xplr ; colby brock

By emmary88

423K 6.6K 1.9K

Adelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends. More

abandoned mansion
abandoned mansion 2
abandoned water park
overnight amusement park
first date
cadelaide is real
trap house road trip
last day
josette and jack
meeting the family
the party
telling the fans
post halloween
meeting colbys familyyyy
family drama
new york
a rough week
welcome home baby
prank wars
pregnancy prank
house hunting
christmas morning
moving day
tara and adelaide take new york
a month later
haunted cabin
period prank
the breakup
hot tub
the following week
youtubers in a box
hawaii surprise
week in the life
new characters
cant get away
knocking on your heart
moving on
new characters
oh no... i think im catching feelings
clubbing... country clubbing
more new characters
heading home
im sorry, bear
lunch date
we arent dating
too good
exploring with adilex
gone but never forgotten
going home
who do you love
the ring
new apartment
tour 2
the proposal
more planning
say yes
camping - round 2
camping 2.2
the wedding
2 babies
telling our friends
gender reveal
birth and baby shower
vi and gray
new mom
cant get enough
moving on
new beginnings
house tour + stanley
first christmas
first birthday + baby
meet the kids
meet the kids 2
reality house 1
reality house 2
reality house 3
reality house 4
friend characters
back to school
neighbors characters


3.9K 62 13
By emmary88

adelaides point of view

june 11th

"addi i need to tell you something." elena said to me as we were on facetime together.

"okay what's up." i asked, kind of suspicious.

"i...i'm pregnant?" she said but it came out as more of a question.

my jaw dropped. my baby sister just told me she's pregnant. she's only 17. i was left speechless.

"addi please say something you're scaring me." she said

"who all knows?" i managed to get out.

"me and you. i don't know what to do." she said as tears ran down her face.

i nodded before asking her "who's the dad?" i said as i tapped my finger on the counter, confused at how to react.

"i-i uh can't tell you that." she said, stuttering.

"what? why?" i asked, still insanely confused.

"you're gonna kill me adelaide. i can't tell you." she said.

"who is it?" i asked her again.

"it's um b-bryce." she said looking down.

after nights and nights of me crying to her about the abuse, physical and emotional, she couldn't see that he was bad. she didn't just break girl code, she broke sister code. a few tears rolled down my face as i realized that she had slept with my abusive ex boyfriend. she was pregnant with his baby and i can guarantee he wanted nothing to do with elena or the baby.

"you need to tell ethan or mom. i can't help you." i said pressing end on the phone.

my emotions were everywhere at this point. yes, i had felt bad for her and for hanging up on her but i also felt so betrayed and upset.

i decided to text her. "sorry colby was coming up the stairs... i'll call you in a bit." yes that was an excuse but i didn't want to stress her out.

colby did walk in the door just moments later though.

"hey." he said sitting on the bed. "are you ready to see my family?" he smiled.

"i can't wait to see your mom." i said smiling but letting out a shaky breath as i though about elena.

"yeah? she keeps talking about going shopping with you." he said laughing. i smiled however was unable to get what elena had just told me out of my mind.

"what time are they coming in?" i asked, sitting down on one of the kitchens stools.

"they'll be landing in about.. 3 hours or so. they're bringing my little cousin, lyla, in with them because her parents went on an unexpected business trip." he said.

so now we have a 4 year old, colbys dad, colbys mom, gage and adam all staying with us for the next week.

i nodded, still thinking about elena.

"are you okay adelaide? i mean are you alright with lyla staying with us?" he asked.

"no... lyla is adorable of course she can stay." i said back, telling the honest truth.

"then what's wrong addi?" he asked me as he reached for my glass of water, taking a sip.

"nothing... it's just... nothing, i'm fine." i said, internally groaning at myself for making it seem like i was hiding something.

as much as i wanted to tell him, elena didn't tell me i could so i wasn't doing to.

he tried to get it out of me for at least another ten minutes but i wouldn't give in. he eventually left the room to go hang out with jake and corey so i went up into colby and i's room and facetimed elena.

"elle, please just explain to me how you let this happen." i requested from my sister who slept with my abusive ex.

she nodded slowly before beginning to explain to me. "so bryce was in new york for whatever reason and i had seen him at a party. i was so wasted that all i remember was calling him an asshole for what he did to you and then i woke up in his hotel room. that's all i remember and i can promise you that much." she said.

i sighed, not knowing what to do.

"elena, am i allowed to tell colby this? i don't think i can deal with this on my own." i said

"addi... i don't know. i don't know what i'm going to do either so i really don't want many people to know. you can talk to colby and maybe tara about it but that's it." she said, sighing as she sat back on her bathroom floor.

"okay. well get through this elle. maybe you could come live out in LA and i can help you out and you can become a youtube mom and make money off of the fact that you got pregnant with your sisters abusive ex's baby." i said making us both laugh. "you're my baby sister so i'm here for you every step of the way. i can promise you that."

"thank you adelaide. i know this is hard for me but it also has to be hard for you." she said

i nodded before speaking again, "you need to tell bryce and mom. and probably ethan and dad for that matter. bryce will probably want nothing to do with you or the baby unless it's for views so i wouldn't count on that but mom was also a teen mom to ethan so she'll understand. "

we talked for a while longer before both of us hung up, me preparing for colbys family and her preparing herself to tell my mother and then bryce.

"baby what's been up with you? is it okay that my family is coming?" colby asked me as he set on the edge of the guest bedroom bed.

"they're obviously fine. i love them. its something with elena." i said sighing.

"what's up?" he asked.

"she's pregnant." i said and his jaw dropped "with bryce's baby." i finished

his reaction nearly terrified me. he was practically fuming and by the looks of it, he was not going to accept this.

he went off explaining how horrible elena was for doing that to me and to herself before calming down.

we had talked about the situation for around an hour before we had to leave to pick his family up.

i was driving so i connected my phone to the bluetooth and began playing a random playlist that only consisted of fleetwood mac and the beatles.

"we need to go on a real date soon." i said.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"we haven't been on a real date in forever. since we live together, it's like we just go out and get ice cream or grab fast food. we never go on real
dates anymore." i said.

"well i could make that happen." he said, resting his hand on my thigh.

when we got to the airport, colby got out of the car while i grabbed my purse and took my phone off the charger before he opened my door for me.

i thanked him and we made our way into the airport, hand in hand.

some fans saw us and decided to say hi so we took some pictures before we got to lisa and steve's gate.

the first person i saw was lisa when she was exiting the plane. colby and i got up and went to say hi to them.

"hi lisa!" i said, hugging her.

"addi, dear, you look beautiful! how have you been?" she said while hugging me back

"i've been good! how have you been?" i asked. colby was greeting his father and gage.

"well i have a week off from work so i'm doing great. i've been so excited to come visit you guys and see your new place!" she said. i laughed lightly and nodded before hugging steve.

"hi steve! how are you?" i asked him.

"i'm good now that i'm off of that plane." he said laughing, me joining in with him.

"hi! you must lyla. huh?" i asked the adorable little blonde girl who was hiding behind lisa's legs. she nodded, hesitantly which made me speak again. "i'm adelaide but you can call me addi." i smiled.

"hi adda." she said, slightly mispronouncing my name.

i guess she hadn't noticed colby until a little smile broke out on her face and she jumped up.

"coby!!" she said, missing the l.

i smiled at her as she ran over to him and hugged him. it was quite a cute sight.

i greeted gage and adam after that and we all headed out to my g wagon where lyla would have to sit on lisa's lap for the fairly short drive back to the apartment.

once we were back, we let colbys family settle into the guest rooms once we gave them a tour of our home.

aaron and gracie moved out about a month ago (i saw the tea about colby saying aaron used them for clout so he's outta my book)

aaron and gracie broke up shortly before they both decided to move out to make it fair. gracie stays at our house a lot still though and she's living with friends very near by. however i think that corey is the only person who has talked to aaron since he moved out.

it was nearly 9pm by time we got back from the airport so sleep was much needed for everyone.

june 12th

i woke up tangled in colbys arms, which had been pretty common recently.

he was already awake and on his phone so i just laid and watched him scroll through his instagram.

"you still follow her?" i asked as he scrolled passed livs instagram post.

"i guess. it's not a big deal." he said

"it's a big deal to me colby." i said back.

"just stop addi." he said as he continued to scroll through his feed.

"fuck that." i said while i got up and threw my covers off of me. i began walking to the bathroom when colby spoke again "just come back here adelaide."

i slammed the bathroom door shut and turned the bath water on as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. i looked in the mirror and quickly wiped them away. don't let her get to you. i repeated that in my head over and over.

i took off my pajamas that i had only been wearing because i was on my period and i hopped into the tub, throwing a pink bath bomb in just to top it off.

i closed my eyes and set my head against the back of our tub. i eventually heard the door open and colbys feet walk over to the tub.

i left my eyes shut as i heard him also getting undressed. i felt him sit on the other side of the tub and that's when i decided to open my eyes.

"i'm sorry." he huffed out. i nodded before closing my eyes again. he sighed

"adelaide don't be like that. i'm actually sorry." i nodded again, eyes still closed.

"i realize now how upset i would get if the situations were reversed. i just unfollowed her." with this information, i opened my eyes and responded.

"it's fine. i guess i just get insecure when it comes to her because she wants the only thing that's mine. she took it once so what's to say she won't do it again." i said.

colby grabbed my arm and pulled me forward before spinning me around and pulling my body into his so that my back was against his chest.

"i never. ever. want you to feel like she has anything over you. she's not you and she never will be. this world only has enough room for one adelaide rose nolan. because that's all it can handle." he said making me giggle as he laughed. "and that one adelaide rose nolan is mine."

"i'm yours." i said as he dipped his mouth down to make contact with my neck.

we sat in the bath for another 15 minutes before we actually started washing.

today colby, his family and i are all going shopping at the grove and then going on a slightly touristy hike to the hollywood sign and then going for dinner.

lisa and i were both ready by 10am so she got lyla ready (who might i add, is warming up to me very well) and us girls left before the boys were even awake.

we had stopped for a small brunch at joan's and then headed to the grove.

we first went into louis, per my request.

"look adda. i like this pwetty bag. it matches youws." she said smiling while looking at the adorable little louis backpack

"do you like it lyla?" i asked her.

she nodded up and down quickly.

"i can get it for you." i said smiling.

"oh adelaide you do not have to get her that!" lisa said.

"oh no it's fine, i think it's adorable."

i asked a worker to get me one of the bags so i could ring it up for lyla.

she wanted to wear it right away so i gave it to her and she threw it on her back.

granted it was an expensive bag for a four year old but she just looked so cute with it on.

it made me think of having my own daughter. i would spoil her in cute clothes and designer bags and any toys her little heart would desire.

it also made me think about having a niece or nephew who my sister was currently pregnant with. i was excited to be an aunt at those point.

lisa, lyla and i shopped for a couple of hours before meeting up with the boys. it was nice to spend time with lisa.

we ended up deciding to see a movie before our hike so we went to see toy story 4 as we had lyla with us.

afterwards we headed to the hollywood sign to go hiking.

colby pulled into a spot and steve pulled up next to us. colby and i took my car. lyla went with us since her car seat was in my car.

steve, lisa, gage and adam all went in colbys car that i had gotten him for his birthday.

"adda i wanna walk with you." lyla said as i unbuckled her seat belt.

"okay lyla." i said laughing at how cute she was

we headed up the hill, lyla getting tired in the first 5 minutes. i smiled to myself when colby picked her up and started walking up the hill.

watching him interact with her made me so happy. he's going to be such a good dad.

we finished out our night with going to get ice cream. as per lylas request. colby and i took her and everyone else went back to our place or out to do whatever they pleased. i offered to take lyla for the night so lisa and steve could go out together.

after ice cream, we went home and i painted lylas nails and we had a little spa night.

after lisa and steve got back, they had me send lyla up to the room with them.

so colby and i were left in our room alone again.

"it's so refreshing to be alone sometimes." i said smiling at my boyfriend as i laid down next to him on the bed. he was on his back and i was on my side.

"it is. i've missed you." i said, rolling on his side to face me before pulling me into him.

we talked for a bit before we both got up and got ready for bed in our bathroom.

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