Yes, Daddy. ||Grethan||

By Namaste2222

168K 2.7K 749

Grayson is kidnapped and bought by Ethan at a BDSM slave auction. Will Grayson willingly become his submissiv... More

Chapter 1. "Where it all began."
Chapter 3. "Subspace and aftercare."
Chapter 4. "The morning after."
Chapter 5. "Breakfast and Contracts."
Chapter 6. "Shopping and relaxing."
Chapter 7. "Ethan's club."
Chapter 8. "First time."
Chapter 9. "I think I love you."
Chapter 10. "A new friend and RED."
Chapter 11. "A dead man."
Chapter 12. "Explanations."
Chapter 13. "Understanding."
Chapter 14. "Too soon."
Chapter 15. "Heat."
Chapter 16. "I'm not going."
Chapter 17. "I promise, princess."
Chapter 18. "This is not goodbye."
Chapter 19. "What happened?"

Chapter 2. "Why did I do that?"

13.5K 222 50
By Namaste2222

Grayson's POV-

          I follow him outside and look everywhere silently praying to see at least one person. My hopes come crashing down when I realize that there is no one in sight. All I can see is parked cars. I watch as Ethan walks to the passenger side of a nice looking jeep and opens the door for me. I was going to scream as loud as I could but there was no one around. I don't know what he would do to me if I did scream and I don't want to risk it. My side still hurts. I decide to get in the car instead and put my seatbelt on. He gets in and starts the car and we begin to pull out of the spot. He looks at me and says,
   "I know that this all is a lot. I understand that you were probably kidnapped and I'm sorry that it happened to you. When I saw you on that stage I knew I had to save you. I couldn't let any of those sick fucks have you. Also we are going to my house right now."
What is this guy talking about? I'm sorry that I got kidnapped? So he isn't a sicko too? I have no idea. All I know is I just have to play along until I find a way out. I don't know if he's mentally stable and I don't want to find out.
   "Okay s-sir.."
He hooks up to the aux and starts playing music.
A comfortable silence grows.
                         *Time lapse 15 min later*
          We pulled up to a huge fancy gate and someone let us in. Now we are in front of a huge mansion with at least 10 cars parked outside. My eyes are probably going to fall out of my head. He's rich. I have never been inside of a mansion before.
   "Follow me and do not speak to anyone. Okay?"
Why not? That's weird.
   "Yes, sir."
I get out of the car and we walk up to the doors. My jaw hits the floor. This place is insane. He must be so rich. He pulls open the door and suddenly all eyes are on me. There are 2 guys and a girl staring at me. The girl looks really shocked but then exited. She opens her mouth and says,
     "So you finally bought one this time!! He's so cute! Hi, I'm Cameron. Ethan's sister."
I duck into Ethan's shoulder. I'm not the best with new people. She pokes me and says,
   "You don't have to be scared of me. I won't hurt a fly."
I look up at Ethan and he looks really annoyed.
*Ethans sigh*
He just keeps walking and we go up a huge spiral staircase and I hear Cameron yell,
   "Good talk. See you around."
I feel myself smile. A sense of humor, I like her already. Maybe we can be friends? What am I thinking?! I snap out of my delusional thoughts quickly. No. I can't stay here. We walk down a long hallway to a room at the end of the hall. He opens the door and I take in the room. There are double doors that lead outside to a balcony. A big bed in the middle of the room with all black sheets and blankets. The walls are full of different art and there is a beautiful rug on the floor that takes up most of the room. Also a huge mirror on the wall. Ethan puts down his keys. He looks at me and says,
   "Come to the bathroom with me."
I follow him into the bathroom.
   "Take off your shirt, I'm going to clean your wounds."
I start to get self conscious and begin blushing. I don't hate my body, but this sucks. I slide my shirt off while he grabs a first aid kit. He opens the lid and pulls out cotton balls and peroxide. Great. This is going to hurt. More pain. Yay. I sit on the huge countertop as he gets the cotton ball wet. Then he looks at me silently asking if it's okay. When I nod he starts to clean the blood off. Of course it burns but I don't show it. When he's all done he says,
   "You can have a shower or bath take as long as you want, I'll go get you some clothes."
I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding when he left the room. Why is he being so nice? A minute later he comes back with a folded pile of clothes and hands them to me.
   "I'll be in the room, the towels are over there."
   "Thank you."
He smiles at me and shuts the door.
*In the shower*
          I can't stop thinking about everything that's happened. I run the shampoo through my floppy hair with my fingers. I let the hot water hit my back and relax me just a little bit. I'm grateful Ethan is being so nice to me, but I'm still getting out of here. I just don't know how yet. I grab the body wash and begin to wash my whole body. I wash everything off and turn the water off. I step out onto the rug and wrap myself in a fuzzy white towel. I notice a window and I walk to it immediately. The fall is too high. It looks like I am about 3 stories up.
I curse quietly. I let out a,
*sigh of defeat*
I walk back to the counter and I see mouthwash, so I use it. I look at the pile of clothes and grab them. It's  an all white t shirt with gray joggers and underwear. I dry myself off and slip on the clothes. They are a little big, but at least they are clean. I grab the dirty clothes, put them in the basket and shut off the light. I grab the door handle and walk out of the bathroom. I look up and see Ethan sitting on the bed, so I go and sit by him.
   "We need to go over the basic rules. I wrote them down while you were in the shower."
Rules? I wasn't expecting this. He hands me the paper and I take it and read it in my head.
   1. Punishment is my choice. Depending on how severe.
   2. No leaving the room wondering the house while I am asleep.
   3. No backtalk.
   4. Tell me when anything is wrong with you, or if you are not in a good head space.
   5. No harming yourself.
   6. No drugs or alcohol.
   7. No leaving this house unsupervised.
   8. No fits. 
   9. I am now your dom and you are my sub.
  10. The color safeword system-
Green, if you are okay and can continue. Yellow, if we need to talk, you need me to go slower, or you are unsure of the situation. Red, all things come to a stop immediately. Aftercare always.

          Okay if James was here he would say sister spooked because this just ain't it. Now I'm actually trying to get out of here. Quickly. This is sounding too much like 50 shades of Gray. Literally. Going along I say,
   "Okay sir, what time is it?"
He looks at his Rolex.
   "It's midnight, you are probably really tired aren't you? We can go to sleep now if you want."
I give him a tired look and he gets off the bed, shuts off the lights and turns on glowing blue ones. I'll admit I am very tired, but I can't fall asleep before he does. I have to get out of this house and find someone. Anyone. We both get under the soft blankets. Moments later I feel his hand on my back rubbing soft circles. I feel my eyes drop lower by the minute. I eventually hear deep breathing and I know he's asleep. I hope he doesn't feel me get out of the bed.
   That was way to loud. I almost blew it. Tip toeing to the door I look back at him sleeping peacefully. I stare too long and I notice that he's actually very beautiful. Maybe under different circumstances things would be different.
*quiet sigh*
I shake my head and walk to the door opening it very slowly without making a sound. Perfect. I slowly tip toe down the hallway and make it to the staircase. I jog down them kind of fast just in case anyone is down here and see's me leave. I make it to the front door and pull it open.
*Loud sirens 🚨*
*Red lights flashing*
          No! There must be an alarm system. I take off out the door. I have no idea where I am. All I can see is hills, trees, and grass. I run anyways. My heart is pounding. 
I hear a low voice yell,
   "I'm giving you one last chance to come back before I come get you. If you come back you won't be punished."
My stomach drops at his words. Should I go back? No way. I keep on running. I can outrun him. I used to work out all the time. I can do this for at least 30 more minutes. Not even 20 seconds later I feel his hands pull me back by my waist. Wow. I really need to go back to the gym I guess. (He's a vampire) He swings me up in his arms and I can feel the tension. With both of us breathing heavily he starts to walk back to the house. We were both dead silent. I just knew that he was mad and I that was in deep shit. I don't want to be punished. What is he going to do to me? We reach the door and go inside. I look around frantically hoping for Cameron to save me, she seemed nice, but I see no one around. Snapping back into reality I realize no one will save me. Before I know it he is taking me up the stairs and then down the hallway, but opens a door to a room I have never seen before. I look around quickly and my jaw drops. There are multiple paddles on the wall, ball gags, handcuffs, ropes, belts, duct tape and so much more. He then sets me on the floor and I try and balance myself when my eyes land on a cage in the corner and widen in horror. I start to cry and put my hands on my face automatically thinking the worst.
   "P-please Sir, don't put m-me in there! You-you can't. I- I don't like small spaces!"
He grabs my hands away from my face, and wipes my tears gently.
    "I won't baby boy, but you can pick your punishment."
All I can think right now is why did I do that.

Ethan's pov is coming soon.
I plan on updating this book everyday also please give me feedback this is my first book. 📚

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