Between the Storms

By 2many2count

55.5K 2K 43

Magdelena is back and this time things are just not going for her. With Morgause still trying to get her to j... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Four

1.2K 50 1
By 2many2count

04. Short-Lived Recovery

Uther and Magdelena were fine the next morning, Uther was in a meeting and Magdelena was in his room cleaning up, "I aM nOt ThAt EaSy tO gEt Rid oF." his voice only stopped her for a moment before she tried to ignore it as she went about cleaning the room, "TelL mE MaGgdElenA fUtuRe QueEn oF CamEloT, hoW doEs iT FeEl tO bE a MuRderEr?"

"I am not a murderer! You were the one that threatened my family!" she snaps unable to hold onto her sanity much longer with the dead boy taunting her, "You did this to yourself!"

"i aM nOt ThE MonStEr iN ThIs RoOm. ThE MonStEr iS yOu!" she clutches her ears dropping the clothes as she shakes her head saying no over and over again. She didn't hear Leon, the Prince and the King enter until there was a hand on her shoulder and she screamed. The boy laughed making her bite her lip as she looked at Arthur, "a PriNcE cAn'T mArrY a MonStEr.  WhO wOulD wAnt tO mArrY yOu aNyWayS?"

"Stop! Leave me alone!" she screams backing away from Arthur who was beginning to look a bit worried at her words.

"yOuR OwN bRoThEr  iS scArEd oF yOu, wHy wOuldn'T a fUturE kInG?" his voice says, "EvErYonE hAtEs yOu! No OnE rEallY lOvEs yOu!"

"I know that! I have always known that!" she screams her hands going into her hair and pulling on it, "I know that." Her voice was broken as tears began to fall down her face. 

"Leon go tell Gaius about my father then tell him I am bringing Mags to his chambers," Arthur says stepping closer to her only for her to scream out in such pain even Uther bolted up from his bed to look at his servant as she took off running, "Now Leon!" 

Arthur takes off after her following her as she runs through the halls, servants watching as she runs crying sometimes screaming that she knew. Servants moved out of her way quickly, bowing to the Prince who ran after her yelling her name but she never stopped running she arrived at the forest, but still, Arthur ran after her all the way to a twisted tree but she fell to its roots hugging it as she sobbed. 

He stopped a few feet from her looking down at her sobbing self, "Mags?" she looked up for a moment before curling up into herself again, "I am going to sit down next to you." He walks over to her and sits right next to her and she looks at him before flinching as if someone said something that caused her pain. 

"ToO bAd dEaTh cAn'T dIe yOu cOuLd dIe!" she began to sob harder once again as she tried to curl up into a ball even tighter than before. Arthur heard hoofs coming from far away in a run, he drew his sword waiting. a white horse which seemed to glow as it drew closer, its white main was like new snow as it blew in the wind. A woman on the horse jumped off quickly seeing the women who was still in pain.

Her curly blonde hair was like harvested wheat, her blue eyes were like the skies on a perfectly clear day, "Prince Arthur an honor to meet you," she says with a small curtsy, "Would you help me get Maggie on the horse?"

"Why? What do you want with her?" he asks his sword still in his hands as he looked ready to attack making her chuckle smiling softly at Arthur who was watching her carefully.

"I wish only to help the future queen," she says staring at him as he pointed his sword at her as she chuckled, "You must know you two are not the only ones who have seen the future." 

"Mags doesn't seem to know it is our future," he says sheathing his sword, "She does everything to get me to stop feeling for her, perhaps it would be best she clearly doesn't seem to feel the same."

"Oh but fooled you she has," the blonde woman says making Arthur look at her confused, "Return to Camelot your father needs you as does Camelot. I shall return Maggie when all is solved." 

Arthur covers his eyes as a bright light blinds him, before fading revealing the woman, horse and Magdelena were no longer there. He looked around for a moment before he ran back toward Camelot, knights sent word quickly to almost everyone that he had returned.

Magdelena awoke in a familiar wooden hut, as she sat up her face was stiff and her body ached, her eyes itched and her head was screaming in pain. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and looked around, "Crying for two days will never feel good," Magdelena turned to see the blonde-haired Goddess before looking around to see if she saw the boy, Trevor, "You won't find Trevor here."

"How do you know his name?" Magdelena asks staring at the woman who offers her a warm cup of tea which felt nice on her raw throat.

"I know many things Maggie," the Goddess says with a small smile taking a seat with her cup of tea across from Magdelena who watched the woman for a moment. They sat in silence as they drank their tea, the Goddess making the cups disappear once they had finished, "Now you have a choice."

"What do you mean?" Magdelena asked looking at the woman curiously.

"You can stay safe here in my hut. Trevor will not bother you until the problem is solved but  you won't know when that is and have to guess," the Goddess says softly, "Or you can leave Trevor will follow you around but you may be able to help find  the problem."

"I-I don't know," Magdelena looked at the floor, "Can you not tell me the right choice?"

"There is no wrong and right choices," Magdelena smiled thinking of Gilthunder who had told her a the same thing not too long ago, "And the choice is yours and yours alone to make."

"I think I am going to go back. I think Morgana has something to do with what is happening," she says the Goddess smiled brightly at her, "Thank you for your help, Goddess. I hope that one day I may pay you back for all you have done for me."

"Oh I have a feeling one day you will," the Goddess says standing and walking to her shelves grabbing a wrapped parcel, "Here this I am sure will be needed one day, though you may try to fight it."

Magdelena opens it slightly seeing the familiar fabric of the wedding dress she wears in the future she has seen when she marries Arthur, "I-I am not worthy to be a Queen."

"Magdelena you need to stop doubting yourself. You are the only one who can't see yourself as a Queen. Even Uther has seen your qualities as more than just a servant he made you an advisor and listens to your opinion," the Goddess grabs her shoulder, "Don't let those people who fear you bring you down. Everyone is scared of something, every person has someone that intimidates them."

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