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!!Please read the endnote, really important!!

!!Please read the endnote, really important!!______

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"For Thor's sake"

The school day seemed to be speeding by as Peter thought about the conversation he had with May that same morning. He had drowned out everything the teachers had taught them, his chemistry teacher has even called him out for not paying attention to the lesson, but luckily for Peter, he was able to give the right answer.

MJ and Ned sharing most classes with him have noticed his utterly strange behavior that day. Not that anything he did was strange enough (I mean he's a freaking mutant). Yet that particular day it was more strange than usual. He hadn't even acknowledged the test that they got back. A big fat A+ circled in red was on the sheet of paper. Normally he would smile proudly of the accomplishment of his work, nevertheless, he sat deep in thought.

They both grew worried about their heroic friend. It was not the first time that the seventeen-year-old had not paid attention to school, nonetheless had he shared with either one of them what he was pondering about.

"For Thor's sake, what's wrong with you, Parker?", Flash said after a while. He had thrown a few paper balls at the other boy during the beginning of lunch, though the boy hadn't done or said anything about it.

The whole academic decathlon team had sat on their usual table, discussing when they could practice for the annual academic decathlon championship that school year.

"Huh?", Peter responded, having overheard the other boy.

"Have you gone mad or something? It's not funny when you don't do something to prevent me from teasing you, Parker.", Flash added, and shook his head.

"Jones, do something to your boyfriend, I think he feels being left out from all of y-"

"Shut the fuck up, Eugene.", Michelle interrupted him.

"That's what you had to do, Parker.", he looked at said boy, throwing his arms up to emphasize his statement. But all he got was Peter rising his eyebrow, a puzzled look on his face.

"You're weird.", Peter uttered.

"Really that's all you got to say?", Flash retorted, rolling his eyes. He then converted his eyes to Ned. "Whatever you did to Parker, fix him!", with that he turned his attention back to the others.

That was not something that commonly happened but they've noticed Peter behaving oddly and him behaving oddly never meant something good.

"Peter, you alright?", Ned questioned, his eyes still filled with worry. It was odd for Peter not telling him anything they've been friends since preschool. They knew absolutely everything about each other.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just been thinking about something that May mentioned this morning.", the young hero replied. "Sorry man, I didn't mean to worry you.", he added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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