Madness And Love || Sanders S...

Par Slxxzie

11.9K 427 743

Thomas added Morality, Anxiety, Creativity, and Logic to the chat. Thomas decides to put together a group ch... Plus

The Start
Autocorrect Disaster
Jokes And Apologies
Broken Hearted
A Picnic Outing
Baking Fun
An Explanation
Why Can't I Sleep?
Understanding Emotions
Dragon-Witch Trouble {Part 1}
Dragon-Witch Trouble {Part 2}
A New Couple
Name Reveal
Relationship Revealed
His Number
Frozen Night In
(Teaser) Something Needs To Be Done
[FULL] Something Needs To Be done
Taking Sides
Roman's Take

A Stern Talk

567 22 11
Par Slxxzie

{Roman's POV}

"What is it that you wish to discuss?" Logic asks.

"You really don't have a single idea on what it could possibly be about? Seriously?" Anxiety responds with, confused at how dumb Logic seems to be at this moment in time. He turns to me and I just shrug.

"Not really?"

"Oh my God..." It's like he just mentally face palmed. In fact, I think he just did.

"Unless you are on about what happened yesterday between Patton and I."

"Yes! There we go! Finally."

"Right. What about the matter?"

"What you did was awful."

"How so?"

"You have no idea."

"No. Correct. I do not."

I cough a little to gain their attention. "What he's trying to say to you, Logic, is that emotions are not your forte and you've played with poor Patton's heart. It's messed with him more than it would if it happened to one of us because he is morality. The heart. The feelings."

He hums. "Right. Okay, do explain where I went wrong. I simply did what people did in movies."

"Those characters were in love though right? Or in a relationship?" Anxiety asks, getting Logic's attention again.

"Well, yes. Obviously. It was a Romcom after all."

"Exactly. You and Patron are not in a relationship. That has completely messed with Patton."

"Why? It's not like he has a crush on me."

Anxiety and I both sigh. "Even if that was the case," He starts, "it would still confuse morality the heck out. And that would make Thomas all weird and lost - and that's not what we want! Or need! You've really messed everything up here. And- Oh my god!" He gasps like he's just realised something, which I think he has. "I gave him hope! I made him believe there was a chance! Now he's going to think I'm a liar, a bad friend, a bad son, a bad everything! What am I going to do? Now I've messed things up. I think I've just ruined my friendship with him. Oh my god he's going to hate me. He's going to really ha-" By now I have wrapped Anxiety up in a hug and so he cuts himself off at the sudden interaction. I notice that his breathing is becoming more uneven by the second and it's clear now that he's having a panic attack. I can feel him shaking in my arms and so I start rubbing circles on his back.

"Anxiety, anxiety can you hear me?". He just about nods. There's tears welling up in his eyes, he starting to shake more and his breathing is uneven like I said before. He's not stable. "Breathe in for 4, hold for 7, and breathe out for 8. Can you do that for me?". He nods and tries to do it but fails. "Here, let me do it with you." I start to do it and Anxiety soon joins in, his breathing returning to normal as he thankfully stops shaking. I pull back to wipe the tears away before hugging him again. "Just calm down. You were working yourself up to much and then started worrying about something, but it's okay alright? I'm here, I've got you." I feel his grip on me tighten and I start to run my fingers through his hair as I take over talking to Logic.

"Will he be okay?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah but just go and apologize to Patton and talk things out - clear things up between the two of you. It's stressing Anxiety out and he's getting really worried because he cares for Patton a lot as they have their father-son relationship thing. I don't think it's very pleasant for him to see Patton so affected like this, so, please, go and speak to him."

"Alright then. I apologize to the both of you two as well for the trouble I have caused."

"Don't worry about it. You know for future references. Just, worry about Patton right now. Who knows, maybe you can get Patton to help you with expressing and understanding emotions and stuff afterwards."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Bye now". I nod and Logic leaves and heads for Patton's room.

Once Logan had left the vicinity, me and Anxiety continued to stay as we were for a few moments, the faint murmur of a voice or two heard every so often. Eventually I pull away, convinced that Anxiety would be alright now. "Are you good?" I had to double check of course. To my relief, he nods and looks up to me with a slight smile tugging at his lips. "let's grab some of those cookies that Patton made the other day and have a stroll around the mind palace gardens. How about it?"

"Okay then. Sounds like a plan. I need to get out of here anyways"

I let out a little chuckle. "I bet you do, poor thing. Come on then". We smile at each other before we head to the kitchen to pack a few drinks and snacks - and of course the cookies - in a picnic basket to take with us, along with a picnic blanket. Soon, we are ready and so we set off for our adventure - if one wishes to call it that.

{Logan's POV}

I felt awful. Absolutely terrible. How did I not realise how bad my actions were? I knew something was up the minute Patton started to seem off as I left the last time I saw him. Not only that, I haven't seen him once since then, nor heard from him. God I feel so guilty! And so I should, to be honest. Well, I have to go apologize. I'm not the best with emotions or understanding them but I do know that an apology is necessary and that I do care too much about him that I can't let situation go unfixed. How on earth will I ever make it up to him? If he even accepts my apology at that...

With three soft and gentle knocks, I clear my throat and adjust my tie - running my hand through my hair and straightening my glasses with a deep breath as I prepare myself for the worst.

"Who's there?" A quiet voice asks. That is not the voice of the bubbly and joyous Morality; the happy pappy Patton. Christ, I can't believe I said that. Anyways, although I know it is Patton on the other side of the door, it just won't sink in as he sounds so.. different. So distressed, emotional, hurt. All because of me.

"I-It's me - Logic. I know I'm probably the last person you will want to speak to as of this moment but I can to apologize. Now, I understand that-" I'm cut off when the door swings open and Patton launches at me, tackling me into a hug. I almost fall over from the force when I stumble backwards but I catch the door frame and stable myself. "Patton? What are you doing?" That's a stupid question: he's hugging me, of course. I've already established that. God I'm stupid. "Actually no. For lack of a better question, why are you hugging me? I thought you'd be mad and upset with me.

He doesn't respond, only tighten the grip on me. Not knowing what to do, or what is happening, I hesitantly hug him back although it's not long before he finally pulls away. "S-sorry about that... And I am upset with you, yes..."

"It's quite alright, Patton. And I understand that I am not particularly liked by you or others at the moment." I assure him, making myself look presentable again after the sudden interaction. "Care to explain the reasoning behind the out of nowhere hug, or shall I get on with my much needed apology?"

He nods and we step into his room. He closes his door and then we sit on his bed. "I'll explain why I hugged you afterwards... Just say what you wanna say first."

I was going to correct his grammar but remembered that I'm here to apologize and now is certainly not the time to be correcting Patton - out of all people. So I let it slide. "I don't really know if words are even enough to apologize to you. I clearly was not performing at my best then and I know that is far from an excuse or a reason for what I did, but even I, Logic, have no logical reason as to why I did it. Aside from the movie explanation."

"I-It's fine.. I may have been really affected and upset and, yeah, maybe mad too but I can't help but feel just that little bit happy when you came back, tried to apologize, but simply just wanted to make up for what you've done. You didn't need to give me that lengthy apology, a short one would have done just fine. All I needed was for you to realise what you've done, say your sorry and say you'd like to be friends still... I accept your apology."

"One, no it is definitely not fine. What I did was wrong. Terribly wrong and a trillion apologies doesn't cut it. And two, how can you forgive me so quickly?"

"That leads me onto why I hugged you"

"Oh. Okay, um, do elaborate"

"Well," he shuffles around a bit, I presume to get comfy. "I missed you..."

"O-Oh..?" I won't lie, I blushed a lot after hearing that but I kept my cook. Honestly, I was more confused and in disbelief than flustered.

"I enjoy spending time with you, being around you. You're smartness amazes me and your love for crofters makes me laugh" he chuckles a little, causing me to smile ever so slightly however it soon disappears. "I adore it when you unintentionally make dad puns and get all flustered and embarrassed. That kiss only affected me so much because I like you. Like like you. Heck, I'd even go as far as saying I love you."

I blush intensely at this and look down at my lap, beginning to fidget with my hands - not knowing how to respond.

"Anxiety knows I like you and Roman probably does now too so that's why it made him so angry and upset - because that kiss was something to me that it wasn't to you."


"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He suddenly exclaims in a random burst of panic and fear.

"What?" I question, confused. I'm the one who came to apologize and now he's apologising. What is even going on now. I'm so lost - figuratively.

"I just b-blurted all that without th-thinking and subconsciously confessed all m-my feelings towards you. I'm so so so so sorry!"


"Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lay all that out on you like that"

"Holy crofters, Patton-"

"I feel so awful now! I need to learn to keep my mouth shut at times... What have I done-"

"Patton!". He immediately pauses his frantic worrying and panicking and looks at me, not expecting me to do that. "What do you mean what have you done? I think you'll find I'm the one to be asking 'what have I done?', don't you think?"

"I- what?"

"Please just stop fretting for crying out loud. Patton, I do not care that you just spilled all your feelings towards me because that is not the matter at hand. I have messed up so so badly and have hurt you in a way I never knew or could imagine - and I most certainly did not dream of ever doing anything of sort. I'm ashamed of what I've done, yes, and I regret it, yes. But does how I feel afterwards change what I've already done? No. For that and everything and anything more, I am sincerely sorry and hope that you will forgive me. Actually forgive me and not just say it because you love me. In fact, we can bake some cookies as another way for me to apologize to you and start making up for it." I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and run my fingers through my hair. I'll admit, I'm indeed quite stressed about the situation.

"Logic, of course I accept the apology. I've already said that. And I mean it. I do. It was all I needed, etc. I've told you that. I understand that you wanted to make it clear that you were sorry and I appreciate that. All I want right now is for both of us to forget about the part where I talked about my feelings for you. And by the way, you don't have to make it up to me though I would love to bake cookies with you!"

"Ok good. Again, I'm sorry. I just don't feel like it'll ever be enough."

"Maybe one day.." he mutters and it was just loud enough for me to hear but I don't think that was his intentions.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing! Hey, um, when do you wanna bake those cookies?"

I sigh, not wanting to correct him after clearing things up with him - but it still bothers me a bit - and continue on, deciding not to question him further on what he said before having already messed up so badly yesterday. "We can bake them today in, say, half an hour if you wish?"

His eyes sparkle and shine, a smile returning on his face that I wish ever so much is real and genuine - and judging from the look in his eyes, I think it is thankfully. "Ooo yay! I'd like that. Sounds like a plan"

"Alright. Well, I'll be off for a bit, but I shall see you in the kitchen in half an hour"


"Hug?". He nods, his smile becoming wider and a light blush only just showing. I allow a smile to appear on my face and I hug him. "Goodbye for now, Patton."

"Bye Logi!"

"Logi? Huh.". His cheeks go more visibly red and I chuckle. "I shall ask you about that afterwards. Bye now" I wave and he waves back as I leave his room.

I enter the kitchen to go tell Roman and Anxiety that I've sorted things out but I find that they are no longer there. Ah well, I'll tell them when I next see them.

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