You never know/ Daniel Seavey...

By snowfallseavey

26.6K 199 52

A Daniel Seavey imagine Y/N clean until part 42 kinda cheesy or cringe at times More

Part 1~ Red lipstick
Part 2~ Sneaking out
Part 3~ Perfect first date
Part 4~ Goodnight
Part 5~Good morning
Part 6~ I don't want to go back
Part 7~ The morning after
Part 8~ Whats wrong?
Part 9~ Falling in love
Part 10~ Finally
Part 11~ Oh no
Part 12~ Disney Land
Part 13~ Pregnant?
Part 14~ Your not mad?
Part 15~ Oops
Part 16~ What the fuck?
Part 17~ Your kidding me
Part 18~ We did it
Part 19~ One Month
Part 20~ Date night
Part 21~ Its Cute
Part 22~ Marry me?
Part 23~ Of course
Part 24~ Hateful Mom
Part 25~ Upsetting
Part 26~ Wedding Day
Part 27~ Reception
Part 28~ Interrupted
Part 29~ Airport
Part 30~ Honeymoon
Part 31~ Morning Fun
Part 32~ Home at Last
Part 33~ Milestone
Part 35~ Injuried
Author Note
Part 36~ I'm Ready
Part 37~ Filming
Part 38~ Mornings
Part 39~ Cold
Part 40~ Mall fun
Part 41~ Night off
Part 42~Announcement
Authors note
Author's note

Part 34~ Down Time

351 1 0
By snowfallseavey


"you should tell me who Liam's favorite uncle is" Zach says.
"Nah bro" Daniel says.
"Come on please" Zach says.
"It's you Zach it's always been you" I say.
"Ya ya it's me" Zach says.
"Did we wake you?" Daniel asks.
"It's fine you didn't wake me Liam did by pulling my hair" I say and both Zach and Daniel laugh.
"Well we are here at the restaurant anyways" Daniel says. Daniel comes and opens my door and I get out. I grab Liam's car seat.
"Here" I say handing Daniel the car seat. We all walk in and get a table. Zach sits down across from me and Daniel is on my right. I put Liam in a high chair at the very end on my left. I check the time to see that it is 5 pm. I open Instagram and go to my tagged posts.
"Holy crap" I say.
"What's wrong?" Daniel asks me.
"A video of Jack yelling Your pregnant to me is all over my tagged posts" I say showing it to Daniel.
"But of course it doesn't include the part of you saying you're not" Daniel says.
"Hey guys" Corbyn says.
"Hi" I say.
"What's wrong?" Jack asks sitting down next to Zach.
"Someone took a video of you yelling your pregnant and now it's all over my tagged posts" I say showing it to him.
"Oh I'm sorry" Jack says.
"It's fine it just means I have to post something about it" I say.
"I'm really sorry I should never have assume" Jack says.
"It's fine I'll post something now" I say. I open my phone and take a boomerang of Liam smiling. I type "I'm not pregnant this little one is enough for me right now 😊" and then post it. Right after I do the waitress comes over.
"What can I get you started with?" The waitress asks.
"Lemonade for me and a water for him" I say pointing to Liam.
"Water" Zach says.
"Can I just get whatever your most popular beer is?" Jonah asks.
"Me too" Corbyn says.
"I'll take that also" Daniel says.
"Me also" Jack says.
"I need to see you guys ids first" The waitress says. They all show her their IDs.
"Ok I'll have you guys drinks right out" the waitress says leaving.
"I hope that beer is good you guys all ordered it" I say.
"I'm sure it will be fine" Daniel says.
"I've only tried like 2 beers I haven't liked" Jonah says.
"I've never been a fan of beer I just can really drink it" I say.
"What do you drink if you drink alcohol?" Jack says.
"I'm high school she did a lot of tequila shots" Zach says and I kick him under the table.
"Don't tell them that" I say.
"She only drinks red wine at home" Daniel says.
"Makes me sound like a mom, oh wait I am" I say.
"Here are your drinks" the waitress says standing our drinks in front us.
"Thank you" I say.
"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asks.
"We need a few minutes" Corbyn says.
"Is the beer good?" I ask.
"I like it" Jonah says.
"It's good" Jack says.
"I like it, here try it" Daniel says handing me his glass.
"Wow that's really good" I say as I continue to drink it.
"Ok Mrs. you're underage" Daniel says taking it back.
"Fine" I say. We all order and get our food. We talk about a bunch of stuff over dinner.
"What time is it?" I say leaning on Daniel's shoulder.
"It's 6:30" Daniel says.
"We need to get home and put our child to sleep" I say.
"Wow the life of parents" Corbyn says.
"It's a great one" Jack says. We all get up and head out to our cars. I strap Liam in and then sit next to him. Daniel drives us back to the apartment building. By the time we get there it is 7 o clock and Liam starts crying.
"It's ok we are almost home" I say trying to calm him down. We head into the elevator and up to our floor but first we stop at Zach.
"Goodnight guys" Zach says.
"Goodnight" I say. We get to our floor and head to our apartment. We arrive at our apartment and head inside. I immediately head to the bedroom so I can put Liam to sleep. I give him a quick bath and then rock him to sleep. I go out into the living room and see Daniel sitting with his legs on the couch.
"Hey" Daniel says as I walk up to him.
"Hi" I say as I sit on Daniel's lap with my head on his shoulder.
"Are you tired?" Daniel asks as he wraps his arm around me.
"No I'm just thinking" I say.
"About what?" Daniel asks.
"Life and the future" I say.
"What about the future?" Daniel asks.
"Mostly about where we gonna live and future children" I say.
"Well we are gonna find a house and the future children will happen when we are ready" Daniel says as he moves my hair and starts kissing my neck and shoulder.
"I definitely gave Jack the idea that we were thinking about it that's why he yelled are you pregnant" I say.
"Well are you?" Daniel asks.
"No I'm not but what if I was?" I say turning around so I'm stilling I'm Daniel's lap but I'm facing him.
"You want to have another kid now?" Daniel says.
"Maybe, how do you feel about it?" I ask Daniel.
"I think we should wait until Liam is around 1 and a half or so" Daniel says.
"That's in 7 months" I say.
"I know but it's not a good time right now I'm going on tour soon and I don't want to leave you alone while your pregnant" Daniel says smiling at me.
"I just I think I have baby fever even tho I have a baby" I say.
"Or..." Daniel says as he kisses me and pushes me against the couch not breaking the kiss.

2 hours later

I lay on the couch in Daniel's shirt and some leggings. Daniel is in the kitchen getting food. I'm watching whatever is on the tv as I hear Liam start crying through the baby monitor. I get up off the couch and set the baby monitor on the bar in the kitchen, as I walk into the bedroom. I walk in and turn on the lamp next Liam's crib. I pick up Liam and immediately feel that he is very warm.
"Shhhhhh" I say as I bounce Liam up and down. I walk out into kitchen and over to the medicine cabinet.
"What's wrong, why is he crying?" Daniel says.
"Does he feel warm to you?" I say handing Liam to Daniel.
"Wow he really does" Daniel says.
"Do we own a thermometer?" I say.
"Yeah top shelf" Daniel says pointing. I grab it off the top shelf. There is a knock at the door and Daniel hands Liam to me, and goes to answer it.
"Ok Liam let's see if you have a fever" I say to Liam as I take his temperature with a ear thermometer. As I'm doing this Daniel lets the boys in.
"Hey Y/N" Zach says.
"Damn" I say.
"What's wrong?" Corbyn asks.
"Liam has a fever of 102" I say rubbing my forehead.
"Woah that's bad" Jonah says.
"I know, Wait why are you guys here?" I say.
"They are here to finalize the tour schedule" Daniel says as they all walk overs and sit on the couch.
"Oh that's good" I say taking my phone out.
"Is he ok?" Daniel says.
"I don't know I'm calling the doctor" I say as I start to call her.
"Hello" Dr. Lee says.
"Hi I'm sorry to bother you but Liam has a fever and I don't know what I'm supposed to do" I say.
"You actually did the right thing by calling me" she says.
"What is he's temperature?" She asks.
"102 and he was crying but he's stopped for now" I say.
"Give him some ibuprofen for babies and just keep checking it and if it gets to 103 give him a cold bath and if it gets to 104 take him to the ER" She says.
"Ok thank you" I say as I hang up.
"What did she say?" Daniel asks.
"I need to give him ibuprofen and just watch him, if it gets to 103 give him a cold bath to help and if it over 104 take him to the ER" I say as I get the baby ibuprofen out. I measure out the directed amount. I give it to him and take him back to the bedroom. I put him back to sleep and then go back out to join the boys. I see Jack, Corbyn, and Zach playing Fortnite and Daniel and Jonah talking.
"Is he asleep?" Daniel asks as I as sit next to him.
"Yep" I say laying my head on Daniel's shoulder.
"Are you tired?" Daniel asks me.
"Kinda" I say and Daniel wraps his arm around me.
"I feel like I'm third wheeling" Jonah says.
"There is 3 other people are aren't third wheeling" Daniel says. I lay down with my head in Daniel's lap. I pull out my phone and look at Instagram. I start to take a video of Daniel and he looks down at me smiling.
"What are you doing?" Daniel asks smiling at me.
"I don't know" I say laughing. Daniel just shakes his head and laughs at me.
"Did you guys look at more house yet?" Jonah asks.
"No we were having a conversation about it but we never finished it" I say.
"Ooohhh I get it" Jonah says.
"Damn it" Zach says as I look up and he dies in the game.
"Zach you got us killed" Jack says.
"Wait where is Liam when you guys you know" Zach says.
"He was asleep we did it right here" Daniel says pointing to the couch.
"DANIEL" I say hitting Daniel's shoulder. All the boys get up off the couch.
"Ew why here?" Corbyn asks.
"Where else?" Daniel says.
"Why are you telling them this?" I say burying my head into his neck.
"I don't know" Daniel says laughing making everyone else to laugh.
"At least I can spread out all on the couch now" I say as I lay down with my head in Daniel's lap and spreading out all down the couch.
"Wait What I want my spot back" Zach says as he lifts my legs and pushes me so I'm basically sitting in Daniel's lap.
"Ow Zach that hurt" I say as I fake pout.
"Sorry" Zach says as he goes back to playing Fortnite with Jack and Corbyn.
"They are addicted to Fortnite" I say as I sit up so I'm fully in Daniel's lap.
"We are not" Corbyn says.
"You literally came over to our apartment and completely forgot about the original reason you were here and started playing Fortnite" Daniel says.
"Wait why are we here?" Zach says.
"Your here to finalize the tour schedule you idiot" I say as I kick Zach's controller out of his hand causing him to die in the game.
"Take it back" Zach says.
"Nah" I say.
"Your gonna regret that" Zach says as he gets up and we start to play fight.
"They are literally children" Jonah says.
"Ow Ow Ow stop" I say and Zach let's go of me.

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