Searching for you - Destiel

By Fainted_Angel

664 35 200

Dean is desperately trying to find his brother, Sam, who vanished into thin air a week ago. He has no idea wh... More

Amen, or Whatever
Best Damn Burger
If You're an Angel, Where Are Your Wings?
Okay? Okay.
I'll Help You
Something strong
I walked through a desert
Rain check on that kiss?
We've got company
Son of a-

Stupid Freakin' Aliens

51 4 15
By Fainted_Angel

Deans P.O.V

We drive for another half hour before finding a place secluded enough for Cas to let out his wings. I pull over on the side of the highway and stop the car. The road stretches out in front of us for miles, and there's not another soul in sight. The abandoned field is over grown with grass, and wildflowers that comes up to my knees, which I'm not to keen about.

Ever since my alien encounter, I tend to avoid fields. And long grass. And especially corn.

I take a breath and look up to see Cas, who has made it far into the meadow, and is now unbuttoning his shirt.

"Cas? What are you doing?"

"I'm taking off my shirt."

"Yes I can see that, but why?"

"Because if I am wearing anything when I let out my wings it will get ripped." A breeze pucks up and rustles the grasses.

"Right." I say, feeling stupid. "Um, would you like me to hold on to your clothes? So they don't get lost in this." I gesture to the grass.

"That would be nice, Dean. Thank you."

"Yeah, no problem."

I take a tentative step into the field. Ugh. I shiver at the tops of the flowers that graze my hands. Stupid frickin' aliens. Instead of worrying about aliens, I try to focus on getting to the angel. I look up, which turns out to be a bad idea.

With his shirt off, I can see how low the pants sit on him, exposing the v of his hips and although he has no obvious muscles, his chest and stomach are tight, making him just as attractive. He is quite attractive and I can tell he doesn't know it.

The afternoon sun glints off his raven black hair, and his long eye lashes rimming the bluest eyes to ever blue, cast shadows down his cheeks.

A tingling sensation runs through my stomach causing me to stop walking. That's funny. I've only ever felt like that a few times when I'm drunk and a woman in a bar invites me home. Even than it's only ever sometimes.

I shake my head and take few steps more to reach him, trying not to stare as I take the shirt and jacket from him. He undoes his tie and drapes it over my arm.

"I'll wait at the car." I say

I'm almost back to Baby when I hear his wings unfurl. A gentle gust of warm air whirls by, carrying his scent with it. Clutching the soft fabric of his shirt, I try not to look behind me.

It takes a lot of self control not to turn around. I really want to see his wings I admit to myself, but I can't look. Otherwise Cas would be bound to me forever and I'm not sure he would want that. It wouldn't be fair. I don't want to be the reason he loses his wings.

I stand at the impala, folding then re-folding his shirt to distract myself.

"Dean?" I hear from behind me.

"Yeah, Cas?"

"Would you mind if I flew? Just for a few minutes."

"You don't need to ask permission. Go ahead." I call back.

I hear a loud beating of wings before another breeze comes past me. It's stronger than the last, the smell of honey and oak wood ruffles through my hair. Sensing he is gone, I finally turn around. The grass is flattened in a circle where he was standing a moment before. The field seems bigger, emptier without him in it.

I sigh, realizing I've already gotten used to the angels presence. Even though I know he'll come back, I can't help but feel alone again. Being a hunter means you see a lot of death, and cause even more. I've always had a pit in my stomach, but since I lost Sammy it has become more pronounced. I'd never admit it outloud, but I despise being alone.

This morning I had woken up feeling good for once. Then at the crime scene the blackness was lurking, and now, alone, it had found me again. The sadness seeps into my bones as I hang my head. I should never have left Sam alone. If I hadn't drank all the alcohol in the place I wouldn't have gone out, I could have fought the demons off.

I could still have Sam.

I bury my face into Castiel's shirt and try not to cry. The smell of wood and honey is soothing, and I manage to pull my self together. Looking up again, something in the flattened circle of crops catches my eye. I take a step closer to see it's a feather. A shinny black angel feather.

It's beautiful. Although it is black, it reflects all the colours of the rainbow through the veins, and shimmers in the sunlight. I move to pick it up. It's heavier than I expected of a feather, and softer, I think as I cradle it in my hands. I run my finger down the side of the silky plumage, barely feeling it against my skin

Making my way back through the dreaded flowers, I gently place the feather in the glove compartment of my car, hoping it wont get to damaged. I quickly go back to standing with my back to the field, before Castiel can reappear.

The sound of his wings alerts me when he gets back. When I hear them close into his back I turn around- only to come face to face with the angel. My heart jumps and I glance down at the angels lips. His gorgeous, full pink li- what!? Dean, this is getting out of hand!

I bring my eyes up to his, but they fall back to his mouth. We are only inches apart, his innocent eyes peering up into mine. My heart beat speeds up and he squints his eyes, as if he can hear it.

"Cas?" I say eventually. "Personal space."

"Oh. Sorry Dean." He steps back. "Thanks for holding my clothes. Could I maybe... have them back now?"

"What? Oh, yeah." I try to hide my blush when I realize I'm still clutching his shirt. Once he's fully dressed again I give him the tie. He puts it over his neck and attempts to knot the ends.

"I can never...get...this." He grunts, trying a second time. When that too is unsuccessful, I step forwards.

"Let me."

I push his hands away and untangle what ever he's done to the tie and start fresh. I can feel his eyes studying my face as I work, causing me to fumble more than once. I cross the ends and fold them around each other, slipping them underneath and pulling.

Occasionally my fingers brush against his skin, making them tingle. It's a little weird because I'm like, 69% percent sure I'm not into dudes, but the longer I spend with Cas, the smaller the number gets.

I slid the knot up to his neck and he swallows. Instead of leaving him to fold his collar, I do it for him. I don't know why.

"There." I pretend to pick a piece of lint of his shoulder. He clears his throat and steps back.

"Thank you." He smiles.

Before he gets in the front seat, he grabs his trench coat from the back and puts it over his shoulders. It's too big for him, swallowing him whole which is pretty cute. I turn away to hide my smile and start the car.


Cas P.O.V

"What do you think about burgers for lunch?"

"I'm not sure." I say.

"What, you don't like burgers?"

"I am not certain. I've never eaten one."

The car swerves on the road and Dean quickly rights it.

"You've never- well now we're going to have to change that. How can you never have had a burger!?" He shakes his head I disbelief.

"Well, angels don't need to eat to stay alive. There's probably a lot of things I've never eaten."

"Tell me you've at least had pie."

He groans when I shake my head.

"You have been severely deprived of happiness."

"I don't see how not eating pie will make you unhappy." I say.

"You will soon, Cas. I promise."

"You promise to make me unhappy?"

"No, I promise to make you happy by feeding you pie."


I lean back into the seat of the impala and watch the farm land roll by. It's pretty, all the different colours and puffy white clouds in the sky. Dean puts on a Led Zeppelin cassette and sings along to When the Levee Breaks. His fingers tap along with the drums on the steering wheel but stops when I look at him.

"If you don't like it we can listen to something else." He says worriedly.

"No, this is fine." I assure him.

We listen to his music all the way to the burger shack, where I stopped yesterday to get dinner for Dean. I enjoy the music, It is a nice change from the loots, harps and angelic horns of Heaven. It gets old.

We pull into the parking lot of the fast food joint and I look up at the building. The walls appear to be made of glass and rock, the rock making up the lower half, with windows the whole way around. Above the door the letters that spell out BURGER SHACK are glowing.

"This the place you came yesterday?"

"Yes, it is."

"Great! Let's go get some pie."

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