Mystic Radio

By Destiny_Writestuff

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We've all played the route, but what happens after the eleven days? What took place in the six months before... More

Move-in Ep.1
Starlit Song Ep.2
"For the first time." Ep.3
Sick Day Ep.4
Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5
What's This Feeling? Ep.6
Grand Opening Ep.8
Grand Opening Pt.2 Ep.9
Jealousy is a Disease Ep.10
A Sudden Wave Ep.11
"Am I Allowed These Feelings?" Ep.12
A Chance Ep.13
The Party Ep.14
Not Again Ep.15
Not Again Pt.2 Ep.16
Before it's too late Ep.17
The Morning After Ep.18
Ice cream and Kisses Ep.19
Pool Party pt.1 Ep.20
Pool Party pt.2 Ep.21

It's a date then? Ep.7

52 4 1
By Destiny_Writestuff

Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out o the other site!

A/N: I just want to say sorry in advance because I'm bad with American names as is. There's no way I'd be able to come up with Korean names for extra characters, so they will all probably have more western styled names. I hope this doesn't ruin the theme too much.

Mystic Radio Ep. 7: It's a date then?





"You said it was an emergency, so why did you want to meet up? What is so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?". Crossing my arms, I growl "You made me think my phone was bugged!".

While he tries to piece together his answer, I use the time to observe how the coffee shop's decor is, wondering how our shop will be like when it's done.

Cautiously, seeing as I'm ticked off, he says in a soothing voice "Ok, yes, I lied and I'm sorry. But it's for your sake.".

"Then you could have told me over the call.".

"True, but this is something to do in person. Plus I just really wanted to get coffee.", he holds up his cup before taking a big sip of his frappuccino with extra, extra caramel, and a mountain of whipped cream on top. He finishes with a satisfied 'Ah', then crosses his arms and leans across the table. "I got you a date.".


"Tomorrow! I know you'll like them." he states with a cheeky grin.

"You already know I have someone I like...".

"That's true, but have a little faith in your hacking god!", he points at himself to prove his point.

"Yeah, the god of the tomatoes maybe." I tease.

"Hey!" he makes a pouting face. "I know you already like her, but this might hep you move on! Living with the person you like has got to be torture.".

He has a valid point. In the past month I've nearly had a heart attack twice, and I always end up a blushing mess at the smallest things. It's not like I have anything to lose.

I agree, saying "Ok mister red-head, why not.".

A smirk appears on his face, "And so, operation 'finish the route' begins!".

"Route? What are you talking about." I tilt my head in confusion.

"Don't mind me, I'm just trying to pave the route of love~ It's a winding road, but it'll be worth it.".

He's such a weirdo sometimes.

"Anyways, there's not really a snowballs chance in hell the Jaehee likes me, so why not try?".

"But didn't you say you guys almost kissed?" he asks, leaning his chin on his palm.

My face heats up slightly, "Yeah... Maybe? No? I don't know..." I admit, sliding down the booth till I can barely see over the table.

"There you go then! You know I have your back, right?".

I straighten back up. "You don't have to do this." I chuckle.

"No I don't, but I want you to be happy." he says with a dorky smile. "At least someone in the RFA should be dating. We cant all be single losers.".

"Thanks Seven.".

"If you wanna show me your thanks, you know what to say." he says with a cheeky grin.

I roll my eyes playfully and mockingly say "Thank you lord 707, defender of justice, hacker of the gods." .

He corrects me, saying "Apparently, It's actually, 'Thank you lord 707, handsome tomato hacker of the gods, and defender of justice, but I'll let it slide.".

I cant help but giggle, my laughter only increasing as he takes a sip of his coffee and pulls away with a whipped-cream mustache.

After my fair share of laughter, I ask "When is the date again?".

"Tomorrow, this Friday, at 8pm. You guys will meet at the park then head over to the restaurant I booked.".

"That seems like a lot of hassle for a blind date." I point out.

Seven just shrugs his shoulders and brushes it aside, starting a new topic. I don't question it and enjoy a bit more conversation while he finishes his, mostly sugar, liquid he calls 'coffee'.




Jaehee POV, 1 Hour Earlier.


I'm nose deep in a book when my phone buzzes on the coffee table. I check the notifications and my screen has a flashing 'You have a DM from 707'. I find it a bit odd considering we aren't exactly the best of friends, but also not strangers. Curious, I set aside my book and check the message.


707: "Miss Kang! The woman with a plan. I have a plan and It involves YOU! So exciting :3"

Jaehee Kang: "Can't you greet someone normally?"

707: "Nope! Anyways, I came to ask if you're available on Friday night? About 8:30."

Jaehee Kang: "Why? Did you need something?"

707: "Sorta..."

707: "I need you to go on a date."

Jaehee Kang: "What?! Why? I have no interest in dating."

707: "But it's already planned! You'll like them, I promise."

707: "Please~? If it doesn't work out and you don't like them, I wont ask again, kay?"

Jaehee Kang: "If I say no, will you keep hounding me?"

707: "A magician never reveals his secrets ;)"

I ponder this for a while before responding, but knowing Luciel, when he has his mind set, not much can get in the way of stopping it.

Jaehee Kang: "Ugh. Fine, I'll go."

707: "Yay! It's settled then! One sec and I'll get you the address."


The address comes through a minute later. "A fancy four star Italian place, huh." I say to myself.

"What'd you say Jaehee?" MC says from behind me.

I nearly jump from my seat, "Oh, I thought you were playing games with your friends.".

"I was," She walks around and plops next to me, "But I thought it would be nice to see what you're doing.".

"Oh," I grab my book and hold it up slightly for her to see, "I'm reading a classical love story I got shipped in. It's supposed to be really good and I've been meaning to read it, but its been sitting on my shelf for a year or two.".

She leans in, furrowing her brow. "Isn't this the book that becomes a lesbian romance?".


"Like at first it starts out like a typical love story, but the man ends up cheating on her, so then the two join forces to get revenge on him, and end up falling in love with each other.".*

"Oh...". I sit in silence for a while.

She opens her mouth to speak, then turns away focusing her attention forwards. "Ah...", she finally speaks. "Does the idea of two women loving each other... Upset you or something?".

"What no! That's not what I was thinking about. I mean I haven't really thought about it much in general, but that wasn't what I was worried about." I quickly say to avoid misunderstanding.

"Oh? Then what was it?".

"MC," she turns back to me as I continue, "you just spoiled the plot of a book I've been wanting to read. For. Almost. Two. Years.".

She tucks her hair behind her ear, "Oh... Oh! I'm so sorry Jaehee.", she says, a bit more relaxed, trying not to smile but her eyes betraying her.

"You don't seem sorry." I joke.

"I am, I swear! I'm just glad to know.", her grin starting to shine through.

I smile back at her, enjoying the moment. Then I realize what she just said,"Wait, know wha-".

Her phone buzzes. She holds up her index finger and says "One second.", then takes the call.

"Seven? What is it? What do you mean it's an emergency?!". She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose with her free hand. "Yeah ok, if you're worried about that, we can meet up. Yeah ok, bye.".

She turns to me, her face softening when she sees my concern. "It's fine, I'm sure. But I should go now. He wants to meet up at a coffee shop.".

"Alright. Be safe.".

"Don't worry, I'll have the defender of justice with me, remember?" she says with a smile.

"The defender of justice who only eats overrated chips.".

"Hey, those things are good! I'll be back later, bye Jaehee.". She sends me a wave before heading down the steps.




Jaehee POV, Friday Evening


I'm supposed to go on the blind date tonight, and despite myself, I get somewhat excited. 'Maybe since I have more time now, romance wont be completely out of the picture...'. The thought entertains me as I dig through my closet looking for an outfit. Should I dress up or go a bit more casual? I'm deciding between two blouses when I hear MC knock on my door.

I put the shirts back in the closet before saying "Come in!".

She walks in wearing a gorgeous green dress that makes her eyes pop, the sleeves hang off her shoulders a bit revealing her smooth skin. The memory of the dressing room comes through my mind for a moment and I can't help but get a bit hot-faced.

I gulp, keeping my eyes focused on the wall behind her, not at her. "Did you need something, MC?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah..." she starts sheepishly, "I was wondering if I could maybe get your opinion on my outfit?".

I chuckle warmly, "You look beautiful, as always.". Her face goes red from embarrassment. "What's the occasion?".

Her faces gets even redder, "Oh! I kinda," her voice comes out in a low whisper, "um, have a date?" she says as if unsure of it herself.

A date?


I can't help but get bothered by this new information. For some reason, it's almost upsetting. I never really imagined her dating, but I agreed to go on a date too, so why is it so unsettling?

I put on my best smile, pushing down the growing feeling in my stomach, "He will be a very lucky man.".

"I don't know, Seven set it up so who knows what I'm getting myself into.".

"Is Luciel trying to set everyone up now? He set me up a date too.".

"Really? Seven sure is a wild-card huh.".

We stand awkwardly in silence for a bit before I break the tension.

"Well, I hope you have fun.".

"Thank you." she says in an unenthusiastic tone. "I, uh... I should get going now. I don't wanna be late.".

With that, she leaves and I hear her head down the stairs.

Any enthusiasm I had for tonight has suddenly vanished. I decide to take my book and read for a bit while I contemplate whether or not to go. Time moves faster than I thought, and before I knew it, it was 8:40.

"I should tell Luciel I'm not going so whoever he set me up with can leave.". I say to myself.

I should have texted earlier, I'm usually more considerate. When I open my phone, as if Luciel knew I was going to text him, a message comes through.


707: "Where are you? Your date is at the restaurant!"

Jaehee Kang: "I've decided not to go."

707: "WHAT?!"

707: "You're kidding, RIGHT!? You have to go!"

707: "My plan is falling apart TwT"

Jaehee Kang: "Please tell him I'm very sorry, and I should have texted earlier."

707: "Pleaseeeeeeee~ C'mon Jaehee I promise you wont regret it."

Jaehee Kang: "I don't feel like it anymore, I'm sorry."

707: "Fine. I understand. *sigh*, I'll figure out something."


With that settled, I return to reading my book, the story captivating my attention until I hear an unexpected jingle from the bell we set up.






When I get home, I'm surprised to see Jaehee on the couch reading her book again.

"I thought you had a date." I say, taking off my heels and putting my keys in the bowl.

She turns around the couch to face me, "I could say the same for you.".

"I got stood up." I say, defeated.

"What guy in his right mind would stand you up?!". She closes the book and places it on the table.

"I don't know.", I shrug. Fully leaning myself back onto the couch, "Seven said they got an emergency call to the office and couldn't make it. What about you?".

"I decided not to go." she states nonchalantly. "I wasn't really interested in going anyways.".

A slight breath of relief escapes my lungs, "I see. No wonder we're both single." I say jokingly, prodding a laugh from her.

"Yes, I suppose that might be part of it." she says, chuckling along with me. "I never had much luck in dating anyways, so I'm used to being lonely.". She quickly elaborates "But it's fine! Besides, I don't get lonely as much anymore since you're here.".

My mind goes blank. I can feel my mouth moving but nothing comes out.

"I made you uncomfortable..." she says with a worried expression.

"No not that! Just. Caught me off guard." I say with a tilt of the head and flustered smile.

"I do that a lot apparently.".

"It's fine, I swear.". Clearing my throat, I perk up and ask "Why do you say you have bad dating luck? If you don't mind me asking that is...".

"I don't mind. It was a long time ago, and... I don't know. I trust you I guess." she replies, her gaze warm and a smile tugging her cheeks. "Lets see... Where to start...".

She taps her finger on her leg as she thinks.

"When I was young, I dated this guy named Bradley. He would yell at me sometimes for the oddest things, but he always said sorry and got me something after. I was young so I didn't see how bad it was.". I curl my legs up as I listen to her story. "After my mom died, I guess I got clingy and he screamed at me even more. This went on for a few years but by now I was tired of it, but didn't know how to end it, then Mitch came along.".

"What happened with Mitch?" I poke, getting invested in the story.

"He saw Bradly yelling at me and stepped in like a knight in shining armor. He very handsome and actually, genuinely kind. He'd always listen to my troubles and comfort me when I needed it. We dated till I was almost out of college, but we had different paths we wanted to follow. He ended up moving to the states.".

"I'm sorry Jaehee...".

"It's alright. I guess he just wasn't the one for me.". She gives a tired smile, "It all worked out. I wouldn't have been able to maintain a relationship well working at C&R.".

"True." I agree.

"What about you, huh? Why are you still single.". She leans in and rests her head on the back of the couch, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Well... Long story short, In college I met David, and I thought I had found 'the one', " I make finger quotes, "but one day, I wanted to surprise him, but when I went to his dorms I found him with another woman... I ran out and he texted me days later that we should split up.".

"You must have been very heart-broken." she says with a comforting tone. "I always think it's funny though, how we say 'oh man.' when disappointing. Because it's true, that men are in fact disappointing." she jokes, stating it matter-o-factually.

We both burst into laughter, my eyes even starting to water.

With sore ribs, I thank her saying "Thanks Jaehee, I needed that. Especially after being stood up." I laugh a bit more at the whole situation.

"Of course, we're partners. Isn't that what you always tell me?". Something about the way she said partners makes my heart flutter.

Cheeks turning red, I reply "Yeah, of course.".

A light-bulb goes off in her head, "Since we're both here, we should order the shelving and countertop materials. We can probably get some decent D.I.Y ones and save some money.".

"That's a good idea!" I chime. "Plus, we could get the guys to help.".


" 'Maybe' because you dont think they will or because you dont think they can?".


I crack a smile and she laughs at herself. "Let me get my computer.".

She gets her laptop and we spend the rest of the night talking and getting the final pieces for the shop. By the time we're done, I can picture it clearly, and it looks way better than the one Seven took me to.

Maybe it's a good thing I was stood up...

This is way more fun than the date would have been.


Bonus! 707 POV


The red head taps away at his computer in the dark, the currently blue screen being the only light source. A slight ring from his phone barely registers before he realizes how 'important' it might be.

"Ah that must be MC. They must have figured it out by now." he chuckles to himself.

He taps open the messenger, surprised at reading the contents of the text, his surprise soon turning into a slight panic. He could infiltrate top security buildings without breaking a sweat, but his ship falling apart? Now that was scary.

MC: "They still aren't here."

707: "What?! They are supposed to be there by now!"


707: "Look, I'll check and see what's the matter.".

He doesn't even wait for a reply and goes straight to Jaehee's DM's.

707: "Where are you? Your date is at the restaurant!"

Jaehee Kang: "I've decided not to go."

707: "WHAT?!"

707: "You're kidding, RIGHT!? You have to go!"

707: "My plan is falling apart TwT"

Jaehee Kang: "Please tell him I'm very sorry, and I should have texted earlier."

707: "Pleaseeeeeeee~ C'mon Jaehee I promise you wont regret it."

Jaehee Kang: "I don't feel like it anymore, I'm sorry."

707: "Fine. I understand. *sigh*, I'll figure out something."

Seven was determined to get them together, somehow, but today wasn't the day. With a sigh, he goes back to MC's messages to break the news.

707: "They got a last minute emergency call from the office and cant make it.".

MC: "Oh well. I'm never trusting you to set me up on a date ever again."

707: "I'm sorryyyyyyy~ I'm a bad wing-man."

707: "I'll make up for it next time."

MC: "There's gonna be a next time?! I didn't agree to this."

707: "Yes you did. Should've read the fine print lolol!"

With that, he closes the messenger and rubs his eyes. MC was obviously head over heels for Jaehee, but the longer she waited, the more it would hurt if Jaehee didn't feel the same, but also if Jaehee did feel the same then MC wouldn't have to worry anymore. The master hacker picks his phone back up and looks at MC's profile picture for a moment.

With a groan, he says "Why does setting up your bisexual best friend with her probably straight roommate slash business partner have to be so hard~. Just KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE* DAMMIT!", then spins around in his chair, letting his groaning echo through the empty room.


Later that night.


Seven couldn't take it anymore, he had to know if there was at least some progress in the relationship. Shoving a handful of Honey Buddha chips, he once again opens the messenger.

707: "I know the date was a bust, but did anything happen between you and Jaehee at least?"

MC: "Actually, yes. It was probably more fun than the date would have been."

MC: "We talked all night and looked at furniture :)"

The strangest things entertained this woman. He cant help but shake his head a little, a grin plastered on his face.

707: "...Cool?"

707: "Anyways, I'm feelin bored so I'mma go crash Yoosung's game and annoy him. He should be on right now."

MC: "Ha, probably. Alright, bye Seven."

It wasn't quite as he had hoped, but it was a start. With that note, he puts down his phone and finally starts focusing on work.


A/N: I don't know if I'll do any more "Bonus" scenes, but I thought it would be a nice touch for you readers, plus I feel like Seven would be the ultimate, and sometimes embarrassing, wing-man. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of "How oblivious can these characters be?"! - Sincerely, the dumb author.


*I completely made the book up but it would be an interesting plot. If you know of a book that is actually like that, pls DM me. Like, seriously.

*Ouran High-school Host Club reference!


The spaceship's sensors have caught the RFA members meaningless thoughts...

Seven: "I can't have them leave at the same time going to the same place, how am I going to do this...".

MC: "This whole blind date setup was weird, but at least it worked out I guess.".


Thank you for reading this chapter of Mystic Radio! If you liked it, make sure to leave a like and subscribe so you know when the next update is! Now, go enjoy some Honey Buddha chips, and I'll see you next chapter! ~Des

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