Galran Paladin

By ThunderTavon

41.7K 1K 178

The team captures a Galran who seems to be linked to Zarkon's high command, they intend to get information fr... More

Family and Foes
Arena of Carnage
Operation: Keith
The Red Paladin
The Blue Paladin
Honerva's dream


1.6K 38 2
By ThunderTavon

After the leader saw pure darkness, he figured he was in already defeated . . . . Yet, the Paladin felt no pain, nor did he really blackout. He pushed Haggar's body off of him, this being the reason his vision was gone temporarily. He looked up to see the man from earlier, Curtis, with an iron pole in his hands. Shiro blinked in surprise as he put two and two together, figuring out that Curtis knocked out Haggar with that pole. Curtis offered the leader a hand, which he took, helping him stand up as he groaned from bring sore.
"Take it easy . . . I barely got to you in time, Shiro." Curtis spoke with a hint of worry before letting the leader stand on his own.
"Well, I thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'd be a lot worse off." Shiro said with a weak smile before glancing back in the next room.
"My friends! They must've--"
"Don't worry. They are in the process of freeing the other inmates. The princess tried to make her way back to you, but I figured I would help you instead." Curtis said with a smile as he began walking ahead.
"Well, I appreciate it. You didn't have to do that." Shiro said as he followed behind Curtis.
The leader heard Curtis say something but he focused on the witch instead, watching her regain her senses and try to stand.
"I have to grab her. She would be perfect for questioning for the whereabouts of Lance."
Shiro began to walk towards her instead, his arm charged up as he readied himself for an attack. But, to the Paladin's surprise, the witch slowly faded away until she was gone.
"Damn . . . she must've teleported . . . ." Shiro groaned in annoyance as he turned back around to face the other male.
"Let's go. We have to get back to the others."
. . .
After regrouping with the others, Shiro learned from the newly rescued Holts that they have been captive the whole time, not one moment were they free. Matt had been placed in this particular prison ever since the arena Shiro saved him from. Pidge was beginning to awake from the fight, Allura was talking to Coran while preparing pods for the freed prisoners. Apparently, all the Galran fled during the battle with Haggar; that or there weren't any here, to begin with. It was surmised that Haggar transported them since their pods and ships were still parked along the building. Shiro watched as the prisoners loaded up on different pods and ships, all of them thanking each and every one of the Paladins for saving them. Matt looked at his father, seeing that they were now faced with a hard decision. As Pidge and her family embraced, the Green Paladin let out a dismal sigh.
"You know . . . I can't go back with you guys, right?" Said the female as he stared at her family with a solemn look.
They both looked at her and Samuel seemed to understand, but Matt wanted to still want to fight the idea.
"But, Pidge, we can come with you!" Said the boy before glancing at his dad for backup, "it really will be amazing! You know I love space, and we haven't been together in so long!"
Pidge smiled at the idea, tempted to even agree. Shiro wanted to step in and tell them the dangers, tell them that even if it was ideal, it still wasn't safe in the long run. Yet, the leader trusted Pidge and her capabilities. Shiro knew that Pidge would make the right decision.
"It all sounds wonderful . . . but Zarkon isn't an enemy we can take lightly. He'll hurt you to hurt me, take you guys to use you as bait to give him my Lion. I can't risk Voltron, your lives and your safety . . . . I'm sorry, Matt . . . and I'm sorry, Dad. I hope you understand."
The two Holts looked down in sadness, yet still embraced Pidge with all they had in them. They understood the painful truth, even though it scared them leaving Pidge again, there was more of a chance of her being severely hurt with them around. Matt couldn't help but tear up as he prepared himself for the goodbye that would have to follow, looking up at his sister with a distraught stare.
"I love you guys, okay? I promise, this fight won't take long and I'll be back home before you know it." Pidge said as she patted her bigger brother's head, her father still clinging onto her.
Shiro watched as the Holts said their tearful goodbyes, standing with Pidge as they watched the two fly off in the ship and back towards Earth. Shiro looked at Pidge and saw a tear, but the Paladin was also smiling. The leader questioned her with a small smile of his own.
"We are going home soon, you know that, right?" Said the leader.
The Green Paladin shook her head and wiped her tear, a bigger smile on her face before replying to the leader.
"Exactly. Plus, nothing makes me happier, knowing they are alive and safe. Though they may not be with me, having that assurance is all I need until we are reunited again very soon . . . ."
Shiro was again proud of Pidge's wisdom, seeing that with every mission she has grown and grown. The leader would not stop until all of them are back home, and then they can finally be at peace. The leader then turned to face the one who had saved him before, Curtis. The man seemed to be the only one who had not gotten on a pod and returned home. Shiro walked over to the shorter male, giving him a smile before asking the question on his mind.
"So Curtis, where are you from? You seem to be from Earth, but you didn't leave with the Holts."
Curtis gave the Paladin a weak smile in return before answering the leader.
"I don't really have a place to call home. I never knew where I came from, I've been pretty much raised in these Galran facilities." Curtis said
Shiro wasn't surprised over the reveal, he saw how the Galra treated their prisoners as he was one for some time. Shiro thought of an idea to give Curtis some shelter, but after seeing what Pidge went through . . .
"You should stay with us." Pidge spoke up with a small smile which surprised  Shiro, "There are always spare rooms in the Castle. I'm sure Allura won't mind."
The leader couldn't help but smile at the young girl before nodding in agreement.
"Of course I'll still have to ask her," Shiro said with a smile as Curtis returned the expression.
After that, the leader asked Allura if Curtis could stay temporarily, which the princess agreed to. She figured he wouldn't be an issue as with the Holts, because Zarkon couldn't really use Curtis to manipulate the Paladins. They all agreed that Curtis should still stay hidden just in case. Once the team returned to the Castle, their newest addition went to sleep while the team strategized.
"Lance wasn't there . . . where could he be? Why would Keith take him, and where?" The leader asked, the team's brains rattling with endless possibilities.
Soon, the group saw a transmission trying to come through, causing the group to stare at each other.
"It's coming from an unknown source, should we still accept?" Coran asked.
"I think we should. This may be a message about Lance." Shiro surmised.
The princess saw that even Pidge was agreeing, and she decided to answer the call. On the screen, an older Galran was shown.
She and the team figured this might be Keith or something related to Lance, or so they were hoping.
"I am Kolivan. I'm a friend of Keith and I know you are looking for another friend of his, Lance." The Galran spoke quickly as if he was trying to get his point across fast.
"I know where they are both located. I'll need all the help I can get to rescue them both. I found your Castle on my way, instantly recognizing the Altean material." He finished with a deep sigh while awaiting their answer.
Allura looked at the team, they were seemingly taking the whole thing in.
"This isn't a trap . . . is it?" She asked with a hint of menace in her voice, still not trusting him yet.
He shook his head and looked at the team seriously.
"I assure you, this is all very much real. And if we don't get there soon and save those two, they'll both be gone." Kolivan said with a solemn tone.
Allura and the team finally grasped the situation, letting him speak and tell them the location.
"I am around your castle. I will lead the way but I did also send you the coordinates." Kolivan said as he waved and went off the screen.
Shiro then spoke up and turned to the Paladins.
"Alright, team! Let's suit up and be prepared. We may end up in a tough battle."
. . .
Keith was panicking. Fear radiated all throughout his body. He would have to fight Lance, the Paladin he has grown to care for, to the death. Keith learned that the sliver-haired Galran was actually Lotor, Zarkon's son. Now that Keith really looked at him, he was familiar. Lotor sat in a special seat, glancing down at the two boys with glee. Joining him would be none other than Zarkon himself . . .
"You Paladins have proved to be very big ticks at my side . . . I think it's time I begin to pluck you off, one by one." Zarkon spoke menacingly.
Lance shut his eyes tight as he heard that evil, booming voice. The very sound of it making him tremble with trepidation. Lance knew there was no out for him now, only death. Zarkon was here, witnessing this match. There was no escape.
"Soon, your friends will find you. Of course, by then you'll be dead. And then, I will take control of the Black Lion and defeat the rest of you pest." Zarkon said with a laugh as he rose his hand, signaling for the match to start.
The crowd roared from the stand, shouting awful things at Lance while cheering Keith. Lance's sarcastic and playful attitude was gone. Now, all that remained was pure fear. Fear for his friends and the fear of dying by the hands of Keith. Neither of the boys had realized their feelings until the last few moments. Now, they are both faced with an impossible decision.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Shouted the crowd.
"Do it, Keith. Make the Galran Empire proud." Zarkon spoke as Lotor just smirked.
Never had Keith thought the Galra were really like this, so full of hate and rage. The once pleasant words he longed to hear from Zarkon, now made him sick and guilty. He slowly walked forward to face Lance, who hung his head low with defeat already.
"Please, Lance. Don't do this. Fight." Keith mumbled softly, fear of being heard
Keith then thought about it and realized even if he screamed, the crowd would still be louder. Lance rose his head and shook it, not even trying to put up a stance.
"Lance! You idiot, please don't tell me you'd rather die like a fool them fight an evil Galran!" Keith spat, hoping to trigger a response.
Lance went forward at those words, grabbing Keith by his collar. Keith smiled as he thought he'd won, but Lance just caressed the other's cheek.
"You aren't evil. Some of your race might have done bad things, these same individuals are probably the same ones wishing for my death . . . ."
Keith was about to speak but was cut off by Lance.
"Humans have murdered, destroyed cities, started war, abused animals . . . but am I evil? I wouldn't say so . . . ." Lance than smiled and started to tear up while looking at Keith. "I didn't realize how amazing you were. I wish we would have met in different circumstances . . . maybe things we could have been . . . great friends." Lance smiled, thinking something different at first.
Keith sighed and pushed Lance's hand off of him, a distraught look on his face.
"I can't. I'm not hurting you." Keith said firmly, looking into Lance's eyes before continuing. "And please don't tell me that my feelings . . . ."
"Will you two fight! Keith, what's wrong!?" Lotor yelled, the rest of the crowd joining in.
Keith jumped and then saw that the Paladin was still smiling.
"What about your feelings, Keith?" Lance smiled, taking Keith's hand which caused him to turn red.
"Lance . . . now isn't the time. We have to escape. Somehow . . . ."
Lance shook his head.
"If his friends are coming here, you will have to fight to escape. Without me." Lance said solemnly, his smile vanishing.
"How!? Even if I wanted to leave without you, I would be stuck. I have no weapon! Maybe with you, I could rely on your abilities, the one you told me to help you win your first match!"
Lance sighed, he knew this was the moment . . . . If Lance wasn't going to be able to live, he had to tell Keith about his destiny.
"Keith, once my friends get here . . . Find your Lion. It's in the castle."
Keith tensed and looked at Lance and let go of his hand, backing up while the crowd's noise faded in the background.
"Keith, you're the Red Lion Paladin. You are destined to be the next Paladin." Said Lance as he looked down.
Keith growled and clutched his fist.
"Even if . . . even if this is true. You lied to me. You kept this from me. This is the reason you wanted me around, right?"
Lance was about to say something but Keith suddenly had him down on the ground, his fangs bared as he growled.
"You never cared at all, right!?" Keith shouted as a quick tear went down his cheek.
Lance winced in pain as he felt Keith's tight grip, yet he remained still.
"N-no . . . please, Keith, that isn't the reason. I really do care for you! I think . . . ." Lance took a second before responding, "You, Keith, are so sweet and big-hearted, no matter how much you try to hide it. There's so much more that is amazing about you. Maybe you being the Red Paladin is what made us drawn to you, but it isn't what made us stay with you."
Keith bit his lip and closed his eyes tight as a few more tears rolled down his cheek.
"Keith . . . you are so amazing. That's why the team likes you, and that's why I . . . care for you, the way I do . . . ." Lance said as he smiled.
The roar of the crowd was slowly coming back to Keith as he loosened his grip on Lance. He wiped the tears off his cheeks and looked at Lance intently.
"W . . . what kind of "care" do you mean, Lance?" Keith asked with a smile, hoping it was what he was thinking.
Zarkon's voice could suddenly be heard, taking over all the other chants and yells the crowd was making.
"Kogane! Are you seriously having trouble with an unarmed Paladin!?"
Keith tensed and looked up at Zarkon, and then down at Lance. The Paladin looked shaken up, definitely scared. Keith sighed and acted as if he was hit with something, staggering back from Lance and landing hard on the ground. The crowd began roaring again and chanted for Keith to get up, while Lance slowly sat up and figured that Keith was trying to lose the match on purpose. Keith tried to remain on the ground, groaning and grunting in pretend pain. Luckily the crowd couldn't see much from the stands, so to them, it looked as if Keith was actually trying to overwhelm Lance before. If they had really seen that the two were just talking, both of the boys would have been in trouble. Suddenly, Keith felt the ground rumble underneath him which caused him to stand quickly. The crowd suddenly quieted down as they too felt the vibrations. Keith looked at Lance who was running over to the Galran, stumbling after each vibration. Keith tried his best to run to Lance, to try and shelter him for whatever was about to burst through the room. Zarkon and Lotor were getting the soldiers ready, the crowd was fleeing, and the room began to shake violently. Before the two could meet, a huge blast came out from the ceiling, causing the two to fly in two opposite directions. The last thing Keith saw was a blue lion, landing on the ground with a loud roar....

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