Road Trip

By hannahelizabeth19XX

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All it takes in a road trip; to find yourself, make the best memories of your life, or simply get away and tr... More



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By hannahelizabeth19XX

 We were only on the road for a couple hours before we got to my little home town. It was crazy to think that even though this little place had grown in size and even population, it still seemed like one of the smallest towns I'd ever been to. 

 Because the town was so tiny, we drove through it before finding anywhere to park and relax for a bit. Fifteen minutes, maybe, was as long as it took for us to drive end to end. Jensen pulled into a little gas station to fill up the car so I got out to stretch my legs and check out our current surroundings. 

 After we pulled into a the parking lot of a hotel, we went in to get a room, toss our things inside and left. We may have been a little extra lazy on the way here but now that we've reached our destination, neither of us wanted to stay inside. 


 Only as far down as the end of the road, we'd already stopped to take pictures and check out a little store. Believe me when I say this, it was the cutest tiny shop ever! I couldn't help but fall in love with the shop from the moment Jensen and I walked in.  

 From adorable swirled hand soaps and a variety of coloured and patterned bracelets to beautiful bags and purses of all sorts of styles and designs. And that was only half the shop. 

 The woman that owned it all was also such a sweet little elderly lady. She went on to explain every story about everything to us as well, especially the purses and bags. The bags are all made by a woman she met in Africa many years ago. I decided I just needed to get one, they were gorgeous. 

 I picked up three of the bags that I couldn't pick between and held them up for Jensen. "Which one? I can't choose." 

 He ran a hand through his hair as he looked at them for a moment, "The one on the left, it just looked like something you would own." 

 It was a white bag with the same black elephant and mandala designs around he entire thing. 

 I placed the other two back on the rack and continued looking through the shop. By the end of it, I only bought the bag and two lip balm; one was peppermint and the other was tropical. Jensen got a beautiful wooden beaded bracelet with some sort of tassels on a section of it. Until the lady explained that it was sometimes used in meditation, the both of us just thought it looked nice. 

 As we stepped out of the shop I could just feel that Jensen was about to tease me about something. "Wow, half an hour in one store? It's going to be a long day isn't it?" He said with a chuckle. 

 I shoved his shoulder, "Oh shut up, this was all your idea." 

 I knew that it didn't really bother Jensen that we took so long in one store, it was just his thing to bug me about anything he can. 

 By the time we got back to the hotel, we had a couple small bags of stuff we'd bought. I knew that my bag wasn't going to fit everything by the end of this trip. 

 Because Jensen and I both didn't feel like take out this time, we also picked up everything we needed to make nachos for a week, even if we didn't need that much. Jensen started getting food ready while I went to enjoy one of half a dozen bath bombs I sort of impulse bought. 

 I couldn't help but call Jensen into the bathroom to check out the crazy variety of colours covering the upper layer of my bath water.

 "Are you clothed?" He shouted through the door. 

 "No," I stated with a bit of a laugh. 

 "Wha- then why would I come in there?" 

 I rolled my eyes, "You can't see me through the foamy colours." 

 The door slowly creeped open and I couldn't hold back my laughter. Jensen walked in with his eyes screwed shut. 

 "You can't see the colours with your eyes closed, you know." 

 Eventually he opened his eyes and it was no big deal. He realized that the coloured foam really did take over the upper layer of my bath. Then the oven timer went off and Jensen left without hesitation. I continued to relax in the tub of hot water and colours until the foam began to dissipate and the water began to cool. 

 I think Jensen found the largest pan he possibly could to make nachos on because it looked like we could be consuming them for days. Thankfully, because I waited a bit after the timer went off, they were cool enough to eat right away. 

 Even though they weren't the healthiest of dinner options, it was nice to eat something made here instead of a fast food restaurant. I wasn't particularly hungry so I didn't eat much of them but let me tell you, throughout the night, it was crazy how much the both of us went back for little bits here and there. This massive pan Jensen had made was half empty by the time we decided to put it away before we both called it a night. 

 As per usual, I was ready for bed far before Jensen was but that never bothered me. It always gave me ample time to find the best pillows to sleep with and usually a movie too but I knew I wasn't going to make it through an entire movie so I figured Jensen could find a movie if he really wanted to. 

 By the time Jensen was finally ready to sleep and began making his way to the bed, I was already beginning to feel myself drift off closer to sleep. As Jensen slide himself under the covers and adjusted his pillows, I opened my eyes one last time as he yawned. 

 "Goodnight," I mumbled, pulling the covers up closer to my face. 


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