A Human Friend (Sequel to A P...

By Fire-Redhead

6K 174 80

Sequel to "A Pet Squishy". Set in the All Hail Megatron Comic Universe. Thundercracker and Lana share a uniq... More

Stir Crazy
Sorting the Vermin
Running Away
Family Ties
Reunited, Torn Apart
I Found You
Come Clean
House Hunting
Too Close
Absolutely NOT!
An Evening
Letting it Sink In
Only Now you Realize
Spark-Broke with Optics Open


315 10 0
By Fire-Redhead

A/N: To save time and give more focus to TC and Lana's dilemma I've opted to skip the Autobot/Decepticon battle and also some of the action sequences shown in "All Hail Megatron" and only focus on some of the battles TC is involved in. So this is set several months after the last chapter. By this time the Autobots are exiled to Cybertron and the Decepticons are proceeding to conquer the Earth.

Three months later in the field...

Lana sat on the hood of her car and checked her watch for the tenth time.

1:30 a.m.

It wasn't like Thundercracker to be late for their little "get-together", which had steadily grown from once a month to once a week. In fact Thundercracker was so punctual no matter how early she thought she'd be he always beat her to their meeting place. And every time he'd joke about how her "ground-rolling" was such an inefficient means of travel. A whole hour late was truly unnatural for him and Lana seriously doubted he would forget.

Part of her began to worry for him.

Was he hurt and couldn't come?

But then the other half retorted.

Or was he going on another raid with his buddies?

Lana sighed, listening for that distinct booming roar he always made when he approached. The night sky remained silent.

She finally threw up her hands and climbed back into her car grumbling to herself, "All right TC. Guess you had someplace better to be."


Hours later aboard the Nemesis ...

A strange surreal feeling circulated through the Decepticon ship and her soldiers. After millions of years of fighting they had done it; the Autobots were defeated, Prime was subsequently beaten by Megatron, and the Matrix of Leadership belonged to the Decepticons. The jubilation was stunted under the weight of disbelief. So long they had fought for this moment, suffering miserable defeats every step of the way, and now that victory lay solely in their hands they weren't sure how to react.

Only Megatron knew the next move. Standing before his troops on the launching platform of Nemesis he spoke in that powerful basso that struck instant fear and awe into any who heard him.

Megatron spanned his arms strongly, "My fellow Decepticons, we have successfully defeated the Autobots and driven them from this world which means Earth and all it possesses belongs to us!"

A roar of excited approval rang out from the Decepticon crowd.

The silver warlord continued with flashing red optics, "We are gods of war! Gods of conquest! Let nothing and no one stand in our way and all who try be crushed beneath our heel!"

Metal clashed against metal as the Decepticon forces grew rampant with anticipation for the conquest to come. No Decepticon could deny the crackling erupting through their systems like an overload as the thought of fulfilling their faction's one purpose drove them into frenzy. Every crimson optic was blazing with fervent lust for destruction and dental plates were bared with homicidal glee. They savored the flavor of the impending chaos not wasting a drop to doubt or second-guesses. It was as delicious as merging with a femme. Only, the Earth was their femme to have their way with, to make her beg for mercy as they ravaged her for everything she could offer.

Megatron smiled darkly, drinking in the sight of his forces so eager to fulfill his commands. Up until this point the humans and their precious planet had been safeguarded by the Autobots. But now with them gone Earth was their training field; their playground for conquest. The humans with their second-rate defenses and inconsequential governments would stand no chance against his forces. The human world would fall.

Megatron gestured to his Second in Command, "Starscream, scramble the aerial strike forces. We have a world to conquer."

For once, there was no argument or second guesses from the Air Commander. A sinister grin flashed from his dark face.

"Decepticons, transform and follow me!" he screeched.

The jet commander transformed and the others did the same before launching with a mighty roar out of the Nemesis and straight for the mainland.


New York City, mid- morning...

Thundercracker knew this day would come. He had known since they first came online years ago on this flat mud ball known as Earth. A few years ago he would've had no qualms following the orders of his superiors but as he, Skywarp, and Starscream blazed a screaming path between the skyscrapers he felt the familiar tug of doubt at his Spark.

Below him and his trine lay the metropolis known as New York City, the largest human city on the northern continent. It was an ideal target of iron, steel, glass, and masonry, filled to capacity with humans and a perfect stronghold to launch attacks. As one the trio landed in Times Square, their feet calamitously ripping up the streets like soft grass. Starscream strode out ahead, blowing up every car lining the busy street and sending floods of screaming humans running for their lives.

"Look at them run!" he grinned, "Our very presence fills them with terror!" (AHM)

Thundercracker cringed inwardly as the Aerial Commander crunched several fleeing humans beneath his feet and incinerated dozens more in his path. His callousness was almost disturbing. The humans couldn't even fight back. Nothing the little organic creatures did could stop them and now no Autobots would be saving them at the last second.

Skywarp and Starscream were about to get into a verbal banter when suddenly Megatron landed with ground shaking force just ahead of them. It was rather uncommon for Megatron to appear in the heat of battle like this but Thundercracker knew his leader would not sit back during this conquering; his black hands would be just as soiled as theirs. Starscream commented on Megatron's presence, showing submission yet subtly jibing his leader as he always did. Of course Megatron responded with a snide comment of his own before unleashing a huge blast from his arm cannon into the base of the nearest skyscraper. Glass and metal shrapnel exploded out into the streets as the blast took out the huge building's supports. The blue Seeker watched as the mighty skyscraper groaned loudly before leaning over and smashing into the smaller buildings across the street; a once proud glass and steel beast felled by the might of the Decepticon leader. Then Megatron marched on completely indifferent to the havoc he had just created. Thundercracker merely looked on as the devastation continued; the piercing sounds of screams and sirens filling in the gaps between the thunderous explosions. Thundercracker redirected his somber gaze to the ground. Blackened corpses littered the streets, contorted into horrible gestures of suffering. The asphalt was grotesquely painted with hot organic fluid. Thundercracker's mouth plates twitched as he marched slowly between the devastated buildings. This first paltry handful of attacks was only a lure, a way to draw out the human military for their own demise.

But where was the honor in this senseless slaughter?

As far as the blue Seeker could tell there was none. Honor lay dead in the street along with the humans.


Across the continent around that same time...

Lana held a spoon in her mouth as she reached into the microwave for her instant oatmeal. She quickly removed the hot bowl and all but threw it onto the table with a curse.

As she waved her hands in the air to cool them the newscaster's voice on the TV suddenly fizzled into static.

"Stupid TV." Lana said through her spoon as she marched over to smack the unruly device.

All at once the picture returned but no newsman was there to greet her. Explosions. Buildings crumbling. People far below in the streets running for their lives. Lana frowned, thinking the TV had reverted to some action/disaster movie on another channel. She changed the channel but the same images remained. Again and again she pressed the button but every channel revealed the same devastation.

"What the Hell?"

Lana watched and realized the images were of New York City as indicated by the gleaming Chrysler Building in the background. Then as if the cameraman took flight the images dove down from its high vantage and glided just above the streets in what looked like Times Square.

Suddenly three jets appeared just ahead and the spoon dropped from Lana's mouth when they flipped, transformed, and landed as Starscream, Skywarp, and—Lana just couldn't believe it. The camera stopped and held the image of the three jet Decepticons as they marched ahead with laser bolts and explosions blooming before them.

The young woman could only shake her head with fingers clamped over her mouth as she stared at the familiar blue Decepticon marching through the flames and rubble with his comrades. Lana suddenly felt sick to her stomach. He was part of it—part of that annihilation.


Throughout the day and into the next...

Everyone thought it was some sick hoax like the "War of the Worlds" scare or Y2K, but very quickly the humans figured out that it was no joke. They were invaded and they were being eradicated city by city. Like a metal plague the Decepticons attacked the major cities of North America, decimating any armed forces that stood against them and leaving the cities in ruin. Chaos and fear prowled about as insatiable predators, devouring all who bore witness to their might. The human survivors of those attacked cities were forced underground and the cities that remained unscathed for the moment were gradually being abandoned by most of the populace. No one knew where the metal invaders would strike next, but wherever their shadows fell devastation followed.

Not every city had been affected by the Decepticon scourge, some had been bypassed for the moment in lieu of more desirable targets. Lana's city had remained untouched. But the continuous live feed of the disaster brought on by the alien robots on every channel left little doubt that her city would be next. The large nuclear power plants to the north as well as the power grids scattered on the outskirts would draw the metal invaders like sharks to blood.


Lana's phone rang and she hurried to answer it.

Caller ID: Mom.


"Honey! Are you all right?" her mother's voice sounded fraught with worry.

"Yeah I'm fine ..."

A sigh of relief, "Lana, I want you to pack what you can and drive to the farm right now. It'll be safer."

Lana closed her eyes, "I don't know if anywhere is safe anymore."

"Just DO as I say Lana!" her mother's tone rose with desperation, "Lord knows when those monsters will hit your city. Please Lana!"

"All right mom. All right. I'll start packing."

"Good. Good. Call me when you leave. I love you sweetheart...and stay safe."

"I love you too. Bye." Lana put her cell phone down.

Lana surveyed her small apartment knowing she'd only get to take her clothes and whatever she could fit in her car. She sighed and went to retrieve her bags from the back closet.

She rummaged around the closet a moment, mind awash with thought.

How could she have been so stupid?

The whole time she'd known Thundercracker, talked with him, flew with him, yelled at him, and even laughed with him—he was part of this plot.

How did she not see it?

All the weapons he had, the other Decepticons treating her no better than a cockroach, that huge ship on the sea floor, and the way he kept her as a pet should've ALL tripped a major warning light in her brain. But no—she had to feel sorry for the "poor, lonely, soldier robot".

What a joke.

He'd probably fed her that "sob story" to keep her quiet so she wouldn't warn the other humans about him and his war-mongering ilk. Not that anyone would've believed such bunk until now.

That bastard actually got her to believe he was her friend! She should've known better!

Lana wrenched her buried suitcase from the closet and threw it on her bed. The young woman muttered bitterly as she stuffed it full of her best clothes. It soon filled forcing Lana into the kitchen to retrieve some plastic bags for the rest. She dipped under the sink and noticed the last of her gift peaches in a bowl on the counter. Her blue eyes narrowed at the fruit as if they were her worst enemy. Fervidly she snatched up the bowl and stormed to her sliding glass door. With a violent motion she flung it open and pitched the peaches over her balcony into the parking lot below. The soft fruit splattered mercilessly to the concrete, staining it with their juicy innards.

Lana's nostrils flared heatedly as her vented anger made itself known. She clenched the bowl in her hands, feeling a tightness constrict her throat. Her eyes moistened as she turned and paced her apartment. Twice she circled her dwelling just seething quietly. There were no answers to her pained questions.

As she calmed down slowly, Lana reentered her room for the third time to continue packing. A dark shape suddenly filled her vision. She screamed and jumped back upon seeing a familiar black hand force its way through the balcony door and reach straight for her. She screamed again and ran into the other room.

"Lana, wait! It's me." Thundercracker's deep voice reverberated through the doorway.

She peeked out from behind the entryway, "I know who it is! Go away!"

The black hand paused a few feet from her, "Lana I'm here to help you."

"The HELL you are!" Lana retorted, "I saw what you and your 'friends' have been doing on TV!"

"That's why I'm here." he explained, hand inching closer, "My forces are going to attack this city in less than one earth hour! I have to get you out of here."

His fingers stretched toward her and she backed away, "I'm not going anywhere with you, you monster!"

"Lana, we don't have time for this. Come here."

"NO! Just get out of here Thundercracker! I don't want to have anything to do with you!" the redhead shouted back, dashing into the living room.

"Lana..." the mech growled with frustration.

His hand suddenly plowed through the apartment walls like they were made of cardboard. Lana almost made it to the furthest room, but the Decepticon's hand was quicker. His index finger stretched out and tapped her back. She stumbled, struggling to stay up. In an instant Thundercracker's fingers curled into her path.

Lana bumped into them and recoiled. "Don't touch me!"

Very gently the fingers corralled her into his grasp and then slowly carried her out of her apartment. She beat against his hand and kicked to try and free herself.

"NO! Let go of me!"

"Calm down, Lana. Calm down." Thundercracker said in his most soothing voice, "I'll get you to safety."

Despite her fervid protests the Seeker opened his cockpit, placed her inside, and launched into the sky. He flew fast and hard, ignoring the shouts of his unwilling passenger. In a short amount of time he arrived at a granite quarry many miles from the city. He flipped open his chest and fished Lana out before gently placing her at the mouth of a mine entrance.

"You should be safe in there. I'll come back for you as soon as I'm able." he explained quickly.

Before Lana could summon an argument the blue Seeker launched back into the sky, transformed, and flew away. The young woman stood silently for a moment until she let loose a fitful scream of rage. It echoed through the mineshaft behind her. She kicked at the dirt before finally sitting on a rock. Lana buried her eye sockets into her knees, crying. She was just so mad, so frustrated, and so scared it felt like the only thing she could do.

"How familiar..." she thought sullenly.

Lana was alone for a little over an hour when suddenly she heard a loud, far off booming sound. Though it was getting dark she redirected her gaze to the north where the sound originated. She gasped, her eyes bulged. On the horizon she could see the dark shapes of jets and other large forms circling her city like foreboding vultures. Suddenly streams of smoke shot away from each form and a massive fiery explosion mushroomed into the sky. A muffled boom met her stunned ears seconds later.

"NO!" Lana moaned, her face the mask of unadulterated horror.

The dark forms swooped and dove through the air above the city. With every pass an explosion followed. The buildings crumbled, falling down into their foundations. Distant car alarms wailed plaintively and were soon silenced. Lana could only watch as her city was leveled to the ground. Her stomach rolled and with a panicked dash she ran into the darkness of the mine entrance. She couldn't watch it anymore. She couldn't listen to it. She fell to her knees, rocking and plugging her ears.

It wasn't happening...it couldn't be happening.

But the air trembled against her skin and she knew it was real. All of it.

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