My Forbidden Fruits (August...

By TheSilentGenie-Us

4.2M 173K 76K

Phe-Phe has a past that not much people know about , she becomes a Kindergarten teacher and catches the eye o... More

A Story, Simply.
2.[Where She Finds Herself Soaked]
3.[Where She Is Unaware Of Whom and What]
4.[Where She Is Not Flattered]
5.[ Where She Finds Her Self Being Courted]
6.[Where She Loves Him Not]
7. [Where She Bonds With His Offspring]
8.[Where She Is Scared Straight]
9.[Where She Is Put in A Bad Position]
10.[Where She Is Convinced He is A Ho Ho Ho]
11. [Where She Is Told To Come]
12.[ Where She Is Between A Rock And A Hard Place]
13.[Where She Has Caught Something Other Than Feelings]
14.[Where She Opens Up]
15.[Where She Rants About How She Feels]
15. [Where She Was In The Right Place At the Wrong Time]
16.[Where She Pretends Not To Care]
17.[Where She Has To Inform]
17.[Where She Has A War In Her Mind]
18.[Where She Holds His Best Interest]
19.[Where She Is Bamboozled]
20.[Where She Tries To Make Amends]
21.[Where She Is Blindsided]
22.[Where She Has Hooked Two, Too Many Romeos]
23.[Where She Apparently Has A Get-Together]
24.[Where She Cleans Up And Clears the Air, Barely]
25.[Where She Meets Him Halfway, In the Field Of Likes]
26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]
27.[Where She Is Underwater, And Not At All Breathing Fine]
28.[Where She Is Busy Falling Apart]
29.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part I
30.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part II
31.[Where Her Heart Malfunctions,Slightly]
32.[Where She Is Compelled to Stare At A Brick Wall]
33.[Where She Acknowledges Her Fondness]
34.[Where She Contradicts With Her Lover...]
35.[Where She Obliges To Let Him Adorn Her]
36.[Where She Becomes His Canvas]
37.[Where She Seems To Be Handcuffed To Turmoil]
38.[Where She Climbs Aboard The Pity Train]
39.[Where She Realizes The Tables Have Turned]
40.[Where Her Intentions Are Made Known]
41.[Where She Is Traumatized Into A Blur]
42.[Where She Concludes What Her Heart Desires]
43.[Where She Seems Relentless To His Rue]
44.[Where She Is His Punctured Canvas,Only For Now]
45.[Where She Is Somewhat Uncertain Towards His Affections]
46.[Where She Is Bound To Be Merely Devastated]
Part II [Indulgence]
47.[Where She Is Thrown With This Seeming Reverie]
48. [Where She Seems Lost Without Her Baybeh]
49.[Where She Is Mortified Though Such A Celebration ]
50.[Where She Tries to Burn Bridges, For Her Lover]
For The Unaware

1.[Where Not Only Her Students Find Her Likeable]

134K 4.4K 1.7K
By TheSilentGenie-Us

"The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it." ― Alan Moore

I looked over at the time and it was time to get up for the day ahead. I read my quote for today and pulled the covers back. The day seemed bright yet gloomy, I stood up and looked out the window. If I stood here I wouldn't move and I didn't want to be late for work.

I walked into the kitchen and turned on my coffee maker. The wooden floor beneath my feet was cold. It felt so good, so pleasant. Almost as good as how hot candle felt when it hit your skin and hardened. Deliciously painful. It always made me feel satisfied. Like how my past made me feel, when I was young and foolish.

See after the candle wax gets hard, then you have to scrape it off, and it can be so stubborn. Some never moves and some gets left behind. That's exactly what my past felt like when I tried to get away from it. I knew as much as I loathed the feeling of scraping it off my plate , sadly I still get a high thinking of what my life use to be. And now here I was about to be a kindergarten teacher.

Something I always wanted to do, and when the opportunity waltz my way I was definitely not about to turn it down. I wanted to change lives like how I wish somebody could've helped me change mine.

[At Phoebe's School]

I walked inside the classroom , already seeing some parents and students there. I greeted them but they just stared at me. I started to feel uncomfortable about the skirt I was wearing. It hugged me a little to closely, maybe I should've listened to my mother and wore a nice flare dress, but I knew that they would've risen up making them shorter due to my behind.

I sat my bags down on the table and turned to face everyone

"Hello ,Everyone." I spoke smiling, I was very excited.

"Well I guess I should get right into it." I clasped my hands together. "Well My name is Ms. Phoebe Washington, but since my last name is entirely dreary and too long for you to call every time, you guys can call me Ms.Phe Phe. Okay?"

They nodded. I saw some of the parents talking amongst themselves, criticizing me I guess.

"Well do you guys have any questions for me?"

One little girl shot up her hand in the front, almost instantly, she was very pretty.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Are we going to go on fwield trips?" She asked missing some teeth in the front. The parents chuckled amongst themselves, I suppose laughing at how eager she was to ask such a question.

"Of Course we are! We're going to go on field trips and we're going to make things with our tiny fingers that nobody else has!" I assured she smiled.

"Anyone else?" I asked looking around.

"ME! ME!" she raised her hand again. I saw how the rather handsome guy standing beside her shook his head and looked at her.

"Yes Darling?"

"Are we going to go on field trips to the zoo?"

The children smiled and giggled at her question.

"Well I don't see why not would you like that?"

She nodded. I stooped down in front of her.

"You ask a lot of questions Sweetie. What's your name?"

"My name is Kaitlyn, but my daddy calls me Kay-Kay, just like how you have a shorter name."

"Kaitlyn, wow that's a very pretty name."

"I know." She said with much attitude.

"Can I call you Kay-Kay?" I asked.

"She looked up at who I assumed to be her daddy and he gave her a head nod.

"Yeah, Okay." She smiled a toothless grin.

I stood up. "Well since I know who Kaitlyn is now, how about you all introduce yourselves to me?" Can you to that?"

They all nodded and overwhelmed me with chatter.

[2:55 pm Phoebe's Classroom]

"Okay guys, the bell is about to ring but please don't forget to bring your coloring books tomorrow. Okay?"

They nodded, obviously eager to get out of here because they weren't paying me much attention.

"Did you hear me Johnathan?"

"Yess Ms.Phe Phe."

"Good I smiled. I will see you guys tomorrow and we'll have lots of fun."

The bell rung and they almost threw me over how they ran pass me out the door. I headed over to my desk and gathered my things.

I turned around and heard little footsteps approaching me, before a light tap on my lowerback. It was Kaitlyn.

"Yes Kaitlyn honey, what are you still doing here, I'm sure your daddy is going to be looking for you outside." I said placing my papers in my folder.

"Yeah, but he'll take a while. Ms.Phe Phe I wanted to ask ya if we could like decorate in here tomorrow?" She asked giving me big eyes.

"Well sure okay."

"Thank yew, Thank Yew! I waan gonna say nun Ms.Phe Phe but in here sucks." She pouted folding her arms looking around the colorless classroom.

"You read my mind, I thought I'd let you guys decorate it how you want."


"Oh! Oh! And Ms.Phe Phe can we, get a class pet dat' would be awesome" She grinned, looking up at me.

"That's a wonderful idea sweetheart, let's ask your classmates about it tomorrow okay?"

"Okay, Oh Ms. Phe---

Before she could ask her third question a deep voice stepped inside and called her name. She turned around and saw that it was her daddy.

"Kaitlyn, why you not out-front waiting on Daddy? You had meh worried sick." He said as he lifted her up planting kisses all over her face.

"I'm sorry Daddy I jus' had to ask to my teacher something"

"Okay but don't let it happen again." He tried to kiss her lips but, she pulled away.

"Yuck! Daddy not infront of my teacher, when we get home okay?"

He smiled and nodded at her.

"Ms.Phe Phe I gotta go. See yew tomorrow."

"Okay see you too." I smiled.

She turned around to walk away with her daddy, but turned back around to me, opening her arms.

"Oh I get a hug?" She nodded. I bent over to her level and pulled her into my embrace. She was a sweet little something. I could feel her father's eyes burning a hole in my side. I let her go and she smiled.

"You smell good Ms.Phe Phe."

"Thank you" I said straightening my hair.

"Bye" she waved.

"Uhh Kaitlyn let me talk to your teacher for a quick second, go outside and wait in the car. Brent's out there." Her father said catching me off guard. What did he want to speak about I wondered.

Kaitlyn nodded and left.

"Yes, what would you to speak about?" I asked packing up my bags.

"I feel like I know you from somewhea'." He said staring me intently. I looked up at him and was now extremely uncomfortable.

"I-I doubt it, I just moved here a while ago. I don't think so." I answered throwing my prade bag over my shoulder.

"Dat tattoo." He paused. "It's familiar."

I nearly dropped my bags.

"Excuse me?"

"The tattoo on your lower side. I seen it when you hugged Kay." He said rubbing his chin. I couldn't lie he was, dangerously sexy. My underwear was soaked as if a dam was leaking down there . He definitely was something I need to stay away from.

"Wow you're nosy, you must eat all your carrots for you to notice that. Remind me to burn this skirt or never wear it again." I sassed.

He laughed at my comment. "Ion mean to make you feel funny, just that thought I knew ya."

"It's fine. How old are you exactly?" I asked turning my head on the side.

"Look who being nosy na. I'm 25 Ma'."

I chuckled."Hmm, we're the same age how ironic."

"Yea. Very."

"Well Okay, I should get going, important people see I'm sure Kaityn wants to know where her father is." I said walking to the door.

"Yea you right, I gotta go."

He followed close behind me. I let him walk outside before me so I could lock the door. I felt his eyes on my bacside while I leaned over to turn the key. I turned around to face him and he slightly look at me with burning desire in his eyes I could almost see the flames. He needed to stop.

"Okay, It was nice talking to you." I smiled. "Mr....


"Yes, Mr.Alsina." I turned and walked down the hall while he walked the other direction.

Sorry guys, the chap got deleted. I apologize, it may not be exactly the same.


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