Issues // H.S. // A.U.

By Hitterj

1.5M 36.1K 88.7K

18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Six

54.5K 1.2K 2.4K
By Hitterj


I woke up to the sounds of someone shuffling around and the bed moving. The smell around me was different than I was used to, but familiar all the same. My eyes blinked open and it took me a second to realize where I was. Everything came flooding back to me from the past few hours, or maybe last night. I wasn't even sure how long I had slept, but it seemed to do wonders.

I had a slight headache, but the alcohol seemed to have left my body for the most part. It's not like I had gotten completely drunk, just tipsy enough to reveal all my feelings. My eyes wander around and I see Dani putting her textbooks, notebooks, and laptop away on her desk. Her back is to me and I can't help but stare at her body all wrapped up and cozy in her sleepwear. She was always beautiful, but with a bare face and her clunky glasses she was absolutely stunning.

I think back to our conversation and am grateful that I didn't tell her exactly what I had been feeling for her, not wanting to scare her off. I smile sleepily as I remember our kiss and her shyness that came out of nowhere. Never had I felt that way with anyone before. I knew I was in deep last weekend, but this was something else.

"Well, look who finally decided to join the party." Dani teases as she notices I'm awake.

I laugh, "What time is it?"

"A little past one." She answers and I suddenly hear the music from downstairs still blaring.

I groan as I rub my face. I feel the bed dip and I look over to that Dani has laid down next to me. She faces her body towards me and examined my face, which I was sure was a little puffy from sleeping.

"Are you going to go back downstairs?" She asks in a small voice.

I turn my body over so I'm mirroring hers. I study her face to see if it showed any signs of her wanting me to leave, but I didn't find any. Her face was neutral as she waited for my answer. I decided to put the ball back in her court, "Do you want me to go back downstairs?"

She narrowed her eyes and tried to suppress a grin, but failed miserably. I knew that she knew what I had done, but I just chuckle at her expression.

She huffed when she realized I wasn't going to say anything, "You're a real pain in my ass, Curly."

I smirked at the playful tone she used, "Well?"

"Fine!" She gave dramatically exclaimed, "You can stay."

I smile widely at her and scoot a bit closer so I can rest my hand on her hip. She exhaled a breathe and I felt as if my heart could explode. It was like any and all tension had left her body when I touched her. I knew that feeling well. She gave it to me every time she looked at me.

"I never thanked you for lunch."

One of her eyebrows raised, "Harry, you don't need to thank me for giving you a handjob in the bathroom."

I laughed loudly and felt my face redden, "No, that's not what I meant. Just thank you for being there really..." I finish off awkwardly.

"Well, it is my job." She playfully answers.

I give her a look, "I just... I really needed to get away from him and you did that. Thanks for coming to find me."

I absentmindedly rubbed my thumb on the bare skin that peaked out of a hole in her old Pink Floyd shirt. Dani brought her hand up to softly caress my arm in a comforting manner. Our eyes meet and she gives me a kind smile.

"Your father has a bit of a reputation at my work. Mary's been on maternity leave for two months and he's terrorized almost every server..."

I cringed, "Yeah, that sounds like him."

"When I saw you walk in with him I volunteered to take your table."

My eyes went wide, "Really? You sacrificed yourself so you could be around me?"

Dani's laugh rang out and my smile immediately followed, "Sacrifice is a bit much. I just wanted you to know I wasn't going to avoid you after what happened last weekend."

My smile dropped and I took a deep breathe in, "Fuck, Dani, I am so sorry about that. I had no idea Kara would act like that. I tried to get to you-"

"Harry, it's okay-"

"No it's not." I cut her off. All I could see in that moment was the look on her face when Kara had hit her. The immediate change in her body language, the slight fear in her eyes. It made my stomach churn. "I saw the look on your face. It's not okay."

I brought my hand up to her cheek and she closed her eyes at my touch. My stomach fluttered and my heart beat picked up. Our actions and caring words felt so intimate. It was like we had known each other for years, been with each other for years. Everything that was happening with us was completely out of my comfort zone and clearly hers, but it all came so naturally. I couldn't stop as I shuffled myself closer to her and hummed when she placed her small hand over mine.

"No, it's not okay, but it wasn't your fault." I looked into her hazel eyes to see them sincere. She didn't hold me accountable for what had happened and I felt all the worry leave my body. I had been so focused all week on finding her to comfort her or explain myself, but she had been the one to comfort me when I needed her. Without even asking she knew I needed an escape.

"You know, I was really panicking all week thinking you were never going to talk to me again."

She grinned and took my hand away from her face, interlacing our fingers as she rested our hands on the bed between us. "Aww, isn't that sweet. Curly has a little crush." She teased.

I smirk at her knowing she has led me into possibly admitting any feelings I might have for her. Instead of saying anything I just playfully shrug which makes her laugh lightly.

We stayed silent for a couple more minutes just enjoying each other's presence. Something I'm sure neither of us had ever done. Even when I did have a girlfriend back in a high school it was never like this. We weren't capable of experiencing a comfortable silence like I was with Dani. Maybe that was just what came with age, but I have a feeling it more has everything to do with the girl laying before me.

"How was the rest of the day with your dad?"

I blinked as her voice brought me out of my thoughts. I focus back to her to see she is looking up at me with her soft hazel eyes.

"I don't know. It's always the same with him. Ever since I told him I don't want to run the family business he's been trying to force it onto me. He hates that I decided to switch my major to English. He told me he wasn't going to pay for college if I was going to waste his money with a pointless degree that won't get me anywhere." I sighed as I remembered back to when I told him I wasn't going to continue with a bachelor's in business.

"What about your mom?" Her fingers danced with mine making my heart beat loudly.

I smiled instantly, "My mom is the best." She smiled when she saw my face light up, "Seriously, her and my stepdad are my saviors. They took over paying for college and told me to pursue whatever future I wanted even if it was basket weaving."

Dani snorted but waited for me to continue, "They really keep me calm when I have to deal with him. I went over to their house after dinner with him and they just sat there for hours while I complained about everything. He's been particularly bad lately in trying to get me back into his company but it sucks, because my older sister Genevieve works there and she practically begs him to get her more involved. She loves it and she's super smart like you, so she just understands all that business shit that I could never wrap my head around."

"It's good that you've got people supporting you. Your mom sounds awesome and honestly if your dad can't see how miserable all that shit made you then that's his problem." Dani says with her eyebrows raised.

I smile at her cute face, annoyed by just thought of my father. I decide to test the waters and question her back, "What about you? Do you stay in contact with your foster mom?"

Her facial expression immediately changed and I started to panic that I overstepped.

"How did you know I have a foster mom?" She asks with furrowed brows.

"You told me she gave you your laptop..." I say meekly, hoping she doesn't kick me out of her room.

She blinks and I could almost see the memory reflecting in her eyes as she tries to recall our conversation earlier.

After a moment of silence she finally speaks, "Shit. I did, didn't I?" She gives me a weird look before she continues, "Hmpf, I never really tell anybody... Just my roommates and Cassie..."

"You don't have to talk about it." I say quickly, "I can completely forget that you said anything. I'm great at acting clueless."

I'm relieved when she laughs at my stupid joke, "No, don't worry..." She takes a deep breathe, "I'm still very close with my foster mom. I always go over there for the holidays and we talk at least once a week. I usually try to go to the house and help cook dinner a few times a month so she can take a bit of a break. She's got five kids right now and sometimes us orphans are a bit of a hassle. We tend to have issues."

I am genuinely surprised she told me that much and even more surprised at the playfulness in her tone. I'm hesitant to delve any deeper just yet. She seemed so put off that I would know anything about her family, but then again she was so quick to give me all that information.

"Don't worry, Curly. I've dealt with my demons. Five years of therapy does wonders." She joked, mistaking my silence for something entirely different.

I chuckled, "I wasn't worried about that. I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"A lot of things... How I was open with you about all that stuff and wondering why you trusted me with your secrets and how god damn adorable you look in those giant glasses." I cheekily added.

"Oh my god!" She brings both hands to her face to hide the blush as she laughs, "Stop!"

Her laugh was infectious and soon I joined in. I tried to pry her hands away from her face but she playfully pushed me away. I jerked roughly as she tickled me without knowing. We both stilled when she realized what had just happened. I watch as a devilish smile formed on her face and I backed away slightly with my hands out in front of me to stop the oncoming assault I knew was about to occur.

"Don't you dare." I warned her, but she just gave me an innocent look and said, "What?"

I shake my head keeping my eyes on hers when she lurched forward and started attacking my sides. I swiveled and jerked away from her touch as a loud boisterous laugh left my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut as her tiny hands touched me over and over as I playfully yelled for her to stop through my laughs. I was able to grab her hands and hold them firmly in my own to stop her when I realized she was straddling my hips.

She was still laughing when I stopped and just stared up at her. Her face was alight with humor and her eyes were a bright shade of green. Her hair was completely out of place, strands falling out of her floppy bun on the top of her head. Her chest was heaving as she calmed down and I couldn't help but pull her down to me and kiss her perfect lips.

She reciprocated immediately, tongue meeting mine as we deepened our kiss. My hands let go of hers to find her hips while hers snaked up my chest and neck to cup my face. This was definitely more hurried and needy than the sensual one we shared earlier. I was more familiar to feeling her this way, but having her on top of me was doing wonders. I could practically picture her tits bouncing while riding me and I feel myself start to harden.

Our lips become more frenzied as the minutes go by and I curse myself when all the dirty thoughts force themselves into my brain. I have to keep reminding myself she was on her period and we couldn't actually do anything, but the thought of period sex was becoming more acceptable as her hips grind down into mine. I squeeze her hips and groan at the friction, now completely hard and feeling the painful constraints of my jeans.

"Harry, baby, let me..." She mumbles into my lips, but I don't like the idea of getting off without her. I feel the need to make her feel good and I don't want her to pleasure me if I can't do the same. Especially when she is probably drained and I'm sure her lower back is hurting due to her period. I've heard enough complaints from my sisters to know what she could possibly be feeling right now.

"Dani-" I groaned as she rolls her hips into me, "I... um... holy shit." I can't even keep my thoughts straight as her lips attach to my neck and start sucking harshly on my skin. I'm sure she's leaving marks all over me, but I don't care; I like the reminder that she was here.

"I just want to wrap my lips around you, baby." She whispers into my ear and then proceeds to nibble on it causing me to groan and buck my hips into hers.

"No." I say forcefully, finally getting a clear head as I flip her over so I'm hovering over her. "If you don't get off, neither do I."

Her brows furrow in confusion and she pouts out her bottom lip making me want to bend down and suck on it. "But I want to."

Her voice is soft and almost makes me faulter, but I hold steady. I lean down to kiss her and then tell her we need to stop, but her hands find my hips and pulls me plush against her. I instinctively roll my hips and I feel her gasp into my mouth and a small whimper escapes her lips.

I stare down at her and repeat the action, hitting her exactly where I need to. Fuck, why didn't I think of this sooner? I haven't dry humped anything since I was fifteen and I was sure I wasn't going to get off on it, but if I could stimulate her this way.

I wrap my hand around the back of her thigh and pull it up to hook around my back. Her other one follows without my help and I attach my lips back to hers in a quick kiss. I pull back and grind into her until I find the perfect spot. I focus intently on hitting her clit over and over again, and when I feel confident enough in my ability to keep hitting it I bend down to start peppering kisses down her neck and sucking on her exposed collarbone.

I speed up my hips, careful with my placement, as I hear her moan underneath me. I graze my lips up her neck and suck on the spot just below her ear. She squirms below me and I can't help but smirk.

Her hands tug at the hem of my shirt and she huffs out an impatient, "I want this off."

I chuckle at her and sit up, tossing my shirt to the ground as her hands make their way up and down my chest. I can feel her paying special attention to my tattoos, her fingers tracing the ink on my stomach. I lean back down to her and press my lips to her neck. Continuing my movements from before I roll my hips against her and her nails rake down my chest. Dani reaches around and places them on my hips, creating the rhythm she wants. I let her lead me until she squeezes my ass and slides them up my back.

I smirk into her skin, "You're a cheeky one aren't you, baby girl?"

She's breathing heavily at this point, barely able to laugh at my comment. I raise my head to look at her, thrusting particularly harshly against her. I stifle a moan as our movements are finally getting to me. I'm wishing the layers between us were gone as my erection presses painfully to my jeans. I focus in on Dani. I don't care how uncomfortable I am trapped in my clothes, all I care about is the look of bliss on here face.

I've quickly come to realize that her face in ecstasy is one of the greatest sights I've ever seen. The way she throws her head back and the muscles in her neck poke out. When her eyebrows scrunch up creating these adorable crinkles in-between her brows. I especially can't get over the sounds she makes when she comes.

Dani's hands cup my jaw and pull my lips down onto hers. She kisses me passionately and I feel myself melt into her. I swivel my hip so my bulge circles her nerves and she lets out a loud moan. I repeat the motion and then go back into rolling my hips into hers. I can tell she was getting close, so I sped up my movements, occasionally swiveling my hips instead of rolling them.

Her moans and whimpers became louder and more constant. My lips hovered over hers as I stared into her cloudy hazel eyes. I could tell she was trying to keep them open to look into mine, but was overcome with pleasure and was forced to close them.

I sped up my hips and watched as her face contorted and her breathe hitched. She arched her back and whispers, "Harry..."

She comes undone beneath me, mouth wide open, completely speechless and eyes shut tight. I work her through her high, making it last as long as possible until she's jerking beneath me and whimpering.

I still my hips against her as we both catch our breathes. Dipping my head into the crook of her neck I kiss all along her skin to soothe her back to reality. Her hands grip the back of my hair and pulls my face to hers. Our lips touch desperately and I can feel her coming back to me.

"Get on your back." She demands in a surprisingly strong tone. I look at her for a moment before a smile overtakes my face and I roll off of her. She wastes no time in crawling over me, straddling my legs and moving her hands to my belt.

I watch her undo the clasp with shaky hands, much shakier than I've ever seen from her and say, "Hey, baby," I stop her hands from completely undoing my belt, "you don't have to do this. I can take care of myself if you don't want to."

She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, but I watch her eyes slowly soften. She makes her way up to me and leans down to give me a soft kiss. Our lips linger for a few seconds and I feel her say, "It's okay, Harry. I want to."

She pulls away and looks at me so I can see the truth in her eyes. I nod my head and she makes her way back down to where she started. Dani pulls off my belt and unbuttons my jeans. I swallow harshly as she slowly slides my zipper down never taking her eyes off mine. My heart is beating so hard I fear it will burst out of my chest. I've thought about her lips wrapped around me more than I care to admit and that little tease yesterday during lunch didn't help.

She huffs as she tries to pull my jeans down and I laugh but help her until she swats my hands away and tears them down my calves. Her little hands glide up my thighs and make their way to the band of my boxers. There's a wet spot towards the top where my pre-come has dripped out and she smirks at me. "Look who's a little excited."

I breathe out a chuckle, but it turns into a relieved sigh when she peels down my underwear and frees my cock. I open my eyes to see her eyeing me hungrily, making my dick twitch. Her eyes flicker to mine and I can see her breathing heavily, trying to calm her nerves. I'm a little bewildered as to why she is so nervous about doing this, but I don't question it; I just let her do this at her own pace.

She bends down and places a kiss to my chest where my butterfly is etched into my skin, and I feel my stomach flutter. Everything this girl does, every action, every word, makes my head spin and sucks me in even deeper than before. My eyes are trained on her as she kisses her way down my stomach getting closer to my throbbing cock. My heart beat picks up every time I feel her tongue poke out to lick my slightly sweaty skin and I can't help the quiet groan that leaves my lips when she sucks down harshly on my pelvis bone.

I suck in a sharp breathe when she nibbles on the skin, causing blood to rise to the surface. The flat of her tongue presses down and soothes the tiny ache. She pecks her lips to the spot and pulls back to look at the love bite forming. I smile through my heavy breathing, loving the primal way she marked me as hers, and in such a private area, one that I was sure she would be the only one seeing for as long as she'll want me.

Her eyes flash to mine and I'm mesmerized by the dark, lusty shade of green that are staring back at me. She kept her eyes on me as one of her hands come up to palm my dick against my lower abdomen. I groan at the touch and soon enough her fingers have wrapped around me and started pumping up and down. There had been enough pre-come dripping from my tip to make it easy for her to glide her fist down my length, thumb gathering up the creamy liquid and satisfying me beyond belief.

My breathe hitches when she puckers her lips and lightly kisses up my shaft. No girl has ever done that. They usually get right to it or swipe their tongue up me to start, but there was something so innocent to her placing sloppy, wet kisses all the way up to my tip. Her eyes bore into mine as she kissed my bright red tip. I nearly came when she separated and I could see my pre-come glistening on her lips. Her tongue darts out to lick them clean and then leans down to kitten lick my tip.

I'm a panting mess at this point, desperate for more of her. Her teasing working me up so much I'm practically bucking my hips up. She, thankfully, gets the hint and wraps her lips around my crown and sucks lightly. I moan out in relief and reach both my hands down to free her hair from the messy bun that has been completely destroyed from our frolicking around her bed. I slip her hair band around my wrist and gather her thick raven colored locks in my hands. She slides off my dick as she sucks, creating a popping sound that's music to my ears.

Her hand works me as she leans down to softly suck my balls and I tighten my grip on her hair. The sensation is mind numbing, but I want more, "Oh god, Dani, please, baby girl... I need your lips."

I'm answered immediately with her tongue trailing from the bottom of one of my balls and up the base of my length. She follows the line of a vein poking out and I'm forced to shut my eyes and groan loudly. She wastes no time in sucking my tip again, but begins to slide down further on my shaft. My eyes pop open and I watch her hollow her cheeks and take me deeper while her hand works what can't fit in her mouth.

"Fuck, you feel so good..." I moan out.

I can't take my eyes off her as she bobs her head up and down, her tongue working me along with her lips. Her eyes beaming up at me as she watches what she's doing to me. I'm surprised when she forces herself down further, and I gasp when my tip hits the back of her throat and swallows around me. My hips accidentally buck, causing Dani to gag at the sudden intrusion. She pulls her head away and gasps for air as her hand works me.

I see her eyes watering, "Baby, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself-"

"It's okay, Harry, I liked it." She admits with a slight blush to her cheeks.

I grinned cheekily at her and laughed as she rolled her eyes at me, "Oh, you did, did you?" I tease, "Well, maybe I should-"

I'm cut off immediately as she goes down on me again, this time continuing her deep-throating. "Daniella..." I choke out, knowing I won't be able to hold out much longer.

She moans at the sound of her full name coming out of my mouth as hers is filled to the brim with my cock. The vibration is felt all around me including my tip resting against the back of her throat. I'm struggling to keep my hip still, but she takes one of her hands and lays it flat across my lower abdomen to hold me down. My eyes roll back and head falls into her pillow as she pulses her head, causing me to repeatedly hit the back of her throat. I can't stop the pathetic whimpers coming from my mouth as hers brings me to the brink.

She glides back up my length and circles the tip of her tongue around my tip and lowering herself back down on me until her nose brushes up against me. I lift my head back up and force my eyes open to watch her. Her eyes are closed as she speeds up her bobbing. I'm desperate to see her so I choke out, "Daniella, open your eyes. I want to see you, baby girl."

Her eyes open and immediately find mine at the same time she brings her hand to massage my balls and I feel my orgasm rushing towards me. "Fuck... I'm gonna come, Dani... Oh god!"

Her eyes are blazing as they watch me squirm and I start to thrust my cock into her mouth. She stills her head as she lets me sloppily fuck her mouth. The mixture of my pre-come and her spit messily gathering around her mouth and making my cock glisten. I hit the back of her throat repeatedly and harshly, but she somehow doesn't gag. I notice the slight water building in her eyes, but before I can do anything about it I hit one of the most powerful climaxes of my life. I'm completely overcome with a lightness as my vision goes white and profanities and her name leave my lips in incoherent noises.

She doesn't even flinch when I spurt five long ribbons of come in her mouth and down her throat. She swallows it without question and takes over working my pulsating cock through my high. I can feel myself soften in her mouth as she cleans me up. My eyes flicker open to see her detaching her mouth from me and licking the juices off her swollen, red lips.

The image in front of me is so captivating and euphoria inducing that I find myself trying to memorize every detail of her face and body, knowing this will haunt my dreams forever. She kisses up my stomach and chest as she crawls her way up my body. Her little touches are making my heart beat erratically as I come down from my high.

I smile lazily as she appears directly above me, her hair falling around our faces. I lean forward to kiss her lips. The salty taste on them makes me moan into her mouth, knowing I made her taste like that. I deepen the kiss and slip my tongue into her mouth, making out for a minute or two while I bask in the bliss of my waning orgasm.

Dani pulls away eventually and smiles down at me sheepishly. She rolls over and lays on her side staring at me intensely. I turn my head to watch her and I can tell she has something on her mind.

"What?" I ask softly.

She bites her lips and I see her face redden a bit. I furrow my brows in confusion, and I'm about to ask again when she speaks, "Was that okay?"

My eyes widen slightly and my jaw goes slack, "Are you kidding me?" She just stares apprehensively at me, so I move awkwardly to my side, underwear and pants still resting around my knees. "Dani, that was the best blow job I've ever received. I can't believe you just had to ask that. I thought it was painfully obvious when I was moaning your name uncontrollably." I tease.

A small smile starts to form on her glowing face. "I haven't done that very often and it's been several years since the last time. I just wanted to make you feel good."

I cup the side of her face in my hand and stare deeply into her eyes. I've never seen her this way. She's always been so confident about sex, especially afterwards, and this new, slightly self-conscious Dani, was so intriguing. She was making me fall for her even harder in this instance and I was sure I was looking at her like a lovesick puppy.

"Baby girl, you made me feel so good. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever felt that good. The only thing comparable is actually being inside you." She rolls her eyes playfully at me and I breathe out a laugh. "I do have a hard time believing you haven't done that 'for years'. You were a pro."

She laughs and tries to bury her face in the pillow. My smile widens at her cuteness and I lean forward to sponge kisses up and down her neck. "If you don't mind me asking... how many times have you done that. Roughly, I mean." I was curious as to what she thought wasn't a lot, also finding it hard to believe she was that skilled without practice.

She snuggled into my neck making my heart warm and she mumbled, "Three..."

"What?!" I pull back from her and stare incredulously at her embarrassed face. "Sorry.. it's just... fuck, you were so good... So when was the last time you did that?"

"Um, middle of freshman year."

My eyebrows shot up, "And I'm assuming this doesn't count yesterday at lunch..."

"Nope, that was just for easy cleanup. Plus we were both wearing black and I sure as hell couldn't go back to serving my tables with dried cum all over me."

I burst out laughing and wrap my arms around her torso, absentmindedly bringing her closer to me. She instinctively nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck and I let out a little sigh when I felt her lips pucker against my skin. We pulled away at the same time, both grazing our lips together in light kisses. I couldn't get enough of her lips, still swollen from our earlier activities. We stay like this for a couple minutes and I can already feel myself starting to get sleepy.

As if she sensed this Dani mumbled against my lips, "Are you going to go back down?"

I groaned quietly, "I really don't want to..."

"You can stay here if you like..." She stated hesitantly, "You look like you're gonna fall asleep on me again."

I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. She had a faint sense of nervousness etched across her face as if there would be any chance in hell that I would say no to her request. "If you don't mind, I really don't want to go home."

A small smile appeared on her face, "Stay."

My heart clenched at the sound of the word coming from her mouth. I've heard several girls over the past few years utter that word, but I've always been the type to make up some excuse. Laying here with Dani, however, made that word so much more special than I could've ever known. I've wanted to stay with her since that first time and now she's finally asking me to.

"Okay." I say simply.

"If you're going to stay though I do request you pull up your pants."

I look down and realize my jeans and underwear are wrapped around my knees. I flash her a cheeky smile, which she just laughs at, but make my way off the bed to pull up my boxer-briefs and strip off my jeans and socks. "I hope you don't mind. I sleep in my underwear."

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."

She rolled off the bed as I laid back down on it. I watch her leave her bedroom and the moment the door closes a giant smile reaches across my face. I bring my hands to my face and rub them hard, almost trying to wake me up from this dream I'm in.

Everything tonight has been perfect. I'm silently thanking the girl downstairs for practically pushing me into Dani. I had searched for her all night and when I realized she hadn't come I started to drink. I couldn't look at any other girls and I didn't want to. My head is so wrapped up in Dani that it was like they didn't exist. There was no temptation, no want or need for any of them.

I bend down and fish my phone out of my jean pocket that's on the ground to see I have several texts from both Sammy and Conner wondering where I am. I send them off a group message telling them that I found a place to stay tonight and place it on the nightstand. I maneuver my way under her comforter and place my head onto her pillow. I start to drift off, the effects from my orgasm kicking in. I hear the door open and lock, and moments later the bed dips and the blankets rustle around.

In my half asleep haze I reach around her and pull her into me, nuzzling my face in her neck and kiss it lightly. She giggles softly and I can't help the stupid grin form on my face. I feel her shift around for a bit until I feel her minty breathe on my face. I'm about to peel open my eyes when I feel her soft lips touch mine. It's a soft kiss that lingers, making my heart pound and head spin.

I drift off to sleep with Dani in my arms and hope that this is the new norm.


I wake up slowly, my eyes unfocused and completely confused as to where I am. I blink several times and look around. It comes back to me suddenly and I whip my head to the empty spot on the bed next to me. My heart drops when I realize she's not here. I groan and flop my head back down onto her pillow staring up at the ceiling.

I stay like this for another few minutes when I decide to finally get up. I check my phone first to see that it is plugged into a charger. Dani must've done that for me after I had gone to sleep. I smile at the thought and see I got a couple messages from both Sammy and Conner, but ignore them. I get off the bed to find my clothes and start putting them on, memories from last night circling around my head. I sweep the room to see if I forgot anything when I see a note on the pillow where Dani had slept.

I practically jump onto the bed to read it. I see the messy handwriting and smile to myself.


I had to work early this morning and you looked too cute to wake up. Stay as long as you want my roommates won't mind. If you're hungry stay for breakfast. They always have a big one the morning after a party, and Andrew is nationally known for his chocolate chip pancakes.

I work until 8, so I won't see you today, but if you want we will be heading downtown to the bars tonight. We usually start at Sucker's aound 10.

Hopefully I'll see you there, if not then may fate bring us together again.


I reread the note, a large grin stuck on my face. She didn't give me her number, but she did tell me what she would be doing tonight. I fold the paper up and put it in my back pocket. Walking down the stairs I hear a few people talking and the smell of bacon fills my sinuses. I look around once I reach the last step and see the place spotless, which surprised me considering last night was packed and already looking like a mess. I hesitantly walk towards the kitchen, not really sure if I should just leave or have breakfast, but decide to go through with it anyways. The food smelled too good and my empty stomach was growling rather loudly.

I round the corner to see the back of a guy about my height mixing some batter together. There was a dark skinned girl I recognized from Cassie's Instagram scrambling eggs and another girl sitting on the counter talking animatedly about something that happened last night. She abruptly stopped talking when she saw me, causing the other two to look at her and then me.

"I thought you checked the house, Mariana?" The other girl asked.

The girl on the counter, Mariana, answered, "I did. I kicked everyone out like an hour ago."

The guy set the bowl down and turned towards me, "Hey man, sorry to kick you out, but it's family breakfast."

I chuckled not embarrassed in the slightest, "Sorry, I'm Harry. You must be Andrew. Dani said you make the best chocolate chip pancakes. Said I should stay for breakfast..."

"Wait Dani said that? Did you stay with her last night?" One of the girls asked.

"Uh, yeah. I came with some friends and accidentally stumbled into her room and she said I could sleep here." I answer getting a little more anxious at the way they're staring at me.

"Dani let you sleep in her bed?" Mariana asked slowly like she couldn't comprehend that happening.

"Yes." I look at the three of them for a second, "You know, maybe I should just go..."

"You said your name was Harry?" Andrew asked and I nodded. He stared me down for a silent moment and then turned back around to continue mixing the pancake batter. "Take a seat. You want coffee?"

One of the girls poured me a coffee without me answering and put it next to me on the counter, "There's creamer in the fridge and sugar right over there. I'm Jackie, by the way. I'm assuming you're Curly?"

I short laugh escaped my lips and I shake my head, amused that she knows me by Dani's nickname. "Yeah, I guess so. You can just call me Harry though."

"Right, of course, Curly is strictly reserved for Dani." She says with a cheeky little grin on her face.

I roll my eyes and open the fridge. I put a little bit of creamer into my coffee and sip it. I notice that Mariana is still staring at me with narrowed eyes. I stare back at her, deciding not to give in to her game. I'm sure she is sizing me up, seeing if I'm good enough for Dani.

"So, you said Dani told you to stay? Didn't she leave at like seven in the morning. What have you been doing for the past four hours up there?" She asks suspiciously.

"Mariana." Andrew turns to her with a warning.

She ignores him and looks at me pointedly. I swallow down a large gulp of coffee before answering, "I actually just woke up like... fifteen minutes ago. She left me a note."

"Can I see it?" She asks with raised eyebrows and I see Jackie roll her eyes as she places her scrambled eggs into a bowl.

I smile at her and pull Dani's note out of my pocket and hand it to her. She reads it silently and looks back at me. Jackie makes her way over and takes it from her, reading it herself. She smirks and places it on the counter. I immediately reach out to grab it and fold it, putting it back into my pocket. I blush a bit as I see both girls eyes trained on me, one amused, the other judging.

"Alright, I'm about to blow your mind with these flapjacks. You better be ready." Andrew says.

I laugh and settle down at their dining room table, bringing the eggs and my coffee with me. We sit down and as I dish up I feel three pairs of eyes watching me with interest. I look and smile sheepishly wishing Dani was here to help me out, but I was on my own in making them like me.

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