Single and Seeking Barson s...

By authorgirlOlivia

18.7K 584 58

Olivia can do everything on her own, but that doesn't mean she wants to. This story is Rated M to be safe. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 22
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 22

402 15 1
By authorgirlOlivia

It was Monday. Rafael Barba was sitting at his desk in his office waiting again for Olivia and Ms. Price. He smiled as Sunday's events ran through his memory. He arrived back at Olivia Benson's apartment at exactly noon. Olivia smiled when she answered the door for him. Barba walked in, and locked the door. "Barba, help!" Noah said. The boy was sitting on the couch trying to get his shoes on.

"Noah, I told you I would help you. Olivia said to her son. She walked toward him.

"No! Barba help me! Noah yelled. Olivia backed up, and looked at Barba. She stepped aside Barba kneeled down in front of the boy. He grabbed the shoes. He heard Olivia's cell phone ring, she answered it, and told him she would be right back. He heard a door shut.

Barba quickly helped Noah put his shoes on the correct way, as he laced them Barba spoke. "Noah don't yell at your mami . She loves you so much!" You don't want to make her sad." Noah shook his head. "You want to say you're sorry?" Noah smiled, Barba finished tying his shoes, and ruffled the boy's hair. "Next time I come over, I'll teach you how to tie your shoes all by yourself Ok?" Barba heard a door close again. and then he heard Olivia's footsteps. He stood up.

"Mommy, sorry for yelling" Noah said. "Hug!" Olivia ran to Noah, picked him up, and spun around while hugging him. Noah laughed, and Olivia's musical laugher followed. That hug was exactly what she needed. Her brown eyes sparkled with new energy. All three of them walked out of the apartment, and went to the park.

"Thanks for helping Noah with his shoes. He told me he wanted to do it himself." Olivia said as they watched Noah play. They had been in the park for 2 hours.

"He's independent, like his mother." Barba said giving her a half smile. "You get any sleep after I left?"

"You left after midnight, and we got off the phone after 1AM."

"I know, maybe next time I shouldn't call when I get home, if it's that late."

"No." Olivia said quickly. "It's better you call no matter what time it is. if you don't I'll worry. Then I'll come looking for you." She said laughing to lighten the mood.

"Ok, forget I said that. You didn't answer my question. Did you sleep?"

"Sleep is overrated.

"Did you try?"

"Did you?" Olivia answered, "Why are you so interested in my sleeping habits counselor?"

Barba sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Did you try to sleep in a bed?"

"I'm used the rocking chair at this point."

"Liv, you say that like it's a good thing."

"It is. I need to keep a close eye on Noah. He's been through a lot. He was sick not that long ago, and his asthma puts him at a higher risk."

"He's going to be fine Liv,"

"He took 2 naps yesterday."

"You're a phenomenal mother. You still need to sleep." Olivia smiled and quickly changed the subject. They talked for 2 more hours before they took a tired Noah home. Olivia warmed up chicken nuggets, and they all ate them. Noah had a piece of birthday cake before bed. "Next time I'm cooking." Barba said.

"Next time we'll get some take-out.I'm just too tired to deal with it now. This was easier. Please, give me your mother's number so that I can thank her for that cake." Barba did as she asked, and watched as she talked to his mother for over an hour. He tried to hide his smile.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How late am I?" Olivia's voice called Barba out of his thoughts. She was sitting in a chair across from him Her eyes were wide, to say she looked worried was an understatement.

"Liv, calm down. Nicole isn't here yet." Barba said gently.. He glanced at his watch. "It's only 11:30. You're not late" Olivia blinked her eyes and sighed in relief. "Good" She said in the voice she used for 1PP, Dobbs, politicians, and press conferences.

Barba was about to say something when Carmen walked in and spoke. "Liv, I brought you some coffee."

"Thanks Carmen", Olivia said taking the cup offered to her. "You didn't have to."

"It's no problem. If you refused it though, I was going to suggest that Mr. Barba take your temperature." Olivia looked at Carmen wide eyed, she then straightened her back, and went into full Lieutenant mode. Carmen instantly felt guiltily for what she said. She liked and admired Olivia Benson. She was trying to calm her, not make her subconscious. For years she watched the interaction of her boss, and Olivia. No person was perfect, but they were the perfect match. "You want some tea?"

"No thanks. Carmen "Olivia answered.

"You know what?" Carmen replied. "Mr.. Barba, I'm just going to buzz you when Ms. Price gets here. I'm not coming in here, and I'm holding your calls until you say not to, unless it's an emergency." She wanted Olivia to be able to drop any guards she wanted or needed to.

Barba nodded. "Thank-you" He said. Carmen nodded back. She left the room, and closed the door behind her. Barba watched as Olivia quickly drank the hot coffee. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I thought I was late, I'm not."

Barba watched her for another moment, trying to get a read on her. "What's wrong with Noah?"

She finished the coffee, and looked into his green eyes. "I woke up to him coughing, and he had a low grade fever. Dr. Taylor agreed to see him at 7:00 this morning. "That's why I thought I was late."

"He's ok?" Barba asked.

"Dr. Taylor said it's just a cold, but I should keep an eye on it. Noah's with Lucy now, she feels bad, because she took him to a play date, and the kid may have been sick. She said his nose was runny.I took Noah home, and came straight here."

"You didn't stop at the squad room yet today?"

"No, I couldn't, if I had I would have been late. I called Rollins and Fin on my way back to my apartment. That's a long doctor's appointment for a cold. Barba thought, but he didn't say it. Olivia continued speaking. "When I heard Noah coughing like that, I got so... scared. I thought he might have to be admitted into the hospital again."

"Liv, it's a cold." Barba said gently. "I'll bring over a game, and some soup for him." Olivia laughed. Barba continued." Dr. Taylor said you need to keep an eye on him?. You can't keep more of an eye on Noah than you do already. You can't lock him up or place him in a bubble."

"Sometimes, I wish I could." Olivia said. Barba smiled. "I just want to keep him safe and healthy." She continued.

"I know." He answered gently

He watched as she threw away the paper coffee cup. He followed her with his eyes as she paced. "I need to keep a closer eye on him. I knew something was wrong yesterday when he took a second nap. I shouldn't have let him go to the park. "What am I doing?" Barba got up from his desk. "What kind of mother am I?"

"Ok. stop." Barba said. He strode to the middle of the room. She continued to pace. "You need to stop now, you are a phenomenal mother."

"That's the second time in 24 hours you said that."

"That should tell you something." Olivia stopped pacing.

"How do you know?" She said softly.

Barba placed his hands on her shoulders. "I have eyes. Noah is a lucky little boy. He's lucky to have you."

"I practically raised myself Barba. I didn't have a father, and I barely had a mother. What do I know about being a parent."

"You take care of Noah, and you love him, stop beating yourself up. He is a four year old boy, sometimes he's going to get a cold, or fall on the playground. You can't stop him from having a childhood. You don't want to Liv. He pulled her gently into a hug, and she wrapped her arms around him. She closed her eyes for a spit second

"Thank-you Rafa." She said softly.

He chuckled. "For what?"

"Everything." He was about to answer his best friend, but he was interrupted by the beeping of the intercom. Olivia quickly pulled away.

"Ms. Price is here." Carmen said." I'm making her some tea."

"Thank-you." Barba and Olivia said together. They both sat down. Barba sat in his office chair, and Olivia sat in a chair next to his desk. She left the seat across from Barba for Nicole Price. Olivia could feel Barba's eyes on her, and it was so comforting.


10 minutes later Nicole Price walked into the office. She held a cup of tea in her right hand. "Mr. Barba, Olivia, thank-you for meeting me today." She walked over to the chair across from Barba and sat. "Carmen says there's plenty of tea, if you need some."

"What do you need Nicole?" Olivia asked.

"First, Olivia I'm so sorry for what I said to you the last time we were here. I'm not that much of a mess usually."

It's Ok, Nicole, it's understandable. You're not the first one to lash out at me."

"I feel so bad about the way I acted. You didn't deserve that."

"Thank-you. we're here. . What can we help you with?"

"This is so hard to say." She took a 2 small sips of tea.

"Nicole I've heard everything, there is nothing that you can say that can shock me. I know something happened to you, and I want to help you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. That said blackmail is against the law, and if you keep blackmailing Victor's family they will press charges. I don't want that to happen."

"You don't know the whole story, that's why I'm here."

"Take your time, there's no rush."

"You trust Mr. Barba right?"

"Yes, I told you I did."

"He has good instincts. You were right not to trust me Mr. Barba. I didn't give you the whole story."

"Nicole, many rape victims leave things out." Olivia said gently.

"Whatever you leave out the defense will use against you,and don't think you can hide. They will find everything. As long as I know everything, I can help you." Barba said.

"Then Mr. Barba it's a good thing I'm here, because you don't even know the half of my story. I promise what I tell you today is the truth, and all of it." Nicole said. "Olivia I hope you won't be upset with me, I think you will be. I'm upset with myself. I'm so nervous, I might need more tea just to calm down." She took another sip, and held the cup with 2 hands.

"That can be easily arranged Miss. Price. Whenever you're ready. we're listening." Barba replied.

Nicole nodded, took a quick sip of tea, and spoke slowly. "I was raped, but Victor Glenn is the love of my life." Olivia fought the urge to roll her eyes, and continued to listen intently, she leaned forward in her chair. "Victor didn't rape me."

"Ok", Olivia said, she was shocked, but she didn't show it.

"Go on." Barba said." Tell us the whole story. and this time don't leave anything out."

"I met Victor a year ago, almost as soon as we met we both deleted our dating profiles. Why keep searching when you find a person whose not perfect, but is perfect for you?"

"Your parents don't know about your relationship?" Barba asked.

"No, they don't, what I told you about my family and I is true. The night I was raped I was going to meet Victor for dinner, we were going to talk about telling my parents about us, but Victor had to work. I was so disappointed, we have such busy schedules, I hadn't seen him in 3 days, and I missed him so much. I decided to make the best of it.. I walked to my favorite coffee shop, and when I got there I called Paul Gibson." I met him about 6 months ago, we were paired together for a class project, after that project we decided to study together on a regular basis. It helped our grades. I asked Paul if he would like to study, about 20 minutes later he was sitting with me at the coffee shop. We studied for about 2 hours, and he offered to take me home. I took him up on his offer. It was raining. He didn't take me right home. He drove to his apartment building. I asked why we were there. He started talking so fast, he pulled into a parking spot. I was so confused, I had been to his apartment before. I thought maybe I was unclear, maybe he thought I wanted him to take me to his home, not mine."

"Did you think you were unclear at the time?" Barba asked

"No, no, but it felt better to be confused than to be nervous or scared" He turned off the car, and faced me. He told me that I was special, and pretty. I thanked him, and then I told him I had a boyfriend. He leaned in, and said "be mine." I said no, and that I had to get home. I tried to get out of the car at that point, but I couldn't. That's when I started to panic.. He took his seatbelt off, and got closer to me. He tried to kiss my lips, I pulled away, but that didn't stop him. His hands, his lips they were everywhere. I felt my skirt and blouse being torn. I know I said no, I cried." When he was done he asked why I was crying." Nicole was on the verge of tears. Olivia reached into her pocket, and retrieved a packet of tissues. She got up from her chair next to Barba. She walked to Nicole, and handed her the entire packet of tissues. "Thank-you." Nicole said. "I hate crying." She put her tea cup down.

"I understand that, more than you know, but sometimes you just need to cry, and there's nothing wrong with that. Cry as much as you need to." Nicole stood up, and burst into tears. "You said no Nicole, it's not your fault." Nicole flung her arms around Olivia.

"I promise I didn't lead him on Olivia. He knew I had a boyfriend from the start."

"You said no Nicole, that's all you should have to say." It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do before that. You said no, and he didn't listen to you, that's rape,"

"I believe you were raped Miss. Price, and I want to help, this is going to be a tough case if I'm able to charge. Your story has changed almost completely." Barba said.

"I know. Why didn't he listen Olivia? Paul... Paul was my friend, that's why I got into his car, I trusted him to take me home. I trusted him not to hurt me. Mr. Barba, Nicole said quickly. "You mind if we stop for a minute?"

"No, go ahead, take your time." Barba replied.

"Thank-you, I'll be right back." Nicole walked over to Barba's office door. and opened it. "I'm getting some more tea. If that's ok?"

"That's fine." Barba said calmly.

I'll go with you." Olivia said, following her.


15 minutes later, Nicole was back in Barba's office. sitting across from him. She held a cup of tea. Olivia came in behind her. She walked to the chair next to Barba, and moved it next to Nicole. She then sat down. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Barba?"

"It's fine Miss Price, I know this is difficult." Barba answered. He knew that Olivia moved the chair to show support for Nicole, and not to distance herself from him, but it still stung. He pushed his hurt feelings aside. He was sure he and Olivia would need a sidebar after this meeting.

Nicole sighed. "I don't know how to say this next part, so I'm just going to say it. Paul took me home, I got out of the car. He smiled at me. He said he would see me soon, when he drove off, I grabbed my cell phone. I called a cab, and had the driver take me to Victor's. I waited. When he got home from work, he ran to me. I was sobbing. He glided me into the apartment. He tried to hold me, but I didn't let him. He looked so helpless and sad. He got me to sit on his sofa, and he brought me a blanket. He sat with me, and the whole story came out. I asked if I could take a shower, he said no" I yelled at him, but he still refused. He begged me to go to the hospital with him. I couldn't. He kept whispering "I'm here, I'm here for you." Hours past and I said nothing, I just let him sit near me, but not too close. Eventually, he fell asleep, and I found myself running to his shower. I was about to get in, when Victor gabbed me to stop me, I scrammed, I think I accidently kicked him, but he held me. He brought me back to the sofa, and we stayed there all night. Victor took me to the doctor, and insisted I keep the clothes I was wearing,"

"I'm sorry that happened to you Nicole, and I will do whatever I can to help you." Olivia said. "Why would you accuse the man you love of this? I interviewed him Nicole, and I know now that he wanted to look spurious. Why?"

"I was just getting to that. You're going to be mad at what happened I couldn't go anywhere without Victor. I called my dad after I went to the Dr. I told him I was spending a few days with my best friend Jenifer, because she had a bad break-up.I called Jenifer and asked her to cover for me in case my dad called.. After that Victor said he needed to talk to me, I thought he was breaking up with me, but he said he wanted to marry me. The subject had come up before. I've been saving myself for marriage, and now I wish I had slept with Victor before, because I love him. How am I ever going to get over this,"

"I don't think you'll ever get over it, in the way you're thinking but you will be OK. Nicole." Olivia answered."You will learn to live with it, you will learn how not to let it stop you from living."

"Victor works for his family. They call a lot of the shots in his life, They don't want him to have a serious relationship, they want him to get married in his late 30's or early 40's. They want grandchildren. Victor and I came up with a plan. I gave you just enough information to put him on the radar. I called f his parents several times. I told them I have more evidence that I didn't share. I told his mother that if she didn't persuade Victor to marry me, and support me then he would be charged with rape, and it would follow him forever."

"You came up with this scheme so that Victor could marry you without the fear of being cut off by his family?" Olivia asked. She was surprised but hid it.

"Yes," Nicole answered. She took a sip of tea.

"Nicole you realize you're sitting in in the DA's office, admitting to me and A.D.A Barba that you filed a false police report. You admitted to blackmail."

I know Olivia, but I really was raped. I thought maybe something good could come out of it."

"Miss Price blackmailing your in-laws is never good." Barba said.

"Please, don't press charges against me Mr..Barba, I was raped. Olivia told me Victor's mother came to . to complain about me. She warned me to stop threatening Mrs. Glen, and I have. You can ask her, but please help me if you can. I was a virgin, before Paul did what he did. I don't know what to do My life is a mess now."

"You going to get through this Nicole. you're going to get though this with counseling." Olivia said.

"What do I tell my baby?" Barba watched Olivia's face go pale.

"You're pregnant?" Barba replied.

"Yes, and I know that biologically Paul is the father, Can you do something with that Mr. Barba?"

"I'll try", he answered.

Nicole put her cup down, and took her cell phone out of her pocket. She dialed and put the phone to her ear. "Victor you can come get me at the DA's office now, I think I'm done here You too. I'll be waiting.." She hung up, and put her phone away. "I am done here, aren't I Mr. Barba?"

"Get some rest Miss Price." He replied. "Have you told us everything?"

"Yes", Nicole answered getting up.

Olivia got up and followed her." I'll wait with you Nicole." Olivia said



Barba exited his office a few moments later to find both Miss Price and Olivia were gone, He poured myself a cup of coffee. "Mr. Barba", Carmen said. "Olivia had to run, but she left you a note." Barba glanced at Carmen's desk, and immediately recognized Olivia's handwriting. He picked up the yellow legal pad, and read,


I wish I could have stayed for a sidebar, but I have to run to the squad room, and I remembered I made late lunch plans this morning. Have a good day. Try not to let the stress get to you



It was 3PM, and Olivia was sitting across from Dr. Brad Taylor at a table in Angelo's, a new Italian Restaurant. She listened to him talk. She tried not to let her mind wander to her work, but that was impossible, especially after today's meeting. Nicole's case would be hard to prove, even for someone as brilliant and dedicated as Rafael. She pictured him sitting at his desk drinking coffee by the gallon, and thinking of a way to win, an unwinnable case. When he got really nervous about a case, he talked really fast until she calmed him..She hoped the note she left him would serve as some comfort. She was happy Brad was talking, because she didn't want to. She was grateful that despite how distracted she felt, she could repeat everything he said. She had no appetite, but she was on her second cup of coffee since she got here. She learned that Dr. Taylor enjoyed boating, tennis, and Oldies music.

"Dr. Lee is coming back." Dr. Taylor said. "I'm sure you're relived about that. I know you trust her, and I don't blame you."

"She's a good Dr." You are too Brad."

"Thank-you Olivia. Good enough to be Noah's primary doctor?"

""Brad, Dr. Lee has been through a lot with Noah. She caught things about his health that others didn't."

"You're loyal, I like that."

"It's one of my best qualities."

"It's very rare."

"Oh, I know."

"I'll be covering for Dr. Lee in November, and December. She told me she's spending the holidays with her husband and his parents out of state."

"Good for her."

"It's nice to know she has a life outside of medicine." Dr. Taylor said.

Olivia watched as a man walked to the table. "Hi my name is Angelo. I'm the owner of this restaurant. Would you like a dessert?" Angelo smiled at Olivia. "No dessert for me thank-you." Olivia answered.

"You, sure?" It's on the house."

"That's so nice of you, but no."

"I'll have some cheesecake to go."" Dr. Taylor said quickly.

"Yes sir", Angelo answered, jotting down the order. He turned back to Olivia. "You look so familiar? "Are you from Brooklyn?"

"No", Olivia answered.

"Oh, I'll be back with that cheesecake." Angelo walked away from the table, and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Do you know him?" Dr. Taylor asked.

"No", Olivia answered. "I don't, but I come across a lot of people, and I've been in newspapers and on TV."

Dr. Taylor was silent for a long moment. He finished his last bite of eggplant, and took a long sip of his ice tea. He put the glass down, looked into Olivia's eyes and finally answered. "Oh I see."

"Thank-you for seeing Noah so early this morning, I really appreciate it." Olivia said, she took a sip of coffee, and placed the cup down.

"Anytime Olivia, It was no trouble."

"I gotta go. I still have so much work to do, and I wanna get home to Noah at a reasonable hour."

"I understand. "Thank-you for meeting me." Olivia got up from the table. I'll call you." Dr. Taylor paused a second before continuing. "Keep an extra close eye on Noah, you're a good mom Olivia."

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