Mine (an African love story)

By Skai9876

34.5K 4.2K 1.3K

Anima and Danny have been best friends since birth. They do everything together and are practically inseparab... More

1. Beginning
2. Market
3. Confession*
4. Awkward
5. Helping
6. What?
7. Her
8. Messed up
9. First Time
10. What are Those?
11. Dinner for Too Many
12. Picnic
13. Drinking
14. Doctor
15. Confronting
16. Truth vs Lie
17. Gate Talks
18. Couple
19. Reconciliation
20. Church Talks
21. The Truth
22. Reveal
23. Teamwork
24. KP Concert
25. Welcome Back
26. Shook
28. Song to You
29. Say You Love Me

27. New Life

841 110 58
By Skai9876

I have to go to church today and as much as I love going there, I feel so sick today. My body was just aching all over from the second I woke up and I almost went back to sleep. I almost couldn't take a shower but I managed. My back is killing me and it feels like someone is pounding my body from all directions.

After putting on a cute, blue and black dress, I go downstairs to see my mother and father waiting for me. They notice my pained expression and furrow their eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" my father asks me.

"I don't know. My back is aching so badly."

My mom looks worried but my dad shakes his head.

"Are you sure you're not trying to escape church today?" he asks and I shake my head.

"No, I almost couldn't get out of bed."

My mother stands up and gently touches my belly.

"Does it hurt?" she asks me and I think.

"No mom, it's my back. I don't think this has anything to do with my belly. I probably just slept the wrong way." I tell her, to calm her down.

She looks at my father.

"Should we skip church?' she asks and I quickly shake my head. I didn't want anyone to miss church because of me.

"No, let's go. I'm fine, seriously." I assure them and they both nod.

"If it still hurts after church, we'll go to the hospital, okay?" my dad says and I nod.

* * *
"Hey, you're late today." Danny greets me as I sit next to him.

April and Tyler are also next to him, using their phones as we wait for Auntie Gifty. Lena is also here but she's sitting alone using her phone. The girls that she usually talks to are sitting on the other side of the room. If my back wasn't aching so bad, I would've been curious.

"Yeah, my back is killing me. My parents had to make sure I was okay." I tell him.

"Are you okay?" he asks and I wince in pain as he asks. Now if feels like I was just stabbed in the back.

Danny narrows his eyes at me, while April touches my forehead.

"Are you feeling hot? Because your body feels warm." she asks me, like a whole doctor.

I am kind of hot but that's only because it's hot today. I don't want to worry them during mass.

"No, I'm not hot. I think I slept the wrong way or something." I try to reassure them.

"I'll bring you water." Tyler says, before leaving to go to the vending machine. Bless that boy.

Danny rests his hand on my knee.

"Do you think you're about to--" he starts but I immediately shake my head.

"No, it's not time yet. It's only my back that hurts. My parents said that if it continues, they'll take me to the hospital after church."

He nods, sighing a breath of relief. April narrows her eyes at me but doesn't say anything. She's thinking about something.

Tyler enters the room again with a water bottle in his hand. He hands it to me and I smile, taking it from him.


Auntie Gifty walks in and greets us all with a smile.

"Good morning Sunday school." she exclaims and we respond.

I wince again when I feel another stab in my back. I try to play it off because I don't want to worry anyone. I quickly take a sip of the water and hold Danny's hand. He squeezes my hand and I smile.

* * *

After Sunday school was over, the church service was still going on so we stood in front of the church to wait. My body was still in the same state, maybe even worse. The pain moved from my back to my hips, and it made it a struggle to walk. I had to walk slowly to get out of the room and my friends helped me.

"I think you're even worse now." Danny says with concern while April and Tyler nod in agreement.

"I'm fine." I lie. Yes I was in so much pain but I didn't want to worry them more.

"Limping is not fine." Tyler remarks and I roll my eyes.

Before I can even speak, Lena approaches us. She doesn't look angry but actually looks nervous. We all look at her with confused looks and look back at her.

"I'm sorry, are you lost? " Danny asks her and I quietly groan in pain.

"I know this is weird, but can I please speak to Anima? Alone." she asks and I raise my eyebrows. What did she want from me? Today is not the right day for any drama.

"No." April and Danny say together. Tyler chuckles and gives April a look.

I look at them and roll my eyes. They're just like twins.

"Guys, relax. Let her talk to me. " I say weakly.

"But--" they both start but Tyler cuts them off.

"We should let them talk. Come on, let's go over there." he reasons and I thank him with a smile

Danny rolls his eyes and April pouts as Tyler drags them away. I turn back to Lena and see her nervously playing with her hair.

"What do you need?" I ask her, putting my hand on my hip to ease the pain.

"I-I just wanted to say, um, sorry. " she starts and I raise my eyebrows in shock. Am I dreaming?

"I realized I sounded like a hypocrite a few weeks ago in the bathroom. I made those girls apologize to you for insulting you when I haven't even apologized myself. I am so sorry for all the stress and suffering i put you through. Words really hurt and I understand that now. " she says, looking at the ground nervously.


"No, I'm not done. You were right the other time. I've always been jealous, Anima. You're just a good person. You're beautiful inside and out, people actually like you, and you're just everything I'm not. It's true I never liked Danny but I just needed to prove that I could beat you at something. For once, I wanted to show people that I was better than Anima.That was so childish and I truly am sorry. Secretly, I want to be like you. I want to be kind and forgiving, not mean and cold. I look up to you and I only hated you because I hated myself for not being like you. I'm not asking you to forgive me now but just know that I never meant anything I said to you before. " she says and lets out a huge breath after.

I am speechless. I stand there frozen. I don't know what to say. Lena just apologized. And it sounded sincere. She was jealous of me? How is that possible? Wonders shall never end.

Before I can respond, I feel a severe pain in my lower stomach and I scream out in pain. I almost fall to the ground when Lena quickly holds me.

"Oh my gosh." she whispers, holding me gently.

In a second, Danny, April, and Tyler are in front of me with scared looks on their faces.

"I didn't do anything, I promise. " Lena says, holding her hands up.

Danny holds onto me as I continue screaming in pain. I can barely see anyone but I start to see a crowd of people around me. Tyler tells everyone to give me space.

"Oh my gosh, she's in labor." April whispers to us and I whine in pain.

I hear a gasp from Lena but I'm too busy screaming to be confused.

"Crap. Anima, hold on. I'm going to bring the car to you." Danny says, quickly running to the car.

Tyler grabs me and holds me up as I crouch down in pain. April fans me with a newspaper and rubs my back.

"Everything will be fine." Lena says awkwardly and I groan louder. April and Tyler comfort me more.

"No this hurts like hell. Where's Danny?" I cry out.

Finally, Danny pulls up next to us with the car. He quickly gets out of the car and comes to me.

"I'm going to get her parents. We'll meet you at the hospital. " April says before running inside.

Tyler and Danny slowly lead me into the front seat that Danny has opened for me. I almost fall but they quickly grab me.

"Be careful." Tyler tells me.

"Don't tell me what to do." I snap and he quickly nods. I didn't mean to snap at him but the pain was so much.

They finally get me in the car and Tyler tells Danny to calm down. Danny nods and gets in the car, breathing hard. He immediately drives out of the parking lot and onto the road.

I put my hand on my belly and rub it to relax myself. It does nothing and I end up groaning in pain. I open the window and try to get some air.

"It's so hot. Why is it so hot?"

Danny looks over at me in concern and sighs.

"I'm sorry, just hold on for a while."

I groan and feel myself sweating. When we stop at a traffic light, Danny runs his hands through his hair.

"I'm about to be a father." he says anxiously. Usually I would think he was so cute, but not today.

"No, you're about to be a farmer. Drive faster. " I snap at him and he frowns.

"Baby, I can't go past the red light. We're in traffic."

I throw my head back in pain and whine.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I complain and he frowns again.

He closes his eyes when I scream in pain and I get scared.

"Why the hell are your eyes closed? You're not gonna kill me today!" I exclaim and he quickly opens his eyes, and continues to drive.

* * *

"Honey, you have to push harder." the nurse tells me calmly and I sigh with tears running down my face.

When we got to the hospital, they said I needed to give birth right away. April, my mother, and Danny are in my room. I only saw my father and Danny's family in the lobby but I couldn't find Tyler.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I snap at the nurse and I feel bad for doing so.

"Anima!" my mother scolds but I ignore her.

I sit up and push again, but the nurse quickly puts me down.

"You'll hurt yourself. Just push as hard as you can. You can do it." she encourages.

Danny holds my hand and rubs it gently. I inhale and push out again, screaming at the pain. Nothing comes out and I whine in pain. This is the most pain I've ever physically felt. I look up at Danny, who looks so worried.

"This is all your fault. You're a fool." I whine without thinking.

My mother and April hold back their laughs as Danny squeezes my hand.

"Only for you." he says and I start to wonder why he's still letting me talk to him like this.

"Come on, three big ones." the nurse says and I sigh.

I inhale and push out as hard as I can. It hurts like hell and I scream out.

"Two more sis. You can do it." April encourages and I cry.

I push again and groan in pain. My mother starts to smile.

"I see a head." she says excitedly.

I sigh and pant.

"I'm never doing this again." I say weakly but Danny frowns.

"Aw, why not?" he asks and I glare.

"Do you volunteer to do the pushing next time? " I snap and he immediately shakes his head.

"No ma'am."

"Anima, one more. " the nurse says and I remember I'm still giving birth.

I take a deep breath and push with all the energy I have in my body, squeezing Danny's hand. Bless that boy for letting me break his hand. I feel a weight leave my body and I fall back into the bed, panting in exhaustion. I hear a baby's cry and I almost cry myself.

"Congratulations Anima. You have such a beautiful baby girl." the nurse says and everyone claps and cheers.

* * *
As I hold the baby in my arms, I smile at her. She's so tiny and adorable. She has soft, smooth chocolate skin and big, pretty eyes that are staring at me. I don't think she can actually see me though. Her nose is such a cute button and her lips are tiny.

April and my mother coo at the baby, while Danny looks like he's going to cry.

"Danny, she has your nose." I whisper, and he smiles at me.

"She has your eyes." he tells me and I smile.

"Hold her." I say, handing her to him.

I've never seen him hold anything so carefully. It was like he was scared he would break her. He looks down at her with adoration and love, as he bounces her around slowly and gently. I feel tears of joy well up in my eyes. I'm just so happy, I can't explain it.

April and my mother crowd around him and get a better look at her.

"Aww, she is so adorable. Can I be godmother please?" April begs, with a huge smile on her face.

I'm too emotional to even answer her.

"You don't even have to ask, sis." Danny tells her, still smiling at the baby. He places a soft kiss on the baby's forehead and my heart melts at the sight. Who knew he was so good with babies?

"My little goddaughter. Don't worry little baby, whenever your dad messes up, just let me know and I'll summon my witches." April says, smiling at the baby. I giggle at her absurdity while Danny looks totally freaked.

"What?" he asks, looking at her with fear.

"Oh, nothing." she says, smiling at him.

Danny shakes his head, and hands the baby to my mother.

"Ma, I think you should hold her." he tells her, and my mother quickly takes her with a smile. She bounces the baby and coos at her.

"Ooo, Anima and Danny, you guys have done well." she congratulates us, before her and April play with the baby.

Danny walks over to me and helps me adjust my posture.

"You did so great, baby." he tells me, before wiping my tears away.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys. And please disregard all the stuff I said to you."

He chuckles.

"You were just in pain. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"I'm the luckiest girl in the world." I say, holding his hand.

"By the way, I think April is out to get me." he says with a smirk on his face.

I laugh and shake my head. "You'll be fine."

We hear a quiet knock on the door and the nurse walks in.

"Some people want to see you." she says politely. I smile as I see Tyler, my dad, and Danny's family walk in.

We all raise our eyes in surprise when Lena walks nervously behind them. I mean, I wasn't angry she was here but why was she here?

They all smile at me and give me hugs.

"Congrats, love." Ama says to me and I thank her.

My mom and Danny's mom play with the baby, while my dad and Danny's dad congratulate Danny. Tyler walks up to me and gives me a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys. I hope you don't mind, Lena begged me to bring her." he whispers to me and I give him a small smile.

Lena walks over to me and gives me a nervous smile. She plays with her hands and I smile at her.

"Sit." I tell her, and she slowly sits on the bed.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

"I've been better." I say with a giggle.

She nervously giggles and I place my hand on her shoulder.

"I forgive you."

She widens her eyes and covers her mouth with her hands.

"Anima, you don't have to. I wouldn't forgive me." she tells me quickly but I smile.

"No, you apologized and you sounded sincere. I don't want us to hold any grudges. I believe you can be a good person but you need to forgive yourself first." I tell her and she sniffles.

She bends over to give me a small hug and I surprisingly hug her back. The whole room turns silent and I realize they are all looking at us in shock. Lena blushes and looks at the baby, now in April's arms. She gasps and turns back to me.

"She's so cute."

"Do... you want to hold her?" I ask her and she chokes on air.

"W-what? I can't. That's not right." she says nervously and I roll my eyes playfully.

"I want you to." I tell her and she smiles.

She slowly gets up and walks over to April. April looks at Danny as if asking for permission, and Danny sighs but nods. April smiles and hands the baby over to Lena and Lena carefully holds her. She coos and smiles at the baby.

Danny walks over to me and sits next to me.

"What is going on?" he asks, with confusions all over his voice.

"Lena apologized for everything. She said she wants to change. I forgave her. I don't want any bad blood between us."

Danny shakes his head and sighs.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I nod.

"I believe she will change this time."

He leans down and gives me a kiss.

"You are amazing. I love you." he tells me and I blush.

"I love you more." I say, but he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Not possible. " he says, before leaning down to give me another kiss.

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