Queen of the Underworld

By danaxramirez

676K 19.8K 7.5K

After the loss of her parents, Anastasia is entered into a world of gangs, mafia, drugs and violence. She has... More



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By danaxramirez

I shut my eyes tight at the muffled screams that echoed through the dungeon we were in. The screams enough to make me feel the pain. Seconds ticked by, tantalizingly slow. The water from my hair dripped slowly down my face, making me unbearably aware of just how alive I was.

And how soon, I might not be.

I opened my eyes slowly, unable to train my stare away from the blood gushing out of Armando's thigh. It poured over and drenched his pant leg. Little droplets wet the floor, making a small puddle as they accumulated. His eyes were snapped open and his hands clenched to fists.

He looked like he was trying his best to not show pain. It didn't work. I felt the wetness of my cheeks—unknowing if it was water or tears— and hardened my glare at Angelo Mussolini as the bastard spoke again.

"And il bellissimo papà, well, he's not quite dead. Not yet. He will be soon, though. You'll kill him yourself."

He smiled at me, that same devilish smile he had when he captured me that first time. He opened his arms wide in an attempt at a welcoming gesture. It looked more like a cage than a welcome. A cage you can't break.

"Welcome to the Collection, Anastasia Rios Bianchi. We hope you enjoy your stay."

My eyes snapped to the new voice in the dungeon. They widened and the shock struck me like thunder. I felt electrified and paralyzed at the same time. A shot of energy while being immobile.

There was no way. No way at all. I heard wrong, I was imagining things.

But when the figure I knew all too well stepped into the light, the surge of energy died and was replaced with anger, sorrow, betrayal and a bloodthirstiness so strong, I could taste it in my mouth.

Here, right here. Right in front of me. I couldn't deny it, but believing it was worse.

"No, not Collection. Forgive me, Tasia. I meant family."

I stared at the person who I would have died for and killed for. The betrayal too strong for me to handle. I couldn't even manage a glare. The pain was unbearable.

The pain that had a name. A name I never thought I could feel this pain from.


Eight hours ago...

We had a specific order to get into the cars. Even though we were heading to safety, the road to get there was anything but.

There were ten cars. There would be five different routes to get to the airport. In each of the routes, there was a backup car accompanying the transport car. In my car, I was going with Kiara, Elijah and Armando. The other groups were Nicolas and Veronica, Ash and Mateo, and Gabriel and mom. Each with two guards to keep them safe. One of the routes was a dummy route, meant to throw off.

As soon as the doctor left, Dad made sure to pile us into the cars and send us away. I could see the pain in his face as he sent us away, wanting to do it as quickly as possible to get it over with.

"Stay safe, okay," he told me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "We can't be in contact. I won't risk being traced. Please, please don't try anything stupid. I love you, Tasia. Now go on. You have to go."

Before I could even open my mouth, he had planted a kiss on my forehead and walked away quickly. I love you, I wanted to say back. Stay safe. Don't you dare die.

We were supposed to see each other at the airport again, but, for some reason, everyone thought this was appropriate timing for goodbyes. They all hugged me and kissed my cheek. Said 'stay safe' and promised to see each other when we get there. I hated it. We would make it. We had to.

And when Nick came, trying to do the same, I lost it.

I shook my head as I took several steps back. "No," I held up a hand and pushed him away. "Not you. Listen to me Nicolas Alfonsi, you say goodbye to me and I swear I'll break up with you."

He smiled at me and grabbed the hand I was holding up, using it to pull me close to him. "I love you," he said to me, his lips so close I could feel them move as he spoke. My eyes closed instinctively.

He kissed me then, softly and slowly. I let myself be entranced in his taste until I realized this felt suspiciously like a goodbye kiss. I pulled away faster than you can say 'see ya'.

He frowned and tried to kiss me again, but I dodged him. "You can kiss me when we see each other at the airport. We will see each other at the airport. You can kiss me then."

He smiled, that amused smile that looked like he had no idea what to do with me. I love that smile as much as I love him. "I love you," he said again. He looked at me, love and adoration in his eyes.

I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll say it back when we see each other again. See you in a little while, Nicolas Alfonsi."

"See you in a while, Anastasia Bianchi."

The car was silent, everyone too immersed in their own thoughts to break the ice. Kiara had come with me in the same car as Armando and Elijah. The three of us were good when it came to defending ourselves, she wasn't. Putting her with me was a risk, but a safety net for her at the same time. At least that's what Lorenzo said through the phone to Elijah.

We had been riding for fifteen minutes. There was one backup car behind us, riding not too far behind. I haven't seen any of the cars with the others. The routes were supposed to have at least half a mile of distance from one another.

I nearly fell asleep on the way there, but when the car screeched to a stop, any sleep left me.

"Leo? Leo, do you copy?" Elijah was speaking into the earpiece he had. Every guard in every car had one.

Leo didn't answer.


Him either.



"Ricardo? Ricardo, answer."

Elijah banged his hand against the steering wheel and cursed. "None of them are answering," he said to Armando.

"What's going on?" Kiara asked.

Elijah looked at me through the rearview mirror and looked away just as fast.

"Boss doesn't answer the phone either," Armando responded.

I've learned to notice that when the word "boss" is used to refer to my dad, the situation is always dire.

"We should turn around," Elijah whispered.

Armando shook his head, "let's keep going. We have to get them to that plane. Come on."

Huffing, Elijah checked his phone once more.

"Look out!" Kiara screamed.

A bullet pierced through the windshield, little glass bits exploding everywhere. I felt one on my face and a few more on my chest. Then, something bigger followed it. The loudness of the bang wasn't enough to remove the sudden paralysis I was in. By the time I realized, it was too late.

The gas was already spreading fast.

I counted thirty seconds before everything turned to black.


My head felt groggy, my mouth was dry and the skin around it felt stretched. I tried sitting up, but felt an incredible amount of pain when my head banged against something. When I tried to rub it, I realized I couldn't.

Slowly, I tried opening my eyes, but the light blinded me. I could only see bits and pieces.

A strong yellow light in my eyes. Shiny silvers dots. Black, black and more black.

When I fully regained my vision, I saw the bars clearly. I was in a cage.

A literal fucking cage.

I looked around and realized my head had banged against the top of it. It wasn't tall at all, only enough for me to be in an extremely uncomfortable laid-down position.

I took note of my hands tied behind my back and my legs tied to the rope tying my hands. The soreness in my body multiplied a hundredfold when the realization of the pain hit.

When I tried to speak, I felt the piece of cloth that was tied to the back of my head, keeping me from speaking.

I looked around, making sure to keep my eyes half closed incase I needed to act passed out.

I saw Armando sitting on a chair. His hair was over his face in a messy state, a contrast from his usual gelled-back look. Sweat was forming on his forehead and dampening his shirt. He, too, had a bandana covering his mouth. His hands were tied to the armrests of the chair and his legs were tied to the chairs own legs. He had one black eye and blood dripping down his nose.

He was awake. His eyes were open, but his gaze was concentrated on the ground. He looked defeated.

When I was sure no enemy was in the room, I turned my head and gasped.

Elijah's hands were tied with chains and hung to a hook in the ceiling. His legs were separated and tied to hooks on the ground. He was slouching, looking in pain. He was barefoot and shirtless. I cringed when I saw the trail of blood running down his arms, coming from his wrist.

He was awake, too. Looking straight at me.

Save yourself, he mouthed.

I just stared at him for a long moment. Then, almost unconsciously, shook my head.

Never, I mouthed back.

Before either of us had a chance to communicate again, a loud bang echoed through the room and we both went back to faking sleep.

I opened my eyes the slightest bit, following the movements of a person in the room.

The voice however, the voice shook me to my core.

"Shouldn't we wake them up now?" Kiara asked.

"Patience, Katerina," Mussolini responded.

Katerina? What?

"What are you going to do with the others?" She asked.

I heard metal and then his voice, "they haven't even noticed she's not there. Good job intercepting the calls. It wont be long before they realize though. Good thing we're already hidden."

Katerina laughed, "oh, father, you're always ten steps ahead."

Father? That's her father? Like as in the collection?

Somehow my brain knew it was the much worse option. She meant father as in biological. If the blonde heads and diabolical words were any indication.

"Without exception."

Oh yeah? Well, seven now because we're all listening in on you, motherfucker.

"Wake them," Mussolini spoke after a moment of silence.

Immediately, footsteps were heard. Little lapdog must have grabbed a bucket because two seconds later, I was soaking wet and freezing to death.

"Wakey wakey, Miss Bianchi." I sprang up at the sudden contact with the ice cold water, banging my head against the cage once again.

Groans and splashes followed, making me aware that Elijah and Armando have been awaken as well.

I forced my eyes open and looked to them, ignoring the building hatred and anger that I felt for Kia— Katerina.

I wanted to yell, to tell them both that if either of them got hurt, I'd kill them both. Or, better yet, I'd keep them alive and wishing to die.

But I couldn't yell; I couldn't threaten. My voice had been taken away from me at the moment, and I was left with only the power of my glare.

It didn't do much.

I watched in silent rage as Mussolini approached Elijah and grabbed his face, moving it from side to side and inspecting it. He let it go, then slapped him hard on the cheek. I flinched, my eyes shutting and fists clenching involuntarily.

"Up," he said. Elijah's head rose lazily, his eyes drowsy and his lip busted.

Mussolini's eyes moved to me, he narrowed then slightly before a shit-eating grin came over his face.

"Remember when I said you'd hurt them?"

I didn't answer.

He smirked, walking over to me and staring at me condescendingly. "Now's the time."

I kept my eyes trained on him, letting him now that even when muffled, I would never fully be silenced.

He seemed to catch onto my train of thought. A smile replaced the smirk and he sighed. "You're a hard nut to crack, lucky for me, I've been trying to do so since you were out of the womb."


"I've always known about you, and who you were. Always. And, unfortunately for you, I know how to hit you just where it hurts."

I tried giving him my best bring it on look. For a second I feared it didn't work, but I knew I was successful when he his entire demeanor changed and he straightened, standing tall at his full height. A warning. A move of superiority.

He felt threatened.

"They're all dead." He circled my cage, a serious expression on his face. His fingers glided through the metal bars as he walked in circles around the small box I was in. "All of them."

I eyed him menacingly, the only thing I could do in my state. If my mouth wasn't muffled, I would've cursed him out.

"I needed you here and they were in the way. I admit, the ten cars thing was smart. Molto buona. It didn't fool me, but it made the process longer. Your car was the last one I found; I killed them all before getting to you. So, yes, they are all dead."

I didn't let my glare falter, I kept my eyes on him as he circled around and around. Surely he had to be getting dizzy.

"But enough talk about them," he smiled, taking the knife out of his back pocket. "Let's talk about us."

There is no us.

He gripped the knife and winked, taking a few steps back. I eyed him as he approached Armando, who was tied to a chair with his hands on the armrests and his legs to the legs of the chair. His mouth, like mine, was muffled with a bandana, keeping us from speaking.

It wasn't necessary. No one would hear us. It was a matter of control and power. He took away our physical strength by tying us; our verbal strength by muting us and, now, he was trying to take our emotional strength by making us believe everyone we love is dead.

Mussolini walked over to Armando and turned to look me straight in the eye. In the blink of an eye, he brought the knife down full force and stabbed Armando in the thigh.

I shut my eyes tight at the muffled screams that echoed through the dungeon we were in. The screams enough to make me feel the pain. Seconds ticked by, tantalizingly slow. The water from my hair dripped slowly down my face, making me unbearably aware of just how alive I was.

And how soon, I might not be.

I opened my eyes slowly, unable to train my stare away from the blood gushing out of Armando's thigh. It poured over and drenched his pant leg. Little droplets wet the floor, making a small puddle as they accumulated. His eyes were snapped open and his hands clenched to fists.

He looked like he was trying his best to not show pain. It didn't work. I felt the wetness of my cheeks—unknowing if it was water or tears— and hardened my glare at Angelo Mussolini as the bastard spoke again.

"And il bellissimo papà, well, he's not quite dead. Not yet. He will be soon, though. You'll kill him yourself."

He smiled at me, that same devilish smile he had when he captured me that first time. He opened his arms wide in an attempt at a welcoming gesture. It looked more like a cage than a welcome. A cage you can't break.

"Welcome to the Collection, Anastasia Rios Bianchi. We hope you enjoy your stay."

My eyes snapped to the new voice in the dungeon. They widened and the shock struck me like thunder. I felt electrified and paralyzed at the same time. A shot of energy while being immobile.

There was no way. No way at all. I heard wrong, I was imagining things.

But when the figure I knew all too well stepped into the light, the surge of energy died and was replaced with anger, sorrow, betrayal and a bloodthirstiness so strong, I could taste it in my mouth.

Here, right here. Right in front of me. I couldn't deny it, but believing it was worse.

"No, not Collection. Forgive me, Tasia. I meant family."

I stared at the person who I would have died for and killed for. The betrayal too strong for me to handle. I couldn't even manage a glare. The pain was unbearable.

The pain that had a name. A name I never thought I could feel this pain from.



W H A T  T H E  F U C K ! ? ! ? ! ?




Just a quick update: I've been going through some issues lately and, if I'm going to be completely honest with you guys, I have to say that I haven't been able to write this story much.

Don't get me wrong, QOTU is something I love with all my heart. This story made me realize just how much I love creating these crazy worlds and people and situations. I won't stop writing this book, I could never do that to myself or you.

But (there's always a but) I have been going through a tough time lately, and its hard for me to admit it. Especially since I am feeling awfully embarrassed for having to tell you that things might get rocky from now on.

I know I update every Thursday and I have been doing that since almost the start of the book, but that might get delayed.

I'm not saying I'm going to take a break, because I won't. I'm saying that the schedule from now on won't be set.

Please bear with me. I'm so sorry, but I need to balance my well being too.

Love you forever,


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