Tough Times (Choni)

By briisk_333

72.5K 1.2K 986

Toni and Cheryl have been together for a while until Toni finds out something she wasn't supposed to. Toni an... More

I Want You
Together Again
Pure Anger
Let's make a deal
Fuck You
Its Over
Free or not free?
Talking it out
New Story
Coming Out
Are U Cheating On Me
Issue(please read)
I Can't Believe She Did It Again
Next Update
I've Been Thinking
Best Day
Too Hard
Hang Out
The Start
Oh My God
Let's Settle This
My Heart
I Love Them
The News
Believe Me
Baby Shower
She's Here!
Moving On


1.2K 26 24
By briisk_333

Toni's P.O.V
It has been 3 weeks, and I am dying from not having sex with Cheryl. Cheryl thinks it's funny but I don't think it is cause I am extremely sexually frustrated. Today is no school, so Cheryl and I are gonna hang out with our friends at the park. I was currently waiting for Cheryl to be done getting ready, and it has already been 20 minutes. "BABE!!!" I yelled. "CALM YOUR ASS DOWN IM COMING!!" she yelled back. I smiled to myself knowing that she was of course going to do that.

After a while she FINALLY came down. I turned around and I smirked to myself. "Like what you see" she asked. "No, I love what I see". I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and connected our lips together. We continued moving our lips together until breathing was necessary. "Come on I'm driving" I said.

Toni's outfit

Cheryl's outfit

Cheryl's P.O.V
We reached the park, and Toni helped me off the motorcycle. She grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled and said "how kind of you". "Anything for a beautiful girl my lady." I giggled while blushing and grabbed her hand and dragged her to the group. I said hi to Kevin, Betty, Fangs, Sweetpea, and Jughead, but I realized that Veronica and Arcie weren't here yet. "Where's Archie and Vero-"

"BITCHES THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED!" We all laughed at Veronica's dramaticness while Veronica looked at us while smiling proudly. "Bitch we all now I'm the queen so shut your ass up" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder. Toni wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head into my neck by saying "Yes you are babe and your my queen".I smiled and turned to face Toni while her hands were still around my waist. I pecked her lips and then turned to the others and said "let's have fun".

They all cheered and we set up everything for the day. Betty and Jughead brought all the food which was a lot. Veronica and Archie brought lots of games, while Toni and I brought the alcohol. Sweet pea and Fangs brought the cigarettes. We aren't allowed to have alcohol and  cigarettes at the park but I can just threaten whoever comes at us. We talked, played games, joked around, and ate our food.

Toni's P.O.V
Its been a while since we ate, so I asked sweets to hand me a cigarette. I took it from him and lit it. I layed down and took a puff. Cheryl layed down on top of me. "You want?" I asked while holding the cigarette. She nodded her head. I flipped us over  so I was on top. I took a puff and lowered my face to hers and blew the smoke into her mouth.

I kissed her and we started making out until something hit the back of my head." The fuck" "Stop doing that you guys can have sex when you get home." Under my breath I said "I can't until a week from now". Cheryl turned to look at me and said "What was that babe". "Nothing I just said that the neighbors are gonna be up all night from your screams".

She playfully pushed me while the others and I started laughing uncontrollably. Cheryl made a pouting face and I tried not to fall into it but I did and I hugged her from the back and rubbed her stomach. I took another puff from my cigarette and blew it out my mouth. Cheryl took the cigarette out my hand and blew it and she looked soo hot.

My mouth was hanging open and Cheryl pushed it up and said "You don't want any flies in there do you Mi amore". She let go of my chin and my mouth fell open again. She sat down on my dick and my mouth immediately shut close.

She laughed and put the cigarette in my mouth for me to blow. "Guys it night time let's star gaze" Fangs said happily. "sure thing fangs" I said smiling at his enthusiasm. Kevin had blankets in his car so we took a blanket and layed down on it. Cheryl was cuddled into my side while I was rubbing her arm.

(like this but on a blanket in the grass)
We stargazed for a few minutes and decided to go back to our homes.

Cheryl's P.O.V
Toni and I just got home, and as soon as the door closed, I smashed my lips onto Toni's. She kissed back with the same roughness, and squeezed my hips. I jumped onto her and she started kissing my neck softly. I quietly moaned and she started nipping at my neck. With my heavy breathing I breathed out "Lets go to...mmm...bed".

She carried me up the stairs into the bedroom and layed me down on the bed. Toni took of my shirt and bra and she took of hers too. Toni pushed me down against the bed and rubbed my nipples. I groaned in frustration and Toni smirked and started licking and sucking both my nipples. I moaned and then gasped. Toni somehow undid my pants and stuck three of her fingers in my pussy.

(sorry but end of smut, and only Cheryl got the experience of sex since Toni can't yet)

After my 3rd orgasm, Toni looked at me and said "I love you soo much I don't ever want to lose you again". I lightly pushed her down onto the bed next to me and cuddled her so I was the big spoon. I intertwined our fingers and kissed her forehead.

"What happened with me and Heather is the past and I hurt you so much and I'm sorry, I'll keep on saying it until you realize how sorry I am and how bad I felt and still feel. I love you and no one can stop me from loving you".

Toni raised her head to look at me and said "I forgive you but it will always be stuck in my head". I smiled sadly and kissed her on her cheek. We switched roles so Toni was now the big spoon. "Goodnight my queen" Toni said. "Goodnight daddy". She chuckled and brought me closer to her and we both fell into a deep sleep.
*Next chapter will be posted next week*

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