Unplanned (Frian)

Par yellow1jellybean

4.9K 97 2

After an unexpected night, Kian and Franny didn't think they'd have to face unplanned consequences. Kian and... Plus

The Party
The Aftermath
The Test
The News
The Second-Date
The Talk
The Appointment
The Second Trimester
The Announcement
The Gender Reveal
The Apology
The Return
The Third Trimester
The Pre-term
The Birth
The Return
The Godparents
The Trip
The Planning
The Wedding
The Epilogue

The Birthday

190 5 0
Par yellow1jellybean

Time skip by a couple months 

Franny's POV 

I can't believe Gavin is turning one tomorrow! It feels so surreal and so crazy because I still feel as if it was just last week that my unstable ass took everything I owned and my newborn out of LA, into a completely different setting. 

Kian, Gavin, and I have gotten in a good rhythm. I decided to focus on Youtube instead of getting a similar job in marketing like I had in San Francisco. Since there were two incomes I felt that I wouldn't need another job and I could just enjoy being a stay at home mom for as long as my life permits me. 

After seeing me so much Gavin grew attached to me, which he clearly gets that habit from me but as soon as I noticed Kian and I were quick to stop it from growing. I moved his crib out of Kians and I's Room back to his nursery. I had only moved it into our room because I would often get to lazy to walk to his room, especially during the winter. He was good with sleeping so I typically didn't have to get up but when he did cry, I typically made Kian get up to get him. 

Gavin is absolutely obsessed with Kian and it's like Kian was never gone. I'm glad we were able to work everything out because seeing the smile on both of their faces when they hang out is something that I wouldn't want to ever take for granted. 

Anyways, Gavin's birthday is going to be Winnie the Pooh themed and I had gone completely above and beyond. I went over my original budget but Kian insisted that if I wanted to get something for the party simply because I thought it was cute, then get it because he would cover it. He ended up paying for the basically everything because he said it was some guy thing about providing for his kids. I told him it was nonsense but he refused to listen. However, I was completely in charge of decorating. I had a jumper (aka bouncey house) and round tables with color coordinated cloths that would be delivered the day of but I had already picked up the piñata and filled it with candy, made the goody bags with the help of Nezza, hired a baker for the cake and all the themed candy and dessert. I had gotten a Dj so the adults can also enjoy themselves because there would be more adults than kids. I also got some themed decorations which would also be set up tomorrow and I have already ordered the food so all o have to do is go pick it up tomorrow. 

"Whatcha doing babe?" Kian asked pulling me into his arms. "Just making sure everything is prepared for tomorrow so it all goes smoothly" I mumbled to him. He stroked my hair, "let's watch something because you need to relax. I just put Gavin down for his nap so we have about an hour or two." I sighed, "okay but I have to make dinner soon." "I'll make dinner today" he said. I rose my eyebrow, "Kian I've literally never seen you make anything besides like chicken and pasta." He scoffed, "actually I've been getting some cooking tips from Chelsea so I could impress you." "Wow, I'm impressed already" I said giggling. He gave me a cheesy smile, "then you're going to be mega impressed once you see dinner" 


"Kian! Are you almost done with dinner? Gavin's getting fussy because he's hungry and i can't give him a bottle or else he won't have dinner!" I said a bit frustrated. Gavin was an easy baby but when he was upset he let the whole world know. "I'm almost done! Just hand him to me" he said sticking his hands through the doorway still not letting me in the kitchen. I hugged but handed him Gavin nonetheless. Shortly after I'm not sure what he did but Gavin stopped crying. I laid on the couch using my phone. "I'm ready" he said proudly. "Are you finally letting me go into the kitchen" I said with s bit of attitude. I didn't mean it but I was hungry and irritated. He ushered me into the kitchen and I saw his display. He actually made a good looking meal without burning down the house. 

Suffice to say we all enjoyed dinner and the rest of the night went by smoothly. 


"I said left Kian not right!" I said as my perfectionist side surfaced through. He patiently did as I said until I was satisfied with the results of the happy birthday sign. Once everything was set up it was noon and I was finally getting a chance to eat. Kian and Gavin accompanied me as they had already eaten. "Sorry for being grouchy, I was being pretty bratty" I said eating my açaí bowl. Kian chuckled, "it's fine. I should've had you eat breakfast before you went to go set up everything in the sun on an empty stomach. I was practically asking for a moody girlfriend." I laughed at his response, "pretty much. Alright, I'm going to go shower, keep an eye on Gavin" I said finishing my food. "Okay, do you want me to get Gavin ready?" He asked. "Yeah, can you give him a bath but just give him some regular clothes. He'll change into his outfit later" I said. "You got it boss" Kian said in a funny voice.

My friends from the Bay came to the party and so did my other friends. Chachi was my only friend from LA that had a baby so it was fun for all the kids to hang out. All my friends got Gavin the most adorable gifts and Gavin certainly didn't mind the extra toys and attention. After cutting the cake and giving out the goody bags my SF friends left because their kids were getting tired so it left all of my LA friends. We we're all just chilling and eating tacos because alongside the food I decided I also wanted tacos so I got a taquero. 

"So guys, since were all together I hope I'm not overshadowing Gavin but Aaron and I wanted to share something with you guys" Veronica said. "Of course, go ahead!" I said as she gave me a permission look.

 "Well, um, we're expecting!" She said excitedly. We all cheered in celebration. "We wanted to do things the traditional way but life had other plans apparently so we agreed we wanted to get married before the baby came" she explained. 

"Wait how far along are you" Nezza asked. "I'm two months. I just found out a couple days ago" she said. All the girls ran up to hug her in congratulations. "We can have play dates!" I told her excitedly. They all laughed, "yeah, I don't want Gavin to have only child syndrome" Kian said. "Hey! I'm an only child" I said in defense. "I know, I can tell" he said chuckling. I laughed with him. They ended up staying until around midnight just talking. 

As Kian and I were cleaning up he wrapped his arms around my waist was he hugged by back. "Tomorrow we are going on a date because you deserve it. Dress nice, it's going to be fancy. My mom said she'll take care of Gavin for the overnight, so we have the whole night to ourselves" he said whispering in my ear. His warm breath gave me chills, "that sounds great. I'm looking forward to it. Last one to bed had to do the laundry!" I said before pushing him and sprinting to the room. Kian simply laughed and made his way to the room. Ha, loser, he has to do laundry tomorrow. 

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