Delicious Thighs(YOONKOOK)

By Jimins_Thick_Thighs

399K 17.1K 16.4K

Jungkook, the shy, timid bunny crossed paths with a tiny kitten who let out a loud roar. More

Chapter One 🙌🏽
Chapter Two 🙌🏽
Chapter Three 🙌🏽
Chapter Four 🙌🏽
Chapter Five 🙌🏽
Chapter Six 🙌🏽
Chapter Seven 🙌🏽
Chapter Nine 🙌🏽
Chapter Ten 🙌🏽
Chapter Eleven 🙌🏽
Chapter Twelve 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Fourteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Fifteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Sixteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Seventeen 🙌🏽
Chapter Eighteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Nineteen 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty-One 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Two 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Three 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Four 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Five 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Six 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Seven 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Eight 🙌🏽
Chapter Twenty Nine 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty One 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Two 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Three 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Four 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Five 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Six 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Seven 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Eight 🙌🏽
Chapter Thirty Nine 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty One 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty Two 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty Three 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty Four 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty Five 🙌🏽
Chapter Forty Six 🙌🏽
Vmon 🤟🏽

Chapter Eight 🙌🏽

10.6K 512 506
By Jimins_Thick_Thighs

Totally forgot Yoongi hasn't been to work yet. Oops.

It was a deathly silence in the Yoonmin household. After Hoseok left, the two old lovers were glaring at each other. One stared with no emotion in his eyes, while the other stared with anger.

It was the blue haired boy who held the emotionless gaze. Yoongi had no idea what he had just gotten himself into. All that went through his mind was Jimin.

Even after the blond cheated on him, and had even claimed Hoseok as his boyfriend, Yoongi couldn't find it in himself to just leave him.

He wanted to remain with him. Jimin had made Yoongi feel love, and secure. He made the pale boy love himself again and learn to love others.

But now,

Yoongi felt his self esteem demolishing as his insecurities surged beyond normal. He had also developed a severe case of social anxiety that had his mind racing at all of the fake scenarios he created inside of his head.

Yoongi sighed and broke the intense stare with the other. Today was Friday which meant he had work.

Walking into the bathroom, Yoongi began to strip as he got in the shower. After washing up, Yoongi dressed himself in club clothes and grabbed his newly purchased bus pass.

He was almost out of the door when a certain blond blocked his way.

Yoongi felt his heart flutter when Jimin gripped his hips.

"I want you to leave, and never come back. "He whispered.

Yoongi frowned slightly, then twisted a strand of his blue hair around his finger.

"It appears Hoseokie has taken an interest in me, Jiminie. I'm afraid I can't go anywhere anytime soon."

And with a flick of his hair, Yoongi was out of the door, and on the next bus to Cube Club.


It was currently close to 11:30pm when Yoongi walked up to the grand piano to play one of his favorite songs. The song was Pachelbel Canon in D. (I love playing this song on the violin. )

Yoongi never understood why they needed a pianist at a club, but they paid him for his time so he could care less at the end of the day.

As Yoongi took to the stand, he felt the eyes of someone watching him. He faced the crowd and gulped when he saw the delicious thigh boy known as Jungkook staring deep into his soul.

Instantly feeling nervous, Yoongi inhaled deeply then began to play the beautiful song.

It was if the world had stopped for just a split second as Yoongi's veiny hands pressed down into each key, emitting a beautiful sound hat left you breathless. Music was truly a gift that should not be taken for granted. It calmed Yoongi and made him forget about his problems.

Closing his eyes as he played he melody, Yoongi felt a wave of ease pour into his tiny frame. The piano was something Yoongi loved more than anything, and when his parents gifted one to him, he cried.

He would play it everyday, learning music from ear rather than sheet music because he didn't know how to read it.

Yoongi had the old piano for years, until Jimin convinced him to sell it. In Jimin's words,

"It's a bit old. I'll buy you a grand piano and you can play it for us as we sip on our wine, then we can make love"

Yoongi regretted selling it now.

Once the song concluded, the blue haired boy stood up and bowed. Some people clapped, and then the DJ began to hype the crowd up by playing Silver Spoon by a group who went by BTS.

Yoongi walked off the stage and was met with a grinning bunny. The blue haired boy felt his insides churn as his cheeks were dusted a soft pink.

"You were so good, Yoongi- hyung" Jungkook said as he embraced the small male. Yoongi wrapped his arms around him and basked in the warmth.

"Thank you, Kookie. "Mumbled Yoongi. After pulling out of the hug, an awkward silence presented itself.

"Um what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked. The younger shifted around and then looked down at his elder.

"I'm here because I remember you said you were a pianist, and I wanted to hear you play. I've shown up every night hoping to catch a glimpse, but you were never here. Today was going to be my last night trying, but here you are" The bunny concluded with a bunny smile.

"And I wanted to apologize. "Yoongi nodded as a signal to go on. "I've realized that I don't know what you're going through, and I shouldn't have interfered if you didn't ask me to. I'm just concerned for you. I understand that I need to back off, and let you live. I apologize with everything in me. Will you forgive me?"

The blue haired boy began to smile slightly, not full on gummy smile, and nodded.

"I forgive you" And he meant it. The bunny boy was someone he considered a friend.

Jungkook grinned again. "I'm glad. Well, I must be going. Have to teach a class with the other two hyungs in the morning. "

Yoongi froze at the mention of his two boyfriends. "Yeah. I have to go as well"

"Hey... maybe I can give you a ride?"

"I'd love that"

The two bobbed through the crowd with their hands locked together.

"So we won't lose each other" Jungkook justified. Yoongi agreed with him.

"Exactly. "

Arriving outside, the two were met with a familiar blond and red head. The bunny boy and kitten instantly let go of their intertwined hands.

"Hey hyungs. What brings y'all here?"

"We're just here to pick up our boyfriend, Yoonie" Hoseok beamed a smile.


It's official. Jungkook is Jungshook.

In case any of you were wondering, Yoongi thrives off of skinship and any form of affection due to being denied it for a long period of time. That's why he loves to be embraced in hugs, or kisses on the forehead.

Yoonie just needs love in general. 💜

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