Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Ami vs Mamoru

96 2 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

In the heart of the African savanna, the sun blazed and shined down upon all in habitants. An ecosystem covered in a large grassland and patches of woodland. The trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. The open canopy allowing sufficient light to reach the ground. There were white snowcapped mountains in the distance.

Next to a rocky ridge, a woman with long auburn hair was kneeling on the ground with a blue clipboard in hand. Wearing a tan safari hat to keep the sun out of her dark eyes, she also wore blue round ball earrings and her gold necklace. Her clothing consisted of a tan short sleeved cuffed button up shirt and making shorts with a brown belt and hiking boots.

It was none other than Reika on her research study trip. As she observed the fossils in front of her, she let out a tired sigh. She had to be careful the heat didn't get to her, but she needed to report her findings and daylight waited for no one. Wiping her brow from sweat, she continued with her report until she saw some rocks trickle down from above, she was surprised and further still when a shadow fell over her.

"Huh? Who's there?" Reika demanded to know, worried it could be a predator. It may as well have been.

Standing above her on the ridge, decked out in his full armor and cape was none other than Dark Endymion. With an evil chuckle he spoke to her with a cruel smile. "I've been looking for you, Miss Nishimura. But maybe you'd prefer I call you Rikokeida, which is your true given name as one of the Seven Great Monsters."

Standing up and moving away from the mysterious man she demanded to know, "What are you talking about?" Not recognizing Mamoru.

"Come on! Do not resist. Join us once again." Dark Endymion ordered as he released the Dark Crystal as it began its old work once again.

The power of the Dark Crystal was too powerful for her willpower alone to stop it as she released painful grunts as she tried to fight it. The golden circular beams of light the Dark Crystal emitted encompassed her body, drawing her in until instead of turning into a monster, she was sucked into the crystal itself. Dark Endymion smirking through the process and clasping the crystal in his palm. The only things left behind was her clipboard and her hat.

Holding the crystal, Dark Endymion watched as the crystal flashed in the light. Looking closely at the edges of it, a tiny image of Reika was kneeling within the crystal. The next showed Joe the Crane Game Troll, bashing against the crystal he was trapped in. Yelling to be let out. The next showed Hiroko's uncle. Standing calmly as he held his hands in prayer, hoping to be delivered from his prison. The last revealing Rhett Butler as he sat there and gave a soundless meow from within.

"Four down, three more to go..." Dark Endymion muttered. The wicked smirk never leaving his face.


Back in Tokyo, Japan, winter was truly there as snow fell down from the sky in and gently atop building and any other surface available for it.

Ayame stood in front of Yumemi's house once again and sighed. The other day, she had come over for her art lesson and when she knocked, no one answered. When she tried the door, it was unlocked. It wasn't like her sensei to leave the door unlocked if she had left.

At first she thought Yumemi might have been in the garden and hadn't heard her, entering, the lights were on but there was no sign of Yumemi anywhere. Growing worried or her sensei, she called the art gallery to see if anyone there had seen her. They hadn't seen her in days. Ayame called to some of the models Yumemi used regularly and they hadn't heard anything. With no one else she knew to ask, Ayame had called the police.

Now Yumemi was deemed missing. There wasn't anything stolen or any signs of forced entry or struggle. There wasn't any ransom note either. Some of her fans thought it was a simple case of an artist going on a journey for inspiration, but Ayame thought otherwise. If Yumemi needed inspiration, she would walk around Tokyo for more models, not travel. Her sensei seemed fine the day before. It cause Ayame to worry none the less.

Sighing once again, she began to walk home. It was times like this, Ayame felt helpless even with her powers as a Sailor Guardian. Wherever her sensei was, she hoped she was safe, warm, and not going hungry.

Another thing that depressed her, was the condition her relationship with Nephrite. She hadn't contacted him at all and it made her feel disgusted with herself. Nephrite hadn't sent anything either, trying not to pressure her and giving her space and time. Ayame loved him for that, but it made her feel even guiltier. He was probably doing it to punish himself in way.

Arriving home, Ayame greeted her mother who was in the living room watching tv. The news was covering Yumemi's disappearance. Turning away, Ayame headed to her room only to be stopped when the phone rang.

Picking it up she answered, "Hello?"

"Ayame? It's me, Hiroko!" Her voice came through the phone. Her voice laced with worry.

"What's wrong, Hiroko?" Ayame asked.

"It's my uncle! He's disappeared! None of his fellow church members know where he is. I'm worried about him." Hiroko answered.

"What?! Your uncle is missing?" Ayame asked as she thought about it. Yumemi and Hiroko's uncle were missing? Two of the Rainbow Crystal Monsters had gone missing? Was it a coincidence? These days, Ayame doubted coincidences even existed for the Sailor Guardians.

"Yeah, has something happened?" Hiroko asked.

"Yes, you know my sensei? Yumemi Yumeno? She has gone missing as well. Both are Rainbow Crystal Monsters. I have a bad feeling about this. We need to check the other Rainbow Crystal Monsters and make sure they're okay or missing too." Ayame said.

"Do you think the Dark Kingdom is behind this?" Hiroko asked.

"I don't know. If they are, why act now? They've known about the monsters for months now. Why kidnap them? The monsters were already defeated. Why waste energy on something that already failed? Either way, we need to see if there is a connection." Ayame answered.

"Some are going to be difficult. Uncle and Yumemi are confirmed to be missing. Reika is in Africa. Joe from the game center, he likes to hop around arcades so it might be difficult to locate him. There's that cat. There's Ryo, who has moved away somewhere and then there is Rei's grandfather who would probably be the easiest to check up on." Hiroko rattled off.

"We will with what we got. I'll call Rei and ask how her grandfather is doing first, then we'll see what we can do from there. Call the others and let them know there might be a situation." Ayame answered.

"Right. Bye." Hiroko answered as she hung up.

Ayame quickly began dialing Rei's place until the phone rang. Startled, she answered it.

"Hello? Ayame speaking."

"Ayame? Glad I caught you! I just spoke to Ryo. Have you heard about Yumemi Yumeno?" Ami asked.

"Yes. I was the one who reported her missing. I just talked to Hiroko. Her uncle in miss too. I was about to call Rei and ask if her grandfather was okay." Ayame answered.

"Ryo told me Yumemi was the fifth of the former Seven Great Monsters to go missing." Ami informed her.

Dread creeped into Ayame's very soul. Five... Five were already confirmed to be missing? Then that left only Ryo and Grandpa!

"He called telling this and how he could be next. He said he used his abilities to figure it out. He wouldn't tell me where he was and urged us to protect Grandpa instead. He hung up after that." Ami continued.

"I see. Since we don't know where Ryo is, I'll call the others and we'll all head over to the shrine. Whoever is behind this is in for a world of hurt!" Ayame told her as the two hung and she began making calls. She was going to get to the bottom of this. No one kidnapped her sensei, Hiroko's uncle, or anyone else without paying for it!


The Dark Kingdom was gloomy as ever as Queen Beryl sat on her throne with the members of her court gathered around. From out of the crowd, Kunzite stepped forward and bowed before addressing her. "Queen Beryl, I'm curious about what Endymion is doing. Why is he trying to retransform the humans into the Seven Great Monsters right now?"

Queen Beryl smirked at him with an evil chuckle. "Well, as you know, each one of them was purified by the Moon Stick and returned to human form. However, by using our Dark Energy and the power of the Dark Crystal, we can turn them back into monsters again."

"But why go through all that trouble? They were defeated by the Sailor Guardians, which makes them useless." Kunzite stated the obvious.

"Ha! Well, here's what you don't know. Once the seven are together, they will combine as one to become the largest and most powerful monster ever to be seen." Queen Beryl informed him. "And when that happens, we will finally be able to put an end to the Sailor Guardians, once and for all!"

"Something I've been striving to do. So why would you assign this important task to Endymion and not to me?!" Kunzite protested. In the back of his mind, he felt he was being replaced. It reminded him of Zoisite's quarrels with Nephrite in a way. Kunzite couldn't die yet! He had so much he wanted to do. He still hadn't gotten his revenge yet!

"Are you questioning my decision, Kunzite? Is there a problem?" Queen Beryl asked, toying with him.

"No, Ma'am, no problem, but..." Kunzite assured her and tried to explain.

Queen Beryl simply cut him off. "Then hold off your judgment and let's watch and see how Endymion does."

Kunzite sweated a little before consenting. "Hmph. Fine." There wasn't much he could do otherwise.


At the Hikawa Shrine all the girls had gathered together. The Sailor Guardians of the inner planets and the Sailor Guardians of Earth. Outside, Grandpa and Yuichrio were shoveling snow so visitors would have clear paths to walk.

Now inside Rei's room, the girls were gathered together. Jing wore a white sweater, dark blue shorts that were extra thick and long stockings to protect her legs from the cold. She also wore a tan jacket and pink scarf.

Nanami wore a purple button up shirt, green shorts, black stockings with a blue design on them looping around. Along with a yellow and purple jacket. Along with her signature hat.

Hiroko wore a more business like outfit in a light grey skirt, blazer, black tights, and a long white sleeved shirt. Along with a long black and grey checkered coat with fur along the neck and ends of the sleeves and a shoulder strapped red purse.

Taura wore a light blue long sleeved sweater and a silver colored pair of pants. Over which was red coat and a black and white scarf.

Ayame wore a simple red and black sweater with two red lines at the elbows and a pair of dark jeans that had small tears here and there. Over it was an army green jacket.

"So tell me, Ami. Is your friend Ryo's precognitive power really accurate?" Minako asked, never have met the boy before.

"Yes, it's extremely accurate." Ami answered.

"Hey. You'd better believe that if the Dark Kingdom is rounding up the Seven Great Monsters, that can only mean one thing. They're planning something awful." Artemis told them.

"I still think that it doesn't make any sense. We're definitely missing something here that the enemy clearly knows. I'm curious why they hadn't done anything about it until now." Taura said.

Standing up, Makoto address Ami, "Ok, Ami, let's go. Come on."

"Huh? Where are we going?" Ami asked.

"I thought it was obvious! We have to go look for Ryo and give him protection!" Makoto answered.

"But we don't even know if he's in town or where to begin to look for him." Ami pointed out.

"I saw him. I know he's in the neighborhood. We just have to walk around. We'll run into him." Makoto assured her.

"Wait!" The girls stopped to see Jing getting up to go with them. "If Kunzite is behind this, you'll need as many hands on deck as you can. However, the enemy might already have him by now. The majority can stay here and make sure the enemy doesn't get Rei's grandpa. I'll go with you guys." Jing offered which the girls nodded in agreement as the headed out.

Outside, the guys took a break from the snow shoveling and created two separate positions to have aa snowball fight.

"You guys better keep an eye on Rei's Grandpa." Makoto told them.

"Wahhhh!" Usagi suddenly started crying, make Ayame and the others jump.

"What is it? What's the matter, Usagi?" Luna questioned.

"I feel so sorry for the hero of this manga!" Usagi cried as she held said manga in her hands.

Making the girls relax and also irritated with Usagi's antics.

"Hey! You should ask permission before you read my manga!" Rei yelled.

"What's the big deal? You weren't reading it." Usagi pointed out.

"How would you feel if some eats your dango and said they did it because you weren't eating it!" Nanami snapped at her. Giving an example Usagi could understand hopefully.

"And now I can't because you're crying all over it!" Rei yelled as she tackled Usagi.

Minako looked awkward about the situation and Luan and Artemis looked disappointed.

Nanami, Taura, Hiroko, and Ayame were irritated.

"They're at it again." Luna said.

"And this won't be the last time, either." Artemis assured her as they released their disappointed sighs.

"Sometimes, I feel like we are the only ones taking this stuff seriously." Ayame muttered as her team nodded.


Out in the city, there was life, noise, and all sorts of commotions going on as went about their lives, going to and from work, home, or just out shopping. Among the crowd in his civilian form and a pair of shades Dark Endymion was looking for Ryo. The crystal glowing or dimming as he got closer or further away.

"I'm close. He must be somewhere right around here."

Standing at a cross walk, the light turned green so he could move. Walking right across the cross walk a boy in a brown coat was walking towards him. Dark Endymion smirked as he recognized the boy as his target. Standing in the boys path, Dark Endymion spoke.

"Ryo Urawa, I presume?"

"And you're Endymion from the Dark Kingdom?" Ryo replied. Startled at seeing him and recognizing him. People passing by, without even glancing at the two.

"I see your precognitive skills prepared you for my arrival. That's very impressive, Mr. Urawa. So you know what's next. What your immediate future holds for you?" Dark Endymion asked.

"I do. I've been there before. You plan on drawing me into the Dark Crystal." Ryo answered.

"That's very good. Now don't resist. Come with me and we'll get this over quickly." Dark Endymion said as he placed a hand on Ryo's shoulder.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't accommodate you. You see, someone once told me that my future is something that I create for myself." Ryo told him.

"So what does that mean?" Dark Endymion asked. Unhappy the boy wasn't complying.

"It means, I'm not going to give up!" Ryo declared. With a pretend painful grunt, he yelled out for help. "Murderer! Help me!"

The crowd turning on Dark Endymion. In hindsight, he really should have chosen a more secluded spot.

"Back off!" A man from the crowd yelled.

"No! It's not true!" Dark Endymion denied as Ryo escaped during the confusion.

"Get out of here!" Another yelled.

Noticing his target getting away, Dark Endymion rushed through the crowd. This was what he gets for going after a boy who could see into the future. No matter. He was going to get that boy for the Dark Kingdom!


Back on the sidewalks and streets of Tokyo, the three Sailor Guardians Jing, Ami, and Makoto were walking towards Makoto had last seen the boy.

"Let's go back. I feel sorry for Ryo, but there's not much we can do for him at this point. It's probably too late." Ami said.

Jing halted and turned to look at the girl. 'She just feels sorry for him?! Is that all!?'

"You just feel sorry for him?" Makoto asked, perplexed. "I always thought Ryo was your boyfriend, Ami."

"No way, he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend of mine." Ami answered with a fond voice, the blush on her cheeks making Jing think otherwise.

"Eh-uhh, are you really sure about that Ami, that you're not just in denial?" Makoto asked, not buying the girl's story.

"Well, uh..." Ami muttered, unsure.

"Ami, I hope you haven't forgotten that Ryo is in love with you!" Makoto stressed.

"Yeah, I know that. But we have an important mission that takes priority over everything else. I can't allow myself to return his feelings." Ami said, giving nothing more than an excuse in Jing's eyes.

"That'll leave you with nothing! Only regret for the rest of your life! Even Sailor Guardians are entitled to fall in love. Or at least go on a date with a boy they really care about." Makoto tried to reason with her.

"Makoto has a point, Ami! I've been dating Kijin for months now! I'm able to handle keeping my duties as a Sailor Guardian secret from him, have time for dates, and keep my grades up. Usagi and Ayame are both in love! While both have reasons for no being able to be together, there's no rule anywhere you can't fall in love or date! You have no excuse!" Jing told her.

"But..." Ami tried to refute what they were saying.

"You're just running away, Ami! That's why you want to go back now. It's another excuse to keep yourself from getting attached to him. You're afraid to fall in love. Admit it, you're just not being honest with yourself." Makoto told her.

It amazed Jing how Makoto was like everyone's big sister at times. Baking sweets and making her 'little sisters' lunch and stuff. Here she was giving her little sister advise about love as well..

"Th-that's not true." Ami told her despite her blush as she looked through the glass of the empty phone booth. Across the street, she saw someone with a sign with Rhett Butler on it. The sign reading 'MISSING CAT. IF YOU SEE HIM, PLEASE CONTACT THE OHARA'S'. Among the crowd, Ryo stopped for a moment to catch his breath as he ran off in the opposite direction he came from.

Ami gasped and muttered, "There he is!"

"Listen, I completely understand why you'd hesitate to get involved. It can be difficult. A-Ami, where are you going? Hey, come back! I wasn't finished!" Makoto said, having not seen or heard what Ami saw as the girl walked away from her.

"I just saw him!" Ami turned back and explained.

"What? You saw Ryo?" Makoto asked as walked closer, catching Jing's attention as well.

"Yeah..." Ami trailed off as she looked across the street.

"Let's go!" Makoto encourage as the three of them went after the boy on the run.

As they ran, they were not the only ones to be out and about. Spending the day taking pictures of his home while it was covered in snow, Kijin was walking around for good pictures to take as he watched his girlfriend rush past with two other girls he didn't recognize. He wondered if they were more friends of Ayame's.

"Jing?" Kijin asked to no one in particular.

Looking at the direction they ran, Kijin put his camera away safely and ran after them. Maybe he could surprise her and she could introduce him to her friends. Smiling at the thought. If only he knew what laid ahead, would he have let her go or would he have gone after her anyway, even to the ends of the earth?


Following the girls as they ran, Kijin felt as if he was out of shape. He never knew his girlfriend was so good at running. He made a mental note he needed to work on his stamina later.

As he chased them, the girls crossed the street and headed towards some alleys. Just where were they going? They didn't seem to going to any shopping centers or after food so this wasn't a regular girl's hanging out. But if it wasn't that, then what was it?

As they turned into an alley, something possessed Kijin to wait a moment before following them. He reasoned it was to catch his breath, but he couldn't come up with an excuse why he crept over and secretly peered around the corner. He had caught his breath only to have it stolen from him.

Before him he watched as the two girls he didn't know take out a green and blue pen respectively. Each shouting.

"Mercury Power! Make Up!"

"Jupiter Power! Make Up!"

He watched as Jing took the bracelet he noticed she always wore. Now that he thought about it, it wasn't until that day when he decided to take a break from photography. Back when he was acting weird.

He had never seen her wear it beforehand. She never told him were she got it either. She never went anywhere without. Now he saw why as she shouted out.

"Zephyrus Power! Make up!"

Kijin's eyes widen as she became one of the Sailor Guardians, Sailor Zephyrus, images flashed in his eyes as he remembered the blurry bits a pieces of that day. He remembered Sailor Moon, Sailor Gaea, and Sailor Zephyrus... Jing saved him that day.

Backing away, he stood there hidden, trying to comprehend what he had seen. Trying to figure out what it all meant. For him, for Jing, and for their relationship.


Running from the crowded areas, Ryo ran into the alleys. He couldn't let others get hurt as the enemy pursued him. Looking back over his shoulder to check he wasn't being immediately followed, he ran down the dark alley until he saw light and three figures standing there. Stopping and shielding his eyes briefly, he saw some familiar faces. It made him happy to see one of them.

"Ami... I-I mean Sailor Mercury!" Ryo greeted before quickly correcting himself.

"How's it going? You all right?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"Long time no see, Ryo! I wish we keep meeting like this." Sailor Zephyrus greeted him with a wave.

"Don't worry, we're here. So you'll be safe now." Sailor Jupiter assured him.

From the darkness of the alley was a male's amused laugh. "Oh, how reassuring to know that." A voice mocked.

The girls letting out determined grunts as they moved in front of Ryo to protect him.

Jumping down from the fire escape, Dark Endymion stood tall and proud before them in his armor. Having changed from his civilian form.

"Huh? Mamoru?!" The girls asked.

"Mamoru? Recently someone else also called me by that name...But all of you are wrong! My name is Endymion!" He declared angerly. His cape fluttering in the wind behind him.

"Dark Endymion! You're not the real Endymion!" Sailor Zephyrus contradicted him.

Causing Dark Endymion confusion. What did she mean by 'not the real Endymion'?

"Sailor Mercury, Sailor Zephyrus, take Ryo away from here. I'll handle this." Sailor Jupiter ordered.

"No, I'm fighting with you!" Sailor Mercury protected.

"What are you talking about? Right now, protecting Ryo is our top priority!" Sailor Jupiter reminded her.

"But..." Sailor Mercury tried again.

Only for Sailor Jupiter to urge her further. "Go, now!"

Sailor Mercury reluctantly did as she was told. "Okay!" Turning around Sailor Mercury and Zephyrus ran. "This way, Ryo!"

"Mamoru. No. Dark Endymion! I really don't want to have to fight you. But since I must, I won't hold back. I promise you!" Sailor Jupiter spoke as she took her stance.

"That's fine by me. But are you sure you can handle me all by yourself?" Dark Endymion asked mocking.

"I'll give it everything I've got! Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter attacked.

Dark Endymion swing his cape like a matador for Spain and the lighting the bull that rushed past him. Missing it's target. "Hah! I'm so scared!" He mocked. This would not end well.


Meanwhile, Sailor Mercury contacted the others. "This is Sailor Mercury! Ryo is safe! He's with me right now!"

Back at the Shine, Luna, Artemis, and Minako were paying to the attention to the communicator facing them as Ayame, Nanami, Taura, and Hiroko gathered around. Rei and Usagi were still fighting over the manga.

"Good work, Sailor Mercury!" Luna praised her.

"But right now, Sailor Jupiter is fighting Mamoru alone to buy us some time to get away!" Sailor Mercury she informed them.

At the sound of her former boyfriend's name, Rei instantly let go of the book, resulting in Usagi falling over. "Did she say Mamoru?"

Ayame was surprised as well. Kunzite didn't seem like the type to be gathering the monsters again, so it made sense Beryl would send her brother to do it.

"Will Sailor Jupiter be all right fighting him by herself?" Minako asked.

"Not sure, but we need Sailor Moon right away! The Moon Stick might be our only hope to return Mamoru to the way he was!" Sailor Mercury reminded them.

Ayame gritted her teeth, she could heal him too, she just had to get close enough to do it. With Taura's or Hiroko's powers to restrain him, she could do it. But in this case it was better for Sailor Moon since she could do it from a farther range.

"Get up, Usagi!" Luna ordered.

"Uhh, all right. Let's go! C'mon, Luna. Uhh, point me in the right direction, 'cause I don't know where I'm going." Usagi said.

Ayame fell over from this. She was leaving her brother's chance of returning to normal to Usagi? She was now really, really, worried.


Back in the alley, the two were still fighting each other. Sailor Jupiter on the offensive as she punched and punched and swung her fist at her enemy. Grunting as she fought. Dark Endymion merely dodged her attacks. One he merely put his palm up to stop her attack. That was the first and only time she had actually hit him the entire time she had been fighting. She denied it, but she knew he didn't have to let her touch him.

Backing off, Sailor Jupiter was panting from the exertion.

"What's the matter? Have you worn yourself out already?" Dark Endymion mocked.

"I'm not done quite yet!" Sailor Jupiter informed him.

"I admire your fighting spirit. But I don't have time to play games with you all day. Let me show you what a real attack should look like." He said as he went on the offensive. His grunts moving through the air as he was relentless in his attacks. Sailor Jupiter quickly had to dodge and tried to back away. Only to fall as she backed into a trash can. Getting back up she was backed against the wall. With no where to go.

Endymion didn't hesitate as he threw one last punch. "Ahhh! Yahh!"

Sailor Jupiter's terrified scream ringing in the air as she flinched and closed her eyes, bracing for the impact. Feeling the air of the punch brush past her face and hair, but never feeling the punch itself.

"Hah-ha." Dark Endymion laughed before taking his fist away from her face. Opening her eyes, she saw Dark Endymion walking away.

Pausing and turning his head to look at her, he gave her some advise. "Just as I thought. You're way out of your league. Look me up when you're an even match. Maybe I'll come out and play!"

In anger, Sailor Jupiter watched him leave. "Damn you!"

Deep down, she knew he was right.


Running through the crowded streets, Sailor Zephryus, Sailor Mercury, and Ryo kept going. They didn't know how long Sailor Jupiter could keep the enemy occupied.

"Sailor Mercury..." Ryo spoke up for the first time since they started running.


"Do me a favor. Look!" Ryo said as he turned to look down a street at a closed mini amusement park. They could see a Ferris wheel and carousel.

"C'mon! Run this way!" Ryo urged the girls to follow him.

Meanwhile, Usagi was running along with Luna, Ayame, and Jadeite. Ayame came to help because she didn't want to sit around and do nothing. She hoped she could be of help as the four of them were trying to find the others before Dark Endymion did.

"I'm freezing and I don't think this cold is good for my complexion!" Usagi whined.

"You've gotta run faster! That'll make your complexion nice and rosy!" Luna told her.

"Oh, yeah, that's easy for you to say!" Usagi said as she ran and slipped on some ice and snow. "Ahhh!" Flailing her arms out she landed on her butt. "Wahh! That hurt!"

"What happened, Usagi!" Sailor Jupiter asked as she came over.

"Sailor Jupiter, you're all right! Thank goodness, we got here in time." Luna assumed.

"But you didn't. Luna, by any chance did Endymion pass this way?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

"I don't think so." Luna answered.

"He's become as bad as Zoisite used to be, hasn't he?" Ayame asked, annoyed.

"Damn it! Where'd he go?" Sailor Jupiter asked as she looked around for him.


Soon, the three of them, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Zephyrus, and Ryo entered 10Ban Land. Climbing over the fence and past the sign that read, 'Park hours are over'. Having closed at 7:00 pm. The could see the Ferris wheel had a sun on it. As they walked in, Sailor Zephyrus walked behind the unofficial couple that she personally hoped would become an item.

Walking ahead Sailor Mercury as she paused, Ryo seemed sad.

"Ryo, what's up? Why did you wanna come in here?" Sailor Mercury asked.

Twirling around with his arms spread while Ryo answered her. "Sorry, it's just that I've always dreamed about going to an amusement park with you." Turning his back to her again as he gripped a small metal fence used to separate people from the ride in front of them. Looking up at it, Sailor Zephyrus couldn't help but feel the smiling sun was mocking them.

"That's really sweet." Sailor Mercury said.

"Now I have no regrets. My dream's been fulfilled. But it would be best if we split up right away." Ryo told her.

"We can't. There's no telling when the Dark Kingdom will be coming after you again." Sailor Mercury reminded him.

"I'm prepared to give up my life to fight them! I want you to be free of me, to fulfill your own mission!" Ryo declared.

Looking up at the sky, Ryo began to cry as he spoke the next part. "My life is no big loss. I wasn't human to begin with. But if giving my life can save the world, than I've accomplished something."

Sailor Zephyrus wanted to say something so badly, but kept her mouth shut. This was between them, she had no right to intervene.

"I believe we're two of a kind, always running away from something. Something we truly want." Sailor Mercury said sadly.

Causing Ryo to jump in surprise. "Huh?!" His heart beating rapidly at her words. Clinging to the thought that she could return his feelings.

"That's what a friend of mine told me. She said I was in denial and that I should just be more honest with myself." Sailor Mercury told him.

"Uh... but, Ami." Ryo tired to argue.

"Sacrificing yourself is certainly noble. But be honest, wouldn't you rather keep on living as a human being instead? Seems like you've forgotten about the people who will be very sad if you die." Sailor Mercury told him. Hinting of her own feelings.

Ryo drew in a surprised breath. Happy she at least cared.

"It's time that we stop running away. No matter what the obstacle is, let's tackle it head-on!" Sailor Mercury encouraged.

The moment soon broken as the Ferris wheel came to life.

"Those are truly admirable thoughts, Sailor Mercury." Dark Endymion spoke.

Up above, his boot on the guardrail, Dark Endymion leaned on it and peered down at his target and his protectors. When he had entered, he had seen another boy watching them from afar. He seemed like a civilian so Endymion paid no attention to him.

"What is it that you want?" Sailor Mercury yelled at him as both Sailor Guardians stood in front of Ryo in an attempt to become a shield.

Outside the park, The others were looking for them as Sailor Jupiter saw the lights of the Ferris wheel.

"Look at that!" Sailor Jupiter told them, attraction the others attention.

"Huh?!" Usagi asked.

"What is it?" Ayame turned to she what the others where looking at. Looking down the street, they all saw the light, but Ayame could also see someone hiding in the bushes by the park gate. She hoped they would keep out of sight and out of the fight.

"C'mon. Let's check it out!" Luna ordered.

"Right!" The girls agreed.

Inside the park, Sailor Mercury addressed her enemy. "Listen, Mamoru. I'm not going to hesitate, even a moment, to fight you anymore! Prepare yourself!"

"I look forward to it. I was planning on waiting until the other Sailor Guardians were drawn here by the light of the Ferris wheel, but I take it you don't need them to fight me." He answered.

"Bubble Spray!"

Using her attack, Sailor Mercury created her fog as Sailor Zephyrus prepared her own attack. Thinking about getting her bow out, but wasn't sure she could use it on her prince. From out of the fog, Dark Endymion appeared right in her face as Sailor Mercury gasped and was startled he had gotten so close in the fog. He could have attacked her without her even knowing.

Instead he jumped over her and Sailor Zephyrus. "Hold on. I have one piece of business to take care of before I fight you." He said before grunting, Thrusting out the Dark Crystal as its energy waves enveloped Ryo.

Ryo fought against the crystal trying to absorb him within with painful grunts.

Sailor Mercury gasped seeing what Dark Endymion was doing. "Oh no! Ryo!" She cried out.

"Ryo!" Sailor Zephyrus called out. Worried of the boy's fate.

"Ami!" Ryo cried out between painful grunts. All before getting sucked into the crystal and Dark Endymion emitting an evil laugh as he finished and laughed.

"Thanks for waiting."

Sailor Zephyrus gritted her teeth. "The Dark Kingdom will pay for turning you into this fiend!"

"You horrible monster! How could you! I don't care if the Dark Kingdom forced you to do this! I'll make you pay for what you've done! Douse yourself with water, and repent!" Sailor Mercury yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Hmph! If you're hoping to bring your boyfriend back here. You'll have to destroy this, the Dark Crystal. But of course, that means you'll have to defeat me first to get your hands on it. So let's fight!" Dark Endymion told Sailor Mercury as she and Sailor Zephyrus prepared themselves and Dark Endymion took hold of his cape and with a blue glow, he became Tuxedo Mask.

Much to the surprised gasp of the girls.

"Hah. I just want you to know that, because I respect you, I won't hold back. "He informed them as he held the crystal within his grasp.

'I know I don't stand a chance. But I have to try. With Sailor Zephyrus here, we stand a chance.' Sailor Mercury thought as the two nodded to each other and Sailor Mercury started the battle.

Rushing at the enemy, Sailor Mercury ran forward to which, Tuxedo Mask merely moved out of the way. In her new position, she attacked. "Bubble Spray!"

"Again? Is that all you've got?" He asked in a bored tone as he whipped out his cane and circled it around to block the bubbles. Creating another fog.

Sailor Zephyrus smirked, before answering. The guy had left his back wide open. "No, that was just a distraction!"

"Gentle Hurricane!" The attack knocking the crystal out of his hand which Sailor Mercury quickly picked up.

"Why, you deceptive brat!" Tuxedo Mask yelled.

"No more deceptive than you! Now I have a mission I need to get done first, as well!" Sailor Mercury yelled as she threw the crystal to the ground. Shattering as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple orbs were released and scattered on the ground.

Much to the disapproving and angry growl of Tuxedo Mask as the six of the Rainbow Crystal Monsters were freed.

Sailor Zephyrus and Sailor Mercury were happy their impromptu plan worked and with delighted sighs, they saw back up had arrived.

Sailor Zephyrus pulled out her bow and pointed it at Dark Endymion. "Don't even think about leaving!"

"You've destroyed my plans. I'm going to make you pay for it." Dark Endymion replied. Showing he wasn't going to leave just yet.

"You're all right!" Sailor Mercury greeted Sailor Jupiter.

"Yeah, and you Sailor Mercury, look much more confident than you did earlier." Sailor Jupiter pointed out.

"Thanks. I really owe it all to you, Sailor Jupiter." Sailor Mercury told her.

Sailor Moon looked around with surprise. "Hey! Looks like you both single-handedly crushed the Dark Kingdom's plan!"

"It isn't quite over yet." Sailor Gaea said as she glared at her brother.

"Sailor Moon. Listen. Right now, you've got to turn Tuxedo Mask back to normal!" Sailor Mercury told her leader.

"Not if I get rid of the five of you first!" He threatened as he got ready to attack.

"From now on... When you're in the mood to recycle, only recycle cans! Don't try to recycle people who are living peaceful lives. It's unforgivable! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon said her catchphrase as the others attacked.

"Supreme Thunder!"

"Dawn's Rose!"

"Bubble Spray!"

"Gentle Hurricane!" Sailor Zephyrus attacked, opting to leave her bow out of it.

All four attacks hit their target as he released painful screaming.

"Now, Sailor Moon! You've gotta be quick!" Luna urged her.

"Jeez, I know that! Moon Healing Escalation!" Sailor Moon used the move to finish it.

"No!" He yelled, trying to resist the power of the Silver Crystal and the Moon Stick. Painful grunts heard at his attempts. Images flooding his minds as they painfully came back to him. The rush of memories.

"Don't try to fight it, My Prince!" Jadeite encouraged.

"It looks like it's working to a degree, but he needs more. Increase the energy, Sailor Moon." Luna ordered.

With a forceful set of grunts, Sailor Moon increased the energy.

With a few groans, the darkness the Dark Kingdom had put in was cleansed. "Refresh!" Revealing Mamoru in the clothes Sailor Gaea had seen him in before at the Ski resort and at the Inn. As he was falling to the ground, Sailor Gaea made her way over to him.

"You did it! You brought the real Mamoru back!" Sailor Jupiter cheered.

"Thank goodness!" Sailor Mercury sighed.

Sailor Moon said nothing as she let out exhausted sighs and fell to her knees.

"Great job, Sailor Moon!" Luna congratulated her.

Before Sailor Gaea could even kneel down beside him, a black aura began enveloping him.

"Huh?!" They all asked.

Expanding around him, in a flash of pink, he was gone.

"He vanished!" Sailor Jupiter cried out.

"But how?" Luna asked.

"It must be the work of the Dark Kingdom." Sailor Mercury guessed.

"He was just returned to us and now he's gone! Curse that bloody witch!" Jadeite yelled.

"Oh no!" Sailor Moon cried.

Sailor Zephyrus was silent as she watched her princess shake with fury.

Tearing out of her throat, Sailor Gaea shouted in rage. "BEERYYYLLLLLLLL!"


For the rest of the night, Ayame was seething in rage. But there was nothing they could do about it. What they needed to focus on was getting all the people who had been abducted back home. Luna told them of a technique they could use to transport Reika back to Africa. Ryo would be fine since he knew and they would wait for him to wake up. They called Hiroko to come and get her Uncle. Ayame was going to handle Yumemi. Jing offered to take Rhett Butler home. As for Joe, Makoto would take him to the closest police station since they didn't know where he lived.

As Jing walked away from 10ban land, she was surprised to see Kijin.

"Hey, what are you doing out so late?" Jing asked with a smile and light concern.

"I saw." He answered.

"Saw what?" Jing asked nervous.

Coming over he took Rhett Butler out of her hands. "I'll hold him for you. Lead the way and we can talk on the way." Kijin answered.

As they walked, it was mostly silent. Jing didn't know what he saw.

"I saw you earlier when I was out taking pictures. I saw you and two others run past and I followed you. I know who you are." Kijin answered.

Jing was silent as she waited for him to continue. Looking at her he smiled. "Thank you for helping save me the other day when you first became Sailor Zephyrus."

"You're not upset I kept it from you?" Jing asked surprised.

"No. You had your reasons. Why would I be angry when you helped save my life and others, including this cat here? To me, it shows you're an even more amazing person that I ever thought before. It also shows I still have a lot to learn about you. I hope you don't keep any other secrets from me." Kijin said.

"I won't." Jing promised.

"Thanks." He said as he stopped, leaned down and kissed her. Jing could only thing she had the most understanding and kindest boyfriend ever and she was beyond lucky.


While the two lovebirds where having their moment, Queen Beryl was watching over Mamoru as he was once again going through the process of being brainwashed.

"As I feared, Endymion hadn't lost his past memories, after all we had done to ensure it. So there's more work to do. We need to infuse him with the energy of our Great Ruler. And this time, we'll turn him into a loyal servant of the Dark Kingdom forever!" Queen Beryl promised.


Explaining everything last night had been difficult for some. Luckily most didn't remember what happened. Rhett Butler had been the easiest being a cat and all. Jing said she just found him. For Hiroko's Uncle, the story was he had gotten a revelation and needed time alone to consider things and the message he had received from God. Having been in such a hurry, he didn't tell anyone where he was going. He returned last night and Hiroko had run into him nearly having been mugged. Yumemi's story was she was out looking for inspiration and had fainted from being tired and not eating anything in a while in her rush to get home and back to work. Transporting Reika, they made it seem like she had gotten lost and fainted from too much sun and heat. As for Joe they left him at the station and he seemed okay. They let the police handle something for once. Ryo didn't need a story and after he woke up went home after asking Ami to join him for a real date at the park.

The next day, the girls all at 10 Ban Land as other visitors were running around and chattering. Everyone was having a good time. Up in the Ferris wheel the two were having fun.

"Let's come here again, all right?" Ami suggested.

Ryo blushed and looking down answered. "Sure!"

Ami just giggled at how bashful he was about it.

Down below, the girls were watching them have fun.

Usagi wasn't too happy, the hypocrite. "We can't let this happen! If Ami's side-tracked from her important mission because of her interest in this new relationship, who's gonna keep us together?"

"Isn't that supposed to be your job, Usagi?" Minako asked.

"You're interested in dating my brother, Jing is in a relationship, I'm in a relationship, and Rei was originally in a relationship! You hypocrite! If anyone can handle it, Ami can. Do your own job!" Ayame yelled, not in the mood for Usagi's antics.

"Uh..." Usagi answered.

"I think you're jealous of those two. Isn't that right?" Rei asked.

"You're jealous, too!" Usagi told her.

"Oh, come on guys, just cool it. Let's be happy for them and let them be!" Makoto said breaking up the potential fight.

Looking up, despite her anger at what happened with her brother, she smiled at the cute pair and hoped they would get together and declare they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

For the moment she would enjoy it.

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