Sweet Little Lies

By Indgio

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This book is now being sold in a paper back copy!! Link in bio if interested to read a more updated version... More

Chapter One: Babylon
Chapter Two: Ophelia
Chapter Three: Goodbye
Chapter Four: Young and Menace
Chapter Five: In The Heat Of The Moment
Chapter Six: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter Seven: Killer Queen
Chapter Eight: God And Monsters
Chapter Nine: So What
Chapter Ten: Movement
Chapter Eleven: Moving Along
Chapter Twelve: Where Your Secrets Hide
Chapter Thirteen: High Enough
Chapter Fourteen: Take Me To Church
Chapter Fifteen: Glitter In The Air
Chapter Sixteen: Wake Up
Chapter Seventeen: The Sound Of Silence
Chapter Eighteen: 18
Chpater Nineteen: Rosyln
Chapter Twenty: False Confidence
Chapter Twenty-One: Let Me Down Slowly
Chapter Twenty-Two: Game Of Survival
Chapter Twenty-Three: Must Have Been The Wind
Chapter Twenty-Four: Arsonist's Lullaby
Chapter Twenty-Five: Get Stüpid
Chapter Twenty-Six: Girls/Girls/Boys
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Broken Crown
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pressure
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Stompa
Chapter Thirty: Work Shoes
Chapter Thirty-One: Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene
Chapter Thirty-Two: Euphoria
Chapter Thirty-Three: My Blood
Chapter Thirty-Four: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Chapter Thirty-Five: Breathe
Chapter Thirty-Six: Dig Your Grave
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Heroes Rise
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Weak
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Carry You
Chapter Forty-One: When The Truth Hunts You Down
Chapter Forty-Two: Can't Help Falling In Love
Chapter Forty-Three: Back Down
Chapter Forty-Four: Even If It Hurts
Chapter Forty-Five: Towards The Sun
Chapter Forty-Six: Love and War
Chapter Forty-Seven: Skyfall
Chapter Forty-Eight: Man Or A Monster
Chapter Forty-Nine: Free
Chapter Fifty: Saturday Sun
Chapter Fifty-One: Mansion

Chapter Forty: Beloved

13 5 0
By Indgio

Saturday, October 26th, 1:00pm

Only one more hour till I have to go and pick Maggie up from her house. I'm nervous, really nervous. I keep reminding myself that we've hung out with each other before, what's the difference now right? It's the label of a date that's making me nervous.

I walk into the Kitchen to see my Mom and Dad whispering aggressively to one another in the corner. It's the sixth time this week that I've walked in on them doing that.

My Mom looks over to me, "What's with you wearing hoodies recently?"

"Um... it's fall?"

I walk past both of them and open the cupboard, I turn and look back at both of them, "Everything good? You two are staring at me like you've seen a ghost."

"Everything is fine, I just have to get back to work." My Dad says moving away from my Mom and walking out of the Kitchen.

I assume I just walked into one of their many arguments, they've been doing it a lot lately and it's always in the Kitchen, they are always whispering and it's always happening in front of the sink. I'm scared that I'm gonna walk into the Kitchen one time and someone is going to be stuck in the sink... head first.

I'd rather not bring up all of their fighting because I have a feeling it wouldn't end well... I'd end up in the middle of it. I've been there before and I don't want to be there again.

"Are you going out today?" My Mom asks, walking over to the fridge.

"Yeah I am, I'm going out with Maggie... on a date."

My Mom's whole body freezes, "Oh... why?" She turns around to face me.

"Because I like her and I asked her on a date. Why else would I go on a date with her?"

"You asked her on the date?"

"Um... yeah."

"I just didn't think she was your type." She gives an awkward smile.

"You don't know my type." I purse my lips.

"Well I just didn't think she would be your type, with... all the clothing? Choices... she has." My Mom blinks rapidly.

I tilt my head to the right, "What?"

"She very... showy."

I raise my eyebrow, "Have you seen any of the other girls at my School?"

My Mom takes a deep breath, "Just have fun, just have fun." She repeats while turning around.

I turn and shuffle out of the Kitchen before she explodes. I wasn't even able to grab the pretzels I wanted.


I pull up to Maggie's house. I'm about to get out of the car when her front door opens, Maggie walks out and gives me a really awkward smile, she quickly turns around.

"Shut up!" She yells, slamming the door behind her.

She walks over to the car and get into the passenger seat by hopping over the door.

"What was that about?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"Just drive to wherever we're going, please." Maggie sighs, I can feel the stress radiating off of her.

"Okay." I chuckle.

We pull into a parking spot at the Café.

"I expected it to be this place." Maggie smiles.


"Yeah, it's literally the only place in the whole town where it could seem like a date." Maggie gets out of the car, I follow her action and we walk inside the Café.

We walk up to the counter and order our drinks, "I'll pay for mine." Maggie says.

I slide a 20 across the counter, "No, I asked you out, I'm paying."

We grab our drinks and table in the far back corner.

"We need to put a sign on this table saying it's ours because we've sat here every time we're together." I smile.

"Smart idea, next time we should bring a reserved sign and stick it on the window." Maggie smiles.

I rest my elbows on the table, "So what was the yelling about when I picked you up?" I ask taking a sip of my tea.

"The whole morning my Mom would not stop asking me questions."

"Your Mom's in town?"

"Yeah, did I not tell you?" Maggie asks.

I shake my head, Maggie shrugs, "Anyway she just wouldn't stop asking me questions, everything I did there was a question for it. She asked me why I put my hair in a ponytail. I swear she thinks that I haven't lived with her for a year."

"You don't ever wear your hair in a ponytail, so I do understand that question."

"But still, she got back on Thursday and her and my Dad are acting like they never got divorced. I have to go out for brunch tomorrow with them and I have no idea how I'm going to survive." Maggie sighs.

"You'll be fine."

"I hope so, I just know it's going to be so awkward." Maggie takes a sip of her tea and looks out the window.

Her hair looks good in a low ponytail, it's different from how she normally has her hair. Same with her outfit, she never wears short sleeves and she never wears plain jeans that don't have rips in them. I didn't even know that she owned jeans with no rips that's how much she wears them.

Maggie looks back over to me, "What's your favorite colour?"

"Uh, turquoise... why?"

"It's normally the first question anyone asks someone when they first meet, we've known each other for almost two months now and I've never asked that question." Maggie explains.

"Huh? In that case what's your favorite colour?"

"Purple." Maggie smiles.

"Really, you never wear any purple though."

"I know, but that doesn't stop it from being my favorite colour. You never wear turquoise."

"Okay that's fair."

"What's your favorite animal?" I ask.

"Cat." Maggie smiles.

I really thought that Maggie would be a dog person, but now that she says she likes cats I can see it.

"I like birds." I say.

"Really? I wouldn't see you as a bird person." Maggie says.

I smile and shrug, "Most people don't."

I look over to the window then back over to Maggie, I stand up and grab my tea.

"What are you doing?" Maggie asks, looking up at me.

"Grab your tea, were going to the next location." I say.

"There's another location?"

"Yup, come on."

Maggie stares at me confused before standing up, following me out of the Café.

I walk in the other direction of my car, "Are we not driving there?"

"No, come on."

Maggie and I start to walk down the street, I have a really strong urge to grab her hand, but I refrain, I'm too awkward to do that.

Maggie turns around and starts to walk backwards.

"So where are we going?" She asks.

"You'll see."

"Do you even know where we're going?"

My eyes shift to the right, "Well... no. I just thought we could go on a walk."

"So the next location was technically the town?"

"Technically yes." I nod.

Maggie laughs and turns back around walking normally beside me.

"Okay I need to ask you something."

"Uh okay?"

"Why do you call Oscar by his last name?" I ask, "Never once have I heard you call him Oscar."

Maggie chuckles and looks down at her feet, "Um well it's weird actually-"

"Weird is good." I smile.

"Okay, so it was Grade Nine at a party Adams got really and I mean really drunk. I was up stairs because I was tired and wanted to go home, but Conner made me stay. Adams came bursting through the door crying."

"Seriously, I've never seen him cry or drink." I say.

"It wasn't pretty, but he just sat down beside me and started talking. I was the first person he told that he was bisexual," Maggie smiles, "and he just keep rambling on about how he hated his name."

"Really, he hates his name?"

"He said it reminded him of an orange cat and that it sucks because he doesn't have orange hair. "

"An orange cat, really? And so he would like his name if he had orange hair?" I ask.

Maggie shrugs, "Probably."

"Anyway that night I said I would call him Adams so at least one person wasn't calling him Oscar. I can't tell you how quickly his face lit up and he pulled me in the biggest hug before running out of the room," Maggie smiles, "I was the only person that was nice to him before he met you."

I stare at the ground before speaking, "At least you kept calling him by his last name after you came back." I smile.

Maggie nods "Yeah, I made that promise to myself that I would."


Maggie and I get back into my car, during our walk back I asked if she wanted to watch a movie at my house. I'm oddly nervous for her to come over to my house only because of my Mom.

Maggie and I walk inside the house.

"We can go to my room, I've got a tv up there and it will save us from my Mom." I whisper.

"You have a TV in your room?" Maggie asks as we walk up the stairs.

"Yeah." I nod.

We walk past the study and into my room, Maggie stops in the doorway and looks around.

"How is your room so big?"

I shrug, "Just the way it was built I guess." I sit down on the bed and look at Maggie, who is still standing in the doorway looking around my room.

"You can sit down you know."

She looks over to me and waves her arms around almost as if she's swatting a bunch of flies away, "I'm getting there." She walks over and sits down beside me.

"You okay?"


"Okay, movie then?"

"Yeah." Maggie nods.

Maggie moves and sits on the other side of the bed beside me. I turn on the TV and flick through the channels.

"Oh what about this one?" I look over to Maggie to see her already looking at me.

"Huh?" She blinks.

"Were you staring at me?" I ask.

"No?" Maggie shakes her head.

"Yes! You were staring at me."

"No I wasn't, I looked towards you before you looked at me. " Maggie smiles.

I lean closer to her, my eyes shift down towards her lips then back up at her eyes, "You're lying."

Maggie smiles, "I'm not lying." She lifts up her hand and sticks out her pinky finger, "Promise."

"Seriously?" I chuckle.

"I'm not lying." She smiles leaning closer to me.

I lift up my hand and stick out my pinky, I interlock it with hers before leaning in and kissing her. Maggie kisses me back, I can feel her smile against my lips.

My ears perk up when I hear a creek come from the floorboards echo from down the hallway. Maggie and I pull away from one another so quickly that I accidently push her off the bed.

I turn around to see my Mom walk into my doorway.

"Hey Mom." I smile.

"Hi... hi Maggie... nice to see you again... on the floor."

I turn around to look at Maggie, "Hi." She waves.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"It's comfy." Maggie smiles.

I turn back to my Mom, "I just came to tell you that I'm going out and your father will still be home."

"Okay," I nod, "Have fun."

My Mom walks out from the doorway and down the hall, I turn around to see Maggie standing up.

"You really had to push me on the floor?" Maggie glares as she punches me in the arm.

I clench my arm, "I didn't mean to and gosh you're strong for being so short."

Maggie hits me in the arms again, "Ow, stop it!"

"Stop calling me short because I'm not short!"

"Fine, fine. Wanna just watch this movie?" I ask.

"Sure." Maggie nods.

I look back over to the tv trying really hard not to laugh.


I pull into Maggie's driveway.

"Thanks for the ride home." Maggie smiles.

"Yeah of course," I smile, "Good luck inside with your parents."

Maggie huffs, "Yeah, thanks."

Maggie gets out of the car and walks around to the other side, she stops halfway up the trail to her front door and turns around to face me.

"We're gonna have to go on another date soon... it was fun." She turns around and walks the rest of the way and goes inside her house.

I back out of her driveway and drive down the street. As I drive I can't help, but feel the eeriness that radiated off the flickering street lamp. The whole town thinks Kian's killer is locked away when really they're still out there somewhere waiting to make their next move.

We have to protect each other even if that means we're protecting the killer.

I have to say it! Adrian and Maggie have one of the biggest places in my heart for being on of the favourite couples I've ever written!

What do you think Adrian's parents were fighting about in the Kitchen?

Are you shocked that that's the reason Maggie calls Oscar by his last name??

Another chapter will be out tomorrow, but in the mean time please give this one a vote!

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