Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Luna's Worst Day Ever

160 4 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

Tokyo, Japan. Another peaceful fall day. Only a few stray clouds in the sky. There wasn't any sign of monster activity. Surely, nothing could go wrong on a day as lovely as this.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Came the screams of a familiar female, furry feline. The sound of Luna's screaming echoing threw the alleys and streets of Tokyo.

Perhaps, this wasn't quite the perfect day as one would think. Sprinting through the street and alleys was an unlikely pair. This pair was none other than Luna and Actaeon. But, why were they running? If one were to look closely as they sped past, attached at Luna's tail was a little kitten with pink fur. Behind them was a humongous clowder of cats! All running after them.

Running into a parking lot, the two cats meet a deadend as they screeched to a halt.

"Huh?" Luna asked as they turned around. It wasn't a pleasant sight. As far as the eye could see was alley cats of all colors and patterns. Spotted, stripped, one color, patches of another here and there, some cats with mismatched eyes.

All of them stared as they smiled with glee at having caught them.

Actaeon hissed at them as he glared. He was a warrior. He wasn't going down without a fight. He would have rather avoided confrontation, but there wasn't anything he could do about it now. He didn't like using his powers and especially in front of others, but at this rate, they would be mincemeat if nothing was done.

At the end of Luna's tail the pink kitten was chewing away on her tail. Not a care in the world. Luna had an uneasy smile as she stared at them. Internally thinking of something to do.

In front of the little cat gang, their leader, an orange tabby stepped forward and let out a bossy growl.

Actaeon arched his back even further and released his claws. He was ready to fight.

Ever so slowly, the leader took steps forward towards them. Until he was stopped. Actaeon had a sense of deja vu as a fish was thrown in front of the leader. It was mostly the bones with the head uneaten. He couldn't help but think of a certain man with roses doing the same type of thing.

The boss let out a confused meow as they all looked up to see large light blue cat on top of a bus. Actaeon couldn't help but wonder how such a large cat climbed all the way up there. On the other hand, he thought this cat was totally ripping off Tuxedo Mask. They did say imitation was the highest form of flattery, but Acteon wasn't sure how he felt about this...well-fed cat imitating Tuxedo Mask.

"Eeh..." Luna said, clearly not that impressed with her savior.

The other cats had a very different reaction as this new cat merely glanced at the leader of the cat gang and he let out scared meows along with his followers. Quickly backpedaling, the leader backed off, much to Luna's surprise and his gang along with him. Not even turning as they kept a close eye on the copycat of Tuxedo Mask and they walked backwards and away.

"Stupid cats!" Actaeon yelled at them as they left.

Now that the danger was gone, Luna looked down to the reason for this mess in the first place. The little kitten was still chewing Luna's tail as she glared at it. The little kitten noticed this as it looked up and stopped chewing. Looking at Luna, they stared at each other. Then it spit out Luna's tail, the fur at the tip of her tail gone, with just the tender flesh behind. The kitten let out a hissing noise as it showed it's sharp teeth in a wide smile as it merely walked away as if nothing had happened. Not even an apology.

Luna glared as she watched it go, she didn't even notice as the cat from before that saved them had climbed down and began licking the injury to help it heal.

When she did realize it, she let out a disgusted gasp.

Looking up, the two locked eyes for a moment before he got really into Luna's personal space. Actaeon was wonder what the guy was up to. Was it coincidence he was a copycat? Why were the others so afraid of him?

"Rhett Butler, where are you?!" A girl's voice interrupted.

This was apparently the cat's name as he left Luna alone and headed over to where the voice originated from.

The two cats looked at each other as they shrugged and followed Rhett and peaked around the corner.

"There you are! I was so worried! Ahh-h!" His owner, a little girl with red wavy hair, and a pink dress said as she picked him up and cradled him in her arms.

"Isn't my idea of what a 'Rhett Butler' would look like." Luna muttered.

Actaeon glared at Luna. "Aren't you being a little hard on him? He did save you."

"He saved you too." Luna pointed out.

"Take it from a man, he was doing that for you. Anyway, I didn't know you were a 'Gone with the Wind' fan." Actaron said as the two of them left.


Before the court of Queen Beryl, Zoisite stood before them all as the Dark Crystal revealed the last Rainbow Crystal carrier.

"Oh my... I never would've guessed that our last target would be a cute little girl. But she's got the Seventh Rainbow Crystal. And this one will be easy to get." Zoisite said. Rest assured, everything was going to go perfectly.


Later that day, Luna, Actaeon, Ami, and Ayame were all sitting down at a fountain as Luna told them what had transpired that morning. Looking at her reflection, Luna sighed as she looked at the end of her tail and dangled it into the water to help sooth the pain. It had been pink and swollen and steam came off of it as it hit the water.

"Sounds like you had one hectic morning." Ami said once she heard.

"Tell me about it. I don't want anything more to do with the stray cats, their turf wars or whatever else they're doing!" Luna told them.

"What's their problem anyway? What did you ever do to them?" Ayame asked.

"Honestly, I don't have a clue. One minute, we were minding our own business and then this little kitten decides Luna's tail is the perfect snack. The little tike wouldn't let go and then that gang began to chase us. My theory is that they're just jealous we're domestic cats. Meaning we have shelter and food." Actaeon said.

"We're here!" Usagi called out to them as she along with Makoto, Jing, and Hiroko came over.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Makoto apologized.

"Sorry about that. My sisters had stolen my bracelet and it took me forever to get it back from the little rascals." Jing explained.

"Work was busy and held me up a bit." Hiroko told them.

Today, Jing and Hiroko wore new outfits. Jing wore a red plaid button up shirt with gold buttons down the front with a thin brown belt over it. Along with a matching skirt. In her hair was a headband that was brown with a heart outlined in gold and in a bow. With brown gloves on her hands. Her earrings were small red jeweled rectangles.

Hiroko wore a more casual outfit with an army green jacket rolled up to her elbows, underneath was a white tee shirt with a red car and stars on it. She also wore basic blue jeans and around her neck was a sliver upside down triangle pendant with a pink jewel in the center.

Both had their bracelets on.

"Hey, where's Rei?" Makoto asked, looking for the said girl.

"And where's Nanami?" Actaeon asked as he too looked around for the missing member of his group.

"Ah... Um... She mentioned something about going on a date because it's Sunday." Ami embarrassedly answered.

Usagi stared at Ami with a black expression. Not impressed with that reason her teammates was gone before she realized what Ami said and got angry. If the situation was reversed, Rei would have been madder that a hornet's nest and on her case in an instant.

Ayame scowled at this information. "Just great! Really. We are all gathered together for an important meeting and she's off on a date! You don't see me or Jing doing stuff like that. Nanami actually has a reason for not being here. She called me earlier, she couldn't come today because it was an anniversary today."

"What kind of anniversary?" Hiroko asked.

Ayame's expression softened as she answered. "Today is the day of her father's death. She said she wanted to be alone and maybe spend time with her mom."

Everyone grew silent as the absorbed this information.

"Anyway. We have a meeting to do." Ayame reminded them as they all sat down and got to work.


Meanwhile, Rei was out and about in town. Standing in a phone booth, she was trying to get a hold of Mamoru and get him to go on a date with her. Already dressed for the day wearing a single outfit with an orange shirt and a red flora skirt. Dialing Mamoru's number, she waited eagerly for him to pick up.

"Hi, it's Mamoru..." His voice came through the phone.

Rei gasped, happy he was there. "Hi, it's Rei! How's it going?" She asked with a blush adorning her cheeks.

"...I'm not home at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep." The recording continued.

Rei's blush instantly disappeared upon realizing this and was disappointed he wasn't home. "Okay..." She said as she waited for the beep.

Little did she know he was at home. "Hi, Mamoru! This is Rei! I found this wonderful little shop that has an unusual cake called Tiramisu, I mean it may not be that unusual, but I've never tasted it. Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go there with me..."

Mamoru listened for a little bit before it all became background noise for him. He ignored such a trivial matter as he focused on his inner musing. 'The Seventh Rainbow Crystal. I'm going to get my hands on it.' he thought with a determined and serious look. It was going to appear soon and he was going to be ready for it.


Meanwhile, Nanami was out walking around town. She wore a light grey, frilly dress with a raspberry colored sweater jacket. She had a green and white polka dot bow tie, thigh length white socks and black shoes. Plus her hat.

Her father had always loved it when she wore frilly dresses and such. Her hat once belonged to him.

If one had been following her all day, they would have thought she was wandering aimlessly. But the route she was taking was the complete opposite. She was taking a stroll down memory lane. All the shops she went into, all the streets she traveled were the ones she and her father had walked together when she was younger before he died.

Each with it's own special memory. Her father was with her even now. In her arms, held tightly and secure was an urn. Her father's to be precise. It was light green with a dragonfly on it.

Every year, she would take her father out of the family shrine and they would go on a walk together. When she got home, her mother would take the urn and spend the rest of the day with him.

Some people might find it odd she would do this every year, but it brought her comfort and she had always been odd, though her father always said she was unique. 'Why stand in when you can stand out?' he would ask.

He had been quite the oddball himself when he was among them. Her mother said she got her personality from him. He had been the biggest influence on her life after all. The reason she loved working on anime as she did was because her father worked on it himself. She had wanted to learn to draw so she could mess up and her father held correct her.

The reason she cherished these times was because these memories were from the small snippets of time he would spend away from the studio to be with her and her mom. Nanami would have his day and her mother would have his nights.

With a soft sigh, Nanami continued on her journey with her father.


Back with the girls, Ami was typing away at her mini computer. Operation number thirty-one.

"So what are you doing there, Ami?" Makoto asked.

"I'm trying to track down the Seventh Rainbow Crystal." Ami answered, not once looking away from the screen and her caculations.

Usagi looked back at her Moon Stick hanging out of her bag in confusion. "Huh? That's odd, my Moon Stick isn't reacting one bit."

Luna looked over to the girl and explained. "The Moon Stick works when we're close to it, so we'll use the computer to calculate its location. We've gathered the data, but putting it in takes so long!" she ended with a whining groan.

"If we can find the Rainbow Crystal before Zoisite, it will been worth it! The only way we ever find the monsters in the past and the Rainbow Crystals now, have been by nearly pure luck! We're not always going to be that lucky." Ayame said hotly. "If this works, we may be able to use the energy signature the crystals give off and locate the others that have already been taken and find a way to retrieve them."

"Besides, it would take even longer if we had to run around Tokyo waving the Moon Stick around like a game of hot and cold. We couldn't even split up and search because we only have one Moon Stick. We really need to get this one since it's the last Rainbow Crystal. We can't afford to let it fall into the enemies hand." Hiroko added.

"All done!" Ami announced.

"Next Rainbow Crystal, here we come!" Jing cheered.

"You'll finished inputting the data, huh?" Luna asked.

The girls gathered together as a map appeared on the screen, various places from above showed multiple streets until it stopped at one house in particular.

"According to this, the Seventh Rainbow Crystal is right here!" Luna said.

"Wow!" Usagi muttered.

Gathering their things quickly, the eight of them followed the map and headed to their destination. It turned out to be a nice white two-story house with multiple balconies and a chimney. The hedges outside were neat and trimmed regularly.

"Hmmm... So you think the Rainbow Crystal is somewhere around that house?" Usagi asked.

"Technically, the Rainbow Crystal is inside someone who is somewhere around that house." Ayame corrected Usagi.

"If the data's right, it should be." Ami answered.

Meanwhile, Luna was looking around anxiously. She thought she recognized this neighborhood, but she hoped she was wrong. Looking into the house before them, in one of the top floors windows she was a familiar furry face.

"Hm?" Luna said before she recognized him. The cat that saved her this morning. 'Oh brother! Just my luck! That cat lives here!' she thought, dreading having to be near him.

'That copy cat lives here?' Actaeon thought as he glanced at Luna and inwardly chuckled. 'Ha! Just her luck. Oh well. She'll probably not want to go in because of him. I guess I'll stick around with her. I don't see what her problem is with him. Sure, he's a little overfed, but the guy helped us out and it's for the mission. Toughen up woman!'

"Let's go. C'mon!" Makoto said, taking the initiative.

"You go on. I think I'm just gonna hang back." Luna quickly declined.

"Huh? But what for?" Ami asked.

"I've got stuff to do." Luna quickly came up with her excuse.

"I'll be going with her. We have somethings we need to look into and check up on." Actaeon added to make it seem more realistic.

"Your stuff can wait. This is a very important mission, Luna. Try to remember what your duties are!" Usagi mocked the black cat as she messed with her eyes to make them seem more catlike.

"Stop being so rude! I've never looked that ugly in my life!" Luna said, angered.

"Even if they are cats Usagi, they have important things they have to do. They're not goofing off. If they can't be with us on this important mission to get the last Rainbow Crystal, to stop it from falling into their hands and help stop the Dark Kingdom from destroying the world, it's serious." Ayame defended the two.

Subsequently, making the two feel guilty.

"It's all right. We'll do fine! There are times when even Luna doesn't want to go on missions." Ami said.

"Actaeon takes these things seriously, it's isn't just because he doesn't want to go. They have things to do and that's all there is to it." Jing said.

"I guess I'll have to accept that." Usagi conceded.

"Wait for us right here so we can find you!" Ami told them.

"Don't move even an inch!" Usagi yelled.

"Yeah, yeah." Luna muttered. "Frankly, I wish Usagi would always show such initiative." she added, annoyed. "Hm? Uh?" She and Actaeon heard the sounds of meowing.

Looking up, Actaeon and Luna saw an unpleasant surprise. Gathering among the walls and trees of the street was the same alley cats from that morning. All of them releasing aggressive meows at the intruders in their territory.

"Uhh...!" Luna said as she looked on the opposite side of the street to see even more of the cats gathering around.

"Ahh!" Luna freaked out at being surrounded.

Actaeon was a little afraid himself, but he wasn't going to let them know it as he growled at them.


Meanwhile, the girls were at the doorstep of the house and were ready to find the next Rainbow Crystal Monster. The name plate on the house said a Kuraku Ohara, Mimi Ohara, and Ann Ohara all lived there.

Ringing the doorbell, Ami waited for someone to answer as Ayame, Jing, Hiroko, Makoto, and Usagi waited further down the steps and gave them space.

The little girl, probably Ann, opened the door with Rhett Butler in her arms as she answered. "Yes?"

"Hi! Sorry to bother you. Is your mother or your father home?" Ami asked.

"No, they're not. They won't be home until tonight." Ann answered hesitantly. Probably scared of a stranger coming to her house and asking such a question.

Ayame thought it was weird that the little girl was unsupervised and opened the door. She should have pretended no one was home. What she was doing could be potentially dangerous.

Ayame was brought out of her thoughts by a beeping noise she realized was the Moon Stick picking up the Rainbow Crystals energy signal.

Makoto gasped as she saw this.

"I know. My Stick's reacting." Usagi assured her teammate.

"Could that little girl be a monster?" Makoto asked as the glanced at the little girl.

Rhett Butler, all this time, had been content to lay in his masters arms until something happened. His eyes suddenly widen as he began to struggle in Ann's arms.

"What in the world is going on with her cat?" Hiroko asked.

Rhett Butler, after much fussing and squirming freed himself from Ann's arms and suddenly began to run. The girls were unable to stop him as he dashed past and Ann followed after him.

"Stop! Come back here! Rhett Butler! Please stop!" Ann called as she chased her beloved cat.

Running until she saw a narrow alley between two buildings she saw Rhett Butler run down through. Being so narrow, one could hardly call it an alley, there was only room for one person at a time to go through. Hesitantly, Ann crept down the dark passage.

"Rhett Butler?" She called out.

Soon brought to a halt went the unknown to her, Zoisite's evil chuckling broke the silence.

Looking up she was started to see the man coming down from above.

The girls were still in front of the house, unsure what they should do when they heard Ann's fearful scream and began to run after her.


Back with Luna and Actaeon, things were not looking good. Luna was sweating buckets of cold sweat as the cats crowed the street, having jumped down from the trees and walls. They were fully surrounded now.

The sound of angry meows drowning out almost all other noises of the city, but not as deafening as the sound of their thundering hearts.

The orange tabby, the leader, once again stood before them. His cheshire grin was wide. The calls of the other cat egged on their leader to deal out the punishment upon these two trespassers. Heading their call, the tabby jumped into the air to attack them.

"Ahh!" Luna cried out.

The leaders claws popping out to slice them.

Actaeon had enough of this farce and decided it was high time he would make sure the cats never bothered them again. His paws began to glow as he jumped up into the air, higher then the boss, grabbing the leader by his hind leg with his teeth, then slung him away. Smacking to the nearby wall. The wall indenting a bit from the impact.

Luna gaped in awe. How was he able to do that? Why hadn't he ever done that before? It had been so long that Luna had nearly forgotten that Actaeon was a complete mystery to them still after all this time. Who or what was he? Where did he come from? Where did he get the transformation items for the other Sailors of Ayame's group?

Landing on the ground, Actaeon's eyes glowed as multiple cats were lifted up and flung likewise as their leader. Luna couldn't do things like that. Some tired to run away as a wall appeared behind them, blocking the exit as Actaeon smirked at them.

"You caused all this trouble, and now you try to run without even an apology? How rude. I must simply teach you all a lesson." He said darkly.

All the other cats and even Luna shivered.

While Actaeon was busy, the leader tried once again to hit Luna now that he had moved away and left her vulnerable.

Luckily, Actaeon didn't have to. Rhett Butler jumped into the area and whisked Luna away using his teeth to hold her as the leader landed in a heap and indented the ground where his prey once was.

Rhett Butler jumped on to a nearby wall as all the other cats watched this feat and released surprised meows.

The weight of Luna was a bit much for Rhett Butler as they dangled precariously on the edge of the wall.

The other cats watching with nervous meows, fearful for the two even though they tried to injure one of them. Both Luna and Rhett sweating as they tried to keep balance. Then, they fell. Luna screaming as they hit a trash can and flew above the clowder of cats. Heading for one of the walls Actaeon had built up. He quickly removed the illusion as the two went past right in time.

Following them, Actaeon came close as they landed on top of a sewer cap. The gang watching in slow motion as Rhett Butler, Luna, and Actaeon all fell into the sewer below. And the cap slamming shut behind them.


Zoisite chuckled as Ann was sprawled out on the ground, having fallen into unconsciousness after the fright he gave her, "Now then, it's time for me to take the Rainbow Crystal." He said as he sent out the Dark crystal to do it's work. Smiling as it did until he realized it wasn't working.

"Huh?! What's going on? Why isn't the Rainbow Crystal appearing?!" The crystal should have already appeared by now. What was wrong? Thinking back, Zoisite gasped. The little girl wasn't the only one who appeared in the projection the crystal provided. In her arms was a light blue cat.

"It was right in front of my eyes. That ugly fat cat is the monster! How could I have been so carless?!" He scolded himself as he retrieved the Dark Crystal. "The final Great Monster was reborn as an animal, not a human!"

So caught up in this revelation, Zoisite didn't notice Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter had appeared at the opening of the alley. All squished together so they could be seen. Sailor Jupiter in back, Sailor Moon in front, and Sailor Mercury in front. Though, Sailor Moon appeared to be trying to push through to the front.

Even though Zoisite couldn't see them, Sailor Gaea and her team were there too. They had refused to go into the alley because there simply wasn't enough room in there to fight properly. They could tell this wasn't going to end well.

"Stop right there!" Yelled Sailor Moon.

"Now that we've arrived, you won't be getting your way, Zoisite!" Sailor Mercury yelled.

"We won't let you turn that child into a monster!" Sailor Jupiter added.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon finished. Her movements smacking into the others and was just making them all uncomfortable in the narrow space. First hitting Sailor Jupiter and then hitting Sailor Mercury.

Zoisite laughed at them before yelled, "Zoi!" while raising his hand to attack.

This freaked out the girls as they tried to do something.

Sailor Mercury tried to use Bubble Spray, but that didn't work. She ended up falling over from what Sailor Gaea could see.

"Sailor Moon! You're in my way!" Sailor Mercury told her.

"I can't help it!" Came Sailor Moon's muffled reply.

Zoisite wasn't impressed and didn't even attack. Putting down his hand he said, "I'm done here." Seeing no reason to stay any longer, he flipped back and told them, "I don't have time to play these games with you."

By this time, Sailor Mercury had been successful in getting back up. What Zoisite said caught the girls attention as Sailor Jupiter yelled, "You're not getting away!"

Sailor Jupiter then tried to use Supreme Thunder, freaking out her teammates in the alley with her. Sailor Moon was yelling at her to wait and Sailor Mercury warning her everyone would be electrocuted.

Zoisite crossed his arms and without another word, he disappeared.

"Uhhh..." Sailor Moon, Mercury and Jupiter said, dumbstruck that their enemy had left so easily without turning the girl into a monster.

"I knew this would happen..." Sailor Gaea muttered behind them outside as Sailor Zephyrus and Sailor Eurus nodded along with her.

While the others tried to untangle themselves, Sailor Gaea couldn't help think this was all odd for Zoisite. He was far more persistent than that. Why didn't he turn the girl and get the crystal? Or at least take the girl with him and then properly take the crystal. Maybe even grab the monster and bring it back to the Dark Kingdom. Why didn't he at least attack them?

For now, she would think about it later, as the girls got Ann and they began to carry her back home.


Down in the sewers of Tokyo, Zoisite appeared in search of the Rainbow Crystal and the last monster. The place as you could except it to be, was filthy and stinky.

Breathing in the stick of the sewer, he groaned and held his nose in an attempt to block out the smell.

"It smells really rotten down here!" He complained as he pulled out the crystal. "Why does that ugly fat cat have to hang out in such a stinky place?" He whined as the Dark Crystal glowed to show the cat was down there somewhere. "This is exactly why I hate non-human monsters!"

Taking a step forward. He slipped on the grimy floor. His foot landing in the stream of filth. "O-Oh no! This might be the greatest challenge that I'll ever have to face!" Zoisite said as he clenched his hand.

'It's for the Dark Kingdom! It's for the Dark Kingdom! Think of how proud Kunzite will be when you get back with the crystal. It's for the Dark Kingdom!' He repeated this mantra in his mind as he lifted his now disgusting boot out of the water and whatever else was there and refused to look at it. Without another word, he journeyed on.

Farther in the sewers, Zoisite's target was laying flat on his back with Luna and Actaeon on top of him after they landed down there. Luna's eyes were swirls and her tongue was sticking out. Actaeon was much like Rhett Butler with his eyes closed.


Back with the girls, they had transformed back to normal and carried Ann back inside and after they found her room, they put her to bed.

Since there was no monster to fight, they basically had to wait until Zoisite returned for the crystal. It wasn't like they could get it out themselves. They didn't even know the exact location of it somewhere in her body. What were they going to do? Do surgery and extract it? For now, there was nothing they could do. They were lucky Ann's parents weren't there, otherwise they would have a lot of explaining to do.

Makoto stood gazing out the window as they all basically sat around doing nothing. "I wonder where Luna and Actaeon went. It's been a while since we saw them."

"I told them not to move, but did they listen?! No! They abandoned us in the middle of an important mission!" Usagi fussed.

Ayame glared as she heard this. "STOP THAT RIGHT NOW, USAGI!"

Usagi gulped at her angered friend's tone. She had hit her friend's anger button. She knew Ayame didn't like her friends talking bad behind her other friend's back. Why did she forget that?

"Luna would never do anything like that!" Ami defended the cat.

"Neither would Actaeon!" Jing defended him.

"I'm worried something might have happened to them!" Ami fretted.

"Don't worry too much. They did say they had something to do. They'll be back sooner or later. Actaeon is with Luna and I'm sure he will be a to her and make sure she is safe. He did say he came from the Earth Kingdom hundreds of years ago. He's got to know survival skills and how to defend himself to have lasted this long. They'll be back." Hiroko assured them.

Usagi wasn't happy with the situation as something caught her eye. "Oh? Ahh!" Usagi said as she caught the attention of the others. "This little girl has a copy of the Sailor V video game! Look!" she said as she held up the game.

"Oh, Usagi." Ami said, trying to keep a pleasant face.

"We should stay on alert. We don't know when Zoisite will try to come after her again." Makoto reminded them as she too made the same face as Ami.

Jing, Ayame, and Hiroko merely sighed as Usagi pulled out the game and started playing.

"I still can't believe that this little girl has a Rainbow Crystal." Ami remarked.

Usagi yelling as she tried to avoid the enemies on screen. No longer paying attention to the matter at hand.

"Which means, she'll turn into a monster." Makoto added.

Ayame leaned against the door as she noticed Usagi's bag on the floor and the Moon Stick wasn't reacting even though it was so close to the Rainbow Crystal Monster. She had never been around the Moon Stick enough to know every little detail on how it worked. Did it always stop beeping after they found them? When Ryo was turned into a monster before they arrived, they followed the beeping to him even after it was taken out. But if it always beeped around a Rainbow Crystal, then why didn't it react to the crystal they had with them? None of this was making any sense.


Back in the sewers, Zoisite was still hunting down Rhett Butler. Crouching in one of the narrow passages. Chuckling to himself as the Dark Crystal grew brighter and let out a slight chime, letting him know he was getting closer. "It's so close! That ugly fat cat is quite nearby, now." He said. He wanted nothing more than to find it and get out of the sewers.

But these thoughts were interrupted as he noticed something odd about the wall he was leaning against with his hand. 'It feels warm.' He thought. In the dark, he only had the glow of the crystal to light the way, and due to his focus on finding the cat, he hadn't been checking his surrounding.

Taking a closer look, he said, "Huh?" His face paleing as he realized what was around him. Hundreds and hundreds of live, squirming, squeaking rats. Covering the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling. Far as the eye could see there were so many rats.

As this all clicked in his head, Zoisite let out a quite unmanly sound of screaming. In a flash he ran out of the pipe he was crouching and screamed, "It's a moving wall of rats!"

Running as the rats came after him in droves.


In a rather more pleasant and clean place, Rei was wandering around the Juban Shopping District. Complaining on her luck concerning her boyfriend.

"I wonder where Mamoru went? I was sure we were getting together today. This isn't how I wanted to spent my Sunday afternoon." Rei complained.

"Rei!" Yuichrio's voice call out to her.

Turning, Rei saw Yuichiro. He wore the same type of outfit he wore when he first came to the shrine. On his cheeks was a slight blush.

"Huh? Yuichrio?! Hey, you! Looks like you have today off too, am I right?" Rei said, trying to be polite.

"Yeah. I'm just sort of hanging out. Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?" Yuichrio said as he rubbed the back of his head, nervous for her answer.

"NOW! THIS IS YOU'RE CHANCE!" The poster beside him encouraged.

"Well, I'm not sure. I may have other plans." Rei answered coyly. Pretending to think as she turned around.

"Oh, yeah, what was I thinking, springing this on you last minute. A beautiful girl like you is probably all booked up." Yuichrio complemented as he backpedaled. Blushing with embarrassment. Thinking he had made a fool of himself in front of the girl he liked. Nanami's words slightly ringing in his ears even if she said it was just a joke.

The poster changed it words as it appeared angry. "ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS?"

"Huh?! Yeah... I guess..." Rei answered, caught off guard he would give up so easily.

"Ah! Got it! Oh well then. Have a nice day!" Yuichrio said as he quickly left.

The poster's final message, "GOODBYE AND FAREWELL"

Looking back, Rei was perplexed at what happened. "Huh?! Uh-h... Oh wow, he sure took off in a big hurry. He's just gone with the wind. See ya!"


Back with Nanami, she was enjoying some dango from a nearby vendor. One of the reasons she loved the stuff was because it was good for all sorts of occasions. There was Hanami dango that had three colors, and was traditionally made during Sakura-viewing season, hence the name, Hanami means "flower viewing"; hana meaning "flower", and mi meaning "to see".

Then there was the dango she was eating right now, Botchan dango which also had three colors. One is colored by red beans, the second by eggs, and the third by green tea.

Then there was the time her father took her on a trip to the Niigata Prefecture and got Sasa dango which produced and eaten primarily there. Sasa dango has two varieties: onna dango and otoko dango. Onna dango, literally "female dango", while the otoko dango, was literally "male dango". Each one had a different filling. The first with anko, and the other is filled with kinpira. The dango is wrapped in leaves of sasa for the purpose of preservation.

Nanami sighed, feeling a little like a nerd for knowing all that but looking at the urn she just laughed it off. Soon she finished her snack. Getting up, she took out a camera from her bag and a foldable stand. After getting everything set up and putting on a timer, Nanami sat down and placed the urn in her lap as she smiled for a picture.

In the past, they would take a picture every year in this spot and even now she continued this tradition. Though she use to sit in his lap and now he sat in hers.

Once the picture was taken she packed up and moved on. She still had things to do before sunset and had to get her dad back home.


Back in the sewers, the three cats, Rhett Butler, Luna, and Actaeon were all wandering around looking for an exit.

After waking up and getting out of the cat pile, Luna picked a direction and they've been going down that path since. It was mostly silent as Luna kept thinking back to what happened. Even if they were talking cats and pull objects out of thin air, there were certain things she could not do.

Creating walls out of nowhere and flinging others without touching them was not something they were suppose to do. How old was he? He said he came from the Earth Kingdom, but how did he survive? Why wasn't she or mission control informed about him?

Soon she couldn't stand it any longer. The curiosity was killing her.

"Actaeon?" She asked.

"Yes, Luna?" He answered as he walked ahead of her and Rhett Butler.

"How did you do that back there?" She asked.

"Do what?" He asked playing dumb.

"You know what I mean! You batted away those cats like it was nothing. You created a wall and made it disappear into and out of thin air. We've given you the benefit of the doubt until now, but what you did back there was odd even for talking cats like us. How did you do it?" Luna stressed.

Actaeon sighed as he glanced back at her as they continued to walk.

"As you may have noticed, I am different from you. What you saw earlier was some of my other powers. Besides the mark on my head, which is one of the many things that make me different from you, I have a different set of powers."

"I didn't create that wall if that's what you're wondering. It was merely an illusion. If those cats had tried to climb it or hadn't stopped in time, they would have ran right through it. Besides performing powerful illusions, I have telekinetic powers. That's how I flung those cats like I did."

"I can stop things in midair, create barriers to protect myself, or move things as heavy as 20,000 lb. to 1,300,000 lb. and multiple ones all at the same time. I could even move airplanes if I wanted to." Actaeon said.

This information startled Luna. Airplanes? Move airplanes? Why would he use that as an example? Sure they were heavy, but why that? It made her think back, before Ayame had become a Sailor Guardian.

Jadeite had shown to have telekinetic powers. He could use it to stop Sailor Moon's Moon Tiara Action in midair, create barriers to protect himself, or move airplanes around to crush the Sailor Guardians. He could perform powerful illusions, such as when he made Tokyo look like it was set on fire or projecting what looked like a giant version of himself over Tokyo.

Luna shook her head. Just because they had the same powers didn't mean anything. After Nephrite had appeared and Zoisite, they had assumed whenever one of the Four Kings of heaven died, a new one replaced them. Just like when the enemy thought Nephrite was dead and Zoisite replaced him. They assumed Jadeite was dead as well.

But now that Luna thought about it, Actaeon had appeared shortly after Nephrite appeared. Sure, Jadeite was known to have used many disguises, but there was no way he could turn into a cat. Right?

Even if it was an illusion, his body couldn't have worked when he was held in the others arms? Or was Actaeon an illusion all together and Jadeite was watching from somewhere? But that didn't make sense, he was the enemy! Why would he help them? Why would he have the things for the Sailor Guardians?

'Just what was going on?!' She thought with a groan. Shoving away such thoughts, Luna decided to focus on more important matters. Like getting out of the sewers! She could question 'Actaeon' later.

"Aww, I don't see an exit anywhere!" Luna complained.

Taking a break, Luna sighed against the wall. Actaeon stopped to look at her and Rhett Butler too.

"Ugh! Well we're sure going nowhere. If you had just stayed away..." Luna began to scold and blame Rhett until she gasped at seeing his front right leg.

Actaeon glared at her as she said the last part. It wasn't Rhett's fault. If those alley cats had left them alone, this wouldn't have happened. If Rhett had stayed away, Actaeon could have taken them, but that was no way to talk to someone who saved her. Looking over he noticed the same thing Luna did.

"W-What happened to you? Your leg is hurt! Did you injure it when you leapt down from that high wall to recuse me?" Luna asked.

Rhett was silent as Actaeon took it as a yes.

"Come to think of it, you risked your life two times to help me... Does that mean you like me or something?" Luna asked.

Rhett Butler only blushed, but that was answer enough for them.

'What a purr-dicament!' Luna thought.

Actaeon just laughed at Luna's expression. "I told you he liked you. That's oblivious. Don't worry, Rhett Butler, I'm not her boyfriend." He assured the other cat. Besides he wasn't interested in cats.

Down the way, they came Actaeon looked back as he heard a squeaking noise. His eyes widen as out of the dark tunnels came Zoisite and what appeared to be a huge mass of rodents chasing him.

Zoisite had been running for a while now. He had hardly had time to check the crystal to see if he was going in the right direction. Looking up, he found that luck was changing slightly. "Huh?! Th-that's!"

"It's Zosite!" Luna yelled as she saw him come close enough for her to recognize him.

"I've found him! The Seventh Great Monster!" Zoisite yelled with a smile. After all that he had gone through today, he was close to taking whatever powers that be for helping him find the stupid cat.

"What?! You have the Rainbow Crystal that we're all searching for?!" Luna asked, shocked.

Actaeon himself was surprised at this development, but they didn't have time for that. Who knew were the girls were and with Zoisite right here, it wouldn't take long to turn Rhett Butler into a monster and take the last crystal.

Thinking quickly, Luna turned to Rhett and took charge. "Quickly! Go through that hole! He won't be able to get in!"

"You won't get away from me!" Zoisite yelled at them as the rats got closer.

"Ahhh! Go-go-go-go!" Luna yelled as she began to push Rhett through the hole. The poor guy was stuck trying to squeeze in!

Luna and Actaeon began to push from the back.

"You should of skipped a few desserts!" Actaeon yelled.

Zoisite was getting closer with the rats. Actaeon finally had enough and as his eyes glowed, used just a little of his power to push Rhett through. He didn't want to chance Zoisite recognizing his power signature.

Then the three of them went in quickly. Behind them, somehow either by pure dedication to getting Rhett or determination for running away from the rats, and maybe the use of his own powers, Zoisite slipped into the tiny hole behind them. The rats too.

Now that they were in the hole, Rhett was going through smoothly. But they weren't going as fast as either Luna nor Actaeon wanted.

"Can't you go any faster?!" Actaeon asked worried.

"Huh?" Luna heard squeaking and looked back to see Zoisite behind them giggling like a maniac. "Ahh!"

"I'm taking the Rainbow Crystal! Nothing will stop me!" Zoisite declared. Then he realized the rats had gain up on him and with fearful screams, he was swallowed in the mass and they could no longer see him. But the rats kept coming.

"Ahhh! Faster!" Luna yelled as she pushed.

The wave of rats gaining on them as well.

Peaking around Rhett, Luna saw light. "Look! There's the exit!"


Outside, Rei was glum as she sighed wishfully. "I should have said yes to Yuichrio. Then at least I could say I had a date." She complained.

Looking up beside her, Rei noticed Nanami coming closer and noticed the urn in her hands.

"Nanami? What are you doing here?" Rei asked.

"I've been spending the day with my dad." She answered as she lifted the urn for Rei to see it better. "Today is the anniversary he died. You see those train track? My father and I use to watch trains go by before we headed home on his days off." Nanami explained as she pointed them out.

"Oh..." Rei said as Nanami stood beside her. Both were silent. Rei didn't say anything and didn't know if she should leave or not. She felt like she was intruding on a private moment. Since Nanami didn't tell her to go away, Rei resigned to just being quiet.

Looking up Rei noticed something. "Huh? It's Luna! I didn't know she had a boyfriend. She's pretty sly."

"Which one? Actaeon or the blue fat cat?" Nanami asked. "Or do you think the three of them are together? What are the habits of cats when it comes to that type of stuff?"

Looking over from where the cats came from, both were confused when they heard something get louder. "Huh?"

Bursting out of the hole was an army of rats! All of them chasing the cats!

"Ahhh! What's going on?!" Rei asked in shock.

"Rats?!" Nanami said as she held her father's urn tighter.


It was nearly sunset and the girls hadn't seen any sign of Zoisite. Ayame had enough waiting. "Hey, Ami."


"I think something's wrong with the Moon Stick." Ayame pointed out.

"Oh! I should have noticed this sooner! The Moon Stick isn't reacting! There's no reaction at all!" Ami said.

Usagi was too absorbed in the game. Jing after a while, settled down to watch her play. Hiroko was drawing in a notepad new designs for music boxes. But both looked up to see what was going on.

"But that means... She has nothing to do with the Rainbow Crystal. So then, why did the Moon Stick react when we arrived here earlier?" Makoto questioned.

Both gasped as they realized who the real Crystal Monster was.

"You don't think?!" Makoto asked.

"It has to be that the stick was reacting to the cat!" Ami figured.

Usagi screams, startling the others. "Game over!"

"IT REALLY WILL BE GAME OVER IF ZOISITE GETS THAT CAT BEFORE WE DO! LET'S GO!" Hiroko yelled as she stood up and the rest all rushed out to find that cat.


Back with the cats, they were still running away from the rats.

"Faster! Run faster!" Luna yelled as the rats caught up and pushed them further closer to the water. "Ahhh"

Upon landing she released an, "Ow!" before her scared whines filled the air as the rats formed a tower above them.

"What looked like a disaster has turned into my good fortune." Zoisite's voice came out of the cluster of rats. His eyes appearing as the rats moved aside. "And in the end, everything has worked out to my advantage!"

"Fire Soul!"

"Rage Fireworks!"

The attacks launched out and nearly hit the rat covered Zoisite as he backed away and Luna jumped up and fell over the ledge again. Screaming as she fell.

Looking up at where the attacks came from, Zoisite noticed two Sailor Guardians. Sailor Mars and Sailor Notus. Sailor Mars was on wide stone ledge that served as a fence dividing the street from the slopes down to the water. Crouching down with her back towards them. Sailor Notus was leaning against the slope with a smirk on her face.

The rats scampered off, probably scared of the fire.

"Sailor Mars, the Pretty Guardian who fight for love and for justice is here..." She said before turning dramatically " save the day!"

"Sailor Notus, the Pretty Guardian who fights to protect and fan the flames of love is here..." Sailor Notos said as she fully turned to face them, " eat dango and kick butt! And I'm all out of dango!"

"I won't let you get in the way of their beautiful cat love!" Sailor Mars declared.

"You've got it all wrong!" Luna yelled as she climbed up.

"The flames of love are burning! The flames of justice are burning! I can't forgive those who get in the way of love...between people and all living creatures! So in the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars yelled.

"My stomach is full! I'm full of exploding energy! You will be caught in the fiery explosion my love for dango! In the name of the South Wind, I'll burn you to the ground!" Sailor Notus yelled.

Zoisite smirked at them. "Ha! You little fools! Zoi!" He said as he let the Dark Crystal do it's work.

A nervous gasp came forth from Sailor Mars's lips as she watched this.

"You should try getting a grasp of the situation before you show off!" Luna yelled.

As the energy waves from the Dark Crystal began to emit from it, Rhett Butler tried to scoot away from it even while he was laying flat on his back. A nervous meow emitting from him.

"This time, I'm getting the Rainbow Crystal for sure." Zoisite said, confident this time.

Rhett Butler's eyes, which were once narrowed, flew open wide as the Dark Crystal began to get to him.

His screaming meow rang out loud into the air as Sailor Notus, Sailor Mars, Actaeon, and Luna could only watch as a violet crystal appeared in his chest.

All of them gasped at the sight as Rhett Butler's screams, or was it yowls, continued as the crystal was finally removed. The crystal flying into Zoisite's hand. Rhett Butler began to twitch as a cyclone formed around him.

"Oh no! Rhett Butler!" Luna yelled out concerned for the fellow cat.

The cyclone dissipated and where Rhett Butler had fallen, the monster with rose. It's back to them, while he faced his new master.

All of them letting out scared gasps at the change.

Turning around the new monster growled at them.

Where Rhett Butler was fat, this monster was tall and lean. He was standing on two legs now. He still had a cat-like appearance, his fur had two tones, light blue on bottom similar to the shade he had before and on top was purple. His eyes were the same golden color as before. He wore jewelry on his body. Parts or it reminded Actaeon of the jewelry Egyptians put on their cats, with the golden collar he had on. He had on another looser necklace that was brown and reminded him of a dreamcatcher without the string inside of it, with five metal things dangling from it. On his wrist was plain golden bracelets that matched the first necklace. He also had a type of golden knee guards and something on his foot. His open mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Long black claws on his hands and feet.

This monster was different since he didn't say his name like the others.

"Rhett Butler! Is that you?!" Luna questioned.

"Now get rid of them, Great Monster! They don't have any back-up. It's a piece of cake!" Zoisite ordered laughing. Actaeon thought Zoisite had still lost it a little when dealing with the rats.

This victory monologue was cut short when a red rose flew past, forcing him to drop the crystal. Emitting a pathetic painful whine and he kneeled down after the crystal as he cradled his precious hand.

As one might expect from the signature rose throw, Tuxedo Mask wasn't far behind as he slid down in front of Zoisite and picked up the fallen crystal.

"I'll be taking the final Rainbow Crystal. Farewell!" Tuxedo Mask said as he ran off.

"Curse you! Tuxedo Mask, you thief! Come b-b-back with my Rainbow Crystal!" Zoisite yelled after him.

Actaeon couldn't help but laugh. The guy deserved the rough day he had. After all the things he'd done. The guy was so shaken up by the experience, he didn't even remember or either attempt to teleport of fly after Tuxedo Mask. But the laughter was cut short as Zoisite left Rhett Butler behind and he began climbing up the slope towards town.

"Oh no! It's looks like he's headed into town!" Sailor Mars:

"Stop!" Luna yelled after him.

"Luna!" Sailor Mars and Sailor Notus yelled.

"Stop-stop-stop-stop-stop! Please don't move! Just stay still! My friends will come to help you soon, I promise!" Luna said in attempt to make him stop and get through to the chubby cat within.

The monster stopped and looked at her before letting out a vicious growl. The action making Luna back up a bit before slipping and screaming as she fell.

"Luna!" Sailor Mars yelled.

Suddenly as he watched her fall, Rhett Butler moved his large paw and caught her.

Sailor Mars gasped at the action. It was rare of the newly turned monster to retain anything from their former selves. This was one of those times.

Actaeon beamed. "He saved her! He hasn't really changed after all!"

Bringing her closer to him, Luna look up to him and said, "Y-you saved me again..."

Looking at his new form she noticed he still had the injury on his arm that he used to catch her.

"It'll be all right. Usagi'll be here soon and turn you back to normal." Luna explained.

As the girls watched, Sailor Mars muttered, "I knew it! Those two are madly in love!"

Sailor Notus had to agree, from an outsiders point of view, they did seem like they were in love. Before her was the two animals, gazed into each others eyes and he held her tenderly in his three fingered claw. But she wasn't absolutely sure about how Luna felt for this Rhett Butler. But what she did know was that she knew a Kodak moment when she saw one. Picking up her camera, she took a picture of the moment. Then, the moment was over.

"Bubble Spray!" Sailor Mercury attacked as the fog enveloped them.

Looking around Sailor Mars whined, "Oh no! You ruined the moment!"

"I was trying to take some more pictures here!" Sailor Notus yelled.

Sliding down the slope, Sailor Jupiter came down in between Rhett Butler's legs while he was confused by the fog and snatched Luna from his paw until she skidded to a halt in front of Sailor Mars.

"Sailor Jupiter!" Sailor Mars called out when she saw her.

"Sorry we're late!" Sailor Moon apologized as she stood beside Sailor Mercury and the fog cleared.

Sailor Gaea, Sailor Zephyrus, and Sailor Eurus standing not too far from them.

"Yeah, you'd better be! What took you so long to get here?" Sailor Mars asked.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted by some video game noise." Sailor Mercury explained.

"Me too, and it's really not because Usagi was playing all those games." Sailor Jupiter tried to explain.

"Right! Usagi was just trying to have some fun!" Sailor Mercury tried to make the situation better.

"Uh... You know, you girls aren't really helping me a whole lot." Sailor Moon told them as they got embarrassed.

Sailor Gaea and her team just kept silence and smirked at the conversation going on around them.

"Hey! Enough already! You need to get serious!" Luna yelled at them.

"Right!" Sailor Moon answered.

Meanwhile, Rhett Butler had climbed up the rest of the way of the slope and turned to growl at Sailor Moon.

"Ok, big guy. Just stay still for a minute, and you'll be back to normal in no time." Sailor Gaea told him.

Rhett Butler looked at her. Curiosity shining in his eyes. Ever since she was little, Ayame had always had a way with animals. Using that charm, Rhett Butler did as she suggested.

"Moon Healing Escalation!" Sailor Moon began the healing process.

Rhett Butler stiffened, yowling before he yelled, "Meow-fresh!" Which was really weird as he shrunk down to his normal size and fell face first with a meow.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Luna said, relieved.


Once the situation was under control, the girls brought Rhett Butler back to Ann and she couldn't be happier.

Giggling, Ann held him in her arms as he purred. "Oh, I was so worried about you. Do you miss me, Rhett Butler?"

"She's so happy to have her kitty back!" Usagi said happily.

"Now are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to your boyfriend, Luna?" Rei questioned. Shocking the rest of the group.

"Get out! You and that cat were lovers, Luna?!" Came Makoto's outburst.

"Woah! How'd you come up with that idea?!" Luna asked, this seeming to have come from nowhere.

"Whoo-hoo! Luna's hot, and love is bitten!" Usagi teased.

Luna released an annoyed groan. "Even Usagi's making fun of me! I don't appreciate being the victim of idle gossip." She told them, grumpily.

Actaeon chuckled at her misfortune.

Though Luna would never admit it, she did grow a soft spot for the fat cat. Smiling as she watched him with Ann. Later, the girls headed home. Ayame was upset to learn they didn't get the crystal, but she was happy that at least the enemy didn't get it. Nanami rushed home, getting her father back home. Luna meanwhile, didn't go home right away as she watched the sunset beside a tree.

The image of Rhett Butler flashing in her mind as the image blushed as she sighed and whined, "Oh, give me a break!"

Above her, Actaeon watched her. He knew Luna was going to suspect him of things now that he had shown her his powers. She may have had times when she was incompetent, but even she could see the similarities and piece things together. She wasn't dumb.

Sighing, he jumped down beside her as the last bit of light faded. He figured he should just answer her questions so she doesn't stress herself out worrying over it.

"I believe you might have a few questions for me?" Actaeon asked.

Luna looked over at him and glared. "Who are you?"

"You know the name I go by, it's Actaeon. After the Greek god of wilderness, wild animals, the hunt, and male animals." He answered.

"No you're not!" Luna said.

"Then who am I?" The mysterious cat asked, interrupting her rant. Challenging her to say what she thought.

"For a long time now, no, ever since you appeared, I have wondered who you were, and what you're motives were. Even now I don't know what those motives are. But this is all to much of a coincidence to ignore. In the beginning, after Nephrite had appeared and later Zoisite, we had assumed that whenever one of the Four Kings of Heaven died, a new one replaced them. Just like when the enemy thought Nephrite was dead and Zoisite replaced him. You appeared shortly after Nephrite appeared. Right after we assumed Jadeite was dead as well."

"You have that same powers as him. Jadeite had shown to have telekinetic powers. He could use it to stop Sailor Moon's Moon Tiara Action in midair, create barriers to protect himself, or move airplanes around to crush the Sailor Guardians. Of all the examples you choose, it was airplanes. He could also perform powerful illusions, such as when he made Tokyo look like it was set on fire or projecting what looked like a giant version of himself over Tokyo. Jadeite was also known to have used many disguises. With all of that, you have to admit it could be possible for Jadeite to create a very clever disguise or an illusion in the form of a cat."

"But, I will admit that didn't make much sense, he was the enemy. Why would he help us? Why would he have the things for the Sailor Guardians? Can to answer that for me? JADEITE!" Luna hissed at him.

Actaeon was silent until his face broke into a grin. "Very clever Luna. But not clever enough. It took you this long to figure it out, partly. If I was still part of the Dark Kingdom, I could have killed you all by now."

"You are correct. Allow me to reintroduce myself. Former member of the Dark Kingdom, current guardian of Sailor Gaea, The first member of the Four Kings of Heaven, I...Am...Jadeite." Jadeite introduced himself.

To those of you reading this, I didn't do this for Jadeite. I did it for Todd Haberkorn.

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