
بواسطة baby_dagger

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... المزيد

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

You Are Such A Tease

131 7 16
بواسطة baby_dagger

Harry's POV

"Thank you." I grabbed the pizzas from the boy and gave him his tip. "Have a nice day." I closed the door and turned around, starting my way towards the kitchen, but I didn't even get two steps in before Louis came over.

"Oh, finally!" Louis exclaimed, running down the stairs. "Come to papa!" He opened the box and took out a slice then took a bite.

"Let me at least get to the kitchen, Lou," I scolded him and moved around him.

"I'm hungry!" He said through a full mouth.

"Wait until you're done chewing to speak."

"I'll get the plates," Niall said as he entered the kitchen.

"Thanks, Niall." I put the box that Louis opened in the centre of the table and placed the rest on the counter behind me.

"You got my pizza, right?" Amar asked.

"Yeah, it's the third box down, I think," I told her, looking back to make sure it was the right box.

"Where's Charlie and Oscar?" Zayn asked, coming down the stairs with Liam next to him.

As if on cue, Charlie and Oscar ran in through the glass doors that lead outside with a laptop, and they looked distressed.

My eyebrows furrowed with confusion and worry. "What's wrong?"

"Good news, your pizzas are here," Oscar looked around and smiled, "as you may know already."

"Bad news," Charlie placed the laptop on the counter and motioned for us to huddle around him, "It took a while, but I got the files on Ryan's computer, and what I found isn't good."I rested my arms on the counter and looked at the screen. I watched as Charlie opened all his files. Slowly, my jaw slacked, and I was looking at many pictures of everyone in this room, excluding Charlie and Oscar.

"Ryan has been watching you and sending everything to Des," Charlie said.

"How do you know he's sending them to Des?" Amar asked.

"Who else would it be? These pictures started a few days after you found out Harry was your brother, and we know Des broke Ryan out around that time." Charlie explained.

"Ryan has taken pictures of us everywhere. How come Des hasn't come to get me, yet?" I asked, anger bubbling in my stomach.

"He is probably waiting for Ryan's okay to come, but since he's disappeared, Des is still in Edinburgh."

"He's four hours away, Charlie," I told him. "He'll get impatient and come for me."

"Then it's time to start training us, don't you think?" Louis asked, placing his head on the junction where my elbow and neck meet.

"Are all of you still up for it?" They all nodded. I was secretly hoping they said no. I didn't want them to get involved, but all of them are stubborn, and if I said no, it wouldn't faze them. "All right. We eat then train."


"Okay, first things first, how to grip, aim and shoot a gun." I pulled my gun out and shot three shots at the dummy in the far corner. We were in Charlie's basement where he has all the gear I needed to train them. It's the place where Charlie trained me. "Amar and Louis are the best shooters, besides me, so we'll teach you how to use a gun properly."

We all went our separate ways. Amar went to Zayn, Louis went to Liam, and I went to Niall.

I set my gun down in front of us. "First make sure you have a firm grip on your weapon. Alex's men are trained to disarm."

"Are we going to learn how to disarm?"

I took my stand behind Niall. "Yes, but this comes first. Now, raise your guns. Amar, Louis and I will help you."

"Wait, don't we need headphones and goggles?" Liam asked.

"When you're out there, fighting, you won't have any of that. You'll have to get used to the ringing in your ears." I grabbed Niall's arms and helped him position his hands correctly and fixed his stance. I showed him where to place his fingers.

"Your middle, ring, and pinky should curl around the base, just below the trigger guard. Keep them as close as you can, but make sure they don't overlap. Your grip should be firm. Keep the forefinger of your dominant hand extended and against the bottom portion that doesn't move when you fire.

"The proper shooting position, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent. Lean forward a little with your torso."

Now, I could keep going and tell you about your dominant eye, shoulders extended but not locked, aiming and the proper way to press the trigger, but you probably don't want to know all of that, so we'll skip ahead.

"All right, now, press the trigger." Niall stumbled back a little. I placed my hand on his back to steady him. I looked at the dummy and saw a clean shot through its chest.

I clapped Niall on the back. "Nice shot, Niall. Now, bend your legs a little bit more, and do it again."

I walked towards Liam and Louis. "Spread your stance, Liam." I nudged his feet apart with mine. Liam fired his weapon, Niall's weapon echoing his.

Louis approached me, leaving Liam to fire his shots alone.

"I forgot to ask you, but how did you learn how to fire a gun?" I asked.

He chuckled and fixed his fringe. "Uh, my dad used to take me to the shooting range at the police station."

My eyes widened. "Your dad was a cop?"

"He was a detective." He answered. I could tell he wanted to change the subject, and he did. "So, what do you think?"

I had my arms crossed as I surveyed the guys and Amar. "It's good. We'll have to train every day. I won't be able to teach you everything, but I can teach you how to protect yourselves against Alex and his men."

"And your dad if he gets involved," Louis added.

I shook my head. "None of you will be hurt by my father. I'll be handling him."

Louis looked like he wanted to argue, but he knew when to push a subject and when not to. He nodded and went back to Liam. I walked past them and headed to Amar and Zayn.

"Raise your arm a little higher," Amar instructed, to which Zayn did. When she saw me, she left Zayn and walked over to me. "You know, as awful as Charlie was, he did teach me well and quick."

I nodded, memories of him training me washed over my head. "His methods can be... harsh."

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Yeah, that's one word to describe it."

I let out a soft laugh and flicked my head towards Zayn. "You think they'll be ready in time?"

Without hesitating, she nodded. "With your training, yes."

I let a small smile breakthrough. "Thanks, Amar." I nudged her with my elbow. "Now, go help Zayn reload his charger."

(Louis: A magazine for all you North American readers.)

(E: Louis! Shut up! You're breaking the fourth wall!)

(Louis: So are you.)

(E: -_- Touche.)


"Okay, moving on from guns for a little bit." I paced in front of them. "You have to learn how to defend yourself with your hands as well as a gun."

Louis stood behind me, his arms crossed and waiting for me.

"I know some of you know how to throw a punch and maybe dodge one," I looked at all of them, "but when it comes to Alex and his men, it will take more than just a punch." I paused. "Well, unless you go for the jaw. One hard-hit there, and you can knock them out."

I stepped back and stood in front of Louis. "Okay, Louis. I need you to try to punch me."

"Try?" Louis questioned.

"You won't get a hit in, but I need you to try."

Louis looked sceptical and scoffed but stepped back a little. He rose his arm and swung. I ducked, and his fist hit the air above me.

"Try again."

This time Louis went for the gut. I grabbed his fist and twisted his arm into a headlock. He slapped my arm repeatedly. I unwrapped my arm, and he immediately massaged his neck. I turned back to the boys and Amar.

"You'll have to be prepared for anything." I spun around and kicked Louis' feet, sending him down. I extended my hand towards him, and he took it. I pulled him up and faced the others. "I don't have time to teach you everything, so your opponent will have the advantage." I paused for a brief second but continued. "All right! Get in your positions. It's going to be a long night."


Amar's POV

I brought my water bottle up to my lips and chugged it down. I wiped away the few water droplets running down my chin. I watched as everyone else did the same. Harry had worked us to the bone. It was dark outside, probably midnight. Somewhere in the middle of training, the boys took their shirts off, their abs and muscles flexing when throwing punches. I noticed Harry struggling to train with a sweaty shirt sticking to his body, but he was persistent on not taking it off. Eventually, he did take it off, and it immediately got quiet. I knew he had scars and burns, but seeing them was surreal. Wounds upon wounds scattered all over his torso and back. I could see third-degree burns on his lower back (Mrs Dorth taught us about the various types of injuries).

"All right, back to training." Harry had ordered before the silence could continue.

I was sitting on one of the training mats, the sweat on my thighs making them stick to the leather.

I was a quarter away from finishing my water when Zayn spoke up.

"Hey, Harry? Can we crash at your place?"

"Yeah," Louis piped in. "I don't think I can drive back home."

Harry shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Charlie can drive us back. Then we can start early tomorrow."

"Hold up," Niall put his hand up. "We're going to do this tomorrow?"

"Yes," Harry answered. "We made progress today, but we still have to work on a few things."

Niall threw himself back, now laying on the mat, and groaned. "I'm going to die!"

Harry chuckled. "You will if you don't sort out your footwork."

We all let out a soft laugh, even Niall. We stayed there for a while, just enjoying the comfortable silence and the cool breeze of Charlie's basement. He had large fans on the ceiling like the one you would see in a local gymnasium. Harry had said that Charlie and a few of his friends helped him build it.


Harry's POV

"Thanks for the ride, Charlie. Everyone was too tired after training."

He smiled and slapped the steering wheel. "Anytime, kiddo. How long will you be using the basement?"

I sucked in a breath. "Maybe another two weeks." Charlie's eyebrows raised in surprise. "They're fast learners, unlike me."

Charlie let out a heartful laugh. "You were quick, but you were stubborn and thought you could do it better than me."

"Well, jokes on you because now I can do it better than you." I retorted.

He scoffed. "You wish."

I shrugged. "It's true. You're losing your touch, old man."

We both laughed.

"See you tomorrow, kiddo."

"Bye, Charlie."


"Are you sure I should strain myself that much?" Louis asked from my bathroom. "I'm still sore from the gunshot wound."

I threw a shirt over my head and smoothed it down. "It sounds like you want to get out of training, Lou."

Louis' arms snaked around my waist. I felt his minty breath on my neck as he spoke. "I just want more time with you."

I turned around, making sure to still be in his embrace. "We'll have plenty of time after all of this is settled down. While Alex and my father are out there, we-"

"Mmm," Louis moaned. "Let's not talk about them." He stood on his tippy toes and started kissing my neck.

"Louis, we-" My protest died out in my throat as Louis started sucking on my jaw. I cleared my throat. "Lou, Lou, you sure we should do this. Everybody-"

"No talking." He shut me up with a kiss. After that, there were no more protests from me.

Louis' arms were still around my waist, now with a firmer grip. My hands were in Louis' hair, pulling on it, making him groan and kiss me harder. Louis pulled away to leave open mouth kisses on my neck, leaving me breathless. I threw my head back, giving him more access. Tiny moans were escaping my lips, mixing with Louis' groans. His hands travelled south and cupped my arse, and a high pitched whine escaped me. The sudden grasp made me unvoluntary ground my crotch against his. Louis moaned through a kiss, but I pulled his head back and directed him back to my lips. I could feel the escalating hardness of my cock, and with Louis holding me close, I could feel his dick growing in size as well. I didn't know how far I wanted it to go, but if I went all the way with Louis, he would be my first. Call me a sap, but I didn't want to have sex with Louis before telling him I loved him, but the way he was grinding up against me was making me want to blurt it out already.

Louis and I hastily pulled apart when there was a knock on my door. I cleared my throat. "Uh, yes?" My voice was a bit hoarse and lower than usual. Louis smirked when he noticed. I squinted and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Uh, I was gonna say goodnight, and Harry?" Amar said through the other side of the door.


"Save the making out for when you don't have people over."

I cleared my throat again. "Will do. Goodnight."

We waited until we heard her door close then let out a breath.

"I think we're in trouble." Louis joked.

I slapped his arm playfully. "It's your fault. You started it."

He smirked and leaned in, his lips ghosting over mine. "Yeah, but you kept it going."

I smiled teasingly and treaded my hand down slowly. I wasn't going to go all the way, at least not now, but there was still something I could do for him.

My hand reached his crotch. I let my hand hover over his dick, barely touching it. "I can solve this for you," I whispered in his ear.

Louis groaned and dropped his head onto my neck. "You sure you want to?"

I nodded and brought my other hand to the front of his pyjama bottoms. I let my fingers slip under the waistband of his pants and slowly pulled them down. I glanced down and bit my lip to stop a moan from slipping out. He was surely eight inches, but the thickness, oh god. It was throbbing in my hand, and the tip was brightly pink.

"You're bigger than I had imagined." I voiced my thoughts out loud.

Louis gave a dry chuckle. "So, you've thought about my cock before?"

I rubbed circles on his tummy. "Have you thought about mine?"

"I-" His answer died out, and a moan replaced it as I finally wrapped my hand around him.

"You were saying?" I teased and stroked him slowly.

"Oh god," He groaned, slightly thrusting into my first. I ran my thumb over his slit and pressed down slightly. A low moan emitted from Louis' throat.

"Shh shh shh," I nibbled on his ear then whispered, "you have to be quiet."

"You are such a tease." Louis gritted out.

I smirked, loving that I was making him lose control like this. Somewhere in between of stroking him, Louis' pulled my pants down and started stroking me, too. Once he had his hand around my dick, everything blurred.

"Just like I dreamt," I remembered him saying.

After a few slow strokes, he sped up his pace, as did my pants and strokes. His thrusts came more often, and soon, he was cumming into my fist and his stomach. A restrained moan came out of him, but he kept his pace up with his strokes. Once he swiped his thumb over my slit, I came all over Louis' stomach and fist. A high pitched whine threatened to slip out, but Louis quickly kissed me.

"That was amazing," I said, once we pulled apart.

"You were amazing."

We shared a small smile. We had no reason to sleep with pants that night, so we didn't.


Des' POV

"C'mon, Ryan! Pick up the bloody phone!" I yelled as I paced around the abandoned factory I've crashed in for the last two weeks.

I kicked an empty beer can when Ryan's voicemail started playing. "Listen up, Ryan! I can't wait any longer! I need to get him! Do you understand? I need-!"

"Voicemail box full." The operator said, cutting me off.

I screamed in frustration and threw the phone against the wall. I took another swing of the whiskey bottle in my hand. The glare from the laptop Ryan got me blinded me a little bit. There was a picture of Harry and some bloke on the screen. It was one of the photographs Ryan had sent me. A low growl emitted from my throat. I slammed the whiskey bottle down on the table, a few droplets coming out and landing on my hand.

"No, I'm done waiting." I stood upright. "I'm coming for you, Harry."


I looked back and forth between the photo and the building. The photograph showed Harry, some blond guy and a girl exiting the building. I let the picture fall into the passenger seat and started the car up again. I had stolen the vehicle from a car park back in Edinburgh.

I pulled out into the street and drove another six minutes to his high school. Ryan had informed me that Alex shot up Harry's school, but he had gotten away. I'm not surprised he did. That son of a bitch has been getting out of my grip for the longest time. The only time I ever got close was when I found him in Canada. I beat the crap out of his friend, would've killed him but the police had arrived.

I turned the engine off and got out. I didn't understand why Harry would sign up for school. It's a waste of time, but he was always a nerd. Reading books, writing and learning stuff about computers, he was a history buff as well. It annoyed me so much.

"You're not supposed to be here."

I spun around and immediately had my blade to the woman's throat. I felt a nudge to my stomach. I looked down a saw a gun. I chuckled and looked back up at the woman.

"Put down the blade, Des."

I slowly did. "Do I know you?"

She put her gun down. "No, but I know you. You're Harry's dad."

Harry's name piqued my interest. "You know Harry?"

"I'm his teacher." She holstered her gun. "I'm Dinah."

I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Nice to meet you, Dinah. I feel like we'll be great partners."

She smirked and put her arms around my neck."I think so, too."



E: Oh god! Finally!

Louis: You might not be able to hold up your promise of finishing this story before school starts.

Harry: You're procrastinating too much, E.

E: I know, and I want to write, but when it comes to it, I always get so tired and just end up watching videos on Youtube or Netflix.

Zayn: You have to start writing more, E.

E: I know, and I will. I want to finish this story because I have so many ideas for new stories.

Niall: And the readers get tired of waiting.

Liam: Yeah, you have to think about the readers as well, E.

E: I know, and I will start writing more.


I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I know I said I would write more and I just procrastinated more. But now, I swear I'll write more, because school starts in a bit, and I don't plan on breaking a pinky promise any time soon.


This is a bit short, but it's a chappie. Uh, I'll start writing the next chappie when I get home. The next chappies will have violence, killing, blood, and all the gore stuff.

Uh, btw how'd you like that smutty scene. I knew you wanted it 😏.

Well uh, leave your thoughts on Dan and Mrs Wealchli partnership, and whatever you think is going to happen. I want to know your conspiracy theories.

Uh, quick thing, go listen to NF's new album! He's such a good artist and raps about true shit.

Well yeah, that's all.

*Dolan Twins'  Voice* PEACE!!!!!!

- E

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