The Twisted Tale of A Towel H...

By InayaSher

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Salma was your average hijabi. She was modest, polite... sometimes and very strict with her grades. That is u... More

Chapter 1 Project Pals
Chapter 2 The New Guy
Chapter 3 Supply Shopping
Chapter 4 Mall Mischief
Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers
Chapter 6 Mission break out
Chapter 7- Tragedy ail
Chapter 8 Pep talks and Pools
Chapter 10 Newguy and Playboy
Chapter 11: Apple juice and Bollywood
Chapter 12 Locker rooms with RED!!!
Chapter 14 Pakistani Idol?!
Chapter 15 Bilal's Surprise
Chapter Entry Contest

Chapter 9 CPR with a side of sniffles

246 18 0
By InayaSher

I couldn't see anything. my scarf was covering my view and my skirt was flowing around everywhere!

I was sinking down deeper and deeper for what felt like forever, I didn't even know which way was up. did I land head first, feet first, back first? I don't know.

I probably fell in Ashton's deep section of the pool.


It was 2 puzzle pieces of death that fit perfectly together.

I tried waving my arms and swim up or down I just tried to stop sinking further but I couldn't, it was no use. suddenly I heard loud voices and a laugh, but I was to busy praying, asking god to save me and forgive my sins

I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't breathe and slowly my vision began to get blurry.

I needed air and automatically I made the stupidest mistake in my life! I sucked in water!

While trying to keep my eyes open I heard a faint splash in the distance before finally zoning out.







I could finally hear, but not clearly, I felt the cool air surround me and it felt great!

Was I out if the water? I took a deep breathe but it was hard and I started to cough.

I looked up and saw a face, a very familiar face but the face was too close and his eyes were closed.

It was Ashton.

He was leaning in and automatically everything started to come back.

The project, his friends, Crystal, and me falling in the pool.

As Ashton grew closer I started to panic and I immediately jerked up causing us to hit our heads together.

" Ow!" I heard him say.

I blinked away any fuzziness and saw Ashton all wet, he still had his shirt which was good because him being shirtless would not make this any more less awkward.

The sudden gasp I inhaled when I saw Ashton so close caused me to cough and wheeze all over again.

" Salma! are you okay?" I heard him say in a worried tone.

I looked down and saw that my white skirt had become see through and was sticking to my legs. My face became red like mad and quickly got up.

Bad idea.

My head started to hurt and I felt really dizzy, I started to fall or lose my balance but Ashton kept me up.

I felt his hands on my shoulder and my cheeks were burning like hell now, sending tingly shivers inside me. he must've noticed too because he quickly pulled them away before murmuring a sorry.

When I finally regained focus I saw that all his friends had confused and shocked faces except for Crystal who was surprised and slightly mad.

Then I remembered The hard jab I got in my stomach, CRYSTAL PUSHED ME!

But The words of accusing Crystal didn't come out.

" What happened?" Was what came out and I grabbed my throat. my voice was croaky and it sounded like a frog was stuck there.

" Umm... you fell in the pool... sort of..." Ashton said while giving Crystal a quick glance.

That girl needed therapy for whatever she had, I mean she's worst than Elizabeth, she nearly killed me!

" You were unconscious and I was um..." he trailed if and then suddenly remembered Ashton's close face.



I practically screamed inside my head. he must've noticed my reaction before defending himself.

" Hey, hey, I know about the whole boundaries thing but I mean you could of been moments away from being in a hearse so I thought that it could've been an exception." he said as his porcelain cheeks slowly became pink.

" NO! I mean, well it's okay, you were trying to save me so yeah." I replied quickly looking away.

I mean even if he was going to actually do it, he would save my life so I guess it's not a sin but I'm definitely am not going to just stroll in home and tell my family how Ashton had almost did mouth to mouth with me.

even if it was to save my life.

It'd be too awkward and kinda weird.

After some weird looks from his friends and angry glares at me from Crystal they said some ' be carfuls' before finally leaving.

Yeah thanks guys, because just goggling at me really did a big part in saving my life. ( note sarcasm)

I watched Crystal sway her tiny hips and flip her hair before they left. God, please help this girl and her revenge techniques because if she keeps at it then I wouldn't be surprised if she's in jail tomorrow.

Just saying.

When they were finally out of sight, me and Ashton were alone... in his back yard... where I almost died...

" Are you sure you're okay?" he said and I nodded in response before

slowly shuffling away from him so he wouldn't notice but he didn't say anything.

So now he has a rescuer side too.

And P.S. about that thing of him secretly being Clark Kent, yeah I think that's becoming true.

I didn't even notice that the air was slowly getting cooler as it became darker and I started to sneeze like a maniac.

Ashton led me inside where his parents were no where in sight.

Uh oh. are we alone? Together!?

Without saying a word he led me to the family room and gave me a blanket and some hot chocolate.

This was so awkward but at the same time really nice.

I was afraid he was going to sit next to me on the sofa but he ended up sitting in the arm chair across from me.

There was a weird silence between us except for the times I either coughed or sneezed.

" I'll keep the project tonight, why don't you go home and get changed." he said, looking straight at me but I instead was looking down at his damp socks.

They were actually very nice socks. I wonder where he got them from?

I averted my gaze from his feet and nodded and he handed me the phone. I told my mom that I would be coming home and she sent Bilal to go fetch me.

I got my bag and stuffed my binders and laptop in it before waiting near the door.

My clothes were still wet but not as damp as before and my skirt stopped sticking to me which was a relief. I wondered how long they were stuck to met and my shirt? well then they would of figured out that I was an innie for sure. the memory made me feel mortified and really weird and guilty.

Me and Ashton probably stood there for about 5 minutes and i just kept staring at his socks.

seriosly where did he get those?! Fruit of the Loom?

suddenly I heard a car pulling up.Assuming that it was Bilal, I got my thing, gave a weird good bye to Ashton before walking out the front door and into the back of Bilal's car.

It was a good thing that it was dark and that Bilal couldn't see my wet clothes or else he'd be super suspicious and would force the words out of me, and believe me when I say that Bilal was the last person finding out about this.

As soon as we arrived home I ran inside as fast as I could before anyone could see me. I quickly changed into my pyjamas, removing my wet scarf from my aching head and sat in my room for a while.

I had a weird feeling inside me, like the the feeling you get when you're about to present a project in front of the class with a mix of that tingly feeling I got when Ashton accidentally put his hands on my shoulders.

What does it mean!

Duh it's obvious, stop making this cliche as it is.

The thought was starting to bother me so I decided to get something warm since my throat started to feel itchy.

I saw my mom as usual humming to an old song and cooking.

" Oh you're home! why are you wet?" was the first thing she said as she had a perplexed look on her face.

My hand reached for my hair which was damp and slightly curly because of the water which I might remind you of, was from Ashton's pool.

" Oh, I uh took shower when I came in." I said trying not to look guilty.

A small pang hit my heart, I lied to my mom and the feeling of guilt wasn't exactly welcoming.

" Oh okay, it's almost dinner, did you eat anything there?" and I responded with a nod.

" I'm not that hungry right now, I'll just have some milk." I said as I opened the fridge to take out the carton.

Pouring and and warming it, I brought the glass up to my room before putting it on my bedside table.

I decided to just end the night with some 'Big Bang Theory' as I carefully drank my hot milk.







I wiped my red nose with a tissue while cuddling deeper into my blanket.

Turns out that dumb itch in my throat was all the dumb bacteria gathering up in my dumb throat right before I dumbly got sick because of Ashton's dumb pool and dumb babe clone pushing me dumbly in cuz I'm dumb and so is being sick.

That's very dumb.

I made the family room into my own personal sick room, I had a shopping bag tucked into the seams of the couch to act as a disposable trash can. as for my electronics, they'd dominated the coffee table as well as some empty dishes, medications and tissues.

"HOOOOOOOOOL!" I coughed, I literally sounded like a donkey and my sneeze wasn't that melodious either.

After spraying my throat with soar throat spray, I fixed my sweater so it snugged my body better while adjusting my hat. As I was doing so, my mom came in with some very hot an delicious looking soup with a bottle of Tylenol in her other hand.

She'd assumed that I got sick because of my so called shower last night and that I forgot to close the window or something. I felt bad for lying but I prayed and felt like god had forgiven me, I know it's not that simple but I pray everyday for forgiveness of my sins. All I had to do was let the fib pass over without it coming back to slap me in the face.

" How are you feeling?" she asked while handing me my water bottle and two tablets of the medicine.

" Better I guess." I said while slurping down the soup. after a while mom told me to call her if I needed anything and started up te stairs to her room leaving me in peace.


Never mind. my mom stopped in her tracks and quickly wrapped a scarf around her head before putting on a cardigan and opening the door.

There stood a very exasperate looking Ashton, holding a whack load of papers.

He gave my mom a smile and she one to him before letting Ashton in.

He most likely couldn't see me since he was a good distance away and I was buried in a manifest of blanket and cushions.

He was making his way over and I wasn't wearing my scarf! I quickly decided to just tick my hair in my wooly winter hat and laid a cushion over my chest.

Since I hadn't been to school for 2 days straight, He's been bringing in my homework In which I was surprised that he volunteered to do, but what can I say, the guy has 20 sides to him and saved me from drowning so what more is there to expect?

Ashton sat on te lounge chair that was across from me and put the papers on the very cluttered table. My had gone upstairs to her room as I croaked a thanks to Ashton.

Things between us had been really awkward since the whole pool incident but after 3 days of him delivering my work, it had slowly started to fade away

We didn't make eye contact but I saw him run a hand through his dark hair as he tapped his foot.

I hated awkward silences.

" Thanks a lot for getting me my homework for the past three days, I know it must've been a real pain but thanks." I said while tearing up a tissue in my hand.

" No problem, I don't mind but how have you've been? I mean since you know... are you doing okay?" He said while staring at me.

" Yeah a bit better." I said before slowly starting I tear another Rosie in half.

I was to busy focused on ripping up my napkin that I didn't see Ashton look at me as of he was observing something tiny.his eyes were slightly squinted while his eyebrows were furrowed.

I suddenly felt super uncomfortable And started rising blankets up to my chin. I thought I told Ashton about staring, it did I?

" Stop looking at me like that." I managed to say checking the wooly hat to see if any hair was escaping.

" Sorry it's just that you look almost like a zombie." he answered, putting up his hands in defence.

" Gee, thanks. That sure helps my self esteem and speed my recovery." I sarcastically stated while rolling my eyes.

" No I mean you look really bad, I mean messed up no wait!" he quickly said but I cut him of with a laugh.

" Save it, I know I look horrible like always but I get what you mean." I heard him murmur something under his breathe but couldn't catch it.

I asked what he said but he changed the topic by asking me if I wanted some tea.

I didn't expect him to offer me tea let alone how the hell he knew how to make it when he first came but on the first day Ashton came when I was sick, My grandma showed him how to brew green tea but he accidentally added; I assume it was him, to much honey which gave the tea a syrupy consistency.


I just winged it and nodded my head, hoping he could make it right this time.

When he gave me the tea it didn't taste bad but like I say before, I didn't fancy it.

It was all good untill I started sneezing and coughing like crazy!

The sudden outburst made Ashton jump which was funny but I was to busy choking to laugh. I suddenly had a slight shortness of breathe and grabbed my puffer before taking I nice long breathe afterwards.

" Are you okay?" Ashton asked a but frazzled.

" Yeah just needed my puffer." I said.

Like I said before, my first Asthma attack was when I was 6 but occasionally I have time when I have some shortness of breathe.

Putting my Puffer back on the table I noticed Ashton's gaze at it and then me before going to his hands,except It looked different somehow which I hadn't noticed before.

" I never knew you had Asthma." he replied while trying not to make direct eye contact with me.

" Yeah, the last major attack I had was when I was 6 but it's all good now." I said before quickly saying Allhumdullilah under my breath.

" Oh " was all he said. it was actually really nerve racking and the awkwardness made me feel insecure like I needed to be wearing a giant sleeping bag instead of a hijab.

I didn't understand my logic behind it but it still sent tingly chills up my spine and onto my cheeks.

" Well I better go." he said after a while of silence just like what happened at his house.

I just nodded my head as he got his stuff and walked towards the door but stopped midway.

" I'll see you on Monday sweetheart." was all he said while plastering a smirk across his face and stepping out the door.

I am serious but this guy is extremely confusing with 45 sides instead 20.


Sorry guys if this chapter felt short I was just so busy and couldn't really think properly when writing but I still hope that you will vote and comment so I hope to write to y'all soon!!

PEACE! 🌸 - Inaya sher

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