Sailor Gaea: The Dark Kingdom

Oleh WaterDragon88

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A girl who was once just a normal hard-working middle school girl, discovers that she's not so normal and stu... Lebih Banyak

Sailor Gaea arrives
Mother Nature Strikes Back!
Ayame becomes a Bride!
The Grieving Doll
The Love Letter
Stars Align for a Painting
Friendship through Anime
Romance under the Moon
Wish upon a Star
End of an Evil
Restore Naru's Smile
The Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love
Emotions Run Rampant!
Grandpa Loses Control
Luna's Worst Day Ever
A Loss and a Gain
Enter Venus
The Shining Silver Crystal
Returning Memories
Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?
Let's Become a Princess
Snow, Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
Mako, the Ice Skating Queen
The Legendary Lake Yokai
Ami vs Mamoru
A Night of Memories
The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
A Message from the Distant Past
The Tragic Final Battle
A Brand New Life

Flash of the Monster Camera

408 13 3
Oleh WaterDragon88

I thank December Silentvale for helping me. The song in this chapter is "Cost of the Crown" by Mercedes Lackey.

After the wedding, the days seemed to return to normal with no signs of any monsters. Actaeon was on edge as of late. Worrying that the Dark Kingdom would have already sent another monster by now and they didn't have a clue. Ayame was concerned as well, but it wasn't like there was anything they could do about it. They would just have to keep their eyes peeled and hope for the best.

Now at school, Ayame sat in her classroom with Usagi eating lunch. Usagi's favorite time of the day.

"Lunchtime! Oh, boy! This looks so good! Time to dig in!" Usagi said as she looked at her choices of rice, egg rolls, mini hot dogs, some baby tomatoes, and something else Ayame didn't know.

Meanwhile, Naru and some of the other girls Ayame didn't really know were talking about a magazine they had with them. "Wow, those photographs look amazing!" One girl said.

"You know what's really amazing? The kid who took these pictures is still only in middle school!" Naru added.

"He won the Japan Photo Contest?! Wow! He's a genius!" Another exclaimed.

"'Kijin Shinokawa, a young prodigy.' Cool." Naru read from the magazine. Usagi had gotten interested in their conversation as she came over and looked at the photos.

Reading about Kijin, Usagi saw where he went to school. "Huh? No way! He goes to Gohongi Boys' Middle School?!"

Usagi grabbed the magazine and Ayame's hand and soon the two of them were off to Ami's classroom.

"Usagi! Let go already!" Ayame said as she tried to free herself gently.

Ami wasn't listening to the commotion coming her way as she focused on her math problem as she ate. "Let's see, X minus Y times pi R squared..."

Usagi burst in and let go of Ayame as she showed the magazine to her friend. "Ami! You have to see this! Did you read the article about this boy? He goes to a school that's right near the T.A. Girls' Academy that Rei goes to!"

"Yes, I know." Ami answered. Not really bothered by the information or excited like Usagi. Ayame liked how she was so calm. It was like a refreshing stream of water after dealing the excitable bunny beside her.

"How can you be so calm about this?! Don't you understand?! We have the opportunity to meet someone famous today! C'mon, let's go and get his autograph!" Usagi urged.

"Can't. I have cram school this afternoon." Ami told her.

"Aw, Ami, that's all you ever do! We're only young once, you know! We should make the best of it by having some fun once in a while!" Usagi said trying to get her studious friend to have more of her brand of fun.

"I am having fun, because I really enjoy studying." Ami answered with a smile.

Usagi grunted and told her "You are so hopeless."

"Usagi. Don't try to force Ami into doing things she doesn't want to do. There's a time and place for everything. Whether it be for fun or studying. I personally admire Ami's work ethic and being so dedicated. As long as she's happy doing it, then let her. However, for you Ami, Usagi does sort of have a point. It doesn't hurt to take a break once in a while. Just not in this instance." Ayame said.

"Does this mean you're not coming with me too, Ayame?" Usagi whined.

"Sorry, Usagi. Like Ami, I have somewhere to be after school. And even if I didn't, I don't think it's a good idea treat a guy like he's a celebrity just because he's talented and won a award. He's still human just like the rest of us. He might not even want the attention and we would be a bother to him. If you really love doing an activity, then you shouldn't care to get an award or recognition. You should do it because you like it. If the guy is doing it for the fame, I don't want to meet him."

"Ayame~" Usagi whined with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry, Usagi. My answer's the same. I'll see you two later." Ayame said as she left the room.

"OH, DARN IT AYAME! You never want to spent time with me anymore! Shows how good a friend you are!" Usagi said.

Ayame froze and slowly turned to look at her friend with a glare. The room seeming to get colder the moment those words were spoken by Usagi.

"Are you implying I'm a bad friend, Usagi? That I'm ignoring you? If anyone has been ignoring anyone lately, it's you! For quite awhile now, you've been spending more and more time with Ami and Rei. Less with me and Naru. You didn't even invite her when Ami showed us the park awhile back. You have things you want to do and so do I. I'm not going to let you boss me around Usagi. That's not how friendship works. There will be times you want to spend time with just Ami and Rei and not with me and Naru. I have things to do. I try to be understanding with you, the least you can do is give me the same courtesy. I'll see you later." Ayame finished without another glance.

Ayame fumed as she went walking around town. 'What's gotten into Usagi lately?' She wondered. Knowing Usagi, she probably didn't mean to say it or make it sound the way it did. But it really ticked Ayame off. How dare Usagi accuse her of not wanting to spend it with her. Ayame just had better things to do than visit that Kijin guy.

"Ayame? Are you okay? You look upset?" Actaeon asked as he walked up beside her. Seeing him, Ayame gently picked him up and carried him in her arms.

"I guess I'm okay, Actaeon. It's just something Usagi said earlier. She got angry at me not wanting to go with her to see this famous guy and get his autograph. Calling me basically a bad friend. She's the one always leaving me and Naru to go be with Ami and Rei. I've been understanding and accepting of it and there she goes saying that. It's hardly fair. You know?"

"Don't worry Ayame. It will get better. Also, there's something I want to talk to you about. You know how the Moon Princess has all the different Guardians representing the different planets of our solar system? Well, Earth has other Sailor Guardians besides Sailor Gaea. Sailor Gaea is their leader just like Sailor Moon is suppose to be the leader of the rest of the Guardians and yourself. In the Silver Millennium, the Guardians were princesses of their own planets and they have their own guardians to protect them. Some just have more than others. I have a feeling one of Earth's other Guardians will appear soon." Actaeon told her.

"That's amazing! Why didn't you mention this sooner though?" Ayame asked.

"Well, first off I wanted you to first get a firm grasp of being a Sailor Guardian before telling you everything. I didn't want to give you an information overload. Plus for not it's just a feeling. I can't seem to pinpoint their exact location yet and their might not be a need to awaken them yet. They're living peaceful lives. We shouldn't bother them without reason." Actaeon pointed out.

"I see." Ayame said as she thought about his argument which was a pretty strong one.

Not looking where she was going Ayame bumped into some one else.

"Sorry!" The two said in unison.

The girl before Ayame had black hair and violet eyes. Her hair style was in a way, similar to Usagi's in that she had two buns on each side of her head. Tying them in place was yellow ribbon with a red bead at each end. The way her hair was parted was different from Usagi's with some hair parted more on her right than the left and some longer hair covering her ears. From just looking at her Ayame guessed she was about the same age as herself. She wore the same T.A. Girls' Academy uniform that Rei wears and goes to.

"Hey, that uniform." Ayame said.

"Um, yes?" The girl asked.

"That's the T.A. Girls' Academy uniform. A friend of my friend goes there. Her name is Rei Hino. Do you by any chance know her?" Ayame asked.

The girls eyes lit up at the name and smiled.

"Do I know her? YES! She's really popular at my school. She's a great organizer and a great with the clubs and stuff. She can be quite mysterious yet hot tempered at times. She's cool. You say a friend of yours is her friend? That's so cool! I'm Jing, by the way. What's your name?" Jing asked.

"I'm Ayame Mascari. I go to Juban Middle School." Ayame answered.

"You're Italian?" Jing asked.

"Yeah. You're Chinese?" Ayame asked playfully.

Jing nodded before a male voice called out to her. "Jing!"

Both girls turned to look in the direction Jing came from as a boy wearing the Gohongi Middle School uniform came over. Ayame's first impression of him was meek. He had brown hair that was styled in a weird way she wasn't sure how to really describe it. One part in the middle was darker than the rest and started from the front all the way to the back. His eyes were a deep brown. Ayame recognized him immediately as the boy from the magazine Naru and Usagi were reading. Kijin Shinokawa.

"K-Kijin! Did those reporters finally leave you alone?" Jing asked as she blushed a bit.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry I had to make you wait. Who's your friend?" Kijin asked in a soft voice.

"Oh! This is Ayame. We kind of bumped into each other." Jing introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you Kijin and congrats. My friends in school were going crazy over your photos. Do you really enjoy photography?" Ayame asked.

Kijin perked up at the topic and smiled as he began to ramble about the topic. Ayame could see he truly enjoyed photography and wasn't in it for the fame.

"Do you think I could watch you work in action? I've seen some of the photos and I would like to see where you go to take these pictures. If you don't mind that is." Ayame asked.

"You should let her. You could go today since you were planning to go today. Plus you do have a tendency to get yourself in tight spots when you go take pictures by yourself. Especially since I won't be able to go with you this time." Jing encouraged, clealy worried about him.

"Um. Sure if you want. I have to swing by my house first and then we can go." Kijin answered.

Ayame nodded and they made plans to meet up later. As Kijin left, Jing waves with a dreamy sigh.

"He seems nice." Ayame commented.

"Yeah~." Jing answered.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Ayame teased.

"W-WHAT?! N-No! We've know each other for a while now. We use to be pen-pals before my family and I moved here. We're close I guess, but he probably doesn't see me like that." Jing answered with a blush.

"You never know until you try. Think about it." Ayame encouraged. "See you later. It was nice meeting you, Jing. I hope we can hang out some time."


While they walked away Actaeon walked beside Ayame with a smile on his face. Thinking about how well things were going to plan.

It was nearly sunset as both Ayame and Kijin were out side by some sea cliffs near a road. He had changed out of his uniform into a green hoodie and blue jeans. Kijin had climbed over the guard rail and had gotten into what he deemed as the perfect spot. Ayame could see why Jing had been worried about Kijin going alone to take pictures. If he wasn't careful he could fall to the ocean and be slammed into the cliff face by the waves. Ayame sat on the rail out of his way as they waited for the right moment to take the shot. That way if he started to fall she could try to help. Ayame was amazed at the amount of patience he had.

"The light at dusk changes so fast... There! That's the shot!" Kijin muttered as he quickly took the shot. Just as Ayame feared however the ground had a lot of loose rocks and gave way beneath him. Ayame caught his hand, however she didn't have the strength to pull them both up. She could feel herself slipping a bit.

"Hang on Kijin!" Ayame said. "Try to get a foot hold if you can." But that was soon unnecessary as she felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist and began to help pull them both back to safety. Ayame turned her head to see none other than Masato Sanjouin. Ayame blushed seeing where his arms were by resisted the surprisingly small urge to struggle. Not use to a man touching her there. She knew struggling would not help the situation and a part of her liked it. It felt safe and familiar to have his arms wrapped around her.

"You two ought to be more careful." Masato commented once we were safe.

"Yeah, I will! Thanks for saving us!" Kijin said.

Turning to Ayame. "It seems we can't stop bumping into each other. Next time let's meet in a safer place." Masato suggested.

Ayame blushed in embarrassment and nodded. While Masato retrieved Kijin's camera for him. Ayame felt something that she hadn't in a long time. She could feel something in the air. It seemed to chill her to the bone. It felt wrong somehow. It was the same feeling she had gotten at the tennis courts when she first met Masato Sanjouin. Ayame shook the feeling off and summed it up to the cold air of the ocean.

Masato handed the camera back to Kijin saying, "I'm a big fan of yours. Keep taking those great pictures, okay?"

"Uh, sure..." Kijin said as he watched Masato leave.

"Ms. Mascari, would you like a lift?" Masato offered.

"Can I trust that you'll take me straight home?" Ayame asked wearily.

"Madam! I am offended you would think I wouldn't take you straight home." Masato said in a playful voice. "If you accept my offer and something happened, Mr. Shinokawa here can tell the authorities. I'm heading straight home myself and you have my word a gentleman that I will take you straight home and there will be no funny business from me. I can even drop both of you off if that will make you feel safer. Please believe me." Masato said.

Ayame could hear the sincerity in his voice and agreed. Kijin declined the offer and went home by himself.

Now in the car it was mostly silent besides the radio playing as Masato drove.

The stars are very beautiful, above the palace walls,
They shine with equal splendour, still above far humbler halls.
I watch them from my window, but their bright entrancing glow,
Reminds me of the freedom I gave up so long ago.

"Do you mind if I ask why you were at the cliffs earlier." Masato asked.

The royal circlet of bright gold rests lightly on my brow,
I once thought only of the rights this circlet would endow.
But once I took the crown to which I had been schooled and bred,
I found it heavy on the heart, though light upon the head.

"Earlier today, I made a new friend I guess and she's a friend of Kijin's. She introduced us and I asked Kijin about his work and asked if I could see him work in action. She encouraged it since she knew it could be dangerous for him to be alone and she couldn't come herself. Kijin agreed and it was a good thing too. You saw what happened. If you or me hadn't been there, who knows what would have happened to him." Ayame answered. Listening to the song was making her sad and slightly distracting her.

Although I am the head of state, in truth I am the least,
The true Queen knows her people fed, before she sits to feast.
The good Queen knows her people safe, before she takes her rest,
Thinks twice and thrice and yet again, before she makes request.

"I see. When I saw you, I wondered if he was your boyfriend." Masato teased.

For they are all my children, all, that I swore to defend,
It is my duty to become both Queen and trusted friend—
And of my children high and low, from beggar to above,
The dearest are my Heralds, who return my care with love.

"What?! No! I just met Kijin and besides Jing, the girl I met that introduced us, likes him. No way would I try to steal her guy. I would actually be trying to get them together more likely." Ayame answered.

The dearest are my Heralds, swift to spring to my command.
Who give me aid and fellowship, who always understand
That land and people first have needs that I may not deny—
So I must send my dearest friends to danger—and to die.

"If you say so. But like I said before, just try to be more careful. Otherwise I won't have anyone to have a late night stroll with. Ms. Mascari? Why are you crying?" Masato asked. Ayame touched her cheeks and sure enough they were wet with tears.

A friend, a love, a child—it matters not, I know indeed,
That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need.
They know, and they forgive me—doing more than I require,
With willing minds and loving hearts go straight to grasp the fire.

She didn't know why, but listening to the song brought tears to her eyes. Her head began to ache as she could see images, brief images flashed before her eyes and she felt her heart was demolishing itself.

These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears the Queen can't shed,
The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my Heralds dead.
Oh gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry—
And if you have compassion—let me send no more to die!

Luckily they were passing by his house and he pulled over into his driveway. He parked, turned off the radio, and he brought he closer to him as he petted and comforted her.

The feeling of being safe and familiarity returned and Ayame couldn't resist hugging Masato. Soon her tears dried up and she moved a little making Masato release her.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. Thank you for pulling over and comforting me. Plus, driving me this far. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm glad I met you." Ayame said with a few remaining sniffs.

"It's okay. I'm glad I've met you too, Ms. Mascari." Masato said.

"Please. Just call me Ayame. If we really do keep meeting up all the time then we might as well address each other as friends, not formal strangers. I'll walk from here. The fresh air will do me some good and I don't even want to know what my dad would say if he saw you dropping me off." Ayame said as she opened the door.

"Are you sure?" Masato asked. Ayame nodded.

"Very well. I'll see you again some time, Ayame." Masato said as Ayame closed the door and he continued to drive up his drive way. Ayame hurried home wondering what in the world was going on with her and why she felt so connected to Masato Sanjouin.

In his mansion, Masato Sanjouin, or better yet Nephrite, was wondering something along the same lines. When he first arrived to release Kyameran into Kijin Shinokawa's camera he was shocked to see Ayame there and he was terrified when he saw her close to falling off the cliff. A part of him wanted to scold her for not being more careful. When he was pulling her up he felt strange as well. Had he held her or some other woman like he had done before while helping her? He had felt relived when she was safe but went back to his mission and placed Kyameran in the camera.

He didn't really know why he offered to drop Ayame off either. Was he worried something would happen to her and he wouldn't be there to stop it again on her way home. Why did he feel hurt she didn't trust him? He was practically a stranger and an older man than her. Yet he desperately wanted to make sure she was home safe. He was relieved when she told him she wasn't interested in Kijin as well. He was shocked when he glanced over while they were talking and she was crying. He hated seeing them and wanted them to stop. He didn't know why he comforted her the way he did.

Ever since he met her, he began to notice these odd changes to himself. Just what was the girl doing to him?! He was Nephrite, one of the Four Kings of Heaven and this girl was distracting and confusing him. Yet through all of this, he was honest when he say he was glad to have met her too. Smacking himself upside the head for his foolishness, he directed his mind back to more important matters. Three times, his plans had failed. He hoped this time it would work.


The next day, Ayame was still wondering why she was acting strange and last night had told Actaeon what happened. He had an idea as to why but he didn't have any evidence to prove his idea. He just told her not to worry about it for now and just wait and see if anything else happened and to keep him posted.

Ayame was trying to get her mind off it as she was reading a magazine. The highlight being 'Be a model! Get your picture taken by genius photographer Kijin Shinokawa!' This was shocking. Since when did he take pictures of models and girls? He did landscapes, didn't he?

"What? Why would he want to take pictures of that?" She asked out loud. She couldn't confirm it right now, but Ayame had a feeling the Dark Kingdom was involved somehow. She decided it would be best to ask someone who really knew him. She decided to go see Jing after school about all this.

Once school was over, Ayame rushed over T.A. Girls' Academy. She hoped Jing was still there.

"Hold it right there! Ayame?! What are you doing here? I didn't think you were a crazy fangirl like Usagi." Rei accused her as she was going past Gohongi's Middle School.

"Are you kidding me, Rei? If you would look where I'm heading, I'm going past this school. I'm headed to T.A. Girls' Academy! Usagi isn't the only one to befriend a girl from another school, you know. I'm looking for a girl named Jing." Ayame said as she pointed down the road towards Rei's school.

"Now are you going to let me pass or not? I need to find her before she goes home." Ayame urged Rei to let her pass.

Rei glanced at Ayame with scrutiny and she eventually huffed and said. "Fine. Go ahead. If I catch you causing any trouble, you will hear an earful from me."

Ayame nodded and continued on her mission. She eventually found Jing by one of the school's fountains. She looked a little down in the dumps.

"Hey, Jing. What's gotten you so upset?" Ayame asked as she sat down beside her.

"Ayame! What are you doing here?" Jing asked.

"I read in a magazine that Kijin was having a contest and stuff to take pictures of girl models. I thought it was odd since just yesterday, he was taking pictures of landscapes. Since you've known him longer that I have, I thought I would come here ask as you if he had been acting strange lately." Ayame answered.

"You noticed too?! I thought I was the only one. Everyone else I talked to about it just summed it up as him just being eccentric. He's practically glued to his camera now and he's been acting hyper too. He's passionate about photography, but never like this. I'm worried about him." Jing vented. Ayame could tell she needed it.

Ayame was still unsure if this was the work of another monster. Usually the victim was aggressive, not hyper. Ayame had to find out more.

"He was fine yesterday when we separated to go home. I'm not sure what's wrong with him. Does he have a different look in his eyes?" Ayame asked.

"His eyes? Well, maybe? I don't know. They're more narrowed than before I guess. Oh what's the word I'm looking for? His eyes are more wild. Yeah, let's go with that." Jing thought aloud.

'I better tell Actaeon about this. It's been too quiet lately without any monster activity. This is the only lead we have. Maybe the enemy has gotten wise to the side effects and has gotten better about hiding them. Or the side effects vary per person. Anyway, I have to tell Actaeon about this.' Ayame thought.

Later, Ayame came home and was telling Actaeon what Jing had told her and her theories about the enemy getting better at hiding the side effects.

"If what you say is true, then we have a big problem on our hands. We'll have to be even more careful and more aware to when the enemy chooses his next victim. The other problem is keeping an eye on Kijin. We don't know when his energy will peak and he won't be easy to get close to. Especially, since Rei has made herself basically the schools guard dog. Being a cat, I can keep tabs on him, but I can't fight like you can. I also don't want you to enter that contest. Too risky." Actaeon said.

"We'll figure something out, Actaeon. We've gotten this far and we'll continue to stop the enemy in the name of the moon!" Ayame joked to cheer up Actaeon.

He smiled before the phone rang breaking the moment. Ayame answered it to find Usagi on the line.

"Hey! Hey! Ayame! You won't believe it! Kijin Shinokawa is having a contest for girls to become a model! We could become famous models! Isn't it great?!" Usagi yelled.

"Usagi. Please don't yell into the phone. You're going to bust my ear drums and then you really will need to yell. Yes, I've heard about the contest. But don't you think it's odd?" Ayame asked.

"What do you mean?" Usagi asked confused.

"Well, Kijin Shinokawa, up until now, has always done landscapes until now. Why the sudden interest in girls? I think he might be a little perv. Something isn't right about all this and I don't think you should enter Usagi." Ayame warned concerned because if it was really a monster causing him to act this way Usagi could be in danger.

"Not you too! Everyone says I can't do it and how I won't make it past the first round. You're just like them! I thought you would at least be a little supportive. Bye!" Usagi yelled as she slammed the phone down.

Ayame sighed as she put the phone down. "I'm just trying to protect you Usagi and be an understanding friend. Why can't you see that?" She said as a few tears slipped past her guard.

Days past and Usagi had entered the contest. Ayame had continued to visit Jing after school and Rei eventually stopped being an aggressive guard dog every time she saw her come over to the school. Jing was fun to hang out with and she kept Ayame posted about Kijin's behavior.

As Ayame was heading over to see Jing again Usagi rushed over to her.

"Hey, Ayame! Look what I got! Look who got accepted and made it past the first round! I did it! IN YOUR FACE!" Usagi bragged.

"Usagi." Ayame sighed. "Don't you realize something odd is going on with Kijin Shinokawa? This has nothing to do with you being able to be a model or not. I'm just worried about you."

"Whatever! You're just jealous that I'm going to be a model!" Usagi said as she stuck out her tongue at Ayame and ran off.

Ayame sighed and went over to see Jing again. When she did Jing look even more worried than before until she saw Ayame.

"Ayame! Glad to see you." Jing said.

"You too, Jing. What's the matter? You looked upset until I showed up." Ayame pointed out.

"I have a favor I have to ask. Do you think you could come with me on the day of the second round of the contest? Kijin's allowing me to go to show my support, but with how he's acting, I'll scared to go by myself. You're the only other person who's noticed something's wrong with him and I have a feeling you being there would be a big help. Please?" Jing begged.

"Of course I will." Ayame said as Jing hugged her in appreciation. Ayame had grown close to the girl and even this was her chance in case Kijin's energy peaked and she could try to take down the monster. So she just hoped that the other Sailors would realize something was wrong and be there to help.


Soon the day of the second round at the New Japan Hotel finally arrived. Ayame couldn't help but be on edge as she stood by Jing in the back of the room as all the participants cheered. Actaeon had come as well after Ayame managed to find a bag the other day to smuggle him in without anyone seeing him. Looking around, she couldn't help but wonder just how many girls did Kijin need?

"It looks like every girl in town is here." Ayame commented to both her furry feline friend and Jing. Ayame could have sworn she even saw one of her teachers from school among them.

"Nearly. The first round was suppose to narrow it down, but looking at them all, I bet he didn't even bother. I say this is definitely Dark Kingdom influence. At this rate, the monster could appear at any moment." Actaeon whispered to Ayame.

Soon Kijin was wearing a suit light blue suit and blue bow tie. Stepping up on stage, he looked way too excited. It was certainly different from the meek boy Ayame met the other day when he was taking the picture of landscapes. She wondered why he even bothered with a suit. Wouldn't it be hard to be comfortable in it to take photos? He'd have to change later so why bother with it?

"Art is an explosion! Now, all of you go to your assigned dressing rooms and wait your turn there. And no peeking at the photo shoot! I don't want to be distracted!" Announced Kijin as he spoke to the crowd.

The crowd cheering in agreement and their own excitement.

"You were right, Jing. He is getting worse." Ayame told her friend.

"He's like another person! He's impatient and rude! He didn't even welcome us or thank us for being here! That's not the Kijin I know. Just what is wrong with him?" Jing fretted.

Ayame glanced sadly at her friend. Jing still had her hair up the same way she did when Ayame first met her, however she wore a white long shirt with white lacy netting on it with a light blue skirt and tan sandals. Ayame wore a pink three-quarter length shirt with a white belt and tan shorts. Along with a green beach bag for Actaeon and peep-toe flat shoes.

She felt sorry for Jing not knowing what was going on. It was times like this she wished she could release or lure the monster out before the victims energy peaked. That way the victims friends and family wouldn't have to worry so much about them. She felt so helpless.

The least Ayame wanted to do was try and comfort her friend. But it wasn't like she could just tell Jing something like 'Hey, Jing. You know how the guy you like, Kijin, is acting weird lately? That's because he's the target of this evil organization out to steal human energy and when Kijin's energy peaks, a monster will show up and steal it. That's why he's been acting weird. He's been possessed!' Like Jing would believe that.' Ayame thought.

She had to try something. "If you ask me, I could swear that he's been possessed by an evil spirit. Jing? Do you think we could go and get a peek at the photo shoot? Something is up and I want a closer look." Ayame said.

Jing looked at Ayame as she considered her words. "I think we could probably sneak in somehow. But we'll need to be careful.'

"Don't worry Jing. We will and hopefully we can figure out what is wrong with Kijin." Ayame answered.

Slipping out of the room with the other girls Ayame, Jing, and subsequently Actaeon made their way past the dressing room and towards the pool where Kijin and five girls were getting ready for the photo.

"So far nothing seems to be happening, Actaeon. Could this not be happening because of a monster?" Ayame whispered to him.

Actaeon didn't get to respond as Kijin and the girls were ready. Each in their poses and Kijin began to mutter to himself. Due to the distance Ayame and Jing couldn't hear what he was saying. When he clicked the button, Ayame and Actaeon knew for certain this was the work of the Dark Kingdoms' monster. The camera sent out a beam of light from it's lens and in an instant all five of the girls disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, God!" Ayame whisper yelled.

'So that's what's going on! The more pictures of girls he takes, the more energy he gets until it peaks! I need to get Usagi and Jing out of here! Even if I have to drag them out of here!' Ayame thought.

Jing was totally speechless and couldn't believe her eyes. Ayame grabbed her hand as she dragged her away from the room.

"What are you doing?! We have to stop him!" Jing yelled when she snapped out of it.

"If you go in there, you'll only end up like those other girls! We need to warn the others! You take that hall and I'll take this one. Just tell them Kijin fell ill all of a sudden and the contest is canceled! Now GO!" Ayame told Jing as searched for Usagi.

Ayame didn't have to look hard as she saw Usagi chancing her cat Luna with a bow in the cat's mouth. Which looking at Usagi's bathing suit must have come from it.

"Usagi!" Ayame called out to her friend.

Usagi looked up and a smug look appeared on her face, "Have you come to apologize, Ayame?" She asked.

Ayame glared hard at the silly rabbit and finally had enough. "You're going to want to apologize to me when I show you something. And I'm not saying this because I'm jealous, and I won't take 'no' for an answer!" Ayame said as she grabbed Usagi's arm like the girl had done ages ago when she was taking her along to show Ami that magazine.

Ayame told her to keep quiet as they peeked at the pool.

"I'm the only one who's not in the shoot." Usagi whined.

"Shut up, and watch." Ayame snapped at her.

"I'm an absolute genius!" Kijin said as he once again clicked the camera. The flash being even brighter that before when Jing and Ayame saw it. Then all four girls including Naru and one of their teachers vanished.

"They vanished!" Usagi said shocked.

"See? I told you something strange was going on! I tried to warn you not to come here! If I hadn't seen it before and went to find you, you could of ended up like that! Now get going! It's too dangerous for us and we need to warn the other girls. I already have a friend warning the other hallway. Go back to the one you were in and tell them the contest is cancelled. Now go!" Ayame told Usagi.

Usagi looked back at Kijin and then Ayame. Shaking, she nodded and headed back the corridor she was in earlier. Hopefully to do as Ayame instructed her. Seeing no one else around, Ayame decided it was time to get to work and headed to an empty dressing room just to be safe and no one would see her.

"Gaea Founding Power! Make-up!" Ayame spoke as she transformed into Sailor Gaea once again. Entering the room, Sailor Gaea saw Sailor Moon had already arrived.

"Now, whatever monster has possessed Kijin... Come out and show yourself!" Sailor Moon ordered.

"A lovely photo subject has just appeared right in of me!" Kijin said as he shot out a condensed version of the flashes he had used earlier.

"Stop it, Kijin! You're not in control of yourself and you're making a dear friend of yours worry." Sailor Gaea tried to reason with him.

Kijin paused for a second, puzzling over her words before shaking it off. "Who cares!? I'm a photographic genius! I must continue to take pictures!"

Meanwhile, Jing had returned to the pool after doing as Ayame had said. She couldn't keep away knowing she had this feeling deep inside she needed to do something to help Kijin. It hurt her seeing him like this. Jing eyed his camera and made a break for it as he was distracted by the two sailors.

"That camera is making you do this! Give it to me!" Jing yells as she struggled with Kijin. Trying to get him to let go of it. From where Sailor Gaea stood she could see something appear of Jing's forehead. Glowing on her forehead was the symbol of the four cardinal wind directions and on it was nothing but a 'W' representing the west.

Actaeon was hiding as he saw it too and smiled at the new development. 'Another one has finally been found and is ready to meet her destiny.' he thought.

Swinging his tail in a circle, a glow appeared and soon after he stopped spinning a small set of yellow pocket prayer beads with the cardinal symbol with all four directions hanging off with a silver branch with flowers attached to it appeared. It was about the size of a bracelet and was cute.

Meanwhile, Kijin pushed Jing away and directed his attacks at Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea.

"A monster has you under its control! If this continues, the energy of your passion... will completely be sucked away by the monster inside you!" Sailor Moon yelled as she tried to get closer.

Kijin's energy nearly reaching its peak.

Once she was close enough, Sailor Moon went in for an attack. "Sailor Moon Kick!"

Missing Kijin, Sailor Moon's kick sent the camera into the pool and with the object of his passion and probably hiding the monster Kijin fell down, knocked out.

"Kijin!" Jing yelled as she moved over to him.

"You've got to pull yourself together." Sailor Moon encouraged.

"C'mon, wake up." Sailor Gaea added.

Before the three of them could do anything else to help him, a splash was heard from the pool. Looking over a mini twister of water appeared and above it a purple fog appeared. Soon condensing into the latest monster. Its skin was white with its shoulders extended in an unhumanly possible way. She wore an arctic blue lip stick on her lips. A purple line went down the right side of her face. Her hair was a deeper shade of blue and mostly pulled to the right side. Funnily enough it looked like the monster was wearing a black bathing suit with some kind of partial purple cover up. Covering her right shoulder all the way down her fingertips. The bottom part covered half of her right leg and ended above her knee. On the front of the cover up was the same symbol that had appeared on Ms. Akiyama's wedding dress for the handmade wedding dress contest.

The Monster chuckled at our actions before telling them the truth. "You're too late. I, Kyameran, have stolen Kijin's engery!"

Causing the girls to gasp.

"Now take this!" Kyameran yelled as she fired at them.

Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea moved out of the way as she dragged Jing away in time not to get hit. Unfortunately, Kijin wasn't as lucky as he was still unconscious and being hit, vanished.

"No! Kijin!" Sailor Moon cried out.

But hearing Jing's shout was truly heart breaking as she struggled to get out of Sailor Gaea's grip. Tears flowing in her eyes. "KIJIN!"

"Watch yourselves! If Kyameran takes your picture, you'll become sealed inside a photograph forever." Luna warned them.

"That doesn't sound like fun!" Sailor Moon said as she dodged more attacks along with Sailor Gaea and Jing.

Luna watched and knew Sailor Moon needed help as she fell and couldn't get up fast enough. "She's defenseless! Look out, look out Sailor Moon!" Luna cried as she took the attack for Sailor Moon.

Looking where Luna disappeared Sailor Moon cried out for her furry friend. "Luna! Where'd you go?!"

"Here..." Kyameran said with a chuckle as two photos slipped through her fingers.

Sailor Moon caught them and saw who were in the photos as tears grew in her eyes. "Luna! Kijin! Why?! How could you!"

"Bring Kijin back!" Jing yelled with fury.

Kyameran snickered at them both and said, "Fat chance of that happening. But don't worry you'll be joining them soon. And now, you're going to become my next victims. I'll simply overwhelm you with my Shutter-Click Attack." Kyameran chuckled and explained as she closed in on them. Sailor Gaea hadn't noticed beforehand, but the monster had been firing and herding them in to get them all at once.

"Hold it right there!" Voices called out.

Kyameran grunted as she turned to the doors of the pool room and watched them open to reveal Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars.

"Sailor Mercury! Sailor Mars!" Sailor Moon cheered.

Without a moment to lose, Sailor Mercury released her attack "Bubble Spray!" Covering the room in fog.

"I'll seal your evil powers! Rin Pyo To Sha Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen! Evil Spirit, be exorcised!" Sailor Mars then yelled as she released dozens of spell tags.

Kyameran somehow saw through the fog and hit them away and tearing the bits of paper up. "You brats! Do you really think that'll stop me?!" She asked, nearly insulted.

Sailor Gaea nudged Jing and whispered for her to move to somewhere safer. When she refused, Sailor Gaea told her she won't be able to help Kijin if she got trapped in a photo along with them and under the cover of the fog managed to get to a safer hiding spot. It was good timing too as the fog cleared and revealed what happened to Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury.

"I don't understand! What's happening?" Sailor Moon asked.

Both Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars got captured and Kyameran tossed the photos to the ground in from of Sailor Moon.

"Sailor Mercury! Sailor Mars! Not you, too!" Sailor Moon cried for her comrades.

"You've gone too far!" Sailor Gaea seethed at the monster.

"No one can save you, now!" Kyameran boasted and moved closer to the two last remaining Sailor Guardains

Sailor Moon trembled as crawled backwards into the reflective wall of the pool. Looking at it as she stood up, Sailor Moon remembers what Luna said.

Sailor Gaea observed her surrounding as well and got an idea.

"Hey, Kyameran. You should try taking my picture and not concentrate on her! I'm far more photogenic than her. " Sailor Gaea goaded the monster.

"I hope you're ready for your close-up!" Kyameran said as she powered up her arm with the creepy eyeball in it to take the photo.

"Nah, you have it!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she pushed Sailor Moon further out of the way just in case and jumped up.

This shocked Kyameran as she took her own picture. "What?!" She screamed in rage and pain. Her eyeball in her hand falling out and she began to melt. "Oh, no, caught inside my own camera. No, this can't be! I won't let this happen!" She said as she smashed the glass.

Meanwhile, Actaeon moved over to Jing to give the bracelet to her.

"Jing." Actaeon said getting her attention.

"What?! A talking cat?" Jing exclaimed.

"No time to explain, Jing. Take this prayer bead bracelet and shout 'Zephyrus Power! Make Up!' and finish Kyameran off! You can do it!" Actaeon urged. "Do it for Kijin!"

Jing hesitantly nodded and did as she was told. "Zephyrus Power! Make Up!"

Wind suddenly surrounded Jing as her civilian clothing was replaced with a Sailor Guardian uniform. The main color yellow and the bows being a shade of pink. On her head was the same tiara as the others only having a yellow jewel. On her feet were a Greek gladiator style sandal open-toe design, calf style also in yellow, with laces that crisscross on the front of the leg and gold hardware studded accents.

"Welcome to the team, Sailor Zephyrus." Actaeon said as he bowed.

Ignoring him, Sailor Zephyrus glared at the monster that dared to hurt her friend and turn him into someone he wasn't. The cat was right, she was going to finish this. Stepping out from her hiding spot Sailor Moon and Sailor Gaea noticed her.

Sailor Moon in disbelief and Sailor Gaea in happiness for finally meeting one of her own separate team members from the rest of the Sailor Guardians.

Sailor Zephyrus felt as if she was filled with new found power and she instinctively knew what to do. She blew into her hands and began to spin, then yelling out her attack. "Gentle Hurricane!"

The attack hit Kyameran and screaming in pain was vanquished as she released blue flames from her body and disappeared. With the monster now gone, the damage she caused is set right. The girls from earlier come back, slightly tired and disoriented, but none the less unharmed. Kijin appeared however, was still unconscious. Luna landed on her feet as if she hadn't been hit and frozen mid jump. Over by the doors, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars return after Luna did with confused looks.

Sailor Moon fell to the ground in relief. "I think I've had just about enough of getting my picture taken!"

"You and me both." Sailor Gaea said as she patted her back.

All the Sailors watched as the newest Sailor Guardian judging by her clothing rushed over to check Kijin.

Sailor Gaea looked at Actaeon to make sure she was one of the Sailors he mentioned the other day and he nodded. She knew she had some explaining to do. Walking up to her, Sailor Gaea went to calm her down a little from worrying and to try and get her alone and explain everything.

"Don't worry about Kijin Shinokawa. After the monster is defeated, it takes them a little while to wake up. When he does, he most likely won't remember the past few days he was influenced by it. What's your name?" Sailor Gaea asked as she helped the girl up.

"Um. The tan talking cat called me Sailor Zephyrus." She answered.

"WHAT!? ANOTHER SAILOR GUARDIAN? BUT SHE ISN'T NAMED AFTER A PLANET!" Luna shouted. The others being just as shocked.

"That's because she's not. Sailor Zephyrus is different from the rest of you. Your job it to find and protect the Moon princess. Sailor Zephyrus is under the command of Sailor Gaea. Both are Sailors of Earth. Now, we all need to go." Actaeon pointed out and without another word Sailor Moon, Mars, and Mercury left.

Sailor Gaea dragged them to an empty dressing room and instructed Sailor Zephyrus how to transform back. She was somewhat surprised to see Jing, but at the same time she just knew it. Sailor Gaea then transformed back into Ayame.

"Ayame?! How-?!" Jing started.

"Actaeon and I will explain later. Right now, go and take care of Kijin." Ayame said, knowing how much Jing was worried about him. Jing hesitated, but her worry won out over her curiosity as she ran back to the pool.

While she waited Usagi eventually found her.

"Um, Ayame? I'm sorry about how I acted before. I was just fed up with how my family didn't support me and stuff and I should have listened to what you had to say. I shouldn't have taken it out on you and I've been a terrible friend. You helped me from whatever was going on earlier. Thank you. I never should have let the world of modeling get in the way of our friendship. Do you think you can forgive me?" Usagi asked while bowing.

"Don't worry about it, Usagi. Friends make mistakes and friends forgive each other. I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you. I forgive you." Ayame said as she hugged her friend. Happy that they made up with each other.


Later that night, Ayame invited Jing to come over to her house to explain everything. The TV going while they talked. First they started with properly introducing Actaeon and asked Jing to wait until they were done explaining to ask any questions.

"Actaeon? Isn't that the same name as some Greek god?" Jing asked while Ayame petted him as he sat in her lap.

"You're correct. That's the same name but I assure you I am no deity. But I'm not ordinary cat either. And please keep your questions until the end." Actaeon reminded.

"Anyway, I come from a long forgotten kingdom that once covered the entire Earth. We just call or called it the Kingdom of Earth. The time period this kingdom existed was called The Silver Millennium. The Earth Kingdom was part of an even greater system of kingdoms that spanned the entire solar system. It was peaceful time period during the prehistoric age when the kingdoms on every single planet in the solar system all existed in harmony. The very center of it all was the Moon Kingdom. That existed on the very same moon orbiting this planet now." Actaeon explained.

"While it was peaceful the peace couldn't last forever. The kingdom of the Moon and all the other planetary kingdoms inhabitants were different than the people of the Earth Kingdom. They were blessed with long lives and The Moon Kingdom possessed a special crystal called the Silver Imperial Crystal. Said to have the power to destroy an entire planet. The people of earth harbored a jealousy deep inside towards the Kingdom of the Moon and one day a witch by the name of Beryl," Actaeon said with scathing hate.

"Contacted a source of great evil and with her dark magic and taking advantage of the people's jealousy, swayed the people of Earth to wage war against the Moon Kingdom. Those who did not join willingly were forced. They became known as the Dark Kingdom. The Moon suffered great losses, but they were finally able to seal the Dark Kingdom away. However, over time the seal has weakened. They are the reason paranormal activities have been happening in Tokyo recently. The only way to stop them is to find the Princess of the Moon. She's been reborn as an ordinary human on Earth and in her possession is the Silver Crystal. But one person can not fight the Dark Kingdom alone. To make protect her are different guardians. Each one named after the planet they represent of our solar system. You've already seen them today."

"Each were chosen to become the Guardian Protector of the Princess and help defeat the Dark Kingdom. Ayame is another one of those Guardians. Sailor Gaea. The Representative of the planet Earth. However, Earth has other Sailor Guardians besides Sailor Gaea. Sailor Gaea is their leader just like Sailor Moon is suppose to be the leader of the rest of the Guardians and herself. In the Silver Millennium the Guardians were princesses of their own planets and they have their own Guardians to protect them. Some just have more that others."

"You're Sailor Zephyrus and one of the four Guardians besides Sailor Gaea of Earth. The reason I didn't tell you this before was there was no need to awaken you before now. Until earlier, you were living a peaceful live. We didn't want to bother you without reason. But I gave it to you because you were drawn into the conflict and I could tell how much you wanted to save Kijin. Now it's your destiny along with her and the others to help stop the Dark Kingdom. We look forward to having you with us Jing." Actaeon finished.

Jing was silent for a moment as she absorbed this information, but broke into a smile. "Thanks for having me. I look forward to working with you."

After shaking their hands they turned their attention to the TV. Kijin was making his announcement about the contest.

"I wanted to make an announcement, that I've decided to take a break from photography for a while." Kijin said.

"Why is that and when will you return to it?" One of the reporters asked.

"Well, first I've been so caught up in my work that I've neglected the people who have supported me up to this point and I want to make it up to them. I was also taught an important lesson, that a woman's true beauty is not to be found only in her looks. It's in her kind heart and her love for what's right and just. When I truly understand that with all of my being, only then will I take up the camera once again." Kijin answered.

"Taught a lesson? By whom?" The Reporter asked.

"Three wonderful young ladies." Kijin answered

Ayame and Jing look at each other and giggled. Knowing who he was talking about.

This won't be the last time you hear of Kijin. He'll have a much bigger role in this story. It's in honor of the actor who voiced him in the Viz Media Dub. Bryce Papenbrook.

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