Searching for you - Destiel

By Fainted_Angel

664 35 200

Dean is desperately trying to find his brother, Sam, who vanished into thin air a week ago. He has no idea wh... More

Amen, or Whatever
Best Damn Burger
Stupid Freakin' Aliens
Okay? Okay.
I'll Help You
Something strong
I walked through a desert
Rain check on that kiss?
We've got company
Son of a-

If You're an Angel, Where Are Your Wings?

54 4 20
By Fainted_Angel

Dean P.O.V

I am awoken from my dreamless sleep when Castiel breaks the lamp. I sit up in a flash, swinging my legs over the side of my bed and grabbing the gun from under my pillow. I relax when I see that it's just him and put my gun on the night stand.

"What'd you do Cas?" I ask, rubbing my face. Normally it takes me an hour or more to fully wake up but with the adrenaline rush, I'm ready for anything. Already. I look at the man sitting on the floor amongst the shards of glass from the broken light bulb and the ugly yellow lampshade. He looks down at his bleeding hand, embarrassed. I slide off the mattress and sit beside him.

"What where ya doing?" I say, making my voice softer.

"I was trying to turn on the light because the power came back on last night. I didn't know how to and I pulled the cord too hard." He whispers.

"That's okay." I twll him, taking his non-bleeding hand and helping him up from the ground. "Lets take care of the blood." I sit him down at the table and grab some stuff from my bag. A rather large piece of glass had found it's way into his palm, meaning it will be easy to take out, but also painful.

"This might hurt." I take his hand and as carefully as I can, I start to remove the shard. He gasps at the pain, grabbing my hand. I look up and our eyes meet for a second before he looks down.

"Sorry" he mutters. His cheeks turn the slightest hue of pink.

He closes his eyes and bites his lip until I finish. I chuck the shard in the bin and inspect the cut. It looks a lot better than I thought it would be, I think to my self. I dab some cream onto my fingers and massage it in gently around the cuts, then wrap up his hand to stop the bleeding.

"There. All better." I get up and find a dust pan under the sink and start cleaning up the lamp. "We'll have to start driving soon." I say as a glance at the clock. "We need to look around the barn where the two were last seen. I saw an update yesterday. On my news feed."

"Yes, the two missing people, Rob and Tessa were seen in an abandoned barn three days ago. The police where only informed last night. How far away from here is it?"

"Maybe a three or four hour drive." I say and he groans. "What? You don't like baby?" He looks confused for a second but then realizes I'm talking about the impala.

"Oh. The car is fine, I'm just not used to sitting still for so long."

"If you stick with me, you'll be used to it in a week or two."

The dark haired man turns his head to look out the window.

"You really drive that much?" He asks, looking back to me and squinting his blue eyes.

"Yes, but as long as I've got my classic rock and I stop for pie, it's all good." I grin. "Now. Do you need to do anything or can we start driving?"

"Now? It's almost 5 in the morning!"

"I know. Usually I would be going to sleep around now, but thanks to you I feel more rested then I have in a while. I'm ready to head out."

I go to over to the bed and grab some clothes out of my duffel bag before heading into the bathroom.

"Give me five minutes and we can hit the road. Unless you need some time before that to shower or something."

"I'm an angel, remember? We don't need to shower."

I stick my head out of the door and look at him. His face shows he thinks he's telling the truth about being an angel, and his eyes are so earnest I almost believe him.

I shrug and lock the door, quickly dressing in my jeans and black shirt an flannel. After brushing my teeth, I go back out and pack my bag. Castiel has picked up the newspaper at the table.

"Anything interesting?"

"If by interesting you mean car sales, than yes." He drops the paper on the table making a whooshing sound. "If you mean interesting like ghosts, than no."

"Shame." I say as I pull on my green jacket. "Shall we?"

"Shall we what, Dean?" He stands.

"Shall we drive."

"Oh. Yes."


Cas P.O.V

Three and a half hours later we pull up in front of a barn in Oregon. The smell of manure greets my nose as soon as I open the door to step out of the impala. The fields are filled with green and yellow crops. The scent suggests it is corn.

My trench coat is in the backseat of the car because Dean said FBI agents don't wear them. We argued about that for a while before I eventually gave in, unwillingly. Where am I to hide my angel blade now?

We slam the doors of the car and walk over to an officer waiting beside the police tape on the barn. Dean takes out his badge to show him and I do the same, hoping it's not upside down.

"Afternoon, Officer. I'm Detective Branson and this is my partner, Agent O'Brien. Is this where the victims were last seen?"

"Yes sir. We got phone call from the owner of this place last night, saying he forgot to pay his phone bill, but he had seen the two pass through here. Rob Smith and Tessa Williams. If you want the whole story you should probably talk to Scott." He jabs his thumb over his shoulder, where a man is talking with a female officer.

"Will do." Dean nods to the cop and he returns the gesture before his phone rings.

"Excuse me, gentle men." He says before he answers the call, going around the side of the barn for privacy.

"You want to check out the barn while I talk to the owner?" Dean asks me. I shake my head.

"I'll stick with you. I have no idea what I'm doing."

"You're doing great. Just follow my lead, and if anyone asks you something, lie."

"What! Why?"

"Because. That's how you become president." He reaches up and loosens my tie, his fingers brushing against my neck as he does. His touch lingers even after his hands are gone, and I have to force myself to focus on something else. I settle on the smells.

There are other scents beneath the manure, but the odor is to overpowering to tell what they are. I try to identify them, unsuccessfully. Dean and I approach this Scott, the owner of the farm, and the female police officer. He flashes his badge and she nods, walking back to the squad cars. These people sure do nod a lot.

"Are you the owner of this place?" Dean asks.

"Yes. Scott Fitzpatrick. Can I see those badges again?" He inspects the papers as we hold them out to him.

"Nice try." He scoffs. "Pretty convincing though, I'll admit. You two hunters?"

"In our spare time." Says Dean without missing a beat. I have a full sized stuffed black bear in my living room. Shot that whe-"

"No, hunters. As in we use salt not only in our cooking, hunters."

"Um, Yes. Wait a second we? You're..."

"Retired, now. But ever since I was 10." Scott conforms. "I'm assuming you want to hear about the two punks that have been hanging around?"

Dean raises an eyebrow, as if to say do go on.

"Right. So these two kids, maybe 19 or 20 started using this barn as a place to stay a couple of days ago. I figured they where homeless so I didn't bother them about it. Hell, I even left out some food for them once a day. Anyway, I happened to look out my window last night to see them slit one of my pigs throats and catch the blood in a bowl.

"They stood around it; I think they were talking. Some kind of communications spell, maybe? When I realized it was the two missing folk from the news I called it in, hoping to attract some hunters, since last time I checked humans don't usually talk to blood."

"Only witches do that." Dean states.

"That's what I thought, but they left after I called, so I went out to see what was in there. If it was witches they would have left some bones or herbs or something magical in there, right?"

"Probably. What did you find?"

"Nothing. Other than sulfur that is."

"Demons." He mutters. "Thanks for sharing Scott. If you ever need anything, just give this number a call." Dean hands him a business card out of his jacket.

"Sure this won't put me through to the FBI?"

"Not the real one." He answers.

"Alright. Good luck on the search." He calls as we turn away.

"Dean, do you think they are the same demons that took your brother?" I ask as we walk over to the barn.

"I'm not sure. But either way they're demons, and we're on the case now so I'm not going to let them just do as they please."

I lift up the yellow tape for Dean to duck under and head into the barn before doing the same. There is a powerful energy inside. A certain frequency only demons leave behind.

"I can definitely smell the sulfur." I say.

"Scott wasn't lying about that."

We each take a side of the barn and scour it for anything that could be useful. I find a few small piles of the surprisingly yellow dust, but other than that nothing of importance. My wings start to itch from being folded up for so long, and I try to ignore them.

At the other end of the barn, Dean straightens up and walks over to me.

"I got nothing. You?"


He sighs. "At least we know they're possessed."

By the time we get out of the barn, two of the police cars have gone, leaving just one behind. They close up the barn and the officer we first spoke with waves as he gets in his car. I wave back, happy someone is finally being friendly instead of intimidating.

My wings are beginning to hurt now, feeling more and more cramped every minute. I need to stretch them.

"Hey Dean?" I ask once he's started the engine.


"Do you believe me? That I'm an angel?"

"I'm a hunter, Cas. I've seen almost all the supernatural beings, but never once have I seen an angel."

"You said almost. Not all."

I unwrap the hand that I cut this morning and hold it up for him to see. The incision made is completely healed over now, not even a scar to prove it ever happened. He takes my hand and pulls it closer to see.

"What? You were bleeding earlier. How'd you do that?" He asks in disbelief.

"I actually am an angel, Dean."

He sits there for a moment in awe.

"Okay, if you're an angel, than where are your wings?"

"One, They're folded into my back which is very uncomfortable and two, you can't see them."

"Well, no. Not if they are folded into you're back."

"What I mean is, I can't show them to just anyone."

"Why not?"

"Because for an angel, if they show their wings to a human it means they are bonded to that human forever. If the angel is unfaithful to the person, their wings are burned off by Heaven."

"Jeez. I thought Heaven was supposed to be all nice and fluffy."

"You'd be surprised actually." I say. I'm sorry for asking, but do you think you could take me somewhere to stretch my wings? I haven't let them out in a few days and they are starting to hurt."

"Of course." He frowns. "I don't want you to be in pain. But what about the whole 'bond thing?' "

"I guess you'll just have to close your eyes." I say.

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