By Rabiablueskies

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Sequel to the »SPIDER-MAN« ► Spideychelle book. This takes place after Endgame. So if you haven't watched the... More



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By Rabiablueskies

"I actually enjoy admiring her from the far than being near that suicide field."

"Hey, Peter.", Ned greeted him as Peter was standing in the hallway of his school. His hand grabbing his backpack strap tight as he opened his locker.

His best friend smiled at him, giving his well known bright smile where his eyes would disappear. The school year flew by and it was their last school week.

"Hey, Ned.", they did their signature handshake before talking about their weekend and the coming summer.

"So... I was wondering if you could help me to ask Betty out.", Ned said as they made their way to their first period.

"Betty Brant?", asked Peter not sure if he understood him. But to his answer, the boy got a nod from his best friend a slight blush making its way to his chubby cheeks.

"Yeah, I realized that I like her. She's amazing and smart and really pretty.", Ned was raving about the blond girl who worked for the school news.

Peter laughed and he was thinking if he had looked like that when he had raved about Michelle to Ned. But seeing the face his friend made how his eyes were shining brightly and how he couldn't stop smiling by just thinking about his significant other was something out of this world. Listening to his rant about how perfect and amazing the blond girl was made Ned's smile wider.

"Woah, what's with loser number two? I've never seen him smile that wide.", MJ made her arrival known behind the close friends.

She took Peter's hand and smiled at her significant other. "He high or something?", she laughed and Peter couldn't stop from being amazed by her beautiful laughter.

"Shit, there she is.", Ned tried hiding behind his two friends when his eyes saw the figure that belonged to the girl he was crushing on.

MJ and Peter laughed at their friend's sudden reaction. Ned glared at them still hiding from the beautiful eyes of the girl he had found a fondness of. He punched Peter in the arm telling him that this was a serious situation.

"Hey.", the other boy of the trio said to Ned. It didn't hurt him but he still rubbed his arm up and down.

The trio went to their chemistry class. They sat down to their assigned seats. MJ was sitting at the row in front of Peter and Ned next to Brad who made Peter still suspicious. Peter didn't know why but his guts told him that he was someone he could trust or become friends with. And seeing him being that close to the girl he had fallen in love with didn't make the suspicion any better. But Peter trusted MJ enough to not get his jealousy over his head even though he wanted to punch that stupid grin off of the boy's face.

As Peter looked to his right he saw his best friend drooling over the girl he admired. Betty was ironically sharing the same chemistry class and Ned couldn't be any more happy though he couldn't coherent any correct sentence when she was talking to him or them as in the group of three.

"I was just curious if you want to hang out sometime. With me. Of course.", Peter's head snapped back the front row. Hearing Brad asking that question made him mad.

Practically everyone in the school knew that MJ and he were dating. And that even before the snap even happened. And still, this boy right next to MJ was asking her out. Who the hell does he think he is? Peter thought and was about to punch that boy for real. But he calmed down again knowing that MJ had zero interest in him. He could trust her. And he did.

"Sorry Brad, but I'm with someone already.", she had answered and the idiot - Peter's nickname for him - next to her was trying to play her rejection off.

"I know, that you're with someone. I just meant as friends.", he said still hoping for a 'yes'.

MJ laughed and shook her head. "the answers still no.", she said and turned around to face the front.

And you could just imagine how happy Peter was with her answer. He added this to his list with reason to fall deeper in love with her. His smile never left his lips until the end of the period. And the lover found amusement in the rejected look Brad was showing. Not that he would enjoy anyone's sadness but like he had thought on the first day of this school year Brad was suspicious.

Michelle Jones could practically feel the wide smile on Peter's face and she turned around to confirm her feeling. As their eyes met, Peter mouthed a 'You are a goddess." and send an air kiss towards her. She mouthed an 'I know' back and caught the kiss. She then turned back to face the blackboard and wrote the chemical equation down.

All in all, the morning flew by and the next thing they knew was them sitting at their signature lunch table. Ned sat across Peter who sat next to MJ. She was reading a book, while Peter and Ned were discussing when they were going to watch the last part of the Star Wars trilogy because they have missed it. The two friends talked about any movie they missed beginning with Man in Black 4, Star Wars to TV shows like B99. Time to time, Ned's eyes wandered to another table and when Peter followed his eyes he saw Betty Brant sitting there laughing at something her friend had probably said to her.

"Ned, if you like her so much, then ask her out.", MJ said as she saw the way her friend was looking at the girl in the blue sundress.

"WHAT! No.", Ned said, his eyes darting back to the girl at the table he was sitting at.

"I actually enjoy admiring her from the far than being near that suicide field.", Ned said and poked his lunch.

"What are you talking about? You yourself told me to go after MJ. And now you're backing out.", Peter said and looked at his best friend in his eyes.

"That's a totally different thing. To tell someone you like them seemed for the two of you way easier and obvious than for me and Betty. I want to tell her but she'll probably reject me and I would feel humiliated and embarrassed. And I don't want that.", Ned said and his eyes wandered back and forth between his friends.

"Sometimes, we all need to step out of our comfort zones or else we'd be trapped in them. If Peter hadn't stepped out of his I wouldn't be here right now talking to you.", MJ said giving him a comforting smile. "But ask her out when you think you're ready, okay.", she added and then went back to read her book.

As always, Peter was amazed by the girl he was allowed to kiss and hold her hand. And he did grab her free hand and gave it a quick squeeze before letting go.

Meanwhile, a heroine dressed in a black and white suit with turquoise ballet shoes was swinging through the city, doing her daily patrol - since the snap - and giving Peter a break from all the heroism. Though he had insisted that she didn't need to do his job, she did it anyway. Gwen had helped the people around Queens and Brooklyn during the past 5 years. Even though she did little things, like stopping a mugging at the local ATM or helping elderly people cross the streets, she did something. Showing the people in her city that they had someone they could look up to. Seeing that she was still doing her job, even though she had also lost everything.

Many people had moved on because Mr. Captain America Steve Rogers himself told them it was okay to move on. It was okay to live their life's, to enjoy everything again. It was okay to re-marry or to see other people because they didn't know about the blip that would have come a few years later.


Hey Hunny bunnies,

It is I, the author of this book, and I present to you this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing it.

Anyway, as I have told you I'm going to use FFH but I'm going to change a lot of things because they don't fit in with my story. But I will explain what I change and how it's related to the story within the next chapter.

Till then, I hope you enjoy your summer break.


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