Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Wish upon a Star

297 11 7
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After Masato left, Ayame and the girls changed and spent the rest of the night sleeping their exhaustion away. Ayame's parents had come back that morning and were surprised to see three girls in their house instead of one, but didn't mind it. They were glad Ayame hadn't been alone. Since that night, Ayame hadn't seen Masato. Though she summed it up to be busy with his company and work.

In the meantime, Ayame spent time with her friends. Though Nanami and Jing continued to tease her about Masato. Ayame was lucky they didn't see the two of them kiss. Today in particular, she spent it with Usagi and Naru at the public pool. Both Nanami and Jing were busy with work and dates, so they couldn't come with them.

Around them, people were playing and talking. The normal civilian life.

Ayame was having fun, even though she was slightly distracted. Jumping off the diving board, she swam underwater, twisting and turning. Looking up at the sun through the water. All other sounds muddled. It was a peaceful place to think, even though she would have to return for air soon. She thought about that night and about her feelings for Masato.

'Masato had been so gentle and seemed so genuine that night. Ever since that dance, I'm certain now that I'm truly in love with him. I've tried denying it and that hasn't helped. But, now what do I do? I GAVE HIM MY FIRST KISS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! However, we didn't really say what we are to each other. He could still be toying with me, but somehow, that idea just doesn't seem right.' Ayame thought as she swam towards Naru and Usagi.

Breaking the surface, Ayame began to catch her breath and clear the excess water from her eyes. Looking over at her friends Usagi was goofing off. Splashing water all over the place in front of Naru who was sitting with her legs in the water.

"Splish-Splash!" Usagi yelled.

"You act like such a kid." Naru said as she pulled her legs out and turned away from Usagi.

Ayame raising an eyebrow at her behavior. Since when did she get so mature?

"Well, I try my best!" Usagi said, before catching on to the insult. "Eh-uh.. Wait, are you saying you're not?!"

"That's right. You wanna know why?" Naru said with her head resting on her hand. Acting superior. "'Cause I know what it's like to be a grown-up in love!" she declared dreamily with a blush on her cheeks.

"Hm?" Usagi confused, staring at her friend as a beach ball hit her in the head and her going underwater until she resurfaced. "Hold it! Are you actually in love with someone?" she asked. Not really believing Naru's claim.

"Oh, come on now! Why of course I am!" Naru said, the blush not going away as she cradled her head between both hands.

Usagi gasps at this new development before barraging Naru with her fretful questions. "Who then?! Is it Umino?! Ah! Hold on! It better not be Tuxedo Mask or Matoki! I've got dibs on those two!"

"No, not them. I'm not a kid anymore. Alright, I might as well tell you. It's Mr. Sanjouin." Naru admitted.

"Masato?" Ayame asked. Trying to keep a dark, slowly growing, familiar emotion that began curling in her stomach once again from surfacing in her voice and keep a voice of curiosity. She had a bad feeling about where this was going.

Naru looked over at Ayame. 'How come Ayame seems so familiar with him that she uses his first name when she talks about him?' she wondered.

Usagi had a more drastic reaction to the news."Whaaatt!" She yelled.

"What was that? Are you overreacting because he's not a boy?" Naru asked surprised at Usagi's outburst before blushing and continuing her oh so mature talk. "I know he is a little old for me. But that doesn't matter when it's love."

"Hold on a second." Ayame sighed at her friend before rubbing her head. "First you were down as bedrock for days and now you're on cloud nine. Come down for a moment and think about this rationally. What do you really know about Masato? He's spoken to you, what? A handful of times if that? I bet you only like him because of his looks. Like you said, he's older than you. He could just be toying with you. I'm the one who's spent more time with him!" she told her, slowly getting frustrated at the girl.

"Oh boy..." Usagi muttered. "Listen to me! I know all about him! He's no good!" She said, frantic.

"How do you know him?" Ayame challenged. She was sure Usagi had spent even less time than Naru around Masato.

"Oh, forget it! I shouldn't have told you! Hmph!" Naru said angry at her friends lack of support and walked off in a huff.

Ayame shakes her head at Naru's direction and at Usagi. "That went well. I'm going to go. See ya later, Usagi." Sighing, she got out of the pool and after gathering her things and left the pool.

No longer in the mood to go anywhere else, going home seemed like the best course of action to Ayame.

'Usagi and Naru don't know what they're talking about.' Ayame thought, determined, only to release a sigh afterwards. She wondered if she even knew sometimes. She noticed she was walking by Masato's mansion and as she gazed at it she wondered what the president was up to. Turning away, Ayame continued home. She needed someone to talk to and even though she had a feeling this would come back to bit her, she decided Actaeon would be the best choice.

After greeting her parents, she went to her room and upon opening the door saw her furry friend sitting curled up on a cushion.

"Hey, Actaeon." She greeted him.

Raising his head up Actaeon smiled at her. "Welcome back, Ayame. You're back a bit early. You were so excited to spend time with Usagi and Naru when you left. Did something happen?" He asked.

"You could say that. Naru declared she was in love with Masato. I questioned her about it and Usagi just flipped out in general. Then, Usagi said, and I quote, 'Listen to me! I know all about him! He's no good!' Like she's an expert." Ayame said with an eye roll. "Naru's probably gotten a big head because Masato danced with her. He only did that because I suggested it. She's only spoken to him at least twice! She was acting like she was all that and how mature she is because she knows 'what it's like to be a grown-up in love' " Ayame said with air quotes. "Ugh!" she ended her rant as she fell over on her bed.

"Then I ask myself the same questions I asked Naru and Usagi. Do I really know him? Is what I'm feeling really it? I just don't know what to do Actaeon." Ayame told him.

Actaeon watched his charge for a moment before saying, "You're in love with Masato." His tone neither accusing, nor laughing. Simply stating the truth.

Ayame nodded but didn't look at him. "I hate to admit this to you, but yes. You, Jing, and Nanami have all teased me about and I really didn't want to tell you, but I needed someone to talk to."

"How long have you known?" Actaeon asked.

"Who knows. I've been denying it for a while now. I truly realized it the night of the ball." Ayame admitted. "What should I do?"

Coming over, Actaeon gently rubbed his head against her cheek in an attempt to cheer her up. Ayame finally smiling at him as she waited for his answer.

"I'm not going to laugh at you Ayame and if I do tease you about it later, it will all be in good fun. Falling in love with someone is one of the most wonderful things. I've seen two couples before who fell in love and they couldn't be happier. Naru is undoubtedly attracted to Masato Sanjouin, but from past experience seeing others in love, she isn't truly in love. Like you said earlier, Usagi and Naru don't know anything. For now, just watch and see what happens. The impatient one always loses." Actaeon assured her.

Ayame smiled as she hugged the cat. "Thank you, Actaeon."


Meanwhile, in the dark depths of the Earth during this touching moment, someone wasn't happy. No, they were absolutely furious.

"Where is Nephrite?! No matter how many times I've summoned him, he refuses to show up!" Queen Beryl yelled at her subjects as she waved her hands over the orb of her scepter. Blue energy shooting out around her throne and dais.

The action striking fear into her monster subjects and ghosts. Mutters, whimpers, and whispers escaping their lips or whatever else they may or may not have. "Queen Beryl is angry! She's so terrifying!"

Queen Beryl was so angry, her hair rose up behind her as she raised her hand as it twitched. "That's it! Nephrite, you're finished!" The queen yelled as she finally clenched her hand into a fist. Eyes gleaming in anger and in the light of her powers.

Far in a corner of the throne room, Zoisite appeared in his signature petals as he floated in the air sitting on nothing. Giggling at the turn of event finally going the way he wanted it to. 'It looks like Nephrite's luck has finally run out. The poor thing.' he thought with a dastard smirk and chuckled.

Back at Nephrite's mansion, Nephrite had finally come to a decision. He had been avoiding Queen Beryl for a while now. Desperately trying to come up with a fool proof plan to at least placate the queen after the last mission failure. Plans to steal energy and kill the Sailor Guardians had only failed in the past and he doubted something like human energy would work again after his failed attempt to kill Sailor Moon. Crossing his arms, he knew what he had to do.

'I no longer have the luxury of going after human energy. I have no other choice. I must relinquish my celestial globe and obtain that item.' Nephrite resolved. He would miss his celestial globe, but if he succeeded, it would be worth it. He wouldn't need it to help him pick targets anymore anyway.

The sound of Zoisite's infernal giggling broke Nephrite away from his mussing as he looked up at one of the windows of his cathedral like room he used to hold his celestial globe. The younger man floating above the ground as he sat with a smirk on his face. Looking down at Nephrite literally and figuratively.

"Hmph! You again?! What do you want?" Nephrite demanded to know.

"Now, that's a rude way to welcome someone with news. Queen Beryl is looking for you and she's quite upset, as well." Zoisite said smugly.

"Hmph! Kunzite sent you here to spy on me, didn't he?!" Nephrite concluded. Knowing full well that Zoisite wasn't there to be his friend or someone to be trusted. The man had an ulterior motive and knowing how much the fellow king of heaven idolized Kunzite, he wouldn't put it past him to have been sent here by Kunzite.

"My, my, someone seems to be having a bad day today. Is everything alright?" Zoisite asked with false concern.

"That's none of your concern. Now get lost!" Nephrite ordered the infuriating man.

"Well, here's some friendly advice, I'd suggest you give all this up before you make Queen Beryl even angrier." Zoisite said, condescendingly. Hardly paying attention to Nephrite as he twirled some of the strands of his hair.

"Ridiculous! I will acquire the Silver Crystal and I'll rub it in your face!" Nephrite declared.

"Mmh! How dare you! Finding the Silver Crystal is my job!" Zoisite said. Finally, stopped messing with his hair.

"It may well be your job, but whoever finds it first, wins! If I get hold of that Crystal, I'll be able to redeem myself!" Nephrite announced.

"Nephrite! You'll pay for this! We both know you won't find it." Zoisite said before he smirked. "After all. You've been letting yourself get sidetracked, you know." he said a he calmed down and his smug look came back.

"What?" Nephrite asked confused. Just what was the idiot up to now?

"Oh don't pretend or play coy with me, Nephrite. You've been spending a lot of time among humans, you know. Using that silly name, oh what was it? Masato Sanjouin, wasn't it? You've found yourself a little pet." Zoisite said.

Nephrite's heart stopped as he realized who he was talking about. Icy fear spread through his veins that soon turned into boiling fury as he listened to Zoisite ramble.

"Pretending to be human for it and you even brought it along with you on your last mission. No wonder you're losing your touch and losing to the Sailor Guardians over and over. Here I thought you were getting too old for all of this." Zoisite remarked.

"What I do on my missions and when I'm not is none of your concern. Everyone has things they like to do to pass the time. Shouldn't you be heading back to your precious old mentor and be sucking up to Queen Beryl like the inexperienced brat you are? Leave finding the crystal to the big boys. If you stay around too long, poor old Kunzite might replace his favorite pupil." Nephrite shot back in an attempt to get under Zoisite's skin and make him go away. All the while silently seething at how Zoisite referred Ayame as an it and the direct insults he said to him.

"How dare you imply such things! I'd start watching my back if I were you and your little pet, too!" Zoisite said as he disappeared.

It was silent now he was gone and Nephrite let out a deep breath as he tried to calm down.

"To think that I'd let the likes of Zoisite get to me, how pathetic." Nephrite he scolded himself. Even though Zoisite's threats still lingered over in the back of his head.

The room darkened as his celestial globe appeared before him. He began with the usual chant, closing his eyes as he focused. 'The stars see all, the stars know all. When the sun forms an ominous angle between the stars surrounding the planets Neptune and Mars,' He thought as he opened his eyes. His left hand raised above and right in front.

"A power that will guide me to the Silver Crystal shall appear. It's name... the Dark Crystal." He continued as he moved both hands with the pointing fingers and thumbs connecting to form a circle. Closing his eyes he focused his energy in the center of his hands. In the center, a black void appeared as purple lightning crackled around him. Stars, nebulas, planets, and galaxies appearing from the void as energy continued to crackle wildly around him. The void growing bigger with every celestial object appearing until he could no longer contain it with his hands.

Forming a huge orb as he opened his eyes once again. Arms spread wide as if to embrace the darkness he created. Never once showing fear at what he was creating or the energy around him. Just grim determination furrowing his eyes. Even as parts of his celestial globe entered the void. Soon, everything was in place and the void suddenly began to shrink as the purple lightning wildly danced across the void and the surrounding space the void once was. Conceding and forming a single black heptagonal crystal prism with two points. One on each end.

The crystal soon falling to the floor with a gentle clatter. Then sparking with the purple lightning before fizzing out and Nephrite reached down and picked it up.

'So this will guide me to the Silver Crystal.' Nephrite thought skeptically. He hadn't really been sure what the Dark Crystal would look like once he created it, but he had been expecting something a little...more. As he held it in his hand, it looked like an ordinary crystal. But, beggars couldn't be choosers and this crystal was his best chance at finding the Silver Crystal.

With a word, the crystal began to glow blue as the light was directed to the top and bottom of the crystal. The top glowing brighter than the bottom. Black energy spread out from the top and a familiar image appeared.

Naru Osaka was wearing a turquoise bikini as she sat and smiled in the image.

"It's that girl! Does this mean she holds the Legendary Silver Crystal?" Nephrite questioned. Then the image disappeared as he looked down at the bottom half of the crystal. Flipping it over, another image took the place of Naru's. One that Nephrite looked at with disbelief. It was Ayame.

"What is the meaning of this?! How can the Dark Crystal be pointing towards two different people?" He asked as he looked down at the crystal.

Could it be faulty or broken? Then he thought about the difference in the glows. Maybe since Naru's was brighter she had the crystal and Ayame had a hidden power that attracted the Dark Crystal somehow? Maybe both girls could lead him to the crystal and one had a higher chance than the other? Nephrite didn't know but decided he would take his chances with Naru getting him the crystal.

Looked like he would be using Naru to save his own skin one last time. Besides, if Naru ended up not being able to get him the Silver Crystal, then he would go to Ayame as a last resort. He didn't want to drag Ayame further into his affairs, but he would do it if he had to. With a heavy heart, he made plans to deal with Naru.


Back at the Dark Kingdom, Zoisite was pacing the room in anger as Kunzite watched his pupil march back and forth. Listening to him rant about Nephrite and how terrible he was.

"I can't stand him! He's such a jerk! Can you believe him?! He called me an inexperienced brat and a suck up to Queen Beryl! He implied you were old just because of your hair no doubt and dared to say you would replace me! Oh, but he's going to regret it and sooner rather than later! I can guarantee it!" Zoisite yelled.

"Let Nephrite do and say what he wants. You and I both know he'd just saying that to get under your skin. We both know you're stronger than him despite how young you are. He's just jealous because he's in a tight spot right now with the queen and you're not. We both know I'm not that old. And we both know I would never replace you, Zoisite." Kunzite assured his student.

Zoisite stopped his pacing and faced his mentor. "But what if he somehow finds it?" He fretted.

"All this worrying has caused you to not think clearly. If Nephrite manages to find the Silver Crystal, we'll just steal it from him. Besides didn't you say you would make him regret it? Simply keep your word." Kunzite simply answered.

"Ah! That's a great idea, Kunzite. I don't know what I would do without your guidance at times like this. I have the perfect idea to make Nephrite pay." Zoisite said with a dark chuckle.

"Meanwhile, I suggest you have some of your monsters to keep an eye on him." Kunzite advised.

Zoisite nodded as he turned to a dark corner of the chamber. "Yasha, get to work! You heard what he said!" He ordered.

"Yes, as you command, Master Zoisite." The monster known as Yasha replied as it disappeared.

"Now, do tell. How are you planning to make Nephrite pay?" Kunzite asked curious.

"I was watching him back after the last mission he was on. It seems he's grown fond of the humans and one in particular. He's been keeping one special little pet. Pretending to be human for it. I was hoping to get a better reaction from him earlier when I told him, but oh well." Zoisite said with a shrug.

"You told him you knew?!" Kunzite demanded as his expression grew dark.

"U-um. Yes." Zoisite answered, suddenly nervous he displeased his mentor.

Kunzite sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You should have held on the that information. He may be on guard now in the future should you go after the human. But what's done is done." He said as he chuckled. "Besides it will make him distracted and sloppy. Making him an easier target." His laughter roaring as echoed through the chamber.


After talking to Actaeon, Ayame felt better about the situation. Let Naru have her fantasies with Masato. Let Usagi say what she would, until she saw with her own eyes, she continue to see the good in him and love him all the same. Her feelings weren't that fickle.

"Hey, Ayame! I've been looking all over for you!" A voice called. Ayame didn't even have to turn around to know it was Usagi. Not turning around, Ayame chose to ignore her, picked up her pace, and tried to lose her. She had just returned to a more cheerful mood and if Usagi was still going on about Masato being bad without any proof and convince her to stay away from him, Ayame knew they would have a big fight.

"HEY! AYAME! SLOW DOWN! I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Usagi yelled louder. Attracting the attention of others around them.

Blushing in embarrassment, Ayame began run to the park. Hoping to lose her there or at the very least have a more private place to talk.

Luck was not on Ayame's side that much as it seemed all the exercise from running to class to be on time worked in Usagi's favor and ran after in the park, Usagi finally caught up. Ayame still didn't turn to face her as she kept trying to walk away.

"There you are! I know you can hear me, Ayame. I really need to talk to you. I already talked to Naru about this, but you might need to hear it, too. I have to get this off my chest once and for all. Masato Sanjouin is a bad person. In fact, he's not even human! He's really scary. So you really shouldn't hang around him, EVER! It's better to cut off all contact with him right now! I beg of you, as your friend try to understand. Are you listening to me, Ayame?" Usagi begged as followed Ayame.

Hearing all of this only made Ayame angry at her friend before she whirled around and turned on her friend.

"PROVE IT!" Ayame yelled.

"H-Huh?" Usagi asked as she took a step back in shock.

"How do you know he's so bad and all? Prove it! Have you even spoken to Masato? Spent even five minutes with him? I'm a friend of his and I've spent hours with him. He's been nothing but kind and a gentleman to me. Back when I first met Kijin Shinokawa, we went to these cliffs to take pictures. Kijin and I nearly fell off the cliff and into the ocean. Masato saved us both! He helped me with my petition to help save the very park we're walking in! He invited me to the embassy with him! He gave me lifts home! He comforted me when I was crying! He gave me these earrings I'm wearing! He's a good man and you know absolutely nothing about him! SO JUST SHUT UP! I was walking away from you because I knew you would continue to talk about this and I didn't want to have a fight! Now leave me alone!" Ayame shouted as Usagi stilled and looked at her in shock.

"Hmp!" Ayame grunted as Usagi said nothing and Ayame turned around and left her friend standing there.


"Oh boy..." Ayame groaned. After the fiasco in the park, she didn't know what to do. It was nothing but a big mess. First, one of her friends liked the guy she was in love with, and now her other friend was trying to make her stay away from him. Plus, the fight she just had. Sure Usagi and Ayame had fights before, but this one was on a whole new level. However, Ayame certainly wasn't going to apologize for what she said. All of it was true and Usagi didn't know anything.

But she still felt bad for yelling at her friend. She hated how she was feeling bad after Actaeon had cheered her up again. She decided to see what Jing and Nanami were up and distract herself from all this drama.

She had contacted them both and learned Jing's date was over. Nanami was still at the studio, but she invited them both over hang out. It was times like this she was glad she met Actaeon and became Sailor Gaea. Despite not have wanted to get into all the paranormal things before. Otherwise, she might not have the three new friends who were there for her now. Finally at the studio, Ayame entered and headed over to Nanami's work station. Jing was already there and was sharing some dango with Nanami.

"Hey, girls. Mind sharing some of that with me?" Ayame asked as she pulled up a stool and sat with them.

"Hey, Ayame." Nanami greeted. "Usually, I don't share my precious dango with people, but I'll make an exception with you and Jing. But only for today!" Nanami answered and lovingly petted the box before pulling out a stick and handing it over.

Ayame giggled before accepting. "Thanks." Slowly eating.

"Ayame? Are you okay? I thought you were going to have fun spending the day with Usagi and Naru today." Jing asked noticing Ayame's somewhat sad attitude even though she tried to hide it.

After swallowing, Ayame sighed as she answered. "We did have some plans. But things happened and the three of us probably aren't going to get along for awhile." she answered vaguely.

"What happened?" Nanami asked.

"Oh, where do I begin? It started at the pool with Naru acting like she was all that and how mature she is because she knows 'what it's like to be a grown-up in love' " Ayame said with air quotes. "Declaring she was in love with Masato. I questioned her about it and Usagi just flipped out in general. Naru got mad and left and then I left. Then, Usagi came and found me wanting to talk about it and I tried to get away from her because I didn't want a fight. She caughtup with me and began saying things. Said he wasn't even human. Like she's an expert." Ayame said with an eye roll. "I wasn't just going to stand there and let her say things like that and told her to prove it. I gave her a piece of my mind and told her all the nice things he has done for me. I just snapped at her and once I was done I left."

"Now, like I said before the three of us probably aren't going to get along for awhile. Also, I've discovered I'm in love with Masato. I already told Actaeon so I might as well tell you guys too." Ayame finished as she took another bite of dango.

Nanami and Jing stared at her for a moment before squealing and beginning to fangirl.

"That's great news, Ayame! Congrats on realizing your feelings! OMG! Nanami! Our one true pair is so close to becoming reality!" Jing said.

"I know! Now all we need is for one of them to confess! Ayame you got to tell us when and where you're going to so we can watch! I can't wait!" Nanami said before both were shushed by one of the other animators and they quietly apologized before turning back to Ayame.

"Glad to see you guys at least support me. Don't hold your breath for a confession anytime soon, though. I still don't know how he feels about me and this could still turn out badly. I came here to get my mind off of all of this." Ayame said as she shook her head at her goofy friends.

"Okay then. Operation distraction is underway. Now," Nanami said as she opened one of her drawers and pulled out some paper. "Who wants to do some origami?" Nanami suggested.


Later that night, Usagi and Luna spoke about what happened with Naru and Ayame.

"I see, so you told Naru and Ayame the truth?" Luna questioned.

"Yeah, I finally got the courage to go and talk to them." Usagi proud of herself.

"First, how did Naru take it?" Luna asked.

"Huh?!" Usagi asked nervously.

"Are trying to tell me you told her, her guy was an evil creep and then you just left?" Luna asked in disbelief.

"Um?" Usagi said. That alone was answer enough for Luna to know.

"Are you serious? You didn't stick around to explain?!" Luna asked, dreading the answer.

"I didn't, but I'm sure she understands." Usagi said, positively.

"Ugh, I knew I should've gone with you for this. Well, what about Ayame?" Luna asked.

Usagi was silent as she thought about it.

"Usagi?" Luna asked, worried.

"At first she wouldn't even talk to me. She kept walking away and I followed her and told her. Later she told me she did that to try and avoid a fight. After I told her, she whirled around and yelled at me to prove it all. She went into this rant about all these nice things he did for her. He helped her with the petition to save the park, saved her and Kijin from falling off a cliff, gave her rides home, he even gave her earrings and took her to the Diamond Embassy. She's spent hours with him and he's done all these things for her. I can't help but wonder why. It's not like she's a target, otherwise he would have done so by now. What is Nephrite planning to do with my friend? Now, I doubt she'll even talk to me. I'm worried." Usagi said, for once becoming serious and actually thinking that surprised Luna.

Usagi really did care about Ayame.

"So she clearly didn't take the news well. But you do bring up some good points. Get up! We need to go talk to Naru and maybe later we can do something about Ayame when she cools down. We need to figure out what Nephrite wants with her and keep a close eye on her." Luna decided.


Back at Nephrite's mansion, he finally decided it was time to put his plan into action. He had been hesitant about calling Naru all day, but he couldn't hold off on it forever. He was sure Naru would be home at this hour, but hopefully still away. Using his connections in the human world he managed to get Naru's home phone and called her.

He only had to let it ring once before the line was picked up and a woman answered. Whom, Nephrite assumed it was Naru's mother.

"Hello, Osaka residence."

"Hello. Sorry for calling so late. I'm Masato Sanjouin. Is Miss Naru home? I would like to speak to her if she is available." Nephrite said.

"One moment please." The woman said as she held the phone away from her and yelled. "Naru! You have a call! It's from someone named, Sanjouin."

Soon the woman's voice was replaced with Naru's. "Hello. Naru speaking."

"Hello, Naru. Sorry for calling you at such an hour. I know this might sound odd, but I was wondering if you could come out and meet me. Sankaku park if you can." Nephrite explained.

"Yeah! Sure! So, meet you at Sankaku Park? I'll be there soon." Naru said excitedly before she hung up the phone.

Removing it from his ear, Nephrite looked at it and laughed. 'That was easy. Easier than I expected.' He thought. Naru reminded him of an excitable child. She was easy to manipulate with her emotions. That trait would in the future and right now come back to haunt her.

With that done, Nephrite quickly headed over to the park himself. He could practically feel the Silver Crystal within his grasp. In maybe less than an hour he would have it if all went well. Naru certainly was gullible to think he actually cared about her the way she probably did about him. Like he told Ayame, she was like a little sister and he mostly cared because he promised he wouldn't hurt Naru unless it was absolutely necessary.

The thought made him think of the vision of his sister he had the other day but he pushed it aside since it wasn't important.

Nephrite could have just teleported there, but he preferred driving. Once there, he sat down at a bench to wait for Naru. The light on the lamppost laminating the dark night in the park. He didn't have to wait long before Naru came running into the park looking for him. When she spotted him, she caught her breath from running straitened her outfit and walked over to him beaming and delighted to see him.

While he kept the façade of a pleasant smile, inside he was grimacing at her love struck attitude. He liked to think Ayame was far more mature and someone he could spend hours talking to or sitting in complete comfortable silence. He held in a sigh as he motioned Naru to join him sitting on the bench.

Now it was time for Nephrite to act. A part of him was disgusted to do what he was about to do, but he needed to get it over with.

"Sorry to drag you out at such a late hour, Naru." Masato apologized.

"Oh, it's fine! I was so happy when you called!" Naru answered. Her hands drawn togather as if in prayer. Thanking the heavens for letting this happen and spend time with the man she loved.

Looking away, Masato stared down at the ground. "Well, I came here to say goodbye."

The sounds of the nocturnal creatures in the park the only sounds they could hear. Moths had gathered around the lamppost behind them and Masato could smell the scent of flowers near them.

"What?" Naru asked, shocked at what he had just said. Wondering what she had done wrong before she spoke again "Oh, I see." Her eyes beginning to shine with unshed tears. Bowing her head she thought of what Ayame had said earlier that day.

'What do you really know about Masato? He's spoken to you, what? A handful of times if that? He could just be toying with you.' The words echoed.

"I must be a real nuisance. Is that it?" Naru asked.

Masato turned to her as if shocked she would say such a thing. "No! It's nothing like that! It's just, I don't want to put you in any danger!" Masato desperately told her. Nephrite wanted to yell at her and tell her while she wasn't necessarily a nuisance, she was an idiot. He had no interest in her, besides what he needed for his plans. But he didn't and Masato watched her reaction.

"Huh?" Naru asked looking back up at him.

Masato seeing her confusion went on to explain as he turned away from her again. "You see, I'm being threatened by some bad people right now. And I don't want you to get mixed up in it." Looking back at Naru, he smiled before saying. "Glad I got to see you one last time!"

Standing up, he pretended he was about to leave, his hands in his pockets, as Naru called out to him. Eyes closed, he hoped his plan worked and inside, he was smirking at it going well so far.

"Wait! If there's anything I can do to help you, please, tell me now!" Naru pleaded, getting up from the bench.

Nephrite would have laughed if he could. 'Too easy.' he thought. Speaking wistfully, Masato then answered. "The Silver Crystal. If only I had it."

"So, why do you need the Silver Crystal?" Naru asked.

Turning to face her, Masato answered. "If I give them that Silver Crystal, then I'd be free from their..." He trailed off as he looked as if in thought, moving his hand to ponder the possibilities before taking back what he said. "No-Wait! Sorry. Forget I said that." Looking away from her, gloomy.

"Wait a second..." Naru trailed off think of anything that might help him. "Mr. Sanjouin! I need to go get something. I'll be right back! Just wait here!" Naru said as she ran off.

Watching her leave Nephrite smirked and slightly grimaced for real. Hopefully, the Dark Crystal was right about this and Naru would return with the crystal. He would be able to redeem himself, rub it in Zoisites face, and soon awaken the Great Ruler. Finally, they would no longer hide under the surface and take over the planet. He would be heavily rewarded and who knew the possibilities that could come with that.

He grew solemn as he thought about one thing. What would happen to Ayame? Perhaps, even though the thought of it had his stomach churn, he could tell his queen he wanted her as a pet and protect her. But, why would he go so far and to such lengths for her? Why did he have these emotions when it came to her. He could be cruel and cunning whenever she wasn't involved, but when she was, he felt bad and...ashamed if that was the right word of his actions. He found himself wanting to be a man worthy of her even though he was far from the ideal man she wanted. He was far from the honest and kind man she wanted. Yet, that brought to mind why did he care.

Were the visions he got right? Was he truly capable of the human emotion they called...Love?


"Thanks for cheering me up, girls." Ayame said as she walked with her friends, side by side.

After their origami session, the girls had made all sorts of little animals, crowns, samurai hats, swords, and flowers. Nanami had insisted they began working on making a Thousand Origami Cranes. Since ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Nanami saying she wanted to make a wish for Masato to return her feelings and they would one day get married with Nanami and Jing as her bridesmaids.

Jing had never heard the legend before, but she was interested and excited none the less to make them. Nanami had the most experience making them and all the other origami they made. Ayame had struggled a little, but thanks to Nanami's guidance she made some pretty good stuff. Jing was actually pretty good at it. Now, it was late and the three of them were heading home.

"Don't mention it, Ayame. That's what friends are for. Besides, we had some fun too. We need to do this again soon and finish making the cranes." Jing answered. Wearing two small samurai hats on over the buns in her hair.

"Uh-Huh. But you better bring your own snacks next time. The dango is my precious!" Nanami playfully hissed. Origami flowers in the brim of her hat.

The three of them laughing. Then Ayame looked back in front of them to see someone she wasn't expecting to at this hour. She seemed to be searching for something.

"Mrs. Osaka!" Ayame called. The woman looked up at Ayame with a worried expression on her face.

"Ayame. Have you and your friends seen my daughter tonight?" She asked.

"No." Ayame answered. Nanami and Jing shaking their heads. "What's wrong? Has something happened to Naru?!" Ayame asked.

"She had gotten this call from this Mr. Sanjouin and suddenly left. She came back and took a special stone from out of the store safe and ran away. I ran into Usagi earlier and she's helping me look for her." Mrs. Osaka explained.

"Masato?" Ayame asked as dark feelings of jealously crawled and made itself at home in the pit of her stomach. "Don't worry Mrs. Osaka we'll help you look for her. Right, girls?" she asked her companions.

"Yep!" Jing answered.

"Of course we'll help you look for her. And while we're at it, we're going to teach that Naru not to interfere with our one true pair!" Nanami answered.

Ayame just shook her head at Nanami's antics while Mrs. Osaka looked confused for a moment before shrugging it off. "Thank you."

"Don't mention. Jing. Nanami. Lets split up and search. If we don't find anything in an hour we will meet back at Jewelry OSA-P. Mrs. Osaka. I suggest you head home in case Naru comes back. If we find her, we'll contact each other and get her back home." Ayame assured the mother.

Soon she agreed and headed back. After giving a brief description of Naru, the girls quickly split up to find the girl.

Back in Sankaku park, Naru had given Masato what she believed was the Silver Crystal he was looking for.

Accepting it, he took out the dark crystal to see if he could get a reaction and see if it was the real thing. The tip began to glow before blinking once, twice, and a third before the light went completely out.

Nephrite's eyes narrowing at the reaction he wasn't expecting. 'The Dark Crystal isn't reacting. This is just an ordinary crystal!' He thought angrily. He continued to move the Dark Crystal over it just in case. He needed this to work!

Then he noticed a different reaction. 'Wait! What's this?' He thought as the entire crystal began to faintly glow. The brightest part, instead of the point directed at the crystal in his hand grew at the side of the stone. He quickly glanced in the direction to see only Naru.'The Dark Crystal is reacting to the girl! But, why?!' He thought. Looking back at the crystal one last time to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him he gave his full attention on Naru. 'Perhaps this girl can still be of use to me.'

Naru noticed him staring and looked down with a smile. Probably thinking about she had helped him. Nephrite needed to get to the bottom of this.

"There's something else I want you to help me with. Could you come with me for a little bit?" Masato as he pocketed both the Dark Crystal and the one Naru gave him. Placing his arm around her shoulder, he gently began to guide her away. "Come on. Let's go." he urged.

"Sure." Naru complied. Blushing at the touch.

"Naru! Naru! Where are you?" A voice called as they heard running footsteps getting closer. Turning around the corner, Ayame came into view. Surprising both Naru and Masato. Masato filling with dread. She wasn't suppose to see this.

"Naru!" Ayame brightened when she saw her friend. Though is was quick to disappear. As anger and jealousy grew.

"Ayame! What are you doing here?" Naru asked.

'She really was with Masato.' Ayame thought. She ignored him for the moment and turned to Naru to get to the bottom of all of this.

"What am I doing here?! Naru Osaka! Where have you been?! I was just walking home when I ran into your mother. She said you had stolen a special stone. She's worried sick about you! Why would you do such a thing?" Ayame asked as she marched closer to them, stopping and standing in front of them.

Before Naru could answer, someone else interrupted.

"Hold it right there!" Sailor Moon yelled, as Masato and Naru whirled around behind them to look at Sailor Moon as she went on her rant. "How dare you take advantage of a young girl's love! I'll arrest you for your sneaky scam!"

"You'd better back off!" Masato told her as he glared cold daggers at her. He had enough trouble to deal with. He didn't want her interfering, too.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon! And in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon said her catchphrase as she posed.

"Uh! Sailor Moon, why are you here?" Naru asked.

"What's going on?" Ayame groaned. 'This just gets better and better' she thought sarcastically.

"Naru, Ayame, don't be fooled by him! Masato Sanjouin isn't human!" She said as she pointed at him. "He's Nephrite, a member of an evil group known as the Dark Kingdom!"

Ayame's eyes widen in shock. 'The...Dark...Kingdom...? Nephrite...? No...No...! NO! Masato can't be! He can't be part of the Dark Kingdom.' Ayame's thoughts rolled in her head. Moving out from behind Masato and Naru, Ayame now stood off to the side of the two of them. Now able to see Masato's face and Sailor Moon.

"Masato...What is she talking about?" Ayame said low and ever so slow. Still in shock and disbelief. Clinging to denial and all the memories the two had shared when he was kind to her. Soon memories of all the monsters and victims began filling in. Rui, Mr. Kokurtitsu, former Ms. Akiyama, Princess Diamond, Hiromi, Kijin, and the girl she thought of as her own little sister MIKA! If what Sailor Moon said was true...the man she is in love with...was also the man that hurt and nearly...KILLED THEM!

Ayame wanted to scream in anguish. To release the inner torment, agony, pain, torture, suffering, distress, and misery she was now going through due to Sailor Moon's words. Wanting to beg and plead Masato to deny the accusations against him. It just couldn't be true!

Masato glanced at Ayame. His fear had come true. She finally knew who and what he really was. He seethed in rage as he sent his scalding glare at Sailor Moon. It was her fault. It always was. She had ruined all his plans and helped get rid of his monsters if not destroyed them herself. Now that Ayame knew, Masato Sanjouin had served his purpose. Now, Nephrite didn't have to hide anymore. And Nephrite...was going to make Sailor Moon...PAY!

"No way! You're lying! He isn't that type of person, he's very kind! Right, Mr. Sanjouin?! Mr Sanjouin?" Naru denied the words as she turned to him with her arms once again folded in a prayer position.

The air around Masato began to get colder as his hair gently rose up. Ignoring Naru, he focused solely on Sailor Moon. Raising his hand, Nephrite released a blast of glowing energy resembling a comet with a grunt.

This caught Sailor Moon off guard as she replied with a, "Huh?!" and then followed with an, "Ahh!" as it hit her in the chest and forced her backwards onto the cold harsh concrete.

Nephrite closed his eyes as brought his right hand up and began to chant. "Stars of the universe, lend me your power, now."

Sailor Moon rubbed the spot where she landed as she looked over at her opponent. More of the comet like energy attacks shot out and rained down on her like a meteor shower. The attack imbedding itself into the ground and creating craters. Somehow, missing their target as Sailor Moon didn't even bother to try and move out of the way to dodge and pulled her arms above her head as if that alone would protect her. The attack kicking up dust.

"Ah! Hey! No! Stop! Ugh! Hey! No!" Escaping her lips along with cries.

From out behind a fountain, Luna called out to the crybaby Sailor Guardian. "Pull it together, Sailor Moon!"

Nephrite smirked at Sailor Moon's helplessness as he opened his arms wide. "I'm done playing games with you!" He crossed his arms like that of a mummy to prepare for his next attack. In front of him appeared something similar to an atom diagram. At first there was no nucleus. Only four electrons and their path. As the electrons spun, the nucleus appeared growing brighter and as Nephrite opened his arms and flung his attack at Sailor Moon.

"Starlight, attack!" He yelled.

Sailor Moon saw the attack coming this time and desperately crawled away as the attack move across the ground towards her. Creating a small trench in it's wake. "Ahh! Aghh!" She cried out.

Nephrite smiled at Sailor Moon's pathetic attempts to dodge. "You may have dodged that one, but the next time, you're through! Once again, I call on you." he said as he began his chant.

"Ugh, you're so pathetic!" Called out the familiar aggravated voice of Sailor Mars.

Under other circumstances, Sailor Moon might have been peeved at being call pathetic, but this was not those circumstances and she brightened to hear her comrades come to her rescue.

"Get up, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mercury encouraged.

Sailor Moon giggling as she turned behind her to look at them.

"Sailor Mars is on the scene!" Said girl announced.

"Sailor Mercury is here, too!" Sailor Mercury stated.

Things were looking up for the Sailor Guardians. However, not all was well.

During the fighting, during the entire time Sailor Moon was being attacked, Ayame had stayed frozen, practically rooted to the ground beneath her. Even while her comrade had been attacked, she could do nothing to stop the attacks, for she was fighting a war within. A war many had fought against in the past and countless others would fight in the future. A war between the heart and the mind. Torn between her love as the ordinary girl, Ayame Masacari, and her duty as the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Gaea.

Before her was the man she had grown to love. Yet, also before her was also the man who had harmed innocent people. One moment she would remember a special moment between Ayame and Masato. The next, she would see the nightmare before her. Oh, how she pleaded this was all just a sick twisted nightmare. All around her, her world was falling apart at the seams.

'Is this true?' Ayame wondered.

"So all three of the original guardians have showed up! Now I'll get rid of you all at once!" Nephrite said as he grunted and charged up another starlight attack.

Sailor Mercury however, bought them some time. "Bubble Spray!"

"Damn, where'd they go?!" Nephrite asked himself as he was enveloped in fog.

'Masato's responsible for all that's been happening?' Ayame wondered.

A part of her was kicking herself for not staying away when she first saw his house appear out of thin air. Kicking herself when ever she felt that bizarre coldness probably when he was placing his monsters inside a targets personal object. The memory of how worried Ms. Akiyama's fiancé was, how worried Ami was for Mr. Kokustitsu, how worried Naru was for Rui, Jing for Kijin, and Nanami for Hiromi. He attacked Sailor Moon back at the MS mall and the memory of Mika and how she pushed her away. All this fear, despair, and pain was all because of Masato.

"Fire Soul!" Sailor Mars attacked.

Nephrite gasped as he saw the attack in time and jumped away, though his landing forced him to kneel. "Ugh!" He glared at the Sailor Guardians as he heard someone call out to him.

"Are you okay?!" Naru cried out in concern.

'But, he was so kind to me. I felt it in his touch.' Ayame thought. The time he held her from falling off the cliff, the time he comforted her as she cried listening to that song. The time when he held her close to pose for that painting. The earrings she was wearing even then. The way he held her hand when they danced and the sweet innocent kiss at the end of the night. Each memory, a tear wrenched itself from her eyes, a few drops released from the ocean of confusion and misery inside.

Nephrite's face softened as he looked off to the side to see Ayame still there. The blank, shocked face of Ayame and then her tears. Each one tore at his heart. She wasn't suppose to see this, this side of him. The side he had grown to be ashamed of because of fear of her reaction. It surprised him she was still there, but he knew this wasn't the time to be scared off easily. Looking away, he looked behind him to see Naru, who had actually called out to him. "What? They're still here?!" He asked.

Ayame's head snapped to the other side of the battlefield to look at Sailor Moon. Eyes widening when she realized what Sailor Moon was about to do. 'Sailor Moon's going to use the Tiara!' She thought.

Bowing her head, Ayame quietly whispered and begged, "Stop, stop it..."

She should be glad they were about to defeat the enemy, yet she couldn't bear the thought of Masato getting hurt.

Her words went unheeded as Sailor Moon used her attack. "Moon Tiara Action!"

Having been distracted, Nephrite wasn't prepared as the attack came at him. "Damn it!"

"Mr. Sanjouin! No!" Naru called out.

Ayame griped the sides of her head, covering her ear. Begging louder and louder. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars gasped at Naru as she stood in front of Nephrite and direct line of attack.

"What are you doing?" Nephrite asked shocked by her actions.

"I won't let anyone hurt Mr. Sanjouin!" Naru declared.

"Naru, what are you doing?!" Sailor Moon demanded to know.

Ayame looked up and realized what she had to do. 'There's no time! I'm sorry, Masato...' she thought as she griped her broach and screamed. "Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!"

Everyone torn their gaze to Ayame was they watched, shocked. Nephrite most of all. All this time, the enemy had been right under his nose. The transformation was quickly completed as Sailor Gaea used her own attack.

"Dawn's Rose!" she yelled. Tears still falling from her eyes. The two attacks collided and forced the tiara to stop it from hitting Naru. The tiara falling to the ground with a clang. Sailor Gaea moved off the sidelines and placed herself in between both groups, her foot firmly on top of the fallen tiara so Sailor Moon couldn't get it. Then, holding out her hands to make them stop.

"If...anyone makes...a single attack against the opposite help ME...I WILL BLAST THIS PARK APART IF I HAVE TO, JUST TO MAKE YOU STOP!" Sailor Gaea screamed at them.

Naru, Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Mars gawked at Sailor Gaea. They couldn't believe their friend, Ayame, was Sailor Gaea.

The Sailor Guardians wondered why she said what she did. Didn't she stop the attack to save Naru? Why is she trying to stop both sides from attacking?

Off to the side hiding, Luna's jaw dropped. All this time Ayame was a Sailor Guardian too and she didn't even know it. Actaeon was right. She was incompetent! She should have found Sailor Gaea ages ago.

Naru was the first to snap out of it. "Stop trying to hurt Mr. Sanjouin!" Naru demanded.

"Look, we can't let him get away with what he's done!" Sailor Mercury tried to explain.

"Now move out of the way!" Sailor Mars ordered.

"Never! You'll have to kill me to get to him!" Naru boldly declared as she continued to stand in front of Nephrite.

Sailor Gaea turned to face the Sailor Guardians and got in position to release another Dawn's Rose if need be at a moments notice.

"The only're getting him...IS OVER MY DEAD ROTTING CORPSE! I will fight you with to the last breath in my body! Were you not listening to me earlier!? If anyone makes a single attack against the opposite side, so help me, I will do it! I WILL BLAST THIS PARK APART IF I HAVE TO! AND I INTEND TO KEEP MY WORD!" Sailor Gaea yelled. Her breaths already coming out in pants as she slightly chocked as she continued to cry.

Nephrite could tear his eyes away from Sailor Gaea. This was the first time actually seeing her in person and he found in either form, she was beautiful. But he couldn't fathom why she was doing this. He was her enemy. He endangered people who were close to her. Was manipulating her friend and had done so many terrible things. Sent his monsters to try and kill her! She should be trying to convince Naru to move aside and kill him. Yet, here she was. Protecting him from her own comrades. Turning against them.

'Why are they doing this for me?' He couldn't help but think.

"Why are you risking so much to protect that man?" Sailor Mercury questioned.

"Because I love him. I love him with all my heart. And I'll defend him even if it winds do up costing me my life!" Naru confessed as she started to cry.

"Awh, Naru..." Sailor Moon said, moved by her friends emotion.

Sailor Gaea said nothing as she continued to glare at them. Not once moving from her spot where she could easily attack them if they tried to get past her. The Sailor Guardians turned their questions on to her.

"Sailor Gaea! Or should I say, Ayame." Sailor Moon started. She knew Ayame was friends with Nephrite's alternate persona Masato Sanjouin, but she was one of them. She's shouldn't be protecting the enemy! "Why are you doing this?! You're a Sailor Guardian just like the rest of us. We shouldn't be fighting one another!"

"Don't you know who he is?! He's Nephrite! He's the enemy! He's totally evil. He's using Naru for him own gain! He's nothing but a monster in human form!" Sailor Mercury said.

"Why so silent?! Don't you have anything to say for yourself?! Don't you remember the people he's hurt?! His monsters have tried to kill us! He tried to kill Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask! How could you just stand there and let Sailor Moon be attacked?! What in the world has gotten into you?!" Sailor Mars interrogated.

Sailor Gaea stood firm as she listened to them rant. Their insults and words grating on what little was left of Sailor Gaea's control. All of this, along with hearing Naru's confession, and all the emotional stress of finding out the truth was becoming too much for Sailor Gaea until she exploded.

Sailor Gaea laughed. Freezing all other insults. It started out in a small giggle before turning into guffawing, into howling and finally into what they could only describe as hysterics. When she stopped she gave the a broken, crooked smile.

"Haven't you figured it out yet? It's simple really." Sailor Gaea said as shadows covered her eyes. Sailor Gaea looked back and declared, "BECAUSE LIKE NARU, I LOVE HIM, TOO!"

As soon as the words leave her mouth, she realized what she just said and gasped. No longer able to look at them, she looks away.

Sailor Mars was the first to respond in a low, angry voice. "No! Have you completely lost your senses?! HE'S THE ENEMY! ENEMY! You're a Sailor Guardian! IT'S your duty to stop and put an end to him!"

"You think I don't know that?! I remember every single one of his victims! Rui is Naru's big sister figure. Mr. Kokustitsu is a kind man I met. Ms. Akiyama is my teacher. Kijin is one of my friends boyfriend. Hiromi is the friend of my friend. Mika is practically my own little sister! Sailor Moon is my comrade. All these people he has tried to hurt. I know I shouldn't being doing this. I know I should turn around and help you convince Naru to move, but I can't. And I don't care!" Sailor Gaea confessed. The tears just wouldn't stop.

"So help me, Gaea! We're going to get through to you! I heard you've been spending time with that monster. Perhaps he's been brainwashing you. I knew we shouldn't have trusted Actaeon! I bet he's part of the Dark Kingdom and has been trying to turn you against us all along, too! We're going to make you snap out of this and if this is the only way, then so be it!" Sailor Mars said as she sent another attack at Nephrite. Trying to move around both Sailor Gaea and Naru.

Before the two girls could do anything, the attack was counterattacked with Rage Fireworks thanks to Sailor Notus. Sailor Gaea smiled as her two companions joined her. Standing right by her side, helping her protect the man she loved. She couldn't be more thankful. At least she wasn't alone. After this, she would never be able to thank them enough.

"Not so fast!" The two yelled.

"How dare you accuse Actaeon of being part of the Dark Kingdom!" Sailor Zephyrus said.

"How dare you try to hurt Sailor Gaea with your careless words!" Sailor Notus added.

"Actaeon is a kind kitty and would never do such a thing! Don't you think we would have noticed if Sailor Gaea had been brainwashed? What you call brainwash is nothing but love! You can't help who you fall in love with, so BACK OFF!" The two yelled.

"Sailor Notus! Sailor Zephyrus! How can you stand there and protect that man! Grab Sailor Gaea and Naru and get out of our way!" Sailor Mars demanded.

"Sailor Mars! Stop!" Sailor Moon called out.

Meanwhile, while this was happening, Nephrite noticed the Dark Crystal glowing brighter than ever. A monster nearby, watched what was happening with scrutiny.

Pulling it out of his pocket, Nephrite began to slowly understand what was making the Dark Crystal react. "Does this mean the Dark Crystal also responds to kind hearts, as well? The sacrificing of one's self for another. What humans call love."

From out of the shadows, a monster appeared. Surprising the Sailor Guardians and Nephrite. It reminded Sailor Gaea of a female kabuki performer since it wore traditional clothing, had long black hair and what appeared to be a Noh Mask. Out of all the monsters she had seen before, this one was the closest to blending in among humans.

The monster ignored the Sailor Guardians as it asked. "Is that the Legendary Silver Crystal?!"

It rushed and began attacking Nephrite as he blocked it's attacks. Unfortunately, the Dark Crystal dropping from the action and Naru goes to pick it up. Both Nephrite and the monster looking where it had fallen.

'Why is it attacking him? Their both from the Dark Kingdom. Shouldn't it be helping him and attacking us?' Sailor Gaea thought.

"Hand that over to me! Yasha!" The monster now known as Yasha demanded as she made a dive towards her. Naru screamed as the monster came closer.

"Naru!" Nephrite and Sailor Gaea shouted. Both of them release their attacks, breaking the monster's Noh Mask.

"I don't believe it, he saved her! Sailor Gaea, even though she knows Naru is in love with the same man she is, she's still her friend and helped save her." Sailor Moon said.

"Mr. Sanjouin, Sailor Gaea, they protected me from that monster!" Naru said before she fainted.

"Naru!" Sailor Moon cried out as she tried to make her way over to her friend.

Nephrite wasn't paying attention to that though. Looking down at his hand he wondered what had processed him to protect Naru.

Yasha wasn't happy about it either as it's true face was revealed. It's costume and face changed into that of an ogre oni. "Curse you, Nephrite! Why are you protecting a human?!" It questioned as it charged at him like a bull with it's horns. "Ahhh!"

Then, Sailor Gaea charged at it and tackled it out of it's collision course with Nephrite.

"Why are you protecting him?!" Yasha screaked in outrage. "EH?" it asked as it looked up at Sailor Gaea, suddenly very afraid.

All around Sailor Gaea was an eerie glow. Filled with a murderous aura. Her eyes glazed over as if in a trance.

"How dare you attempt to attack my friend and attack Nephrite! I am Sailor Gaea! The protector of humanity and nature. On behalf of Mother Earth, I shall brighten the darkness and vanquish the evil within!" Sailor Gaea shouted.

Sailor Gaea then did something new. She moved her right hand to the top and left to the bottom as far as she could as she chanted "North, South," then moved them moved them like they were in a circle, continuing the chant. "East, and West."

Then she forced her hands together as if she were to clap them together. Pausing before she actually hit them as a glowing orb of mixing colors bended together. Then Sailor Gaea forced her palms out at the monster. The orb becoming four different arrows as she yelled out the rest of her attack.

"Four-way Arrows!" The arrows flying out at the monster. All four hitting it in the chest.

"What?! Ahh! Curse you! Curse you all!" Yasha gave out her final retched screech as she exploded as if she were made of rock.

Then the trance like gleam in Sailor Gaea's eyes faded as she groaned and fell to her knees. Struggling to remain conscious. Nephrite took a step forward before Sailor Zephyrus and Sailor Notus moved closer to help her.

"Sailor Gaea!" They cried.

"What was that?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"I don't know, but it was wickedly powerful. I guess she wasn't kidding about blasting the park apart." Sailor Mars spoke.

Sailor Gaea was panting as she looked up at companions. "We...need to...get out" She said.

The two nodded as they moved Sailor Gaea's arms around their shoulder and got ready to carry her. As they did, Sailor Gaea looked up to the stars. 'Stars of the night sky, please hear my plea, let my love reach his heart.' She thought as she closed her eyes and pass out.

"Wait!" Nephrite called out to Sailor Notus and Zephyrus as they turned back to glare at him. Causing him to step back.

"Just because we didn't attack you doesn't mean we've forgiven you for all the things you've done, Nephrite. We still have some unfinished business to deal with you. You're lucky Sailor Gaea cares about you and she would probably never speak to us again if we did anything. So hands off!" Sailor Zephyrus said.

"I think you've caused enough trouble for one night. Now if you'll excuse us. We need to get Sailor Gaea home." Sailor Notus said.

Nephrite watched them go and the other Sailor Guardians let them go. Looking back at Naru, he tossed the crystal she had given him and Sailor Moon luckily caught it.

"Huh?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Sailor Mars was right. I was using Naru for my own gain. I was hoping she could lead me to the Silver Crystal, but that was a bust. I have no need of it so give it back to her when she wakes up. Although, this night hadn't been a total waste." Nephrite said.

"What do you mean!?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"I found out who Sailor Gaea is." He answered as he began to laugh. "To think, one of my enemies lived right down the road from me. I even invited her to the embassy with me and she probably agreed to be there to stop my plans." He said as the Sailor Guardians eyes widen at the new information.

He seriously didn't know Ayame was Sailor Gaea. Plus the new information that they lived so close to each other was astonishing.

Once his chuckling subsided, gave them a cruel smile. "Despite all of this, I won't give up on finding the Silver Crystal. I'd watch my back if I were you. Once I get my hands on it, the entire universe will belong to the Dark Kingdom. When that happens, the three of you won't be able to play hero much longer. Until then keep prattling about your silly love and justice. Remember I can take care of Sailor Gaea anytime I feel like it." Nephrite warned.

"How could you say that?! Sailor Gaea protected you twice! She said she loves you!" Sailor Moon said.

"I saved her life once and I never asked her to do either one of those things." Nephrite answered as he turned away.

"Forget it Sailor Moon! He doesn't have a heart and is incapable of human emotions." Sailor Mars said.

"Quite the interesting tune you're playing now. Earlier, you were yelling at her saying she was brainwashed into it. You're nothing but a bunch on teenaged naïve hypocrites. You fight for love, yet deny Sailor Gaea's. Think about that. Farewell." He said as faded into the night. His laughter ringing into the night.

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