Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS]...

By ZieZie66

94.4K 5.2K 3.3K

For the past ten years, the Dennis and Fong Company are the most ranked and successful companies in the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
[NOT A CHAPTER] Just Got Tagged
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 46

1.9K 80 48
By ZieZie66

So I'm going to speed things up. Sorry if the days were going too fast. :3


A month passed since the day Evan confessed his feelings towards Jon. It was also nearing a year since the day they were married to each other. Jonathan felt like everything's still the same, except, Evan was showing more affection.

It started with a simple arm over his shoulders, but as they get comfortable with each other, strong arms went down and around his waist until the day they're completely holding each other's hands. But if Jon was asked what he likes the most, his answer will be the one where they hug each other as they lay on their shared bed. He likes the way Evan's arms were draped over his waist while he lay his head on his warm chest, then their legs ending up tangled together the next morning. It was always a pleasant morning waking up with someone beside him and if Evan left before he could wake up, there's always a note on the table to remind him to eat before he leave and to always take care of himself. Jon secretly kept all the notes and compiled it in a box inside his own drawers as a collection.

But all of those only happen inside the house.

Jon wouldn't risk getting caught and be revealed, it would only mean that his secret will also be exposed. He already accepted that he's also starting to develop that familiar feeling inside his heart to his husband, but he wasn't ready to commit. He wasn't yet ready to be hated.

Little did he know, he wasn't the only one suffering.

Evan understood. He knows that it was for his partner's sake, and yet, why does the ache in his chest wouldn't leave?

It feels like thousands of needles kept punctuating his fragile heart, spilling inscrutable emotions that was beyond words.

How does a nonexistential emotion make him feel sick and loathe himself for being not good enough?

"You're thinking too hard again." A voice snap him from his thought as another stack of paper was placed in front of him. He look up and saw Brian looking down at him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Shut up. Just leave me alone." He barked a reply as he grab one paper to start signing up. He heard a click of a tongue and the table slightly shook when Brian sat on the end of it even though there's obviously a chair beside him.

"Alright. What's the problem this time?" Brian asked as he keep his eyes on him. Evan tried his best to not meet the other's eyes and focus on the papers in front of him.


After saying that, he received a flick on the forehead hard enough to leave a red mark. He yelp and glare at the Irish as he massage his reddening skin, a deep frown was now set on his face. It didn't seem to affect the other as Brian just look at him with a stern look.

"Idiot. I've known you for years so I know if there's something bothering you. Spill it out."

"I just told you it's nothing. Can't you understand?" He said through gritted teeth, feeling that his anger rising up.

"You wouldn't act like that if it's nothing. Just tell me what's the problem so I could-"

He abruptly stood up from his seat, knocking the chair back and making a loud thud as it hit the tiled floor. His intense look not leaving him as he bare his teeth.

"I just thought that what I'm doing for Jon wasn't enough, okay?! I know for a fact that nobody would want to be with me as I am a harsh, apathetic bastard!"

Brian just stood there, unsurprised by his sudden outburst. Evan really didn't mean to say those things about himself but it's too late now. His anger, once again, took control over his mouth.

"There, I said it. Now leave me alone." He grunted, picking up his chair and sitting back down. He heard the other sigh then a hand softly ruffle his hair and completely messing up his style.

"You know there's no way I'm going to leave after hearing all of that."

He smack the hand that was still on his hair and fix it. He didn't bother to reply and completely ignored his secretary. Brian didn't leave and instead, talk once again.

"It's weird to hear those true things."

A glare was straight up given to him after that sentence and a smile form on his lips as he continue.

"But the Evan I know wouldn't say something disgusting like those."

The glare turn into confusion and Brian kept on talking.

"He's strong, fearless and a cunt so you better shut your mouth or he'll fuck you up. Got it?"

Evan didn't answer and remain silent as he process all the words Brian said to him. He snap out of his thinking when he received another flick on his healing forehead.

"Ow! Okay! Geez."

Brian triumphantly nodded as he lower his hand.

"Good. Well then, I'm leaving you now. I'll just be at my station if you need me."

Evan watch as he started walking away and remember something his husband told him that he should do, well, more like he should say so he called his name.

"Hey, uh, Brian?"

"Hm?" Brian hummed as he turn around, his hands inside his pocket. Evan bit his inner cheek and toughen up to tell such simple words.

"Thanks... for everything."

The smile on Brian's face falter and all of a sudden, he's sprinting back and tackling Evan until they're completely laying on the ground. Evan wince at the impact but didn't move when he felt something wet soaking his suit. A sob fell on the Irish's lips as he starts crying.

"I don't know why I'm crying but this is the first time you said that to me and it's just... overwhelming." He sobbed as he cry on Evan's shoulder.

Evan softly patted his back and let the two of them lay on the ground even though it's kinda uncomfortable and to add to that, the back of the chair was digging through his back which makes him slightly wince in pain but he ignore it. Right now, what's important is to comfort his secreta- his friend.

After a couple of minutes, Brian let go and stood up, wiping the tears left on his cheeks.

"Sorry for suddenly tackling you."

Brian helped him get up and put back the chair to how it previously was. Evan brush off the dirt on his pants before sitting back on his chair.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

Out of nowhere, Brian's eyes widen as he remember something.

"Oh right! I forgot to mention that the annual party was coming soon and this year, it's our company's turn to prepare for it."

Evan mentally smack his head as he completely forgot the upcoming party. Usually, he would just skip it and just keep on working but he can't do that this year cause it's them who will held it.

"And a lot were anticipating to finally see you and Jonathan show up and walking together on the red carpet."

The mention of his husband caught him off guard and his eyes widen.


"You didn't know? It was all over the news and magazines. People were already talking about it and curious what the Dennis' heir look like since he hasn't officially 'come out' yet."

He sigh in relief once he heard that the media hasn't yet discover their secret marriage and they're still on the "merge company" title. He arranged the papers that has been signed up and put it aside before grabbing another batch of files to fill up.

"I see. Too bad he won't agree to that."

Brian bit the inside of his cheek and look at him with sadness in his eyes.

"I hate to say this but your father wants you to convince him to come."

He spun around and throw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"You know there's no way he'll come! This is Jon we're talking about! He doesn't like getting involved in this!" He reasoned as he clench his teeth.

"I know. But that's your father's order. We can't disobey him."


He slumped back to his chair and the hatred he felt from his father grew even more. He felt a hand on his shoulder and look up to see Brian looking at him in guilt.

"I'm sorry..."

All he could do was shake his head and swipe away his hair backwards.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I guess it's about time to go talk to my father about the issue."

"If you need anything, I'll be here." Brian said, showing his support to the other. Evan only nodding in acknowledgement.

"I know. Preparing for the event is a piece of cake but making Jon agree to come with me? He'd rather divorce me than be exposed to the media."

Brian knitted his brow to what he said and pouted.

"Exposed huh..."

Brian could hear the gears working on Evan's head and a few seconds later, Evan's eyes lit up.

"That's it!"

Brian jumped at the sudden outburst and stare at him with wide eyes.

"What? What is it?"

"I have an idea but I don't know if it will work."

Brian sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it's still worth a shot. I'm listening."


Lucas was surprise when the front door burst open and Evan coming home earlier than usual. He decided to not go with Jon earlier to have some time alone.

Evan let out a sigh as he sit down on the couch beside his cousin.

"Got bored at work?" Lucas asked as he continue watching a cartoon show while eating some chips on a bowl. Evan look at him and at the crumbs falling from his mouth to the couch and carpet in disgust.

"Eat decently. You're having crumbs all over the place."

"Shut up. I'll eat however I like."

Evan just shake his head before standing up and going upstairs to change clothes. Once he's completely in his normal attire, he went down and towards the kitchen to grab something to drink. As soon as he reached the kitchen he open their fridge and grab a cold water to refresh his throat. While drinking, he spotted something placed on the counter and his expression turn into grim at the sight of a certain brown teddy bear. He grabbed it and snarl.

"Why is this thing here?"

He looked at it with disgust as he turn it around to inspect.

"If Jon wasn't attached to this, I'll definitely-"

"What are you doing?"

His eyes widen at the sudden voice from behind and quickly turn around in panic but soon calmed down once he saw that it was just his stupid cousin.

He put back the teddy bear from where it was before and walk away from it.

"Nothing. I'm just intrigue by the object."

Lucas intently watch him as he walk away.

"You've been acting weird since you came back." He said while following the taller Canadian.

"Not like I'm worried or anything. I just don't want Jon to see you looking pathetic."

Evan ignored the insult and blankly stare at him. He's getting good at reading his cousin. Like, right now, he finally understands that when Lucas was worried he'll start using Jon's name as an excuse to ask what's wrong. Even tho there's still a mix of insult to it.

He look away and went to the living room to sit down and watch some news. He really needs to be updated on what's happening around him.

"I'm fine, just exhausted."

He grabbed the remote and open the television, changing the channel to CNN. Lucas sat beside him and crossed his arms.

"Well, that's a bullshit excuse."

No shit. Evan roll his eyes.

Of course it is. Who the hell would believe that kind of statement?

"Congratulations for noticing it." He sarcastically said as he kept his eyes on the electronic device. Lucas scoff and snarl at him.

"Asshole. Are you picking a fight?!" Lucas challenged as he lean forward. Evan just push his face away and kept his poker face.

"Stop acting like everyone's your enemy."

"You started it!"

"Ha?? How the hell did I started it when you're the one coming here in my personal space?"

They continue arguing with each other, throwing insult here and there, and they only stop bickering when they heard an engine making a noise outside of their house which makes them alert to their surroundings. After a few seconds, the noise disappear and the door was being unlocked. Confusion was written to their faces as they look at the main entry. The door slowly open and Jonathan enters while carrying two bags of groceries.

The two Canadians look at each other in realization before scrambling to their feet and racing on who's going to get to Jonathan first (since the first to get there gets to have Jonathan's attention). Evan pull Lucas at the back of his shirt and get a head start.

"Cheater!" Lucas yelled as he fall on his butt and sent a glare to his cousin who's finally in front of Jonathan. Evan just stick his tongue out in reply before turning around and smiling to his husband.

"You're back earlier than usual." He said as he help him. Grabbing the two bags with ease. Jonathan sigh as the heavy weight was finally taken away from him and they walk towards the kitchen. Jonathan ruffling Lucas' hair as a greeting which, in return, gave him an angry grumble in reply.

"Yeah. The shop closed early cause David received an emergency from his family. I also decided to pass by the grocery store to get some new stock."

"Why didn't you call me? I could've pick you up." Evan asked as he place the groceries on the counter and help prepare for the things they need before they start cooking.

"Well I thought you're still at work and I don't want to disturb you so I just called a cab." He reasoned as he start grabbing the vegetables and cutting them.

"But still! I don't care if I'm in the middle of working. I'll drop everything and pick you up whatever time it may be." His voice was full of worry and Jonathan's face heated up. He stop what he's doing and bit his lower lip to prevent the smile forming on his face.

"That's so cheesy, what the hell! Stop making me blush!" He put down whatever he's holding and lightly smack Evan's arm and hide his blushing face.

"I'm just telling the truth! I don't want anything bad to happen to you!"


All of a sudden, two strong arms snaked around his waist and trapped him in a hug.


He stay quiet, still hiding his face behind his hands as Evan kept on hugging him.

"Look at me."



He sigh and peak between his fingers and look to his left where his husband was leaning his chin on his shoulder, a soft smile adoring his face.

"I want to ask you something."

Jonathan raise his brow and remove his hands once he's sure that his face no longer looks like a tomato. He look away and grabbed the knife once again to continue what he's doing.

"Sure. What is it?"

"I'll tell you but first, I want you to promise that you'll hear me out through everything I'll say before you react."

Jonathan thought about it and click his tongue.

"No promises but I'll try." He said as he put down the knife once he's done cutting the carrots.

"Ok so, this year, our company is the one that will held a yearly annual party for us heirs."

Just by hearing that sentence makes him remove the other's arms around him and stomp away but Evan was quick to react and pull him back by the arms but his back still facing the other.

"Please listen!"

"You know I'd rather die than get involved in those shitty things right? Besides, I hate parties."

"I know. But listen, this year, I'm the one that will organize everything so, my party, my rule. I already talked about it with father and he approve my request so I can guarantee that there won't be any media that will get in unlike the past few years and, on top of that, it will be private." He promised.

Jonathan was contemplating. Even after all those assurance, he's still unsure and nervous.

"It's just us elites. No other people." Evan added to the detail to be more convincing.

"Elites?" He asked, just to make sure he heard it right.

"Yeah. I don't want you to be uncomfortable and be overwhelmed by the crowd."

Evan spun him around and held him closer.

"And also... I want to be with you that night. It is a special day afterall."

That made him stare at his husband in confusion.

"When is the party?"

Evan smile and held his hand once again.

"April 22."

Huh. So it wasn't until two months. Jonathan tried to remember what occasion is it but it doesn't ring a bell. He finally gave up and ask straight away.

"Are there any special occasion to it?"

Evan kept on smiling as he shake his head in reply. Jonathan felt more confused because there's nothing particular important on that day but his husband said it was a 'special day'.

Maybe it's related to work. Jonathan has no idea so he decided to not push any further.

"So, have you decided to come to the party?"

Shit. He almost forget that he has to answer that question. His eyes averting and the floor suddenly looked more interesting.

"I'm not really sure..."

Evan tighten the hold on his hand and look at him with pleading eyes.


Jonathan sigh in defeat and uncrossed his arms.

"I guess I'll give it a try."

Evan's eyes lit up to his answer and, out of character, hugged him.

"Thank you!" He beamed. His smile uncontrollably and full of joy.

Jonathan couldn't look away at the beautiful person in front of him, his heart warming at the sight.

If that's the reason for you smile then I'll do it again to see it.

Jonathan smile to himself before turning around and grabbing the cutted vegetables.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a food to finish cooking."

Evan let him go but still didn't leave and follow him instead. Standing beside him as he put the meat in the pot.

"Are you almost done?" He asked, deciding to pull the nearest stool and sitting on it while still near his husband.

"Yeah. I just need to steam the meat and it's all done."

"I'm sure it's delicious."

Jonathan's brow rose and playfully roll his eyes.

"Of course it will be." He said with cockiness in his voice.

Evan just hum after that and patiently wait for the food to finish, helping him from time to time.

Lucas soon joined the ruckus and the three of them crowd the kitchen. Evan and Lucas kept on insulting each other while Jonathan watch them while laughing to any ridiculous thing the two canadian would say.


He took off his earpiece attached to a laptop, that was connected to a bug, and turn it off after secretly listening to a conversation.

"Ahhh... so he's coming eh? Interesting."

A giggle escaped from his lips at the thought of a plan that will surely make things play according to his desire.

"It would be bad if something happen. Am I right?" He said to himself as his giggle turns into a maniacal laugh, echoing through the emptiness of the dark room. The lamp shade being the only source of light as he write down his plan, thinking thoroughly how things will turn out. When everything's all done, he look to his left where a board filled with photos were on it with red strings connecting it all together and some notes written under them. His crazy smile widen as he grab one of the top two photos.

"Once you're mine, chaos will start."

He put it back from where it was attached and look at the photo beside it. His smile turning into smirk.

"And he will fall apart."

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