Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Enter Venus

135 4 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

The Dark Kingdom, the secret organization out to take over the world, their hideout unknown. Things were going well for them in resent events. Having obtained five of the seven Rainbow Crystals, they only needed two more to have the complete set. The only thing stopping them from having them all was Tuxedo Mask. Zoisite knew of this and knew he had to draw him out somehow.

Before the court of Queen Beryl, Zoisite projected many images of the various fights between the Sailor Guardians and the former members of the Four Kings of Heaven. Right now it was showing how Tuxedo Mask saved Sailor Moon from Nephrite's lion. Seeing all of this made queen Beryl clench her hand in a fist. Emitting an angry growl.

Queen Beryl was fed up. "Enough of this!" She yelled as she shattered the images.

Zoisite was a little shocked to see her do that. He had worked hard on getting all those images ready.

"Explain yourself, Zoisite. What is the purpose of this? Why would you think I would wish to see these images?" Queen Beryl demanded to know.

Turning around and smiling, Zoisite explained. "Well, Queen Beryl, every time we have Sailor Moon within our grasp, someone comes to her rescue and it's always the same person, as those scenes reveal."

"Yes. So? It's Tuxedo Mask." Queen Beryl said. Everyone knew this after Nephrite used that to try and lure out Sailor Moon to kill her. "Have you finally figured out his true identity?"

"Unfortunately, no. We still don't know who he is. But, my Queen, we know one thing for sure. And that is he will only appear when he knows Sailor Moon is in great danger. All we have to do is place Sailor Moon in peril and Tuxedo Mask will come to us." Zoisite explained part of his plan.

"If he does appear, will you be able to retrieve the two Rainbow Crystals he has stolen? You do realize that this is the last chance you'll have to succeed, right, Zoisite?" Queen Beryl reminded him.

Zoisite bowed. "Yes... And I won't fail you."

"Not so fast, Zoisite." Kunzite interrupted as he stepped forward.

"Huh? Kunzite!" Zoisite said with a smile as Kunzite bowed before their queen.

"Listen, if your plan is to lure Tuxedo Mask out into the open so that you can deal with him, then the first thing you need to do is separate them from the Sailor Guardians. With your permission, I'd be happy to take on that part of the job, my Queen." Kunzite proposed.

"Very well. Bring me all seven of the Rainbow Crystals. And do not fail me this time." Queen Beryl ordered them.

"Yes, my Queen." Both said in unison as they bowed.

'Though I swear allegiance to Queen Beryl. She is not my true motivation. I am doing this for no one but you, Kunzite. I want to make you proud of me. You're not just my mentor. You're my friend, I would give my very life for you!' Zoisite thought as he griped his handing into a fist.


The next day at Tozai Bank, gun shoots were heard throughout the building.

The bank clerks and regular people who were minding their own business released scared screams as a man with a gun entered the establishment wearing a green and brown hat, a pair of sunglasses, and a white bandana to cover his face and protect his identity. Along with a blue jacket.

"You behind the counter! Money in the bag!" He said a he pointed the gun at them and tossed a bag at them to fill. "C'mon! Make it quick!" He yelled as a boomerang flew through the air and knocked the gun out of his hands with a painful grunt. His sunglasses being knocked off in the process as well.

Behind the robber and the one responsible for the boomerang as she caught it was what appeared to be Sailor Moon! But this was not Sailor Moon. The eyes of this person were green and cold. The ribbon on her uniform and other little decorations were the wrong color. This imposter's was purple.

"Huh?! Who the hell are you?!" The robber asked.

The imposter smirked as she didn't answer. Instead she jumped up and kicked the robber in the face. Causing him to fall into various furniture and knocked out of commission.


Back in the Tsukino residence, the TV was reporting this robbery.

"This just in! Another arrest was made today by the mysterious hero calling herself the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. According to witnesses, a man armed with a rifle entered the Tozai Bank's Juban branch around two p.m." The announcer reported as Luna woke up from her cat nap and looked at the tv. "The suspect fired several rounds and was demanding money from the bank teller when the Pretty Guardian entered and quickly subdu-"

On TV, Luna saw the robber being taken away by two police officers and in the background, Sailor Moon was standing.

Seeing this, Luna was instantly wide awake. "Huh?! Usagi?! No way!"


Meanwhile, the real Sailor Moon was out and about with Makoto, Ayame, and Jadeite. Today the girls had the day off and were enjoying it while eating some sweets. It was good to have a break with what happened recently. Things had been a rough with the loss of their only Rainbow Crystal. Last time, Jadeite had chewed Luna out like there was no tomorrow. Luna had felt bad about it since. After that, Ayame learned Taura was Sailor Boreas and along with Jadeite and the other girls had been brought up to date about everything.

Jadeite then told them about the Prince and Princess a bit, too. The Prince's name in the past was Endymion, though he doubted he would have the same name now. He didn't tell them much about the Princess because he personally didn't know that much about her. His excuse being that Jadeite was a guard of the Prince and thus spent more time with him. The Prince would be a bit older than them and the princess would be about their age.

Still, what Jadeite did tell them wasn't much to go on in terms of finding the two royals. Ayame was brought out of these thoughts as Usagi's voice yelled out, "I'm goin' in!" as she dug into first her strawberry crepe and then took a bite of her kiwi crepe. Cream all over her mouth.

Ayame chuckled at her friends antics as she bit into her own chocolate strawberry crepe. During this lovely fall day, she wore a green sweater shirt with a hood. On the hood and sleeves were white beads and Jadeite sat on her shoulder. Usagi was in the middle of them as Ayame walked on her left and Makoto on Usagi's right. Makoto wore an orange jacket over a yellow shirt, a pair of light blue jeans and a green cap. Along with her rose earrings.

"Now this is my idea of how a schoolgirl should spend her day off! Eating every desert she wants!" Usagi cheered.

"Yeah, well, you're going to need a bigger school uniform if you keep it up!" Makoto warned her.

"I can't help myself! I just have to try all of them!" Usagi explained with a giggle.

As they walked, people were going about their jobs as two men were washing the windows of a building. Inside the building of the window, they lowered down to begin cleaning, was one guy looking at the store's books. One Mamoru Chiba. As the men worked, from the other side of the street, four crystal shards headed straight for the cables holding the platform the men were on. Digging into the rope, but unnoticed by the two workers. The glare of the sun lit off the crystal and brought the attention of Mamoru.

"Huh?" Mamoru said as he looked to see where the light was coming from. Two of the four crystal shards glowed as they disappeared, leaving holes in the rope as they easily snapped.

"Aaaghh!" The workers cried out as part of the platform gave way and they tried to find something to hold on to.

Gasps came from everyone as they noticed the commotion, shoppers gathering around the window, Ayame and the others watching from below.

Mamoru pushed his way to the window and said. "Oh no!"

"Somebody help us! I'm losin' my grip!" One of the workers yelled in fear of his life. One worker had fallen out of the basket up was hanging at the end of the rope. One managed to stay in but like the other barely hanging onto the rope.

Unknown to each other at the time, Ayame and Mamoru saw something shine in the ropes. She thought she saw something cutting the ropes.

"Ahh-Ahh!" The worked cried as he felt the rope give way.

"Ahhh!" The people below yelled. They gasped as they noticed the rope finally snapping and make closed their eyes or looked away. Ayame couldn't take her eyes of the scene before her.

Above the workers, someone tossed down a rope.

"Ahhh!" The worker yelled as he fell.

Grapping the rope they had, that person jumped and swinging down grabbed the worker's hand and they landed on top of a cloth awning in front of a store.

The crowd cheering at the person dressed up as Sailor Moon who saved that man. Usagi, Makoto, Ayame, and Jadeite were shocked and confused. They were happy the man was saved, but who was this imposter?

The imposter stood up and soaked in the praise as she jumped up to the top of the building and disappeared without a word. Someone had called the Fire department as they pulled up to get the other worker down to safety.

Mamoru ran out of the building and looked up at the lift. "Could she have cut those ropes herself? Sailor Moon..." He pondered. Running off, he went in search of answers. Running past the girls as Makoto tried to console Usagi who was whining and complaining.

"Why in the world does she have to dress up as Sailor Moon? Now everyone thinks she's some huge hero and I'm not even getting any credit for it! Wah!" Usagi cried.

"Agh, just calm down, Usagi!" Makoto told her. "Right now, we have to tell Luna about this and then go find that faker!"

"Mmm-hmm!" Usagi nodded, still upset about it all.

Ayame was silent as she thought about it all. That wasn't an accident, and there was no way anyone normal would be able to jump that high. Who was this fake Sailor? Ayame just had a bad feeling about all of this. First their crystal was taken and now this? Was the Dark Kingdom behind this? One of their monsters could probably made that jump easy. But why? What would they gain from making Sailor Moon look more like a hero?

Off to the side, Ayame noticed a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair that wore the same uniform as Nanami. She had a ribbon in her hair similar to Naru's in red and her hair wasn't as wavy and a lot longer. Looking down at her feet, Ayame noticed a white cat with blue eyes standing beside her. What really caught her attention was the golden crescent moon on it's's. That cannot be a coincidence.

The girl was looking right at them and when she saw Ayame had caught her staring, she quickly looked away. Starting to walk away as the cat followed her.

"Hey, guys. You go talk to your group and Luna. Jadeite and I are going to try and find some things out about all this. Something seems fishy to me. I'll gather my group and tell them too." Ayame told them as she walked away.

Ignoring whatever they had to say, Ayame and subsequently Jadeite followed the girl and her cat.

"Ayame, what's going on?" Jadeite asked.

"There was a girl staring at us all earlier. She had a white cat with a crescent moon mark on it's forehead." Ayame explained as Jadeite gasped slightly.

"Sound familiar? I'm going to get to the bottom of this. This can't be a coincidence." Ayame said determined as she followed the two. They moved away from the more populated areas to more secluded ones. If Ayame was correct in the direction they were going, they were heading towards the wharf.

Seeing the route they were going, Ayame went another route to cut them off. Racing ahead, Ayame stopped in the spot the girl and her cat would walk into soon.

As the girl turned the corner, she froze as she saw Ayame with her arms crossed. Jadeite, hopped down from Ayame's shoulders.

"You Artemis?" Jadeite asked the cat.

The cat's head snapped up at this. Shocked which soon transformed into anger.

"Who's asking? How do you know my name?" The white cat, Artemis asked.

"Communication with Earth and the Moon might have been low, but that doesn't mean we didn't hear a few things about certain people. I remember quite well, that the Princess of the Moon Kingdom had many companions. Two of which were a pair of black and white cats with crescent moon marks on their foreheads. Their names, Luna and Artemis. I've already had the liberty of meeting Luna. That leaves only one other and that is you, Artemis. It saddens me that mission control didn't inform you of me beforehand. Despite my appearance, I am Jadeite. Former member of Dark Kingdom, servant for the Prince of Earth and guardian of the Sailor Guardians of Earth. Who might this lovely lady be?" Jadeite asked as he turned his attention to the girl.

"Since she's with you, and you're freely talking back to me in her presence, and she didn't freak out when I did speak, I guessing she has something to do with the Sailor Guardains?" Jadeite asked.

"Jadeite, where are you manners? Asking her for her name when we still haven't finished introducing ourselves." Ayame said. "You go to Shiba Koen Junior High School. A friend of mine goes to the same school and wears the same uniform. I'm Ayame Mascari. I go to Juban Junior High School." Ayame introduced herself. "Otherwise known as Sailor Gaea. Leader of one of the Guardian groups."

Minako and Artemis got serious looks on their faces at this before Artemis sighed. "We were bound to meet sooner or later. This is Minako Aino. Otherwise known as Sailor V also known as Sailor Venus."

"The first Sailor Guardian to ever appear, eh? It's on honor to meet you Minako." Ayame said. "We helped save your anime movie. Nanami, who goes to your school, worked on it."

"Really? That's so cool!" Minako said excitedly. For a moment there, Ayame thought she was talking to Usagi. With that type of reaction.

"Um, yes. Really. Anyway, where are you headed? I noticed you two earlier where that fake saved the worker." Ayame asked.

"We noticed something wasn't right and we're tracking whoever that was." Artemis explained.

"The others will probably be heading that way as well. Would you mind waiting for me to call the others of my group and having them meet up with us?" Ayame asked.

"Um, no. Not at all." Artemis answered.

Ayame nodded as she brought out her communicator. "Jing, Nanami, Hiroko, Taura, have you seen or heard the news?" She asked them.

Most of them gave her an affirmative as Ayame continued.

"We got a lead of what's happening. Meet me at the wharf. I'll explain further when you get here." Ayame said as she cut it off.

Turning back to Minako, Ayame said, "Shall we?" Gesturing for them to head to the wharf.

Nodding the four of them kept going.

"Um, Ayame?" Minako asked.


"What are the others like?" Minako asked.

"Usagi, the leader and Sailor Moon, has been my friend for years and she is always there for you when you really need her. Ami, Sailor Mercury, is the brains of the bunch. Rei, Sailor Mars, is a bit of a hot head, but she's okay. Makoto, Sailor Jupiter, is nice and knows how to fight and cook." Ayame summed up.

"What about you're team?" Minako asked.

"Jing, Sailor Zephyrus, is energetic. Nanami, Sailor Notus, is unique and overall cool. Hiroko, Sailor Eurus, I would say she's mostly a practical person. The last one, Taura is Sailor Boreas and I haven't known her long but she's fierce, I can tell you that much." Ayame said happily. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions now?"

"Um, sure." Minako asked.

"Why has taken you so long for you to appear? Are you planning to finally join Sailor Moon's team?" Ayame asked.

"Minako hasn't been active in just Japan you know." Artemis interrupted. "She's been traveling and stomping out the Dark Kingdom all by herself for a while now. It was to give the others time to mature and be found. Since Sailor Venus has more experience than them, they would have looked to her for all the answers. Sailor Moon wouldn't be able to grow into a proper leader."

Ayame thought about this for a moment before nodding with their logic. "Yep, that sounds about right."

"Ayame here has also become an excellent leader, if I do say so myself." Jadeite said with pride. "Luna didn't even know she was Sailor Gaea and she was nearly right beside her the entire time." He laughed.

"Jadeite, stop being so hard on Luna. You've made mistakes too." Ayame scolded him as he bowed his head in shame at the reminder.

"Moving on. Besides Jadeite and the girls, we have someone else who's fighting with us against the Dark Kingdom." Ayame said.

"Who?" Minako ask.

"Jadeite, while he's the first to turn against the Dark Kingdom, isn't the only member of the Four Kings of Heaven to do so. Have you heard of Masato Sanjouin?" Ayame asked.

"Yes, he is or was a president of a company, correct?" Artemis asked.

Ayame nodded. "Half correct. His real identity is Nephrite. Back when he was an active member of the Dark Kingdom, and just before I became Sailor Gaea, I was walking to school when I saw his hideout appear out of thin air. I was skeptic of all the paranormal things happening in Tokyo and pretended I was just seeing things. After that, time and time again, I kept running into him."

"Over time, I grew to love him and unknown to me at the time, so did he. After I found out who he was and he found out about me, he decided to join us. However, our current enemy, Zoisite kidnapped me and my friend Naru due to our connection with Nephrite to take the Dark Crystal from him. At the time, Naru and I were both in love with him too. So that was rough." Ayame said.

As Ayame said this, she noticed Minako winced at the talk of her telling her about her and Naru both being in love with the same guy. She pretended not to notice as she continued.

"Nephrite came to our rescue and we managed to get away for a time. During that time, he choose me as the girl he loved. In the end, they found us again and attacked Nephrite. He used his own body as a shield multiple times to protect us. Luckily, I was able to heal and save him. He's regained all his memories and now he's joined the Sailor Guardian side. He's in hiding for now until it's safe for us to reveal that he's still alive."

"Naru has moved on and she's for all I'm aware of, dating this guy in our class. She also knows about me and the others being Guardians and makes weapons for us to use in battle." Ayame explained.

Looking over at Minako, Ayame was surprised by the starry look in her eyes.

"That is so beautiful! Two enemies falling in love! It's amazing. You're so lucky to have someone like that in your life, Ayame." Minako gushed.

Nervously laughing at the girl's reaction to her story, Ayame replied. "Um, thanks Minako."


Looking up Ayame, Minako, Artemis, and Jadeite saw the others come towards them. They hadn't transformed yet, but Ayame saw they each had their own weapons. Even Taura had gotten hers. From the looks of it, her weapon was a rapier.

The blade was long and for the most part thin when compared to her own broadsword. The inside of the blade from what she could see that blue, with snowflake and ice shard designs in it. The part of the blade just before the hilt was designed to look like the white north wind as it blew away the snow. The hilt guard was a complex design colored golden and white. Overall, Naru had outdone herself with her beautiful craftsmanship.

"Girls! Good thing you arrived. Allow me to introduce to you, Artemis. A fellow messenger of the moon like Luna. Beside him is Minako Aino. The one and only Sailor Venus or Sailor V. The final member of Sailor Moon's team." Ayame introduced as the girls gasped and began to crowd around her gushing about how cool she was and how it was to finally meet her. Nanami asking her about what she thought of the anime movie and if it was accurate. Asking her all sorts of questions and Minako looked tickled to death over all the attention. Introducing themselves in the process.

"Girls! Focus! While it's nice to meet Minako, we do have a mission right now. Sailor Moon has an imposter and she's somewhere in the wharf. Something about this imposter doesn't seem like a normal civilian trying to do a good deed or two under Sailor Moon's name. Earlier, she caused an accident and saved a man. We need to find whoever that is and stop her. There's also the chance the Dark Kingdom might be after her so we need to get to her before our enemy does if they aren't somehow connected." Ayame reminded them.

The girls nodded and backed off. Only for their attention to whip towards the sound of a girl's scream.

"Sounds like someone got to our little imposter first. Come on!" Artemis yelled as he began to lead the way.

Silently as possible, the girls followed the cat deeper into the wharf. Lightning flashed in the sky above. There was a highly possible chance of a storm. Ayame hoped it wouldn't rain. Coming closer to where the sound originated, the girls looked up to see the imposter hanging by a rope to one of the many cranes used to move shipments along the wharf and warehouses. The imposter seemed to be unconscious.

On top of a building not too far was a man silver-white shoulder length hair and blue-grey eyes. He also had light tanned skin. Like the other generals, he wore a gray uniform, but with blue trimming, with white gloves, and what made him really standout was that he wears a white cape and his epaulettes have a blue gem on top.

"This is odd. It seems like there's a new member of the Four Kings of Heaven in control of the operations. I thought Zoisite was doing well after he got the crystal from us. Why would Queen Beryl get rid of him and replace him with this new guy?" Jing asked.

"That's Kunzite. The leader of the Four Kings of Heaven. Out of all of us, he's the strongest. He personally mentors Zoisite. The reason Zoisite is as strong as he is despite being younger and the least experienced out of all of us is because of him. Most in the Dark Kingdom would stab you in the back at a moments notice, but he actually cares about his little protégé. Even now after being brainwashed. I agree with Jing, Zoisite couldn't have been replaced at this point of time with what we currently know. Kunzite wouldn't have let Zoisite die that easily." Jadeite said.

"Why would the enemy capture the imposter? They already have our Rainbow Crystal." Hiroko asked. "Wouldn't they try to kill her? They've tried do so in the past. Why would they just leave her in the open like that for anyone in the wharf to see?"

"Maybe they're trying to lure the rest of us out and get rid of all the Sailor Guardians for good?" Taura offered.

"Looks like their plan is working so far! Look!" Nanami said as she pointed at a black dome. They could barely make out where the others were.

"We need to do something!" Jing said.

"Hold it! If we go in there now, we could end up in the same position as them and we'll all be killed. Wait and see what Kunzite and the others do. Maybe the girls can get out on their own. At the very least, we can try and see if there's a weak point." Minako told her.

"She's right. Don't forget, Zoisite could be around here somewhere waiting for us." Ayame reminded them.

Staying hidden, Ayame and her team watched as Sailor Mars tried Fire Soul. They were too far away hear what Kunzite or the other Sailor Guardians were saying, but they could see the attacks through the dark tint of the dome. They watched as the attack was merely absorbed. They could barely make out the girls running as Kunzite did some kind of counter attack within the dome. Multiple explosions taking place within.

Sailor Jupiter tried Supreme Thunder. But that didn't work either. The attack was merely absorbed like Sailor Mars' attack. Then Kunzite jumped as he laughed at their attempts. After saying something, Kunzite allows crackling blue lighting to spread from his fingertips to his dome as it shook and began to shrink. Closing in on the Guardians inside.

The building storm around them sending out bolts of lightning.

"What do we do now?!" Hiroko asked.

"I doubt we can attack the dome. It might absorb our own attacks. If Kunzite can shrink the dome, then he could easily make it grow again and fast enough so we can't outrun it and get trapped ourselves. We need to attack Kunzite most likely. He's the one powering this thing and take away the power, then the others will go free." Ayame said.

"Hey! Isn't that the guy from before that was after the other Rainbow Crystals, but wasn't part of the Dark Kingdom?" Taura asked as she pointed at Tuxedo Mask as he ran out of an alley that was closer to the crane and the imposter. From where he was, he couldn't see the dome.

"That's Tuxedo Mask!" Nanami informed her teammate.

"He can't see the others! He's walking into a trap! This is probably what the enemy has been after the whole time! Everyone knows that whenever Sailor Moon is in trouble, Tuxedo Mask is sure to follow! This was all done to get him into the open and get his Rainbow Crystals! That imposter is probably one of their monsters!" Jadeite realized.

They watched as Tuxedo Mask jumped into the air and used his cane somehow to cut the rope. Saving the imposter as he caught her as they fell. Holding her bridal style.

"If what you said it true and he's saving the fake, he's done for! We need to transform! We have to save him and the others!" Ayame said as the girls got out their transformation objects.

"Gaea Founding Power..."

"Zephyrus Power..."

"Notus Power..."

"Eurus Power..."

"Boreus Power..."

"...Make Up!"

"Venus Power! Make Up!"

As Tuxedo Mask and the imposter landed, the crane was hit by lightning. The light blinding as Tuxedo Mask ran into an open warehouse away from his current proximity to the crane and avoid the lightning. Covering the imposter from the blinding light. As the light died down, the imposter's eyes flew wide open as she grinned and emitted a low evil laughter.

The girls entered the warehouse as they saw the imposters hand raise up and formed a rough stake made of some sort of crystal glass.

"Tuxedo Mask! Get away from her!" Sailor Gaea shouted.

But it was too late. The imposter swung down her arm and dug the stake into Tuxedo Mask's right shoulder.

The imposter left it behind as she jumped out of Tuxedo Mask's arms. Leaving her victim in pain as he tried to not cry out in pain and tried to reach his shoulder.

Painfully grunting as the crystal evaporated and caused him more pain. Sailor Gaea worried that it might be poisoned, but hoped it wasn't. "Y-You're not Sailor Moon!" Tuxedo Mask gritted out.

The imposter let out callous laughter as she jumped further away onto a crate as the disguise slipped off to reveal the missing Four Kings of Heaven member.

"Zoisite!" Tuxedo Mask yelled.

"Oh, you poor thing. That must've hurt! Don't worry, in just a minute you won't feel anything! Zoi!" Zoisite pretended to care as he spoke as one would to a baby before throwing his petals at the injured man.

Gripping his shoulder, Tuxedo Mask moved and ran into the narrow maze of crates and shipments.

Zoisite watched this with mocking laughter. "Run if you want! You're not getting away with those Rainbow Crystals, Tuxedo Mask!" He said as he formed another crystal that was longer to use as a sword.

Meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask hid among bags of flour as he caught his breath and tried to stifle his sounds of pain, clutching his shoulder as he tried to think through the pain and figure out his next move. Trying to stay away from any deadends in case Zoisite found him.

Sailor Boreus stepped further into the warehouse.

"Stop right there you scoundrel! If you think we will just let you attack an injured man, you're dead wrong! Your opponent will be me! Face me like man! Only if you're capable. After seeing your attire earlier, I doubt it." Sailor Boreus taunted.

"How dare you insinuate such a thing! I will personally teach you to fear those of the Dark Kingdom, you ugly cow!" He said with a blush of shame on his cheeks.

While Zoisite charged at Sailor Boreus, Sailor Gaea and the other scattered. Their objective; Get Tuxedo Mask out of there and regroup outside to save the others.

Meanwhile, Sailor Venus stayed out of sight as backup for Sailor Boreus.

Charging at Sailor Boreus, the two weapons clashed against each other.

The blade and crystal grating against each other as the two opponents struggled against their conflicting strength the other processed.

"You have quite the amount of strength for a little girl." Zoisite mocked as they drew back and parried the others thrust.

"Why thank you. I was about to say the same to you. Because really, what man uses flowers in his attacks?" She mocked.

Parring her attack, he answered. "Insolent wench! Leave my trademark out of this! I'll have you know I just happen to like flowers. And as for my attack, they're more of a type of glass shaped like flower petals!"

Frustrated at the girls constant remarks, Zoisite used his anger to push away his enemy. Pushing her back, Sailor Boreus twirled on her heel. Her sword forming a circle, which make Zoisite hesitate and couldn't attack as she jumped up on a crate and pushing off of it, used to forward momentum to push herself forward and attack.

The sword and crystal creating sparks. In her position, Sailor Boreus stomped on Zoisite's foot.

"Oww!" He yelled as he instinctively reached to comfort the injured appendage. Leaving Sailor Boreus an opening and kicked her opponent. Falling flat on his back, Zoisite's eyes widen as he saw the blade coming straight at his head. Rolling over he dodged the attack as the sword imbedded itself slightly in the ground.

"You just tried to kill me! You honestly intended to not only scar my face, but actually kill me! You play dirty, little girl! No more games! I'll kill you for trying to scar my face!" Zoisite yelled.

"Vain much? I thought men were proud of scars? Are you sure you're not a woman?" Sailor Boreus mocked him once again. "I'm not above playing dirty if it's to protect those I care about! I won't let myself lose to those who fight without honor, without courage, and those who fight for an unworthy cause!"


Back outside with the other Sailor Guardians, the dome was only getting smaller and smaller.

"Oh, we're all trapped in here!" Sailor Moon yelled.

"Not if I can help it. Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter attacked the approaching walls. Only for it to be absorbed by the darkness.

The girls gasped at this as Sailor Jupiter was disappointed and discouraged. "It's no use. That thing keeps on absorbing our attacks."

"Oh! Where's Sailor Gaea and her team when you need her?! She said she would be coming right after us!" whined Sailor Moon.

The storm began to move on, without a single drop of rain being dropped. Moving on to other places to give the land rain. No tears from the heavens were shed for the Sailor Guardians as they tried in vain to get away from the edges of the dome.

Sounds of their worry and fear ringing in Kunzite's ears and he enjoyed the show before him. Going slowly to fully enjoy it while Zoisite dealt with Tuxedo Mask.

He chucked at their reactions as he spoke. "You're finished. My barrier is impenetrable."


Back in the warehouse, the others were still trying to find Tuxedo Mask. Sailor Gaea had to give Tuxedo Mask one thing, he was good at hide and seek. Coming to an intersection, Sailor Gaea saw a hint of red.

"Sister!" A voice echoed.

Sailor Gaea paused for but a moment before she shook it off. It had been a while since she had gotten a vision of any sort. Whether it be a full blown vision or something a simple as someone's voice. But...Who would call out sister? Was it to her? Someone else she knew that had a sibling? Nephrite told her he got visions of his past. His master, the prince, and his sister. The last vision she had was the future. She was sure of that? What were these visions? The future? A past?

She was an only child. She doesn't have siblings. She didn't really believe in having past lives either. Just what was going on...?

Moving on, Sailor Gaea headed towards the area she saw the flash of red. What she found was exactly what she was looking for. Tuxedo Mask leaned on his left shoulder as he slightly panted. He nearly jumped when he saw her.

"Calm down...It's just me. I'm here to help." Sailor Gaea whispered as she approached him.

"You're just after my Rainbow Crystals, aren't you!?" Tuxedo Mask accused.

Sailor Gaea glared at him. "I'd slap you right now if I didn't think it would knock off that flimsy mask of yours. I'm not after your crystals. I just want to make sure the enemy doesn't get them and you're okay. Honestly, you should have left them at home or wherever safe so the enemy couldn't just kill you and steal them from your corpse. Now, let me see your shoulder. For all we know, you could be slowly dying of poison."

Without giving him time to refuse, Sailor Gaea came over and looked at his shoulder. Gently removing the cloth that was torn and stuck to the wound, Sailor Gaea could see it was deep. She didn't know much about wounds, so she hoped Zoisite hadn't hit anything vital. There was blood which was to be expected, but there was also green liquid in the wound too. Most likely from the dissolved crystal stake.

"I'm not going to even pretend to know anything about shoulder wounds or poisons. From what I'm seeing, you might have poison judging from all this green stuff in the wound, but like I said, I don't really know. However, I know something I can do to help. I'm going to try it and hopefully it will help. Just relax a little." Sailor Gaea said as she readied her glove.

Tuxedo Mask looked at her wary as he still slightly panted before conceding to her wishes and let her do as she pleased. Sailor Gaea decided she would only say part of the phrase since last time left her nearly drained. It might not heal the entire injury, but at least it would help at least a little.

"Gaea Rejuvenating Caress." She whispered as her glove touched the wound and slowly began to glow.

Tuxedo Mask could feel the warm and gently energy flowing through his veins as it rid his body of the poison. Soon the energy left and Sailor Gaea removed her hand from the wound. The poison removed and the stab wound was better than it had been before she first got a hold of it, but it wasn't fully healed.

"I'm afraid I can't heal all of it right now. That technique drains a lot out of me and it would be unwise to do so given out current situation with Zoisite here. Sailor Boreus can only keep him busy for so long." Sailor Gaea explained.

"...Thank you for helping me." Tuxedo Mask said.

"Don't mention it. After all, you've saved Sailor Moon multiple times in the past. This is the least I can do."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are. Zoisite is looking somewhere to find you." Came Zoisite's sing song voice from further in the warehouse.

Both stiffen out the sound as the fear of being found struck them and broke the moment of understanding between them. At the sound, Sailor Gaea began to worry about Sailor Boreus.

"We need to get you out of here. It's you they're after. That and the Crystals. Let's go." Sailor Gaea said as she began to lead the way.

Unfortunately, Tuxedo Mask didn't completely trust her, and ran the other way.

"Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Gaea whisper shouted when she noticed he didn't follow. Turning on her heel, she ran after him.


Beforehand, Zoisite had gotten fed up with his opponents' attacks at both his physical form, his attacks in general, and to his ego. Pushing her away, he had wasted enough time playing around. He needed to get the Rainbow Crystals. Running into the maze himself, he began slashing the boxes, crates, and bags of goods. Hoping the shifting would either chase his well dressed opponent out, or at least he'd be buried under it and make it easier to kill him.

Once the maze began to shift behind him, Zoisite jumped above and watched as the chaos ensued. In the maze, Tuxedo Mask and the other Sailors scrambled to get out. Tuxedo Mask nearly got hit by a falling bag of coffee. Seeing his intended target rush out, Zoisite smirked.

"Found you!" Zoisite whispered as he readied his sword and jumped to intercept Tuxedo Mask. "Die!"

Tuxedo Mask quickly drew his cane and he blocked the attack. The forward momentum forcing him nearly on his back as he used his right arm to keep himself off the round and his left to hold the cane. Straining groans emitted from his lips as he struggled with the pain still in his injured shoulder, the exertion not helping and keeping Zoisite at bay.

"Zoi!" Zoisite yelled as his petals blinded Tuxedo Mask and knocked off his mask.

With the mask gone, the man underneath glared back at Zoisite.

Sailor Gaea came out of the maze to see this and thought, 'Mamoru?!' She was shocked to say the least. She personally didn't know him that well, but it still came as a shock. Later, when the situation wasn't as life threatening, she would think about how funny it was that Usagi's crush was also on the guy she hated.


Queen Beryl watched as the fight went on from her crystal orb atop her scepter. A shocked gasp leaving her lips as she recognized the man in her orb. "It can't be!" Blinking as she tried to clear anything that would be causing what surly had to be an illusion.


"Well, well, what a handsome face you've been hiding! But it still won't save your life!" Zoisite said as he exerted more force on to his opponent.

The strained groans escaping despite, Mamoru's best efforts.

Zoisite's sword began to glow, as his evil chucking echoed in the warehouse. "Prepare to die!"

Hopping over crates, Sailor Boreus raised her sword to attack her opponent that left so suddenly. "Rapier of the North Wind and filled with the Spirit of Winter. I call upon you, Mother Earth. Hear the cry of your humble servant and guide my rapier so that they may meet the great death keeper! Winter's Tundra!"

Large bolts of ice formed around her as they took the form of the rapier and with a single thrust of her own, it set all the ice blots racing towards Zoisite.

"Crescent Beam!" Another attack shot out. Sailor Gaea smiled at Sailor Venus's attack.

The beam hit Zoisite's hand as the rest nearly shredded him and his clothes. "That hurt!" He yelled as he held the injured hand. "Who?!" He asked as he saw Sailor Boreus and in an open window another Sailor he wasn't familiar with appeared as a silhouette.

While he was distracted Sailor Gaea rushed out and helped Mamoru to his feet and got him out. Picking up Mamoru's mask on the way out. The others, all seeing this, quickly left the building and regrouped.

Gasping and covering his eyes to try and get a better look, Zoisite yelled, "Who are you?!" Looking back at Mamoru, Zoisite saw he was gone. "Dammit!" Looking back he checked to see if the one who interfered was still there. "Huh?!"

"I don't know who you are, but you'll pay for making a fool out of me! I'll tear you into pieces, you hear me?!" Zoisite yelled at them.

Outside, Sailor Zehpyrus whispered to the others, "What a baby!"

"Drama Queen!" Sailor Notus joked as the others laughed.

"Enough of that girls! We have to go save the others!" Sailor Gaea reminded them as the nodded and ran towards where they saw the others.

"What happened to the others?" Mamoru asked.

"The enemy lured them into a trap like they did you. The last member of the Four Kings of Heaven, Kunzite, is keeping them busy while Zoisite was dealing with you. Now we need to go save them." Sailor Eurus explained.

He nodded as the rest of them raced on hoping and praying they would make it in time.


Up ahead, Kunzite was using his evil laugh as he watched his prey squirm. Night had already settled.

"We're running out of air!" Sailor Mercury alerted her team.

"Can't breathe!" Sailor Moon said.

"How do you like the taste of my darkness?" Kunzite asked them. Mocking them as he knew the more they talked, the less air they would have.

"Kunzite, we may have a problem. I had Tuxedo Mask, but he got away, and there's another enemy, as well. The rest of the Sailor Guardians appeared and interfered as well." Zoisite informed his mentor.

"You had one job to do! And you let Tuxedo Mask get away?!" Kunzite questioned, frustrated.

"I'm sorry I let you down, but I'm not done! Besides, our plan was a little flawed from the beginning. We had planned for all the Sailor Guardians to be held here. We forgot about the others." Zoisite pointed out with earned him a glare from Kunzite. Raising his hands, Zoisite back off a bit before yelling out into the wharf. "Listen to me, Tuxedo Mask! I know you're here somewhere hiding! Come on out!"

"What?! Tuxedo Mask is here?!" Sailor Moon asked.

They were right as he and the others hid behind some buildings as they watched what was going on. Sailor Gaea handing him his mask as he put it back on. Clutching his shoulder.

"Your darling Guardians are almost gone! Wanna save them?! Just give yourself up! And hand over the Rainbow Crystals, or else!" Zoisite threatened. "Same goes for the other Sailor Guardians! I know you're helping Tuxedo Mask! Hand him over and his Rainbow Crystals or we will kill your friends!"

"No! Don't do it! You've got to stay away! Don't give up the Crystals!" Sailor Moon begged as she was forced to her knees along with the others.

"Sailor Moon!" Luna cried.

The others didn't know what to do. They couldn't and wouldn't hand over the crystals or Tuxedo Mask, but what could they do? They didn't know if attacking the barrier would break it or would just be absorbed. The girls were surprised when Tuxedo Mask moved from their hiding spot and yelled, "Wait!"

Slightly unsteadily stepping out into the open, much to the surprise of Zoisite though this was what he had wanted.

As Tuxedo Mask stood before them, Kunzite and Zoisite smirked.

"Well, well, well! Look who's decided to join us! You see Kunzite, I knew we would defeat these losers in the end!" Zoisite said pleased with himself.

In the dome, the girls struggled against the pain and the lack of air. "Struggling only makes the pain worse. You should just give up." Zoisite told them.

"Don't listen to him! No matter how hopeless things may seem, you must never give up!" Sailor Venus yelled, encouraging her soon to be teammates.

"I've heard enough of that trash coming out of your mouth, Zoisite!" Sailor Gaea yelled from the shadows.

"Her again! Come out, you!" Zoisite yelled as he searched the place for the mysterious Sailor Guardian and Sailor Gaea.

Through their pain, the girls let out relieved and surprised gasps. They recognized the sound of Sailor Gaea's voice, but who was this other one?

Luna gasped at this and said. "I know that voice!"

Up on one of the roof's of the warehouses, Sailor Venus had climbed up and stood with the stars and the moon behind her. Creating quite the entrancing image. She wore the red mask over her eyes.

"A Sailor Guardian?!" Kunzite asked.

Jumping down from the roof, Sailor Venus began to introduce herself. "I am the fifth and final Pretty Guardian who fights for justice!" Taking off her mask for dramatic effect, she continued. "I am Sailor Venus!"

Without wasting a moment, Sailor Venus attacked. "Crescent Beam!"

"Winter's Tundra!" Sailor Boreus yelled as she too attacked.

Kunzite's painful howls echoed as he clutched his now injured hands from the two attacks.

"Kunzite, no!" Zoisite said, concerned for him mentor.

With Kunzite's concentration broken, the dome shattered like glass. Allowing them fresh air.

"The barrier's broken! I can breathe again!" Sailor Mars cheered.

"Sorry we're late! We had to figure things out and help Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Gaea said as she and her team came out into the open. Each one in a different spot, surrounding the place.

Sailor Moon stood up and gasped "Wait a minute. You're Sailor V, aren't you?!"

Noticing this, the other girls looked and gasped.

Above where Luna was standing, Artemis appeared above on a pile of pipes and answered Sailor Moon's question. "That is correct! She's Sailor V! Known as the Guardian of Justice! But her true identity is the Pretty Guardian, Sailor Venus!"

Jumping down, Artemis greeted his fellow cat. "Good to see ya, Luna."

"Artemis!" Luna cheered.

Backing away, Zoisite and Kunzite could tell they were outnumbered and with Kunzite's hands injured, it wasn't looking good for them.

"Stay back! Just watch, I'll make these pests pay for hurting you, Kunzite!" Zoisite yelled as he took a protective stance before his mentor.

Before anyone could do anything, a voice bellowed out in to the air. "Zoisite! Kunzite! Cease operations immediately!" It ordered.

Jadeite stiffened at the voice and crouched down further into his hiding spot. Trying to make himself smaller and less noticeable.

Turning slightly to look behind them, Zoisite was surprised as he gasped at the interruption.

"Queen Beryl?!" Kunzite questioned.

Behind them, a faint image of Queen Beryl appeared. Sailor Gaea glared at the woman. She was the one responsible for the destruction of Jadeite's and Nephrite's home. All because of her jealousy.

"Retreat. There has been a change in our plans." Queen Beryl continued to order. Ignoring the rest of them.

"But, my Queen!" Zoisite tried to argue.

"Silence! You'll do as I say!" Queen Beryl ordered angerly.

"As you wish." Kunzite conceded to his queen.

"But we almost had them." Zoisite whined.

"So, you win for now Guardians, but we shall return!" Kunzite threatened them as he disappeared in small flashes of light and Zoisite in petals.

Sailor Moon gasped as they left.

Seeing the fight was over and there was no reason to stay further, Tuxedo Mask smiled that the others were okay and quickly left the wharf. Sailor Gaea watched him go. She hoped Mamoru would get his shoulder checked.

"Tuxedo Mask! Where are you?!" Sailor Moon yelled looking for any sign of him. "He's gone already."

"Oh well, at least we survived a fight again." Sailor Jupiter said looking at the bright side.

"While that's true Jupiter, that was way too close for comfort." Sailor Gaea said as she crossed her arms. "Have you all forgotten what Tuxedo Mask has in his possession? He's the only one with Rainbow Crystals that isn't part of the Dark Kingdom. This was all trap to kill us, lure out and kill Tuxedo Mask and get the last two crystals. We need to be far more careful in the future." Sailor Gaea warned.

"Tuxedo Mask was also injured. If they had captured all of us, we could have died. Tuxedo Mask is only human. Besides his hat that never seems to fall off, throwing roses, and an extendable cane, he doesn't have powers like we do and he's all alone. He doesn't have back up. He helps us out but, in his current condition he might not be able to next time. And the enemy will be wary of us and try to capture us all together or pick us off one by one with no hope of back up." Sailor Eurus pointed out.

Her fellow teammates nodded with this while, Sailor Moon's team looked a little discouraged.

"Tuxedo Mask was injured?!" Sailor Moon asked.

"He was. I was able to use my powers to heal him a little, but it will take time for him to fully heal." Sailor Gaea answered. "For now, I think introductions are in order." She said pointing at Sailor Venus.


Moving away from the former battlefield, the girls headed to the water with the glow of the light house illuminating the dark and the lights of Tokyo in the distance. The four of the Sailor Guardians stood in a line while Sailor Venus stood in front of them. Off to the left, Sailor Gaea's team watched them.

Soon, Luna, Artemis, and Jadeite came over.

"The team is complete. The five Guardians and both cats are finally here together." Artemis spoke with pride.

"My team was completed before yours was." Jadeite said in a sing-song tone.

Causing the white cat to glare at him, while Jadeite looked at him smug. The girls just giggled at them.

"Yeah, and we welcome you, Sailor Venus." Sailor Jupiter greeted her.

Sailor Venus just giggled.

Sailor Moon looked at her new teammate and in realization, gasped at the girl "Wait a minute! Could you be the Moon Princess?!" She questioned.

Sailor Venus looked at her and just smiled in the moonlight.

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