My Calm In The Storm(Bruce Ba...

By tdeanwinchester7902

61.6K 1.4K 62

Book 1 of the My Storm series Joy Barton is Clint Barton's little sister who joins the Avengers with Clint. ... More

Joining The Avengers
Meeting Bruce Banner
Down In The Lab
Down In The Lab Pt.II
New Guy?
The Fight With Danny
Attack On Clint
Waking Up In The Hospital
Back Home
Nightmare With The Avengers
Central Park Walk
Going To Look At Houses
Clint Finds Out
The House
The Rescue
Again At The Hospital
Going Home & Seeing Bruce
The Dinner Date With Bruce
Bruce Pops The Question
Day With Clint & Bruce Pt. 1
Day With Clint & Bruce Pt. 2
Going On With The Day
The Meeting
The Talk With Bruce
The Call With Danny
The Meeting With Danny
The Takedown
Clint's Decision
Dress Shopping
Getting Ready
The Wedding

Coffee Date With Bruce Banner

2K 48 1
By tdeanwinchester7902

Bruce & I are walking down the street to the coffee shop. I look at Bruce & admire his face.
Bruce has his hands in his pockets so I put my arm around his arm. Bruce looks over at me & smiles.
Once we get to the door of the coffee shop Bruce opens the door & lets me go in first. Bruce walks in behind me & we walk up to the counter.
"What can I get you two today?" Michael asks.
"I would like a black coffee please," I say.
"A latte for me please," Bruce says. Bruce & I wait for our beverages.
"Bruce, I don't want anything to happen to you," I say.
"And nothing will happen to me Joy," Bruce says. "I will be right here for you & right here by your side."
"You promise?"
"I promise you that I will no matter what," Bruce says.
"Here's your coffee & your latte," Michael says.
"Thank you," Bruce & I say.
"You're welcome," Michael says going to help out another customer.
Bruce & I walk outside. "Is there anything else that you want to go do Joy?" Bruce asks.
"No not that I'm aware of," I say sipping my coffee.
"Are you sure?"
"We can take a walk around Central Park."
"Ok we will go have a walk around Central Park."
Bruce & I walk to Central Park. While on the way we talk about our favorite things to do other then science & being in the lab. Bruce & I end up getting to know each other better & I start to fall in love with him.

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