Miss Brightside

By WhichWeasley_

25.5K 988 240

"A mass murderer would be compelled to kill again if they escaped from prison, and Sirius Black hasn't. It ma... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 1

1.4K 48 1
By WhichWeasley_

When Addison woke up then next morning in someplace other than her bed her mind did a flashback of the previous night's adventure. Including the awkward moment when Harry came to her room to give her school books that the Minister of Magic had kindly bought for her.

A knock rang throughout the little wooden room as Addison was changing into her pajamas. She called out a 'who is it' and received an 'it's Harry' from the person in the hallway. She quickly went and opened the door while completing disregarding that she was only wearing one of her friend Mickey's old t-shirts that was far to big for her.

"Hi, Harry. Do you need something?"
Harry was holding a stack of books in his hands that was pretty much covering his face.

"Hi, Addi. These top books are for you. The Minister bought them for the both of us," Harry replied, but his voice was muffled due to the stack of books. She quickly took the ones that were hers and laughed brightly when Harry let out a sigh of relief. Addi had turned around to set her books on the dresser, and then quickly turned back around the bid Harry a goodnight only to find him staring at her with bright red cheeks.

"Are you alright, Harry? You're looking sort of blushy," All Harry could do was stutter back a response of 'um' while staring openly at her legs. Addison followed his gaze and quickly realized that she wasn't wearing pants.

"Why are you such a boy?" Addison asked while giving Harry and unamused look.

"I don't know, Addi. Maybe it's because I was born a boy," Harry sassed. He made eye contact with her before his gaze fell back to her naked legs. Addison quickly slammed the door on him.

She let out a sigh of embarrassment before shoving the covers off of her and entering the bathroom to take a shower. Once she was done with her morning routine, she began to read her schoolbooks. After all it was only six in the morning and she was pretty sure nobody else got up at such an ungodly hour. At least, not on purpose.


  Harry Potter was in the middle of tying his shoe when a knock on the door startled him. He quickly stalked towards the door and yanked it open. On the other side was one of his beautiful best friends.

   "Morning, Harry! I thought I would come by and see if you wanted to eat breakfast together," Addison smiled brightly at him.

  "Course I do. Just...um... let me grab my sweatshirt," Harry stuttered back. Moving quickly to grab the clothing item before sliding into the hallway beside Addison.  "So when do the Weasleys get here?"

   "I'm not sure exactly. Fred just told me that they were arriving today sometime," She turned slightly to face him.

   "So you talk to Fred and George a lot do you?" Harry asked teasingly. He was slightly saddened by the answer, but he knew he wasn't the only boy who liked Addi.

"'Course I do! They're some of my best friends," Addi laughed brightly at the slightly put out expression on Harry's face.

"Addi you're basically friends with everyone at Hogwarts. Even Malfoy tolerates you!" Harry waved his hands about dramatically before grabbing her hand and pulling her in front of him so that she wouldn't walk into the housekeeper.

"Malfoy may tolerate me, but we all know I don't tolerate Malfoy," Addi exclaimed before checking her pockets quickly for something, sighing guiltily when she couldn't find it. "Sorry, Harry, you'll have to go downstairs without me. I left something in my room."

"S'all right. I'll meet you down there," Harry smiled at her before heading down the rest of the hallway.

Addison quickly sprinted back to her room. She quickly scoured the room before opening her truck and throwing things out of it left and right. She's was almost in tears trying to find it. Her sister's necklace. She never takes it off unless she's taking a shower. She decided not to worry to much and just ask Mrs. Weasley to use the accio charm when she got here.

Quickly, she folded up her clothing items and put them neatly back into the trunk. She'd been up there for at least ten minutes looking through everything and she felt bad about leaving Harry downstairs by himself.

Until she heard the yelling.

  "I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy," A shout cane from the lower level of the inn.
"Well that's obviously Ron" Addison thought. She quickly left her room to go and try to diffuse the tension. She was almost to the stairs when she heard another shout.

  "He's a cat Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature,"A feminine voice retorted. "And there's Hermione"
Addison let a small smile slip onto her face a she listened to the rest of the argument. Ron told Hermione that her cat looked more like a pig with hair. Hermione then told him that Scabbers looked like a shoe brush. Addison had reached the top of the stairs by this point and observed that Harry was at the bottom and Hermione and Ron were standing in front of each other and cradling their pets defensively. Hermione then began to coo to her cat and say that Ron was a mean, little boy, which made Addi burst out laughing.

   Both Hermione and Ron turned to face the laughter only to come face to face with their other best friends.

   Hermione screamed "Addi!" and ran to hug her while Ron said "Harry!" and went to hug him. Then they switched. 


  Addison then found herself sitting between Harry and Ron staring at a picture of the entire Weasley family on their trip to Egypt. The picture in question was on the front page of the Daily Prophet. She smiled at the picture and then at Ron as he described the trip to them.

  "Egypt! What's it like?" Harry asked with excitement.

   "Brilliant. It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death Masks. Tombs-" Ron was cut of by Hermione.

  "You know, the ancient Egyptians used to worship cats."

  "Yeah, along with a dung beetle," Ron retorted making Harry snicker. "I also got a new wand."

   Suddenly, Addison was plucked from her seat and thrown over someone's shoulder. She let out a squeak and looked to the side only to see a tall redhead. She knew one of them had abducted her from her seat so she didn't try to escape. They would put her down eventually

  "Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" George said from next to her. She then knew that Fred was the one holding her.

  "I haven't shown anyone," Ron defended, but it was no use. The twins were merciless when it came to teasing Ron.

  "Freddie, put me down," Addi tapped on Fred's back lightly.

   "Oh! Addi! I didn't even see you there," Fred said while setting her down gently on the ground. Addi laughed brightly at him and then gave him a hug. When she pulled away she did the same with George.

  "Harry!Addi! So good to see you both," A motherly voice from behind Addi said. She immediately remembered her sister's necklace and pulled away from George in a hurry.

  "Mrs. Weasley, could I talk to you for a second?" Addison asked. Molly looked at her with a sweet smile and waved a hand that meant to follow her. She did so with no hesitation.

   "Is Addi alright?" The twins asked together.

   Not sure. We were walking downstairs together this morning and then she couldn't find something and went back to her room," Harry told them. They all shared concerned looks.


   "What's up, dear?" Molly Weasley asked Addi kindly. She treated her like she was one of her own.

  "I can't find my sister's necklace and I was wondering if you could use the accio charm to help me find it. I would do it myself, but since I'm under age I'm not aloud to use magic outside of school," Addi explained. She bit her lip nervously.

  " Of course, dear!" Mrs. Weasley said while pulling out her wand. "Accio Addi's necklace," she commanded. They waited for about two minutes before Addi sighed.

  "Could you maybe try it using my sister's name?" Addi asked.

  "Sure, what's her name?" Molly asked with a warm smile.


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