Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life


276 9 3
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

In the depths of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl was alone in a dark chamber. The chamber was mostly empty except for a stone platform that hanged over a chiasm and just ahead was her master. The true ruler of the Dark Kingdom. Sealed away long ago by the Moon Kingdom. Hanging from the ceiling looked like a grotesque, misshapen skull of some huge monster. Empty eye sockets with a giant jewel implanted in its head. Hanging from it maw looked in what one could describe appears to be as a giant cocoon only sideways. The great ruler inside along with a type of liquid.

Kneeling on the platform, Queen Beryl spoke to her master. "Awaken, Great Ruler... To you, I offer vital energy. Hear my plea and awaken once more. Great Ruler of ours, now is the time! Arise! Oh Great One!" A ball of energy was in Beryl's hands as she offered it and the energy hitting the jewel. The dark room lighting up as the cocoon began to move and a groaning noise was heard.

Queen Beryl gasped, pleased the energy was working.

"So, it seems as if the energy from the humans has stirred me from my long sleep." The one known as Queen Metalia observed.

"Yes, Great Ruler! What an auspicious moment. How we have waited for this to happen!" Queen Beryl said ecstatic yet respectful as she bowed lower. .

"But it is not enough. I can feel myself being drawn back into a deep sleep..." Queen Metalia warned.

"Yes..." Queen Beryl answered.

"You must locate the Legendary Silver Crystal, at once! Without that Silver Crystal, it will be impossible for me to make my resurrection complete!" Queen Metalia reminded her servant.

"We're searching for it, but it has not yet been found!" Queen Beryl explained.

"When the Seven Great Monsters are revived together with the Rainbow Crystals, only then will the Legendary Silver Crystal shine brightly enough to be found!" Queen Metalia explained.

"Ahh! Oh course!" Queen Beryl brightened and bowed in understanding.


Back in Japan, Actaeon was making his way to the apartment building after he saw Ayame leave for school. Three days ago when Ayame had returned home, to say her parents had been worried was an understatement. When they asked what happened, she told them she had been kidnapped and saved by the Sailor Guardians and they bought the story. Blaming Sailor Guardians and mostly just relieved to have Ayame back safe and sound. They cleaned up the glass and had to place cardboard over it until they could replace them.

Later all the Sailor Guardians met up at the Hikawa shrine to talk about everything. He explained to them since Nephrite was dead, he had to make it believable in case the enemy was still watching Naru. He revealed the vision he made Naru see was his death. Usagi and some of the others had been upset by the news, but relented when they understood it was for her safety.

Until the Dark Kingdom was defeated, Nephrite had to stay dead. People didn't go looking for the dead. He promised them he would reveal the truth afterwards when it was safe. Ayame was surprised Usagi, Rei, and Ami were the other Guardians, but in a way, it made sense. It explained why Usagi started getting to know them and hung out with them without asking her and Naru to join them. It was Guardian business. Jing and Nanami were happy to get to know them and now with all the secrets out of the way, they could get to know each other.

And Rei asked Nanami for special drawings from the Sailor V movie, but she didn't mind.

Since that night, Naru had refused to go to school. Meanwhile, Jing and Nanami had gotten Nephrite to the apartment Actaeon had taken the time to somewhat prepare. It was a room on the ground floor and it wasn't much, but it was better than being out in the open. It had a gas stove, a cot he had managed to find someone throwing out. Blankets from a second hand thrift store he happened to drag away. He even found a cooler to keep bottled water that the girls bought. Since the building was abandoned, there wasn't any power for a fridge.

When Nephrite came to, he couldn't really complain. The girls mostly bought some food for him and anything else he needed over the last few days, and Actaeon was the one to bring it to him. They couldn't risk someone seeing the girls and getting suspicious. But one of the reasons Actaeon choose this place was because someone had started a garden and left a lot of plants behind. So that covered some of the food.

Actaeon still needed to talk to Nephrite and what he remembered. Entering the apartment, Actaeon found him gazing out the window of the one room apartment. Shirtless with his jacket wrapped around his shoulders. Looking up, Nephrite smiled at the cat.

"Hello there, kitty cat. Come to play?" Nephrite teased as he help out a piece of grass for Actaeon to play and chase.

"I may have the form of a cat, but that doesn't excuse you to just toy with me! You knew perfectly well who I am now and I deserve some respect! So stop it already! It's been three days already!" Actaeon shouted.

"Sorry, 'Actaeon'. What type of name is that anyway?" Nephrite asked as he took out a water bottle.

"It's just a name. I couldn't use my real name in the beginning, otherwise I would have been skinned alive. If they could anyway. So what's it like to be human again?" Actaeon asked.

"Boring mostly. Since I'm in hiding, there isn't much I can do. Masato Sanjouin can't be walking around either. I've tested my powers and it seems even after the energy of the Dark Kingdom was removed, I still have my original powers from the Silver Millennium days. I still can't believe what I've done." Nephrite said, looking depressed.

"You're not the only one, Nephrite. Me and the others were all brainwashed by the enemy. We all did terrible things. I'm just glad we were able to save you in time. It'll be harder to save Zoisite, Kunzite, and fully free myself from their clutches." Actaeon said.

"But! What I did to Ayame-!" Nephrite started until Actaeon cut him off.

"What's done is done! We can't change the past. Enjoy this new life and make up for what you did. Spend every breath in atonement. Just don't feel sorry for yourself. It gets you nowhere." Actaeon said.

Nephrite calmed down and with a sigh nodded in agreement. Then he chuckled. "To think, our master, the princess, and my sister have been reborn. Naru, my little sister. She still wears a bow in her hair after all this time. To think she fell in love with me. When I'm able to return and everyone remembers, she'll be shocked."

"She always did have a slight big brother complex." Actaeon laughed along with him.

"How is Ayame and Naru?" Nephrite asked.

"Naru is mourning and Ayame is doing well. She's always asking how you are and if she can visit you. I've been thinking of letting you two write letter to keep in touch or giving you another communicator since the other two aren't here yet." Actaeon explained.

"I'd like that. Thank you." Nephrite said as he began petting Actaeon.

"Would you cut that out!" Actaeon shouted, breaking the peaceful moment. Nephrite just laughing at him.


Back At the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl had returned to her throne room and was speaking to her last members of the Four Kings of Heaven. Kunzite and Zoisite. When Zoisite returned, he had treated his wound, though having only been three days, still hurt him. Thanks to their powers and technology, it healed well enough he would still be able to fulfill his duties. But like Sailor Gaea warned, it was scarred. He had handed the crystal over to her. Even she didn't know why it did the things Zoisite reported it did, but she fixed that.

Now, Queen Beryl was making an important announcement. Finally, they had a lead on the Silver Crystal. At least Nephrite was good for something as he gave them something valuable to help locate the Rainbow Crystals.

"When the Seven Great Monsters and the Rainbow Crystals are revived together, then the Legendary Silver Crystal will be found!" Queen Beryl went of to explain.

"I remember everything about the Seven Great Monsters. They were the strongest of our Allies. But they were sealed away eons ago by our enemy." Kunzite stated.

"Your memory serves you well. The legendary Seven Great Monsters were the most powerful warriors of all! Until that day when we suffered a great loss to our enemy! Those cowards sealed away the Seven Great Monsters into separate fragments of the Legendary Silver Crystal and then banished them to Earth. Those seven fragments are known as the Rainbow Crystals..." Queen Beryl explained to her court and those who didn't know.

"Rainbow Crystals..." Kunzite trialed off.

"So what's become of the Seven Great Monsters?" Zoisite asked.

"They lost their memory of once being monsters and they have been reborn as humans." Kunzite explained to his pupil.

"I see. So if we remove these Rainbow Crystals from the reborn humans, will it lead us to the Legendary Silver Crystal?" Zoisite said, just to be clear.

"Yes, but what's even better is the Seven Great Monsters will also be reincarnated." Queen Beryl explained cheerfully. Moving her hand to the orb of her scepter, it glowed as the Dark Crystal slipped out and flew over to Zoisite who caught it in his right hand, though he flinched a little when he had to move his arm.

"I've modified that crystal to only react to the presence of the Rainbow Crystals." Queen Beryl explained.

"Mmm. Thank you, my queen. Zoi!" Zoisite said with a bow before he flung the crystal as his verbal tic appeared. The crystal flipping over and over until it stopped and light within the crystal crawled up the side of the gem and to the top. Then from the top, an image appeared of a young man with brown hair, glasses, blue baseball cap, and yellow jacket.

"Ahh. So there's a Rainbow Crystal inside him, huh?" Zoisite said. Smirking with delight to get and get the first Rainbow Crystal.


Soon in was lunch time at Juban Middle School and Ayame was trying to find a place where she could eat her lunch. Since Naru wasn't there and Ami was busy, She was in search of her bun-headed friend. She found Usagi outside talking to a girl.

She was teenage girl who had fair skin and a slim complexion, though she is slightly more muscular than her or most of the other girls Ayame knew. She has big green eyes, long brown wavy hair that she kept tied up with a ponytail holder with two green balls, and wearing her pink rose earrings. Her uniform was different from her's since it was a different style and color

"Hey, Usagi! Excuse me, may I join you two?" Ayame asked as she came up to them and they easily let her join them.

"I'm Ayame. I'm in the same class as Usagi here." She introduced herself.

"Makoto Kino. Class six." Makoto said as she offered Ayame a riceball.

"I'm sure glad both of you came by. Y'know, for some reason, everyone at school here seems to be afraid to talk to me." Makoto complained.

"That's strange. You seem like a nice person, Makoto. They must just be a little shy. I like you earrings, by the way." Ayame said.

"Oh! Ah! Really? Thanks. A lot of people have told me I'm not that feminine and I thought they would help a little. I like yours, too. Where did you get them?" Makoto asked.

"Well, they were a gift from someone really special to me." Ayame said with a blush.

"You're boyfriend?" Makoto asked.

"It's kinda complicated and we're not official. We haven't really called each other boyfriend and girlfriend, but basically yes."

"Well, Mako... Uh, sorry, is it ok if I call you that?" Usagi asked as she chowed down.

"Sure..." Makoto answered.

"Mako, your mom packs the best lunch I've ever tasted!" Usagi complemented.

"Oh. Actually, I made all this myself." Makoto admitted with a blush.

"Wha?! That's amazing! You've got to teach me how to make these! Or you can make them for me! Ha ha! Just kidding!" Usagi said.

Even though Ayame was sure Usagi wasn't kidding about Mako, as she had been dubbed by Usagi, about making her lunch.


After school, the three of them headed to the Crown Game Center. Ayame didn't have anything planned so she had tagged along when Usagi asked Makoto if she wanted to go play the games.

"So Mako, I was wondering, why aren't you wearing our school uniform?" Usagi asked.

"What I'm wearing now suits me better." Makoto answered.

"Oh..." Usagi replied.

"I can understand that. You're not planning on wearing it when you get into high school, are you?" Ayame asked.

"Um, no. By then, I'll probably like the high school uniform of what ever school I go to and wear it." Makoto answered.

Usagi giggled as the entered and looked for one of the two main crushes, Motoki. "Aw, looks like Motoki's not here today."

"Oh yeah? Who's Motoki? Is he your..." Makoto started.

Usagi, thinking Makoto would say boyfriend began to laugh, embarrassed.

Only for Makoto to finish with, "...older brother or cousin?"

"No, no, no. Motoki is a very special-uh?" Usagi began as she noticed Makoto ignore what she was saying and began playing a game. "Hey, Mako!"

Ayame only laughed as she turned when she heard someone call her and Usagi's name.

"Usagi! Ayame!" Ami called.

Usagi and Ayame said, "Huh?" as they saw with Ami was Rei, Luna, Jing, Nanami and Actaeon are there, too. For the first time, Ayame saw Nanami's uniform. It was similar to her own uniform except for the bow, which on Nanami's wasn't tied in a bow. There was a loop in her shirt to hold the red ribbon in place. Despite that she was wearing her uniform, she still wore her hat.

"Here you are!" Ami said as she went up to them with the others.

"What is it?" Usagi said as she and Ayame came over. It wasn't that odd all of them were together now, but it was unexpected.

"Luna says she's concerned about that girl over there..." Ami said as she looked around Usagi to look at Makoto.

"Oh? You mean Mako?" Usagi asked.

"Her real name's Makoto Kino. She's in class six. I've seen her before today so I think she's a transfer student." Ayame explained.

"Luna, you worry too much..." Usagi said.

Ayame and her team each shared looks of confusion. "Um, pardon me asking, but what does she mean by Luna worries too much?" Jing asked.

Luna blushed in embarrassment as she looked away. Not wanting to answer the girl. Usagi to the liberty to tell them instead.

"Well, when me and Luna first started fighting against the you know who, Luna thought Ami was a monster."

"Wow. That must have been embarrassing. To think your own ally was a monster. That's got to be bad karma or something. Also, all this time, you never noticed Ayame was who she is. No wonder Actaeon stole the transformation broach for Ayame. You really are incompetent as Actaeon said you were." Nanami said.

Causing Luna to fall over. Ayame could have sworn she saw an arrow hit her with the words incompetent on them. Actaeon purred and smiled smugly at Luna which she hissed at. The rest of them laughing at the two.

"Agh! How did I lose that one?!" Makoto said, still absorbed in the game as they walked over to her.

"Uh, Mako?" Usagi called out to the girl as all of them came closer.

"Yeah?" Makoto said as she turned away from the screen and turned her attention to Usagi.

"Meet my other friends. This is Makoto Kino, she just transferred to my Middle School today." Usagi introduced her as Makoto stood to her full height. Slightly starting the others who had yet to meet her.

"Hi, there." Makoto greeted.

"Oh-uh, hi!" Rei and Ami said, quickly snapping out of their staring states.

"Hi!" Jing greeted.

"Hello!" Nanami said.

"So this is Ami, who's the really smart one. And Rei who's the really mean one." Usagi introduced.

"Wait-Did you say I'm the mean one?" Rei questioned, fighting to keep a pleasant smile.

"Sure did." Usagi answered without hesitating.

"Didn't hear that- You said I'm what?" Rei asked.

"You're the mean one." Usagi repeated.

"So tell me what year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second I was ever mean to you?!" Rei angrily questioned.

"You don't think that you're being mean to me right now!" Usagi pointed out.

Makoto stood there watching the two and laughed. "How nice. You get along so well."

"No way!" Usagi and Rei denied is unison. Ami sighing at their antics.

"As soon as we see each other, she starts an argument every time!" Rei told her.

"I do not!" Usagi rebutted.

"You do so!" Rei insisted.

"Well, the more you argue, the closer you are." Makoto said.

"Huh?!" Both questioned.

Ami giggles and says, "That's a good one, Makoto."

Both Usagi and Rei continued to fight each other. Sticking out their tongues childishly at each other and Ayame could have sworn she saw lighting go between their eyes.

"Would you to stop fighting? We're not even half way done with introductions." Ayame groaned. Rubbing her face. Usagi and Rei turned their back to each other. Stopping for now.

"Oh.. Cute!" Makoto said as she noticed Luna and began scratching her under her chin.

"That's Luna. She has a crescent bald spot on her forehead and we all think she's really special. She lives at my place!" Usagi introduced.

Makoto giggled as she continued to pet Luna, who clearly enjoyed it.

"Anyway, Makoto. The one in the similar uniform as Rei is Jing Lin. They go to the same school and she's originally from China. Beside her is Nanami Kojima. She goes to Shiba Koen Junior High School. She was one of the artists who worked on the Sailor V movie. The little guy in Jing's arms is Actaeon. He's my little companion and lives with me." Ayame introduced.

"Weird name for a cat, but he's pretty cute." Makoto said as she traced the mark on his forehead before scratching behind his ears.

Actaeon accepted this and began purring, even though he did look a little peeved when Makoto called his name weird. The moment was cut short by a commotion close to the doors.

"What's that?" Usagi asked the question they were all wondering.

Around the crane game machine, a group of kids gathered around with impressed chatter. Getting closer they watched the man playing the game win a Sailor V doll and then a Sailor Mercury and a dinosaur in one go. Causing others to gasp at how good he was. Looking through the glass, Ayame chuckled at seeing her own doll in there. Looking back at the guy, he had brown hair with a backwards blue baseball cap and glasses framing brown eyes. He also wore a yellow jacket.

The boy smirking as he claimed his prizes. "Heh!"

"Oh! Hi there, Usagi." Yumi, a fellow classmate greeted.

"Hey there, Yumi." Usagi replied.

"Did you just see that?" Yumi asked.

"Mmm-Hmm." Usagi nodded.

"Everyone calls him 'Joe the Crane Game Troll'." Yumi told.

"Why is his nickname 'Crane Game Troll'?" Usagi asked.

"'Cause he's a genius at that crane game! I've heard that every single stuffed animal he sets his sights on, he gets! He's got hundreds of 'em!"

"Wow, awesome. Mako, isn't- Uh?" Usagi turned to asked until she noticed the love struck look in Makoto's eyes and blush on her cheeks.

"He's just like him..." Makoto muttered.

"What're you talking about?" Usagi asked.

Ayame sighed as she realized there was yet another boy-crazy girl in their midst.

"Hey! Hello? Hello? Earth to Mako! Wake up! Come back! I wonder what's gotten into her?" Usagi asked clueless as she waved her hand in front of Makoto and didn't get a reaction.


After that, Ayame walked along side Actaeon home. Nanami and Jing had things to do and Actaeon was telling her about how his visit with Nephrite was. It was nice and peaceful when she heard Makoto yell "Stop that!" in the distance, not too far off.

Ayame looked at her partner and with a nod the two rushed to see was going on and found her. To her unpleasant surprise, she found not only Makoto, but Zoisite attacking Joe from the arcade.

"You shouldn't bully people weaker than yourself!" Makoto yelled as she hurried down the slope and took a protective stance in front of Joe.

"Damn it! I'll make you regret interfering!" Zoisite yelled as he clutched what Ayame recognized as the Dark Crystal. Just what was he doing here?

Makoto charged at Zoisite, punching and grunting she missed and Zoisite smugly floated and dodged out of reach.

He giggled as he taunted Makoto. "And just what was that?" becoming overconfident.

"I'm not done yet!" Makoto assured her opponent.

"Hmph, how barbaric." Zoisite simply said.

"Ahhh!" Makoto cried as she continued to throw punches and took off one of her earrings and throwing it with a grunt. "Ahhh!" She attacked after he had dodged the earring and Zoisite's over confidence lead him to taking a direct attack to his face, which pleased Ayame greatly.

"You prehistoric witch! You scarred my precious face!" Zoisite yelled as he gritted his teeth in rage.

Even though Makoto was ready to dish out more, Ayame knew if Zoisite got serious, Makoto would need help and from the looks of things soon. Hiding in an alley, she began trying to get a hold of Jing and Nanami while keeping an eye on the situation in case it escalated and she needed to join in the fray.

"Mako! W-What?! Oh no! A fight!" Ayeme heard Usagi yell and peaking further out of the corner of the alley, saw her rush down to see if Joe was okay.

Zoisite, seeing his target had a temporary bodyguard and another nuisance showed up, he retreated for now. No doubt to wait for a more opportune moment when his target was vulnerable and less protected.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" Usagi asked as she knelt down beside Joe.

Makoto looked back at where Zoisite had disappeared and since he was nowhere in sight, went back to check on Joe.

"Are you alright?" Makoto asked as Joe was shaking.

"Mako, what just happened here?" Usagi continued to question.

Makoto didn't get the chance to explain before Joe gained some control over himself as he pushed Makoto's hands away. "Don't touch me! Just mind your own business! Leave me alone!"

"But..." Makoto called out as Joe ignored her and clutched his chest as he staggered away. Leaving the bag of toys behind.

"What's his problem? We were just trying to help him out!" Usagi fumed at the guy's behavior towards them. Getting up, Makoto began following him. Leaving Usagi clueless. "Oh, Mako! What's going on here?!" She demanded to know as the other two left.

"I can sense it!" Luna said.

"What?" Usagi asked.

"I felt a super evil aura from that guy she fought, that means he might be from the Dark Kingdom!"

"Of course he's from the Dark Kingdom! Where else could he be from?!" Ayame scolded them as she came out of the alley.

"Ayame! Actaeon! How long have you been here and what do you mean?" Usagi asked.

"Since the fight began. Don't you recognize the uniform? Besides a few subtle differences, it's the same as what Nephrite wore and since I never met the guy before him, I'm going out on a limb and as the same as the enemy you guys fought at the airport. That man is none other than Zoisite! He's the one behind Naru and myself being kidnapped and sending those three monsters you fought to kill us!" Ayame seethed.

"From what I've seen before, he's the type not to care about getting innocents involved. As for why he's attacking a normal human like Joe, I don't have any idea. Whatever it is, it's serious. Otherwise he would have sent a monster to do it." Actaeon added.

"Wait, then... in that case, Mako and Joe are in serious danger!" Usagi said as she ran after her new friend and Joe.

"Usagi! Wait up!" Luna called out.

"You guys keep an eye on Joe! I'm going to contact Nanami and Jing for backup in case Zoisite shows up again. If you see him, don't hesitate to contact me! Actaeon tinkered with the communicators so we can contact each other now. Zoisite's not someone to trifle with! I'll try to figure out why he's after Joe to begin with too!" Ayame yelled as she watched them go.

Actaeon looked up at Ayame as he asked, "How are you planning to do that?"

"Nephrite. Who else? Even if he doesn't know exactly what his former rival is up to, he might at least have an idea why he would even bother and degrade himself going after a pathetic human." Ayame mocked with her best Zoisite impression.

Actaeon shivered as he glared at Ayame. "Please don't do that again. I find that very disturbing."

"Alright. I'll stop. Now we're wasting time. We need to go see Nephrite, or at least you do since you refuse to tell me where he is." Ayame said with a pout.

Actaeon sighed as they once again started an old argument. "Ayame, I know your concerned and you love Nephrite, but the girls, Nephrite and myself agreed it was for the best you didn't know in case you couldn't resist the temptation. It's still too dangerous if there's even the slightest chance of you being followed and leading them to Nephrite. Luckily for you and me, I gave Nephrite one of the other communicators so you could contact him. Am I a nice cat or what?" Actaeon said smugly.

Ayame beamed as she hugged the cat. "You're the best, Actaeon. Now, let's not waste another second! We need to tell the others and see if Nephrite can think of anything as to why this is happening.

"Wait!" Actaeon said as he headed over to the bag Joe dropped. "You don't think Joe would mind if we took these off his hands?"

"Actaeon!" Ayame groaned.

"Hey, I'm just asking. If they really mattered to him, he wouldn't have left them behind. At the very least, we can hold on to them for him until we see him." Actaeon said in his defense.

"Fine." Ayame dragged out as she picked up the spilled dolls and picked up the bag.

Going to a more secluded spot out of sight of anyone too nosy for their own good, Ayame once again tried to contact Jing and Nanami before calling Nephrite.

"Ayame! What's going on?" Jing asked.

"Hey, lover girls! What's going on? Another monster running lose?" Nanami asked acting cheerful when her eyes showed a different story of pain to whoever was causing trouble.

"It's a monster alright, Zoisite! The same guy who kidnapped me and tried to have his monsters kill Nephrite, Naru, and me. He just nearly attacked Joe from the arcade. It's serious if he didn't just send a monster to do it. Usagi has gone ahead to keep an eye on Joe. If Zoisite comes back, which he most likely will, we need as may hands on deck as possible. I'm going to ask Nephrite if he has any ideas why Zoisite is after Joe." Ayame explained.

"Okay! Time to kick some butt! We'll teach that jerk, Zoisite, a thing or to for kidnapping our friend!" Nanami declared.

"You can count on us, Ayame!" Jing answered.

"Thanks, you guys. I'll send you my coordinates now and contact Nephrite. Ayame, out!" She said as she cut off communications with them, then opened up new communication.

"Nephrite, speaking." His voice came out of communicator. It made Ayame smile to hear it again.

"Nephrite, we've got a problem. After these past few days the Dark Kingdom has finally made their move." Ayame informed him.

"What happened!? Are you and the others alright?" Nephrite asked.

"We're fine for now. We aren't the targets. Just a little while ago, Zoisite appeared and attacked someone who seems like an average guy. I didn't get to see the entire fight, but he had the Dark Crystal with him. There was this girl named Makoto, who I think you would like, who fought Zoisite in hand to hand combat and managed to hit his oh so precious face. Zoisite left when others were appearing. But from our past encounter, I know he won't give up and return. I figured whatever was going on had to be important for Zoisite to do it himself and not one of his monsters. Usagi is keeping an eye on the target." Ayame explained.

Nephrite laughed at the part about Zoisite getting his face hit and when he calmed down he said, "Zoisite's perhaps greatest fault is that he gets too overconfident and then whines like a brat when things don't go his way. He's the youngest of all the Four Kings of Heaven. Anyone who beats down Zoisite, much less just a regular human, is good in my book."

"Since you know more about the Dark Kingdom and Zoisite personally than the rest of us, any ideas why he would do this?" Ayame asked.

"Back when I was still a part of the Dark Kingdom, I was in charge of gathering human energy after Jadeite, the member of the Four Kings of Heaven before me, failed. Zoisite's job was the search for the Silver Crystal. Because of all my failures, I fell out of favor with Queen Beryl, our ruler. I needed someway to redeem myself so I decided to look for the crystal myself. To find it, I used the power of the stars to create the Dark Crystal. However, the crystal for some reason reacted not just to signals of the Silver Crystal, but love. It pointed me to Naru and you." Nephrite explained.

"Zoisite wanted it for obvious reasons and to get rid of me. Since then, they may have found a way to make sure it only reacts to the Silver Crystal. Once, I toyed with the thought the Silver Crystal could be inside a human body. From what you told me, it could be true. But, due to you healing me, my memories have been fully restored. I now have a better idea of what's going on." Nephrite said.

"That's great! Do you remember your sister and master?" Ayame asked.

"I do. Maybe one day soon, I can let you met them. Anyway, there's something I remembered from a long time ago that I'd forgotten regarding the Silver Crystal. The Dark Kingdom once had a force known as the Seven Great Monsters. They were defeated however by the Moon Kingdom and sealed away into seven shards of the Silver Crystal and sent to Earth. Those monsters could have been reborn as humans and have the crystals within them without even knowing. That must be why Zoisite is after him." Nephrite explained.

"Great~! Now we have seven people to protect and seven monsters to defeat. Thanks for the information. I better go and meet up with the girls and track down Usagi and the target before Zoisite does." Ayame said.

"Ayame." Nephrite called.


"Be careful and I love you."

"I will and I love you too, Nephrite." Ayame shut off the communicators.

Getting up and out of the alley, Ayame along with Actaeon headed back in the direction Usagi, Luna, Makoto, and Joe had wandered off to. Wandering the streets and looking into shops, Joe might have gone in and the girls following him in. Jing and Nanami eventually joined her and the three of them searched.

Ayame had just pasted a café, when she heard glass shatter behind her. Turning her head so fast, she wondered why she didn't get whiplash, Ayame saw none other than Zoisite jump out of the Café window he just smashed and began jumping after probably Joe.

'He's not exactly subtle is he? He's making a scene in a public place with lots of witnesses. And what the heck is with that jumping?! It makes him look stupid.' Ayame thought as she ran after them and soon joined by Makoto.


By the time she was close to catching up to Joe, Ayame was nearly exhausted. She had to hand it to Joe, he certainly could be on a track team. They'd been running for at least a few hours. It was already dark out. Joe had now run into a secluded park. What was with all these battles and taking place in parks? Was it just because they were quiet and secluded?

Ahead them, Joe let out a started scream as Zoisite appeared in front of him and began praying.

"You don't have to run away. After all, you're one of us." Zoisite told him.

"O-One of you?!" Joe questioned, pausing mid-prayer.

Zoisite smiled as he held up the Dark Crystal once again and the glowing waves of energy radiated out of it. "I'm taking your Rainbow Crystal." he said like it was the simplest and most obvious thing in the world.

Joe's eyes glazed as his eyes stared into the center of the hypnotic waves of energy. Soon came his painful screams as Zoisite began to finish what he started. In his chest, a single red crystal began to glow and spin.

It was during this moments Makoto and Ayame show up. Ayame knew it was too late to stop Zoisite and knew the monster would soon be revived. Backing away behind Makoto who was too busy watching what was happening, she quickly hid so she could transform. "Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!"

The first of the seven rainbow crystals soon removed itself from Joe a flew into Zoisite's awaiting hands. "Got it." he said pleased with his catch.

"Hold it, you!" Sailor Moon shouted.

Sailor Gaea deadpanned at the girl. She had specially warned her not to take Zoisite on her own. She should have sneaked around and attacked him instead of facing him directly.

"Sailor Moon!" Makoto cried. Apparently knowing about her and maybe a fan.

Zoisite chuckled at her and said. "You're a little too late, Sailor Moon!"

"Just who are you anyway?!" Sailor Moon asked.

Didn't Usagi listen to a word she said earlier?! That airhead.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am one of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven, Zoisite." Zoisite said as he floated into the air and sat there.

"What?!" Sailor Moon asked.

"I think I'll let Gamecen take care of the rest of this!" Zoisite said, his main goal accomplished, he left the new monster to deal with them. Like Sailor Gaea thought he didn't do things he didn't have to. If it was important and only then would he step in and do it himself. Petals once again enveloped him and he disappeared.

"He vanished!" Sailor Moon stated the obvious. Sometimes Sailor Gaea was sad she was a Sailor Guardian just like her.

Meanwhile, Joe was surrounded by a red glow as the wind kicked up around him. Creating a twister until it broke apart to reveal the monster as he shouted out his new name. "Gamecen!"

Gamecen was an interesting monster to say the least. He looked like a cybernetic robot from an arcade game.

"Whah! Joe turned into a monster!" Sailor Moon said.

Sailor Gaea couldn't help but think 'That freak.'

Gamecen touched a control panel on his arm and after a little jingle similar to yet another arcade game, a long extendable mallet with spikes appeared. Growling at his opponent, the monster swung his mallet at Sailor Moon.

Sailor Gaea saw Sailor Moon was going to need help for this one and quickly came out of hiding. Gamecen noticed and with another yell of 'Gamecen', he swung the mallet at her too. Keeping her cool and dodging the attacks, Sailor Gaea questioned the intelligence of the new monster. All of Nephrite's monsters could do more than repeat their name.

"Sailor Gaea?!" Makoto and Sailor Moon yelled when they saw her. Apparently, Sailor Gaea was getting more popular than she thought.

Sailor Moon, when she was being attacked, continued to cry and scream.

"Game-cen!" He cried as he was surprised but Makoto.

"And just what do you think you're trying to do to my hero, Sailor Moon?!" Makoto asked as she lifted the monster above her head. On her forehead a green symbol that looked like a number four appeared.

Luna seemed to know what it was as she yelled. "That sign!"

"E-nough!" Makoto yelled as she threw Gamecen into the nearby bushes.

"Wow!" Sailor Moon said amazed.

Sailor Gaea didn't take her eyes off the monster.

"Gamecen!" He yelled angerly and pressed the control panel for another object to appear. Ironically, a claw from the crane game.

"Look out!" Makoto warned as the claw captured Sailor Moon.

"I... can't move!" Sailor Moon said as she stuggled.

"Really, Sailor Moon?! You're suppose to by my senpai and have more experience in this! That includes not getting caught!" Sailor Gaea as she readied a Dawn's Rose.

"Sailor Moon! Hold on!" Makoto said as she went to try and aid the super hero.

"Wait!" Luna called out to the girl. A green pen laying on the ground in front of her.

"Huh?!" Makoto asked confused.

"Mako! You're a Sailor Guardian!" Luna told her.

"You can talk?!" Makoto questioned.

"To help Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea. Hold this transformation pen and shout out: 'Jupiter Power! Make Up!' Please! You must! It's the only way to save her!" Luna explained.

Picking it up, Makoto nodded to the cat and yelled. "Jupiter Power! Make Up!"

Lighting surrounding her as she transformed and shouted her new name as a part of the Sailor Guardians. "Sailor Jupiter!"

"Wow! Mako transformed!" Sailor Moon noticed.

Sailor Gaea couldn't help but think, 'Thank you, Sailor Obvious!'

Gamecen then touched the control panel as two new claws came out and launched themselves at Sailor Gaea and Jupiter.

Jumping out of the way, Sailor Jupiter began to chant her new attack. "Jupiter, my guardian planet! Bring forth a storm! Summon the clouds and bring down you thunder! Supreme Thunder!"

While Sailor Jupitor's attack short-circuited Gamecen, Sailor Gaea shouted, "Dawn's Rose!" and freed Sailor Moon from the claw.

"Ga-ga-ga-Gamecen!" He cried out fired.

"Supreme Sundae?" Sailor Moon asked clueless.

Sailor Gaea looked at her and groaned. 'Why are we friends again? And who's bright idea was it to make her a Sailor Guardian?'

Sailor Jupiter ignored the comment as she said. "Alright, one more blast!"

"No-don't! That monster still has a human heart! Remember he used to be a human being!" Luna reminded them.

"Then how are we supposed to stop him?!" Sailor Moon asked.

"You have to turn that monster back into his original form!" Luna answered.

"But how?!" Sailor Moon asked as they watched Gamecen get up and Luna jumped into the air to reveal a pink and yellow wand with a crescent moon and landed in Sailor Moon's hands. "What is this?!"

"The Moon Stick! Now shout, 'Moon Healing Escalation!'" Luna rushed to explain.

Sailor Gaea wondered why Luna didn't get it out before, if it can heal people, couldn't it have healed Nephrite too?

Sailor Moon quickly did as she was told and doing the moves she shouted, "Moon Healing Escalation!"

Golden dust covered Gamecen as he tried to say his name one last time before they heard Joe's voice yell out the rest. "Gaaaaame...Refresh!"

In all honestly, Sailor Gaea found it amusing. Soon Joe was returned to his normal form and falling to the ground, letting out a relaxed sigh.

"Mako, you are the fourth Sailor Guardian, Sailor Jupiter!" Luna announced.

"Technically, she's the fifth if you count Sailor V. And if you include me and the other Sailor Guardians of Earth, she's the eighth Sailor Guardian to awaken or seventh if you don't include Sailor V." Sailor Gaea pointed out as Luna scowled at her for ruining it.

"Me? A Sailor Guardian?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

Luna ignored the question as she addressed Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, listen. Now that we've found all four Guardians, five if you include Sailor Gaea," Luna said glaring at said Sailor Moon, "you will lead the team to find and protect our Princess!"

"Wait! I'm the leader?!" Sailor Moon asked surprised.

"Yes. The Moon Stick you're holding signifies your position as leader." Luna answered.

Sailor Moon looked down at the Moon Stick, slightly worried. Sailor Gaea sighed as transformed back to Ayame.

"Ayame?!" Sailor Jupiter asked confused. "You're Sailor Gaea?!"

"Yeah. Sailor Moon is actually Usagi. Welcome to the team. I'll see you guys later. Don't worry, everything will be explained later. It's late and we all should get some sleep. Let's go, Actaeon." Ayame called out to her cat as he placed the bag full of dolls next to Joe and the two left into the night.


The next day, Makoto was once again at the arcade with Ayame, Actaeon, Usagi, and Luna.

"Agh! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Aw c'mon! Who needs boys?! Why you! Uh?! Ah! I lost! Ugh! One more time!" Makoto muttered as she directed her frustrations on the game even though it probably only frustrated her more.

Usagi just watched with a nervous laugh along with Luna.

"Oh, hey Usagi!" Motoki said as he came over.

"Oh, hi there, Motoki!" Usagi greeted.

"Hey, I heard Joe the Crane Troll played here yesterday. Wish I coulda seen that." Motoki said.

"Ha ha. Oh, allow me to introduce you to my new best friend, Makoto Kino." Usagi quickly changed the subject and introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you." Motoki greeted.

"You're just exactly like my former love who broke my heart." Makoto said, a lovestruck look in her eyes and a blush.

Motoki looked confused as Usagi began questioning her friend.

"Huh?! Just yesterday, you said that Crane Joe was exactly like him!" Usagi said.

"Well, I just meant his voice." Makoto answered.

"Huh?! Oh, Mako. Give me a break, will ya?!" Usagi yelled exasperated.

"Oh, brother..." Luna muttered.

"Here we go again." Ayame said with a shrug, laughing at her friends antics. Once again remembering why she was friends with all of them. They were fun and she was happiest around those who cared about her and she cared for them in return.

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