuffling on the other end, a distinct sound of a door closing before the receiver was suddenly only picking up Noah's even breaths. "So... are you ready?"

I blinked, then suddenly realized where i was and straightened myself off the back wall of the laundry room.

"Oh! I totally forgot-i'm not at home."

"So where are you? I'm already in my car, i could pick you up," He offered so easily that made my heart jump a little, "Or... are you still coming? Did something come up? We could do this another time if there's something up-"

"No, no, no-of course i want to come! I promised your dad and you, really i do want to come." I rubbed the back of my neck and began pacing, my eyes bouncing off Ms. Summers walls nervously. "It's just... i'm a little far from home... "

"How far?" Noah asked. "It really doesn't matter how far you are-i'll come pick you up. No problem. I just wanna see you... it's been too long."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

With a hint of a smile on my face and the excitement beginning to flow through my veins again i told him the address. But that didn't seem to matter to him. On the phone i could hear his car turn on automatically; the low rumble made a minuscule tidal wave of nostalgia rush through me and suddenly i could picture his car, i could smell the leather seats and the faint scent of cigarettes and cleanliness and him-and then i just couldn't wait to see him.

We said goodbye in a bundle of smiles and laughs, and then i was walking back toward the kitchen with a big smile on my face and flushed cheeks that seemed the catch everyone's attention once they acknowledged my presence.

My mother and Ms. Summers were in the same place as before, but now their glasses were refilled and Peter was out of sight. I looked around the room for him, only looking back to my mother once she called on me.

"Yes?" I asked.

She stood up from her seat and nodded her head toward the living room, "Let's go in the living room, there's something i'd like to discuss with you."

The professional way she spoke with the firm tone made tingles of curiosity mingled with fear torch my insides, i watched as my mother picked her glass of wine up and walked in confident strides toward the living room before i finally started following after her. Wonder filled my mind on what she could possibly want to talk to me about, i had caught a glance at Ms. Summers before than which only made my curiosity bubble up seeing how she covered her mouth with the glass and avoided my eyes.

My mother took a seat on the end of the sofa and lightly placed her glass on the coffee table before crossing her legs and turning to me. "So," She started, her head tilting the side as she eyed me up and down suspiciously, "What do you think of Peter?"

"Peter?" I questioned, "Oh, well... he's-he's okay. Nice, friendly. Why?"

My mother just stayed looking at me in silence, then she blinked. "Do you find him attractive... maybe?" She innocently batted her eyes at me, watching with intent eyes as my cheeks suddenly heated up.

I opened my mouth then instantly closed it. What was she trying to get at? Was she hoping i'd like Peter... like that? My eyes widened, a metaphorical switch being flipped in my head making me look at my mother and Ms. Summers low whispers and giggles in a brand new light. Were they trying to discreetly set Peter and i up?

That had to be the reason for her bringing me here, hoping and maybe planning on pushing Peter and i closer together so it'll be easier to be around Ms. Summers and him without  feeling awkward like she knew i would.

The way i was looking at my mother must've shown how quickly i pieced things together because now my mother was looking at me with a little smile hinting around her lips. I inhaled, not wanting to believe my mother's secrets motives and squinted my eyes at her.

"Why are you asking me that, mom?" I asked suspiciously.

Her lips fell in a thin line to stop the smile that was sure to spread across her face if she hadn't, "Do you?" Excitement was well hidden in her voice which answered my questions. "I think you two would look so good together-"

"Mom!" I exclaimed, cheeks and neck flashing turning red as a stop sign, "How could you even.. " My voice fell short halfway through my sentence and I was forced to look away from her. It felt absolutely wrong being set up by your mother with someone you had only just met that day, especially when I was already with someone. But because she didn't know that last detail I couldn't really feel angry with her for doing this. Especially when it wasn't even considered harmful. 

I think you two would look so good together.

I huffed with the bubbling feeling taking over my stomach and forced myself to relax, I didn't like how worked I was getting over a simple compliment and looked to my mother knowing what I had to do. With a gulp I took a seat beside her, my eyes cast down and my hands gripping the flannel again. "Mom, there's something I need to tell you," I started and raised my head to look at her, "Remember Noah Grey? The classmate I was tutoring?"

My mother was silent, her facial expression neutral making my heart race a mile minute. I clenched my jaw and continued talking, "W-well um... we're kinda... hmm... " I gulped, my eyes now darting everywhere around the room, "... We're together... in that way... "

I gnawed anxiously at the inside of my cheek, my eyes squeezed shut in worry of how she'll react, but surprisingly not at all worried of her not approving of the relationship. I couldn't figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"You're dating?" Finally my mother spoke.

Without hesitation I nodded and brought my head up to look at her. "Yes." I responded.

She arched a brow up at my confirmation, looking surprised. "Oh... " She leaned forward for her glass now and brought it to her lips, "Why have you decided to finally tell me now?" She asked.

The tone she used is what made me stiffen. It wasn't demanding or critical, not even judgmental like I expected-it was like she knew all along and just casually talking about it with me, and that's what threw me off even more. I felt my cheeks finally pale and forced myself to swallow, "What- ?"

My mother looked at me with raised eyebrows, "What? You think I didn't know you and Noah were going out?" She asked and smiled almost comically, "Awe! How cute, you think I don't know what goes on under my roof!" An unexpected series of giggles came spewing out of my mother's mouth startling me. Never had I heard such a noise come from her.

Maybe it was the wine that was making her loosen up a bit.

A warm hand on my leg caused me to look at her, and seeing her warmer, more gentle looking expression stunned me. "So, that's a clear 'no' on the whole Peter thing, huh?" She asked with all innocence. 

"Yes." I said without hesitation, though I still couldn't help the goosebumps on my arms. 

She cocked her head to the side looking pleased, "Is he coming to pick you up right now?" My mother reached for her glass and took another sip. 

It shouldn't have shocked me how well she knew what was happening in my life without my needing to tell her myself, but somehow it still had. "How- ?" 

"That phonecall had you coming back looking like you just won the lottery," She said and looked back at me, "Wherever you're going be safe, have fun, and make sure you come back home before 11 because you go to school tomorrow." 

Even though this is not at all how I thought this conversation was going to go, I was thankful for it. I smiled and looked down at my lap where her hand still was, it was warm and reminded me of when I was a child, it was a comforting feeling. We stayed like that, just sitting and making small talk until Peter had popped his head around the corner and asked if Chinese food was okay, "That's fine, Peter, thank you," My mother said, "But only enough for three. Jamie has somewhere to be tonight so sadly she won't be joining us."

I looked to my mother and smiled shyly at the discreet wink she sent my way. 

Peter looked to me, his brown eyes glittering with something before he nodded bringing the bags over his face again, "Oh, alright." He said, "Well, maybe next time." 

I forced myself to nod seeing Peter's eyes lingering on me, "S-sure, next time." I inhaled low under my breath. In my back pocket my phone started vibrating, I took it out and blushed feeling Peter's and my mother's eyes on me as I read Noah's message; he was almost here. "Get home safe, okay?" 

My mother rubbed my arm comfortingly and smiled, "Have fun." 

From the corner of my eye I saw Peter stay there for a moment before he left, the sudden movement caught my attention and I looked. Was it weird to feel a little guilty for leaving? I shook the feeling off and looked down at my phone again once it vibrated; now he was here. My chest felt tight and I could feel my heart lurch a little knowing this, excitement bubbled in my blood just knowing I was going to see him again and then suddenly I was on my feet gathering my things, the same smile on my face as before. Once my coat was on and I was near the door I turned my head to my mother, she was leaning against the threshold of the living room arms crossed over her chest with a knowing smile on her face. 

"I'll see you at home, okay?" My breath hitched as I talked. 

My mother nodded and nodded towards the door, "Go, already."

I opened the door and sighed feeling the cool air on my heated cheeks, I didn't even need to look around for him. He was standing there at the bottom of the stairs looking as ravishing as ever, my heart swooned just at the sight of him and I smiled. Noah heard the door and looked up, eyes surprised and then shifting to their usual glow once he noticed me. 


Hearing his voice I closed the door and rushed down the stairs, my excitement and happiness propelling me forward until his arms were wrapped around me and I was pushed into his chest. My arms hooked around his neck, my smile widening once I was able to feel his warmth and smell his scent. I nuzzled my face deeper into his neck, "Hi," I whispered. 

Noah did the same to me, his hands were felt locked on my waist and in my hair keeping me in place. His chest moved as he inhaled deeply, his arms squeezing me tighter until I was lost in him, "It should be a crime to have you less than a foot away from me, little lamb." He muttered into my hair. 

His arms loosened allowing me to see his face, a lazy smile appearing on his lips once we caught each others eye. "You look beautiful." He complimented and leaned down to my cheek, his nose lightly nuzzling my jaw before he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. 

The air felt thinner all of a sudden. My eyes fluttered with the feeling and I looked at him, he seemed pleased with my reaction and chuckled sending shivers down my spine; I gripped his arms tighter and pushed myself on the tips of my toes only wanting one thing from him. Noah wrapped his arms tighter around my waist holding me up a little so we were nose-to-nose, his eyes boring into mine setting my cheeks aflame. "You do, too." 

An award-winning smile erupted on his face making his dimples appear; and I couldn't have been more captivated by him. "I'm beautiful?" He playfully asked.

I nodded, my eyes taking over his features carefully. "And it's worse because you have no idea how much." My answer made him smile so much it looked like his eyes were closed. 


Again I nodded and caught my bottom lip between my teeth. Noah briefly saw it, but that little glance was enough to make his eyes swirl and my heart race; he breathed in deeply looking deep into my eyes before he released it, his head shaking slightly making his hair topple on itself. "I really want to kiss you right now." He admitted nonchalantly. 

That was all I needed before I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him down to my lips. The first touch had my head spinning, our breaths mingling together made my skin itch to just feel his. Noah's fingers were felt digging into my waist before they were cradling the sides of my cheeks all the way up into my hair, his lips bruising mine in a slow but deep embrace that took the feeling from my legs. Once, twice, three times the kiss lasted, our lips lingering together before air was needed and we parted but didn't move. The atmosphere around us was ours and beautiful, just like us. 

 that last part was really cringey- ewww. I wanted to post this chapter already so I kinda rushed to get this done. besides the last couple of paragraphs i think the whole chapter was actually really good and i'm happy with it. especially her mom, I did a good job with that. 

   what do you guys think of Peter? how do you guess he's gonna become a main character? 

it's pretty obvious but i'm just gonna let you guys sit on it- hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. comment what you liked and what you didn't like and HAVE A GOOD BACK TO SCHOOL DAY! i'll be suffering with you guys! 

   - Jay. 

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