The Vampire

By ragexian

21.1K 755 30

Highest ranking : #12 in state. Scarlet shades of huge chandelier reflected soft glow in apparently midnight... More

chapter 1
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 21

427 14 0
By ragexian

Skye halted her footsteps when she no longer heard him following him. She turned around to find him bent over, with left hand on his knee and gasping for air loud enough for her to hear.

"What now?," She asked holding her hands on her hips in a dominant manner.

"I need to pee."He said straightening up, making her gasp this time.

"What? Can't I pee?" Amusement apparent in his every single cell and the sound waves of his voice that struck every cord of her ear drums.

"Can't you hold it?"

"No, not for God knows how long it's gonna take to reach your mystery house." He replied with the exaggerated roll of his eyes making her scowl to deepen even more.

"Well you have to because there are no houses in sight and hence no bathrooms." She spat with what she hoped looked like smirk, but she knew she terribly failed cause he showed his million dollar smirk seeing her miserable attempt on it.

"Well, there is no need for that, I can do it here s-" before he could finish, she cut him off with a squeak that automatically left her lips in horror.

"What?," She covered her dropped jaws with her hand," you can't just pee right here, in front of me!"

Upon her reaction, he burst out laughing but soon winced, holding his chest lightly with his left hand, still trying to suppress his laughter.

"Jeez woman, let me finish my sentence. I was going to say, here somewhere." This made her relax a bit.

"You know what, the way to act, I can't believe you are a commander." She accused folding her arms over her chest.

"Oh yeah? How so, milady?" He bemused while closing up the distance slowly.

"The way you act childish, can't hold on to your bladder, start gasping for air after every two minutes," she counted while flailing her arms in the air," I thought royal armed men were tough enough to handle such childish challenges that anyone can do, me for instance." She ended with a prideful rise of her head and arched eyebrows.

His eyes darkened in response as he took predatory steps towards her but she didn't budge this time," you know that I'm suffering from injury on chest that doesn't allow me to keep my breathing calm, besides I'm not supposed to walk miles away to save your petty ass."

She narrowed her eyes at his vulgar tone," you would have been patient with all this hardship if you had an ounce of manliness inside you."

"You want me to show you how much of a man I am?" As he towered over her now, his whisper sent chills down her spine making it impossible for her to meet his hunger filled gaze.

"Sh-show me th-then!" Even a deaf person could hear the trumble in her voice and the shiver of her body. She didn't know why she just blurted that out and now all she wanted to do was take her words back or just run away if he tries to do anything at all.

Or maybe hit his injured chest?

Who knows, that might work!

"Maybe some other time," he smirked as mixture of disbelief 
And relief showered over her features," as much as I would like to do that, I still have to pee so bad."

And with that, he disappeared behind the trees leaving her with her racing heart.

She stared at the trees, searching for the hidden birds that were chirping constantly inside their nests. Clouds were looming all over and rain could start any moment.

She opened the zip of her bag to extract an envelope in which captain put snacks for them to eat on the way. She thought it was perfect time to try some while resting a bit.

As she opened it, the aroma of delicious snacks filled up her nostrils and she couldn't help but close her eyes with a satisfactory moan. She grabbed a bottle of water and got up. Upon a little distance, she washed her hands,  and she took a bite of one snack.

Before she could enjoy the taste of it, her eyes met straight ahead with a dog whose gaze was stuck at her hand, holding a snack.

If she had been a normal girl, she might have had patted a dog or maybe not act so senseless but being Skye had its own pros and cons because her fear for dogs made her Instantly throw her bottle at the dog for him to go away.

A vicious bark from an enraged dog was all it took for her to scream her wits off and run for her dear life with equally mad dog chasing her for snack in her hand and her mistreatment with him.

Tears kept running down, wetting her cheeks and her vision turned blurry and she didn't know where to run. She kept running in circles.

"LEON!" She cried out with no hope left inside her. She was sure that entire forest could hear her screams but this boy would not hear it. She didn't she was cursing him or herself but her feet were flying on their own accord when she saw turned around to find the dog just at her feet, ready to grab the Hem of her frock and tear it before tearing her flesh in between his protruding teeth that were apparent behind the deadly snarl.

Soon her feet got stuck and she fell over cursing at the forces of nature and possible spirit of the stone that was shamelessly blocking her path. She tried to get up again but cried at the spasm that she felt in her feet making her fall back on her butt and all she could do now was wait for the dog to do his job.

When nothing happened for over a minute, she opened her eyes and raised from her perched down position to find no one in sight. She turned around to see Leon at few feet distance squatting down in front of a dog who was apparently eating something from his palm.

The dog, that looked like a vicious wolf moments was now wiggling his tail while bowing his head submissively while eating what now Skye realized was snack which she somehow dropped while running.

She woke up from her frozen state when she realized that snack was eaten and now dog was looking around and would surely find his new snack-her lying not so far away.

She started scooting back in fear and Leon looked at her terrified form and smiled knowing exactly what was happening inside her head. He picked up that dog, shifting him on his lap and started patting his back. She never saw this much kindness in his eyes or smile before.

Not that he ever smiled to her, she thought.

"Y-you should not do that." She whispered still frightened.

"Do what?" Leon asked and dog's attention shifted to his face and he started licking his face which made her hold back rapidly growing lump inside her throat, ready to burst out like a volcano.

"Holding that thing like that." She answered pointing at the dog and started crying once again when the memory of him barking and chasing her freshened up inside her head.

At that Leon laughed and picked up a dog and started walking towards her but halted when she let out a loud scream to which he couldn't help but wince.

"D-dont bring him anywhere near me or I'll slit your throat off." She threatened him with all the seriousness that had left inside her to which his eyebrows met the Skye and a mock expression appeared on his face.


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