Mystic Radio

By Destiny_Writestuff

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We've all played the route, but what happens after the eleven days? What took place in the six months before... More

Move-in Ep.1
Starlit Song Ep.2
"For the first time." Ep.3
Sick Day Ep.4
Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5
What's This Feeling? Ep.6
It's a date then? Ep.7
Grand Opening Pt.2 Ep.9
Jealousy is a Disease Ep.10
A Sudden Wave Ep.11
"Am I Allowed These Feelings?" Ep.12
A Chance Ep.13
The Party Ep.14
Not Again Ep.15
Not Again Pt.2 Ep.16
Before it's too late Ep.17
The Morning After Ep.18
Ice cream and Kisses Ep.19
Pool Party pt.1 Ep.20
Pool Party pt.2 Ep.21

Grand Opening Ep.8

61 4 0
By Destiny_Writestuff

Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out on the other site!

Hello you lovely readers! Just a quick note, we're doing a 2 month time skip! After the previous chapter, nothing really happened because Jaehee's and MC's lives are kind of boring. Also note, this chapters events will be spread over two chapters. Hope this isn't confusing, enjoy!


Mystic Radio Ep. 8: Grand Opening





Jaehee hurries frantically around the shop, dressed in her old-fashioned black dress, apron already on. Triple checking that the tables were clean, and the glass was clean.

"Jaehee, we don't open for another half hour and you've already obliterated every speck of dust in here."

She puts a finger to her chin and starts pacing back and forth in front of me. "I know, but we already did all the baking for now, I just want to make sure we didn't miss anything.".

"I know you're anxious," I grab her shoulder so she stops pacing for a moment, "but we've done everything we can. I mean seriously!" I laugh lightheartedly, "We probably baked enough cakes and bread for the whole block. You should take it easy, ok?"

"I know... But we've been planning this for six months. I just want things to work out well.".

"And it will. We spent the last few days going around putting up 'grand opening' flyers, I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of people, ok?" I reassure her. "I'm just glad the construction went well, and that Zen and Seven were able to help us make the booths." I chuckle.

"We've been open for an hour and we've only had a dozen or so customers...". Jaehee says with a groan, head resting on her arms that are sprawled out on one of the counters. "What did we do wrong?".

"Maybe it's because we're a new shop. People need time to find us, that's all." I say optimistically.

"Maybe...". she doubtfully says, quickly perking back up when the door opens.

In walks the whole gang, Jumin looking annoyed and Seven acting like a hyperactive child. So, really, it's the same as normal.

"We're here!" Seven joyfully announces.

"Wow," Yoosung takes in the interior, "So pretty!"

"Is that bread I smell?" Zen asks.

Jumin glances at the flowers adorning the tables, "Why do women like these things?".

"Mr. Han, you smell like wine..." Yoosung says, having become Jumin's new intern.

"They wont even sell drinks here." Jumin sighs.

Seven tells Zen, "Get off now.", because Zen decided to use him as an arm rest.

"Hello!" Jaehee greets.

I flash a wide smile, "Hey boys! What're you guys doing here? A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one*."

"You're such a nerd." seven says, coming up to me and playfully shoving me. "You'd know if you checked the messenger earlier, wouldn't ya?".

"It's called geek, not nerd." Yoosung pipes. "Aren't you a nerd too if you understand that reference?".

"Whatever", Seven laughs, making Yoosung make an irritated scowl, but his overall adorableness making it seem very nonthreatening. Seven smirks at the face Yoosung is making.

"What would you guys like? Or are you just here to check the place out?" I ask.

"We just came to show our support!" Seven explains. "Pretty quiet here huh...".

I peer over the guys shoulders, "Yeah, but seeing you guys here seems to be drawing in more customers.", noticing a couple walk by. The girl pointing through the window asking him something to which he nods and they walk in.

"Give me your sweetest drink M'lady!" Seven orders.

"I'll take whatever has the most caffeine..." Yoosung says.

The guys stay and chat a bit longer but soon start heading off to do their own things, having a group in the shop definitely helped, but all things considered it's pretty empty. Jumin headed off with Yoosung to go work more, and Seven left to do 'godly stuff', leaving Zen behind at a booth.

"Not leaving yet?" I ask, taking a seat in the across from him in the booth.

"Nah not yet.", he shrugs, "I still have fifteen minutes or so before I need to go to rehearsal, so why not wait here.". He looks out the window and watches for the occasional passerby.

"Hey Zen, I have a favor to ask.".

He turns to me with full interest, "Oh? Shoot.".

I bite my lip. Should I even ask for this? I'd hate for Jaehee to think all our work went to waste... "Can you...", uncertain, I continue "Maybe shout us out on social media?".

He thinks about it for a while, fixing his jaw shut as he mulls it over, "I suppose, for a friend.", he finally says.

"Thank you." I say, very grateful but also slightly ashamed I had to ask for help to get our coffee shop going. "Please don't tell Jaehee I asked." I add.

"Don't worry about it, ok?". He goes up to the counter, and I follow behind. "Jaehee?" He hollers into the kitchen area, where Jaehee had been trying to distract herself with more baking.

She comes up to the front desk, "Do you need something?" she asks.

"Uh, Yeah!" He subtly winks at me, letting me know that he wont mention I asked him to help. "One cup of whatever you recommend, extra whipped cream.". He notices the display case of cakes, bending to closely examine them, carefully considering the options, "And a slice of your 'Death by Chocolate.'."

"I thought you stayed on a diet." Jaehee says, shifting her weight onto one foot and crossing her arms trying to read him.

"I usually do, but I feel like treating myself today." he says with an almost blinding smile.

"But what about your act-" Jaehee starts.

Zen puts his hands up to stop her, "Please, I insist.".

"Alrighty...", I start getting his cake, "If you say so.".

Jaehee hands him his drink and I slide his cake over to him.

He starts reaching for his wallet, but Jaehee stops him saying "I think we can spare some coffee and cake for a good friend.".

"So I get free food here?" he says with a smirk.

After a bit of a pause, and a playful roll of the eyes, she answers "Within reason, and if you push it, this is going to end up a one time thing.".

He chuckles as he takes his cake, "Okay I get it! I know not to push limits when it comes to free food.", shaking his head a little with a grin plastered on his face.

He takes a seat back at the nearby booth, then proceeds to take a selfie with his order. Seconds later, my phone buzzes.

'Zen has posted a new photo! Open pictagram*?'

I tap yes and, sure enough, see Zen flashing a dazzling smile, our coffee and cake next to him. The post reading, "Found my new favorite coffee shop. The staff is really nice too!", followed by a lot of hashtags.

There are already a few comments saying they'll check it out.

Zen quickly eats the cake and chugs his coffee before saying, "Well ladies, I should go before too many people get here. I don't need to get caught up in the crowd.". With Jaehee still distracted by the pictagram post, he says in a low tone "The staff here is pretty cute too.", a smirk on his face. With an once again normal tone, he says "I'll be back later tonight. I didn't get to talk to you guys much!".

Before I can ask questions about the 'cute' part, a passerby recognized Zen and caused a commotion drawing in even more people. He was able to sneak out, but upon seeing customers in the shop, even more people started coming in, adding to the crowd from pictagram.

Jaehee and I start working as the line just seems to get bigger, her hands making coffee faster than I can even fully process. Despite the seemingly impossible speed, she works with such care and accuracy, I have to force my focus back on taking orders.

'She's amazing...'. I force myself to focus on taking orders again, trying to help make coffee but mostly serving bread and cake. My eyes drift back to Jaehee making drinks and a little voice in my head says 'Maybe I should ask her how to make coffee like that...'.




Jaehee POV


With the chime of our over-head bell, the last customer leaves for the day, and I switch our 'We're open!' sign over so it reads 'Sorry! We're closed.'

"We did it Jaehee!" MC cheers.

Unable to hold back a smile, I agree "You bet we did! Thanks to Zen, he's such a nice guy, helping spread the word. I kind of wish we didn't start out because of his popularity though.".

"Yeah. He's a good friend." she says. "I'd be lying if I said otherwise...".

"Oh!", I remember what he said as he was leaving, "He's coming over later right?".

"Yeah... Should we invite the others over?" she asks.

Still ecstatic from our opening, I happily agree "Yes! We should all celebrate.".

With a cheeky grin and rosy cheeks, MC says "It's fun seeing you so excited.". Pulling out her phone, she types a quick message and I hear a buzz from my phone, which, of course is the messenger.

I tap the flashing 'New Messages in the Chatroom!' notification, surprised to see Zen somehow logged on faster.


MC: "Guys! We're having a get together to celebrate opening the shop!"

Zen has entered the chatroom.

Zen: "Oh I thought it would just be us."

Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom.

MC: "Well, this way we can all get together again! The last time we all got together was on your birthday in April."

Zen: "That was only last month, but I see what you mean."

Yoosung: "You guys are throwing a party? It's not going to end up like your last party with everyone drunk, right?"

Zen: "Jumin is the one that brought the wine."

707: "No one said you had to drink so much lol"

Jaehee Kang: "Please no drinking. My ego hasn't recovered from last time.".

707: "What happened last time? MC... You sly girl ;)"

MC: "Oh my gosh, no. Just NO! shut up Seven."

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

Jumin Han: "Why is it whenever I forget to put my phone on silent, you guys decide to be chatter boxes?"

Jumin Han: "Mister Kim, do we have time in our schedule to attend?"

Yoosung: "If we push back the time for that project for another day, yeah."

Jumin Han: "Okay, do that then."


With that, everyone agrees to meet up here in two hours, at seven.


"You guys are on time for once!" MC says with glee. She then rushes up to give them a group hug that Jumin tries to escape from. "Jaehee, come over!" she beckons, "It's been like forever!".

I roll my eyes at her unable to resist a grin at her dorky display. "A month is not 'forever'. " I tell her, but regardless I join the embrace.

"Please, let me out now." Jumin says.

MC releases everyone and Jumin's shoulders visibly relax.

"Thank you, MC." He says, straightening out his collar. "I didn't notice before, but your hair has grown quite a lot Jaehee.".

"I know right! It's down past her shoulders now! I still haven't gotten used to it." MC admits.

"Yoosung, go get the present from the car." Jumin orders.

Yoosung scurries off. "It better not be wine again." I say sternly.

Looking me straight in the eye, with a glint of mischief that usually meant another cat project, he tells me "Rest assured, it is not wine.".

Yoosung comes back a moment later with several cases of beer.

"Why? Why do we always drink when you all come over?" I ask.

"Because it's fun!" Luciel chimes.

"It was a gift from a distillery the company was looking to invest in.". He then goes to sit in the armchair.

Luciel and Yoosung converse in hushed tones, then with a few nods, they get dining chairs. This leaves me on the couch with Zen and MC same as last time. MC goes to get snacks so I snag the middle seat.

'This way, no matter what, I'm between Zen and MC.'. This thought confuses me, since when have I cared about silly things like this? But why do I care so much is the bigger question. When MC comes back over, she seems a bit irritated.

Is it because she wanted to sit with Zen? They can't date though, it would cause scandal! I tell myself that, but now it seems like only a half truth.

She sits down next to me and, against my better judgement, have a beer. Then another, and soon the world starts getting a little fuzzy around the edges.

"MC, I think I'm a bit tipsy." I say, a bit louder than usual.

"You didn't have that much Jaehee.", Luciel notes.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jumin states "Jaehee has a very low alcohol limit.".

"I'm just a bit buzzed, that's all." I say, unable to deny Jumin's accusations.

"At least she isn't drunk like last time." MC says.

This catches my attention. I'm about to try and defend my case, but looking at her... My heart starts feeling weird and I become even more relaxed, forgetting what I was going to say. A rush of heat warms my cheeks and I realize I've been staring.

"Is there something wrong?" MC asks.

"No no! It's just, I couldn't stop looking at you.".

This makes her face heat up and turn pink, granted that might just be the alcohol and I'm just noticing. Clearing her throat, "W-what do you mean?" she says.

What do I mean? I answer without thinking. "I mean you're beautiful. Like Zen, but a different kind of beautiful. I can't describe it and-" The second the words process, I cover my mouth with my hands.

MC is looking at me wide-eyed and Luciel raises an eyebrow, making me even more embarrassed.

"Um." Is all she says. Her mouth agape, moving slightly as if unable to speak, and her cheeks get an even deeper shade of red.

I slowly drop my hands from my mouth, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. Why did I say that oh my gosh. I didn't mean it like-. That's not how-." I start blabbering, unable to find the words.

Mouth still wide open, she manages "Seven. Talk. Room. Now.", and quickly leaves the room, Luciel cackling close behind. Soon after, I hear muffled voices from behind the door, seeming very urgent.

What was that just now?


I need to clear my head... "Excuse me. I'm going for a stroll around the block." I say as I get up and start heading down the stairs.

"Wait, let me come with." Zen stops me. "It isn't safe for a drunk woman to be out at this time alone.".

"I could handle myself."

"Maybe, but I want some air too." he says.


He follows me down the stairs and when we get outside, we're welcomed with a nice cool evening. I start walking down the sidewalk, not really heading anywhere, with him by my side. As we walk in silence, I start to shiver a little.

"Ah, you didn't bring a jacket. It's night time in the spring, what were you thinking?". He quickly takes off his jacket and gives it to me.

"You should keep it yourself.". Having his jacket makes me feel uneasy and slightly irritated, I don't know why though. Especially since this is a nice gesture.

"What kind of man would let a woman freeze? That's what friends are for." he insists.

Deciding it would just be easier to keep the jacket, I tell him "Thank you, I'll give it back one we get back to the shop.".

We walk a little further before he speaks up again. "Do you go on jogs often?".

"Not anymore, I didn't have time at C&R, but I guess now I could start doing it more." I chuckle to myself. "MC made me agree to take Sundays off. It's not the best business plan but it was nice she considered my religion.".

"Ah~ Catholic, right?" he asks. With a shrug, "Anyways, that wasn't what I was going to ask.".

"What is it?".

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to start jogging with me? It would be nice to have a workout buddy.". He stops under a streetlight, waiting for an answer.

"It would be nice to get back in shape." I admit. "Yeah, why not?".

"Great! Besides, we've known each other for years but haven't ever had one-on-one time so it'll be nice to get to know you better." he says with a grin. "Too bad I can't learn more about MC though." he says wistfully.

Ah. Right. He likes her. "Well, I know a lot about her. We live together so it would be weird not to.".

He laughs a little and continues walking, "I guess that's true!".

Maybe... Maybe I should help them get together. MC seems to like him too, but why does that upset me so much?

"Zen, we should probably head back now.".

He stops and turns around. "You're right. It's getting late and it's chilly tonight. Is your head cleared up a bit at least?".

From the alcohol? Mostly. But now there's a hundred new thoughts to take it's place.


"You get flirty when you're drunk, huh. Well, maybe it's a bit more of honesty without a filter." he chuckles.

I stay silent, one of those is right, and I don't want to think about what that might mean.

"We're just friends." I accidentally think out loud.

"What?". He turns around and I freeze. "Oh, are you worried because of the workout thing? Yes, of course, just friends. I already like someone else anyways." He says bashfully. His pale face shows a hint of red by the light of the lamp post.

'Yeah, that's part of the problem...'.




Chapter 8. End.


A/N: I do not intend to in any way insult people with or without religion. The story will have a few nods at the subject, but that's because I noticed other fics don't add how Jaehee is Catholic, which I find a bit odd they would completely forget about such a detail that is usually considered important. Basically, do not take it too seriously, I'll try to be accurate but I'm not a professional about religion.


* Does anyone get that movie reference? Please tell me someone gets that.

*Pictagram! Cause who needs things instantly?


The spaceship's sensors have caught the RFA members meaningless thoughts...

Yoosung: "How did Jaehee work for Jumin for 2 years?".

Jaehee: "I hope Yoosung is handling being Jumin's assistant alright.".


Thank you for reading this chapter of Mystic Radio! If you liked it, make sure to leave a like and subscribe so you know when the next update is! Now, go enjoy some Honey Buddha chips, and I'll see you next chapter! ~Des

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