Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Emotions Run Rampant!

214 4 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

It was the beginnings of a beautiful day as Hiroko prepared to go to school at the T.A. Academy for Girls. She was looking forward to seeing her new friend Jing at school. Before leaving, she heard the weather forecaster say there was only a ten percent chance of rain for that day. Just from looking at the weather, he seemed like he was right. Personally, Hiroko didn't trust the weather forecasters and always brought and umbrella with her when going to and from school just in case.

It was a good thing too. While in route, the weather took a turn and began to rain. Ten percent. The guy was going to lose his job if he kept messing up. He should have at least said a chance of scattered showers.

"Stupid people not doing their job right." Hiroko grumbled.

She hated it when people didn't take pride in their work and wasted others times. As she walked, Hiroko noticed two people ahead of her. She recognized one of them to be Makoto. From the other Sailor Guardians. She didn't really know the others, but from what she had heard, Makoto was nice. Unlike that other girl, Rei, she believed was her name. She was sharing an umbrella with a guy. As she got closer to them, Hiroko glanced at Makoto's face and from the look on her face she could tell Makoto had it bad.

As she walked a few paces behind them, Hiroko couldn't help but over hear their conversation even with the rain muting it a little.

"I heard you're a fabulous cook. Is that true?" The guy asked.

"I guess..." Makoto answered modest about it.

"That's cool. One of these days, you'll have to make me something." He suggested.

"I'd love to, anytime. I could clean your place too! I'm really good at it!" Makoto offered.

"That would be a huge help!" He said.

Makoto smiled as she quickly pulled out a notebook and pencil. "Here! Write down your address and phone number, and a list of your favorite food as well!"

'That wasn't stalker-ish at all.' Hiroko thought.

The guy handed Makoto the umbrella and did as she asked. "Done. Mako, you sure are interesting." He commented.

Makoto stuck out her tongue and giggled. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Looking down at the paper she took a quick glance. "Ah, I see hayashi rice is your favorite."

Since the two of them had stopped, Hiroko had already past them and went on her way. She couldn't stand around, wasting time listening to other peoples conversation. Through the rain, she walked into a park on her way and lost in thought wasn't paying attention when she bumped into a young woman.

She had long auburn hair tied back in a low ponytail with a purple holder. She had dark blue eyes and for jewelry eggshell blue round earrings and a gold necklace. she wore a lavender dress with an orange wrap around her waist. Over it was a white lab coat and on her feet were magenta low heeled shoes.

"Sorry, Miss. I wasn't looking where I was going." Hiroko apologized.

"Oh, it's alright." The lady said.

Hiroko nodded and bowed to her. Without another word, she left for school.


After that the rain let up and returned once again to beautiful weather and after school, Jing and Hiroko headed to met up with the girls.

"So, are we having another Sailor Guardian meeting today?" Jing asked.

"I don't think so. There isn't exactly much to discuss. Even if there was, it wouldn't lead up to anything. It would just be talk. I think Ayame just wanted us all to have a chance to hang out today." Hiroko answered.

"That will be great. I heard from Actaeon that Ayame has been taking art lessons from Yumemi Yumeno and Nanami has also been giving her pointers." Jing informed her.

"That's something I still don't get. Talking cats of all things. Not only was my uncle turned into a monster, and I'm part of a superhero squad. How come we don't hang out with Rei? She's a guardian too, right?" Hiroko asked.

Jing frowned and sighed. "She is. I use to respect and admire her before. When Sailor Moon was named leader, Rei was against it and pinched Ami's leg to force her to see things more her way. It was the same day you joined. After that I was completely disillusioned with her. We don't talk anymore." Jing answered.

Hiroko thought it over and nodded. "I can see where Rei is coming from. Sailor Moon is a bit clumsy, but forcing her teammate to agree with her through intimidation and pain wasn't a good move on her part."

"That's why I like being on Sailor Gaea's team better. We are given a choice. When I first joined, Kijin, my boyfriend was in danger because of a monster. It made him into a completely different person. Being Sailor Zephyrus has given me the ability to protect what is important to me. Nanami joined when one of her friends was in danger, too." Jing pointed out.

"Just like when I wanted to save my Uncle. We were all drawn into this by our desire to protect. It's interesting when you look at it that way." Hiroko thought.

Jing nodded as they lapsed into silence as they thought.

"Still, what is up with talking cats?" Hiroko broke the silence.

"You really can't get over that can you? I don't even bat an eyelash at it now. You'll get use to it." Jing assured her.

Hiroko sighed, slumping in defeat. Something about that cat just struck her as odd. She didn't get the same feeling from Luna. Just what was it?

"Look, we're here. Hey guys!" Jing yelled as they saw the others up ahead.

Looking up from their seats on a bench, Ayame along with Nanami smiled as waved. "Hey, girls!"

"So? What's the plan today?" Jing asked.

"Just taking the time to be normal junior high school students." Nanami answered as they moved to a picnic table to talk.

"Is it sad that I've nearly forgotten what normal girls our age do?" Ayame asked.

The girls just laughed.

"Anyway, normal or not, I have something I've been dying to discus." Nanami said.

"What?" The girls asked.

"Boys and love lives!" Nanami said.

Causing Ayame and Jing to groan.

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport! Unlike you two, Hiroko and I don't have boyfriends. Time to give us the details. Ayame, you've kept most of your relationship in the dark. We want the truth!" Nanami said.

"Ayame has a boyfriend?" Hiroko asked.

The girls all stopped and looked at her for a moment before they realized their error. "Yeah. Before I became a guardian I met a man called Masato Sanjouin. I would bump into him from time to time. It wasn't until later I learned his real name. Nephrite, a member of the Dark Kingdom. Our enemy. Eventually, he turned against the Dark Kingdom and is on our side now. He's in hiding so the enemy doesn't come after him." Ayame explained.

"Wow." Hiroko answered.

"Moving on, what type of boys do you like? Hiroko? Nanami?" Ayame asked. Swiftly changing the subject.

"I'd like a guy that's always punctual. Some who doesn't beat around the bush. I'd like a guy who knows what his goals are and going after them. Polite and courtesy." Hiroko started before thinking and beginning to blush. "I'd like to keep an exchange diary and he would send me love letters. He wouldn't have to do anything big and flashy. Just small things. Simple romantic. I don't need a whirlwind romance. Simple and sweet." Hiroko answered.

"What about you, Nanami?" Jing asked.

"Well, I'd like a guy that's artistic and he needs to like or at least tolerate teriyaki. I guess I'd like a boy who's kinda nerdy. Not a total geek, but smart and into a lot of anime and things like that. He'd be the Straight Man to my Wise Guy act. You know in comedy, they're the inseparable Odd Couple duo who play off each other for comedy. The Straight Man approaches everything seriously and presents a straightforward, sane, conventional point of view. The Wise Guy is a jokester who answers the Straight Man's stodgy pronouncements with puns, wisecracks, and wackiness. A lot of guys find me weird and unpredictable. It scares them away. I want a guy who's mostly serious, but can take a joke even if I say wacky stuff and will laugh along with me. Someone who isn't afraid and likes me even if I'm an oddball. For something fun to do for the both of us, I'd want to go to craft stores or a video game store. He would also help me collect Sailor Guardian toys and collectables." Nanami explained.

"Woah..." The girls said. Amazed at her confession about boys being scared away, they suddenly tackled her.

"Ack!" Nanami cried out in surprise.

"Don't worry, Nanami!" Jing said.

"You'll find the perfect guy one day, Jing and I did and we know you will too." Ayame added.

"Until then we'll be single together!" Hiroko declared.

"'re squishing me." Nanami said, making the girls laugh as they released her.

Jing looked down at her watch and frowned. "Sorry to cut this short, but my mom and dad are going out later and I have to go babysit my little twin dem-I mean sisters. See ya later!" Jing said as she ran off.

"I better head back to work. Hiromi and Kazuko have been bugging me to go to karaoke with them after work, so I need to get there early to get my quota done for the day. Bye." Nanami said as she too left. The feather from her hat bouncing as she ran.

Hiroko sighed as she got up, "I need to go too. I have to work later."

"Hiroko! Wait a sec. You know how I'm taking art lessons?" Ayame asked.


"I was wondering if you would consider modeling for me." Ayame explained.

"Me? Model? If you want." Hiroko answered.

"Great! I'll call you later to give you the details. See ya!" Ayame said as they both nodded and headed home.


The next day at school, Ayame was walking outside when she spotted Makoto looking sad, almost depressed. On second thought, maybe love sick of some form or heartbroken due to way her cheeks held a small blush and she held them in her hand, sitting under a tree and sighing. Walking over, Ayame decided it was heartbreak. Makoto was a little boy-crazy.

Luna sat beside her as she began scratching the back of her head. "It's unusual to see you looking so sad, Mako." She commented.

"Hey, Makoto. Hello, Luna." Ayame said as she sat down beside Makoto.

From out behind the tree, Usagi came out to play.

"What's going on? A depressed face will give you wrinkles! Ha! Ha! Someone broke your heart again. Am I right?" Usagi joked.

Makoto turned to look at her with a glare as she said. "You picked the wrong day to mess with me."

Usagi gulped as she realized she hit a nerve. "It was just a joke." She said before changing the subject. "Don't stress out. Think of me as your personal Cupid. I'm here to fix it and make it right!"

"I think it would be a better idea to work on your own love issues first." Luna suggested nicely.

"You think she has problems? My boyfriend was our enemy, he's tried to kill Usagi, and eventually turned to our side. I'm not allowed to see him for fear of being followed and the enemy killing him for real if that ever happened. She's just trying to decide which one she likes of two boys." Ayame pointed out. "We're still young. There's no rush for Usagi to get a boy right away. Call me when she actually picks one."

"Luna!" Usagi scolded her cat before turning serious. "Still, maybe I can help. Tell me the name of the person who broke your heart."

"Motoki..." Makoto answered upset.

"Ahhhh!" Usagi cried. Spiraling down into the depths of despair.

"Do you really have to be so shocked?" Makoto asked exasperated at her friends reaction.

Ayame wasn't that surprised. She figured Motoki only saw them as little sisters or was at least already taken. Either that or oblivious to their feelings.

"Yes, of course I do. I can't believe it. This is so upsetting. Because I'm... I'm in love with Motoki too!" Usagi tearfully confessed.

"What?! You like him too?" Makoto asked shocked.

Ayame sighed, "Yeah. If you had been paying attention the first time we went to the arcade, you would have noticed."

"How could you do this? How could you?!" Usagi continued to bawl.

"But, I thought you were in love with Tuxedo Mask?" Makoto questioned.

"Yes, I love him too! I've fallen in love with both of them!" Usagi cried.

"Take it from a girl who's really in love, Usagi. What you have is a few crushes and simple attraction. Tuxedo Mask might be interesting, but I have my doubts since you're both superheroes and you hardly know each other. There might be potential." Ayame commented.

"Well, you have to choose one!" Makoto yelled angerly at Usagi.

"Both of you stop and think about it for a moment. The guy gets to choose too, it's not a one-way street." Luna told them.

"Aha!" Usagi suddenly shouted.

"Oh boy, now what?" Luna dared to ask.

"If Mako had her heart broken by Motoki, that can really only mean one thing. Motoki has chosen someone else to be his girlfriend! And that someone he has chosen must be...cute little me!" Usagi said with a blush. Her friend just got heartbroken and here she was acting happy about her friend's failure.

"Wrong! It's someone named Reika." Makoto happily informed her.

"What?! How can that be?! I can't take it anymore..." Usagi bemoaned her sorry fate.

"Don't give up so easily! So what if he already has a girlfriend. Even if we get rejected, it's worth giving it a shot." Makoto comforted her.

"But Mako..." Usagi started before Makoto interrupted.

"Crying isn't going to get you anywhere."

"You're right! We're Pretty Guardians after all!" Usagi said as she got caught up in Makoto's enthusiasm.

"And if we don't fight... there's no tomorrow!" Both girls said. Now determined more than ever and in boy-crazy mode. Ayame could have sworn there was a city nightlife around them. Makoto and Usagi in a huge spot light and Luna and Ayame in a smaller one.

"Why do I get the feeling there's no tomorrow, no matter what?" Luna asked. Depressed and disappointed yet again.

"Don't worry, Luna. You still have my team to count on. Anyway, do whatever you want. Just leave me out of it. Anyway, I'm busy." Ayame told them.

"Ayame!" The girls yelled, upset with their friend.

"I'm just saying. If anything happens you guys, you can rest easy knowing we'll be there to help. Being a Sailor Guardian isn't just all fun and games. Things may be fine now, but there's still a chance in the future we might die in the process of stopping the Dark Kingdom. We might be separate teams and I don't really get along with Rei, but that doesn't mean we don't share a common goal. We're all Sailor Guardians fighting to protect what's important to us." Ayame explained as she stood up.

The girls had gone quiet at Ayame's choice of subject matter.

"Anyway, good luck dealing with Motoki. Don't come crying to me if he turns you down." Ayame called over her shoulder.

"Ayame!" They yelled.

Ayame laughing as she left them.


Meanwhile, Hiroko was walking in the park again that went past a university. Today, she once again saw the lady from yesterday. She looked like she wasn't having the most relaxing of days. Here she was eating lunch and working on paperwork.

One of her papers were blown by the wind and sailed into the air. The lady quickly placed everything down and rushed after her paper when Hiroko caught it.

"Thanks so much for getting that. Oh? You're that girl from yesterday." The woman said.

"Yes. I'm Hiroko and I could say the same to you." Hiroko said as she handed her back the paper.

"Thanks, I'm Reika." She introduced herself.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying? You're a college student right?" Hiroko asked.

"I am. All this paperwork you see here is related to a research study I can go on in Africa. Exploring the area where all life on Earth supposedly originated." Reika explained excitedly.

"You said 'can go on.' Are you undecided about it?" Hiroko asked.

Reika frowned and nodded. "You see, I have this wonderful boyfriend. If I agree to go, I won't see him for a few years. The study is good for my career, but I just don't know what to do. He supports whatever I choose, but that just makes it all the more difficult."

"I just met you yesterday and I've never met you're boyfriend, but if you don't mind me saying, I say go for it. He already supports you and if you two truly love each other, he'll be right here waiting for you. If he's not, then that proves you made the best decision career wise and you're better off without him." Hiroko said.

"The decision is up to you, Reika. Farwell." she added as she walked off.


In the dark gardens belonging to Zoisite, it was another dark and dreary day. The plant life twisted and ugly as always. This particular section like the jungles of Africa. Maybe even a little bit of a swamp.

Yet again, the Dark Crystal was about to reveal the next Rainbow Crystal Monster. This time, Kunzite was with him.

"Our next target is...this young lady." Zoisite explained as an image of Reika appeared. "A student at Azabu Technical College."

"And she's quite lovely, too." Kunzite commented.

"Kunzite! How can you even think that way of a...a...Human! Don't tell my you're getting soft like that fool and disgrace of a Four King of Heaven, Nephrite!" Zoisite said distressed his mentor would think of such a thing. Humans were weak and pathetic compared to superior beings such as them.

"Shh. Calm down my little protégé. I was just kidding. Though, I would appreciate it if you don't compare me to that traitor. If you fear I'm getting as you say, 'soft', I'll gladly show you the error of your own thoughts during our next training session." Kunzite said darkly.

"My apologies! You are nothing like that scoundrel. As a token of my remorse, I'll bring you the Rainbow Crystal." Zoisite promised as he bowed to his mentor. A nefarious and twisted smirk clearly revealing his dark intentions.


It was a pleasant Sunday morning as Hiroko left her house and followed the directions she had gotten the day before from Ayame. They had discussed the detail over the phone and everything was settled.

Ayame had gone ahead to her sensei's house to prepare for their drawing session. Since this was the first time Ayame was drawing a real person, there were bound to be mistakes and would take a while if not most of the day. Luckily, Hiroko's parents let her have the day away from the store. She was looking forward to spending one on one time with Ayame, besides her sensei being there to help guide Ayame.

Hiroko was curious about the girl. She luckily went to school with Jing and they had gotten to know each other. Jing was full of energy. Nanami and Ayame though, she didn't know much about them. When Nanami had confessed about boys being scared away was enlightening about the girl. At first Hiroko herself didn't know what to do about the quirky and unpredictable girl. Now, she was happy to know her.

As for Ayame, Hiroko saw her as mysterious in a way. She only briefly talked about the even more mysterious Nephrite. She wondered what exactly happened between them. To find out the one you are in love with was you're enemy couldn't have been easy.

She wished she had been around at the time have a better understanding of what exactly happened. She hoped she could learn more about the girl during the session. But with Ms. Yumeno there it might be difficult.

Now that Hiroko thought about it, there wasn't much she really knew. She knew Ayame was Sailor Gaea and the leader of their team, and went to the same school as Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Jupitar. Then there the music box. Was Nephrite the special friend she mentioned?

What was the deal with that? Are they boyfriend and girl friend or not? Hiroko thought for a moment. Ayame did say he was in hiding. Maybe they didn't officially say it and thus called him a special friend? Hiroko didn't like being nosy, but she couldn't deny she was curious.

Before she nearly realized it she had made her way to the house of Yumemi Yunemo. After knocking, Ms. Yumemo let her in and led her to the studio. Ayame was doing some finishing touches before she turned around an noticed her.

"Hiroko. Glad you could make it." Ayame greeted.

She wore a blue long sleeve clavicle cutout top with a suede turquoise choker and kaki pants. Around her waist was a jacket and something Hiroko didn't notice before was her star earrings. They were simple, yet Hiroko found them lovely on Ayame.

"Glad to be here. Where should I sit or what do you need me to do?" Hiroko asked.

"Just sit on that bench there and make yourself comfortable. Today is mostly about experimenting. The basic pose we're going for you is facing me with a lantern in your hands." Ayame explained as she handed Hiroko a metal ring. "Just pretend it's the ring of the lantern and hold it as you sit."

Hiroko nodded as she sat down. Ayame quickly got the drawing pencils and sketch pad and the session began.

Hiroko sat as still a possible, trying not to move and ruin her teammates picture. Ms. Yumeno left the girls to their own devises as she went out to get groceries. The only sounds in the room were the scratches of pencils across the paper. Out of the corner of her eye, Hiroko noticed the boarded up windows and wondered what that was about.

"You don't have to sit that still, you know." Ayame suddenly said.

"What?" Hiroko asked.

"You don't have to be like a statue while I work and I'm focusing on the drawing. You can also talk to me or ask me questions if you want. I know sitting there so still can be uncomfortable."

"How?" Hiroko asked as she began to relax.

"I failed to mention how I met Sensei. I was at her art exhibit when she saw me and thought I would be perfect for an art piece she wanted to do. She also choose Nephrite, who was also there at the time. The two of us posed for her. That's how I know what you're going through. After that, I met her again on the day she was attacked by Zoisite. That's what happened to the window." Ayame explained as she gestured towards said window.

"What did he do?" Hiroko asked.

"He came busting in and it'll be a few days until Sensei can get anything done about it. She doesn't want anything happening to her garden if workers come to fix it. So she's having a difficult time finding someone right to do it." Ayame explained as they lapsed into silence again.

"Can I ask a few personal questions?" Hiroko asked as her curiosity got the better of her.

"I don't mind. The main reason I asked you to model for me was so we could get to know each other better." Ayame confessed.

"Well, I was wondering what was or had happened between you and Nephrite." Hiroko said as Ayame slowly stopped her pencil.

"Nephrite, the special friend you mentioned, right? When you asked me to make the music box? You called him a special friend, but when I asked if he was your boyfriend you said, 'yeah'. I was wondering what deal with that was. Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend or not? You did say he was in hiding and I thought maybe you guys didn't officially say it yet." Hiroko rambled before taking a deep breath. "Sorry if I've asked about a sensitive topic."

"Don't worry about it." Ayame said as she resumed drawing. "It's not that it's a sensitive topic per say. I've been trying to distract myself and not think about him."

Hiroko looked at her with a puzzled expression. When Ayame looked up she closed her eyes and sighed.

"When I first laid eyes on Nephrite, I was still an ordinary girl. I actually didn't like the Sailor Guardians because of the damage they would cause with their attacks sometimes. I was determined to stay away from their paranormal stuff. On my way to school, I saw a house appear out of nowhere. No one else seemed to notice. Then, zooming out of the driveway was him."

"At first I thought I was slightly going crazy. I wanted to avoid him and any paranormal stuff. Then, I met Actaeon and became a Sailor Guardian. Later on, we kept bumping into each other. At the time, he went by Masato Sanjouin. We became friends."

"It wasn't until later on that I knew I had fallen in love with him. I realized I did when I was listening to the very same song in the music box. The night of the Diamond Embassy. The entire time, I never knew who he was."

It wasn't until a day later, I learned his real name. I was shocked. Devastated. I didn't know what to do. But I knew I didn't want him to die. I didn't hate him. Even after he nearly killed Sailor Moon, Jing's boyfriend, and Mika. A girl I consider a little sister."

"I transformed right in front of him, the enemy, and saved him. One of my friends, Naru, also loved him too. It was such a mess. After that, he said he wanted to join us. Then I was kidnapped along with Naru by Zoisite's minions."

"Zoisite has always been a rival of Nephrite and it's easy to say they hate each other. He was responsible for the orders to kill Nephrite. After we defeated the monsters, I managed to heal him. Now they think Nephrite is dead."

"I haven't seen Nephrite since. I don't even know where he's hiding. Zoisite knows his civilian form and my connection with Nephrite. I must stay away from him or risk Zoisite finding him and killing him for real. So no, we haven't had time to officially say we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Considering he's also older than me by who knows how long, the term boyfriend and girlfriend just doesn't seem right." Ayame finished explaining.

"Whoa. That's a lot you had to go through." Hiroko said.

"I try not to think about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll break down and start searching for him and try to find him despite the risk. I'm really selfish that way." Ayame said, scoffing at herself.

"You're wrong." Hiroko said. Ayame looked up as Hiroko continued. "After everything you just told me, it's normal you want to be with Nephrite so strongly. The fact that you haven't yet shows how strong you are and how much you want to protect him. If it was me, I doubt I would be able to do it. Not seeing him after so long. You're amazing, Ayame."

Ayame gave her a sad smile. "Thanks for your kind words, Hiroko." Then she frowned. "I'm not as strong as you think I am, Hiroko. I'm still human. I still make mistakes. I lie to my friends. Naru believes Nephrite is dead. Maybe that's why I'm so motived to stop the Dark Kingdom. So Nephrite can come out of hiding and Naru can know the truth."

"Don't worry, Ayame. Now that I'm here, I'll do everything in my power to help. They messed with my uncle!" Hiroko said.

The girls smiled at each other before the moment was interrupted. "Girls! I'm back! Ayame, how's your progress?" Ms. Yumemo called out as she entered.

"I thinks I'm doing okay so far. What do you think, Sensei?" Ayame asked as she showed the drawing to her. The two began talking art terms as Hiroko drowned them out a bit. Yumemi giving advise on how to improve the drawing. She was brought back to the present by Ayame calling her name.

"Yes?" Hiroko asked.

"I think that's enough for today. We can continue later if you'll allow it. It's getting late and we should head home." Ayame said as she pointed out the un-boarded window. Ayame was right. Time had flown by and it was getting darker out.

After they said farewell to Ms. Yumeno the two girls left. Hiroko watched Ayame walk away. No matter what Ayame said, Hiroko thought she was a wonderful person and a good leader. Taking the time to get to know her. Or did she mostly learn about Ayame? Either way, it was a day well spent. Turning back and heading home Hiroko didn't seen Actaeon rushing to catch up with Ayame. Carrying a letter in his mouth.


"Actaeon?" Ayame asked as she noticed the cat as run up beside her and brushed against her leg. Noticing the letter in his mouth, Ayame quickly took the letter to allow Actaeon to speak.

"Thank you, Ayame. It's hard running around with that paper in my mouth." Actaeon said after somehow spiting. Could cats even spit? Ayame assumed it was to get the residential taste of paper off his tongue, teeth, and mouth.

"Don't mention it. Is this from who I think it is?" Ayame asked aa sparkle in her eye.

"Yeah. I would have waited until you got home to give it to you, but I figured you would want it as soon as possible. I had nearly forgotten what you were doing today and had to search or you." He confessed.

Ayame beamed at him and picked him up. Gently giving him a hug. "You're too kind Actaeon. Thanks for literally going the extra mile for me." She then placed him on her shoulder. "Rest for now. As a reward I'll carry you the rest of the way home. I want to read this as soon as I get home." Ayame as she began to run home.

New energy filling her as anticipation drove her to go even faster. Carefully holding the letter to not drop it or crinkly it. She thought back to her letter she had sent him.

Dear Nephrite,

I hope this letter find you well. Do you like the poster I sent you? Remember the lady we posed for? It's my pleasure to inform you that lady was none other than Yumemi Yumeno. The one who made all the art in the gallery we went to. Since you couldn't come and see the finished product yourself, I figured I would send it to you. I have one just like it here at home. I realized recently, that we never took a picture together. Just like Naru, I don't have many things to remember you by. All I have are the earrings you gave me and the music box to help me remember the night we danced to the tune within it. These posters are the closest thing we have to pitcures. Now we each have something to remember each other by and I get to see your handsome face everyday even when we can't be together.

I miss you so much. I know you feel the same. Yesterday, I ran into Yumemi at the gallery again. I asked her to give me some art lessons. Luckily, she agreed. I've always loved art. All the colors and things like that. However, that's not my main motivation for taking these lessons. I'm taking lessons from Yumemi to help keep myself busy. Something to keep my mind of things. Something to help stop me from running into your arms every time I'm alone and think of you. So far, I'm doing well and Sensei says I'm improving. But I don't know how long this will last.

Sorry, I must be worrying you with all of this talk. Or writing. On a lighter note, I'm planning on asking Hiroko to model for me. So I'm looking forward to that. I'll try to write you again soon. Until then, let me end this letter with "I love you."

Love, Ayame.

Soon, but to her, it wasn't soon enough, Ayame arrived home. Once in her room, Actaeon jumped off her shoulder and went to curl up on a bare pillow. Ayame went over to her desk and pulled out a letter opener. Swiftly and cleanly as she could, she opened the envelope to the treasure within.

The paper was folded neatly in three sections, as it was unfolded, Nephrite's neat handwriting appeared before her. Like a ravenous wolf, Ayame hungerly devoured the words with her eyes.

Before she could get past the first few words, Ayame noticed something from the corner of her eye. Actaeon had gotten up from his pillow and looking out the window.

"Actaeon?" Ayame asked.

"Something's wrong. I can sense it. I think Zoisite is out and about again. We need to check it out. Contact the girls and let's go." Actaeon said as he jumped out the window. Ayame sighed, annoyed. There had better be a monster for her to take her anger out on for interrupting her reading. For now, the letter would just have to wait.

Contacting the girls, she alerted them something was going on and to meet up soon. With that done, Ayame left the house and hurried towards the danger.


Prior to this, Hiroko was on her way home. When she got there she saw someone standing outside the store. It wasn't until she got closer that she recognized the girl as Naru. The girl that tried to reach out to her uncle when he was turned into a monster. What was she doing here? And why was she carrying a tennis bag?

"Oh! Hiroko, correct?" Naru asked as she noticed her come over.

"Yes. If I recall correctly, you're Naru Osaka. You tried to help my uncle and make weapons. Thank you for trying by the way." Hiroko said.

"Don't mention it. I came here to give you something. It took me a few days to make it, but I think you'll like it." Naru said as she put down the case and pulled out a mace. The top part was a purple flower that Hiroko thought either looked like a clover flower or a lotus. The tips of the petals were sure to give the one on the receiving end a world of hurt. After that was the metal shaft, which was fairly simple down to the grip at the end and the bottom being curved outwards in two directions like a hook.

"A weapon for you." Naru said as she handed it to her.

"Thank you." Hiroko said as she took it. Getting a feel for the weapon as she gripped it and gave it a few swings.

The moment was soon over as Hiroko's communicator when off. Taking it out and receiving the message they needed to go, Hiroko thanked Naru again for the weapon.

"Go and give the enemy a good swing for me." Naru encouraged.

Hiroko nodded and in a flash, ran towards where the enemy might be. Naru watched her go with a nostalgic sad smile whispering a simple, "Good luck."


This time, it wasn't hard to find the enemy. If the exploding rings of fire didn't attract attention, Ayame didn't know what would. In the center of the ring of fire, were three people. Zoisite, Mokoki and a woman. Recalling what Usagi and Makoto said before, she assumed this was Reika. Motoki stood before his girlfriend, in a soon to be vain attempt to protect her from Zoisite.

Ayame assumed it was Reika he was after. They had been around Motoki numerous times and the moon stick never reacted, it had to be her.

Zoisite giggled at the display before him. "How very brave of you. But it's a wasted effort. Now move aside." He ordered.

Motoki glared and charged at Zoisite. "Ahh!"

'Motoki, don't! You don't know what you're up against!' Ayame thought. She had never seen this side of him before. While slightly impressed, she feared for his life.

"What a barbarian... Zoi!" Zoisite attacked as he floated above and shot out his attack.

Motoki gasped and screamed in pain as he was blasted back.

Reika gasped as she ran towards Motoki to see if he was okay. The ring of fire going out.

Ayame quickly pulls out her communicator. "Girls, Zoisite is here! I'm at an abandoned building near the Azabu Technical College. Get here quickly!"

"Oh, how sweet!" Zoisite as he began to stalk closer to his prey.

"You monster!" Reika yelled at him.

"Well now, it takes one to know one. You're a monster, yourself. And I mean the real you. One of the Seven Great Monsters." Zoisite informed her.

"I'm one of the Seven Great Monsters?" Reika asked scared and confused.

Zoisite chuckled and answered. "That's correct. Now pay close attention. Look into the crystal..." He trailed off as he held up the crystal and it began to bring forth the latest monster.

"Ahh!" Reika cried as a blue crystal came from the right side of her chest. Falling to her knees, she transformed and introduced herself. "I am Rikokeida!"

Rikokeida was an interesting monster with light green skin, pointed ears with capsule like earrings, a monocle on her right, a strapless black bathing suit, red thigh high boots, two golden arm bands with one on each arm, and her hair was a fiery orange red. Most of it looked like she shaved off most of her hair and the rest was left flopping over to her right.

"Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!" Ayame yelled as she transformed.

Soon help began to arrive.

"Hold it right there!" Sailor Gaea said as she stepped into the enemies sight.

Beside her, Sailor Moon cried out. "No! We're too late!"

"Is that really Reika?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

Both girls had expressions of anger and slight disgust at the form Reika had taken.

"Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, you need to be very careful!" Luna warned.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice. I am Sailor Moon!" Sailor Moon began her spiel.

"Today, we're not..." Sailor Jupiter trailed off.

"...the same as usual!" Sailor Moon finished.

"We're ten thousand volts of heartbreak-power, looking for a boyfriend!" They both shouted.

"Not you too, Mako..." Luna groaned.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sailor Gaea said as she facepalmed. She knew they were boy-crazy, but come on.

"In the name of the moon... I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon shouted.

"Girls without boyfriends are pathetic!" Rikokeida told them snootily.

"Oh, yeah, well it's your fault for missing up our chances!" Sailor Moon yelled back.

"I technically have a boyfriend, so there, and there's nothing wrong with being single." Sailor Gaea pointed out.

"Take this!" Rikokeida yelled as she threw one of the canisters from her earrings.

"Watch out!" Sailor Jupiter warned as she pulled Sailor Moon out of the way and Sailor Gaea went into the other direction.

A cloud of blue smoke left in the wake of the monster's attack.

Zoisite chuckled as he watched the fight. "The fifth Rainbow Crystal belongs to me." He said pompously before a familiar extendable cane smacked it out of his hand. "Hey!" He yelled as he held his bruised hand. Turning to see Tuxedo Mask on a roof.

Returning to the ground, Zoisite watched as Tuxedo Mask jumped down from the roof. "You're forever butting in where you're not wanted!" Zoisite informed his opponent.

Tuxedo Mask smirked at him. "I'm not about to let you have the Rainbow Crystals."

"Oh! It's my guy, Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon said with glee. Blushing all the while.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting about your guy, Motoki?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

"That's a little complicated. Right now, I'm into Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon turned to answer.

"Just go with Tuxedo Mask! Motoki already has a girlfriend!" Sailor Gaea yelled, exasperated.

Meanwhile Rikokeida was tired of standing around. Pulling the capsules from her earrings. "Take that! And that!"

The capsules exploding at Sailor Moon's and Sailor Jupiter's feet. Sailor Gaea jumped to higher ground, and watched them practically dancing as her comrades tried to avoid the attack. She noticed on the ground small green objects crawling around near and onto Sailor Moon's foot.

"Ew, gross! What are they?!" Sailor Moon questioned as another capsule opened near her other foot and began growing and crawling on her boots.

"The foundation of all life, including you, originated from these single-cells organisms." Rikokeida explained.

"Huh?" Sailor Moon asked, confused. Clearly having not studied well in the last science class or so.

"So says the single-celled brain." Luna muttered under her breath.

"Jupiter, my guardian planet! Bring forth a storm! Summon the clouds and bring down you thunder! Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter chanted.

The attack shocked the cells and caused them to vanish. The rest of the lightning headed towards Rikokeida as she yelled out. "Big Flask!" The object appearing in her hand and turning it sideways, she gathered the attack within.

"She's collecting my lightning!" Sailor Jupiter said surprised.

Rikokeida merely laughed at them as she hit the bottom of the flask and lightning came out.

"C'mon, let's go!" Sailor Jupiter yelled as she grabbed Sailor Moon and jumped out of the way. Sailor Moon on her knees and Sailor Jupiter kneeling.

"That was too close!" Sailor Moon fretted.

"She used the lightning from my Supreme Thunder to attack us!" Sailor Jupiter said.

"What was you're first clue? Too bad we can't turn off the attack." Sailor Gaea said, sarcastically.

Rikokeida held the flask upright, the lightning within trapped and crackling away. "You dodged that one, but there's still a lot of ligntning power left!" She informed them.

"Sailor Jupiter, do something or we're all gonna be fired!" Sailor Moon said, close to bawling.

"I'm going to enjoy destroying you all." Rikokeida told them.

"Bubble Spray!" Sailor Mercury yelled, the attack creating a thick fog.

Riokokeida held the flask in her left as she tried to seek out her prey through the fog. "What?!"

"Mercury!" Sailor Moon cheered.

"And Mars!" Sailor Jupiter shouted as they came over.

"Luckily, we got here in time." Sailor Mercury informed them.

"It took us forever to find you two." Sailor Mars complained.

"Sorry we're late!" Sailor Zephyrus, Sailor Notus and Sailor Eurus yelled as they arrived.

"I just got a new weapon." Sailor Eurus informed them as she held it out.

"How come I haven't gotten one yet? What's it called, anyway?" Sailor Notus asked.

"I don't know. Um, she didn't tell me what's called. But I would call it Falling Autumn Mace." Sailor Eurus said.

"Even without a new shiny weapon, I can still kick butt!" Sailor Notus as slightly angry as she prepared her attack. Sailor Mars along right beside her.

"Rage Fireworks!" Sailor Notos shouted.

"Fire Soul!" Sailor Mars yelled.

The Fire Soul broke the flask and the fireworks making the monster dance and hop around as the girls closed in on her and the fog lifted.

"Show some respect for your lab equipment!" Sailor Mercury scolded the monster.

"Stop wasting resources meant for good!" Sailor Jupiter joined in.

"Shut up and take her out already." Sailor Mars told them and then order Sailor Moon around.

"Mmm! You're not the boss!" Sailor Moon told her gruffly.

Sailor Eurus ignored them and decided to try out her new mace. "Mace of the East Wind and filled with spirit of the autumn harvest. I call upon you, Mother Earth. Hear the cry of your humble servant and guide my mace into the enemies face! Autumn's Labors!" Sailor Eurus chanted.

Autumn leaves swirled around her and concentrated at the end of the mace. Glowing until the top part shot forth like a ball from a cannon and blasted Riokokeida in the gut and then retracted itself and reformed the mace. She would have to work on her aim, but she was off to a good start.

Sailor Notus looked at it in awe. Meanwhile, Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon were still arguing.

"Hmph! Well you've been too boy-crazy to be the boss." Sailor Mars told her.

"Boy-crazy?!" Sailor Moon asked.

"Just do it already!" Luna and Sailor Gaea yelled, impatient and tried of their argument. Sailor Gaea wanting to go home.

Sailor Moon the took out the moon stick and began healing Riokokeida. "Moon Healing Escalation!"

The monster soon was touched by the dust and screamed in pain before yelling out "Refresh!" and falling to the ground.

Sailor Gaea then turned to see what Zoisite and Tuxedo Mask were doing. Still fighting over the crystal. They stopped when they saw Reika return and Zoisite stopped. Tuxedo Mask tried to pick up the crystal only to be pelted by the petals and Zoisite got away with the crystal.

Sailor Gaea gritted her teeth as she saw this. "Damn it, he got another one." That made five rainbow crystals found. Tuxedo Maks had one, the Sailor Guardians had one, and the enemy had three.

Looking back at Motoki and Reika, she saw the two waking up. As Motoki got up, he heard Reika.

"Motoki!" She yelled as she ran to him.

"Reika!" Motoki yelled back as he embraced her in his arms.

Sailor Gaea couldn't help but smile at them and along with the others, she disappeared into the night. Running to get back and finally read that letter.


The next day, Reika and Motoki were at the airport. Seeing each other for the last time for a few years until her research was over. The first plane to San Francisco and then on another plane to Africa.

"Passengers who have not yet checked in for Flight Six-Fifty-Eight to San Francisco, please hurry to the terminal." The call for her fight rang through the speakers. Both knew it was time for her to go.

"Reika, I really don't want to say goodbye to you." Motoki said forlornly.

"I know. I promise to write you." Reika replied.

"And I'll be waiting for you to come back." Motoki promised her.

"Motoki..." Reika started as if she was about to say something before she thought it over and tears began to form in her eyes. She decided to not say what she had wanted and said. "Well, I'd better go..."

"Take care..." Motoki trailed off. Sending her off with a smile as she went down the escalator and towards her flight.

Ayame smiled as she watched this from a different side from Usagi and Makoto. They were a wonderful couple and she would be rooting for them in the long run. Looking down at her hand, she once again read Nephrite's letter with fondness.

Dear Ayame,

My beautiful iris. I can't thank you enough for your gift. To me, this is absolutely priceless. Even if there are as many copies of this same poster as the stars, none of them mean anything to me. For you didn't give them to me. You gave me this one, the one I'm looking at this very moment as I write this letter to you. I can't thank you enough for getting it for me.

I'm surprised that the artist we posed for is actually Yumemi Yumeno. But, none the less, it is a pleasant one. It makes me happy that I'm on your mind so often. Yet I can't help but share in your pain of longing. I too want to be with you. I will admit there have been many times I've wanted to sneak out in the middle of the night after Actaeon leaves and follow him until I can find my way back your house, then come over when I know he isn't there and talk to you in person.

I'm glad you have something to take you're mind off things. Besides that garden, Actaeon has brought old newspapers with sudoku and crosswords to keep me occupied. That is certainly fun. Note the sarcasm. I hope the session goes well and you will create a wonderful piece of art yourself. Though, if you ask me, you are the most beautiful piece of art I have ever seen.

My love for you shines forever and brightly as a star.

Love, Nephrite.

Ayame smiled and hugged the letter. Hopeful she and Nephrite would see each other soon.

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