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"My boyfriend is about to pick me up anyway

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"My boyfriend is about to pick me up anyway."

"Okay, uhm, let's start with... how did you become Spider-Man?", Betty and Peter we're back on the very same rooftop she had asked him to do an interview for her.

Betty was really nervous for that interview. Though it wasn't a job she still was nervous to talk with one of the avengers. She had taken a backpack with all the thinks she needed. Knowing that this interview could take longer than the ones she used to do at the school news channel, she prepared by writing a lot of questions all about how Spider-Man got his power to what his powers are and how he became an avenger. Her backpack was filled with pens, notebooks and a few bottles of water and some snacks. For the case both of them got hungern during the interview. She also took a jacket with her after Ned had told her that she should take one since the nights tend to get colder.

"Well, it may sounds absurd but I was bitten by a spider.", Betty wrote a few notes on her notebook thanking God that Spider-Man was talking slowly. "but not any spider. It was a radioactive spider. But it's dead. So there won't be any other Spider-Man's or Spider-woman's.", he added, while Betty nodded.

"So how did you know that you got... powers? And why did you use them for stopping crime? Because there would be someone who'd use the power you have for their own advantage.", Betty faced the masked boy watching how he put his hand on his chin thinking about the question.

"I... in 2010, I visited the Stark Expo. And there happened the Hammer drone accident, remember.", Betty nodded, writing everything down. She was surprised that he was telling her that, she had expected him to tell her nothing just answering a few of her hundred questions, but she was satisfied with that what she had now. "and one of the drones was trying to shoot at me, if Tony - I mean Ironman wasn't behind me and shoot him. I always thought that i was the one who stopped him, I was and still am a huge fan of his. 'Good Job kid' he had said to me. I felt like a hero at that time. I thought I had helped him.", Peter continued watching Betty writing everything down.

"That's the reason why you wanted to be a hero. Because your idol made you feel like one.", Bett asked, trying to get more details out of the hero sitting in front of her.

"No, a few years later, there was a terrible, terrible incident. And it was also the time were I got my powers. I could have stopped that terrible incident but I didn't. The guilt haunted me in my sleep, and I swore to myself to protect everyone and everything in this city.", the hero added and Betty nodded along.

It continued with that for a few minutes, Betty asked questions and Peter answered them as well as he could not wanting to reveal anything personal about him. There were questions related to the Avengers, Spider-Girl - also known as Gwen Stacy but no one knew that obviously - and a few questions about his age.

"So, I have a few questions about the Blip. I hope I can ask a few of them. I know that a lot of people aren't really comfortable with this kind of subject. And if you don't want to talk about that we can skip that part.", Betty looked at Spider-Man.

"The Blip, huh? Well, What do you wanna know?", Betty smiled.

"Where were you when it happened? I mean the very first snap."

"I was on a planet called Titan. With Mr. Stark, a group of aliens and a human, they call themselves the guardians of the galaxy. And a doctor.", he answered slowly.

"And where did you wake up? I mean after the second snap.", Betty asked.

"I woke up on Titan. But it wasn't the second snap. The avengers had told me that Thanos, the purple grape that cause the snap, had snapped again to destroy the stones.", Betty nodded again.

"should we take a short break. I brought some snacks and water. If you're hungry you can take it.", Betty laid the notebook on the side and took out the snacks and the bottles filled with water.

"Thanks Betty.", Spider-Man took a bottle and opened the cap.

He slowly pulled his mask from his face, but stopping just above his nose, freeing his mouth from the fabric before taking a few sips of water. Betty also drank from her bottle watching the sun slowly setting.

"I heard that you know a Peter Parker. He has an internship at Stark Industry. I'm going to the same school as him.", Betty said after a while.

"Uhm, yeah. I saw him a few times. We aren't that close. But I saw him working with Mr. Stark.", Peter answered.

They finished up eating the snacks before continuing the interview. Betty was still asking questions about the Blip and how his life had changed from that moment on. She asked him if he knew about a rip-off in Europe called the Night Monkey and why Spider-Man was seen in London fighting against Mysterio.

"So, you are very popular and a lot of people can tell that your relatively young. Maybe mid-twenties or something.", Betty said.

"So, you don't need to answer this question, but did you find your significant other?", she asked, and watched him closely.

"...", Peter knew that a lot of prowl were speculating his age and who he is. But he never thought that they would think about if he had a special someone in his life. And that question made Peter blush. Harder than he had ever blushed before. But luckily his mask hid his face so Betty couldn't see him.

"Yes, I found my significant other. But that's all I'm gonna say.", Betty smiled.

"of course we still want to respect your privacy.", she replied as fast as she could.

"Anyway, who design your suits?"

"Well, he first time I was out a Spider-Man, I was wearing my homemade suit. But after that Mr. Stark has given me an amazing opportunity. He gave me that blue and red spider suit and it's one of my favorites. Later on he gave me the iron spider suit. Made out of the same material his suits were made out of. Later one I got one from Shield, and this one. I made it my self.", Peter said and pointed to his suit.

"that's incredible.", Betty was fascinated at how talented that hero in front of her was.

"okay. Uhm, thanks for the interview. I really appreciate that you took your time for this.", Betty said closing her notebook.

"Don't thank me. I wish you good luck with your internship.", Spider-Man said making Betty's smile wider.

"Do you want me to bring you back home. It's really dark and I don't want you to be in danger.", Peter asked as Betty finished packing everything back in her backpack.

"Thank you. But I don't want to stop you from your plans. My boyfriend is about to pick me up anyway.", Betty said, still smiling at the hero.

Peter nodded and watched Betty slowly going through the open door which lead to the staircase. He still waited and looked out for Ned before spotting him waiting in front of a cab. He saw Betty and Ned hugging before climbing into the cab driving off. With that Peter swung back home, relieved that Betty wasn't walking back home alone.


Hey Hunny Bunnies,

I'm still calling you that because I love RDJ. Yay.

Okay, Uhm, this whole chapter was about the interview between Betty and Spider-Man. I wanted to experiment a few things and I thought it would be an interesting chapter. Seeing how Peter could have answered the questions on his very first interview.

Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter, then don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't worry be happy.



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