Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

A Message from the Distant Past

125 3 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After days and nights of searching, the Sailor Guardians were still having little luck trying to find the portal. Since Ayame's team had been doing all the searching since the others were too busy with their plan and training, the two teams and switched places. Ayame's team spent time training and Usagi's team were searching for the portal.

Finishing training early, Ayame had already turned in for the night. She began stirring when she felt something tickle her nose.

"Huh?" Ayame muttered as she woke up. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes as she noticed Jadeite.

"Sorry to wake you, milady. However, it's urgent. Sailor Venus and Artemis have finally discovered the portal to the Dark Kingdom." He informed her.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Ayame questioned as she threw off her sheets and had Jadeite turn around to sling on some clothes.

"It's about time we found it. Hopefully we can explore it without being caught. Once we map out what we can and you know were we enter, we can make final preparations for our assault on the Dark Kingdom. We'll save Kunzite, your true form, and my brother." Ayame said as she finished and turned to the window. "Let's go!"

With those final words the duo snuck out of the house.


Elsewhere in Tokyo, the Sailor Guardians and the three of the Four Kings of Heaven had gathered at Café Crepe. It had a cottage feel to it as they entered. Before coming here, Ayame was surprised Nephrite and Zoisite was with them, they would be guarding the outside of the portal to make sure no monsters got through and could run back and alert the Dark Kingdom their portal had been found.

"This is the place, everyone." Sailor Venus informed them.

"It looks that way. Great work, Sailor Venus." Sailor Mars told her as they all gazed at the portal.

All in all, it was like any of the other portals created by the Dark Kingdom. The dark creepiness, except it was bigger to let more monsters through. Honestly, it wasn't that well hidden. They were standing in the main dining area of the café and they only had to open a set of wooden double doors to find it. They would have to slightly jump down into it, but at wouldn't be a problem.

"C'mon!" Luna said as she lead the charge into the portal followed by Artemis. The others followed with Sailor Gaea's team bringing up the rear. Before following the others, Sailor Gaea looked at Nephrite as he approached.

"Be careful and return soon. If you don't, supposedly dead or not, I will came after you." He promised.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you." Sailor Gaea assured him.

"I love you as well." He whispered as he gave her a tender kiss.

With farewell's done, Sailor Gaea followed the others as they entered what appeared to be a cave system. Jumping down and landing with the others, Sailor Gaea gathered with the others as the cats scouted ahead. Gathering around one of the passage ways, they checked the way before Sailor Venus motioned it was clear and the others followed her.

Going their own way, the three cats stopped before a small tunnel.

"What's this?" Luna asked.

"You act like you've never seen a tunnel before." Jadeite scoffed. "If I remember correctly, this should lead us close to the Dark Kingdom, but not inside. It's too small for most monsters so it couldn't lead there. This is most likely an air vent that leads to the surface."

"Let's check it out!" Artemis said as he jumped first with Luna right after, sighing, the tan cat followed to make sure they didn't get hurt or anything.


In some of the other tunnels, the others were moving quickly as they ran. Sailor Notus was using her drawing skills to make a map and Sailor Boreus was marking the passage as they went to not get lost.

Coming to a halt, Sailor Venus sensed something. Looking up ahead of them, Sailor Gaea could see something green and almost dragon like.

"What's that energy?" Sailor Venus asked before they all struggled and grunted against the sudden wind. The path ahead green before turning dark.

In a flash of green, Kunzite appeared from the darkness with an evil chuckle. So much for scouting and remaining hidden for a sneak attack.

"I wish I could give you a grand tour of the Dark Kingdom, but at the present time, we're not quite ready to welcome all of you. But there's a fun place I'd like to take you to, instead." Kunzite informed them.

"Stop messing with us! Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter attacked.

Kunzite quickly teleported out of the way. Appearing one place and then another.

"Sailor Moon! If you willingly hand over the Silver Crystal, I shall spare your life!" Kunzite yelled.

"You will never keep your word!" Sailor Gaea yelled back, growling at him.

"Oh really, is that right? Well if you tell me what happened to Tuxedo Mask, then maybe I won't have to punish you." Sailor Moon told him.

"Enough! I've had it with all of you! I'm sending you to the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World!" Kunzite informed them with a dramatic flip of his cape.

"What's the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World?" Sailor Moon asked as her protectors gathered around her.

"It might be prehistoric Africa during the age of the dinosaurs, or it might be medieval Europe during an era of war, bloodshed and bubonic plague." Kunzite explained with wicked glee of all the horrible places and deaths that could befall the Sailor Guardians.

"Whoa! Those totally suck. I don't want to go to either of those worlds. I'll pass!" Sailor Moon cried out, nearly in tears.

Kunzite ignored her as he sent out a wave of purple energy with a forceful grunt.

"Ahhh!" They cried as they were all forced back. Sailor Moon losing her grip on the Moon Stick.

"Now I'll take the Silver Crystal!" Kunzite yelled as he grunted, reaching for the weapon and crystal. Just as he was about to grab it, the crystal glowed and twirled the wand in the air to smack Kunzite's hand. 'No!'

Sailor Moon's team were surrounded in a pink glow as they disappeared along with the Crystal. There was a golden light around Sailor Gaea's team and they could hear a sharp neigh as they too were teleported away to a different place where their comrades had gone.


It was confusing. It was dizzying. It was disorienting. It was more than disorienting, there wasn't a word to describe it properly as the five girls were falling. They couldn't tell if the direction falling was even up, down, or even side to side. If falling in such ways were possible. It felt as if they were being tossed around like rag dolls and their limbs being pull, stretched, or experiencing pressure on all sides.

As the pain faded away, the falling seemed to slow, their orientation correct and they seemed to slowly glide down. Slowly the blackness was filled. All around them, appeared what looked like large bubbles of blue and green. It was like being surrounded by luminesce jellyfish swimming up past them. Could this the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World? What appeared to be below then as they fell, a white light appeared, blinding them as it encompassed them and they no longer conscious of what happened to them.


As sunlight shined down upon her, Sailor Gaea rapidly blinked as she woke up and groaned. The landing there hadn't exactly been smooth. Where ever there specifically was when they had landed. Lifting her torso off the ground she noticed she was laying down on a stone, smooth, walkway. Well maintained without a hint of weeds poking out and never a single crack that hadn't been designed and craved into the stone.

"What just happened?" She asked as she tried to recall any details to give them a clue to what happened. Looking around to see her guardians among her. Relieved to see them at least, she looked around for Sailor Moon and her team, but the girls were no where to be found. "Wait, where's Sailor Moon and her team?!"

Quickly standing up and looking around, Sailor Gaea was beginning to recognize the place they were in. Gasping in realization. She couldn't believe it. She thought she would never see this place again.

"Where are we?" Sailor Zephyrus asked as she stood up with the help of Sailor Boreus.

"Sailor Gaea? Do you have any idea?" Sailor Eurus asked. When their leader was silent, she asked again. "Sailor Gaea?"

"I know where we are...Some place...I thought I would never see again. Don't you recognize this place?" Their leader answered as she began walking away.

"Sailor Gaea?! Wait! Where are you going? Where are we?! Sailor Gaea?!" Sailor Boreus asked as the others began to follow her.

Excitement was bubbling in Sailor Gaea's chest as she started to walk faster until she broke into a run. "We lived here! Spring and summer! Fall and winter! This was our home!" She yelled excitedly over her shoulder.

Surprised by this answer, the girls followed while observing their surroundings closely. The air seemed clearer here. Untainted by pollutants. The forest surrounding the walkway was filled with vibrant sunshine and wildlife. Some could see the sparkle of crystals and ponds in the distance. They could see wild deer and the animals just glanced at them and went back to grazing. Unafraid of the intruders. They could see butterflies and dragonflies in the air along with beautiful birds singing their songs. Lining the path was red roses and hundreds of different colored irises.

All around them, was nature in all it's glory. Up ahead, the girls saw where Sailor Gaea was running towards. A stone staircase lead to a temple complex build reminiscent of the Greek style. Smaller than most Greek temples it was more like pavilion, shaped in a hexagon. The roof flat with four more columns. Two on each side connected and in the middle what looked like an alter. There were two openings into the pavilion with the rest of it outside covered in columns. At each corner, a single column stood out with three more in a row in each of the six directions. On the other side was a small structure that was similar to the rest that was a long pergola. A garden feature forming a shaded passageway of vertical pillars that supported arched cross-beams all made out of stone.

The place was simply breathtaking.

Rushing to the pavilion and out the other side, Sailor Gaea entered the pergola. When the others caught up to her to their surprise was a young boy there with them. With his back turned to them, they could see little of him. In front of the boy was an Alicorn. A white horse with large white wings and a long, golden horn on his head. He had a red, teardrop-shaped jewel on his forehead and his eyes were orange. The creature's main and tail were both pale blue.

As the boy was petting the Ailcorn, the horse noticed them and nudged his master. Noticing this, the boy turned around to face them. He looked similar in a way to his horse with his whitish-light-blue hair and teardrop-shaped jewel on his forehead and his orange eyes. He was dressed like a priest. The boy looked to be only twelve to thirteen years old. He wore silver earrings shaped like a rhombus. Around his neck was two thin silver rings with a small gold pendant on the bottom ring. He wore white robes with five yellow and blue tassels on the front forming a V. The tips of his sleeves along the edges of his skirt-thingy that parted to show white pants were blue with a long belt used to hold it in place. The shoulders and neck of his robes were a transparent material the color turquoise. He wore while boots too.

The boy grinned sweetly at them as Sailor Gaea whispered what they assumed was the boy's name. "Helios..."

"Welcome back, Princess Iris." Helios said with a bow.

"Helios!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she hugged the boy and he accepted it, patting her back. "I thought you had died! Oh, it's so good to see you again!" She said with a giggle.

As the others watched her let the boy go, they were even more confused. Who was this Helios and knew their princess by her past life name?

Straightening up, Sailor Gaea laughed as the Ailcorn nudged her with his nose, almost reminding her he was still there and wanted some attention, to which she began petting.

Smiling at the princess's happiness, he turned and nodded to the others in respect before addressed them.

"Welcome back, Sailor Guardians of Earth's four winds, to the final resting place of the remains of former capital of the Kingdom of Earth, formerly known as the "Golden Kingdom" of Earth. Residing here in the scared world of dreams, Elysion. Though it no longer exist. Elysion was once part of the kingdom you served, and your home."

"Elysion is a world supported by the power of beautiful dreams of the people of Earth. This place, this temple that has been protected by the people of Earth for generations, where you're standing right now is part of what little remains of the capital of the Golden Kingdom of Earth ruled by the last King and Queen of Earth, parents of Prince Endymion and Princess Iris during the Silver Millennium. Over time, I'm managed to restore parts of it to its former glory."

"From Elysion, for hundreds of years, I have watched over the dreams of the people of Earth and guard this place and something called Golden Crystal. I am the protector of not only the Golden Crystal here in this sacred place, but I also protect people's dreams."

"I am Helios, priest of Elysion. In your past life I served the royal family just as you did, but as its chief priest. Even now, I serve the princess and prince from here in Elysion. Forgive me for the rough landing. It was the best I could do on short notice before you were being taken to the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World. The Princess of the Moon and her guards are safe so do not worry." He finished explaining.

It was silent as they absorbed the information. The sounds of birds and animals being the only thing heard before one of them snapped. Startling many creatures that roamed the area.

"What in the world is going on here?!" Sailor Boreus yelled. "Dream world? Elysion? Just who are you? You look like a seventh grader! You can't be more than twelve of thirteen! You can't be as old as you insinuate! No one lives hundreds of years! That's impossible! None of this makes sense! How do you know the princess? Why are we here? And what is with the horse!?" She yelled pointing at the horse behind the priest. Panting as Sailor Notus patted her shoulder to calm her down enough to listen to the boy explain.

"Please, calm down." He said as he rubbed his sore ears before turning to the princess. "They really don't recall anything from their past lives, do they?"

Sailor Gaea shook her head.

With a sigh, he shook his head as well before explaining. "I brought you here to not only save you from the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World, but to also share what really happened the days leading up to the Dark Kingdom taking over. I believe now is the time. It's time for you to learn more about the past. Haven't you wondered about your past lives? Haven't you even once thought it was odd why no one has ever found anything related to the era of the Silver Millennium? Be it the Earth or Moon Kingdoms? You are here to learn the answers to all these questions and more." Helios explained as he took out a small golden crystal and in a flash of gold, events of the past flashed before them.

"Before I talk of the history of Earth, I must first tell you the history of the Solar System. As you may already know, there was a time long ago known as the Silver Millennium. A prehistoric time existing thousands of years ago, an ancient Golden Age, marked with peace and prosperity. In the center of it all was the Kingdom of the Moon. Life thrived in every nook and cranny of the Solar System. Every planet in the Solar System was a kingdom of its own, but swore allegiance to the satellite orbiting the earth."

"The Sailor Guardians you have met are each the princesses of their perspective planets. They each had their own castle that orbited their planet. The people of the Moon were a race of long-lived beings, born on the Moon. In fact, each planet had a race similar to our own with the exception of their longer lives when compared to the average lifespan of those on Earth.

"The Moon Kingdom itself was ruled by a woman named Queen Serenity. The incarnation of the Moon Goddess, Selene. The capital was centered in Mare Serenitatis, the Sea of Serenity. Home to Princess Serenity and four Guardians.

The Moon Kingdom was far more advanced than us at the time and even today's technology pales in comparison to what the Moon Kingdom was capable of. They existed within a dome which produced an artificial climate and advanced supercomputer called the 'Eternity Main System'." Helios explained.

Before their eyes, they could see the entire Solar system. The castles orbiting the planets before focusing their attention on the moon. They saw Queen Serenity herself. A slender woman with fair skin and same bright blue eyes as Usagi. She had long silvery-white hair done up in the same dango style and wore a white dress with a bow on the top, adorned with a gold crescent brooch. She has a golden-colored crescent moon on her forehead, the mark of the Silver Millennium itself and the royal family's symbol. All the things Helios spoke of appeared right before their eyes.

"What about the other planets? Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto? If the Silver Millennium covered the entire Solar System and the others served Princess Serenity, why don't the others? Where are they?" Sailor Notus asked.

"An excellent question. The outer planets and the inner planets served in different ways, The inner planets solved conflict from within and the outer planets defended the Solar System from invaders from beyond. The inner guardians were only awakened to defeat the Dark Kingdom. Once the threat is gone, you can return to normal lives. While the outer guardians have probably been reborn, it is highly unlikely you will meet them, much less the chances of them awakening with the threat gone."

"Anyway, on with the history lesson." Helios said, slightly annoyed. "The Kingdom of the Moon was highly advanced and they had two missions. The first was protecting a sacred stone, the 'Legendary Silver Crystal', handed down in the Moon's Royal family. Second was their mission to watch over the evolution of Earth and help us advance. Protecting Earth from any negative influences so that one day, we would stand equal with the rest of the Solar system and contribute to the kingdom."

"To make sure the Moon Kingdom didn't influence the Earth too much, interaction between the two was kept at a minimum. Eventually, the Golden Kingdom of Earth was created."

Taking a closer look at the Earth, the image zoomed in until they could see a magnificent palace of the Golden Kingdom, surrounded by beautiful gardens. With the birds eye view, they could see the temple they were just at and could even see the village not too far away.

Going down to the ground level, the image showed them the palace throne room. On the throne was the King and Queen of the Golden Kingdom. As the girls observed the couple, the King looked just like Mamoru with his black hair and the same blue eyes. Unlike the prince, the king had a beard. He wore an ensemble fit for a king as great as himself. He wore a green coat with white fur lining the top with a gold medallion with the symbol of earth on it. Underneath was a royal blue doublet with a gold line running from the collar down to a black belt with a golden buckle. He wore black pants and the finest leather boots. His fingers adorned with the finest gems and rings. On his hip was a fine sword.

His Queen beside him a royal blue dress with fur lining the top and the ends of the long flare sleeves. The dress reaching to the floor. She too wore rings along with pearl earrings and necklace. In her hand was her scepter. Her hair was long and atomic orange. She wore red lipstick and her eyes shined like the sapphire rings she wore.

Each wore a crown golden crown with sapphires and emeralds and the symbol of their planet they ruled together. Beside the King was a nine year old boy that was a younger spitting image of his father. The girls recognized him as Prince Endymion. He even wore the same armor. Off to the prince's side was his four bodyguards in training and friends. First was the eldest Kunzite, followed by Nephrite, Jadeite and Zoisite. Their ages being about sixteen, eleven, nine, and eight. Beside the queen was a five year old little girl. They recognized her as Princess Iris with a dress similar to the one they had seen her wear when she first transformed into the Princess back at the Starlight Tower.

"What you see before you is the day that started it all. This was the Princess's fifth birthday. It was this day Princess Iris was allowed to choose four girls to be her friends and future bodyguards. Prince Endymion had done this as well when he was her age." Helios explained as the image shifted to show a line of nobles with their daughters lined up before the royal family.

Some appeared to be as old as eighteen and the youngest of the gathered girls seemed no younger than five. Upon closer inspection, they each recognized their younger five year old past selves. Each standing in front of their parents. It was slowly coming back to the Sailor Guardians of the wind. Their memories of the past. Each one wore a different dress.

Jing, even in this era, wore a Chinese style dress. It was red with short sleeves and a loose collar covered in golden designs. It was similar to a regular cheongsam except the cut that was usually on the side was in the middle, lining up with the collar. Sloping down and curving around back. Covering her legs was red semi transparent cloth in multiple layers so she could move around easier and provide cover for her legs.

Nanami wore a brown cape gown dress that reminded them of a Bollywood look. The top part was made to look like tan sunflower petals had encircled the collar. Due to being a cape gown, the top part was made like a cape that encircled the entire top half and went down to her elbows. The edges of it in the same tan color. The cape was slightly transparent and the rest of the gown had patterns slightly reminiscent of India and reached to the ground.

Hiroko wore a short sleeved burgundy dress with a draped v-neck and a high waist. The material creating a belt made from the same material as the rest of her dress. The fabric loose allowing for wide movement.

Taura wore a blue dress with light blue mixed in. The was mostly plain with little in the way of decoration. With long flare sleeves with light blue at the edges and at the elbows. The neckline square with light blue trim. An empire waistline and patchwork style pattern type.

They even saw Naru among them. Naru wore a white dress with a green cover it. It had long white sleeves, a light green lace up part in front and black part wrapping around forming a high waistline. Flowing down the dress was the green cover with a split in the middle, revealing the white underneath.

"Each of you were daughters of noblemen, chosen by Princess Iris herself to be her companions and playmates. Growing up together, learning, and training together." He said as the image shifted again to show Princess Iris stand up from her chair, walk down the steps and one by one pick her guardians. It showed she wanted to pick Naru as well, but wasn't allowed.

Following this, it showed the girls swearing their allegiance to Princess Iris. More images appeared as they showed the girls playing, taking lessons, and showing the girls in their Sailor Uniforms as they trained with weapons. They saw the time Naru presented them with their weapons and the times they could play together. Time passing by as the images showed the girls growing up.

The girls saw images of balls, parties, and all sorts of memorable moments fast forward before them. They even saw interactions with the Four Kings of Heaven from time to time. They saw Nephrite give Naru her hair ribbon for her birthday. Before their eyes, two years had passed. The princess and the rest of the girls were seven.

"As you grew older, the beginnings of love began to blossom." Helios explained as a the image shifted to a starry night. They saw Princess Iris standing on her balcony holding her forehead with a worried thirteen year old Nephrite down below. They saw Nephrite help her down and take her to the festival. The girls awing at how cute it was.

The scene past and the time flew by happily for all in the Golden Kingdom. They even met Helios and though he was a year younger than them, he became head priest. Four years past and the girls continued to see Nephrite and Iris grow closer to one another. Now twelve, the princess was beginning to understand her feelings and the images slowed down and they could hear what was happening better.

The two were walking in the garden after a ball.

"...Nephrite?" Princess Iris asked.

"Yes, Milady?"

"What did you think of tonight's ball?"

"The servants had done an excellent job decorating and the food was exquisite as always. You and the Prince are quite popular. I saw many asking to dance with you."

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"What do you mean, Milady? It's only to be expected so many would wish to dance with you. You are a blossoming young girl and I don't know anyone in the kingdom who doesn't think you are pretty. When you are older, you're sure to be even more beautiful that her Highness, the Queen." Nephrite said as Iris blushed. "You are the princess and next in line for the throne. There are many men who are and will be interested in you. Why would it bother me? I'm merely a guardian of the Prince. Matters like this should be saved for the Prince and their Majesties."

"Don't toy or use flattery with me, Nephrite. You're avoiding the point I'm trying to make. You treat me like a child sometimes, but even I know how to be observant. You saw how some of them looked at me... Some of those men danced with me because their parents wanted them to and were being polite. I didn't mind dancing with them. It's the others that should bother you. They looked at me as if I was an object. A mere pawn. Something they need to reach the ultimate goal or checkmate. Their eyes filled with nothing but greed and ambition." Princess Iris said as she sighed.

"You said you don't know anyone in the kingdom who doesn't think I'm pretty. Does that include you as well, Nephrite?" She teased, causing the eighteen year old to blush. "Many men asked to dance with me tonight, but you never did. You stood leaning against the wall with a frown on your face. Something clearly bothered you. You used to at least dance with me once. Kunzite, Jadeite, and Zoisite too."

"You are important to me, Nephrite. You are different than all the others. For five years, you have shown me so much. You've suck me out of the palace and we've gone to festivals. We've gone for late night walks just like we are now. We've gone stargazing and so much more. Moments such as these are my treasures. I wouldn't trade them for the entire kingdom." Iris told him.

"I'm glad Milady thinks so highly of me and the moments we have spent together." Nephrite answered.

Frowning at this, unhappy that was all he had to say, Iris stepped in front of him and made him look at her for the first time they had walked out there.

"It's impolite to not look someone in the eye when you are talking to them, Nephrite. Please, answer me honestly. Do you do this because someone asked you to? Do you not treasure these moments as well? Would you do these type of things with any other girl? Do you merely do this with me because I'm the princess?" She asked.

Nephrite was silent for a moment before he answered. "Your Highness. If...I must answer you in complete honestly, I have spent time with you because I wished to. No one else knows about our adventures. No one else asked me to spend time with you. enjoy these moments with you. I did this because I thought you would enjoy it. Nothing more. If I thought someone else would be interested, I might have asked them. I have yet to find anyone else who shares my love of the stars as much as you." He finished as he looked away.

"However, you have brought it to my attention that you have interpreted my intentions incorrectly, Your Highness. I merely thought it was something you would enjoy and something to help get your mind off your daily duties for even a moment. You're growing up. I'm no longer a child and you will become a teenager in but a year. I'm six years older than you. Others may deem our interactions as inappropriate. You are expected to one day marry a nobleman or even a prince. While I'm one myself, there are better families with more renown, influence, and wealth. It may be for the best if we stop seeing each other as we so often do."

Princess Iris gasped at what he just said. Tears slowly filling her eyes. "But, I love you..."

Nephrite stiffened at her words. Silent until he turned his back to her and answered. "Your's best if you forget such feeling. You're still young. You can't possibly understand such things yet. Again, you have interpreted my intentions incorrectly. You think because I treat you slightly different than other men you know, that we have somethings special. You will learn in time. It is merely a passing fancy. You will surely find a man when you are older, better suited than one such as myself."

"I don't care if you're a prince or not! Even if you were the poorest beggar, I would still love you Nephrite! You are the most honest, the kindest, most courageous, strong-hearted man I've ever know. Most of all you love me not because of my title, but for me! You would be a liar if you said you didn't feel the same!" Princess Iris snapped.

Startling Nephrite with her outburst. Turning around, he saw her tear streaked face. Tearing his heart apart. It was true. He loved her. But he knew there were better men out there for her. It did bother him to see her dancing with those greedy men. Nephrite knew he had lost to her. He couldn't deny it. He couldn't lie to her.

Walking close to her and encompassing her in his arms, he answered her as he looked at the stars above. ''I have always believed the stars guided the lives of people, not just the people among the stars and planets. The people of earth as well. If it is true, then I thank every single one of them that I was even able to meet you much less be by your side right now. The stars aligned so that I would fall for you, Milady. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. My only regret would that they didn't let me realize it and return your feelings sooner."

"I'm sorry I've caused you to cry." He said as he loosened his hold and wiped her tears. "I love you. I've loved you for a long time, but I was a coward and never acted on them. I never thought I was worth of such a beautiful girl like you. When we were younger, I wanted to know more about you as a person. Not as your title. Before I knew it, I fell in love. Now that I know how you feel, I won't deny it any more. I love you, Iris."

"Nephrite..." Iris said before she pulled his head closer and kissed him.


Meanwhile, Luna, Artemis, and Jadeite were still searching the tunnels.

"What happened to the others?!" Luna asked. Noticing they hadn't heard anything thing from them for a while.

"Don't know. Looks like we'll have to find the hideout ourselves!" Artemis answered. Up ahead there was light as the three of them entered the snowy wasteland.

"Where are we?!" Luna shouted over the sound of the wind.

"It's the Arctic!" Artemis answered.


After that scene, the images returned to fast forwarding. Showing the happy moments of their former lives.

"However, then came the day that changed everything. The hands of fate slowly turned the days of endless happiness, into the never ending darkness of the night of hatred and despair." Helios continued with his monologue.

The images showing both the royal children sparing against each other as their bodyguards watched and gave pointers. Princess Iris wielding the Earth's Defender Blade. Princess Iris was about thirteen and Prince Endymion was sixteen at that moment of time.

As the two parried and thrust their swords, they circled each other, waiting for the right moment to attack. Endymion had an advantage of height, longer arm length, and being stronger. But that didn't mean the princess didn't have a few tricks up her sleeves or couldn't use her size to her advantage.

Seeing what he thought was an opening, Endymion charged at his sister as the princess charged as well, ducked, and rolled underneath him. Rising to her feet, Princess Iris swung her sword at her brother, aiming for his thick boots to not hurt him. Unfortunatly, Endymion moved and the sword, sliced a part of his leg.

"Arrggh!" Endymion yelped in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Prince Endymion!" The others yelled as Kunzite and Jadeite gathered around to check the damage.

"Endymion! I'm so sorry! I was aiming for your boot, but you moved!" Iris apologized.

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. Good move though." He complemented her as he grunted a little from the pain.

Kunzite frowned as he turned to Zoisite. "Go and fetch the Royal Physician or one of his assistants. It's not life threatening, but it'll be bad if it gets infected."

Zoisite nodded as he was about to take off running, until a woman's voice stopped him.

"Wait! I can help!" Turning, the all looked to see a young woman enter the courtyard. She appeared to be nineteen and had long black wavy hair with amber eyes. On her forehead was a green teardrop shaped stone with matching earrings and necklace. She wore the standard black dress with a cream apron of the apothecary aids had. Along with the apron she had a rope tied around her waist with multiple small bags attached to hold presumably herbs. She wore brown ankle sandals and in her hand was a straw basket with multiple herbs.

Letting the woman through, she kneeled down beside Endymion and reaching out her hand, it emitted a faint glow as the cut was cleaned and slowly healed.

"Thank you." Endymion spoke as the woman used her magic to heal the cut.

Blushing, the woman stayed silent as she continued her work. Once she was done, there wasn't a single mark left showing the cut had been there. The only sign was the tear in his clothing and a few drops of blood. Endymion stood up and aided the woman up. Testing his leg, it seemed as good as new.

"What is you're name? I don't think I've seen you around before." Endymion asked.

"I-I'm Beryl, Your Highness. I'm one of the aids to the Royal Physician and aid to the Master of the royal apothecaries. I gather herbs and help where ever I'm needed. It's understandable you wouldn't know someone as common as me." Beryl answered as she curtsied. Though she clearly wasn't used to it from the nervous and awkward wat she did it.

"I don't know what they're thinking." Endymion said. Making Beryl look nervous.

"I don't understand how someone as talented as you with magic and healing is a mere aid! Even the Royal Physician has never healed a cut this cleanly! Your talents are clearly being wasted. I'll talk with my father about getting you promoted. Such skills need to be honed." Endymion told her.

Looking up in shock, Beryl beamed. "Thank you so much, Your Highness! You don't have to go to too much trouble for one such as myself! Thank you so much!" She said as she bowed again.

"Please. There's no need to bow. It's the least I can do. Thank you, Beryl." He said as she raised and blushed.

"You are too kind, my prince." Beryl thanked him.

"And please, call me by Endymion. I get 'Your Highness', 'Your Majesty', 'My Prince'. and 'Prince Endymion' from every everyone else. Even my best friends address me like that. Even though I've asked them not to." He said with a playful glare at the Four Kings of Heaven as they chuckled. Turning back to Beryl he told her, "If you wish to show your thanks, then I'd appreciate it if you would just call me by my name."

By this point Beryl was beet red as she nodded. "I'd be honored, Endymion..."

Soon the image faded as another took it's place.

"That was the day Beryl truly fell in love with Prince Endymion. Before, she had merely admired him. The kindness he showed Beryl that day and allowing her those special privileges, she grew to love him even more. She thought she was special to the prince and climbed the ranks of the healers so she could aid him when he was injured. She wanted to be of use to the prince. Soon it became more than that. She wanted more. She dreamed of becoming his queen. However... her dreams were soon shattered." Helios explained as the image settled.

Before them, the girls saw Beryl hiding behind a pillar. Hand covering her mouth, and tears building in her eyes, Beryl held the look of someone betrayed. Looking past her, the girls could see Endymion and Serenity together, kissing.

The images going black as it faded away. Leaving Helios and the girls in a black vacuum. Looking at Sailor Gaea, Helios asked her a question.

"Are you alright to continue, Princess Iris. I know seeing what comes next will not be easy for you. You don't have to if you don't want to. Do you wish to leave and let the others see?"

"I thank you for your consideration, Helios. But there's no need. I'll be fine. If I don't face it, then I'd just be a coward. If they're going to see what happened in the past then so will I, even if I already know what happens." Sailor Gaea answered sadly.

Nodding, the images came forth. The girls unprepared for what they saw.

"In just a year after that event, everything changed. The sweet dream of the Golden Kingdom of the Silver Millennium came to an end." Helios spoke in the darkness.

It had started with a sound. A simple sound. The sound of a bell. A sound that could mean so many things. It could have been the ringing of wedding bells, celebrating a happy moment. It could have been the ringing of funeral bells, celebrating the end of a life. When royalty were born all the bells in the kingdom would ring, celebrating the beginning of a new life.

These were not those bells, the clamor of the bells was a warning, a warning... of war...

Awakened by the bells from the town in the middle of the night, those in the castle rushed from their beds to the windows, only to see the village and forest around them alight with fire.

There had been the warning signs. There always were if one had looked closely enough. Small riots had been popping up all over the kingdom. People refusing to pay their taxes. Farms and crops destroyed. Some of the armories and blacksmith shops around the kingdom had weapons and armor stolen. The king had even found some of his own advisers found stealing from the royal treasury.

There had been rumors among the people. Rumors of the Moon Kingdom above and how they were blessed with longer lifespan than humans. How they were far more advanced and had the technology far beyond anything they had. How with such technology, they cured all diseases.

They wondered why they were forced to suffer when the Moon Kingdom had all these things. Why did they stay away on their satellite? So close yet so far, looking down on them and their suffering. The people wondered why they couldn't live such long lives and not lose loved ones to diseases the Moon had all the cures to. Why did they merely observe and not help them?

They had grown envious of the Moon. Creating resentment and hate. If the Moon would not help them, they would help themselves.

Marching towards the palace, the people of Earth wore armor and wielded their weapons. Many already covered in the blood of their fellow men, women, and children. Anyone who stood in their way. At the head leading the march was a monster.

Moving into action, the King and Queen dressed for battle and organized their soldiers. Ordering those who could not fight to safety. In the throne room, the Royals had it act as their command center. Reports flew in of other armies marching on the palace. Each lead by a monster. Seven in total. Where there was no army, there were walls of fire. They were surrounded and trapped.

Helios was in Elysian, the place supported by the beautiful dreams of the people of earth was dying. Once beautiful dreams were turned to nightmares and dreams of darkness. He could offer no support to the King and Queen as he tried to keep it from falling apart and tried to change those dreams back, hoping to return the once kind people back into themselves.

In these armies, many had joined willingly, blinded by their hate and jealousy. It also helped the enemy with the fact they had those who had been more reluctant to join be brainwashed into joining their side. Since most woman could not fight, they were turned into monsters.

Rushing through the corridors of the palace, Endymion and Iris had been called to the throne room along with their bodyguards. Unfortunately, the Four Kings of Heaven were nowhere to be found near their prince. They figured the four of them where already in the throne room. Princess Iris's guardians were with them as they hurried.

"Spring's Revenge!"

"Autumn's Labors!"

"Summer's Scale!"

"Winter's Tundra!"

The Guardians attacked as monsters came down the corridors. They kept moving as the very foundation of the palace shook and bits of the ceiling and walls crumbled to the ground. Nearly hitting them a few times. They could hear the clash of blades from their soldiers and the enemy fought on. Their bellows and monsters howled in pain as they fought on. The mayhem and pandemonium around them unending, unyielding.

"Where do they keep coming from?! No matter how many are cut down, more remain! Why is this happening!?" Iris questioned as she clung to her brother as another blast from somewhere shook the palace.

"I don't know...But we must keep moving!" Endymion told her as the others cleared the path.

Passing by an open air courtyard, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Monsters and men alike were gathered around what could only be a ritual of evil. In the center of the courtyard, a dark magic circle contained a black cauldron as monsters forced the Golden Kingdom soldiers heads into it. Dunking their heads and pulled them back out. Women they had captured, where forced in and came out as monsters. Some of them were sacrificed on a makeshift alter.

In the center of it all was a red haired woman. Their eyes widen as they realized who this woman was. Beryl. The dark magic flowing through her veins had transformed her. Her hair now a wavy fire-red that reached her waist. Her once bright amber eyes a dull orange and instead of having whites, had a pale yellow, and her eyelids were smeared over with a warm cocoa brown, and dark-purple lips, along with pale skin. She was wearing a simple, form-fitting dark-purple dress, with the top of her dress pointed in towards her neck, and a background of black. She wore a silver armlet and a bracelet, along with two small horns peaking out from her shoulders. She was also adorned with a forehead crest, shaped like a black, upside-down boomerang, with two white dots up and down, along with a turquoise stone wrapped around in gold strips and similar earrings. The same stones she wore before. She had particularly pointy fingernails that were painted a dark red. In her hand was a white scepter with a black orb.

Beryl laughed as she watched her minions work. "From this day forth, I shall be know as Queen Beryl! With the power of the great Queen Metalia, I shall rule the Earth and soon the Moon will fall before me! I will not tolerate any opposition. Queen Metalia! Accept our offerings and their energy to grow stronger and stronger!"

Backing away, the prince and the princess hurried away from such a gruesome sight. Princess Iris vomiting once they were far enough.

"Iris! Go to Mother and Father! Tell them what's happening! I must go!" Endymion said as he turned to go the opposite way of the throne room.

"Wh-What about you!? Where are you going?!" Iris questioned him.

"Unless I do something, the Moon Kingdom will be destroyed."


"I'm convinced the only way to stop this war is to eliminate Metalia, and wipe out her evil energy. That should put an end to Beryl's plans. I'm going to need Serenity's help. Please believe me, we don't have anytime to waste." He told her as he pulled her into a hug.

Letting her go he said the final words she would hear from him in that life time.

"The Moon isn't aware of what's going on. Someone needs to warn them. She needs me. Goodbye, Iris!" He said as he ran off. Not even taking his sister with him, away from danger, not even saying 'I love you'. The Prince of Earth abandoned them all to a losing war.

Princess Iris wept silent tears as she turned to her guardians and told them to keep moving. Cutting down their foes as they hurried onward. All the while wondering why her brother, the one she looked up to, betrayed her like that. Didn't she need him too? Their people? Their kingdom?

As they hurried more monsters came up behind them.

"Princess Iris! Go ahead! I'll catch up!" Sailor Zephyrus told her.

"Zephyrus!" Princess Iris cried, pleading for her friend not to do this.

The others, pulling their princess away as the monsters closed in. Iris watched as a monster killed the first of her friends. One by one, Notus, Eurus, and Boreus were all killed protecting Princess Iris. Notus's leg had been crushed by the clasping ceiling and fought to her last breath when a monster killed her. Eurus had been consumed by the fire of a monster's breath. Boreus acting as a human shield when a monster had snuck up behind the princess as Boreus pushed Iris out of the way.

The smoke and blood in the air along with her tears choking her as she ran. Finally making it to the doors of the throne room at last. Iris threw open the doors, covered in sweat, blood, and tears. Gasping at the horror before her.

Around the room, the Four Kings of Heaven were lounging around the room. The King of Earth, was on the top of the dais where the thrones were. Wrapped in the arms of his queen as she laid underneath him. Traces of tears lingering on her face. Her eyes wide open and her mouth open in a silenced scream. Their chests ripped open by a blade.

Standing on the steps of the dais, Nephrite stood with his back to his princess, light from the burning fires of war around them caused the blade in his hand to glow as blood too was reflected.

"Neph...Nephrite..." Princess Iris barely whispered in shock.

She hoped she was having a horrible nightmare, she hoped that this was a misunderstanding. Hoping Monsters had killed her parents and like her, they arrived too late to save them. Not this, the Four Kings of Heaven couldn't have betrayed them. Nephrite couldn't have betrayed her.

Frozen in shock, Iris could do nothing as Beryl entered the room behind her and climbed up the steps, passing the king and queen and sitting in her mother's chair. The others bowing to the new self proclaimed queen.

Turning towards Iris, Nephrite face seemed solemn. When his tinted eyes landed on her, his face turned to a wild, crazed, maniacal smile. Turning into a sneer as he walked down the steps to the ground floor. Raising his sword still coated with her parents blood, he charged at Iris. The blade piercing her flesh without remorse. Tears finally falling from the princess's eyes.

The last words she ever heard passed from Nephrite's lips. He laughed at her tears and her betrayed face.

"I never loved you!" He said as he removed his sword and Princess Iris fell to the ground.

Her blood tainting the once beautiful kingdom, along with her parents and the rest of their loyal subjects that followed them to the end.

The last royal on Earth, her last words being the broken name of her lover.


All the girls were in tears as they had watched their deaths. The girls finally understood the way Princess Iris had acted when she first saw them with her memories back after being reborn. She couldn't believe they were alive. Her friends had returned to her.

Gathered together they hugged each other as they comforted themselves. Helios was silent as he let them absorb what happened. Tears in his own eyes after witnessing the fall of the kingdom he served and his beloved home.

"What-" Notus spoke, clearing her throat as her voice shook and cracked. "What happened after that, Helios?"

Clearing his eyes and sniffing, Helios saw they were ready and continued. "That night on the Moon, they were throwing a party. The anniversary of the Silver Millennium. The people of the Moon were unprepared for the Dark Kingdom's attack."

"What about Endymion?! Didn't he warn them!?" Sailor Gaea yelled. Having died on Earth, she never knew what happened afterward. Only what Jadeite had told her. Her brother left her behind and it infuriated her to think that her brother hadn't properly warned them of what happened on Earth and what was coming their way.

"He arrived on the Moon and with aid of a disguise, he met with Princess Serenity. Warning her of the impending danger." Helios answered.

With a wave of his hand, the images appeared. Endymion meeting Serenity as she stood on the balcony and was chased away by the guards. Swiftly moving to the ball with Serenity being asked to dance with Endymion in disguise as Helios as said. It was the outfit he would later wear as Tuxedo Mask. All he needed was his hat and it would have been prefect. Luckily, many at the ball were wearing masks so his fit right in.

Sailor Gaea and her team watched them dance with fury bubbling within them. Here the prince was dancing the night away with his princess. It was so sweet and romantic, they wanted to gag. After they all died, he was doing this! He wasn't even warning the Moon Kingdom! Princess Iris had been killed by the man she loved! Seeing this wasn't fair!

They watched as the couple left the party and talked to each other before kissing.

Soon they saw the Dark Kingdom forces coming from the Earth to the Moon. Queen Metalia had grown gigantic. Feeding off the energy of those sacrificed to her. Growing strong on the people's despair, jealousy, and hate. Using her energy to transport their forces to the moon. She appeared as black humanoid form with green pupil less eyes. Long claws with spiked shoulders and head.

The humans charging at the Moon, ready to spill blood with their weapons drawn and yelling as they attacked.

The girls saw Luna and Artemis shouting warning the people at the party of the enemy. Prince Endymion failed to warn them. Queen Metalia soon covered the sky over the capital of the Moon Kingdom as her warriors fought below. Raining down nine lightning strikes on the moon, creating a mass explosion. Shaking the palace as it began to collapse in on itself.

They say Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus attack Queen Metalia. Only to be absorbed to their shock. Metalia raised her hand sending out green lightning and a whirlwind of dark energy. Sweeping up the four Sailor Guardians as they screamed in pain and died. Their deaths quick.

Continuing their onslaught, the people of the moon swiftly fell to their opponents. Most unarmed due to the party. In a time of peace, who needed weapons? Their advanced technology couldn't save them now. With the Moon's smaller size, conquering the moon was simple and only a matter of hours.

The Dark Kingdom forces tearing down buildings and killing anyone they came across from the moon as Beryl watched it all from a stone outcropping. Laughing at the destruction. Claiming the Moon as hers and proclaiming the creation of the Dark Kingdom. Praising Metalia as she raised her scepter and unleashed her own attack. Causing the palace to fall.

They saw the Four Kings of Heaven among the enemy as well, Kunzite throwing his head back and laughing in triumph.

Everything crumbling as it floated up to Queen Metalia as she absorbed it. Growing larger and larger the more she consumed, having already absorbed all the water on the Moon.

They saw Serenity was still alive as she watched helplessly as her kingdom fell. They watched as Beryl appeared before her and attacked the princess. Serenity unable to stop the attack as a red rose stopped Beryl. Turning to see Endymion had come to Serenity's rescue... as always.

Standing in front of Serenity as he tried to reason with Beryl. Only infuriating the woman as Queen Metalia attacked again. Breaking apart the palace as is absorbed the pieces. Sweeping up Endymion, but not killing him. Ripping him away from his love. The air whipping him away and towards Metalia.

Serenity calling out to him as he told her to run away. The foolish girl running straight into danger jumping off the balcony and flying through the air as they both reunited. Clasping the others hand for dear life.

Sailor Gaea watched in tears. She hated her brother for leaving her behind, but she couldn't deny Endymion and Serenity loved each other more than anything else in the galaxy. It tore her heart to see the couple spend their last moments with the one they loved. Princess Iris was never given that luxury. They died with the knowledge that the one they loved them back just as strongly. Princess Iris had been betrayed and killed by a cheep imitation of the one she loved.

The images continued as Metalia fired at Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity. A green blast forming and blasting from her fanged mouth. The blast ripping the couple apart and killing them.

Rushing across the ravaged battle field, Queen Serenity along with Luna and Artemis witnessed the death of the princess. Having been busy dealing with the Seven Great Monsters beforehand and arriving too late to save her daughter. Crying out her only child's name as her lifeless body and Endymion's floated up into the sky to be absorbed by Metalia.

Crying out in their grief as Beryl laughed in triumph. Her evil laughter ringing as the last tears of the princess fell. Falling to her knees, the queen of the moon placed the Legendary Silver Crystal into the Moon Stick.

The pink flash of the crystal attracting the attention of the two cat advisers.

"Queen Serenity, don't! If you release the Silver Crystal's full power, you will die!" Luna begged her queen.

Queen Serenity wiped her eyes and answered the cat. "My life doesn't matter. Not when the peace of the Moon and the Earth is at stake." Standing up, she unleashed the power of the Silver Crystal. "Moon Healing Escalation!"

The pink energy startling Queen Beryl. "What?!"

Completely unprepared for this chain of events as the attack hit Queen Metalia as she unleashed a painful roar as she was sealed away.

Queen Beryl crying out to her master as it felt as if her flesh was being ripped from her bones. Sharing the same fate as her master. "Queen Metalia!"

The painful screams of both master and servant echoing through the kingdom they hoped to control. Sealed by the power they wanted for themselves. Followed by the Four Kings of Heaven. To which Sailor Gaea had to look away.

The last words of Queen Beryl being, "Curse you, Queen Serenity!" as they were all sealed away. The sky glowing pink as the shadowed surface of the moon was cleared and light rained down.


Back in the Artic, the trio of cats were attempting to travel through the blizzard that was beating down on them. Their trail of paw prints left behind, though with the blizzard going on, it would be difficult to retrace their steps if they were out there too long. If they didn't return soon, they could either get lost of freeze to death. Artemis faltering as he fell into the snow.

"Don't give up. You have to stay strong, Artemis!" Luna encouraged him.

"I'm alright. But what about you, Luna? Are you getting tried out?" Artemis asked trying to act tough and concerned for his partner.

"Mm. I'm fine. I have no intention of dying until we find that hideout!" Luna said as she shook her head, filled with determination.

"Die after we get back to the others! If you die out here after finding it without telling them, our efforts would have been for nothing! If it gets to be too much for you two, don't be afraid to go back. I'm just an astral projection of my soul. The cold doesn't effect me." Jadeite told them.

"We'll keep that in mind, Jadeite." Luna told him as she trudged forward and Artemis got back up and followed. Sighing at their stubbornness, Jadeite continued unaffected by the weather.

Soon, cresting mountain the three found a dormant volcano emitting a dark purple fog.

"Is that?!" Luna questioned as they stared down into the abyss.

"There's no mistaking it. I recognize this energy anywhere." Jadeite confirmed it.

"We did it! At last, we've finally found the entry portal to the Dark Kingdom's hideout!" Artemis cheered.

"We have to tell the others!" Luna said as she began running back the way they came. Only to come to a halt when the last King of Heaven appeared blocking their path.

"Sorry, but you're way too late." Kunzite informed them. Believing he had gotten rid of the Sailor Guardians once and for all.

"Kunzite!" Jadeite yelled in fury. "What have you done to them!?"


Before them, Sailor Gaea and her team watched as Queen Serenity rested on a fallen pillar.

"Luna.. Artemis..." She called out to them.

"Yes?!" Both eager to hear what their queen wished to say.

Holding up the Crystal, Queen Serenity told them the possibilities the Crystal was capable of. "The Silver Crystal can bring peace into the world when used by someone with a pure heart. But, when it is used by someone with an evil heart, it immediately becomes a frightening weapon." Grunting in pain from overusing the crystal.

"That's enough, please don't talk anymore!" Luna urged her Queen, wishing for her not to die.

Queen Serenity ignored her subject's plea as she continued to tell them what they needed to know. "With the power of the Silver Crystal, I was able to seal away Metalia. However, there's no telling when she'll return once again."

The two cats listening closely with tears in their eyes.

"That's why I need to tell you about the Moon Stick. Only those with royal blood are able to use it. So in the future, if Metalia is able to break free from her suspended animation, entrust this stick to Princess Serenity, so that she can protect the peace of the world."

"Yes." They immediately answered.

Queen Serenity smiled at them, before she thought of those on Earth who had lost so much, just like her daughter. Using the last of her strength, she would ensure they would be reborn as well. To make sure the enemy would never get the Silver Crystal, she would have it break into eight pieces. Seven would be entrusted to the Seven Great Monsters who would be reborn as humans. If someone did try to remove the Crystals, they would have to face the monsters who would hopefully act as guardians unless the Dark Kingdom brainwashed them. The last piece, just a tiny bit would sleep within her daughter.

"Princess Serenity, Princess Iris, and all the other Sailor Guardians as well, may your future lives on Earth be filled with love, kindness and hope." She said as she let go of the Crystal as it floated up.

The light flooding every corner of the moon. Everyone who had died that day on the moon, their souls were gathered together, floating in round golden balls of light. Their faces peaceful as if they were only sleeping. The light of the Silver Crystal reach all the way to Earth where Princess Iris, her guardians, and all the other souls of Earth were all gathered. The Silver Crystal carried them all away to travel through space and time to find an era of peace to be reborn.

Queen Serenity was sad yet happy as she watched them go. She would never see her daughter again, she would be someone else's. She would never physically see her daughter mature into a full grown woman, get married to Endymion, or have children. She would never be a grandmother, but it was okay. She was happy knowing Luna would look after her daughter and Serenity would live the life she always wanted on Earth with the one she loved and her friends would look after her too. She would content herself by watching from beyond the grave.

"This is my final wish. Live in peace and happiness." She spoke as she let out her final breath. The moon silent as her hand released the Moon Stick.

"Queen Serenity!" Luna and Artemis cried as right before the Moon Stick touched the ground it glowed and the two were forced to sleep in special canisters until the right time for them to awaken.

Back on Earth, Helios watched this from the ruins of the Golden Kingdom. Using the power of the same crystal he was currently using to show them the past to move everything. All traces of the Golden Kingdom was removed from the surface and transported to Elysian. The images disappearing as they returned to where they were before the history lesson started.

Looking at Helios, he had a solemn face as he explained the end of the story.

"After what happened, there were few survivors. I thought it would be best if the world were to start anew. Just like the rest of you. For thousands of years, I have protected the Golden Crystal and Elysian. As you may have notice, I have not aged since that day. I've been waiting for all of you. To tell you what happened. I'm sorry you had to see that again."

The girls gave him small smiles of understanding as they grouped hugged him.

"Don't mention it, grandpa!" Sailor Notus joked. Effectively lighting up the mood as they all laughed and Helios huffed at her. The girls all rubbing his head and messing up his hair.

"We all had it tough. Sorry we left you all alone. It must have been lonely and scary." Sailor Zephyrus comforted him.

"Now I'm even more pumped to bash a few Dark Kingdom skulls in!" Sailor Eurus told them as she drew out her mace.

"Thanks for saving us from the place Kunzite was going to send us and for sharing the past with us even when it wasn't so pretty." Sailor Boreus told him.

"Thank you, Helios, for everything. I know how difficult it can be to remember everything and have no one to talk to about it. You've done well all these years." Sailor Gaea told him.

"Everyone... You don't know how much those words mean to me." He said as he bowed. "It has been an honor." Straightening up, he looked at a sundial.

"However, it's time for you to go. You are needed elsewhere. Don't worry. We'll see each other again. Farewell, and best of luck defeating the Dark Kingdom." He said as a glow surrounded them and began teleporting them away.

"Bye, Helios! Sweet dreams!" The girls waved goodbye as they were transported back to the tunnels.

Helios smiling to having his friends back and he could help them.


Back in the cave system, Sailor Gaea and her team were the first to arrive. The landing had been a lot gentler than the landing when they arrived in Elysian.

Looking around, the girls saw the Moon Stick fall from out of nowhere. Before any of them could question it, the Silver Crystal flashed upwards and in a circle before the five missing Sailor Guardians appeared surrounding the stick.

"Girls!" Sailor Gaea greeted them as they rushed over.

"Sailor Gaea! Sailor Zephyrus, Notus, Eurus, and Boreus! You're all okay!" Sailor Moon called out to them.

"Of course we are! We're not Sailor Guardians for nothing! An old friend of ours, a survivor of the fall of the Golden Kingdom, the Kingdom of Earth, saved us from being taken away to the Multi-Dimensional Chaos World." Sailor Zephyrus explained.

"A survivor?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"Yeah, he's really an old grandpa!" Notus joked. The Sailors of Earth giggling at the inside joke while the others remained clueless.

"He showed us our past lives. How we met the princess, how Nephrite and Princess Iris fell in love and confessed, how Beryl fell in love with Endymion, the fall of the Golden Kingdom, and our deaths." Sailor Eurus explained sadly.

"He also showed us what happened afterword on the moon. We saw your deaths and how us being here was made possible by Queen Serenity. Then he sent us back here." Sailor Boreus finished.

The others looking sad at the mention of the fallen Queen's name.

"Queen Serenity..." Sailor Moon trailed off as she began tearing up.

"So that's what happened." Sailor Jupiter said as she thought about what all had happened to all of them.

"It all makes sense now." Sailor Venus said in agreement, still taking it all in.

"Now we know why we were chosen as Sailor Guardians to protect this planet." Sailor Mars remined them.

"Yes." Sailor Mercury agreed sadly.

Sailor Moon kneeled down and picked up the Moon Stick, cradling as she held it close. "Thank you, mother." She said as she thought of what her mother did for all of them. Sailor Gaea had been right back at the Starlight Tower. It made sense why Sailor Gaea had felt so strongly about her not wanting to fight. Sailor Moon fully realized that now. She felt even worse than she did before for not considering Sailor Gaea's feelings back then.

As the girls absorbed everything and held a moment of silence for their past lives and others of the past, the silence was broken by a female cry.

"Help!" The plea sounding like it came from Luna. The cave walls causing it to echo a bit, but they could tell it was coming from up ahead. Followed by a scream of pain from what sounded like Artemis.

Turning towards the noise, all the girls emitted startled gasp as they ran towards the growing sounds of a fight.

"Back off, you brainwashed oaf!" Jadeite yelled.

He, along with the other two cats, were a little worse for wear. While Jadeite was able create barriers to protect them, Kunzite was far stronger than him. The superior officer easily blasted through the barriers, but it did help lessen the hit for the others. Even a spirit could take damage.

Kunzite seemed bored as attacked with a yell. Purple and black lighting sent right at them.

Seeing the attack being too much, Jadeite yelled, "Scatter!"

Unable to move quickly enough, the attack hit the two, blasting them apart. "Ahhh!"

"Luna!" Sailor Moon cried out to her furry friend.

"Artemis! No!" Sailor Venus called out to him.

Turning to the intruders, Kunzite first looked bored, and then shocked to see them all again.

Luna had already fallen unconscious as Artemis attempted to probably call out to Venus. "Sailor..." He muttered with his paw outstretched to her as he too fell unconscious with his head resting on Luna.

Jadeite managed to dodge as he ran to the princess. "Sailor Gaea!"

"Actaeon!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she gently picked him up.

"We're not going to let you hurt them anymore!" Sailor Moon yelled at Kunzite.

"Sailor Moon, but how did you?! I sent you away to the Multi-dimensional Chaos World!" Kunzite questioned them, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"We all had help from unknown sources." Sailor Gaea answered smirking at him.

"Well too bad that things didn't work out the way you planned." Sailor Jupiter mocked him.

"But thanks to you, we've regained all our memories of the past!" Sailor Venus informed him.

Sailor Mercury began. "We'd like to show you..."

" very grateful we are!" Sailor Mars finished.

"Argh! Don't be condescending to me, you presumptuous dress-up dolls!" Kunzite yelled as he moved into an attack stance.

"Return Tuxedo Mask. I mean, Endymion. You have no right to keep him!" Sailor Moon ordered.

"Kunzite, this has to stop. This isn't who you really are!" Sailor Gaea told him. They needed to weaken him somehow so she could get in close and heal him.

Kunzite just let out an evil chuckle and ignored Sailor Gaea. "I'd be willing to let him go if you'd just hand over the Silver Crystal! Hah!" He attacked shrouding the cave in darkness once again.

The girls letting out a fearful gasp.

Kunzite grinned with wicked glee as he roared forming a purple lighting orb in each hand. Crushing them as they formed two purple glowing boomerangs. With a growl, he swung the boomerangs at Sailor Moon as they cut bits of her uniform.

Sailor Moon emitting her screams of pain.

"Sailor Moon!" Sailor Venus yelled as she caught the girl.

Sailor Mercury glared at her opponent. "You're even more deranged than I'd ever realized!"

"Unforgivable!" Sailor Mars shouted at him.

Catching the boomerangs, Kunzite chuckled at them. "Hmph! It is you who are deranged if you think your silly attacks could possibly work here in my world!" Kunzite attacked with another yell.

All of them releasing painful screams as the boomerangs cut into them. The darn things worked differently from other boomerangs as Kunzite controlled them. Sailor Eurus tried to use her mace to whack it away, along with Sailor Boreus and Sailor Gaea tried using their swords.

"We need to put our powers together to protect Sailor Moon! Let's do it, girls! Venus Power!" Sailor Venus yelled as the four of them surrounded Sailor Moon with their transformation pens in hand.

"Mercury Power!"

"Mars Power!"

"Jupiter Power!"

Creating a pillar of light. Sailor Gaea and her team were slightly impressed and wondered where they had learned that. Sailor Gaea figured it was something from their past lives.

Kunzite's boomerangs circled the pillar before calling them back and sending them out again with a yell of attack. Focusing of the holder of the Silver Crystal while the boomerangs were able to hit the ones creating the barrier and mostly ignoring Sailor Gaea and her team.

"Spring's Revenge!"

"Autumns Labors!"

"Summer's Scale!"

"Winter's Tundra!"

Sailor Zephyrus, Notos, Eurus, and Boreus attacked, only for Kunzite to send the attacks right back at them.

Each landing on their back with painful grunts.

"Stop it!" Sailor Moon yelled as she guardians fell to their knees, but kept up the barrier. "Even if you went out right now and bought us the finest haute-couture, trend-setting designs as replacements, I can't forgive you for trying to shred our Sailor Guardian outfits!" She yelled as she stepped out of the barrier.

"I might not like mini skirts, but there's no need to make them any shorter, you pervert!" Sailor Gaea yelled at him.

Making the man make a shocked face.

"In the name of the moon..." Sailor Moon began.

"On behalf of Mother Earth..." Sailor Gaea began her own catchphrase.

"...we'll punish you!" Both finished.

Sailor Moon whipped out her Moon Stick and Sailor Gaea sincerely hoped it would work. "Moon Healing Escalation!"

With a startled gasp, Kunzite used his cape to cover his eyes. Sailor Moon was practically glowing.

"I am Kunzite! A proud member of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven! You can't make me yell out 'Refresh' ever!" He yelled as he threw one last boomerang.

"You don't have to!" Zoisite yelled as he and Nephrite came around the corner. In front of them was a blue lion with red eyes and white main. Sailor Gaea was surprised to see them, but remembered Nephrite's promise to come after her if they took too long. The sudden appearance of his protégé shocked Kunzite as Zoisite used his petal attack to stop the boomerang.

"What?!" Kunzite muttered in disbelief. Was his eyes deceiving him? Was his death at hand with his protégé and his fellow Four King of Heavens member there to guide him to the afterlife? Or were both alive somehow. "Zoi-Zoisite!?"

While Kunzite was distracted by this, Nephrite ordered his lion. "Leo the Lion! Tackle him!"

Leo roaring as he charged and tackled his opponent, the man letting out a surprised grunt.

"Impossible! To be defeated by my own fallen comrades!" Kunzite yelled as he struggled to get the lion off.

Sailor Gaea sighed as she handed Jadeite to Zoisite. "Perfect timing you two!" She said as she kneeled down beside Kunzite.

"Don't worry Kunzite, everything will be explained soon." Zoisite assured his mentor as the guys and Sailor Guardians of Earth gather around. Kunzite stopped struggling as he gave Zoisite a questioning look, still unsure to trust them.

Without a moment to lose since Kunzite stopped struggling, Sailor Gaea whispered, "Gaea Rejuvenating Caressing Kiss," as kissed him on the forehead. The darkness was overpowering as she used as much power as she could to heal him. Zoisite and Nephrite had been easier since they had been wounded beforehand. Sailor Moon even added her power to help heal him, without him having to yell refresh.

Sighing with relief, Sailor Gaea leaned against Nephrite as she caught her breath. Nephrite ordered the lion to get off Kunzite as Zoisite helped him up. The man shocked as he remembered everything.

"Welcome back, Kunzite, knight of virtue and affection." Zoisite greeted him and soon enveloped in a hug by Kunzite who finally allowed himself to cry the tears he had been unable to when he thought Zoisite had died, his tears of relief, joy, and sorrow for his past mistakes.

"Sailor Moon's power is just incredible!" Luna exclaimed as the two cats woke up.

"So is Sailor Gaea's." Jadeite commented.

"They're even greater now." Artemis added.

Rushing the cat's side, Sailor Moon cradled the cat. "Are you going to be all right, Luna?"

"I'm okay, Usagi. I mean, Sailor Moon. No, you're Serenity, aren't you? The Dark Kingdom's hideout is the D-point located in the Arctic Circle!" Luna informed her.

"You're going to have to hurry there before the dark spots on the sun spread! There isn't much time left." Artemis remined them all.

"Okay, we'll storm the Dark Kingdom immediately! Right, everybody!" Sailor Moon asked the others.

"Right!" They answered. Able to rise to their feet.

"Now, in the name of the moon..." Sailor Moon began.

"And on behalf of Mother Earth..." Sailor Gaea added.

"...we'll punish you!" The planetary Sailor Guardians cheered.

"...we shall brighten the darkness and vanquish the evil within!" Sailor Gaea's team along with the reunited Four Kings of Heaven finished.

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