Mine (an African love story)

By Skai9876

34.5K 4.2K 1.3K

Anima and Danny have been best friends since birth. They do everything together and are practically inseparab... More

1. Beginning
2. Market
3. Confession*
4. Awkward
5. Helping
6. What?
7. Her
8. Messed up
9. First Time
10. What are Those?
11. Dinner for Too Many
12. Picnic
13. Drinking
14. Doctor
15. Confronting
16. Truth vs Lie
17. Gate Talks
18. Couple
19. Reconciliation
20. Church Talks
21. The Truth
23. Teamwork
24. KP Concert
25. Welcome Back
26. Shook
27. New Life
28. Song to You
29. Say You Love Me

22. Reveal

1K 115 34
By Skai9876

1 month later

It's been a month since Tyler confessed. April won't talk to any of us and we've been avoiding Tyler. He calls but I don't pick up, and when he tries to visit, I tell the gateman to send him away. Tyler and April avoid each other at church too. Well, Tyler tries to talk to her so many times but she ignores him. He even told her he loved her in front of the Sunday school but she didn't even respond. I don't want to feel bad for him because what he did was disgusting but everyone should forgive at some point, right? Speaking of forgiveness, Lena is also avoiding me which I'm fine with because it means no trouble.

"Anima, Danny is here. Let's go." my mom calls from the living room, and I pick my head up from over the toilet.

"Ok, ma. Just a second." I tell her, before I vomit into the toilet again. This morning sickness was so aggravating.

My mom, Danny, and I are going for my second ultrasound. My mom was happy when Danny said he would come because the doctor said we could find out the gender today. I'm so excited and I know Danny is too.

I barf again and scrunch my nose up in disgust. When I'm done, I flush the toilet and rinse my mouth. I carefully make my way downstairs and meet Danny at the bottom.

"Good morning Ohemaa." he greets me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning." I say with a smile.

I hear someone clear their throat.

"Hm, since no one wants to greet me, I'll go start the car." my mom says sarcastically and we both laugh.

"Good morning mommy." we both say and she laughs at us.

"I'm so happy you guys are together again. I felt bad knowing you guys were not talking for a while." she says and we both look at her with surprised faces.

"How did you know?" I ask and she scoffs at us.

"It was so obvious. Herhh, you guys cannot outsmart me oo. Let me go start the car." she says, while walking out of the house.

We giggle and once she leaves, Danny pecks my lips.

"What were you doing up there?" he asks me, putting his arm over me.

"Throwing up. I dislike morning sickness so much."

He looks at me with a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

I hit him playfully.

"It's not your fault. It takes two to tango."

He shrugs and we walk out of the house, towards my mom's car. Danny opens the back door for me and we both sit in the backseat.

My mother starts driving, and turns the radio on. She puts on some love song and I see her glance at us through her mirror. I roll my eyes playfully at her. She's very interesting. Danny chuckles at her.

"So are you guys excited to find out the gender?" she asks us and Danny answers quickly.


My mother raises her eyebrows.

"Eii, Danny. Which gender do you want?"

He looks at me with a smile.

"I want a girl because she'll be just as beautiful as her mother. Plus I wanna spoil her."  he says with a cheesy smile and I blush madly.

My mother laughs.

"You're a smart boy."

I look at Danny.

"I want a boy because he'll have his father's good heart and good looks." I say, winking at Danny. I could swear I see his cheeks turn red.

"Stop being so weird." he tells me, trying to hide his smile.

"You see what I have to deal with?" my mother asks with annoyance and Danny laughs while I pout.

"Yeah, but I wash the dishes." I say and we all laugh.

*   *   *

"Stop moving." my mom warns me as the doctor puts the gel on my stomach.

"It's cold." I whine, with a frown on my face.

Danny stands next to me with my mother, both giving me weird looks. Gosh. I can't even complain.

"Okay, take a look at the screen."  the doctor says.

We look at the screen and all gasp. You could see a clear image of a baby. There was a head and tiny body, making the baby look so cute and vulnerable.

The doctor looks at the screen closely and uses his doctor magic to examine everything.

"Congratulations, you guys are having a girl." he says with a polite smile.

I smile widely and Danny hugs my mother.

"I win." Danny says to me and I stick my tongue out at him. I was still so happy. I was having a baby girl. A daughter. This feels so real now. Super real. I couldn't be any happier.

He holds my hand and kisses it.

"I'm going to have a granddaughter oo." my mother cheers and I giggle

*  *  *
My mom drops us off at my house and goes back to shop for groceries. Danny keeps holding my hand as we walk towards my house gate.

"Morowa." he says and I look at him, with my eyebrows raised.


"It's a name. It means queen." he tells me with a smile.

"It's cute. Are you already thinking of names?" I ask with a smile.

He nods bashfully. I kiss his cheek.

"You're so cute." I tell him, before knocking on the gate.

"You're cuter."

Kwaku opens the gate and we greet him with a smile. He looks nervously at me.

"You have a guest." he tells me and we walk in hesitantly.

I look and see Tyler. I immediately look at Kwaku.

"Why did you let him in?"

"I told him to let me in. I know you don't want to talk but I want to talk." Tyler responds, walking towards me.

Danny moved forward and Tyler looks at him.

"I'm glad you're here too. I have something for you." he tells Danny, pulling something out of his pocket.

I notice it is the first ultrasound picture I gave him. I widen my eyes at the fact that he still has it.

"It's the first ultrasound. It's not right of me to keep it." he says with guilt and Danny takes it carefully.

He looks at it and sighs.

"Thanks man." Danny says and I almost choke on air.

That's the nicest thing they've said to each other before.

"Look guys, I know you're still mad but I really am sorry. I know I shouldn't ask for favors right now but can I please ask you guys to do something for me? " he asks us and I sigh. Maybe I should just forgive him. It's been a month and he seems sorry, but it's so hard to just look past what he did.

To my surprise, Danny responds to him.

"What do you need?"

Tyler looks surprised for a second too but he continues to ask his question.

"I love April. But she won't even look at me anymore. I miss her so much and I don't know what to do. Could you guys please talk to her or something?" he begs and I see honesty and vulnerability in his eyes.

I immediately start to feel bad for him. I know exactly how he feels. To miss someone and love them so much but to not be able to talk to them. What he did was cruel but he's apologized countless times and he did it because of the feelings he had for me. Sometimes, our emotions can make us do stupid things. I think I should at least forgive him.

"She won't even talk to us." I finally say and Danny nods in agreement.

"But she will listen to you guys." he says and I look away.

I miss April a lot but I don't know if she wants to talk yet. Whenever I see her, she gives me an unreadable look but never actually says anything. Both Danny and I give him a blank stare. I don't know how to help him, honestly.

He sighs and nods.

"I understand. Everything is all weird now. Thanks for at least listening." he says sadly. Before I can even say his name, he quickly walks out of my house.

I sigh and shut my eyes in regret when he leaves. I should have forgave him as soon as he walked in. I don't want him to think that it's completely over between us. He's still a friend and I still care about him, regardless of what he did.

Danny notices and pulls me closer to him.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to fix everything. Do not stress yourself right now, it's not good for you." he tells me soothingly.

I give him a tight smile.

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