Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle

A Brand New Life

384 5 8
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

As the princesses headed to the Dark Kingdom on foot, Sailor Gaea was amazed they had gotten so far without any more interruptions. She was thankful to the Four Kings of Heaven for probably lending a helping hand. It was either that or Beryl wanted to separate them from the others so she could kill them herself.

Standing at the base, they observed the volcano as Sailor Moon broke the silence. "So this is the Dark Kingdom's lair... Ami... Rei... Mako... Minako... I'll do my best until the very end."

"We both will." Sailor Gaea assured her. Sailor Gaea at time was digusted with Sailor Moon's wishy-washy attitude about being a princess and Sailor Guardian, but now, they were on the same page and would avenge both their kingdoms and protect their friends and family of this new era.


Opening her eyes, Queen Beryl used her scepter to watch the two princesses. Eying them with hate, disgust, and an everburning jealous. Alone in her throne room, the monsters that remained were still trying to hunt the Four Kings of Heaven. But Beryl didn't care. Soon, the bane of her existence would be killed and she already got what she had wanted after all these years. Soon, Queen Metalia would awaken. Nothing could stop her now.

"So, you're finally here... I will personally see to it that you will go straight to hell." She promised.


As they looked ahead Sailor Gaea took a step forward.

"Well, the Dark Kingdom awaits, and it won't defeat itself. Shall we-" Sailor Gaea said before she turned to her companion and noticed something red coming fast and directly at them.

"Huh?" Sailor Moon asked as she turned to see what had caught Sailor Gaea's attention as they were both swept up into the red orb. "Ah!"

"Ahhhh!" Sailor Moon screamed as they were transported away.

Sailor Gaea tried to remain calm. 'Guess, Beryl got tired of waiting.'

Before Sailor Moon knew it, they were transported to the throne room as the bubble came up from the floor and abruptly deposited them on the floor. Sailor Gaea landed gracefully on her feet and Sailor Moon landed with...less grace as she landed on her butt.

Sailor Gaea searched the dark room but could see no one. As Sailor Moon recovered, they learned they were not alone. The sound of that vile women's voice addressing them, alerting them of her presence.

"Welcome, Princesses. You did good to get this far. I commend you for that." Queen Beryl spoke as light illuminated part of the area she stood, revealing half of her face.

"You..." Sailor Gaea growled. The dreaded woman looked the same as the last time Sailor Gaea saw her. Ugly, bitter, and vile beyond belief.

"You're Queen Beryl?" Sailor Moon questioned.

"Yes. The one and only, in the flesh." Queen Beryl answered as the rest of the room came into view under the lights.

Sailor Moon gasping as the light revealed Dark Endymion kneeling and kissing the back of Beryl's hand.

Sailor Gaea once again growled. "How dare you make my brother kiss that disgusting, filthy hand of yours, you old hag!"

Queen Beryl glared at Sailor Gaea before turning to her new and improved toy. "Endymion. Make yourself useful. Kill the Princesses." She ordered as Dark Endymion's eyes flew open and glowed red before turning into a lifeless dull blue without a hint of light or life in them.

"As you wish." Dark Endymion answered as he rose and turned towards the girls.

Sailor Moon tensed as Dark Endymion zeroed in on them and the man jumped into the air while drawing his sword. Sailor Moon rolled away from the collision course of the sword and Sailor Gaea moved to the opposite side. Seeing he missed, Dark Endymion turned to Sailor Moon.

Whipping out the Moon Stick, Sailor Moon attacked, attempting to heal the Prince of Earth. "Moon Healing Escalation!"

Sailor Gaea watched in anticipation only to be shocked when the attack did nothing and merely brushed his hair like the wind. "What?!"

"Useless. Even with your Silver Crystal, you're still inexperienced as a princess. You won't be able to dispel Queen Metalia's dark energy from within Endymion's body." Queen Beryl informed them with pleased evil laughter "Stop your futil efforts and hand over Silver Crystal like a good girl."

Sailor Moon ignored her as she stretched her arm out more and with a forceful grunt tried to heal her loved one, gasping as Endymion jumped out of the healing attack and landed behind the Princess of the Moon. Swiping his sword at her and barely missing. "Ah!"

She cried as she landed on her side and the Moon Stick fell a bit away from her.

"Sailor Moon..." Dark Endymion spoke as a black rose appeared in his hand.

Sailor Moon looked up and gasped.

"Die!" Dark Endymion ordered in monotone as he tossed the rose into the air.

Falling as the stem enlarged and surrounded Sailor Moon as she gave a scared scream before it bound her. Black roses blooming as the binds began to crackle with purple energy and Sailor Moon screamed in pain.

Much to the amused evil laughter of Queen Beryl as she watched.

"Stop it!" Sailor Gaea shouted as she charged at her brother. The man turning to block the blade. The two struggling in a deadlock.

"Ahhh!" Sailor Moon cried again.

"Mamoru..." She cired out in tears as the energy intensified. "Ahhhh!"

The flowers falling away as Sailor Moon fell back. Her body twitching from the aftershocks.

Pushing Sailor Gaea away and tossing roses at her as they entangled her to keep her back, Dark Endymion turned his attention back to Sailor Moon as he towered above her.

"Mamoru..." Sailor Moon called out to him again before Dark Endymion kicked her. "Ahhh!"

Grabbing Sailor Moon by the throat, the girl could only struggle as she was suspended in the air with one hand and emitted struggling breaths before being shocked as Dark Endymion smiled at her pain. "Ahhhh!"

Queen Beryl's evil laughter echoed through the chamber. "Very soon, the entire sun will be consumed by Darkness. And finally, Queen Metalia will be resurrected." She gloated as Sailor Moon could only emit struggling grunts.

Sailor Gaea was busy trying to loosen her bonds or cut them with her sword as she crawled over and tried to position it safely.

"You can stop that now, Endymion." Queen Beryl said casually as Dark Endymion did as she commanded and tossed Sailor Moon away.

"Cut off the Princess's head. Now." The Queen ordered with wicked anticipation.

Cutting the bindings at last, Sailor Gaea grabbed her sword and charged at her brother, blocking the sword.

"I don't think so! If anyone's going to do head-cutting, it's me. Prepare yourself, Queen Beryl. Your head will be mine!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she spared a glare at Queen Beryl before focusing on her brother.

Sailor Moon meanwhile was trying to reach the Moon Stick.

Queen Beryl frowned at the interruption of the execution, but moved past it to monologue. "It's no use. Once Queen Metalia is resurrected and back among us, she will have the strength to unleash the Silver Crystal's full power, and she will fill this world with Dark energy, forever! Everything you and your pathetic friends have fought to protect, will be meaningless."

Sailor Gaea looked back at Queen Beryl and smirked. 'Now, she's done it!' Sailor Gaea thought as she remembered how upset Sailor Moon was about her friends. This would only fuel Sailor Moon's resolve.

Sailor Moon emitted an upset gasp as Sailor Gaea addressed the Queen. "You know nothing about Queen Metalia. She wants to rule alone. Once she gets the Silver Crystal, she will kill you!"

This broke Sailor Gaea's concentration as Dark Endymion pushed past her and ran towards Sailor Moon, prepared to finish her.

Clenching her fist, Sailor Moon recalled what happened to her friends because she was weak and could not resolve herself to fight. Being nothing but a burden to them.

Sailor Moon looked up to both Sailor Gaea and Ayame. Both sides of her were far more mature and dedicated. They had a strong sense of duty and were prepared for the battle along with her guardians. They never treated it like a game and were prepared to give their lives for this. She was disappointed in herself to hear Sailor Gaea tell her she was disgusted with her. She couldn't believe it when Sailor Gaea said she also envied HER. The crybaby.

Sailor Moon knew she couldn't let it end like this. She would make Sailor Gaea and her friends proud she would end it! With that resolve her tiara glowed as she threw it at Dark Endymion. Hitting him dead on in the torso.

"Ahhhhh!" Dark Endymion screamed with struggling breaths due to the pain.

Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea watching in shock before Sailor Moon's expression morphed into one of sadness. The brightness dying down as Dark Endymion fell. The tiara spinning in the air even after he fell. The attack ending as the tiara clattered to the floor. Panting, Sailor Moon looked at Dark Endymion.

The man still as he laid on the cold throne room floor. His eyes blank until he grunted and her irises narrowed. Startling Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea as Dark Endymion pushed himself up with painful grunts. Clutching the wounded area as he used his sword to help stand. Panting in exertion.

Queen Beryl smirked and chuckled. "We made sure the dark energy seeped into every pore of Endymion's body. You'll need to come up with more than that to defeat him."

Dark Endymion turned to face them with painful grunts. His eyes wild and crazed.

"Please, stop." Sailor Moon begged.

"Sailor Moon!" Dark Endymion yelled as he gripped his sword with both hands.

"Stop it." Sailor Moon repeated herself.

"Ahhhh! Die!" Dark Endymion bellowed as he rose the sword over his head. Sailor Moon couldn't move as Sailor Gaea moved in front of the girl and once again blocked her brother's blade.

"Sailor Moon, there's something important I need to tell Endymion! Let me handle this." Sailor Gaea said through gritted teeth as she kicked Endymion away.

Having thrown him off balance, Sailor Gaea leap forward, pushing him away from Sailor Moon. The sounds of their swords clashing being the only ones echoing through the chamber.

"You know what? I hate you!" Sailor Gaea yelled at him.

Dark Endymion stopped exerting pressure on their swords as he listened.

"I've wanted to say this for a long time now! In the past, you treated me like nothing more than a baby! But you, you acted like a brat! A selfish, totally immature child! You constantly threw away your responsibilities! I was the one who had to pick up the slack! While you were off chasing Serenity! YOU abandoned ME! I HATE YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE OF THAT MOEMENT! You betrayed me! You promised you were going to Serenity to get help! To warn them! I saw what happened in the past! You only told Serenity! You could have warned the Queen and you did nothing but dance the night away with Serenity! Do you have any idea how much that hurt me to see!?" Sailor Gaea yelled as she swung her sword with the force of her anger.

"It's always because of your love for Serenity! The reason you're here to begin with was to save Serenity! That's why those two beasts are taking control of you! The way you're acting now, you're not really my brother. My brother, he was strong. My real brother would never have tried to kill Serenity! While he did throw away his responsibilities at times, I forgave him. I always have and always will in the end. I did it because he did everything for love! Because I knew in the end, even if Serenity would always be his main priority, he would always be my brother and care for me! And what about you? You're a weak puppet and nothing more! You can't even do anything without that witch telling you to!" Sailor Gaea yelled glancing at Beryl who watched in contempt.

"Brother, if you can hear me, get your rear in gear and come out already! If you are my brother, you'll be able to come out all by yourself! That's my logical conclusion! Now WAKE UP!" Sailor Gaea shouted.

"Stop this now!" Sailor Moon yelled. Having had enough of the two siblings fighting. Both turned to look at her as she took out her golden star-shaped music box.

"Please, try to remember. It's me, Princess Serenity. Long ago, we pledged our love to each other. I am Serenity of the Moon Kingdom." Sailor Moon spoke, pleading for the prince to remember his princess.

The wild look in Dark Endymion's eyes began to disappear at the sound of the gentle melody, only to slightly return as he replied and kicked Sailor Gaea away.

"Ahh!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she rolled away. Quickly looking up to see Dark Endymion marching towards Sailor Moon, getting ready to attack her again. "Anybody who dares defy the Dark Kingdom must die!"

"You've been poisoned by bad energy that's made you cruel. But kindness still beats in your heart." Sailor Moon told him as he raised his sword over his head but could not swing it down. His body exerting two opposite forces. Emitting conflicted grunts as he showed signs of fighting himself to either swing the sword down or restrain himself.

"I don't want this. Please don't force me to fight you." Sailor Moon asked with a smile and tears in her eyes.

Entering the room, the Four Kings of Heaven came in. Growing worried for their prince and princess that they could wait no longer and came to offer their assistance if they could. Taking in the situation, they shouted encouragement to their true prince that was within Dark Endymion.

"Prince Endymion! Don't listen to Queen Beryl or the darkness!" Jadeite yelled. Remembering the torture he had been under the control of the Dark Kingdom's brainwash.

"Don't make the same mistake I made!" Nephrite shouted. The others could see how much the sight remined him of his past and twisted a knife into his heart thinking the prince would be forced to commit the same crime to the ones they love. By the same vile snake in the grass.

"You are stronger than this!" Zoisite shouted. Thinking of all the times the prince had bested the strongest of the Four Kings of Heaven. If anyone could do did, Zoisite knew his prince could.

"We are here for you, your Highness!" Kunzite adding his support.

"Brother!" Sailor Gaea yelled. Hoping to reach him.

"Please." Sailor Moon pleaded, nearly a whisper.

With each of these calls to him, Dark Endymion let the sword and the arm holding it fall to his side. He stared at Sailor Moon as if she was the only thing he could see. As if they were in a world all their own. Slowly he raised his hand to barely touch the music box. From his hand, a light enveloped Dark Endymion.

The light so bright the others, including Queen Beryl, had to cover their eyes.

"What?! What is that?!" The dark Queen demanded to know.

As the light covered every inch of the dark prince, they could hear his painfilled scream. Within his mind, Endymion began to remember, the times with his sister and their guardians, their parents and Helios on Earth. He remembered his moments with Serenity. The first time he met Usagi and later Ayame. The night of the ball at the embassy and their first kiss.

Within his mind, six year old Mamoru was waking up in his blue pajamas without his memory in a hospital bed.

"What happened? Who am I? I can't remember anything! I'm all alone!" He cried with confused and lost tears.

"No, you're not." Usagi told him. Making the boy look over to see Usagi and Ayame in their school uniforms standing by his bed.

"We're right here." Ayame said as she pointed to herself and Usagi. "You can't be alone if there's someone with you who cares."

"I'm here for you." Usagi said, nodding at what Ayame said.

"Huh?" Mamoru asked as he changed from his six year old self to his seventeen year old version.

Usagi kneeled down and held his hand as Ayame sat down on the opposite side and hugged him.

"You're not alone. I'll always be with you." Usagi told him.

Back in the throneroom, the light finally died down as Sailor Moon hesitantly opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her with a surprised gasp.

He dropped his sword as it clattered uselessly at his feet and he fell to his knees.

"Mamoru! No!" Sailor Moon cried as she held him off the ground. Stopping him from face planting.

Sailor Gaea got up and with the Four Kings of Heaven, they all ran over to them. "Endymion!"

Helping Sailor Moon support him, Mamoru spoke.

"Usagi... Ayame..."

Both Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea let out a surprised gasp. Though, even if she wouldn't admit it, Sailor Gaea wished her brother had called out to her first for once. Ignoring it, Sailor Gaea smiled at her brother. Only Mamoru would have known who they really were in this era.

She watched as a single red rose appeared over his sword. Showing without a shadow of a doubt, this was the real deal.

"Thank you." Mamoru said, expressing his gratitude with a tired smile.

"Mamoru..." Sailor Moon said with tears of relief and joy, "You're back!" She said hugging him.

The others smiling at the reunion.

Across the room, Queen Beryl's eyes glowed red with rage. "You'll pay for this, Princess! I cannot and will not forgive for once again trying to take Endymion away from me!" She shouted as she raised a black crystal spike above her head.

The shout drawing everyone's attention. Mamoru sat up and turned to look at the witch. Sailor Gaea honestly wondered where in the world she had gotten it without them hearing. Though she would admit they were distracted.

"He was never yours to begin with!" Sailor Gaea shouted back, making the woman even angrier.

Queen Beryl tossed the spike with an attacking yell. Throwing it as hard as she could.

Mamoru quickly took the rose beside him and threw it at the spike with a grunt. Shattering it into smaller pieces as the Four Kings of Heaven stepped forward and created a barrier. Blocking all the shards that would have still come and hurt the prince.

The rose continued onwards and struck Beryl in the chest with a painfilled set of whimpers. Reaching for the rose, but unable to even touch it. "Endymion! Why must you protect this little girl? If you had chosen me, you'd now be ruling as king of both the Moon and the Earth!" The pitiful woman asked. Questioning it even after all this time. Thinking she had everything he could ask for and what he saw in such a brat.

But the dark queen would find no sympathy here. The Four Kings of Heaven stood in a line as their forms began glowing. Their uniforms of the Dark Kingdom transforming into their original uniforms from their days in the Golden Kingdom. Each one had their own cape. Their coats slightly different shades along with a different style, opening top to bottom than the previous style with the button on the side. The lining the same color they usually had. They each had the standard belt with two more wrapped around the bottom part of their uniforms.

This was their true forms. The knights that would protect the Prince of Earth with their lives. Each one adorned with a scowl and unbridled fury at the source of their pain and previous years of torture, who dared harm the prince, and turned them into mockery of their true selves.

"You turned me into an old-fashioned sexist who spoke nothing but nonsense!" Jadeite shouted as he drew his sword.

"You made me murder the love of my life!" Nephrite bellowed as he raised his.

"You turned me into an overconfident, sadistic brat!" Zoisite shouted as he followed suit with the others.

"You're still a brat." Nephrite joked.

"Hey!" Zoisite protested that remark.

"I was forced to become a coward who sucked up to you and couldn't save those who were closest to me." Kunzite growled, recalling Zoisite's near death. "You will not lay another hand on the Prince!"

Queen Beryl glared as she heard a cracking noise and looked down to her chest. Her own flesh cracking like an egg. "What's happening?!" She cried as green blood seeped from the wound.

The question going unanswered as the four knights and Sailor Gaea watched in contempt, while Sailor Moon watched in shock. Mamoru was the only one with some semblance of pity for the woman.

Queen Beryl fell to her knees as she continued to question it. "Why? Why is his rose able to defeat me?" Grunting in pain as she noticed energy coming off the rose. "Is it his energy? Is the power of Endymion's love for that girl so strong that it could destroy my whole body?" She questioned as she looked past the Four Kings of Heaven to Mamoru with a painful grunt. "I refuse... I refuse to believe that." She said as she slipped away through the floor and disappeared.

Sighing in relief, Mamoru fell back with Sailor Moon acting as a cushion again.

"Mamoru..." Sailor Moon trailed off as the others turned their immediate attention to the prince.

Mamoru smiled at Sailor Moon before a serious look crossed his face and he looked at his knights and sister. Kunzite, Zoisite, Nephrite, and Jadeite all bowed in greeting as Mamoru nodded back before turning to Sailor Gaea.

"Sailor Gaea... Iris... I'm sorry for what I did in the past. I must be the world's biggest fool. I never should have left you to suffer alone here on Earth that day. I should have taken my reason and my mission for going to the Moon more seriously. I could have saved so many others that day. In the end, my pathetic excuse for an effort to stop Metalia cost everyone their lives. You are far stronger than me." Mamoru apologized.

A guilty look crossed Sailor Moon's face as she spoke as well. "I'm sorry too. If I had known back then what was truly happening on Earth and Endymion had left you alone, I would have kept telling him to go back and help you."

Sailor Gaea sighed. "Dummies! Even if you had sent Endymion back, it would have already been too late. The only thing it would have accomplished would be having Endymion caught by Beryl and brainwashed into joining and killing you. I'm not entirely over it. I admit that much, but I'll move on from it eventually. Brother, I understand your having to go, but I just wished you had done more to warn them. You have apologized. That's enough for me."

Mamoru thanked her and turned to Sailor Moon. "You should leave now. Get out of here quickly."

"Huh?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Go back to being a ordinary girls without any worries. This started with Earth. This happened because of my actions towards Beryl. You should go. Find yourself a really cool boyfriend while you're at it." Mamoru told her.

"Nobody's cooler than you, Mamoru." Sailor Moon told him.

"Again, Brother! You are proving yourself to be the world's greatest fool! You two better become a couple again! I did NOT go through all of that stuff in the present and that past for you not to!" She mock scolded at them.

Everyone laughing though she was absolutely serious about them being a couple again.


Meanwhile, the war to defeat the Dark Kingdom was far from over. Beryl was still clinging to life as she made a desparate attempt to reach the source of her dark magic, the true ruler of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Metalia.

Dragging her body forward on her hands and knees, Queen Beryl let out a painful grunt as she called out to her master. "Queen Metalia, I beg of you, please grant me your energy... with enough power to crush that despicable girl! Please Queen Metalia, I will do anything!"

"As you wish... The time has come to instill hatred and greed into all living creatures in the universe. Queen Beryl! Eliminate all beings who attempt to resist, and turn the world into complete darkness!" Queen Metalia declared as she burst from her former dwelling place. Appearing as nothing more than a collective mass of dark purple energy.

This development shocking Queen Beryl as she screamed. "Ah!" The energy, Metalia herself leaped forward and fused herself with Beryl as she gave out screams of agony.

Beryl knew not of the force she unleashed upon the world.


Back with the others, the Dark Kingdom began to shake.

"That's not good." Zoisite muttered.

"It must be Queen Metalia! She's awakening. There isn't much time left to stop her!" Kunzite assumed.

"We must stop her!" Mamoru spoke as he tried to get up, only to fall back with a grunt.

Jadeite withdrew his illusion revealing his soul cat form again. "My Prince, you are too weak to fight. Your body is still recovering from the mass amount of dark energy it contained. You alone and even with all of the Four Kings of Heaven power combined, there is little hope we can defeat her."

"You said it yourself, remember? You need Serenity's help." Sailor Gaea said as she turned to the fellow Sailor Guardian.

"I'm not going to run away anymore. I still have something left to do. I'll defeat Queen Metalia. Just you wait! Watch over me, okay? I'll do my best!" Sailor Moon assured him.

Mamoru smiled and nodded. The room shaking even more.

"Come on! You can be lovey-dovely later after the day is saved! Let's transport the prince back to the others." Nephrite suggested.

The others nodding as they helped the prince and Sailor Moon made her way out to face Queen Metalia. Sailor Gaea following behind her.


Outside, the volcano was shaking and the purple smoke disappeared. In front of the volcano, the ground was shaking and began to rupture as purple light peaked through the cracks. Then unleashed a cyclone of black energy, reaching for the sky as storm clouds rose and black lightning flashed in the darkening sky. The cyclone dissipating, leaving behind a large smoking round object in it's place.

Slowly turning so the top point reached for the sky, opening like a flower, revealing a large purple flower with a giant woman in the center. This woman was Queen Metalia and Queen Beryl combined into one. Besides the enlarged ego and height, her skin had taken a green hue along with her hair. Her purple dress was now red with a plunging neckline. Her crown missing, but the single jewel remaining on her forehead. The metal of her other accessories, her necklace and arm bracelet, had turned black and the jewels red. Her eyes still contained the orange tint with glowing red eyes.

The Queen let out an evil chuckle as she began to monologue. "At long last, all the dark energy is mine! I will now rule the entire world!" Her evil laugh echoing in the empty expanse of the arctic.

The others fearful as they watched, worried for the fate of the princesses, the prince, and the four knights until they arrived with the prince.

Of in the distance, the princesses of the Moon and the Earth approached the final boss. Turning to face them, their opponent sneered at them. "You're here, you little irritants."

The two stopped as they spoke not a word. Making the queen of evil chuckle at the silent treatment. "I'll finish you off, this time." She said with a growl as black lightning collected itself in her hands and shot out at them. "Princesses! Die!"

The attack hitting as a column of ice appeared where they once stood. Only for the top to form a platform for the two to stand as they transformed to Princess Serenity and Princess Iris.

Much to the monster's shocked gasp.

Both Princesses calm as Princess Serenity held the Moon Stick and Silver Crystal and Princess Iris held the Earth Defender Blade.


Back in Tokyo, Jaban, in the Juban district, the dark storm cloud were gathering overhead. So much so that the citizens were taking notice. The lights going out. Plunging the city's inhabitants into darkness. Each and every one of the Sailor Guardians families and friends growing worried, even if they didn't know the full extent of the danger the girls were in.

Up on the roof of the Tsukino's, Artemis couldn't help but fear the worse. "This is it. The world is coming to an end. Queen Metalia's Dark energy has been unleashed upon us!"

Unable to take it any more, Luna began running off to the edge of the roof. Noticing this, Artemis stood in her path. "Wait! Luna!"

"Out of my way! I have to go to the D-point now!" Luna shouted.

"What for? It won't do any good! There's nothing more we're able to do!" Artemis tried to reason wither.

"Don't you think I know that already? But if we don't somehow stop Usagi, she's going to release the power of the Silver Crystal! And if she does that, you know she'll die! Like the way Queen Serenity did!" Luna remined him in tears.

Unable to face her, Artemis turned away as he answered. "I know that! But there's no other way left to save the world now!"

Taken aback, Luna shouted out into the night. Hoping her princess could hear her. Begging her. "Don't do it, Usagi! You must not release the power of the Silver Crystal! If you do, you'll be gone forever!"


Opening her eyes, Princess Iris turned to Princess Serenity and whispered in her ear. "Serenity, I know that releasing the power of the Silver Crystal is the only way to end this. But you'd better find a way to survive what will happen to you if you do."

Princess Serenity smiled at Iris's concern and with her eyes still closed answered. "Don't worry so much. I told Rei I would return home and I will. You wanted me and Mamoru to get back together too, remember? We will do this together and we will all go home."

Princess Iris took this in an hummed in agreement. As Serenity opened her eyes, the witch had enough waiting and yelled as she prepared to attack with abomination.

Princess Serenity raised the Moon Stick and prepared her own move. "Moon Healing..."

Similarly, Princess Iris raised her weapon and with a look of determination, she too prepared to fight. "Gaea's...

Raising her hands above her head, Queen Metalia Beryl thrust her hands out, the attack of black lightning racing from her finger tips with a grunt.

"...Escalation!" Princess Serenity finished as flashes of pink surrounded them before the power of the Silver Crystal began radiating out a golden glow or power. Creating waves from the Crystal it originated from and surrounding the pillar of ice they stood atop of.

"...Call!" Princess Iris yelled as her sword glowed with the four colors red, green, yellow, and blue. The wind whipping her hair behind her as the beam of wind and multi-colored light wrapped itself in the rays of the Silver Crystal. Making the attack combined go faster.

The dark lighting and the power of the Silver Crystal clashed. The two energies trying to dominate and overpower the other. In the distance the others watched in awe.

Determined to crush them, in her anger, Beryl lashed out even harder than before, yelling out into the night.

The princesses, kept their attack going, grunting in exertion as they added more power. The clash in a standstill with equal force.

"Tell me, why are you so determined to defeat me?" The monstrous woman bellowed in question. "You dream of a lovely future that will never come to pass. One day, you will realize that this world is already filled of ugliness and filth!"

"You're wrong. I believe in it! I have faith!" Princess Serenity answered.

Princess Iris glared as she answered. "The only thing that's ugly and filthy in this world are beings like you!"

"Faith in what? Everlasting love? Indestructible friendships?!" Their opponent asked with an amused laugh. It was sad she had never felt any of theses things. Not even her own feelings for Endymion could not even come close to the true love and friendship the princesses treasured beyond belief.

"All of it! I believe in this world... and the Guardians who fought for it." Princess Serenity declared.

"You're a fool! There's nothing worthwhile in this putrid world for anyone to believe in!" Queen Metalia Beryl roared at them as she renewed her efforts in attacking and wiping them off the face of the earth. Pushing back the combined power of the princesses. The pillar of ice taking damage underneath them.

Nephrite and Mamoru watching in worry and praying their side would win. From Elysion, Helios watched and clasping his hands together joined the prince and knight in prayer.

Princess Iris braced herself she struggled and called out. "Mother Earth! Hear your beloved daughter's cry and the shouts of all your creations! From the four corners of the Earth, Lead me your strength to protect all that is dear to us! Don't let this evil tarnish your ever lasting beauty! Strike back and end this blight upon your land!"

Princess Serenity was struggling under the onslaught as she grunted. "Silver Crystal! Please give me strength! I need everyone's combined faith in love to fight for the world we believe in!"

Serenity thought back to her friends as memories arose in her mind. The time when they were in school. "Love is no laughing matter," Ami began seriously, breaking into a smile. "but you get a happy feeling from it." Giggling at the end. The time when Usagi was pestering Rei about Yuichiro back at the shrine. "Stop saying I'm in love with him! I just feel bad for Yuichiro and that's all." Rei had said with a blush. The time Usagi and Makoto talked about their crush for Motoki. "So what if he already has a girlfriend? I think it's worth giving it a shot!" She had said with a wink. The time with Minako and the whole fiasco with Katerina and Alan. "It's all right. All that matters is that Alan and Katarina are happy." Minako had told herself.

In the distance, the Sailor Guardians could feel the need of the their princesses. Even with some of them weakened, the girls clasped their hands together and sent the princesses as much strength and power they could. Their spirits with them as they appeared beside them.

"My friends..." Princess Serenity whispered with tears of joy.

"I won't be sealed away by the Silver Crystal, now that all the Dark energy's mine!" Beryl screamed at them with another forceful grunt.

Princess Iris smirked. "You won't be sealed away, you will DIE!"

The ice, snow, and ground around the opposite forces being ripped apart by the sheer pressure.

"Everyone, give me all your strength! Please! Right now!" Princess Serenity called out for their assistance as they each placed a hand over Princess Serenity's and Princess Iris's as the Princess of Earth touched her blade to the Moon Stick and all the Guardians give it their power.

"Mercury Power!"

"Mars Power!"

"Jupiter Power!"

"Venus Power!"

"Zephyrus Power!"

"Notus Power!"

"Eurus Power!"

"Boreus Power!"

"Moon Prism Power!"

"Gaea Founding Power!"

With the Sailor Guardian's call, pink energy followed by a rainbow of colors streaked through the air as it gathered together. The power of the Moon and the Earth together.

The Evil Queen gasped at this development. "What's that?!" The light blinding as she unleashed a painful scream.

Princess Iris took the opportunity to answer. "The power of the Moon as well as five planets and the four winds of Earth! This is our home, and you are not welcome here!" She shouted as they unleashed a giant glowing orb filled with the colors of the rainbow, lots of pink, and a whirlwind to push it forward.

Queen Metalia Beryl was helpless to stop it as she noticed with a horrified gasp, her last act screaming as she was disintegrated. "Ahhhh!"

With that final attack, it was over. It was finally over. Sailor Gaea was silent as she took in the moment. All their pain and sorrow, the source was wiped out. She could barely believe it was finally over. Sailor Gaea could help but chuckle in relief. Absolutely giddy. Until she noticed what was happening beside her.

With their part done and the enemy defeated, the other Sailor Guardians spirits returned to their bodies. Exhausting all her energy after using the Silver Crystal, Princess Serenity disappeared as Sailor Moon took her place and collapsed to the ground, Sailor Gaea barely managing to catch her.

"Sailor Moon! Hang in there!"

"Thank you, everyone." Sailor Moon whispered with a smile as she passed out.

Above them, the sky began to clear as an aurora appeared. Like a rainbow, symbolizing peace and rebirth. Looking ahead where their foe once stood, Sailor Gaea realized the attack wasn't going away. The glowing orb of power expanding as it's radius grew. Unknown to her, the light could be seen from out in space. Beginning to cover most of the arctic. Sailor Gaea was amazed at it's sheer size. But dread grew in her gut as the light headed towards them. Before she knew it, Nephrite appeared and whisked her away. Teleporting them far from the growing attack radius.

"Nephrite! What's going on!? What about Sailor Moon!? What is happening with our attack?!" Sailor Gaea said as she shot question after question.

"We don't know! The Silver Crystal's energy is reacting in an unexpected way. We don't know what it is doing." He answered as the others appeared. Kunzite, Zoisite, and Jadeite each bringing a member of her guard as Jadeite disappeared again and brought the last one.

"Look!" Zoisite said as he pointed back to the pillar of ice Sailor Gaea had just stood upon.

Sailor Gaea watched in shock as the energy of all their power and the Silver Crystal reached the ice pillar and shattered it. Sailor Moon falling into and absorbed by the mass of energy and the Moon Stick with the Silver Crystal still attached fell along with her.

The orb expanding rapidly as it consumed all in it's path. Before the Four Kings of Heaven could do anything, the rest of Sailor Moon's team and their prince were absorbed into the light. Then, the giant orb shattered and split into six smaller ones. From where they stood, they could see their friends sleeping within. Healed as the orbs raced off into the night. Heading back towards Japan.

"What...was that?" Sailor Notos asked.

"Amazing..." Kunzite spoke as they all turned to him for an explanation. The expression on his face showing thoughts rapidly going through his mind as he began to comprehend what had just occurred. "Legend has it that the Silver Crystal can only be used properly to it's full potential by a member of the Moon Kingdom's royal family. It can be used by others, though they would never be able to fully unlock all it's capabilities. It can be used for good or evil depending of the wielder's heart. Following and answering the wielder's inner desires. The Silver Crystal's true power and full abilities depended on Sailor Moon's heart and desires. Her desire was just to be a normal girl. I believe what we just witnessed was the Crystal answering that desire somehow."

"Sailor Moon couldn't be a normal girl without Beryl and Queen Metalia gone, so the Crystal's power defeated them." Zoisite said as he began following Kunzite's train of thought. "But what does that have to do with the power absorbing them and sending them back?"

"I don't know... But something tells me we can find out when we get back. We still have clean up to do." Kunzite said as he pointed back to the volcano the Dark Kingdom resided. They could make out monsters fleeing, running away from their base.

"Looks like we missed some." Nephrite huffed in annoyance. "Even with Beryl and Metaila gone, some remnants of their dark energy remain. Though, they won't last for long with their main source of energy gone. The Dark Kingdom also had operations all over the globe. We'll need to root them out later."

"Enough for one night! The main enemy is gone. The war is over. We all deserve the rest of the night off! We can defeat them and figure it all out in the morning!" Jadeite said as he yawned.

The girls agreed as they let out their own yawns, groans, and complaints of wanting to rest.

"Jadeite is right. We're all exhausted and if we're going monster hunting, we need our rest. As much as I'm worried about what happened to my brother, Sailor Moon, and the others, they weren't disintegrated like that witch, so I think they'll be okay. We can take care of the monsters later. Let's just go home." Sailor Gaea said.

Agreeing with their princess, they all teleported home. They soon stood atop a hill in a park, watching over the city they all loved, the lights of Tokyo shining brighter than ever before.


A week later, things had returned to normal. By returning to normal it was literal.

Sitting at a café, Ayame, Jing, Nanami, Hiroko, and Taura were together with the guys. Even Luna and Artemis was with them. Reviewing the situation.

"It's truly amazing... The sheer power and capabilities of the Silver Crystal is beyond comprehension." Jadeite said.

"It's true. The dark spots on the sun have disappeared. Sailor Moon, her team, and the prince have all returned safe and sound as well." Kunzite added.

"The Silver Crystal truly did answer Usagi's desire. She's just a normal girl now along with the others. Every single memory they had of being together is completely gone now." Ayame told them.

Artemis, Luna, and the others nodding in agreement. Having watched over the girls for the past week, they had noticed right away there was a difference, though they had waited a week to be sure. When Sailor Moon and her team had returned the way they did, both Luna and Artemis were shocked.

The girls nodded to this information as they reported their own findings. For the past week, they had observed the others and noticed the others acted like they had never met each other, much less Ayame and her team. Not only did the former guardians not recall a thing, but Mamoru didn't remember anything either, not even remembering meeting Ayame. The past year of all their interactions had been wiped clean. Once again, Ayame lost her brother.

As for the remains of the Dark Kingdom, everyday after school, they all had returned to the arctic to clear out the rest of the monsters. They still had a lot to do on that front, but it was manageable while the Four Kings of Heaven went out to take care of the undercover operations the Dark Kingdom had. They got rid of the monsters and seeing just destroying everything would be a waste, kept the companies running and hired humans in place of the monsters. Some of the Kings of Heaven even created new identities for themselves in this new era. Nephrite was even able to get his company back and leaving the apartment, all the guys moved in the old mansion.

Kijin was happy Jing had returned safely as was Naru, though she was sad to hear the others didn't remember anything. Ayame had even gotten a call from Ryo saying he was glad everything had turned out okay.

"She really is a brat!" Taura grunted as she sipped her coffee. "She took your brother away again and left us to finish cleaning up the Dark Kingdom."

"Yet again, she has run away from responsibility. Stupid coward." Jing said as she bit into a muffin.

"The others were dragged into her selfish wish as well. They didn't even get a choice if they wanted to remember and still be Sailor Guardians." Nanami added as she bit angerly into her dango.

"She needs to learn to control her powers better. What she did was sloppy. She didn't have to remove all memories of them being together. Not only did she remove everything about being Guardians, but meeting each other and us as civilians too." Hiroko complained.

Ayame scowled in anger as she held her drink, her hands clenched so tight her knuckles turned white. Agreeing wholeheartedly with her companions. Nephrite, placed his hands over hers in comfort to which she gave a small smile.

"We could return their memories to them. It would include their memories of being Sailor Guardians though." Artemis suggested.

"No." Ayame shot down the idea immediately. The others shocked. Seeing their expressions, Ayame went on to explain. "I understand everyone's frustrations. I agree with everything, however, we can handle things without them. There's no need to reawaken them. Earth is our jurisdiction. We don't need the Moon to watch over us and help us advance anymore. I promised Sailor Moon she could be a normal girl again once we defeated the Dark Kingdom, and I intend to keep my word. No matter how much I want to drag her back into our world with her kicking and screaming out of spite! Once again Usagi has become stubborn selfish brat to Mamoru again. I can barely look at her, I'm so disgusted!" Ayame vented her frustrations.

Sighing, she continued on. "For now, we can try to bring the five of them back together. Maybe they'll start to remember their friendship at the very least. As much as Usagi doesn't deserve it, I also want to get my brother and her back together again.

"It's better this way. It will be painful to meet my brother all over again, but we can create new memories and re-forge old and new bonds. We were reborn into this era to have a second chance after all. Speaking of which, we're about to have a second chance to strengthen old bonds right now." Ayame said as she checked the time and the café door opened to reveal Naru.

"Hey, Ayame! What did you want to... meet me... about...?" Naru asked as the others turned to see her, Nephrite included.

Both were frozen in shock until Naru broke into tears, rushed up and tackled him. Her words incomprehensible as she choked on her tears and Nephrite hugged her and comforted her. Ayame smiled as she watched the two, despite the twinge of envy of wanting to be close to her own brother.

When they finally calmed down, Ayame explained everything and Jadeite released the seal on the false memory he had given her. Naru had punched her hard on the arm and put her in a headlock to give her a noogie, but in the end was forgiven. Naru understood why and was simply overjoyed to have her brother back.

Later, after promising to spend time together, Naru let Nephrite go and the two of them were walking home. Discussing their plans to get the others back together again along with Usagi and Mamoru. As they walked Usagi rushed in and joined them. As Usagi and Naru chattered in the background, Ayame thought about her life up to this point and compared it to Usagi's.

The blonde was happy with her life as a normal girl. Both were princesses, yet both had chosen different paths. Usagi lived the life of ignorant bliss. The biggest problems she had to deal with was getting to school on time, her next allowance, cute boys, and test scores.

Ayame lived her life bound by duty. Her problems included, destroying the last of the enemy, worrying about her teammates getting hurt, keeping her identity secret, and keeping a healthy balance between civilian and Sailor Guardian. Was she happy though? Would she have been better off like Usagi? As she thought about, despite the hardship, the sorrow, the betrayal, the unfairness of it all, she saw beyond all that. She was surrounded by wonderful friends and had been reunited with the love of her life. It wasn't easy getting to this point, but Ayame believed it was well worth it.

She remembered Usagi's words and her faith in the planet and people of Earth. She wonder why Usagi couldn't see beyond the bad things about being a Sailor Guardian too.

As they were walking through the Juban shopping center and passed the Crown Acrade, Usagi began whining about the low test grade she had usual.

"I guess I should have studied more." Usagi said as she glumly looked at her test paper before angrily crinkling it up.

"Oh, I hate you, you stupid test!" She yelled as she threw it behind her.

Ayame and Naru turned to see where it landed only to see it hit Mamoru in the head. Naru's mouth open in shock and Ayame could only faceplam and mutter 'brilliant' under her breath. She wanted the two to get together, but now Usagi was back to being rude to him again. Both Naru and Ayame glanced at each other and sighed. The two resigning themselves for the work cut out ahead of them. Their mission to get the two back as a couple would be a long one.

"Watch where you're throwing things, Bunhead." Mamoru told her and he picked up her test paper and unwrinkled it to see what she had thrown at him. "Thirty percent?" He questioned in disbelief. Much to Usagi's unhappiness.

Look up from the paper, Mamoru wore his sunglasses as he gave Usagi some friendly advise. "Looks like you'd better study harder next time, Bunhead."

"How rude!" Usagi declared as she swiped the paper from his hand and stuck her tongue out at him. Walking away as she grumbled. "Stupid jerk in his purple pleaded pants!"

"What a strange kid." Mamoru commented as he took off his sunglasses. Chuckling as he watched her go with Naru.

Glancing at Ayame, he raised as brow, wondering what she wanted.

"She may be strange... But she can be nice when she wants to be. Please excuse how rude she can be. Bye!" Ayame said as she rushed off to join the girls.

Mamoru watched her go, a part of him wanted to stop her and called her back. When he looked at the girl with the orange hair, he couldn't help but feel sad as she walked away from him.

"Yo! Mamoru!" A voice called out to him. Interrupting his thoughts.

"Chiyu! Masato! Teiso!" He turned and greeted his new friends.

The three men being Zoisite, Nephrite, and Kunzite. Jadeite walked beside them in his cat form. Even though they had rescued Jadeite's body, they couldn't free him from his crystal prison. The Eternal Sleep was a dark and dangerous spell. Even Ayame's powers couldn't free Jadeite. She could try, but due to her inexperience and how dangerous it was to tamper with the spell, there was a chance she could harm not only Jadeite, but also herself or others in the vicinity. Until they could do it safely, Jadeite's body would remain in the Eternal Sleep and the rest as an astral projection of his own soul.

In the past week, the four got their identities in order. Since they couldn't protect their prince in the past due to being brainwashed and sealed away, they decided to correct their mistake and be there for the prince. Since Zoisite was about Mamoru's age, he had entered the same college as Mamoru and befriended him, soon after introducing him to the others. Even if they already knew who he was.

Life was going swell for them and Mamoru felt as if he was beginning to pick up the missing pieces in his life he never knew he had.

Back with the girls, Naru was trying to change Usagi's opinion of Mamoru.

"Admit it. He's cool! And pretty good looking, to boot." Naru teased.

"No way! He's just a stuck-up jerk!" Usagi argued.

Causing Ayame to roll her eyes at Usagi and reply. "Don't judge a man by his purple pleated pants."

Naru nodded as she continued. "That's what you say now, but who knows? You might've just met your soul-mate back there."

Both Ayame and Naru knew how true the statement was.

"Ugh! Give me a break!" Usagi said with mild disgust, before slightly changing the subject. "I know exactly what my dream guy will look like!"

"You have a dream guy?" Naru asked, both Naru and Ayame interested to hear.

"Yep! In my dream, he always comes to me rescue. And although I don't know what he looks like yet, I know nobody in the world is cooler than he is." Usagi informed them.

Ayame and Naru merely looked at each other ans smirked. Maybe their job wouldn't be too hard after all.

Looking at the bright blue sky above, Ayame smiled. She was truly happy with her life...She was surrounded by wonderful friends...She had the love of her life...she would get her brother back eventually...all in matter what the future held for her and the others...she was really happy...and she wouldn't change a thing...

Thank you for reading this story. Look forward to the sequel, Sailor Gaea R.

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