Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

By WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... More

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
Flash of the Monster Camera
The Grieving Doll
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

The Love Letter

301 7 1
By WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

Once again, Nephrite was alone in his mansion/hideout. Five times. FIVE TIMES! For five separate times, his plans to gather energy and subsequently destroying the Sailor Guardians failed! What was it that allowed them to do this? First he only had three to worry about, now there were five. Just what was he missing that allowed them to blast their way through his plans?

Seeing no other option, he turned to the one thing that had never failed him before. Unlike his monsters. He never really knew why he trusted and liked the stars the way he did, but whatever worked was good enough for him. It was soothing in a way.

"The stars see all, the stars know all! Hear me Regulus, ruler of the southern skies! Oh vast constellation of Leo the Lion! Show me a weakness. Something I can use to eliminate those Sailor Guardians forever." Nephrite beseeched the stars.

From the center of the star map came a vision. The stars showed him images of the past battles with the Sailor Guardians from the very beginning. It seemed like all was going to plan. Sailor Moon was at Tensie's mercy before someone interfered. With Tuxedo Mask appearance the battle shiftily swigged in favor of the Sailor Guardians. The battle either ending in a Moon Tiara Action attack, a Fire Soul, and another Moon Tiara Action. Defeating his monsters again and again. Showing the caped figure leaving with Sailor Moon going gaga over him.

"Aha! So, she has a weakness for Tuxedo Mask! Then that's how I'll crush you!" Nephrite said with a smirk. Finally he was getting somewhere.

However, before he could start cooking up another plan, he was interrupted by a nearly constant annoyance.

"Hello, Nephrite. Queen Beryl would like to have a word with you." Zoisite informed him. Nephrite sighed in his mind. Their queen always wanted something. None the less, he might as well go before he got busy with his plan and see what she wanted.


In the throne room, Nephrite stood before Queen Beryl. She had long, wavy fire-red hair that reached her waist. Dull orange eyes that, instead of having whites, had a pale yellow color, and her eyelids are smeared over with a warm cocoa brown. Dark-purple lips, along with pale skin. She was always wearing a simple, form-fitting dark-purple dress, with the top of her dress pointed in towards her neck, and a background of black. She wore a silver armlet and a bracelet, along with two small horns peaking out from her shoulders. She is also adorned with a forehead crest, shaped like a black, upside-down boomerang, with two white dots up and down, along with a turquoise stone wrapped around in gold strips and similar earrings. She is also shown to have particularly pointy fingernails that are painted a dark red.

"Nephrite, I'm told that you are having trouble gathering human energy for our great ruler. Is this true?" Queen Beryl began as she moved her hands over the orb of her staff.

"The universe wasn't built in a day, my queen." Nephrite replied. His hand on his hip.

This apparently wasn't the answer his queen wanted to hear as she shouted at him. Her hair flying up. "You'll watch your tongue! Question my orders again or fail to take care of those Sailor Guardians, and you'll soon find yourself right alongside Jadeite in the Eternal Sleep!"

Nephrite slightly trembling at the threat. He knew she would do it too. It had always been like that. You had to claw your way to the top or others would claw over you. Even at the top you could easily be replaced by those previously mentioned. It had always been like that. 'Hadn't it?' He wondered. For some reason, he remembered that guy from the vision at the Juban museum. He had this feeling he wasn't an expendable tool when he looked into that young man's eyes. These thoughts were cut off with the infernal thorn in his side that was Zoisite.

"A sentence worse than death." Zoisite said from behind him. Nephrite was sure Zoisite would be thrilled for him to go and replace him.

Turning to glare at him, Nephrite said. "I am Nephrite, proud member of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven! And I will succeed in my mission! In fact, I now know just how to deal with Sailor Moon." Clenching hand in a fist.

"Sounds a lot like the story we used to hear from Jadeite." Zoisite reminded them all. "What's your plan?"

Nephrite spared him an angered glance as he addressed his queen. "Queen Beryl, I promise you that this time, Sailor Moon will be dealt with and eliminated."

Queen Beryl chuckled and resting her chin in her hand simply said. "Very well, then."

"I'm going to destroy her with her own love!" Nephrite announced as he laughed maliciously. It was absolutely brilliant and he couldn't wait to get stared.


After being allowed to leave the Dark Kingdom to return to his hideout, Nephrite went straight to work. He now knew Sailor Moon's weakness, he just had to use it to lure her out to trap her. Sailor Moon would have to show herself if it was for her dearly beloved Tuxedo Mask. The problem was getting her attention without her knowing it was him behind it. He remembered how Jadeite got the Sailor Scouts attention and shook him head. For his plan to work, he needed subtlety that his predecessor clearly lacked.

It was then he remembered the words of a human general, Sun Tzu, 'If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.' What did Nephrite know about Sailor Moon? He had a basic idea what he was looking for. Sailor Moon was at the very least a middle school student judging from height and age appearance. And from prior information, he knew for a fact that the Sailor Guardians, Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Gaea, and Zephyrus only operated in Tokyo and if he narrowed it down further, around the Juban area. It wasn't a long stretch to say that the five of them lived in the area and if they were middle school students, went to school in that area.

He knew about Sailor V traveling all over the place and foiling some of Kunzites' plans, but right now, his main focus was on the ones that were actually making a nuisance of themselves.

Knowing the general area the Sailor Guardians lived narrowed down his search but there had to be thousands of girls there. It would be hard to narrow them down. Then, he got an idea.

'Love letters. A romantic way to express feelings of love in written form. Whether delivered by hand, mail, carrier pigeon, or romantically left in a secret location, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation of feelings. Only a few people know about Tuxedo Mask. Those who don't know him will think it's a pen name. If I send letters to every middle school girl in the area and tell them meet me some where Sailor will defiantly show herself. All the others will think it's a prank due to the letters being sent to every other girl! It's brilliant!' Nephrite thought.

Using his resources, he hacked into all the school records and soon gathered all the names of the girls and their addresses. One name in particular caught his attention, Ayame Mascari. For a moment, he wondered if he should send her one or not. The thought of her going to meet him thinking it was from Tuxedo Mask made his blood boil. Then he composed himself. She probably didn't even know about Tuxedo Mask and think it was a prank. Ayame wasn't as boy crazy as some of the other girls and she was smart and responsible. She wouldn't be interested. With that in mind, he continued without further problem. Shoving aside the questions of why he needed to assure himself Ayame wouldn't fall for it for another day.


It was after school and Ayame was returning home after school and her volunteer work. She didn't spend it with Jing since she had plans with Kijin for a date. So far the Dark Kingdom had been quiet the last few days since Mika's attack and hadn't seemed to have picked a new target yet. Honestly, it was still a little early for one to be chosen if one compared it to the amount of time between the previous victims. So Ayame, Jing, and Actaeon weren't that concerned.

On her way inside, Ayame stopped by the mail box to check the mail. Most were for her parents being bills and such. One however, was addressed to her. It seemed to be letter in a pink envelope with a while heart of the back that read, 'To Miss Ayame Mascari.' On the other side, the envelope was white with a hot pink heart sticker to hold it closed. The sender, read 'From Tuxedo Mask.'

"WHAT?!" Ayame shouted, highly displeased.

Taking the mail inside, she handed the bills to her father as she headed to her room to read her own mail.

"Good afternoon, Ayame. What's that you got there?" Actaeon asked as Ayame entered her room.

"A love letter. Judging from the envelope. It says it's from Tuxedo Mask." Ayame answered as she sat down and opened it.

"WHAT!? Why would he send you a love letter? I don't think he's even talked to you. Sailor Gaea or not." Actaeon asked.

"It could just be a pen name." Ayame pointed out.

"Still, while that could be the case, that is a pretty big coincidence if you ask me." Actaeon said disgruntled.

"Dear, Ayame. My heart yearns for you. Please come meet me at the MS Mall in Shinjuku tomorrow night. Signed, Tuxedo Mask." Ayame read aloud. "Hrmp! Kind of short. But, it could be whoever sent this wanted to say more in person. Why the MS Mall of all places? It's hardly romantic, but it would be an easy place to find and it's a public area."

"You're not thinking of going are you?!" Actaeon hissed. The hair on his back rising.

Ayame chuckled at him and petted him to help calm him down. "Of course not. You know me better than that. Jing may have the time for romance, but I don't. If it is just a pen name, then whoever it is will just have to live with disappointment. Even if it is really the Tuxedo Mask we know, I'm not interested in him that way. It just feels wrong somehow." Ayame answered.

Actaeon let out a sigh of relief and began to purr at the attention. "Good. But, Ayame? Are you sure there isn't anyone you're interested in?" He asked.

Ayame stopped petting him as she thought. None of the boys from her school had ever really caught her attention and back in Italy, she never really had a crush or childhood sweetheart. She thought about other guys she met outside of school. There was Matoki and that Mamoru Chiba guy, but Usagi liked Matoki, along with every other hot guy. Plus, Matoki wasn't her type. When she thought about Mamoru Chiba, she got the same feeling she got about Tuxedo Mask. Trying to think of him romantically just didn't seem right. Then she thought of Masato and she couldn't help but blush.

"So there is someone! Come on Ayame~! Tell me! You can trust me!" Actaeon said.

"I do not! It's just warm in here." Ayame denied.


For the rest of the night Ayame had to deal with Actaeon's endless question on who she liked. The next day, Ayame saw the exact same envelope in the hands of every single girl in, not just their class, but the entire school. Usagi wasn't taking the news well.

"No way! You're all lying! I don't believe it!" Usagi yelled.

"But it's true, Usagi. We all got letters from Tuxedo Mask." Naru said holding hers.

"I got one too!" A fellow classmate pointed out.

"Same here!" Another chorused.

"Me too!" A third piped up.

"Even I got one, Usagi." Ayame said as she waved the envelope in the air.

"Who is this Tuxedo Mask anyway?" Naru asked a friend.

"No clue." The other girls answered in unison.

Ayame thought about telling them who he was, or at least the one Sailor Gaea knew, but decided against it since it could just be a pen name.

Soon their teacher, Haruna Sakurada entered and began class. Everyone rushing to their desk. From the way she slammed the books of the podium, Ms. Haruna wasn't in the best mood despite the smile on her face. "Now class, I've heard about the love letter prank and I want you girls to remember that distractions like that are enemy number one when it comes to learning, understand?"

The girls let out their answered of agreement as some raised their hands. Usagi and the boys looking sad. Ayame could understand the boys' unhappiness, but was curious why Usagi wasn't happy like the others.

"And since we don't know what kind of person sent them, I want everyone to avoid going out alone at night. Especially to the MS mall in Shinjuku. Understood?" Ms. Haruna continued.

"Yeah!" The girls answered.

"Good answer!" Ms. Haruna said as she turned to the board. Hiding her face as she thought. 'Why didn't I get a love letter, mister mysterious Tuxedo Mask?! What am I, chopped liver?!'


Later, Ayame went outside to find Ami. She wondered who else had gotten a letter and she hadn't spoken to the blue haired girl in a while. Ami was currently having P.E. and Ayame found her outside leaning on the side of the building with a ball in her hands and in her gym clothes. Usagi's cat was also with her.

"Hey, Ami! Did you get one of those letters too?" Ayame asked.

"Oh, Ayame. Yes, I did. I'm actually going over to Rei's to talk to her about it, too." Ami answered.

"Do you mind if I come along? I haven't spoken to her in a while and she was practically growling at me. Thinking I was after Kijin when I was coming over to her school to meet with a friend of mine named Jing." Ayame answered.

"Rei, did mention that the other day. I don't mind if you come with me." Ami said.

After making plans to go after school, Ayame went about her normal school routine. Usagi sighing and groaning about Tuxedo Mask cheating in her with all the other girls. Once school was over, the two of them, three if you counted the cat, went to visit Rei. They were shown in by Rei's grandpa and told she was sick.

Grandpa Hino allowed the two of them to enter. Ami knelt down beside Rei's bed as she spoke. "Oh no, Rei! I didn't know you were sick!"

"I woke up this morning with a fever and a sore throat. It stinks, but I don't think I'm in any shape to go out, even if it is for Tuxedo Mask." Rei said as she moved her head below the covers to have coughing fit. "Sorry."

Ami just smiled, "There's no need to apologize, Rei." After placing her hand on Rei's forehead she got up. "Here, let me go get you some ice."

Ayame walked into the room and looking around, she saw yet another love letter. "Your school got these letters, too?" Ayame asked.

"Ayame. I didn't know you were here. But, yeah I got one, too." Rei answered with a cough. "What are you doing here anyway?" she said a little rudely.

"Besides the times you acted like a guard dog at your and Kijin's schools, we haven't seen each other in a while. Ami said she was coming over and I asked to come with her. Despite what you may think of me Rei, I want us to try to be at least civil with each other. Usagi is my friend and any friend of hers, I want to be a friend of as well." Ayame answered.

Rei's eyes widened at the new information and looked away. Silence consumed the room until Ayame broke it. "Could you tell me where your phone is by any chance. I need to call Jing about this love letter thing."

After Rei told her where it was, Ayame hurried over to it. She doubted Jing would even bother to read the letter since she had Kijin, but she still wanted to talk to her about it.

Picking up the phone and dialing Jing's number, she waited until someone picked up. It was luckily Jing, though Ayame heard two other voices in the background.

"Hello?" Jing asked.

"Jing? It's me, Ayame."

"Ayame. What's up? Is it about the love letters?" Jing asked.

"Yeah. I'm over at Rei's house right now and I noticed she got a letter. Did you get a love letter from Tuxedo Mask, too?" Ayame asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to do anything about it. I have only one boy I like and that's Kijin. I've only met Tuxedo Mask once anyway. He's got nothing on Kijin! This is all just a prank if you ask me." Jing answered.

"I'm sure Kijin would be quite happy to hear that. You might be right about it being a prank. But now I'm getting this feeling something weird is going on here. It's for the best that we don't go. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye." Ayame said as she hung up.

Heading back to Rei's room, Ami had already returned with the ice and towel.

"Hey, Rei? Is there anything you need from the store? I can go and get it if you want." Ayame offered.

"Some plum juice would be nice." Rei answered.

"Okay. I'll be back in a bit." Ayame said as she left.


Ayame didn't know why she went all the way to the MS Mall, but she did. She told herself it was to check out if there was anything that could be related to the Dark Kingdom. She remembered when they would try to absord energy on grand scales so they could be trying to resort back to that tactic, even though that was a long stretch and she knew it.

While she was there, she decided to shop for things for herself. In the book shop, one book stood out to her. It was a book of constellation mythology. She thought back to one of her previous encounter with Masato. He was rather fond of stars. Maybe it could be something to talk about later whenever she saw him again. Or even give it to him since she had been rather rude last time she saw him when she was upset over what was happening with Mika. Either way she purchased the book and as she was heading towards the elevator she saw two people she didn't expect to see.

Masato and Naru. Naru had changed from her school uniform and into a turquoise and white dress, light blue tights, a slightly darker shade of blue flats, a small white purse, and she had changed her usual ribbon for one that matched her tights.

Even though Ayame knew she shouldn't, she slipped closer to them and stayed out of sight to listen to them talk. She knew Masato could talk to whoever he wanted, but for some reason, she didn't like him talking to Naru. She knew Naru liked him from back when they all saw him at the tennis courts. Judging from the blush, those feelings were still there if they hadn't grown since then.

"Has anyone ever told you you're the cutest girl in school?" Masato asked as leaned against the wall with his right hand. Ayame's eyes widen in shock at his words. The way he was acting reminded her of when he was at the Kayama's house. Full of charm, using his business man mode.

'Why would he be using it on Naru?' Ayame wonder as she ignored the slightest stab of pain his words sent to her heart.

Naru was practically swooning with a not so subtle blush growing on her face. Masato then removed his hand from the wall and placed it on her right shoulder.

"I mean it, I felt drawn to you since the first time we met." He added. Sending another stab of pain into Ayame. Metaphorically. Before he could say anything else, Naru couldn't take it anymore and with a rushed goodbye began to run away.

Masato chuckled at Naru's actions and Ayame came out from her hiding place to stand behind him. With her arms slightly crossed, she cleared her throat to get his attention.

Turning, Masato saw Ayame and was slightly started. But he couldn't help but smile. It was good to see her again and maybe this time they could talk since she was so upset about Mika.

"Ayame. It's good to see you again. Are you shopping too? How's Mika doing? You seemed concerned about her the last time I saw you at the Museum." Masato asked.

"She's fine. It's nice to see you too. I just came by to buy something for a friend of mine that's feeling a bit under the weather. While I was here, I decided to do a little window shopping and actually bought a few things. I didn't know you knew Naru." Ayame said.

"You saw us talking just now? Yes, I know her, I don't know her that well. I remember seeing her that day at the tennis court. She came up and spoke to me for a bit." Masato said.

"What were you talking about?" Ayame asked.

"She was wondering if I was the one behind the whole love letter ordeal of all things. This Tuxedo Mask whoever. Don't know why she thought it was me." Masato answered. "Are you going to come later tonight to figure out who it really is, this Tuxedo Mask?"

"No. I already know who Tuxedo Mask is. He's this guy that helps out the Sailor Guardians. From what I heard, he doesn't seem like the type to send all these love letters. I think it's just a prank. Whoever did this certainly didn't pick a romantic spot and the letter was kind of short. All the letters say the exact same thing. The only difference is the name it's addressed to." Ayame answered.

"I see. I figured you would say something like that. That's what make you different from other girls." Masato said.

"Like how Naru's the cutest girl in school?" Ayame blurted as she looked away and covered her mouth. How could she have said that? She sounded like a jealous brat.

Masato's eyes widen in surprise and then he rubbed his neck meekly before answering.

"I may have called Naru the cutest girl in school, but you, Ayame, have to be the most beautiful. You're smart, kind, help others, and more mature than the others. Naru probably just has a crush on me and slightly boy crazy. She's only interested in me because of my looks. She doesn't really know me like you do. I was mostly teasing her when I said that. Whether or not I'm actually drawn her, I can't really say. She's closer to a sister or something. I'm sorry for messing with your friends emotions like that." Masato answered.

Then, another vision hit Nephrite full throttle. It may have been the clearest yet.

"Sister!" He called out. Walking through a huge garden. It was a beautiful summer day but he couldn't take the proper time to enjoy it. He was looking all over his little sister. He hoped she wasn't bothering the princess or her guardians too much again. Though he knew it couldn't be helped since there weren't that many other girls in the palace her age.

He knew the princess was also fond of his sister but he still worried. He guessed it was just part of being a big brother. He made a mental note to ask his prince on the matter later after he found his sister. Soon he found his sister in one of the royal gardens pavilions along with the princess and her guardians.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you. I hope you haven't been bothering her highness." Nephrite said as he came up and bowed to the princess. He couldn't make out her features in this vision or any of the other four girls beside her. The only one he could actually see with some clarity was the girl he assumed was his sister.

"Nephrite!" One girl in particular whined as she stood up. She had her red hair down. "You know me better than that. We're friends after all, if I was bothering she would tell me."

The one girl in the center chuckled at them before speaking.

"Nephrite. It's good to see you again. I hope my brother hasn't keep you too busy. You may rise. You are among friends. There's no need for formalities. Don't worry about your sister. We've enjoyed her being here with us. Isn't that right, girls?" The princess asked as the others sounded their agreement.

"You are too kind your highness. Sister, I came here to give you something. Today's your birthday remember?" Nephrite asked. He motioned her to come closer as he took out a dark teal ribbon and tied her hair up.

"Happy birthday. Little sister." Nephrite said as the vision dissolved and he returned to the present with Ayame snapping her fingers to get his attention.

"Sorry about that. I was just recalling something." Masato said.

Ayame frowned and sighed. "Geez. It's okay, but you had me worried there for a second. You certainly have a way with words sometimes. I'm not beautiful." Ayame said as she played with one of her blue-dyed braids and refused to look him in the eye. Trying to hide her blush.

"Anyway, as I was about to say. I'd appreciate it if you didn't play with Naru's feelings. We've been friends for a long time and I don't want her to get hurt. Promise me that you won't hurt her." Ayame said as finally looked him in the eye.

Nephrite froze. He didn't want to lie to Ayame. But if she was Sailor Moon, then he would have no choice but to end her. What could he do?

"I can't promise you I won't ever hurt her. There are somethings beyond anyone's control. I can promise you this, Ayame. I will not hurt Naru unless I absolutely have to. I may have to tell her I don't have feelings for her so she can get over her little crush on me and move on." Masato said. If she really was Sailor Moon the he wouldn't be breaking his promise because it was necessary.

Ayame thought about it and nodded, agreeing to his terms.

"Even if you don't think you're beautiful, I still think you are. Inside and out, Ayame." Masato said.

Ayame blushed at him insistence before turning. "I-I better get going. My friend is probably wondering what's taking me so long. See you later." Then, without a moments delay she was hurrying off to the elevators.

'No one's ever said that to me before...' Ayame thought as she headed back to Rei's. 'At least...I don't think anyone has...has there been?'

Ayame's vision wavered as she sat down on a bench as images played before her eyes. It was night time in a huge garden. She wore a comfortable dress and sat on a blanket watching the stars. The cool air slightly brushing past her and giving her goosebumps.

"Are you cold?"

Ayame turned to see a man beside her, but due to the darkness and the vision itself, she could not clearly see him.

"Just a little." She answered.

The man detached his white cape from the epaulet and wrapped it around them both.

"Thank you, ***." She said, his name muddled.

"You could always go inside if it gets too cold for you. You don't have to force yourself to stay up and out here with me. You need your sleep for your duties in the morning after all." The man said.

"It's okay. If I get cold, I'll just snuggle closer to you. Besides, I love star gazing with you. I'll go to bed soon so this doesn't effect my sleep. The stars are just so beautiful." She answered.

"Almost as beautiful as you. Even if you don't think you're beautiful, I still think you are. And I love you." He said as he nuzzled her hair.

She just blushed and smiled as the vision faded and Ayame was back on the bench.

'WHY THE HELL DOES THIS TYPE OF STUFF KEEP HAPPENING?!' Ayame thought. Looking around, she noticed how dark it had gotten and knew Rei and Ami were probably worried about her. The vision must have taken a while. As she got up to go, she noticed Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury running by and had to do a double take.

'Just what is going on today?!' Ayame thought. With a sigh she followed them. If they were in uniform and rushing somewhere that meant Sailor Moon was probably in trouble and there was a monster on the loose. Unfortunately, Ayame didn't have anything to contact Jing and she couldn't take the time to find a payphone or she'd lose Sailor Mars and Mercury.

Following the two, Ayame finally saw where they were going. The MS Mall. At first she wondered why a victim would be there. It was already closed for the night. Then she remembered the love letters.

It wasn't a prank or the normal victim to gather energy! It was to lure out Sailor Moon! She was wild about Tuxedo Mask. Only she would be crazy enough to go on even the slightest chance to see Tuxedo Mask and see if he wrote those letters. This was a direct attack to get rid of Sailor Moon! From the way Sailor Mars and Mercury were running, it was succeeding to a point.

Ayame had to help them. After finding a good hiding spot she transformed. "Gaea Founding Power! Make Up!" Once she was ready she headed over to her comrades.

"What's Sailor Moon's status?" She asked.

"Sailor Gaea!" The two shouted.

"What are," Sailor Mars coughed. "You doing here?"

"I saw you two rushing past and figured it was because Sailor Moon needed you to come to her rescue. Now where is she?" Sailor Gaea answered and asked as she looked at the building.

"I'm checking my computer right now. I'll find her location soon." Sailor Mercury said as she turned on her visor and used her mini computer.

"I found her! She's in the elevator shaft! The closest access point would be the top floor elevator door! There's also someone else with her and someone on the ground floor." Sailor Mercury exclaimed.

"I'll go and check out who's on the ground floor. You two hurry and get to Sailor Moon." Sailor Gaea said as she hurried towards the location of the other person in the building.

As she hurried, she wondered who's bright idea it was to get in the elevator. In every emergency situation, you must never get in the elevator. Go for the stairs. That's basic fire drill information. When she got there, she didn't see any monsters or anything so the enemy must have thought Sailor Moon was finished. The only one there was...Naru!

Rushing to her side, Sailor Gaea checked for any injuries. She was relieved when she found none, but from the looks of it, Naru had been drained of a good portion of her energy. Picking her up and giving her a piggyback ride, Sailor Gaea headed upstairs to help the others.

'Just what made Naru come here?' She wondered. Then she remembered what Masato said about Naru thinking he was Tuxedo Mask. Naru thought she would be meeting Masato and ended up walking straight into the Dark Kingdom's trap. Then they took the opportunity to steal her energy, but not to the extent of her life being in danger.

After making her way up all the stairs with Naru on her back, she saw the others opening the doors the elevator.

"Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Mars cried as she and Mercury reached down and helped Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon, who was on his back.

"You know better than to go out on a mission without telling us about it, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mercury scolded.

Sailor Gaea put Naru down and rushed over to help them. "I hope this teaches you two to never get in an elevator in an emergency situation! It's basic fire drill information!" She scolded as well.

"Sorry about that!" Sailor Moon said practically nonchalant. As if she and Tuxedo Mask hadn't nearly fallen to their deaths.

"That was too close for comfort!" Sailor Mars said through her coughing.

"How is she so calm about this?" Sailor Gaea asked Mercury who just shrugged.

"Anyway, good thing you're both okay. I didn't find the enemy downstairs. They must have left thinking Sailor Moon was finished. I did however find this girl. She's been drained a bit, but not life threatening. If anyone knows where she lives, we should probably take her home or at least to a hospital." Sailor Gaea said.

"We know where she lives. We'll take care of her." Sailor Mercury offered as she picked up Naru and had her in a piggyback ride.

They headed out to the roof as Sailor Moon thanked them again. "Thanks for the recuse, you three."

"This is unbelievable." She coughed. "I'm stuck with a nasty cold while..." Coughing again. " get to sneak out and flirt with Tuxedo Mask! It's just not fair!" Sailor Mars fumed.

"Huh?! Well it's not exactly like that..." Sailor Moon tried to defend herself.

Sailor Gaea scoffed at the hot head and the air head. "That's what this is about? Sailor Mars, don't you realize that was a life or death situation they just went though? Hardly the time to flirt. And you Sailor Moon! How can you be so calm about all of this?"

"Now is not the time for this, Sailor Mars. You too, Sailor Gaea." Sailor Mercury said.

"Are you taking her side?!" Sailor Mars said outraged before she coughed again. "You were just as mad as me before!" Sailor Mars pointed out.

"Yes, but right now, the most important thing is for us to get Naru here to a hospital." Sailor Mercury pointed out.

Sailor Gaea raised an eyebrow. Did they know Naru outside of being Sailor Guardians? Her attention was turned to Tuxedo Mask when he spoke up. He was standing on the top of the metal fence surrounding the roof.

"I wish you girls would get along better! Farewell for now!" Tuxedo Mask as he jumped down.

"Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon and Mars said as they ran over to the fence and look forward.

Sailor Gaea went over and unlike to other two, looked down. She wondered why the other two didn't since he clearly jumped down and not up. There she saw his cape moving in the wind. There must be a ledge for him to sit down on. It was pretty clever.

"Since you guys have everything under control, I'm heading out first. See you next time." Sailor Gaea said as she headed to the opposite side of the building and basically pulled a Tuxedo Mask.

She could hear them wondering how she did that as she headed back to the side Tuxedo Mask was still hiding. She didn't know that much about him and decided to take the moment to talk to him before she went back to Rei's.

"Hello there." Sailor Gaea said as she sat down beside him.

"Sailor Gaea! How did you-?" He started to ask before she cut him off with her hand.

"I'm smarter that those two boy crazy girls, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars. They looked ahead when you clearly jumped down. Next time, try hiding your cape. I looked down and saw it blowing in the wind. Clever hiding spot though. Sorry for coming over here. I wanted to talk to you. Thinking about it now, this is the first time we've ever talked." Sailor Gaea said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"You're not a Sailor Guardian and you're not part of the Dark Kingdom. You're an unforeseen third party. From what I can tell, you're just an ordinary human. You could be spending your nights doing anything else. Why do you help us or help Sailor Moon so much? What are you really after? What do you gain from all of this?" Sailor Gaea asked. Getting straight to the point.

Tuxedo Mask was silent for a moment before he answered. "I don't know why I always come to her rescue. Something inside of me tells me to. When I see Sailor Moon, I get this feeling we've met somewhere in the past. Some sort of connection. It's there in the corner of my mind, but I can't remember what it was. I get the same feeling from you. I feel like I know you, but the feeling is slightly different from the other feelings I get from Sailor Moon."

"As for what I get out of all of this and what I'm really after, I don't really know. I'm searching for something very important to me. I just happen to be in the same place as the Sailor Guardians while I'm searching and help because of the feelings I get whenever Sailor Moon is in danger. That's all." He explained.

Sailor Gaea was silent as she considered his words. "I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't think we've met before, but in a world with talking cats and monsters popping out of hats, dresses, and dolls. Anything is possible. You seem like an okay person. I hope you find what you're looking for. The others are gone now. So we can climb back over and this time, take the stairs." Sailor Gaea teased.

"Since you asked me a few questions, do you mind if I ask you some? It's only fair." Tuxedo Mask asked as he climbed over the fence first and offered his hand to help her over.

"Sure. What did you want to ask?" Sailor Gaea asked as she grabbed his hand and climbed over.

"Why didn't you leave with the others? You're a part of the Sailor Guardians, but you seem different from them. Like there's this wall between you and them. Why's that?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"It's because I am different. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars each know each others secret identity. I, however, don't know who they really are and they don't know who I really am either. They didn't trust me at first and thought I was part of an enemy plot. That's why I'm different from them." Sailor Gaea answered.

"Why?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Maybe I can answer that."

The two turned to see Actaeon walk up to them.

"Actaeon. What are you doing here?" Sailor Gaea asked as the cat jumped into her arms.

"It's late, Sailor Gaea. You hadn't returned home yet and I was worried you'd changed your mind and you actually believed the letter." Actaeon answered.

"You know me better than that!" Sailor Gaea growled.

"Why is Sailor Gaea different from the others?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

Actaeon sighed. "I get tired of telling the story over and over. Long story short. I come from an ancient Kingdom that was destroyed by the Dark Kingdom which was sealed away by the Moon Kingdom. They are the reason paranormal activities have been happening in Tokyo recently. As you may have noticed, the seal has weakened."

"The only way to stop them is to find the Princess of the Moon. She has been reborn as an ordinary human on Earth. It is believed the Legendary Silver Crystal is either in her possession, or recently, I've been looking into the matter and the Silver Crystal has been divided into smaller pieces and a part of it is still with the princess. But one person can't fight the Dark Kingdom alone. To protect her are different guardians. Each one named after the planet they represent of our solar system."

"Each were chosen to become the guardian protector of the princess and help defeat the Dark Kingdom. Sailor Gaea is another one of those guardians. The Representative of the planet Earth. However, Earth has other Sailor Guardians besides Sailor Gaea. Sailor Gaea is their leader just like Sailor Moon is suppose to be the leader of the rest of the Guardians and Sailor Gaea herself."

"Sailor Zephyrus is one of the four guardians besides Sailor Gaea of Earth. Now it is up to her and the others to help stop the Dark Kingdom. The others were chosen by the black cat that is always with them. I, however look after Sailor Gaea and Sailor Zephyrus. Until the moment is right, we will wait about revealing their identities to the others." Actaeon explained.

"Princess? Where is this princess now?" Tuxedo Mask asked. Almost desperate for the answer.

"We don't know. She will appear when the time is right. For now we must keep the Dark kingdom in check. Thank you for helping Sailor Moon so much. Now if you will excuse us, it is late and we must return. Let's go, Gaea." Actaeon said as they turned to leave.

As they leave the building, Sailor Gaea asked him a question. "Why do you think he was so interested in the princess?"

"I have an idea as to why. Nothing to prove it though. We'll have to wait and see. I have a feeling he will have a major part to play in the future." Actaeon answered.

Meanwhile in his thoughts. 'It was good to see you again, my master. May your mission be successful.'


Elsewhere in the throne room of the Dark Kingdom, Zoisite was trying to get rid of the competition, A.K.A Nephrite.

"Queen Beryl, as you may recall, Nephrite swore to defeat Sailor Moon. Yet he failed once again. You must sentence him to the Eternal Sleep." Zoisite told her. Almost giddy with what he thought was soon to come.

Nephrite felt fear strike through his heart as he grunted and gritted his teeth. It couldn't end like this. He had been so close! He wondered if he could escape but doubted it with everyone else there to try and stop him and Queen Beryl herself. She wasn't the queen for nothing.

As she sat on her throne, Queen Beryl gazed at the glowing pink ball of energy he had managed to snag off of the Osaka girl, Naru. "Ordinarily, I would agree and his sentence would be swift and without mercy. But this amazing energy he stole earns him a reprieve." The queen replied.

"But My Queen!" Zoisite cried out in disbelief.

Nephrite relaxed and smirked at Zoisite not getting his way. 'The punk deserved it after all trouble he has given me.' He thought.

"This discussion is over! You Zoisite, should remember your place and your own mission to bring me the Silver Crystal!" Queen Beryl yelled. Not liking one of her generals trying to boss HER around and putting him back in his place.

Zoisite gasping as he bowed and Nephrite could help but look at him and smirk. After being dismissed, he returned to the mansion to thing about what had just saved him from the Eternal Sleep.


Nephrite was once again surrounded by stars and galaxies as he finally figured it out. "It all makes sense now... Everyone becomes obsessed with someone or something at least once in their lives, and focuses all their energy in it... Still, I never would have expected that girl Naru to produce such incredible energy. She has truly fallen in love with the Masato Sanjoin persona I've crafted. The poor, pathetic fool." He said as he laughed.

Once he calmed down, he couldn't help but pity the girl. He was one of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven. There was no way he could love, period! Love was a mere concept to him and there was no way he could ever love a boy crazy girl like her.

He grew solemn as he thought about his promise with Ayame. He didn't break it. Not really. He had needed to get some energy for the great ruler sooner rather than later and it saved his hide back there with Queen Beryl. Naru had walked into his trap and it wasn't as if he had drained her dry. His promise was one of those reasons. He briefly wondered if he got desperate again he could drain her again, but he shooed the idea away for now.

Could he really be incapable of the human emotion they called love? From his interactions with Ayame, he once had a sister. Who was that princess and the girls around her? Who was the princess's brother that he seemed to work for as the princess implied? It just didn't make any sense. He had always worked for the Dark Kingdom and he didn't have a sister or any woman in his life that he was intimate with.

"I'm just a fool." he said out loud before another vision hit him. What was with these visions hitting him twice in one day?

Nephite was once again in the gardens from before, but this time it was nighttime and he was with the black haired guy from before. His face was still obscured from Nephrite's eyes.

"I fear I have become a fool, Master." Nephrite said.

"Why is that?" His supposed master asked.

"I have fallen for someone I shouldn't. She feels the same for me, but I'm not worthy of being by her side." Nephrite explained.

His master stiffened and after a moment came to an answer. "And you're suppose to advise me at times. You're also older than me. It's suppose to be the other way around, Nephrite." He said with a chuckle. "However, if you ask me, there's no such thing as falling in love with someone and it being wrong. If you really love her and she loves you, then don't let anything stop you. You always say the stars guide our lives. The stars aligned for you to meet and fall in love. So why fight it? Everyone deserves a chance at love and so do you. Don't think you're not worthy. Go to her right now and tell her. I'm sure it will work out eventually." His master assured him.

"Heh. Thank you master." He said as the vision once again ended and left him back in reality.

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