Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

由 WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... 更多

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Mako, the Ice Skating Queen

101 3 0
由 WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After their weekend up in the mountains, the girls all returned home. Even though it wasn't a cold as the mountains, winter was still on the way. When Nanami got back, her first order of business was begging Naru to figure out a way to make their uniforms warmer during the winter.

The enemy didn't seem to have made any plans that stood out going on and they were all allowed to relax. Today, Ayame was wearing a grey sweater under a long white coat and a tannish scarf over that. She wore thick dark shorts with matching gloves, along with black tights and boots with fur lining the top of them.

That day, Ayame and Jadeite were going to the Tsukino residence. Mostly everyone else was busy and Ayame thought the two blonde knuckleheads would be a good distraction. Upon entering, Ayame was let in by Usagi's mother and told both girls were in the living room. Taking off her coat and gloves she entered to find the girls in front of the tv watching an ice skating program.

On tv, the two skaters skated their routine with smiles. The two were Janelyn and Misha, the Olympic gold medal skaters. Janelyn was a lovely young woman with pink and platinum blonde hair. She had light blue eyes and her skating outfit was a slightly deeper shade of blue and cream. Misha, himself also had platinum flowing blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a plain white shirt and black pants.

Sitting down beside them with Jadeite settling in her lap, she listened to them coo and aww about the two skaters.

"Oh, wow!" Usagi muttered.

"Every move is so smooth. No wonder Janelyn and Misha are Olympic Gold Metalists!" Minako praised them.

Usagi watched as they synchronized with a jump with a happy laugh.

"Flawless!" Minako complemented them.

So inspired by them, Usagi got up and tried to twirl around only to fall with a grunt on Luna and Artemis.

"Usagi!" Luna yelled.

Usagi quickly got off of them with an awkward laugh.

"Well, maybe her interest in figure-skating is a sign that she's finally serious about becoming more princess-like." Artemis pointed out.

Ayame frowned at him. What was it and his near obsession with Usagi becoming more like her past life? Doesn't he know how painful it is to remember everything? His home was destroyed too! Remembering the past was a burden that haunted her! She was afraid of the man she loved because of those memories! Princesses were not needed in this era. Their kingdoms were gone. What would be the point? After all, they were just going to go back to their regular lives once the enemy was gone.

"You might be right, seeing how figure-skating was one of the most popular activities in the Moon Kingdom." Luna added.

"There was ice on the moon?" Ayame asked. Thinking about it, Endymion did mention the Moon Kingdom had a huge lake close to the palace and they had huge gardens. It makes sense they had water up there, but did the moon have seasons? What happened to the water and ice after the Moon Kingdom fell?

"Yeah, and the Princess was especially good at it." Artemis answered.

"What?! Really?!" Usagi asked excited. Her happy laughter burst right in Ayame's ears. "I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones who happens to be blessed with an over-abundance of talents." She giggled as she imagined it.

Ayame ignored her as she looked down to her furry companion. "Hey Jadeite, was figure-skating popular in the Earth Kingdom, too?" She didn't recall it being so, but she wanted to make sure.

Jadeite looked up and answered. "Not particularly. But there were a few occasions when we would all go skating in the winter. As I recall, you were good enough. Not a gold medalist, but you did well in your own right. I remember the prince training hard to master it. Thinking back on it, he was probably doing it to impress a certain someone." Jadeite said glancing over at the giggling blonde and sighing.


Apparently, the Dark Kingdom enjoyed watching the pathetic human television as well, as Kunzite and Queen Beryl watched the forms of Janelyn and Misha skate on one of their screens.

"Figure Skating... Why not use what has always been the most popular sport among the girls in the Moon Kingdom?" Kunzite asked his queen.

Queen Beryl easily saw the plan Kunzite was conducting this time. "To entice Sailor Moon. And while she's busy participating in the sport, you will steal her Silver Crystal."

"I stake my honor on it." Kunzite bowed to her.

"How noble of you. Staking your honor on such a dirty plan. Ha-ha!" Dark Endymion mocked as he entered the chamber.

"Endymion!" Kunzite addressed him.

"If you have any pride as a warrior, you should have the courage to challenge her head-on!" Dark Endymion shared his views on the matter.

"Battles only have meaning if they're won. If you hadn't interfered with my previous plans, we'd already have the Silver Crystal by now!" Kunzite accused him.

"Ha! Don't be so sure." Dark Endymion told him.

Both releasing angry growls as they glared at each other.

"All right! Enough! Kunzite, go ahead with this plan of yours. I expect this one to work." Queen Beryl broke off the staring contest.

"It will." He assured her, never once letting Dark Endymion out of his sight.


Skating along, Misha and Janelyn were once again practicing in an empty skating rink. Lifting Janelyn into the air above him, Janelyn fell to the ice with a painful grunt.

"Just what were you trying to do, Misha!" Janelyn questioned her partner.

They may be the best, but even the best of pairs had their troubles. Janelyn and Misha were no exception.

"Don't lay this on me. Your timing on that jump was totally off!" Misha blamed her.

"It was your fault!" Janelyn retorted.

"Damn it! I'm done for today!" Misha told her, exhausted of their now near constant fights and problems skating.

"Don't walk out on me!" Janelyn yelled as she got up.

"Janelyn, as an Olympic Gold Medalist pair, the world expects us to be the best of the best! But that's not happening anymore with you. It's time for me to move on and find a new partner who can keep up with me." Misha informed her.

"Well, I was about to say the same thing!" Janelyn announced.

"I won't allow you two to split up." Kunzite's voice echoed through the rink as he appeared floating above the ice, encompassed in a black void.

"Huh?!" Both almost former partners asked as they beheld him.

"Congratulations. You have been chosen to become minions to serve the Dark Kingdom." Kunzite informed them.

"Huh..." Both reluctantly replied. Confused as to what was going on and what was about to happen to them, but were given no choice in the matter.


A later on, both the Guardians of Earth and the Guardians of the inner planets were all gathered together outside the newly open skating rink, 10 BAN Ice arena. The entire building was shaped odd with a few pyramid-like structure here and there. Made of glass and steal.

Jing wore a light blue polka dot dress with a yellow coat and blue plaid scarf about her neck. Along with a little tote bag in a cream color, with little roses and a pink ribbon in a bow.

Nanami wore an orange sweater with lace along the collar and a yellow bow. Along with dots and squirrels on it. The bottom having green along it. She wore orange pants and carried an over the shoulder purse that was shaped like a squirrel. She also had her trademark hat along with her.

Hiroko wore white sleeveless mock turtleneck with lace and red skirt with flower designs. She wore brown tights a tan coat with fur lining the hood and reddish purple gloves.

Taura wore a blue jean skirt, a coral long sleeved shirt, and a jacket with the letter 'T' on the front of the blue and white jacket. It looked like one of those old college jackets you would see guys wear sometimes.

"Wow! Look at that! Huh, I've never heard of this skating rink." Luna praised.

"That's because it's brand new! This is the grand-opening day! And the best part is that Janelyn and Misha are going to be giving coaching lessons!" Usagi informed them.

"That's amazing!" Minako agreed.

"That's great for you two, but why drag all of us along?" Rei asked. Ayame's team nodding along in agreement. Curious why they were they too.

"I really should go home now. I need to study for the national practice exam, being held tomorrow morning." Ami informed them.

"Well, you see the thing is..." Usagi trailed off.

"...They're offering free admission, but only to girls who enter in groups of five." Minako finished.

Ayame gave them a skeptical glance. She still couldn't get over how much the two were alike at times.

"Mm-hmm!" Usagi nodded to Minako's statement.

"Groups of five, really?" Makoto asked.

"But why?" Rei asked, thinking it was peculiar.

"Well..." Usagi started.

"It sounds suspicious. Don't you want to check it out and see what's going on?! Just ask and you shall be answered in the order in which you ask!" Minako misquoted.

"I believe the phrase is 'ask and it will be given to you.'" Ami corrected her.

Ayame thought about what Minako said about it being suspicious. Groups of five and they had to be girls? Misha and Janelyn giving the coaching session? Something that attracts Usagi's attention? This had trap written all over it. She just hoped she was wrong.

"Huh?!" Both girls asked.

"You sure about that?" Minako asked.

"It doesn't matter which it is. Let's go ask!" Usagi said as the two blondes pushed the girls towards the new rink.

Ayame's team looked at her.

"We're going after them, aren't we?" Jing asked with a smile.

Ayame was silent as she watched them. "No matter how I look at it, this all feels like another one of Kunzite's traps. I hate it when I'm right about these things. We're already here, so we might as well. I hope I'm wrong this time." Ayame answered as they followed them.


Once inside the spacious 10 BAN Ice arena, all the girls gathered around the sides of the rink, already in skating outfits most had probably bought for this occasion. Excited to see and meet Misha and Janelyn live. The Sailor Guardians of the inner planets were ready as well, Makoto wore a simple green, Ami wore blue, Rei wore a yellow one with a red bow and red on the edge of the skirt, and Minako wore orange with blue ribbons as she tied on her skates.

Ayame and her team were ready too. She wore an interesting figure skating dress that was made up of four colors. Starting from the top was mock turtle neck and the left side where the long sleeve of the dress was blue. On the sleeve were streaks of purple as well. The blue ended at her waist with streaks of pink encompassing her waist. The rest of the bottom half dress and the skirt was purple. Back to the top the right arm of the dress was in a sheer yellow cloth that ended in a purple cuff. With the exception of the yellow part, the dress was decorated in rhinestones. There were five stars on it as well. In the blue were three of them and on the skirt were that last two of the shiny metallic looking golden stars. In the back there was a keyhole were the back was latched after putting it on.

Jing's figure skating dress was styled like a short cheongsam completely in pink with a zipper in the back. Rhinestones, lining the top and off to the side. It also had cherry blossom designs on the front left and majority of the back with even more rhinestones on it. The sleeves were short.

Nanami's reminded Ayame slightly of a maid with the majority of it being black and white. Around the collar, was white and reminded her slightly of the collar that Snow White wore from the fairytale. Hers was just flimsier and wasn't as straight. The dress lacked sleeves. The lower torso part had red rhinestones dividing it into five sections. The middle being white with three pale pink hearts lined down the center. The skirt in the front was white and reminded her of an apron and the rest was black.

Hiroko's figure skating dress was the simplest of the group, but it made sense to the others. She seemed the type to like more practical things. The top part was pink including the long sleeves. At the bustline, the dress become black all the way down to the skirt.

Last was Taura's figure skating dress in a black velvet material. Of all of them, hers was the most elegant. It too had a keyhole in the back where it clipped. The sleeves were black and looked like what one would see on a poofy princess dress with little ribbons to secure them. In the front were rhinestones galore as they had been placed in elegant patterns. The top resembling a tree in a way. The rest was simply amazing as it ended a little before the end of the skirt.

"Wow! Look at the number of girls who showed up for this." Ami commented.

"It's their chance to skate with Gold Medalists." Rei replied.

"The last time we were in a rink was ages ago." Artemis reminisced.

"Yeah! Hey, where's Usagi?" Luna agreed before looking for her charge.

"Everyone, hold on! Here I come!" Usagi said as she came forward hopping on one skate while trying to put on the other. How she was able to do so confused Ayame. Then Usagi fell, crying out in pain. "That really hurt!"

Now things were back to normal. Ayame and her team sighed at the sight. Exasperated at Usagi's antics.

Luna sweat dropped as she watched this. "Same thing as always."

"At least she's consistent." Artemis tried looking on the bright side.

"Usagi, are you okay?" Ami asked concerned.

"Honestly! She's so embarrassing!" Rei complained.

Looking out at the ice along with the other girls who came to skate, Minako shouted out the names of the skating pair. "Janelyn! Misha!"

"Where! Where! Where!" Usagi yelled, pain forgotten and completely recovered.

Skating out onto the ice, Janelyn smirked as she began skating by herself and put on a show for the girls. Misha was stoic as stood there and watched.

"Ahh! It's really them!" Usagi and Minako cheered and fangirled about them.

Tossing her head back and skating on one foot, her arms spread wide like a graceful bird and Misha soon joined her.

"They're skating!" Usagi cheered.

"They're great!" Minako complemented them.

As Ayame watched them, the way they skated together to her was like she was entering a fantasy world full of colors. It was wonderful, simply breathtaking. Seeing the two in person was by far an amazing experience than just seeing them on tv.

"Ah! Misha!" The blondes cheered as hearts appeared in their eyes.

Even the others were transfixed by them. Makoto especially. Misha's face smiling as he closed his eyes and seemed immersed in the moment with his partner.

"He looks just like him..." Makoto murmured as she watched transfixed.

As the couple synchronized their jump, their performance came to an end. The crowd cheering for the celebrities.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!" The crowd cheered and chanted.

"Hello and welcome everyone!" Janelyn greeted them all. "Thank you for your enthusiastic reception. Now let's skate together and have some fun!"

"All right!" The crowd cheered.

"Yes-yes-yes!" Usagi and Minako chanted.

"All figure skaters must start with the basics. Step number one is getting used to the ice!" Janelyn instructed them.

"Yeah!" The crowd cheered.

"Yeah!" The blondes echoing them.

Janelyn giggled at their enthusiastic shouts. "Okay, how about you and your group be the first to try out the new rink!" She suggested to Usagi's group.

Surprised by this, and excited the two answered. "Ahh! Yes Ma'am!"

"I don't have my skates on yet!" Usagi fretted as she hurried and struggled with the last skate.

"Well, hurry up and put them on!" Minako rushed her.

"I'm trying!" Usagi assured her.

"You're so slow, Usagi!" Rei accused.

"Aw! Stop being so mean, Rei!" Usagi complained.

Ayame sighed at their antics and watched the golden skating pair. She saw as he left his partner and Janelyn watched him skate away. Ayame couldn't help but look as the lonely and sad look Janelyn was trying to hide as she watched him go. They seemed fine when they skated together, but before that, Misha seemed distant as he was now. She wondered if something had happened between them to create tension between them. It wasn't any of her business, but when she and her team got on the ice, she wanted to ask them what was going on and Ayame was determined she would.

She then turned back to watch the others get on the ice.

"Okay. Here I go. There!" Rei said as she led the way with Ami right behind her.

"Wait for me!" Minako called out to them.

As Makoto was about to step on the ice she looked back at her leader. "Uh, Usagi?"

"What is it?" Usagi asked as she held onto the wall beside her for balance.

"Is this your first time? Have you never skated on ice before?" Makoto asked.

Usagi could only let out a nervous laugh. "I'm gonna be just fine! You see, I was a brilliant skater in my previous life as the Moon Princess. This'll be a breeze!" She assured her.

"Uh. Well, if you say so." Makoto replied as she confidentially skated out onto the ice.

Janelyn motioned for Ayame and her team to join them. Instead of skating out in the open, the girls skated close to the wall to catch themselves in case they fell. Ayame, to her own surprise, was doing better than she hoped. Gaining confidence, she moved away from the wall and decided to join Makoto. Taura right behind her until she sped up and the two held hands. Then they connected both hands and skated in a circle. Giggling, they let go as they caught up with Makoto and as they passed the others.

"Huh?" Minako asked as the three of them breezed past them.

"Look at Mako!" Ami pointed out.

"She's so good!" Rei complemented her.

"Not bad." Usagi said slightly jealous. "But watch me! I'm making my skating debut. It'll be spectacular! Ready to applaud?"

Rushing out onto the ice, she didn't get far before she began to lose her balance, grunting as she fell.

"Oh my goodness!" Ami exclaimed.

Rei sighed as she watched this. "I'm not surprised."

"This can't be happening." Usagi denied as got up again only to emit goofy screams before falling again. "Wait! Now I think I've got it!" She said as she tried a third time with more goofy screams and fell over again.

"This is painful to watch..." Artemis begroaned.

"I didn't have high hopes for Usagi on ice, but this is worse than I thought." Luna muttered.

Jadeite snorted. "She's the very definition of clumsy. She's not the same person she was in the past. I was expecting this to happen."

Back on the ice, the three of them skated as Misha and Janelyn kept a close eye on them. Makoto was already used to the ice, she was doing jumps. Ayame wasn't quite used to it yet and not as confident either, but she was doing well. She would hold off on any jumps.

As the three cats watched Makoto, Artemis begun to reminisce once again. "Come to think of it, in the Moon Kingdom, Sailor Jupiter was a skating pro, every bit as good as the Princess!"

"Mako looks so amazing..." Ami complemented as Usagi kept falling over.

In her own little world, Makoto continued to skate she preformed a haircutter spin and remembering tricks from her old ballet class, Ayame went for a layback spin and the two came to a stop. Taura performed a scratch spin. The crowd cheering at their ability. Leaving Makoto to scratch her head and let out a weak, embarrassed laugh.

"That was very impressive!" Janelyn told them.

"Actually, that was from ballet memories." Ayame told her.

"Australia has a hot climate, I looked for ways to keep cool so I used to go to the skating rink." Taura told her.

Janelyn nodded. "Ballet is an important part of figure skating. It's good practice." Addressing the crowd, "Everybody get on the ice! Let's skate!"

"Yeah!" Others cheered.

Makoto could still hear the sound of clapping as she and the other two glanced over to see Misha clapping. Causing Makoto to become self conscious and blush. Ayame noticed Janelyn was watching them, and as Misha noticed he merely, "Hmph!"

Janelyn noticed this and returned the gesture as she grew angry. "Hmph!"

Ayame noticed and now knew for sure there was trouble in winter wonderland. "Miss. Janelyn, can we talk over there?" Ayame asked as she skated over to her. Janelyn was surprised but easily agreed.

"Judging from the way you stare at each other, are you two having a fight?" Ayame asked.

"What! W-Where would you get such a silly idea?" Janelyn tried to brush it off.

"He's been ignoring you. When the both of you were skating, it was beautiful, You both looked so happy. It was like I was entering a fantasy world full of colors. It was wonderful, simply breathtaking. But when you stopped, you two avoided each other. Even if you aren't fighting, there's tension in the air between you." Ayame pointed out.

Janelyn was silent until she sighed. "Are we really that transparent?" She huffed. "It's not the same anymore. Just before, he spoke about getting a new partner."

"If you both got new partners, it would never be the same as the original. I've never seen such beautiful skating before. Whenever you're together, it's like you bring together other worlds full of beauty and colors that no one has ever seen. The others and I would be sad to see you split." Ayame told her.

Janelyn was silent as she thought about her words.

"Miss Janelyn, what do you feel when you skate with Misha?" Ayame asked.

"...It's amazing. When we skate, it's like I'm flying. I feel safe and I know I can trust him. But recently, it just hasn't been the same and the thought of Misha getting a new partner scares me." Janelyn explained.

"...Do you love him?"

Janelyn hesitantly nodded.

"Nothing will change if nothing is done. You will only drift away from each other. Tell him how you feel. Otherwise, you might miss your chance and someone else will snatch him away. In the end, you'll both be miserable. Think about it." Ayame warned her as she skated away.

Meanwhile, Taura went over to speak to Misha.

"Excuse me, Misha, Sir? Could I ask you a few questions?" Taura asked.

"Of course. I'm here to help people learn to skate. You can ask me anything. Though, from what I saw, you hardly need any help." Misha answered.

"Why are you ignoring, Janelyn?" She asked.

"What?" Misha asked, caught off guard.

"You two look like you're fighting. Has something happened between you two?"

"...We are Olympic Gold medalists. We are expected to be the best. Lately, things haven't been going that well. The feelings and spark we had in the beginning just doesn't seem to be there anymore. I think it is time to find a new partner." Misha opened up and explained.

"That's rather unfortunate. You two are a wonderful pair. What was it like when you first skated with Janelyn?" Taura asked.

"...I wanted to prove myself to her. We were inseparable. Knowing she trusted me was one of the best feelings in the world. Sharing in our victories and achievements when we got a new routine done. There aren't enough words to fully explain how it felt when I first skated with her." Misha said.

"Do you love her?"

"...I don't know. Maybe once...I don't know how I feel anymore. I don't know how she feels about it anymore either. When I told her I wanted a new partner, she said she was about to say the same thing."

"Figure it out! While you're here ignoring her, she fight follow through with that threat and she might really leave you. When that happens, you'll both be miserable if you both love each other. She probably said it in the first place because she was upset and didn't want you to think she was weak and didn't bother her. You need to apologize to her and don't try to deny what you feel for her. Do it before it's too late." Taura told him as she skated off to join the girls as others joined them on the ice.

Back with Usagi, the other members of her team came over to her aid.

"You can do it." Minako cheered the fellow blonde.

"Almost there." Ami encouraged.

"Oh-hh! So much for my spectacular debut!" Usagi whined.

Ayame chuckled at the sight and noticed Jadeite sitting on the wall. Skating towards Jadeite, she spoke quietly to him to not be overheard. "What do you think caused the Moon Princess to become..." She trailed off as they heard all four of them fall. "...just like that?"

"It might have something to do with not remembering the full extent of her past. On the other hand, maybe she no longer has the muscle memory she once had and while she might remember how, her body isn't used to it." Jadeite offered as an explanation. "Besides her, I think you might have improved since your past life. Your skating just now was a little better than in your previous life." He complemented her.

Ayame merely giggled and thanked him.


Meanwhile, no one noticed Janelyn leave and go to a control room with a dozen or so screens. Sitting in front of them, Janelyn muttered to herself as she began the second part of the plan. Relationship issues or not, she had a job to do and focus on. She would freeze one of the screens and see if they matched and of the Sailor Guardians.

"Hmm...not her. Or her." She muttered until she was interrupted by a certain King of Heaven member. "Master Kunzite!"

"You should be looking for agility and athletic skills in order to find Sailor Moon." Kunzite reminded her. "How is your progress?"

"Don't worry. As a Gold Medalist, I know what to look for. I'll find her." Janelyn assured him.

"Good... But do not underestimate the Sailor Guardians, Janelyn. Be sure to stay alert. From what I was able to uncover, Sailor Gaea was able to figure out about my last plan. She came to Sailor Moon's aid and to warn her. So don't do anything suspicious. Sailor Gaea isn't as likely to fall into traps like Sailor Moon." Kunzite warned her.

"Yes, sir!" Janelyn nodded as the screens returned to the rink.

Resuming her search she kept crossing off girls from the possible Sailor Guardians. "Not her... or her... Oh?" She said surprised as she saw Usagi being helped by Ami and Minako. "Huh! There's no way this could be Sailor Moon! I heard she might be a little bit clumsy. But this klutz is beyond that." She said as she didn't even bother scanning her.

Checking another screen, Misha was talking to Makoto and Rei, Hiroko, and Nanami were standing right beside her. "Huh? Misha?"


"You're a wonderful skater. I'd like to skate with you." Misha spoke to Makoto.

"Well, um, I'm good, too. I'd love to skate with you." Rei tried to cut in with an obnoxious giggle.

"First Mamoru, then Yuichiro, and now Misha! Make up you mind! You'll pay for it if you hurt Yuichiro..." Nanami growled in Rei's ear so the others couldn't hear her.

Rei was soon to be disappointed as Makoto took Misha's hand and began to skate with him.

Makoto watched Misha with a love-struck look as she thought. 'He's so dreamy. The way his hair flows, reminds me of the guy who broke my heart.'

Hiroko chuckled with Nanami at her side. "Looks like she's thinking it again."

"Makoto has gotten struck by the lightning of a crush again." Jing joked.

As they skated together, Makoto asked him. "Is this the free coaching?"

Misha didn't answer her as he thought. 'She's good. Is this girl Sailor Moon?' After a moment he deiced to lift her. "All right. Here we go."

"Huh?" Makoto asked as she was slightly caught off guard. Unfortunately, he could not lift her. Makoto soon realized the problem as he returned her to the ice. "Sorry, I'm so heavy!"

"It's all right." Misha assured her.

"Let me try!" Makoto as she lifted him into the air.

All around them, the crowd watched in amazement as they chattered about it.

"She's able to lift a man into the air while skating?!" Minako asked shocked.

"That's the first time any female has successfully done that." Ami informed them.

"That's Mako for you." Hiroko said.

"Do you think all the people of Jupiter were as strong as her during the Silver Millennium." Taura asked.

'Incredible!' Misha thought. Too shocked to think of anything else. The others clapped as they continued to skate. "You're the one." He told her.


Janelyn's shoulders shook as she witnessed with scene. "Misha! You can't shut me out! Were you really serious about breaking up?" Ayame's words echoing in her ears. Not being able to stand it any longer, She grabbed a microphone to speak through the speakers. "Attention everyone, the free coaching sessions for today are done. Please gather up your belongings and leave the rink immediately."

"But why?" Usagi whined.

"This is ridiculous!" Rei complained.

Makoto blushed as she was reluctant to leave yet another man who reminded her of the guy that broke her heart. "Well I...gotta go. Thanks for the lesson." She said as she started to skate away.

Misha grabbed her hand. "I can't let you go. You're too special. You're the partner that I've been searching for." He told her.

"Really? You're sure?" Makoto asked.

Ayame and Taura looked at each and back at the two. Taura was upset, Misha was singling out Makoto and talking about her becoming his partner when he already had a partner and that was Janelyn. Ayame could only worry about what Janelyn's reaction would be if she didn't already know.

"Something isn't right here. I can't believe Misha would do this." Taura spoke.

"Something is odd here. When we first got here, I thought this was another one of Kunzite's traps. I'm not totally sure right now since I'm surprised they hadn't gone after Usagi. However, they did think Rei was Sailor Moon last time. Makoto might be in danger. Let's hang back and make sure Makoto is okay." Ayame suggested, to which Taura easily agreed.

Hiding in the restrooms, the two Sailor Guardians waited for everyone else to leave. Telling the others to go ahead. Ayame was deeply hoping she was wrong about it being a Dark Kingdom trap.

The duo were leaving the restroom when they the sound of metal crashing. Racing out into the lobby then saw they were locked in.

"I HATE it when I'm right about these things!" Ayame groaned.

"Let's go check on Makoto!" Taura urged.

Sighing, Ayame quickly followed her.


Back in the control room Janelyn was seething in rage at the sight before her. Even after she sent everyone else away, Misha went after Makoto and got her to stay and skate.

"That girl has such poise and skates so gracefully, like she's been doing this all her life...with my Misha! Well, forget that!" She yelled as she threw her fist at the tv screen and smashed it.


Back in the ice rink, Misha was working his charms on Makoto. Weeding out any sign she could be Sailor Moon. "Are you sure this is your first time figure skating? I think you're hiding something. Tell me the truth. It's okay, you can trust me."

"Oh, Misha..." Makoto swooned.

"Misha!" Janelyn yelled, breaking the moment between them.

Misha, startled by the intrusion, gasped as he and Makoto looked to see who had called out to him. Only to see a furious Janelyn.

"Misha, is this you're way of telling me we're really done? I'd rather kill you right now than allow an amateur like her to have her forever!" Janelyn declared as he eyes began to glow red.

"Huh?" They both asked as Misha let go of Makoto.

Ayame and Taura watched this with shock.

"Uh-oh. I don't think the advise I gave earlier helped. This is going to get ugly. If she's the monster this time, who knows what she'll do." Ayame said with dread. She wondered if Misha was a monster or part of one too, kinda like how the hairdresser and her employees combined into one monster.

"I understand not wanting him to be with another, but to kill him is a little extreme don't you think?" Taura worried as they watched behind the wall of the rink.

"Janelyn!" Misha he called out to her, shocked by her outburst.

Gritting her teeth, Janelyn was preparing to transform. Her right hand in front of her hip and her left over the side of her face. A red aura growing around her.

"Run away, right now!" Makoto warned him and she stood in front of him, ready to protect him from the one she saw as a threat.

Misha ignored this as he moved Makoto aside and held her arm. "Don't worry about her. Calm down. Skating with her all day was just my way of testing this girl to find out if she was Sailor Moon." he tried to assure his partner.

"What? He's in on this too?" Taura asked.

"Kariko and her employees were combined into one monster. It's not that farfetched he would be one or part of a monster too. They are partners after all. If one monster couldn't kill Sailor Moon, two might." Ayame told her.

"Huh?" Makoto asked, shocked and betrayed.

"Liar!" Janelyn declared. As the transformation continued, Janelyn's skating dress ripped off to reveal another outfit underneath. Her hair lost it's pink colors and her hairband disappeared. Holding her throat, she now wore more of a bikini style outfit in red. The top covering the important part and in the center was a small gap showing a little skin as two golden bars attached to the top and bottom of the top to round blue jewels on each side. Having four in total. The top also lacked shoulder straps and instead encircled her neck. The bottom was simple with two more round blue jewels decorated the left side. Around her waist, a golden ring appeared and a white cloth appeared forming a skirt and her skates turned red and golden wraps around her ankles appeared. The red aura only glowing brighter.

"Hear me out! She's a wonderful skater, but it takes years of hard work to produce a perfect pair. You're the only partner for me. You know that!" Misha tried to reason with her.

"What?! But you said..." Makoto trailed off, upset by the news.

"Misha! I can't stop! It's too late!" Janelyn warned his as her eyes became fully red and she still clutched her throat. Ayame was amazed at how long the full transformation was taking. Usually, they didn't take this long.

Janelyn's transformation continued as her skin took a whitish-pinkish hue and red gloves appeared, encasing the middle finger and leaving the others exposed as they went to her elbows. Crouching down she grunted as blades came out of the ends of her gloves and the back of her legs. Round blue disks covered her ears as a red band came out between them and created a new headband. Two thin antenna appearing too. Soon the transformation was complete as she jumped and floated into the air.

"Get away from my Misha!" The now fully turned monster Janelyn ordered.

"A monster!" Makoto yelled out in fear.

"Janelyn!" Misha called out in worry.

Racing back to the ice, Janelyn skated towards the source of her anger. Jumping into the air she yelled out and performed her jump while separating her partner and attacking Makoto. "Triple Axel Kick!"

Their painful scream echoing through the rink as Makoto was flung away and landed against the wall of the rink with a painful grunt. Her shoulder colliding with it.

Turning back to Misha, Janelyn looked at him as he kneeled on the ground. "J-Janelyn!" Misha called to her slightly afraid.

Offering her hand to him, Janelyn calmly spoke to him, "Come here. My Misha... We're partners forever and ever." Her eyes flashing as she spoke. Her eyes, the eyes of a monster, calling out to the monster within him.

Misha's own eyes were resonating and glowing red. "The ultimate pair. Blended as one when we skate." He said as if reciting a scripture the two chanted always. Still kneeling he pressed the palm of his left hand to hers. A flash happening between the conflicting powers of the monsters. Misha bowing his head as the monster and power took over. His painful yell echoing as he too transformed.

His white shirt ripped off as his skin turned white and his pants remained, as Janelyn held his hand the transformation continued. It was far faster than Janelyn's, but that might be because Janelyn was there to help it go more soomthly. Two golden round buttons remained as a black cape appeared. Unlike regular capes, it was cut down the middle to look more like a upside-down 'V' and lined in red. As they spun, Janelyn's tossed her head back as they continued. Misha's outfit was in a way similar to Tuxedo Mask's only with a purple shirt and the outer jacket had four golden buttons. His eyes that were once green were now grey and his shinny golden blond was darker and maybe even greenish grey.

Ayame wasn't sure as the pair posed. The transformation complete and the two monsters together. Their hands held together as the opposite fist were raised into the air.

"Misha was a monster, too?!" Makoto yelled in astonishment, getting up from the ice.

The two monster gave out triumphant laughs as they skated around in a death spiral. Lifting up Janelyn with one hand.

"We are amazing! The best pair-skaters in the world!" The two monsters declared.

"Oh, Misha!" Janelyn cheered. Happy to have her partner back where he rightfully belonged.

"Janelyn!" He replied in equal cheer.

"Together we are Zoilingeller!" The two introduced themselves as they spun before stopping and focusing on Makoto. "Now that you've seen who we actually are, we can't allow you to live."

"No! Wait!" Makoto said in fear.

Ignoring her pleas, the couple's evil laughter rang in her ears as they skated towards her to jump and attack. "Combination Jump! Attack mode! Ready!"

Makoto couldn't move as she gasped in fear and let out a pain-filled scream as their skate blades and other blades cut into her outfit.

Their evil laughter ringing as she was flung out of the rink and closer towards the stands.

Ayame stared in shock before snapping out of it. "While a part of me is happy the two of them solved their problem and back together again, this is not how I pictured it!"

Taura nodded. "Right! Come on! We need to save Makoto. Usagi is probably outside with the others! You might be the only one here that can turn them back!"

"Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!"

"Boreus Power! Make Up!"

"Hah-ha-ha-ha!" Zoilingeller laughed.

"I can finish her off!" Janelyn offered.

"Be my guest!" Misha said.

"Hold it right there, Zoilingeller!"

"Huh?!" They asked as they turned around to see Sailor Gaea and Sailor Boreas standing on the wall.

"While it's nice that the two of you are back together, I can't allow you to celebrate your reestablishment of your relationship by harming that girl! How you mistook her for Sailor Moon who is known to be less than graceful a majority of the time is beyond me. When we defeat you, I hope you still get along afterwards." Sailor Gaea spoke.

"Sailor Gaea!" Misha exclaimed.

"We were expecting Sailor Moon and her team to be here, but this is a pleasant surprise. He did warn us you would show up wherever Sailor Moon is. Since this girl is a Sailor Guardian it's close enough. Master Kunzite will be quite happy when we finish you off." Janelyn spoke.

"For making a weapon of the graceful sport of figure skating and taking delight in using it to torment innocent girls. I, Sailor Moon, will never forgive you! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you." Sailor Moon declared.

"It's not really their fault, Sailor Moon. Kunzite is to blame for this." Sailor Gaea pointed out.

"Sailor Moon!" Janelyn said happily as they turned to see her in the stands.

"We've looked for you!" Misha told her as he brought his hand up to face and considered her.

"And know that you're here, we'll be taking the Silver Crystal!" They declared.

"We'll see about that!" Sailor Moon told them as she jumped into the rink and skate blades appeared on the bottom of her shoes.

Seeing this, Sailor Gaea and Sailor Boreus got on the ice as well. Unlike Sailor Moon they didn't have to jump.

"So, we can get skates out of thin air, but we can't get coats when it's freezing?! Sailor Notus had the right idea talking to you know who about tinkering with our stuff and adding that feature." Sailor Boreus huffed at the magic or planetary power or whatever it was that gave them their abilities that provided skates but didn't help keep the cold out. Always wearing mini-skirts.

With a yell of attack, Sailor Moon landed on the ice only to have the same trouble as before. "Agh-agh-ahh!" She cried out as she once again fell.

Zoilingeller were watching this and ended up laughing at her.

"What gives?! I transform and I still can't skate?" Sailor Moon asked.

"I'd hate to have to tell you this, Sailor Moon, but I don't think you have the muscle memory you once had. And your body isn't used to this." Sailor Gaea informed her.

"Sailor Moon!" Zoilingeller spoke.

"Time to die!" They declared as Janelyn's elbow blade grew and Misha helped set up for her attack.

"Death-" Misha started. "-Spiral!" Janelyn finished as she skated towards Sailor Moon.

Summoning her rapier, Sailor Boreus skated across the ice to intercept Janelyn's attack before Sailor Gaea had the chance to do it herself. As she watched she saw someone else skating across the ice, Dark Endymion had arrived. He didn't have a weapon out as Sailor Gaea noticed the direction he was skating in. Was he going to help Sailor Moon again even though they were enemies. Just what was her brainwashed brother up to?!

"Die!" Janelyn yelled.

The metal ringing as the two blade collided. Janelyn gritting her teeth at the interruption until she got even angrier seeing her intended target get away.

"Don't forget we're here!" Sailor Gaea yelled as Janelyn backed off from Sailor Boreaus.

Opening her eyes, Sailor Moon noticed she wasn't sliced and diced by Janelyn and was being helped skate. Beaming at her hero. "Thank you, Tuxedo Mask! I knew you would come to save me!" She cheered and expressed her gratitude.

"Hey! What are we?! Chopped Liver?!" Sailor Boreus demanded to know.

"Your friends have a point, if I didn't save you, it would have been Sailor Boreus you would be giving your gratitude to. So don't get the wrong idea..." Dark Endymion told her. "...We're still enemies. However, there's no honor in defeating you by involving the innocent."


"Once I stop these monsters senseless rampage, I'll be taking your Silver Crystal." He informed her.

"No way!" Sailor Moon said, upset.

"It's like she keeps forgetting this everytime she sees him!" Sailor Gaea muttered under her breath.

"Master Endymion! Do not interfere!" Misha told him.

"We'll show no mercy! Not even to you!" Janelyn threatened.

"You actually think you can beat me?" He provoked them.

"Uhh, I wouldn't provoke them if I were you." Sailor Moon warned him.

"How interesting..." Misha pondered.

"Don't forget we are Gold Medalists!" Janelyn reminded them as the skating pair charged at them.

"Not on my watch, you don't!" Sailor Boreus yelled as she attacked. "Crushing Blizzard!"

Bolts of ice forming as she threw them into the skaters path, creating an obstacle course. Allowing Dark Endymion and Sailor Moon to skate away easily.

"Thanks Sailor Boreus!" Sailor Moon yelled.

"So, now you thank me. Feeling the love there Sailor Moon! I really am!" She yelled back.

Unfortunately, the gold medalist were able to get out of the narrow space created by the ice bolts and attacked them again.

"Sit Spin Kick!" Zoilingeller yelled as they tripped their opponents up and sent them sprawling against the wall of the rink.

Seeing their enemy cornered, the duo let out an evil laugh before extending the blades at their elbows and readying to attack. "The time has come! It ends here!"

While they were busy, Makoto had woken up and was ready to fight the one that toyed with her emotions! "Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter attacked.

Stopping Zoilingeller as their painful screams echoed through the rink.

"Sailor Jupiter!" Sailor Moon cheered, happy to see her alright.

"Please, you've gotta stop this! Turn back into your former selves!" Sailor Jupiter tried to reason with them.

Their only response at first was painful groans. "Curse you!" Misha yelled.

They were interrupted as they heard a yell of attack as the others jumped onto the ice.

"Everyone!" Sailor Moon cheered.

Above the rink, Kunzite was quite pleased with himself and his evil laugh escaped his chest. "The gang's all here. Isn't this lovely. How pathetic, Endymion. If you hadn't interfered, you wouldn't share in their fate. Hnnh!" He said where they couldn't hear them, snapping his fingers as he activated something he had planed just for this moment. Using the cooling system, cold air began blasting out.

"Aghh!" Sailor Moon yelled as she shivered and tried to cover herself.

"What's going on?!" Dark Endymion asked as he covered himself with his cape to protect himself from the cold.

The rest of the team shivering along with Zoilingeller.

"What is this, Master Kunzite?" Misha called out to his master as ice formed around the rink's walls.

This time, they heard Kunzite's evil laugh."This is Absolute Zero Ice Hell! Very soon, you'll all turn into lovely ice statues. Then I'll simply return and recover the Silver Crystal once and for all!" He answered, leaving his two monsters to share the same fate.

"Damn you, Kunzite!" Dark Endymion cursed his fellow Dark Kingdom member. Falling to his knees on the floor on the ice.

"It's so cold!" Sailor Mars exclaimed.

"I can't take it anymore!" Sailor Venus said.

Misha and Janelyn came close together shivering, Misha using his cape to help Janelyn out of the cold and trying to keep them both warm.

Sailor Gaea gritted her teeth in anger. "First Kunzite ruins Janelyn and Misha's lives by turning them into monsters, and now he's leaving them to die! He's gonna pay!" She yelled. "Sailor Zephyrus! After winter there is always spring! Use the Wind Blossom Bow and fire an arrow at what's causing this!"

Sailor Zephyrus nodded as she shakily got her bow out. "Spring's Revenge!" Sailor Zephyrus shouted as she notched an arrow in the bow and released. A rush of wind surrounded the arrow as sakura petals were left in it's wake. It hit the source as the cooling system exploded.

"We're saved!" Sailor Moon cheered.

Everyone letting out relieved sigh.

With the cold gone, Zoilingeller were back in action as they roared and attacked the ice that was on them. Breaking free.

"Boreus!" Sailor Gaea called.

Nodding, the Guardian pulled out her rapier and yelled, "Winter's Tundra!" The resulting bolts of ice pining the duo where they stood with their hands clasped together. Unable to attack. Skating over, she glanced back at Sailor Moon and noticed Dark Endymion had already left.

"Don't worry, Sailor Moon. I'll handle it today." Sailor Gaea assured her. Turning to the trapped monsters, Sailor Gaea spoke to them. "Do you still intend to fight...? Even after your master left you for dead?" She sighed. "This is not who you're meant to be." She gestured at their forms. "You should be making people happier than ever and feel the love you send to your audiences and allow them to see the wonderful and beautiful worlds you create while skating. I give you both Mother Earth's blessing. It's time to return you to normal." She said as she kissed their interlocked hands and whispered, "Gaea Rejuvenating Kiss."

Bright light surrounded them and they were once again back to normal and full of love for each other.

"Janelyn..." Misha called out to her.

"Misha..." Janelyn replied in the same breathless, loving tone.

Backing away, the two didn't even notice her as they skated happily as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Sailor Moon noticed who was missing. "Wait a minute! Tuxedo Mask?! Where did he go?! Tuxedo Mask, please come back!"


Walking out of the rink, it was already night time. The others were concerned about Makoto.

"Uh, Mako? Are you okay?" Usagi asked, breaking the ice so to speak.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry! I'm not gonna let being dumped by Misha bother me forever." Makoto assured them before sighing. "But I do need to hurry and find another guy."

Looking up, they watched as a boy walked past. "Huh?" The others said.

"How dreamy!" Makoto gushed.

"Huh?!" They repeated.

"I just love the shape of his nose! The guy who broke my heart had one just like that." Makoto explained.

Causing everyone but Ayame's group to fall over. "Mako! Give us a break, will ya?!" Usagi whined.


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