Greenville: Season Two

By quantoria04

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Now that Damien Clark has control of the East and Westside, things in Greenville are going to get much more i... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

1K 26 13
By quantoria04

3 months later

On the Westside, Becky and Sasha were having a girls night with Renee at her new apartment.

"So what's it like on this side of town?" Sasha asked her from the couch.

"It's not that bad.. I mean it's better than being one of Adrian's prisoners." Renee said as she sat down next to Becky on the other couch.

"I still can't believe he just let you go." Becky said as Renee poured everyone a glass of wine.

"Tell me about it." Renee said.

"How's the wedding planning going?" Sasha asked Becky.

Becky looked up at Sasha uncomfortably.

"It's okay." Becky said.

"Just okay?" Renee asked.

"I'd honestly rather be working for Hunter or Adrian even and have someone else do all the planning." Becky said.

"Are you serious?" Renee asked her.

"I have to sit in that mansion in those dumb ass dresses and pick out china patterns while Seth is out there working on the streets." Becky said.

"You sound jealous of him." Sasha said.

"It's just that when I was on the Southside, Dean and I worked together." Becky said before she could stop herself.

Sasha and Renee looked at each other awkwardly.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I know we agreed not to talk about him." Becky said.

"No, it's okay. I get what you're saying." Renee said.

"No more boy talk." Sasha said in attempt to change the conversation.

"You're right, this is supposed to be girls night." Becky said.

Sasha smiled at Becky and Renee and walked over to the shelf of records. She pulled out a Lana Del Rey album and played it. The song "This is What Makes Us Girls" began to play through out the apartment. Renee and Becky looked at each other and laughed as Sasha began to dance.

Remember how we used to party up all night?
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life
Drinking in the small town firelight
(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice)

Renee got up first and started swaying her hips back and forth with her wine in her hands. Becky laughed as Renee and Sasha let themselves go.

Sweet sixteen, and we had arrived
Walking down the streets as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"
Stealin' police cars with the senior guys
Teachers said we'd never make it out alive

Sasha grabbed Renee's hands and they started grinding on each other.

There she was, my new best friend
High heels in her hand, swayin' in the wind
While she starts to cry
Mascara running down her little Bambi eyes
"Lana, how I hate those guys"

Sasha walked over and grabbed Becky's hand. She pulled her up and spun her around

This is what makes us girls
We all look for heaven and we put love first
Something that we'd die for, it's our curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it

Becky finally gave in and let her body sway to the music. She pushed her hair back as Sasha wrapped her arms around Renee's neck. Suddenly, Roman walked inside as they continued dancing.

We don't stick together 'cause we put love first
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen (happen)

The girls all laughed as they continued dancing. When Becky looked over, she saw Roman standing by the door watching them.

"Roman." Becky said as she stopped dancing.

Sasha walked over and shut off the music.

"How long have you been there?" Renee asked.

"Long enough." Roman laughed.

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

"Wine?" Sasha asked him.

"Sure." Roman said as he walked over and sat down on the couch.

"So, what's it like living together?" Becky asked.

"It's fine, except when he brings a girl home and forgets to shut his bedroom door." Renee said.

"And this one likes to blast 80's music at six o'clock in the fucking morning so ain't nobody getting any sleep up in here." Roman said.

Renee laughed and rolled her eyes.

Sasha and Becky looked at each other skeptically as Roman and Renee laughed together.

"Have any of you talked to Dean?" Roman asked seriously.

The girls all got quiet and looked around the room.

"He hasn't talked to me since I asked him to sign the annulment papers." Renee said.

"Yeah, I haven't talked to him either.. I guess in his eyes I am guilty by association." Sasha said as she looked at Becky.

"He can't just shut everyone out." Becky said.

"He's done it before." Roman said.

"How did you get through to him last time?" Renee asked.

Roman looked over at Becky with concern.

"We should probably get going.. It's getting late." Becky said as she got up.

"Yeah.. Thanks for the wine." Sasha said as she hugged Renee goodbye.

Becky put on her jacket and followed Sasha out of the apartment.

"You're really going back to the mansion?" Sasha asked.

"Seth's probably waiting for me." Becky said.

"Okay well I still have plenty of party in me so you have fun playing housewife.. I'm going to the club." Sasha said as she walked away. 

Becky stood there in disappointment and looked down at her engagement ring. She let out a sigh and got in the car.

A few doors down from Roman and Renee's apartment, Bayley Martinez was watching The Incredibles when Kenny Omega returned home.

"It's a Saturday night and you stayed home alone to watch cartoons?" Kenny asked as he took off his jacket.

"It's not a cartoon..It's animated film." Bayley corrected him.

Kenny looked at Bayley and laughed as he walked into the kitchen. Bayley paused the movie and walked over to the counter.

"Let me ask you a question, Bayley.. what is the point of going to a gay bar if the only hot men in there are straight?" Kenny asked as he opened the refrigerator.

Bayley watched Kenny in confusion. Suddenly, Aj Styles stumbled into the apartment.

"Good morning everyone." Aj said as he sat down at the counter.

"It's like 11:30 at night." Bayley told him.

"Really? Why the hell did I come home so early?" Aj asked.

"Were you out with Paige?" Kenny asked.

Aj looked at Kenny and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Well at least somebody got laid tonight. You want pancakes?" Kenny asked.

Bayley watched in confusion as Aj gave Kenny a thumbs up, still with his eyes closed. Kenny got out the pancake mix as Sonya Deville walked into the apartment. Bayley examined Sonya as she sat down next to Aj at the counter.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sonya asked.

"Have you been drinking?" She asked.

"No, officer. I do my best work when I'm sober." Sonya told her.

Bayley stared at her for a second.

"I'm not sure if that was a sexual reference so I'm not going to respond." Bayley said.

"Have any luck tonight?" Kenny asked.

"If your asking I'm assuming I did better than you." Sonya said as she smirked at him.

"Well shit." Kenny said.

"Swear jar." Bayley said.

Kenny rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet. He grabbed a five dollar bill and put it into a jar on the kitchen counter.

"You know you only have to put a dollar in." Bayley said.

"Fuck, shit, bitch, ass. There you go, now I'm good." Kenny said. 

"Since we are talking about money.. Would any of you be able to pay a little extra on rent this month? I can only afford half of my cut." Sonya said.

"I was actually going to ask you guys the same thing.. They cut back on my overtime at the restaurant." Kenny said.

"It's okay, I have it covered." Bayley said.

"You paid rent in full last week. We can't let you do that again." Sonya said.

"It's okay, I really don't mind." Bayley said.

"You don't even have a job, Bayley. How are you able to pay all that?" Kenny asked in curiosity.

"My family has a little bit of money." Bayley said as she walked back over to the couch and resumed her movie.

Sonya and Kenny looked at each other in confusion as Aj began to snore.

"How the fuck does he do that?" Kenny asked as he watched Aj sitting up in his chair, asleep.

"Swear jar!" Bayley yelled from the couch.

"Fuck." Kenny said.

"Two dollars!" Bayley yelled.

Kenny bit his tongue and pulled out his wallet as Sonya began to laugh.

On the Southside, Dean met up with Randy at Southside's Underground. In the back of the club. Randy and Dean had their own VIP section set up. Blue and purple lights flashed throughout the club as people danced.

"Working for Sanchez has it's perks, huh?" Randy asked as Dean lit a cigarette.

"It's not too bad." Dean said as the song "High By The Beach" by Lana Del Rey began to play.

Boy look at you looking at me
I know you know how I feel
Loving you is hard, being here is harder
You take the wheel
I don't wanna do this anymore, it's so surreal
I can't survive if this is all that's real

"Yo, isn't that you're ex-girl?" Randy asked.

Dean looked up and saw Sasha dancing with some guy.

Dean watched Sasha push her hair back and began grinding on the man.

All I wanna do is get high by the beach
Get high by the beach get high
All I wanna do is get by by the beach
Get by baby, baby, bye bye
The truth is I never bought into your bullshit
When you would pay tribute to me

Dean took a sip of his beer as Sasha glanced over in his direction.

'Cause I know that
All I wanted to do was get high by the beach
Get high baby, baby, bye bye

Dean got up and walked towards Sasha. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away with him. Dean walked her to the back of the club and cornered her against the wall. They looked into each other's eyes with intensity as the music continued to play.

Boy look at you looking at me
I know you don't understand
You could be a bad motherfucker
But that don't make you a man
Now you're just another one of my problems
Because you got out of hand
We won't survive we're sinking into the sand

Sasha let out a small smirk as he looked down at her. Dean pressed his lips against Sasha's as he held her waist. She ran her fingers through his hair as they began to make out.

All I wanna do is get high by the beach
Get high by the beach get high
All I wanna do is get by by the beach
Get by baby, baby, bye bye
The truth is I never bought into your bullshit
When you would pay tribute to me
'Cause I know that
All I wanted to do was get high by the beach
Get high baby, baby, bye bye

Suddenly, Dean stopped and looked at Sasha for a moment. He laughed at himself for a second before walking back to the dace floor. Sasha watched in confusion as he tapped the man that Sasha's was dancing with on the shoulder. He turned around and Dean punched him across the face. Sasha watched as the man fell to the ground. 

"Touch my girl again and you're dead." Dean said as he walked back over to Sasha and grabbed her hand. He lead her up the stairs and they got into his car.

Sasha looked over at him and smiled as he sped off. They drove outside of town and Dean parked the car. He looked over and smirked at Sasha. Dean got out of the car and sat down on the hood. Sasha got out next and walked slowly over to him. He watched as she stood in front of him with her bedroom eyes. She leaned closer and pressed her lips against his.

On the Northside, Becky laid in bed by herself. She looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

"Hey, babe." Seth said as he walked into the room.

Becky sat up in bed and watched as he sat his gun down on the night stand and took off his shirt.

"There's blood on your chest." Becky told him.

"Oh, sorry." Seth said.

"What did you have to do tonight?" Becky asked.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. Did you figure out the seating for the wedding?" Seth asked.

Becky looked at him in disbelief.

"No, I didn't" Becky said.

"Babe, we only have a few more weeks until the wedding." Seth told her.

"Yeah, I know." Becky said.

"Are you and the girls still going to look at dresses tomorrow?" Seth asked her.

"Yeah.." Becky said unfortunately.

"Babe, you don't sound too excited. This is supposed to be fun." Seth said.

"I'm sorry but this just isn't me. I don't care about any of this shit." Becky said.

"You mean our wedding?" Seth asked her offensively.

"I didn't mean it like that." Becky said.

"Then how did you mean it?" Seth asked her.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything." Becky said as she laid down and turned over.

Seth looked down at Becky in frustration, not sure what else to say.

"I'm sorry." Seth said.

Becky just laid there with her back to him as a tear fell down her face.

Outside, Dean pulled up to the mansion and parked the car.

"See you later, Princess." Dean said as she got out of the car.

Sasha watched as he drove off. She walked into the house and saw Alexa sitting on the couch underneath a blanket. Sasha walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tub of cookie dough ice cream from the freezer and two spoons. She walked back into the living room and sat down next to Alexa.

"Don't forget you can't tell anyone about our late night girl talk. I have a reputation to uphold as queen bitch around here." Sasha told her.

Alexa looked at her and let out a small smile. She scooted over and shared her blanket with Sasha.

"What did you do tonight?" Alexa asked her.

"Something I probably shouldn't have." Sasha told her.

"Dean?" Alexa asked.

"Becky and Renee don't know we got back together." Sasha said.

"You're not really good at this whole friendship thing are you?" Alexa asked her.

"No, not really." Sasha laughed and looked over at the pillow on the couch.

Alexa took a bite of her ice cream as the smile quickly faded from her face.

"Lexi.. You can't keep sleeping out here." Sasha told her.

"Miz is in my bed." Alexa said.

"The two of you are getting married, don't you think you should at least talk to him?" Sasha asked.

"No." Alexa said.

"You're only making this harder on yourself." Sasha said.

Alexa stared blankly across the living room as a tear fell from her face.

"Hey, don't cry." Sasha told her.

"I can't do this anymore.. It's just too damn hard." Alexa cried.

"I know it's hard but you have to pull yourself together, Alexa. My father is going to get what's coming to him, I can promise you that.. But right now isn't the time to fall apart. You have to show him that you can't be broken." Sasha told her.

Alexa looked up at Sasha with tears in her eyes.

"Now get some sleep." Sasha said as she got up and began to walk away.

"Sasha?" Alexa said.

Sasha turned back and looked at Alexa.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Thank you for.. Not completely hating me." Alexa said.

Sasha smiled at her softly and walked away.

In her room, Sasha sat down on the floor by her bed and buried her face into her hands as tears began to fall from her face.

On the Southside, Dean made his way back to the bar and got ready for bed. He walked into the bathroom and looked at his self in the mirror. Dean held up his wrist that was covered with black tape. He yanked the tape off, revealing his tattoo. A tear fell down Dean's face as he traced his fingers over the tattoo. He looked up and punched a whole in the bathroom mirror as tears began rushing down his face.

Sixteen hours later..

All the Northside girls made their way to the Westside for their dress fittings. Kenny poured a customer a cup of coffee at the diner as he heard a loud explosion. At the apartment, Bayley looked out the window to find people running down the streets in a panic. Roman stopped an officer walking down the street.

"What's going on?" Roman asked.

"A bomb just went off at Westside Bridal! Get out of here!" The cop yelled.

Roman looked up and saw the smoke filling the air as an ambulance sped down the street.

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