Hatred V.S. Acceptance (A Nia...

By HoranyForHorann

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"What does it matter, the age of the girl i date?" -Niall Horan. Taseena Hawk is only 14, and her parents are... More

A/N (Please Read)
About Taseena (Introduction of Main Character)
Chapter 1: Cousins
Chapter 2: Road to getting along
Chapter 3: Meeting the boys
Chapter 4: It's Everything About You
Chapter 5: Unexpected Message
Chapter 6: My Heart Skips a Beat
Chapter 8: I Want to Play a Game...
Chapter 9: The Lie Slithers Out
Chapter 10: Finish With You
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: Weak Smiles
Chapter 13: Tough Luck
Chapter 14: What had I just done? (R-RATED: DIRTY CHAPTER)
Chapter 15: Everything happens for a reason, right?
Chapter 16: Raining Apology
Chapter 17: A Rose
Chapter 18: Rejected

Chapter 7: Terrified

3.8K 38 24
By HoranyForHorann

Taseena's POV:

I was frozen standing next to my bed with my phone in my hand. At this point i didnt know what to do. I cant tell anyone and i think im about to be murdered or raped, or something. I just.. i just dont know wat to do.

I jumped by the sound of the bathroom door opening to see Niall in a "free hugs" t- shirt. Ugh. This boy is just way too desiring.

"Hey, you alright?", he asked as he put his cell phone in his pocket from his bed, in a rushing manner.


"NIALL! WE NEED TO LEAVE. NOW.", Louis yelled as he came in.

"Oh okayy, i'm coming, i'll meet you guys downstairs! i promise, i'll be there in a sec", Niall responded.

Louis looked at us in a funny way, glared, and stormed out of the room.

What was his problem?

"What happened, taseena? You seem... a bit.."

"No, everything's fine, niall! umm.. i just, i think im gonna finally get some sleep, since i didnt get any last night!", i said with another fake smile put on my face.

"Oh, okay! If you need anything, just call one of us!", he said as he was heading towards the door.

"Okay!", i said cheerfully. the last thing i am right now is cheerful.

"Preferably, me would be fine", he said with a wink before walking out the door, running down the stairs, and slamming the front door downstairs.

Right now i would be the happiest person in the world and jumping off the walls to the fact that Niall Horan almost kissed me, and that he had been flirting with me.

But how could i be happy when someone has been harrassing me? And when i dont even know who that someone is?

I ran to the bathroom, hovered my head over the toilet, and threw up.

I wiped my mouth with my right forearm and stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself in disgust.

A tear escaped from my right eye and it slowly transformed into a cascade of waterfalls. I curled up by the bathroom wall with my knees pulled into my chest and let out my silent cries.

After 10 minutes of sobbing to myself, i shot up to the sound of a banging noise downstairs.

I was silent.

The banging was loud and sharp and created a piercing vibration in my head, causing me to scream.

I slowly walked towards the door, and down the stairs, while my legs and body were trembling of fear and confusion. I was in front the the staircase, downstairs, and to my right was the living room, and the backyard door was behind the couches.

To my left was the entrence door with a side window.

I stood there in dead air and the banging had faded away.

Was i growing to be.. deranged?? demented?

I walked back up the stairs, slowly entered my room and sat on my bed.

the house was unusually quiet.

I looked at my iPhone but there weren't any new messages. It slowly began to mock me.

I felt like i needed some text messages and i needed to figure who and WHY they were doing this. I needed answers.

I grabbed my phone and stared at the blocked number.

My right thumb was hovering on the 'call' button. Was i going to do this?

Yes. I was. I needed to.

I pressed the button, held the phone to my ear, and the anticipation of the ringing was slowly killing me.

Finally it stopped ringing and i heard heavy breathing from the other side of the call.

"Hello? Hello?"

No answer.

"Hello? Who ever this is, PLEASE STOP. STOP HARRASSING ME. PLEASE. What have i ever done to you? Who are you? Why are you doing this? Please. Im begging you to stop.", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Waiting for an answer, i heard nothing.

"How are you going to manage to make my life any more worse, than it already is?", i said barley speaking.

"Watch me. ", A deep, and hoarse voice of a man responded before hanging up.

I stared at the screen and my head was spinning. I ran over to the toilet, threw up again, and flushed it.


I was on the couch in the living room and i had the 3rd season of Jersey Shore on, hoping to get the texts and that call out of my head. I couldnt stop thinking about it and it made me sick.

I looked at my phone and it was already 1:48pm.

As i sat up, i realized that i still havent eaten anything and i was starving.

As i slowly walked into the kitchen, i opened the fridge, and decided to make the boys some lunch. Maybe cooking will get my mind off of things.

I turned on the stereo to as loud as it went and put on Drake's new album.

I was dancing and hopefully, making some pasta, considering it's the only edible thing i can make.


I heard the sound of keys opening the door and i was almost done arranging the pasta.

"NO! I think I should start making them!!", Louis screamed as the boys walked into the house.

"Guys, it really doesn't matter!!", Liam yelled.

"Guys shut the fuck up. I. SMELL. FOOD.", Niall stated.

I put the pasta in the dinner bowl and i heard a loud yell behind me.

"you're making food!!! Pleasee Marry me!", Niall screamed, as i jumped.

I laughed as i said " Yep! I'm making pasta!"

I set down the bowl on the dinner table.

The boys ran in and zayn said "Taseena! You didnt have to make food, you know that!"

"I know! But i got bored and i was starving.", i replied.

Liam went into the living room and turned off the music.

"Alirght boys, let's dig in!", Louis affirmed.

"That's what she said", Harry said as he winked at me.

Oh my goodd, this boy needs help.

"Umm. How was the meeting?", i asked awkwardly as we all sat down and started eating, trying to make coversation.

"OH! It was good!", Liam replied. .

" What'd you do today?", Niall asked.

I cried my heart out and i was scared as fuck. I threw up twice and not to mention, i have a stalker/ harrasser.

"I just slept for like 3 hours, watched tv, and cooked and stuff. ", i partially lied.

"That's cool! .....We were wondering if you wanted to come to with us to this Haunted House thingy tonight?", Niall buzzed.

"But it's like the middle of june", i stated.

"Yeah, but it's an all year long thing! And we've never went, and we kinda wanna go!", Louis explained.

"Oh.. Um, that sounds kinda fun, actually!", i said, kind of excited.

"So sounds like we have a plan for tonight!!", Liam Said.

"I'm calling Elanor to see if she wants to go.", Louis stated as he went up to go to another room with his phone.

I looked at Liam and he looked a bit despairing.

"You alright Liam?", I asked, worried.

He just shot up out of his chair and bolted up the stairs.

"Wh- What's wrong? Did i say something to-"

"He just had a really bad break up with his girlfriend", Zayn cut me off.

Holy, Shit.


"fuck.", I screamed palming my forehead.

"Its fine, taseena", Niall affirmed.

I got out of my chair and ran to Liam's room.

i peaked in to see Liam sitting on his bed with his hands in his head.

I walked in, sat next to him rubbing his back.

"Liam- I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I feel so stupid and ignorant. I swear i didn't mean to! I was-"

Liam looked up and said, " No, it's fine, taseena. It's not your fault! Um. it's fine. "

"Okay, Im so sorry, once again", I said before i headed out the door, and ran to my room.

I looked at my iPhone to see no new text messages. I felt like it was betraying me.

I locked the door, curled up into my bed, and started to let out my silent cries, once again.

I deserve all of this bullshit. I'm not worth it. I dont deserve to belong in this world. My parents were never supposed to have me and everyone hates me. I'm ugly and fat and absultley repulsive. I'm disgusting, and sickening. I-

"Taseena..", Niall whispered, as he walked towards me.

I was extracted from my thoughts when i heard the bathroom door fly open.


I looked up to see a worried and hurt Niall.

Using my arms, i wiped off my tears, and put on a fake, weak smile.

"Are you okay??"

"Yeah!! I'm fine!! I just- i was just-"

"No! You're not okay, Taseena! You're fucking sobbing!", he yelled.


"What happened, love?", he said sweetly, as he wrapped his arms around me.

I dug my face in his chest, inhaling the smell of his Armani aftershave. The warmth and the beating of his heart was the only thing that proved that he was in fact, human.

I bawled into his chest and let everything out, making his 'free hugs' t-shirt wet from my tears.

I looked up to see his beautiful face and he used his thumbs to wipe off my tears.

"Do you want to talk about it, babe?" he asked, sweetly.


"You can tell me anything, you know that right?", he stated.

And that's when i took the risk, to possibly, make the biggest mistake of my life.

I looked down at my mint-colored nails, and spilled everything.

From telling him about how my parents abuse me to how fake i am to people and to the bloodcurdling text messages. except the fact that i'm only 14. I cant tell him that. he'll hate me forever.

"-and today, when you guys were gone, i decided to call him. I asked who he was and why he was doing this and asked him 'how could he possibly make my life worse??', and he replied, 'Watch me'. Then he hung up and i threw up. again. i tried getting my mind off of things but i just... cant!", i finished.

i looked up to see Niall in tears. He hugged me and started to cry.

And seeing this perfect human- being cry, brought me into tears, as well.

We pulled apart and Niall said , "Taseena... I.. about...." He took a deep breath.

"Like i said in the coffee shop, i think you're absoltley perfect." He took my arms, licked his fingers, and wiped off the make up off my forearm, to reveal the red cuts. He kissed them and told me,

"Please, Taseena. Stop this. I think you're fucking amazing. You're not a fatass and i love everything about you. You're like an angel.", he told me.

I was brought into tears and he wiped them off with his thumbs.

He kissed my forehead, and said,

"we're going to have an amazing time tonight at the haunted house, and i promise i'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

I nodded my head and we hugged for a long time.

He got up, grabbed his guitar, and started to sing.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed

When you get what you want, but not what you need

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone, but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you"

He put down his guitar and looked into my eyes.

His singing was so blisshul and soothing. It was like listening to angels singing.

Niall started to lean in closer to my face, and my heart leaped 7 beats.

He was going to kiss me.

I closed my eyes and i heard banging on the door and someone trying to open it.

"HELLOOO?? Niall!! The boys need you downstairs!! Now!!!", I heard Louis yell.

Why has been acting so strange latley?

Niall and i pulled apart, not even getting the chance to crash our lips against each other.

"umm.." he hesitated.

"Come with me, let's go see what they want", he suggested.

I sniffled, and dissapointed.

And said, " Okay."

He grabbed my hand, to help me up from the bed and opened the door to see Louis fuming.

"Niall! What the hell?? Why'd you lock the door??", he yelled.

"Why the fuck does it matter to you, Louis!!?? It's my room, and i need my own privacy sometimes!", Niall screamed.

It broke my heart to see these two fighting. But Louis was being abnormal.

Niall grabbed my hand and brushed against Louis, bolting down the stairs.

We go in the living room to see Zayn, Liam, and Harry(who had only boxers on, btw), watching a movie.

"You guys called me??", Niall asked.

"...We never called you?", Liam said, confused.

"But Louis said you guys needed me down?", Niall defended.

"We dont need you down here?", Harry said, confused as well.

That's... strange.

We turn around to see Louis on the stairs, smirking deviously.


Author's note:

I'm sorry if you thought this chapter was lame.

But haters gon hate, and potatoes gon potate! i regret nothing. :D

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