Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

The Boy Who Can See the Future

227 4 0
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

Queen Beryl wasn't amused. Such times were rare, especially when things didn't go according to plan. Once again in the throne room of the Dark Kingdom, she sat on her throne and spoke to Zoisite and Kunzite.

"There are seven Rainbow Crystals in total. And we will not be able to obtain the Legendary Silver Crystal unless we gather all seven. I'm sure you're already well aware of this." Queen Beryl reminded them.

"Yes." Zoisite and Kunzite answered.

"At the moment, we have one of them in our possession. Only one... because you failed to bring me another one. Instead, you allowed Tuxedo Mask to take it. And! You allowed Sailor Gaea get the Earth Defender's Sword!" Queen Beryl shouted.

"I apologize, my Queen." Zoisite said.

"Don't worry, Queen Beryl. That's not about to happen again. I'm sure he's about to go after all the other Rainbow Crystals. The next time he appears, we will destroy him and reclaim the Rainbow Crystal that he possesses." Kunzite quickly covered and placated the Queen for his pupil.

"That better happen soon, and don't forget, I want the other five crystals as well. As for the monsters, your main priority should be the crystals. We need to have all seven of those crystals in our possession to revive our Great Ruler!" Queen Beryl reminded them.


It was a noisy day for Ami as she walked to school. Reading her text book as she past a construction site. Workers were lifting up beams and securing them. Still, this didn't stop her from getting her studying done.

"Miss Mizuno! Please wait up!" A voice called out to her from behind her.

Looking up from her book and turning around, Ami was happy to see a friend of hers. Ryo Urawa.

"Huh? Oh, hi Ryo! Good morning!" Ami greeted.

Ryo was a fellow student with brown hair and dark blue eyes that could nearly be mistaken for black. He wore boys' school uniform of a white button up shirt and blue pants. He also carried his school bag with him.

"G-Good morning! Uh, I was, uh..." Ryo stuttered as he looked at Ami with a shy smile before glancing up above behind her with a worried expression and returning it back to her.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Ami asked. Polite as always.

Behind her and in the construction site works where the workers were doing their work, lifting a particular beam up. However, perhaps it wasn't secured properly but the beam began to tilt and slip out of the bindings. Falling down to the ground, ever so closer to Ami.

"Oh no! Look out!" One of the workers shouted. Desperately trying to warn those below.

Ami turned to look at the commotion as the beam slammed down into a truck and fell forward on to the side walk in front of her. The force and scare it gave her forced her to drop her school bag as the metal roof bent under the weight of the beam. When the dust settled, Ami could only stare in shock. Shocked breath released as she morbidly wondered what would have happened if she had been standing just a little forward. If she had just kept walking...

Turning, she look for Ryo who had stopped her from possibly getting squashed, but the boy was gone. Two workers came forward to see of she was okay.

"Are you alright?!" The first one asked.

"Did you get hurt?!" Asked the second.

After assuring them she was fine, Ami went to school. Today was dark day for many students. Today, their test scores would be posted for all to see.

Today Usagi and Makoto were both checking their grades. When Usagi found hers, she came in as number two-hundred and three. A score of five-hundred and eighty-six.

"Ugh. Mom's gonna be mad at me again." Usagi groaned.

"Well, she should be, that's one awful score you got there. You have to study a lot harder." Makoto told her.

Usagi looked up and began chuckling as she noticed Makoto's grade. "You and me both!" She said pointing towards said grade. Usagi grinning and Makoto's own smile became strained.

Makoto had come in at number two-hundred and one with a score of six-hundred and one.

Both laughed at the situation before bowing their heads in shame and saying, "This sucks..."

"What am I going to do with you two? " Ayame asked as she joined them.

"Hey, Ayame. What did you make?" Usagi asked.

Ayame smirked as she pointed to her grade which was at the front. Coming in sixth with a score of eight-hundred and fifty was Ayame Mascari.

Both were in awe of their friends score.

"Not only do you have to help with defeating monsters just like us, you also slay tests like it was nothing. When do you fine the time?" Usagi wined.

"Well, not falling asleep in class certainly helps." Ayame teased Usagi who just grumbled at her.

"Who's this Ryo Urawa? He got a perfect score!" A boy close to them pointed out to his peers.

At the very top of the posted grades at number one was Ryo Urawa, with the hightest score possible of nine-hundred. Right beside him was the resident genius Ami at number two. A score of eight-hundred and ninety-nine.

"Ami came in second?!" Usagi said in disbelief.

"I can't believe there's somebody better!" Makoto said, just as shocked.

Walking past, Ami walked by as Usagi called out to her.

"Ami! What a bummer, huh?" Usagi asked.

"Yeah, I was one point short of a perfect score. I guess I'll need to study even harder next time." Ami said, completely serious.

'Wow, I really don't get her sometimes...' Usagi thought.

"Ryo Urawa, the guy who got the perfect score, is in the same class as you, right?" Makoto asked, curious.

"Yeah! What makes it even more impressive is that he just transferred to this school. Oh, hi Ryo!" Ami explained before she noticed the boy walking past Usagi.

"Hm? Oh, uh... Miss Mizuno." Ryo blushing before he ran away.

Ayame watched him go before turning away and left. Since it was break, she wanted to go see how Jing was doing. Unlike herself, Jing still had to go to school at the same place Rei did and Ayame wondered how her friend was holding up and if there were any problems.


Ayame knew she could have used the communicator, but nothing beat having someone right there with you to talk about these things. She would probably have to sneak in, but it would be worth it for Jing. She was tempted to use the transformation hair clip, but she would only use it for real emergencies and when it was really needed. She would just have to be very careful not to get caught. On the way there, she was surprised to see a familiar face. Kijin stood outside the gates of the school. He seem sad and depressed.

"Hey, Kijin! What's up?" Ayame called out to the boy as she came closer.

"Oh, ah, Ayame! Long time no see. I haven't been doing too much. You seem to be doing well as Jing mentioned." Kijin said.

"I guess. What are you doing here? Are you here to see Jing?" Ayame teased.

However, Kijin didn't blush or act as she had expected as he looked back at the school and sighed.

"I wish I could see her right now. Lately, I'm afraid I've been a little distant with Jing. I've been thinking about taking up photography again. She said she'll support whatever I choose to do, but I'm afraid I'll do what I did before. I don't know what to do." Kijin confessed.

'He remembers that?' Ayame thought. 'No...At least not all of it. Not the part about the monster. Maybe just vaguely not spending time with others.'

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Kijin. You've learned from the past and you've become a better person. If you did end up neglecting others, Jing would be sure to put you in your place. I've seen how much she cares about you." Ayame assured him.

"Thank you for your kind words. Did Jing ever tell you how we first became pen pals and later on first meeting?" He asked.

"Um, no. Now that you mention it, she never did." Ayame admitted.

"Well, it started with a class project for students studying Chinese. Everyone in class was given a pen pal from China. My pen pal, though I didn't know it at the time, was Jing since the letters were suppose to be anonymous at the time. It really motivated me to learn since I wanted to understand what my pen pal was saying."

"I learned a lot about Jing. About her sisters, her father who collects pocket watches, her playing Go. Then the class project was coming to an end. I asked my teacher if I could continue to write to my pen pal and thankfully, I was able to. One day, one of the letters told me Jing's family was moving to Tokyo. I was glad to finally meet her. Though I still didn't know she was a girl or her name."

"I begged my folks to let me go greet them at the air port and I was quite surprised to meet her. After that embarrassing moment, we continued to be friends. I couldn't believe it when she transferred to this school. Now, we're boyfriend and girlfriend." Kijin concluded his story.

"That's so sweet. Honestly, Kijin. If you ask me, you don't have anything to worry about. You kinda remind me of another boy at my school who's pretty distant too. Anyway, you know what? I actually came over here to talk to Jing. If you want, I can talk to her about what's bothering you." Ayame offered.

"Really? You would do that? I'd greatly appreciate it if you would." Kijin said looking relived.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back later. Wish me luck on not getting caught!" Ayame said as she hurried into the school.

Sneaking into the school, Ayame wandered around the ground and hoping to stay out of sight of any teachers. She found Jing near an old well and she also looked depressed.

"Why so gloomy?" Ayame asked

"Ayame! W-what are you doing here?" Jing asked as she stood up and looked around to make sure they were alone.

"I came to see you. Originally, I came to see if you were having any problems with Rei after we walked out on that meeting. Then I met Kijin outside the school and spoke to him a bit." Ayame explained.

"You did?! W-What did he say?" Jing asked, nervous.

"He told me that he's been a little distant with you. He's been thinking about taking up photography again. He said you would support whatever he chooses to do, but he's afraid he'll do what he did before. Then I told him there was nothing to worry about. Assured him he had learned from the past and became a better person. And if he did end up neglecting others, you would be sure to put him in his place. He's really concerned about you, Jing. Don't let this one get away. I'm sure he won't be so distant after this." Ayame said.

Jing got closer and hugged Ayame. "You're the best, Ayame. Thanks for reassuring me. And no. Rei hasn't been bugging me. She's been avoiding me like the plague. And it's fine by me."

"Okay. I better go now. Break won't last forever and I need to get back to my own school." Ayame said as she checked the time.

Jing nodded and the two girls when their own separate ways. Outside, Ayame told Kijin what happened and he thanked her for her help.

"By the way, after school do you think you could join me and Jing? I want to celebrate my return by going out to eat. I'd like you to come with us if you're available." Kijin offered.

"I'm good. See you after school!" Ayame yelled as she hurried back to her own.


After school, Ayame along with Jing and Kijin were not the only ones going out for the night.

"I'll leave it to you, Mamoru. Where should we go next?" Rei asked as she walked arm in arm with him.

"Uh... Well..." Mamoru started before getting absorbed in his thoughts. A serious expression on his face. 'I'm starting to learn about my past, little by little. But there are still so many things I don't know. Guess the only way to pull it all together is to turn into Tuxedo Mask and find the Legendary Silver Crystal.'

"Hey there, I'm waiting!" Rei said, getting his attention.

"Oh! I'm sorry. What did you say?" Mamoru asked as they stopped.

"You've been acting weird lately. What's going on? Has something happened?" Rei asked, concerned.

"No. Same stuff as always. Let's go." Mamoru said as they kept walking.

Rei smiled as their date continued.

Meanwhile, Ayame walked behind Jing and Kijin as they talked and acted cute. Honestly, she should have declined to come with them. She felt like a third wheel on a date. Which she was.

"After this, the first thing I want to take a picture of is you, Jing. I can't think of anything more beautiful I would want to take a picture of." Kijin said.

"Kijin! That's so sweet!" Jing said as they walked arm in arm.

They kept saying stuff like that and Ayame just wanted to let them have their moment. While it was absolutely adorable, seeing the two of them together, made Ayame long to be with Nephrite... But there wasn't much she could do about the situation. Her love life or the cute scene before her.

Passing by a café, Ayame looked through the window to see Usagi and if she wasn't mistaken, Ryo Urawa was sitting across from her inside. Where they on a date? Did Usagi get over Tuxedo Mask and Motoki? She doubted it. Even though Ayame thought it would be rude, she decided to check it out.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Ayame called out to Jing and Kijin. "Mind if we go in here?" Ayame asked as she pointed to the café.

They agreed to go in and went to find some seats as Ayame sneaked closer to over hear what they were saying.

"...have you thought about when you're going to tell Ami how you feel?!" Usagi asked excited.

'Oh...So that's how it is.' Ayame thought. She hoped Usagi wasn't forcing the poor boy.

"Hm... My mind was made up from the very moment I found out I was transferring to the same school as Ami. I decided I'd tell her when I measured up to her academically." Ryo explained.

"Well that means you're good to go any time." Usagi stated.

"Ah... Yeah, but..." Ryo said seeming a bit unsure.

"So, here's the plan! Once Ami is finished with her cram school today, I'll get her and bring her to you!" Usagi decided without any input from Ryo on his thoughts of the plan. "Wait for us, all right?" She said laughing as she grabbed her bag and ran out past Ayame, who she didn't seem to notice.

"Take your time!" Ryo as he looked at their receipt for the food. Ayame then notice a picture he had in his other hand. "I'm not ready, yet."


Ayame wasn't the only one watching him, however.

Zoisite watched Ryo thanks to the power of the Dark Crystal with an evil chuckle. "So completely innocent and naive. It's almost different to believe that he is one of the Seven Great Monsters." He said as he petted the crystal as if it was a cat and then held it to the side of his face, then frowned.


As Ayame watched his reactions, she decided to talk to the boy.

"Excuse me. Do you have a moment?" Ayame said as she came over.

"Oh, ah. Sure." Ryo said.

Ayame smiled at him as she sat across from him. "I'm Ayame. I'm one of Ami's friends. I hope my friend Usagi wasn't bothering you. She gets carried away sometimes."

"It's okay. She sure is enthusiastic." Ryo said. "I'm Ryo Urawa by the way."

"I know. I saw your name on the score board this morning and saw you when Ami called out to you." Ayame explained.

"Hey, Ayame. Where did you go? And who's this?" Jing said as she and Kijin came over.

"Kijin. Jing. This is Ryo Urawa. He goes to the same school as Usagi, Ami, Makoto, and I go to. Ryo, these are my friends, Jing Lin and her boyfriend Kijin Shinokawa." Ayame introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Ryo said.

"Hi." Jing said.

"Hello." Kijin replied.

Ayame looked at the receipt on the and frowned. "Looks like Usagi left you to pay for the food. Tell you want. I'll pay for Usagi and in return, you join the three of us in our little celebration."

"What? I couldn't intrude, you just met me. What are you celebrating anyway?" Ryo asked.

"Kijin is going to return to photography. Please, join us. You won't be intruding. Besides, I need company while the two lovebirds make goo-goo eyes at each other the entire time." Ayame teased.

"Hey!" The couple yelled.

Ryo and Ayame just laughed and Ryo eventually agreed.

After eating and paying for the food, the four of them left. Ryo had insisted he would be fine going home alone, but Jing insisted more and soon they were walking to his apartment since it was closest. Ryo seem on edge as they walked and every once in a while would tell them they didn't need to come along and he would make it home fine.

It made Ayame wonder what was going on with this boy. Was there something he didn't want them to see?

Ryo held a determined look on his face as he got closer to his home. Ayame watched him look up and following his line of sight, she stopped dead in her tracks and anger made its way through her veins.

Zoisite sat on the porch roof over the entrance of the apartment building and was giggling as he looked down at them. Ryo in particular.

Ayame was beginning to wonder if the reason why Zoisite was always floating above others was to show he was above them literally and metaphorically. Either way, the situation wasn't good. Two civilians, one enemy present, and two Sailor Guardians. If Zoisite attacked, Jing and herself could transform, but would they alone be able to defeat Zoisite before he could get away and reveal their identities to others? Plus, he could take Kijin and or Ryo as a hostage.

"Welcome home. I've been dying to meet you." Zoisite said.

"So you must be Zoisite!" Ryo assumed.

Ayame glanced at him and thought, 'How does he know?'

Jing was also confused, but kept silent.

"S'cuse me?" Zoisite said as he seem just as surprised as Ayame and come down to ground level. "Explain yourself! How do you know my name?"

Kijin watched in shock as he stood in front of Jing to protect her from Zoisite.

"Ever since I was little, I've had the power to know about things before they happen. Lately, this ability to see into the future has been growing stronger. I'm now fully aware of my true identity. Even though I would rather not be." Ryo said.

'Does this mean he's the next Rainbow Crystal Monster?!' Ayame thought.

"Ha ha ha! That makes my job a lot easier. Now, transform into your Great Monster persona and kneel before your master." Zoisite ordered.

"No. I won't!" shouted Ryo. "I would rather be put to death right this minute, than become a slave... to a demon!"

"Zoi!" Zoisite said as he pushed Ryo back with his powers.

"Ahh!" Ryo yelled as he fell.

"Ryo!" Jing and Kijin yelled as they moved to help him up.

"Now be a good little boy and accept your fate." Zoisite said as he lifted the crystal and began extracting the crystal and awaken the monster within.

Ryo painfully grunting as he tried to resist the crystal's call.

'There's no fate but what we make!' Ayame thought, she had to do something.

"Leave him alone, you creep!" Ayame yelled as she tackled Zoisite. Stopping the extraction.

Zoisite tossed her off and then took a good look at Ayame, while Jing and Kijin tried to help Ryo up and get him away.

"I know you. You're one of Nephrite's little pets. The one who abandoned him. Just my luck to meet you after I had met the other one. What are you doing here? Aren't you going to abandon your friends here, too?" He mocked as he stood over Ayame.

"Scum like you don't deserve to speak his name! I don't want to hear Nephrite's name come out of your foul mouth! I didn't abandon him and I'm not going to abandon my friends here now!" Ayame yelled.

"I think I can see why Nephrite liked you. You've got fire in you. If he wasn't so soft and more like myself, he probably would have enjoyed breaking you." Zoisite said with a smirk. Saying Nephrite's name to get under her skin.

Ayame gritted her teeth as she glared at the man.

"That's enough!" Sailor Moon yelled.

"Zoisite!" Sailor Mercury yelled.

Zoisite and Ayame turned to see the two arrive on the scene.

While distracted, Jing came around and began dragging Ayame away. Kijin had already started carrying Ryo away, but Jing had told him she needed to go back and help Ayame. Ayame soon got up and hiding in an alley, the two nodded before transforming.

"Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!" Ayame yelled.

"Zephyrus Power! Make Up!" Jing yelled.

Once they transformed, they looked out the alley and saw Sailor Mercury had left. Probably after Ryo. Leaving Sailor Moon alone with Zoisite.

"Sailor Moon, that idiot! She can't fight him alone! Sailor Zephyrus, go find Kijin and Ryo. Sailor Mercury is probably with them already. I'll back up Sailor Moon." Sailor Gaea ordered.

Sailor Zephyrus nodded and backtracked to head in the direction they ran off to.

"I don't have the time to play with you, little girl." Zoisite said.

"Then how about you play with me? I do hope your scar won't affect how well you play. I remember the last time we played. That's when I gave it to you, after all." Sailor Gaea asked as Zoisite turned to look at her.

"YOU!" He yelled in anger. "AS much as I would love to repay the favor. Like I said. I don't have time to play with you, little girl. Zoi!" He shouted as his signature petals obscured both Sailor Moon's and Sailor Gaea's vision. When it was over, Zoisite was gone.


Meanwhile, Sailor Zephyrus had caught up with Sailor Mercury, Kijin, and Ryo who was resting on a bench.

"Where's Jing and Ayame? Did they get away?" He had asked.

"Don't worry. Both of them are okay. They'll catch up eventually." Sailor Zephyrus assured him as Sailor Mercury took out a handkerchief and wetted it in the nearby pond.

"I shouldn't have left them behind!" Kijin scolded himself.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. Both of them are strong in their own way. Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea are with them. They'll be fine. What was important was getting this boy away from that man. He's the one Zoisite was after." Sailor Zephyrus said, patting his shoulder to comfort him.

"We should be safe now, but how are you feeling, Ryo?" Sailor Mercury asked as she knelt down beside him with the cloth on his forehead."

"Thank you so much for saving my life. Miss Mizuno." Ryo whispered.

Causing Sailor Mercury gasp before Ryo fell asleep.

'He said my name. How does he know I'm Sailor Mercury?' Sailor Mercury thought.


Back with Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea. They were running all over the place trying to hunt down the others before Zoisite did.

"How far did Mercury go? There's no sign of them anywhere!" Sailor Moon asked.

"Don't forget. They had a head start with Kijin and Sailor Zephyrus there too." Sailor Gaea said.

"Try using your Moon Stick! Trust me on this. If you use the Moon Stick, you should be able to find Ryo and Sailor Mercury right away. It will react to their location." Luna explained.

"What are you talking about? Ryo would have to be a Rainbow Crystal Monster for that stick to work!" Sailor Moon at her cat.

"Because he IS one, you idiot! Why else would Zoisite be here?!" Sailor Gaea yelled at the girl.

"What?!" Sailor Moon said astonished at the news.

"If we don't hurry, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Zephyrus, and Kijin are gonna be in danger!" Luna reminded them.

"Are you sure?" Sailor Moon asked.

"YES! I'm sure! Now grab that stick and let's go find them. They can't fight Zoisite alone, especially if he gets to Ryo and turns him into a monster! Let's go!" Sailor Gaea yelled.


Back with the others, Sailor Zephyrus and Kijin were keeping a look out of Zoisite as Sailor Mercury continued to take care of Ryo. Sailor Zephyrus was also explaining some of the basics of what was going on. Ryo, meanwhile, was having a nightmare. A nightmare, of him become nothing more than a monster and hurting the one he cared about.

Sailor Mercury as she tended to him, noticed something in his shirt pocket. "Huh?" Pulling it out she recognized the photo of herself about to eat a burger. Not the most flattering of photos. 'What's he doing with a photo of me?' She wondered as she heard Ryo grunt and waking up. Quickly she put the photo back.

"Not again..." Ryo muttered as he began to wake up. Blinking away his blurry vision he saw a true vision. The beautiful girl he had a crush on.

"I think you were having a very bad dream." Sailor Mercury as she stood above his head.

"I wasn't dreaming. I was seeing a glimpse into the future." Ryo explained as he sat up.

"Huh?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"I have a mysterious power that allows me to predict the future. That's how I was able to get a perfect score on the midterm exam." Ryo confessed as Sailor Mercury sat down beside him.

"What are you talking about?" Sailor Mercury asked, playing dumb.

Ryo glanced at her before making sure Kijin and Sailor Zephyrus were far enough away not to overhear. "I know who you really are, Miss Mizuno..." Ryo said as Sailor Mercury jumped a bit. "I've looked up to you for a long time. And now, as much as I've tried to deny it, apparently it's my fate to fight you."

Sailor Mercury just giggled.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Ryo asked a little annoyed he wasn't being taken seriously.

"I don't. You see, so sure about what will happen later on, but maybe you've got it all wrong. Like mistaking me for this Miss Mizuno... " Sailor Mercury said.

"All right then, it's obvious you don't understand what I'm trying to say. But..." Ryo trailed off.

"What?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"When I do turn into an evil monster, don't hesitate to kill me immediately!" Ryo demanded.

Sailor Mercury was shocked at this declaration and upset.

"That's my future. And it cannot be changed." Ryo said, resigned.

"You're wrong! The future is something you create yourself. If you give into negative thoughts, nothing will change. You can create any fate you want, if you just believe in yourself enough to know you can do it." Sailor Mercury said as she stood up. When he looked up at her, she nodded. "Hm."

"You're right. Thank you, Sailor Mercury." Ryo said, moved by her words and stood up.

"Oh my... How touching..." Zoisite said as he appeared behind them over the pond. "Do you really think you can escape from the power of the Dark Crystal?" Zoisite asked as he held the crystal to his face.

"Zoisite!" Sailor Mercury yelled as she stood in front of Ryo.

"Ah. You're defending him. I wonder if you'll still be willing to do that when you see him in his true form." Zoisite wondered as he lifted the crystal and the beams of energy went over Sailor Mercury and right to Ryo.

"Ryo! Run!" Sailor Zephyrus warned as she came back to try and help. Having told Kijin to hide and stay out of the fight.

But it was too late for Ryo to run. "Ahhh!" He screamed in pain.

"Ryo!" Sailor Mercury yelled.

"Watch closely, as you are about to see the emergence of Bunboo, one of the Seven Great Monsters!" Zoisite explained.

It was if red smoke rose up and enveloped Ryo as the yellow crystal flew into Zoisite's hand.

"C'mon, Bunboo, get them! I want you to destroy those Sailor Guardians!" Zoisite ordered.

"Are you okay?!" Sailor Mercury yelled, worried for Ryo.

From out of the smoke, came the latest monster. The monster, who Zoisite mentioned to be named Bunboo, was reptilian like in form mixed together with school surplice. On his right hand was a pair of scissors and on the left was parts of a compass for drawing circles. "Bunboo!" He yelled.

"Ryo, is that you?" Sailor Mercury asked as Bunboo stepped closer to her.

Bunboo stared at Sailor Mercury and in his head, words echoed through. 'The future is something you create yourself.'

Sailor Mercury gasped as Bunboo closed his scissors and plunged them into the ground. For a huge creature he easily flipped over Sailor Mercury.

"Bunboo!" He shouted as he charged at Zoisite and tackled him.

Zoisite wasn't expecting this turn of events as he let out a painful grunt before being pushed back as his powers kept them both in the air. However, the impact caused Zoisite to let go of the crystal which landed in Sailor Mercury's hands.

"He still has human emotions! Fool!" Zoisite said as he vanished. Causing Bunboo to fall into the pond. Reappearing, Zoisite took out the Dark Crystal and the waves surrounded where Bunboo had landed. "Bunboo! You will obey me! Sailor Mercury and Sailor Zephyrus are your enemies! Go! Take back that Rainbow Crystal that belongs to us!"

Probably due to the extra power and brainwashing, Bunboo grew even bigger than before. "Bunboo!" He said as he crushed the bench under his foot. Causing Sailor Mercury to run away. Then Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea found them.

"Hey, Zoisite! Unforgivable! How dare you corrupt an innocent young man's feelings for your own selfish purposes!" Sailor Moon scolded.

"I'm afraid you've got the wrong idea about him. That boy's true form is the monster you see now!" Zoisite said, as he glared at Sailor Gaea and perhaps unconsciously moved his hand to grasp where the scar was. Before pointing at Sailor Mercury and Bunboo. Sailor Moon shook in anger.

"Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Now, in the name of the moon, I'll punish you." Sailor Moon declared.

"You corpulent PIG! I am going to kick the blowhard out of you!" Sailor Gaea seethed with rage as she moved her right hand to the top and left to the bottom as far as she could as she chanted "North, South," then moved them moved them like they were in a circle, continuing the chant. "East, and West."

"Uncouth wretch! You will pay for your insolence and end up right along side that fool, Nephrite!" Zoisite yelled, insulted.

Then she forced her hands together as if she were to clap them together. Pausing before she actually hit them as a glowing orb of missing colors bended together. Then Sailor Gaea forced her palms out at Zoisite. The orb becoming a four different arrows as she yelled out the rest of her attack.

"Four-way Arrows!" The arrows flying out at Zoisite. Luckily for him, he was better prepared for her attacks. He managed to slip away with only a few scratches.

"Sailor Moon, wait! Please use your Moon Stick and turn Ryo back into a human, first!" Sailor Mercury yelled as she kept running away.

"Got it! Moon Healing Escalation!" Sailor Moon yelled as she did her move.

The light show only lasting a moment before Bunboo came out and continued his chase. "Bun-boo!" Forcing all four girls and cat to run away.

"I don't get it! Why isn't it working?!" Sailor Moon questioned.

"It's no use! Ryo's completely under the control of their evil power, right now." Luna explained

"Oh, REALLY!? We hadn't noticed! Maybe that's why he's THE SIZE OF A TRUCK! Any bright ideas to turn him back?!" Sailor Zephyrus yelled sarcastically.

"In order to turn him back, you'll first have to weaken his energy levels." Luna explained.

Behind them, Bunboo attacks by sending out protractor triangles from his mouth. They spun like throwing stars and cut off branches of a tree in front of them. Blocking that way.

"Do it! We have no other choice, Sailor Moon." Sailor Mercury said.

In her head, Ryo's words echoed in her head, 'When I do turn into an evil monster, don't hesitate to kill me immediately!' Filling her with fear for her friend.

"It'll be alright, Ryo. We'll make sure you return to normal again.' Sailor Mercury thought.

"Bunboo!" He yelled as he sent the blades of the scissors, followed by the compass.

Ducking, the scissors cut the tree in half. "Ahhh!" Then the compass landed right in front of them. "Ahhh!"

"Bunboo!" He yelled as he reloaded and fired again.

Luckily, help was on the way. "Fire Soul!"

"Supreme Thunder!"

"Rage Fireworks!"

"Harvest Vines!"

Sailor Mars and Sailor Notos took out the scissors and Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Eurus took out the compass.

"We almost missed all the action. It's a good thing we made it in time!" Sailor Jupiter said.

"Yeah, that's for sure." Sailor Mars agreed.

"Good to see you're okay. Sorry we were a little late to the fight." Sailor Notos apologized.

"We ran into Naru on the way here. She made a new weapon. This is the Wind Blossom Bow. It's for you, Sailor Zephyrus." Sailor Eurus said as she offered the bow and quiver to her.

The bow was made of light colored wood with sakura flowers on it. They covered the bow nock at the top and bottom and right above and below the grip. The quiver was made of the same material but looked as if they had taken a branch and hollowed the inside but left enough to create a bottom. The arrows themselves had the same sakura blossom at the arrow nock.

"Bubble Spray!" Sailor Mercury attacked.

"Bunboo..." He said, seeming confused by the fog.

Sailor Zephyrus took the bow and much like Sailor Gaea had been before her, she heard words whispering to her. "Bow of the West Wind and filled with the Spirit of Spring. I call upon you, Mother Earth. Hear the cry of your humble servant and guide my arrow straight and true. Spring's Revenge!" Sailor Zephyrus shouted as she notched an arrow in the bow and released. A rush of wind surrounded the arrow as sakura petals were left in it's wake. The arrow hitting Bunboo right in the center.

"Bunboo!" He yelled in pain. He began to shrink, but it still wasn't enough. He still was far taller than he was before when he first appeared.

"Now, Sailor Moon! Use your power to restore Ryo back into a human!" Sailor Mercury yelled.

"Moon Tiara Action!" Sailor Moon yelled.

The tiara did something most of the girls had never seen, which was place itself on Bunboo's head and started shocking him. Since when could it do that? "Ahhh! Bunboo!" He yelled as he finally returned to his original monster size.

"His monster energy has weaken a lot! Do it, Sailor Moon!" Luna ordered.

"Moon Healing Escalation!" Sailor Moon yelled as the move washed over Bunboo.

Bunboo released struggling breaths as the monster part of him still struggled. Then they heard the voice of Ryo yell out. "Refresh!"

Soon, Bunboo was no more and Ryo returned. Falling down to the ground as the girls smiled, seeing he was okay and Sailor Mercury rushed to his side. "Ryo!" She called out.

Sailor Gaea turned and looked up at Zoisite. "This proves you were wrong about Ryo, Zoisite! The time of the Seven Great Monsters is over!"

"Curse you, and all the other Sailor Guardians! Three of the monsters may be gone, but there are still four more to go. One of them will be your end!" Zoisite seethed. "Even if they don't, I'll get you next time!" He said as he disappeared.

"Talk to me, Ryo." Sailor Mercury said as Ryo woke up. "Are you all right?"

"You saved me..." Ryo almost like he couldn't believe it.

Over close to a lamppost, Tuxedo Mask had also appeared at this late hour. Yet he did not make his presence known to the Dark Kingdom or the Sailor Guardians. Seeing there was nothing left to do, he walked away. 'So, the third Rainbow Crystal is now in the hands of the Sailor Guardians. I shall leave them alone for tonight..." He thought.

"That was amazing! I wish I had my camera!" Kijin shouted as they all turned to look at him. All the girls sighed at his reaction.

"Why is he here?" Sailor Mars asked.

"He was with Ryo, Jing, and Ayame when Zoisite attacked. Sailor Mercury, you take Ryo home. Mr. Shinokawa. You should find your friends and head home yourself." Sailor Gaea instructed.

Without another word, Kijin ran off back in the direction of Ryo's apartment.

"We better go before he worries himself crazy. See you later!" Sailor Zephyrus said as Sailor Gaea followed her. With a few waves farewell, the two girls left their sight and transformed back to Jing and Ayame. Running as fast as they could, the girls made it out of the park just a bit before Kijin.

Jing then proceeded to run into his arms. Questioning if he was alright and if he had been hurt. Gushing about how brave he was for helping Ryo escape earlier. Then came his questions if she was alright, how they got away from Zoisite, and such. Honestly, Ayame found it all adorable how much they cared for each other. But a part of her couldn't help but be envious.

Ayame eventually had to break up the moment and remind them it was late and they all needed to go home. They had asked if she wanted to walk with them, but she told them she didn't want to be stuck with the love birds anymore. Causing them to blush. On her way home, Ayame saw something that caught her eye.

Slinking off into the night was none other than Actaeon. Just where was this sneaky feline going at this time of night? A part of Ayame wanted to respect Actaeon's privacy, another wanted to just go to bed, but the strongest of the three was her curiosity. Following the cat, she followed him through the streets of the city. She had to be extra careful considering he had better hearing than her and night vision.

Though the alleys were dark and filled with garbage or otherwise not, she continued to follow Actaeon. Nothing would stop her this night in her mini quest. Soon they came to and old apartment building. Hiding behind a garbage can, she watched as Actaeon went through and open door into a room on the bottom floor. After watching for a few minutes, Ayame went to look for another hding spot. If he did come out, there was a chance he would come back the way he came and she did not want to be spotted.

Half an hour later into her stake out, Actaeon left the apartment building going as Ayame figured another way home. Seemed her little friend didn't want anyone to know what he was up to. Coming out of her hiding spot she sneaked over to the apartment door and gently opened it for her to enter.

Entering the apartment, the room was dark as Ayame went in. From what she could see it wasn't that furnished, but she could tell it was clean and tidy. It had a gas stove, a cot up against the wall with blankets folded on it, a cooler, and something she wasn't expecting to see.

Nephrite, after all this time, she finally knew where he was. She found him gazing out the window of the one room apartment where the only light came in through. Sitting on the floor, Nephrite was hunched over, shirtless with his jacket wrapped around his shoulders. Ayame had to say he did look good without it.

She found him, even though she wasn't supposed to. She finally found him. Before, when she used the communicator she had never seen his face. She only heard his voice, it should have been enough, yet she had longed for more. She crept back out and leaned on the outside wall, where he was inside. Sliding down and hugged her knees, and tried not to cry. Knowing this, she would want to come back, again and again, and jeopardize his safety. She desperately wanted nothing more than to charge into that room and kiss him silly.

He apparently heard her enter as he sighed and said, "Did you forget something, Actaeon?" without looking back at the door.

Seeing she had already been discovered, Ayame thought, 'Oh, what the heck!'

"I didn't forget anything, but you did. You need to lock the door at night. You never know who will come in at the middle of the night and try to take advantage of you while you sleep." Ayame tried to joke as tears still fell from her eyes.

Shocked by this, Nephrite whipped his head around and gasped as he saw his precious Ayame. Frozen in shock and disbelief.

"I'm sorry. I followed Actaeon. I wanted to see what he was up to. I found you. Now I know you're here." Ayame said, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm trying to stay strong, but everywhere I look, it's lovers that I see. And it's driving me crazy! I don't know what to do anymore." She said as the tears broke through and she began to sob.

The music box in her hands opening, and playing the song she suggested.

"Ayame..." Nephrite trailed off before he pulled her around in front of him and kissed her. Showing just how much he missed her.

Through her tears, Ayame said with a smile. "I missed you." as she snuggled into him and slightly began to cry again.

Nephrite had a bittersweet smile as he wrapped his arms tight around her. Merely enjoying the moment to have her in his arms and enjoy the warmth physically and the warmth in his heart.

"A part of me wonders if this is just a dream. I don't deserve someone as amazing as you." Nephrite whispered into her hair.

"If this is a dream, I sure don't want to wake up." Ayame giggled before she frowned. "I shouldn't be here. I'm jeopardizing your safety. Now that I know, I'll want to come here more and more."

"I'm glad you're here. Besides that cat, I don't have that much company. We'll figure something out about that last part. While you're here, just enjoy this. Where did you get the music box?" He asked.

"From my newest teammate, Hiroko Hara, Sailor Eurus. Her family owns a Music Box shop." Ayame answered.

"It plays our song." He said as he pulled Ayame in a simple dance around the room.

"I know. I had it specifically made that way." Ayame said.

They danced for a time until the music stopped and Nephrite pulled Ayame into his embrace once again.

"What should we do?" Ayame asked.

Nephrite knew she was referring to her knowledge of his hiding place and sighed. "We do what we can. As much as I want you to come here everyday, I know there would be consequences. Try to remain strong, Ayame. I know we'll be able to defeat them soon. Just be patient until then. If you must come here, try to keep it at a minimum." Nephrite said as Ayame looked up at him as he smiled.

He didn't outright forbid her to come.

"I won't say anything if you don't." He said as he checked the time. "It's late. You should head home before your parents and Actaeon begin to worry." He said as he gave her once last kiss goodnight and escorted her out of the room.

Once out the door she quickly left without looking back. Because, she knew if she did, she would run straight back to him.


The next day Ayame, Usagi, Makoto, Ami, and Ryo were at a train station. Seeing the boy off.

"You're transferring to another school again? Why can't you just stay here?" Makoto asked.

"Well, it wasn't my idea, but it can't be helped. My dad got a work transfer." Ryo explained as he scratched the back of his head.

"We were all becoming friends. It's just not fair!" Usagi whined.

"Yeah, you're right. Um, Miss Mizuno?" Ryo asked nervously.

"Ryo, just call me Ami, all right?" Ami offered.

"Uh, Ami, I better give this photo back." Ryo said as he pulled out the photo Usagi gave him. Usagi saw this and was internally freaking out.

"I'm gonna study hard and when I'm able to outscore you on my own merits, then I'll come back for it." Ryo promised as he stepped into the train.

Ami took it and smiled. "Here's a different one..." She handed a photo to him. Ryo accepted it and smiled.

"I think this photo is a better one for you to remember me by. I'd like you to keep it." Ami said as he nodded.

The door shut and the train whistled as it began to move out of the station. Ami then began to run after it until she reached the edge.

'Don't be so worried about impressing me with your grades. You can come visit me anytime, Ryo!' Ami thought as she watched him go. Who knew when they would meet again. Though, they never check to see if the Rainbow Crystal Monsters still had their abilities after the crystal was taken, perhaps Ryo already knew they would meet again.

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